Criminal Law 1 - PreFinals - Atty. Degoma

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Daphne Andal-Degoma | Reviewer by Mae Becher


Article 21 Article 25
Penalties that may be imposed. — No felony shall be punishable by any Penalties which may be imposed. — The penalties which may be
penalty not prescribed by law prior to its commission. imposed according to this Code, and their different classes, are those
included in the following:
What are penalties?
Penalties are punishment imposed by lawful authority upon a person who How are the penalties in the RPC to be understood?
commits a deliberate or negligent act or for omitting to act when there is a • Graduated according to severity
duty to do so. • Divided into periods except for reclusion perpetua
• Classified into principal or accessory penalties
Penalty is the suffering that is inflicted by the State for the transgression of • Deemed imposed for consummated crimes
a law. It signifies pain (general sense). • Imposed against the principal offenders
• Maximum imposable for the particular crime to which they are
Who has the power to prescribe penalties? prescribed.
It is prescribed by statutes and are essentially and exclusively legislative. • Understood to be a degree for purposes of lowering the penalty
Judges can only interpret and apply them and have no authority to modify under the ISL.
or revise their range as determined by the legislature.
What are principal and accessory penalties?
What penalties may be imposed upon an offender? • Principal penalties - specific penalty for specific felony and must be
Only those penalties prescribed by law prior to its commission may be imposed by the court expressly in the decision.
imposed. • Accessory penalties - follow the principal penalties by operation of
law and needs not be expressly stated in the decision.
When the convict did not appeal, will the favorable judgment by the
appellate court on the co-accused that appealed be applied to the former? What are the three scales of penalties in the code and their significance?
Yes, for the present rule is that an appeal taken by one or more of several 1. Article 25 – classifies penalties into principal and accessories
accused shall not affect those who did not appeal, except insofar as the 2. Article 70 – provides when there are two or more sentences to be
judgment of the appellate court is favorable and applicable to the latter. served, including the 3-fold rule
3. Article 71 – graduates the penalties into the order of severity for
Note: Subsidiary penalty for a crime cannot be imposed, if it was not purposes of applying the rules under Article 61 in relation to Articles
prescribed by law prior to its commission. 50-57.

Article 22 Is reclusion perpertua synonymous to life imprisonment?

Retroactive effect of penal laws. — Penal Laws shall have a retroactive No. Reclusion perpetua entails imprisonment for at least 30 years after
effect insofar as they favor the persons guilty of a felony, who is not a which the convict becomes eligible for parole, while life imprisonment does
habitual criminal, as this term is defined in Rule 5 of Article 62 of this not appear to have any definite extent or duration.
Code, although at the time of the publication of such laws a final
sentence has been pronounced and the convict is serving the same. Life Imprisonment Reclusion Perpetua
• Violation of special laws • Violation of the RPC
Can the court sua ponte apply Article 22 when it was not invoked by the
• No fixed duration • With fixed duration (30 years)
• No accessory penalties • With accessory penalties
Yes. The plain precept of Article 22 would be useless and nugatory if the
courts were not under obligation to fulfill such duty, irrespective of whether
What is the nature of disqualification as a penalty?
or not the accused has applied for it, just as would also all provisions relating
Disqualification is a principal and accessory penalty. It is a principal penalty
to the prescription of the crime and the penalty.
when imposed by the RPC for a specific crime; otherwise, they are accessory
penalty which need not be stated in the sentence but follows the principal
Article 23
penalty to which they are attached.
Effect of pardon by the offended party. — A pardon of the offended party
does not extinguish criminal action except as provided in Article 344 of
What is bond to keep peace?
this Code; but civil liability with regard to the interest of the injured party
Bond to keep the peace is a principal penalty yet there is no crime for which
is extinguished by his express waiver.
it can be imposed.

Article 24 Bond for Good Behavior Bond to Keep Peace

Measures of prevention or safety which are not considered penalties. —
• Penalty specifically applicable • Principal penalty not restricted
The following shall not be considered as penalties:
to grave and light threat only to any crime
1. The arrest and temporary detention of accused persons, as well as
• Failure to post will make the • Failure to post will make the
their detention by reason of insanity or imbecility, or illness requiring
second suffer detention accused suffer destierro
their confinement in a hospital.
2. The commitment of a minor to any of the institutions mentioned in
What is public censure?
Article 80 and for the purposes specified therein.
• It is a light penalty and is considered under the graduated scale as a
3. Suspension from the employment of public office during the trial or in
penalty lower than arresto menor.
order to institute proceedings.
• It follows that the offense of reckless imprudence resulting in slight
4. Fines and other corrective measures which, in the exercise of their
administrative disciplinary powers, superior officials may impose upon physical injuries for which it prescribed is a light felony.
their subordinates.
5. Deprivation of rights and the reparations which the civil laws may Article 26
establish in penal form. When afflictive, correctional, or light penalty. — A fine, whether
imposed as a single of as an alternative penalty, shall be considered an
Why does the law specify that the above measures are not considered afflictive penalty, if it exceeds 6,000 pesos; a correctional penalty, if it
penalties? does not exceed 6,000 pesos but is not less than 200 pesos; and a light
The constitutional provision on presumption of innocence. They are not penalty if it less than 200.
imposed after trial on the merits but are mere preventive measures.
Compare Article 9 and Article 26
What is the nature of preventive suspension of public officers pending Article 9 Article 26
investigation? • P200 is a light penalty imposed • P200± is a correctional penalty
To enable the disciplining authority to investigate the charges against for light felonies • Prevail only when the issue is
respondent by preventing the latter from intimidating or in any way • Prevail only when the issue is prescription of penalty because
influencing witnesses against him. prescription of crime within the

