Topic 1 Kinship Ties and Social Networks Kinship by Blood

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Content 6 Cultural, Social, and Political Institution

Topic 1 Kinship, Ties and Social Networks: Kinship by Blood

Topic 1: Kinship, Ties and Social Networks: Kinship by Blood

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to:
 define kinship and social network,
 explain the Filipino concept of kinship,
 discuss the concepts surrounding kinship by blood and descent, and
 trace your own ancestry by blood up to the third degree.


 How can you be sure that blood relates you to your ancestors?
 How do you draw the line between descent and ancestry?

We do not live alone in society. From birth until death, we are surrounded by many people. Most of these people are our
relatives, friends, and neighbors, while some are strangers. We are bound to all individuals who are related to us either by
blood or by descent.

Kinship Ties and Social Networks

The relations based on blood may be close or distant. The bond of blood which binds people together in a group is
called kinship.

 According to the Dictionary of Anthropology, kinship system involves socially recognized relationships based on
supposed and actual genealogical bonds. These relationships are products of social interactions and are
recognized by society.
 In a broader sense, kinship can refer both to the patterns of social relationships themselves and to the study of
the patterns of social relationships in one or more human cultures.
 Kinship or relationship can also refer to a principle by which people or groups of individuals are organized into
roles, social groups, categories, and genealogy through kinship terminologies.
 On the other hand, a social network is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (individuals or
organizations), sets of a partner or dyadic ties, and other social interactions between actors. It represents
relationships and flows between people, groups, and organizations.

The Filipino Concept of Kinship

 According to F. Landa Jocano, "Kinship characterizes the overall framework of community relations as it enables
Filipinos to map their relationships and be able to work together harmoniously. It lies deep in the heart of every
Filipino as it forms the core of the Filipino social organization. It significantly influences the formation, structure,
and functions of institutions, relationships, and values of the Filipinos."
 There is no generic Filipino term for kinship as each language group in the country created its terminology, but the
term kamag-anak or magkakamag-anak, from the Tagalog-based language, is widely used.
 Kinship helps Filipino people in understanding their relationships with others and be able to interact with each
other with little or without any difficulty.

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Page 1

Content 6 Cultural, Social, and Political Institution
Topic 1 Kinship, Ties and Social Networks: Kinship by Blood

Kinship by Blood or Consanguineous Kinship

 The bond of blood is called consanguineous kinship. The consanguineous kin is related through blood. The
relationship between the parents and their kids, and that among siblings, is consanguineous kinship.
 Thus, son and daughter, brother and sister, uncle and aunt, nephew and niece, and cousins are consanguineous
kin, that is, related through blood. With this connection, it can be pointed out that blood bond may be actual as
well as supposed.
 In polyandrous tribes, the real father of a child is unknown. An adopted child is treated as if it were one's own
biological child. As a result, blood relationship may be established not only on biological basis but also by social


 A genogram is a graphical representation of one's family and its members' relationship to one another.
 It is widely used in medicine, sociology, and genealogy to determine medical, psychological, sociological, or
historical patterns of health and behavior.

Below are the basic symbols used in making a genogram. You should know, however, that more symbols are available to
use for more complicated family relationships.

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Page 2

Content 6 Cultural, Social, and Political Institution
Topic 1 Kinship, Ties and Social Networks: Kinship by Blood

In making a genogram, make sure to note the following:

 children must be drawn from oldest to youngest and from left to right, respectively,
 one level or layer presents one generation, and
 the shapes corresponding to family members always represent sex, not gender.

Descent System
 A descent group is any social group wherein membership depends on a common descent from a real or mythical
ancestor. This system of acknowledged social parentage, which varies per society, is where a person may claim
kinship ties with another.
 If there is no limitation on the recognition of kinship, everybody would be kin to everyone else. But in most
societies, some restrictions are imposed on the perception of common ancestry so that an individual regards
many of his associates as not his kin.
 The importance of descent comes from its use as a means for one person to assert rights, privileges, duties, and
status with another person who may be related to the first, either because one is an ancestor of the other or
because the two acknowledge common ancestors.
 Descent has limited influence when rights to succession, inheritance, or residence follow kinship lines.

One method of limiting the recognition of kinship is to emphasize relationships through one parent only. Such is called
a unilineal kinship system. There are two types of this system[% - %]patrilineal systems, in which relationships
reckoned through the father are emphasized, and matrilineal systems, in which relationships reckoned through the
mother are emphasized.

In a bilateral descent, all descendants of an ancestor enjoy membership of a common descent group by any combination
of male or female linkages.

Key Points:
 Kinship can refer both to the patterns of social relationships themselves and to the study of the patterns of social
relationships in one or more human cultures.
 A social network is a social structure composed of a set of social actors (individuals or organizations), sets of a
partner or dyadic ties, and other social interactions between actors.
 The bond of blood is called consanguineous kinship. The consanguineous kin is related through blood.
 There is no generic Filipino term for kinship as each language group in the country created its terminology but the
term kamag-anak or magkakamag-anak, from the Tagalog-based language, is widely used.
 A descent group is any social group wherein membership depends on a common descent from a real or mythical
 There are different descent kinship systems, such as unilineal (with two main types—patrilineal and matrilineal)
and bilateral kinships.


 Make a genogram of your family. Try to look over the net for more genogram symbols that may describe any
unique relationship within your family (e.g. engaged but not married couple, adopted children, twins).

Points for Reflection:

 A friend of your family visited your house and noticed that you have several medals and trophies displayed in the
living room. She exclaimed, "You have a very smart child!"

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics Page 3

Content 6 Cultural, Social, and Political Institution
Topic 1 Kinship, Ties and Social Networks: Kinship by Blood

In what other way do your parents reaffirm your relation to them aside from using the expression, "Nasa dugo eh"
or "It runs in the blood"?
 Have family and kinship always meant the same thing throughout history? Justify your answer.

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