'19-'20 LPobserve Science

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal
District of Taytay II-B


September 30, 2019

 Identify the animals adapted to a particular habitat.
 1.5.2 Apply a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative
thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking skills.
 4.5.2 Select, develop, organize and use appropriate teaching and learning
resources, including ICT, to address learning goals.

A. Content Standards
 Animals have body parts that make them adapt to land or water.
B. Performance Standards
 Construct a prototype model of organism that has body parts which can survive
in a given environment
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives
 Choose which animals to raise in a particular habitat.
 S4LT-IIc-d-8

 Animals live on land or in water


A. Reference
1.Teacher’s Guide pages
 pp. 116-118
2.Learner’s Materials pages
 pp. 113-115
3. Additional Resources from Learning Resources (LR) Portal
 Picture of forest with terrestrial and aquatic animals
 Strips of paper
 Picture of different animals
 Materials in making diorama
B. Other Learning Resources
 Visual presentation
C. Localization
 Evaluating Learning

A. Review previous lesson or presenting the new lesson.

Someone will pick a strip of paper with a name of animal that can be found in the
community. Pupil will give an act for that particular animal and everyone could
guess if what is it.
1. Frog
2. Fish
3. Bird
4. Snake
5. dog

B. Establishing the purpose to the lesson

 Present picture of forest with terrestrial and aquatic animals
 Pupils will spot the error or the animals that do not belong to the group.
Let them pick it up and put it in a pocket chart.

C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson (Video Presentation)

Some of the habitats of animals are pond, grassland, forest and sea.
The body structures of animal for adaptation play an important role in choosing
animals to raise in a particular habitat.
 What is habitat as mentioned in the video?
-A habitat is a place where animals live.
 What does habitat provide the animal?
-Habitat provides the animal with food, water and shelter.
 What are some of the examples of habitat mentioned in the video?
-Grassland, forest, pond, sea
 What are the mainly five things that animals need to survive in its habitat?
-Food, water, air, shelter and a place to raise its young

Animals that live in land are what we called terrestrial animals and those
animals that live in water are what we called aquatic animals.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1 (Drill Board)

Tell whether the following animals are aquatic or terrestrial.
1. Cow
2. Dog
3. Sheep
4. Owl
5. Butterfly
6. Elephant
7. Horse
8. Turtle
9. Sea Horse
10. Octopus

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2

Connect the word bank of animals to the habitat they belong. (Relay Game)

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3

Directions: Type the correct answer to complete the paragraph below.

grassland habitats raise adaptation structures

Some of the __________ of animals are pond, __________, forest and sea. The
body __________ of animal for _________ play an important role in choosing animals to
_________ in a particular habitat.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

The class will be divided into three groups and will accomplish the following
Station I- Gonna Catch ‘em All!
 Collect all the materials and form a simple diorama.
Station II- Pick and Draw!
 Pick and draw one habitat and write down the animals that live on it.
Station III- Act out!
 Choose one animal for each habitat and imitate its sound.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What are the habitats of the animals?
Why is it important to know the habitat of an animal?

I. Evaluating learning
Group the animals below as to which habitat they may be raised.

chicken carabao dove duck tilapia

crab horse swan rabbit milkfish

J. Assignment
If you were to raise animals, what would they be and why?
Then, write two (2) or three (3) sentences about an animal you want to raise.

Prepared by:

Teacher I

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