CRIMINAL LAW 1 | Atty. Daphne Andal-Degoma | Reviewer by Mae Becher

title pertaining to felonies and it is included in the title on It also provides that the maximum duration of the sentience shall not
how they are committed penalties. be more than 3-fold length of time corresponding to the most severe
of the penalties imposed.
CHAPTER THREE | DURATION AND EFFECT OF PENALTIES • In Articles 25, 70 and 71, reclusion perpetua is immediately next
higher to reclusion temporal.
Article 27
Reclusion perpetua. — Any person sentenced to any of the perpetual What minimum period of imprisonment is entailed by the penalty of
penalties shall be pardoned after undergoing the penalty for thirty years, reclusion perpetua?
unless such person by reason of his conduct or some other serious cause It entails imprisonment of at least 30 years.
shall be considered by the Chief Executive as unworthy of pardon.
Reclusion temporal. — The penalty of reclusion temporal shall be from Reclusion perpetua 20 years and 1 day to 40 years
twelve years and one day to twenty years. Reclusion temporal 12 years and 1 day to 20 years
6 years and 1 day to 12 years,
Prision mayor and temporary disqualification. — The duration of the Prision mayor (except when disqualification is accessory
penalties of prision mayor and temporary disqualification shall be from penalty)
six years and one day to twelve years, except when the penalty of 6 months and 1 day to 6 years
disqualification is imposed as an accessory penalty, in which case its Prision Correccional (except when suspension is an accessory
duration shall be that of the principal penalty. penalty)
Arresto mayor 1 month and 1 day to 6 months
Prision correccional, suspension, and destierro. — The duration of the Arresto menor 1 day to 30 days
penalties of prision correccional, suspension and destierro shall be from Bond to keep the
six months and one day to six years, except when suspension is imposed Period is discretionary on the court
as an accessory penalty, in which case, its duration shall be that of the
principal penalty. Article 28
Computation of penalties. — If the offender shall be in prison, the term
Arresto mayor. — The duration of the penalty of arresto mayor shall be of the duration of the temporary penalties shall be computed from the
from one month and one day to six months. day on which the judgment of conviction shall have become final.
Arresto menor. — The duration of the penalty of arresto menor shall be
from one day to thirty days. If the offender be not in prison, the term of the duration of the penalty
consisting of deprivation of liberty shall be computed from the day that
Bond to keep the peace. — The bond to keep the peace shall be required the offender is placed at the disposal of the judicial authorities for the
to cover such period of time as the court may determine. enforcement of the penalty. The duration of the other penalties shall be
computed only from the day on which the defendant commences to
May the Supreme Court, in an automatic appeal, review the penalty serve his sentence.
although not questioned by the appellants?
Article 29
When is death penalty not imposed? Period of preventive imprisonment deducted from term of imprisonment.
Death penalty shall be imposed in all cases in which it must be imposed — Offenders who have undergone preventive imprisonment shall be
under existing laws, except in the following cases: credited in the service of their sentence consisting of deprivation of
1. When the guilty person be more than seventy years of age. liberty, with the full time during which they have undergone preventive
2. When upon appeal or revision of the case by the Supreme court, all the imprisonment, if the detention prisoner agrees voluntarily in writing to
members thereof are not unanimous in their voting as to the propriety abide by the same disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners,
of the imposition of the death penalty. For the imposition of said except in the following cases:
penalty or for the confirmation of a judgment of the inferior court
imposing the death sentence, the Supreme Court shall render its 1. When they are recidivists or have been convicted previously twice or
decision per curiam, which shall be signed by all justices of said court, more times of any crime; and
unless some member or members thereof shall have been disqualified 2. When upon being summoned for the execution of their sentence
from taking part in the consideration of the case, in which even the they have failed to surrender voluntarily.
unanimous vote and signature of only the remaining justices shall be
required. If the detention prisoner does not agree to abide by the same
disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners, he shall be credited
Distinguish between the penalties of reclusion perpetua and death. in the service of his sentence with four-fifths of the time during which
Death Penalty Reclusion Perpetua he has undergone preventive imprisonment. (As amended by Republic
Term of 20 years and 1 day to 40 Act 6127, June 17, 1970).
Imprisonment years
None, unless pardoned: Whenever an accused has undergone preventive imprisonment for a
-Civil interdiction or period equal to or more than the possible maximum imprisonment of
-Perpetual absolute
Accessory during his sentence the offense charged to which he may be sentenced and his case is not
Penalties -Perpetual absolute yet terminated, he shall be released immediately without prejudice to
-Civil interdiction for 30
disqualification the continuation of the trial thereof or the proceeding on appeal, if the
same is under review. In case the maximum penalty to which the
What is the reason of the law for giving reclusion perpetua a fixed accused may be sentenced is destierro, he shall be released after thirty
duration? (30) days of preventive imprisonment. (As amended by E.O. No. 214, July
• It is violative of the scales of penalties to reckon the minimum of 10, 1988).
reclusion perpetua at 30 years since there would be a resultant
lacuna whenever the penalty exceeds the maximum 20 years of What is the purpose of preventive imprisonment?
reclusion temporal but is less than 30 years. To prevent flight of the accused and his going into hiding. The accused is
• In fixing a specific duration for reclusion perpetua, RA 7659 merely detained if the offense is not bailable; if bailable, he cannot post bail and he
restated the existing jurisprudence. is not qualified for recognizance. The offense is not bailable if it is punishable
with death or reclusion perpetua and the evidence of guilt is strong.
Where the penalty imposed was more than 20 years, is that penalty within
the range of reclusion perpetua? YES. How will the time spent in prison by the detention prisoner be credited?
• In PD 818, declared that any penalty exceeding 20 years is within the Full credit is given to the detention prisoner who agrees voluntarily in
range of reclusion perpetua. writing to abide by the same disciplinary rules imposed on convicts unless
• In Article 70 of RPC, it laid down the rule on successive service of he is a recidivist or when being summoned for execution of his sentences,
sentences where the culprit has to serve more than three penalties. he failed to surrender voluntarily. Otherwise, he shall be given 4/5 credit.

