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EnScript Tutorial 

Getting Started with EnCase Automation

The purpose of this tutorial is to explain basic EnScript concepts. This tutorial is designed
for EnCase users who are new to EnScripts and have little or no prior programming
experience. Through this tutorial, I hope you learn the essential concepts needed to write
some basic EnScripts and/or modify existing ones for a specific need.

The EnScript programming language is very C++ and Java-ish. If you have any
experience with those two languages, then learning the EnScript language should be a
snap. But, if you think C++ is almost as good as a B-, and Java is one of the major food
groups, dont worry. We will break everything down into the fundamentals and it will all
start making sense sooner than you think.
First, some disclaimers: I am not a programmer by profession. I learned the EnScript
language out of necessity to automate processing of evidence. I have since written many
EnScripts, some of which are now part of the public release version of EnCase and
others are given to students during EnCase training, but I certainly do not consider myself
an expert in writing EnScripts.
The information is provided as an instructional tool to introduce new users to some
basics. There are no guarantees. So, dont just run some code (that you found here or
elsewhere), and bet the farm on the results. Ultimately, the examiner must interpret and
defend case findings.

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