CRIMINAL LAW 1 | Atty. Daphne Andal-Degoma | Reviewer by Mae Becher

What is the remedy when the person has already served the maximum What is civil interdiction?
penalty imposable? • It is one of the restrictions on capacity to act but does not exempt the
File a petition for habeas corpus. It should be literally applied in cases which offender from certain obligations, as when the latter arise from his
are sufficient in substance. Having served more than the maximum act or from property relations.
imposable penalty, the accused should be released. • It is an accessory penalty imposed upon a person sentenced to the
principal penalties of reclusion perpetua and reclusion temporal.
If the penalty imposed on the convict is destierro, will he be credited of
the time of his preventive imprisonment? What rights does it cover?
Yes. Article 29 on the deduction of the period of preventive imprisonment • Parental authority
applies where the accused is sentenced to destierro because it constitutes • Guardianship as to the person or property of any ward
deprivation of liberty, and so with offenders who have undergone • Marital authority
preventive imprisonment even if the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua • To manage his property
because it does not make any distinction between temporal and perpetual • To dispose of such property by any act or conveyance inter vivos
May a person civilly interdicted appoint an agent to manage his property?
May the period of imprisonment be deducted when the penalty imposed No, for the act of the agent is also the act of the principal. By acting through
is reclusion perpetua? an agent, the civilly interdicted person is doing indirectly what the law
Yes. Deduction of the period of imprisonment should be made even where prohibits to be done directly.
the penalty imposed is reclusion perpetua because it does not make any
distinction between temporal and perpetual penalties. More so, as Can the convict prepare a last will and testament?
reclusion perpetua now has a fixed period although still indivisible. Yes, for what the law prohibits is the disposition of property by an act inter
vivos. Further, the will does not dispose of the property at the time of its
Article 30 making but at the time of his death subject to the legal requirements under
Effects of the penalties of perpetual or temporary absolute the laws on succession and the Rules of Court.
disqualification. — The penalties of perpetual or temporary absolute
disqualification for public office shall produce the following effects: Article 35
Effects of bond to keep the peace. — It shall be the duty of any person
1. The deprivation of the public offices and employments which the sentenced to give bond to keep the peace, to present two sufficient
offender may have held even if conferred by popular election. sureties who shall undertake that such person will not commit the
2. The deprivation of the right to vote in any election for any popular offense sought to be prevented, and that in case such offense be
office or to be elected to such office. committed they will pay the amount determined by the court in the
3. The disqualification for the offices or public employments and for the judgment, or otherwise to deposit such amount in the office of the clerk
exercise of any of the rights mentioned. of the court to guarantee said undertaking.

In case of temporary disqualification, such disqualification as is The court shall determine, according to its discretion, the period of
comprised in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article shall last during the term duration of the bond.
of the sentence.
Should the person sentenced fail to give the bond as required he shall
4. The loss of all rights to retirement pay or other pension for any office be detained for a period which shall in no case exceed six months, is he
formerly held. shall have been prosecuted for a grave or less grave felony, and shall not
exceed thirty days, if for a light felony.
Article 31
Effect of the penalties of perpetual or temporary special disqualification. Is the penalty of bond to keep peace enforceable?
— The penalties of perpetual or temporal special disqualification for No, because being a principal penalty, it must be specifically prescribed for
public office, profession or calling shall produce the following effects: a particular felony. There being none, the penalty is unenforceable by virtue
1. The deprivation of the office, employment, profession or calling of Article 21 which states that no felony shall be punishable by any penalty
affected; not prescribed by law prior to its commission.
2. The disqualification for holding similar offices or employments
either perpetually or during the term of the sentence according to Article 36
the extent of such disqualification. Pardon; its effect. — A pardon shall not work the restoration of the right
to hold public office, or the right of suffrage, unless such rights be
Article 32 expressly restored by the terms of the pardon.
Effect of the penalties of perpetual or temporary special disqualification
for the exercise of the right of suffrage. — The perpetual or temporary A pardon shall in no case exempt the culprit from the payment of the
special disqualification for the exercise of the right of suffrage shall civil indemnity imposed upon him by the sentence.
deprive the offender perpetually or during the term of the sentence,
according to the nature of said penalty, of the right to vote in any Article 37
popular election for any public office or to be elected to such office. Cost; What are included. — Costs shall include fees and indemnities in
Moreover, the offender shall not be permitted to hold any public office the course of the judicial proceedings, whether they be fixed or
during the period of his disqualification. unalterable amounts previously determined by law or regulations in
force, or amounts not subject to schedule.
Article 33
Effects of the penalties of suspension from any public office, profession Article 38
or calling, or the right of suffrage. — The suspension from public office, Pecuniary liabilities; Order of payment. — In case the property of the
profession or calling, and the exercise of the right of suffrage shall offender should not be sufficient for the payment of all his pecuniary
disqualify the offender from holding such office or exercising such liabilities, the same shall be met in the following order:
profession or calling or right of suffrage during the term of the sentence. 1. The reparation of the damage caused.
The person suspended from holding public office shall not hold another 2. Indemnification of consequential damages.
having similar functions during the period of his suspension. 3. The fine.
4. The cost of the proceedings.
Article 34
Civil interdiction. — Civil interdiction shall deprive the offender during Order of Payment
the time of his sentence of the rights of parental authority, or 1. Reparation of the damage caused
guardianship, either as to the person or property of any ward, of marital 2. Indemnification of the consequential damages
authority, of the right to manage his property and of the right to dispose 3. Fine
of such property by any act or any conveyance inter vivos. 4. Costs of the proceedings

CRIMINAL LAW 1 | Atty. Daphne Andal-Degoma | Reviewer by Mae Becher

What are the pecuniary liabilities? • If light felony – not more than 15 days
These are liabilities owed by the offender to the offended and/or to the
government. How is the gravity of the fine classified?
Fine whether imposed singly or alternatively is:
Owed to the offended Owed to the government • Afflictive/grave if more than 6,000
• Reparation of the damage caused Fines and costs of the • Correcctional/less grave if 200.00 to 6,000
(restitution first if possible) proceedings • Light if less than 200.00
• Indemnification of consequential
damages When is subsidiary penalty not proper?
• Principal penalty imposed is more than prision correccional
How are they to be paid? • Principal penalty is other than prison sentence which is not of fixed
1. Reparation duration
2. Indemnification • Subsidiary penalty is not expressly stated in the sentence to take the
3. Fine place of fine in case of insolvency
4. Costs of the proceedings • Sentence imposed does not include fine
• Convict has the means to pay the fine
Note: If the means of the convict are not enough to settle them all, fine is
subject to subsidiary penalty in the proper cases. When after the culprit had served subsidiary penalty, he become solvent,
is he still liable to pay the fine?
What is a fine? Yes, Article 39(5) states that the subsidiary personal liability which the
Fine is pecuniary punishment imposed by a lawful tribunal upon a person convict may have suffered shall not relieve him from the obligation to pay
convicted of a crime. the fine in case his financial circumstances should improve.

Article 39 Article 40
Subsidiary penalty. — If the convict has no property with which to meet Death; Its accessory penalties. — The death penalty, when it is not
the fine mentioned in the paragraph 3 of the nest preceding article, he executed by reason of commutation or pardon shall carry with it that of
shall be subject to a subsidiary personal liability at the rate of one day perpetual absolute disqualification and that of civil interdiction during
for each eight pesos, subject to the following rules: thirty years following the date sentence, unless such accessory penalties
have been expressly remitted in the pardon.
1. If the principal penalty imposed be prision correccional or arresto and
fine, he shall remain under confinement until his fine referred to in the Article 41
preceding paragraph is satisfied, but his subsidiary imprisonment shall Reclusion perpetua and reclusion temporal; Their accessory penalties. —
not exceed one-third of the term of the sentence, and in no case shall it The penalties of reclusion perpetua and reclusion temporal shall carry
continue for more than one year, and no fraction or part of a day shall with them that of civil interdiction for life or during the period of the
be counted against the prisoner. sentence as the case may be, and that of perpetual absolute
disqualification which the offender shall suffer even though pardoned as
2. When the principal penalty imposed be only a fine, the subsidiary to the principal penalty, unless the same shall have been expressly
imprisonment shall not exceed six months, if the culprit shall have been remitted in the pardon.
prosecuted for a grave or less grave felony, and shall not exceed fifteen
days, if for a light felony. Article 42
Prision mayor; Its accessory penalties. — The penalty of prision mayor,
3. When the principal imposed is higher than prision correccional, no
shall carry with it that of temporary absolute disqualification and that of
subsidiary imprisonment shall be imposed upon the culprit.
perpetual special disqualification from the right of suffrage which the
offender shall suffer although pardoned as to the principal penalty,
4. If the principal penalty imposed is not to be executed by confinement
unless the same shall have been expressly remitted in the pardon.
in a penal institution, but such penalty is of fixed duration, the convict,
during the period of time established in the preceding rules, shall
Article 43
continue to suffer the same deprivations as those of which the principal
penalty consists. Prision correccional; Its accessory penalties. — The penalty of prision
correccional shall carry with it that of suspension from public office,
5. The subsidiary personal liability which the convict may have suffered from the right to follow a profession or calling, and that of perpetual
by reason of his insolvency shall not relieve him, from the fine in case his special disqualification from the right of suffrage, if the duration of said
financial circumstances should improve. (As amended by RA 5465, April imprisonment shall exceed eighteen months. The offender shall suffer
21, 1969). the disqualification provided in the article although pardoned as to the
principal penalty, unless the same shall have been expressly remitted in
the pardon.
What is subsidiary penalty?
• It is a penalty that takes the place of the fine for insolvent convicts. It
is neither a principal nor accessory penalty, but a substitute penalty Article 44
for fine only. Arresto; Its accessory penalties. — The penalty of arresto shall carry with
• It may be in the form of imprisonment or deprivation of right it that of suspension of the right too hold office and the right of suffrage
depending upon the principal penalty imposed on the convict. during the term of the sentence.
• It is imposable whether the violation is under RPC or under Special
Laws Article 45
Confiscation and forfeiture of the proceeds or instruments of the crime.
When is subsidiary penalty served? — Every penalty imposed for the commission of a felony shall carry with
• Subsidiary penalty is proper when the penalty imposed upon the it the forfeiture of the proceeds of the crime and the instruments or
convict includes fine but he cannot pay the same. tools with which it was committed.
• The court must expressly state that subsidiary penalty shall be served
in case of insolvency because this is not an accessory penalty that Such proceeds and instruments or tools shall be confiscated and
follows the principal penalty as a matter of course. forfeited in favor of the Government, unless they be property of a third
• Penalty imposed must be susceptible of subsidiary penalty. person not liable for the offense, but those articles which are not subject
of lawful commerce shall be destroyed.
Does subsidiary penalty apply to criminal negligence?
Yes, if the offender cannot pay the fine for damage resulting from the What is required before the proceeds or instruments of the crime may be
negligence, he will suffer subsidiary imprisonment provided that the same confiscated?
is expressed in the sentence. The proceeds or instruments which are the property of third person who
• If offense is grave or less grave – subsidiary imprisonment should not has no complicity in the crime cannot be confiscated unless the said articles
be more than 6 months

CRIMINAL LAW 1 | Atty. Daphne Andal-Degoma | Reviewer by Mae Becher

are contraband or not subject of lawful commerce. Since confiscation is an What is necessary before the accused can be sentenced for a complex
accessory penalty, it is automatically imposed pursuant to Article 73. crime?
It is a condition precedent that there is one information charging a complex

Article 46 What is the penalty for complex crimes under Article 48?
Penalty to be imposed upon principals in general. — The penalty The penalty for complex crimes is the maximum period.
prescribed by law for the commission of a felony shall be imposed upon Reason: the basis of the felony is the singularity of the act.
the principals in the commission of such felony.
Whenever the law prescribes a penalty for a felony is general terms, it What are the other kinds of plurality of crimes where a single penalty is
shall be understood as applicable to the consummated felony. imposed?
• Composite crimes or special complex crimes
Article 47 • Continued crime or delito continuado
In what cases the death penalty shall not be imposed. — The death • Continuing crimes or transitory crimes
penalty shall be imposed in all cases in which it must be imposed under
existing laws, except in the following cases: Distinguish composite crimes from complex crimes.
3. When the guilty person be more than seventy years of age. Composite Crime Complex Crime
4. When upon appeal or revision of the case by the Supreme court, all Combination of Not specified but in
Fixed by law
the members thereof are not unanimous in their voting as to the Offenses general terms
propriety of the imposition of the death penalty. For the imposition Not specific but is for the
of said penalty or for the confirmation of a judgment of the inferior Penalty Specific most serious offense in
court imposing the death sentence, the Supreme Court shall render the maximum period
its decision per curiam, which shall be signed by all justices of said First count shall be
Only one composite
court, unless some member or members thereof shall have been complexed while the
More than one crime to be charged.
disqualified from taking part in the consideration of the case, in other counts may be
count of crime Excess crimes are
which even the unanimous vote and signature of only the treated as separate
remaining justices shall be required. crimes.
Light felony
Subject to separate
In what cases are death penalty shall not be imposed? accompanied Absorbed.
1. When the guilty person is below 18 years of age at the time of the the commission
commission of the crime Provisions being Two provisions of law in
2. When the guilty person is more than 70 years of age Single provision of law
penalized relation to Art.48
3. When upon appeal or automatic review of the case by the Supreme One felony and one
Court, the vote of eight members is not obtained for the imposition Offenses Under special law
of the death penalty
What are continued crimes?
In what cases are the death penalty commuted automatically to reclusion In delito continuado, the offender, impelled by a single criminal impulse,
perpetua? commits a series of overt acts at about the same time in the same place and
It is only in cases where the penalty imposed is death that the trial court all the overt acts violate one and the same provision of law.
must forward the records of the case to the Supreme Court for automatic
review of the conviction. If the convicts did not file a notice of appeal or May the principle of delito continuado be applied to special laws?
otherwise indicate their desire to appeal, the decision convicting them and Yes. The concept of delito continuado, although an outcrop of the Spanish
imposing reclusion perpetua becomes final and unappealable. Penal Code, has been applied to crimes penalized under special laws. Under
Article 10, the RPC shall be supplementary to special laws, unless the latter
When the convict escapes from confinement, what will happen to the provide the contract. Legal principles developed may be applied in
automatic appeal in the Supreme Court? supplementary capacity to crimes punished under special laws.
According to Section 8, Rule 124 of the Rules of Court, the court gives the
appellate court the authority to dismiss an appeal if the appellant escapes What is a continuing crime?
from prison or confinement during the pendency of the appeal. • It is one where any of the elements of the offense was committed in
different localities such that the accused may be indicted in any of
Article 48 those localities.
Penalty for complex crimes. — When a single act constitutes two or more • It may also refer to any offense which is continuing in time.
grave or less grave felonies, or when an offense is a necessary means for
committing the other, the penalty for the most serious crime shall be Can there be a complex crime in imprudence where one of the resulting
imposed, the same to be applied in its maximum period. offenses shall the accused be liable for?
No. In article 48, it follows that if one offense is light, there is no complex
What are the two kinds of complex crimes? crime. The resulting offenses may be treated as separate or the light felony
• Compound Crime / Delito compuesto – when a single act constitutes may be absorbed by the grave felony. Thus, the light felonies of damage to
two or more grave or less grave felonies property and slight physical injuries, both resulting from a single act of
• Complex crime proper / Delito complejo – when an offense is a imprudence, do not constitute a complex crime. They cannot be charged in
necessary means to commit the other one information. They are separate offenses subject to distinct penalties

What are compound crimes? When an act or acts constituting more than one offense, for what offense
1. A single act is committed by the offender shall the accused be liable for?
2. That single act resulted to two or more grave and/or less grave • Single crime – with one crime absorbing the other offenses
felonies • Complex crime – when the offenses constitute grave or less grave
3. The penalty provided is for the most serious in the maximum period felonies
**Basis: Singularity of the act. • Special complex crime – with each offense constituting elements of
the composite offense
What are the complex crimes proper? • Two separate crimes
The first crime must be a necessary means to commit the other. These are
felonies denominated complex crime proper where when one offense is Article 49
necessary to commit another. The two crimes thus committed comprise one Penalty to be imposed upon the principals when the crime committed is
complex crime. different from that intended. — In cases in which the felony committed
is different from that which the offender intended to commit, the
following rules shall be observed:

CRIMINAL LAW 1 | Atty. Daphne Andal-Degoma | Reviewer by Mae Becher

1. If the penalty prescribed for the felony committed be higher than intending to commit an offense has already performed the acts for the
that corresponding to the offense which the accused intended to execution of the same but nevertheless the crime was not produced by
commit, the penalty corresponding to the latter shall be imposed reason of the fact that the act intended was by its nature one of
in its maximum period. impossible accomplishment or because the means employed by such
2. If the penalty prescribed for the felony committed be lower than person are essentially inadequate to produce the result desired by him,
that corresponding to the one which the accused intended to the court, having in mind the social danger and the degree of criminality
commit, the penalty for the former shall be imposed in its shown by the offender, shall impose upon him the penalty of arresto
maximum period. mayor or a fine from 200 to 500 pesos.
3. The rule established by the next preceding paragraph shall not be
applicable if the acts committed by the guilty person shall also Article 60
constitute an attempt or frustration of another crime, if the law Exception to the rules established in Articles 50 to 57. — The provisions
prescribes a higher penalty for either of the latter offenses, in which contained in Articles 50 to 57, inclusive, of this Code shall not be
case the penalty provided for the attempted or the frustrated crime applicable to cases in which the law expressly prescribes the penalty
shall be imposed in its maximum period. provided for a frustrated or attempted felony, or to be imposed upon
accomplices or accessories.
To what circumstance does Article 49 apply?
It applies to error in personae. How are articles 5-57 applies in relation to article 61?
• Whenever the law prescribes a penalty for a felony in general terms,
Article 50 it shall be understood as applicable to the consummated felony and
Penalty to be imposed upon principals of a frustrated crime. — The against the principal offender.
penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed by law for the • Every penalty in the RPC should be understood as imposed upon the
consummated felony shall be imposed upon the principal in a frustrated principal for a consummated felony. It is necessary that the penalty
felony. should be determined according to the degree of participation and
the stage of accomplishment.
Article 51
Penalty to be imposed upon principals of attempted crimes. — A penalty Table of Reduction of Penalties by Degrees Considering the Participation
lower by two degrees than that prescribed by law for the consummated in and the Stage of Accomplishment of a Felony
felony shall be imposed upon the principals in an attempt to commit a Consummated Frustrated Attempted
felony. Principal As provided -1 -2
Accomplice -1 -2 -3
Article 52 Accessory -2 -3 -4
Penalty to be imposed upon accomplices in consummated crime. — The
penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed by law for the In consummated homicide, the principal gets reclusion temporal. Penalty of
consummated shall be imposed upon the accomplices in the an accomplice shall be one degree lower or prision mayor; accessory shall
commission of a consummated felony. get two degrees lower or prision correccional.

Article 53 In frustrated homicide, accomplice shall get two degrees lower than
Penalty to be imposed upon accessories to the commission of a reclusion temporal or prision correccional.
consummated felony. — The penalty lower by two degrees than that
prescribed by law for the consummated felony shall be imposed upon Article 61
the accessories to the commission of a consummated felony. Rules for graduating penalties. — For the purpose of graduating the
penalties which, according to the provisions of Articles 50 to 57,
Article 54 inclusive, of this Code, are to be imposed upon persons guilty as
Penalty to imposed upon accomplices in a frustrated crime. — The principals of any frustrated or attempted felony, or as accomplices or
penalty next lower in degree than prescribed by law for the frustrated accessories, the following rules shall be observed:
felony shall be imposed upon the accomplices in the commission of a 1. When the penalty prescribed for the felony is single and indivisible,
frustrated felony. the penalty next lower in degrees shall be that immediately
following that indivisible penalty in the respective graduated scale
Article 55 prescribed in Article 71 of this Code.
Penalty to be imposed upon accessories of a frustrated crime. — The 2. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is composed of two
penalty lower by two degrees than that prescribed by law for the indivisible penalties, or of one or more divisible penalties to be
frustrated felony shall be imposed upon the accessories to the impose to their full extent, the penalty next lower in degree shall
commission of a frustrated felony. be that immediately following the lesser of the penalties prescribed
in the respective graduated scale.
Article 56 3. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is composed of one or
two indivisible penalties and the maximum period of another
Penalty to be imposed upon accomplices in an attempted crime. — The
divisible penalty, the penalty next lower in degree shall be
penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed by law for an attempt
composed of the medium and minimum periods of the proper
to commit a felony shall be imposed upon the accomplices in an attempt
divisible penalty and the maximum periods of the proper divisible
to commit the felony.
penalty and the maximum period of that immediately following in
said respective graduated scale.
Article 57
4. When the penalty prescribed for the crime is composed of several
Penalty to be imposed upon accessories of an attempted crime. — The
periods, corresponding to different divisible penalties, the penalty
penalty lower by two degrees than that prescribed by law for the
next lower in degree shall be composed of the period immediately
attempted felony shall be imposed upon the accessories to the attempt
following the minimum prescribed and of the two next following,
to commit a felony.
which shall be taken from the penalty prescribed, if possible;
otherwise from the penalty immediately following in the above
Article 58 mentioned respective graduated scale.
Additional penalty to be imposed upon certain accessories. — Those 5. When the law prescribes a penalty for a crime in some manner not
accessories falling within the terms of paragraphs 3 of Article 19 of this especially provided for in the four preceding rules, the courts,
Code who should act with abuse of their public functions, shall suffer the proceeding by analogy, shall impose corresponding penalties upon
additional penalty of absolute perpetual disqualification if the principal those guilty as principals of the frustrated felony, or of attempt to
offender shall be guilty of a grave felony, and that of absolute temporary commit the same, and upon accomplices and accessories.
disqualification if he shall be guilty of a less grave felony.

Article 59
Penalty to be imposed in case of failure to commit the crime because the
means employed or the aims sought are impossible. — When the person

CRIMINAL LAW 1 | Atty. Daphne Andal-Degoma | Reviewer by Mae Becher

Section 2 | Rules for the Application of Penalties with Regard to the Article 63
Mitigating and Aggravating Circumstances and Habitual Delinquency Rules for the application of indivisible penalties. — In all cases in which
the law prescribes a single indivisible penalty, it shall be applied by the
Article 62 courts regardless of any mitigating or aggravating circumstances that
Effect of the attendance of mitigating or aggravating circumstances and may have attended the commission of the deed.
of habitual delinquency. — Mitigating or aggravating circumstances and
habitual delinquency shall be taken into account for the purpose of In all cases in which the law prescribes a penalty composed of two
diminishing or increasing the penalty in conformity with the following indivisible penalties, the following rules shall be observed in the
rules: application thereof:
1. Aggravating circumstances which in themselves constitute a crime 1. When in the commission of the deed there is present only one
especially punishable by law or which are included by the law in aggravating circumstance, the greater penalty shall be applied.
defining a crime and prescribing the penalty therefor shall not be 2. When there are neither mitigating nor aggravating circumstances
taken into account for the purpose of increasing the penalty. and there is no aggravating circumstance, the lesser penalty shall
2. The same rule shall apply with respect to any aggravating be applied.
circumstance inherent in the crime to such a degree that it must of 3. When the commission of the act is attended by some mitigating
necessity accompany the commission thereof. circumstances and there is no aggravating circumstance, the lesser
3. Aggravating or mitigating circumstances which arise from the moral penalty shall be applied.
attributes of the offender, or from his private relations with the 4. When both mitigating and aggravating circumstances attended the
offended party, or from any other personal cause, shall only serve commission of the act, the court shall reasonably allow them to
to aggravate or mitigate the liability of the principals, accomplices offset one another in consideration of their number and
and accessories as to whom such circumstances are attendant. importance, for the purpose of applying the penalty in accordance
4. The circumstances which consist in the material execution of the with the preceding rules, according to the result of such
act, or in the means employed to accomplish it, shall serve to compensation.
aggravate or mitigate the liability of those persons only who had
knowledge of them at the time of the execution of the act or their Where are the two indivisible penalties prescribed for an offense and
cooperation therein. there are no modifying circumstances, what should be the proper penalty?
5. Habitual delinquency shall have the following effects: 1. Single indivisible penalty under paragraph 1 – reclusion perpetua or
a) Upon a third conviction the culprit shall be sentenced to the death
penalty provided by law for the last crime of which he be 2. Two indivisible penalties under paragraph 2 – reclusion perpetua to
found guilty and to the additional penalty of prision death
correccional in its medium and maximum periods;
b) Upon a fourth conviction, the culprit shall be sentenced to What are the rules for the application of indivisible penalties?
the penalty provided for the last crime of which he be found **Take note of the bold and underlined words from the preceding number.
guilty and to the additional penalty of prision mayor in its
minimum and medium periods; and To what kind of mitigating circumstances do Articles 63 and 64 refer?
c) Upon a fifth or additional conviction, the culprit shall be The mitigating circumstances are ordinary mitigating circumstances
sentenced to the penalty provided for the last crime of which because privileged mitigating circumstances are always considered whether
he be found guilty and to the additional penalty of prision the penalty imposable is divisible or indivisible.
mayor in its maximum period to reclusion temporal in its
minimum period. Article 64
Rules for the application of penalties which contain three periods. — In
Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, the total of the two cases in which the penalties prescribed by law contain three periods,
penalties to be imposed upon the offender, in conformity herewith, shall whether it be a single divisible penalty or composed of three different
in no case exceed 30 years. penalties, each one of which forms a period in accordance with the
provisions of Articles 76 and 77, the court shall observe for the
For the purpose of this article, a person shall be deemed to be habitual application of the penalty the following rules, according to whether
delinquent, is within a period of ten years from the date of his release there are or are not mitigating or aggravating circumstances:
or last conviction of the crimes of serious or less serious physical injuries, 1. When there are neither aggravating nor mitigating circumstances,
robo, hurto, estafa or falsification, he is found guilty of any of said crimes they shall impose the penalty prescribed by law in its medium
a third time or oftener. period.
2. When only a mitigating circumstance is present in the commission
What are the different kinds of modifying circumstances? of the act, they shall impose the penalty in its minimum period.
1. Those constitute a crime such as “by means of fire” or arson 3. When an aggravating circumstance is present in the commission of
2. Included by law in defining a crime and prescribing the penalty (direct the act, they shall impose the penalty in its maximum period.
assault) 4. When both mitigating and aggravating circumstances are present,
3. Inherent in the crime (dwelling in trespass to dwelling) the court shall reasonably offset those of one class against the
4. Caused by the moral attributes of the offender or his relations with other according to their relative weight.
the offended or any other personal causes – only the offender having 5. When there are two or more mitigating circumstances and no
such attribute shall be affected. aggravating circumstances are present, the court shall impose the
5. When the advantage is taken by the offender of his public position. penalty next lower to that prescribed by law, in the period that it
6. An organized/syndicated crime group formed for purposes of gain. may deem applicable, according to the number and nature of such
**Note: 5-6 are those added by RA 7659** 6. Whatever may be the number and nature of the aggravating
circumstances, the courts shall not impose a greater penalty than
What are the elements of habitual delinquency and its effects? that prescribed by law, in its maximum period.
Elements: 7. Within the limits of each period, the court shall determine the
• Felonies must be any of falsification, robbery, estafa, theft, serious extent of the penalty according to the number and nature of the
and less serious physical injuries aggravating and mitigating circumstances and the greater and
• Must be at least three convictions lesser extent of the evil produced by the crime.
• Third conviction must take place within 10 years from the last
conviction or release Summarize the rules applicable when the penalty imposed is divisible.
Effects: Modifying Circumstances Proper Period
• Impose upon the convict an additional penalty, but the total of the No aggravating and No mitigating Medium
two penalties should not be more than 30 years. Mitigating only Minimum
• Disqualified from the retroactive application of a favorable penal law. Aggravating only Maximum
Some of both present Offset then apply above rules
Two or more mitigating with no Lower the penalty by one degree
aggravating in the proper period

CRIMINAL LAW 1 | Atty. Daphne Andal-Degoma | Reviewer by Mae Becher

What is the relationship between Article 64 and the Indeterminate

Sentence Law?
• Article 64 is important in the application of the ISL because the
modifying circumstances are first considered in determining the
maximum penalty. On the basis of the computed maximum penalty,
the minimum penalty shall be within the whole range of the penalty
next lower in degree in the period which the court may deem proper.
• Article 64 is not considered in determining the minimum penalty.
Rather, the minimum is the whole range of the penalty next lower in
degree than the computed maximum penalty.

When there are two or more mitigating and no aggravating circumstances,

what penalty should be imposed?
• The penalty next lower to that prescribed by the RPC shall be
imposed in the period that the court may deem applicable depending
upon the number and nature of mitigating circumstances pursuant to
Article 64.
• Applying the ISL, the convict must suffer the penalty the minimum of
which must be within the range of the prision correccional and the
maximum without prision mayor.

Article 65
Rule in cases in which the penalty is not composed of three periods. – In
cases in which the penalty prescribed by law is not composed of three
periods, the courts shall apply the rules contained in the foregoing
articles, dividing into three equal portions of time included in the penalty
prescribed, and forming one period of each of the three portions.

What is the rule when a divisible penalty is imposed upon an offender?

• Article 76 gives the legal duration of divisible penalties. It shall be
considered as divided into three periods: minimum, medium and
• Article 65 directs that the penalty shall be made to comply therewith
by dividing it into three periods to conform to the rule that divisible
penalty shall be deemed as divided into three periods.

Article 66
Imposition of fines. – In imposing fines, the courts may fix any amount
within the limits established by law; in fixing the amount in each case
attention shall be given, not only to the mitigating and aggravating
circumstances, but more particularly to the wealth or means of the

What factors are considered in the imposition of fines to the culprit?

1. Presence of modifying circumstance
2. Presence of aggravating circumstance, the culprit cannot afford the
correct fine.

Article 67
Penalty to be imposed when not all the requisites of exemption of the
fourth circumstance of Article 12 are present.— When all the conditions
required in circumstances Number 4 of Article 12 of this Code to exempt
from criminal liability are not present, the penalty of arresto mayor in its
maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period shall be
imposed upon the culprit if he shall have been guilty of a grave felony,
and arresto mayor in its minimum and medium periods, if of a less grave

CRIMINAL LAW 1 | Atty. Daphne Andal-Degoma | Reviewer by Mae Becher



Terms of None 20 years and 1 day to 40 years 12 years and 1 day to 20 years 6 years and 1 day to 12 years
- Temporary absolute
None, unless pardoned: disqualification
- Civil interdiction or during - Civil interdiction or during
- Perpetual absolute - Perpetual special
his sentence his sentence
Accessory Penalties disqualification disqualification from the
- Perpetual absolute - Perpetual absolute
- Civil interdiction for 30 right of suffrage which the
disqualification disqualification
years offender suffers although



Terms of Imprisonment 6 months and 1 day to 6 years 1 month and 1 day to 6 months 1 day to 30 days
- Suspension from public office - Suspension of right to hold
- Suspension of right to hold office
- Suspension from the right to office
- Suspension of the right of
Accessory Penalties follow a profession or calling - Suspension of the right of
suffrage during the term of the
- Perpetual special disqualification suffrage during the term of the
on the right of suffrage sentence

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