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Aphrodisiacs past and present: A historical review

Article  in  Clinical Autonomic Research · November 2001

DOI: 10.1007/BF02332975 · Source: PubMed


112 1,206

1 author:

Paola Sandroni
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research


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EOE SU!YI!M B swe!!!!M ~03u!dd!l1007.0 Lm6-6560

s a ! p ~ spm!W ~ ~ u e u n o j i alenxas
d 30 ~uauranoidur!01 pue
Xq (1) :sdnoiS g ow! uo!~>ejo apom i!av 01 Bupiome
s a m y a d 30 uo!leredard 01 (palensuourap uaaq aneq sa!lia
p q i o S a m aq u-e3 (uunsu! @mas asnore ro op!q!l a ~ p x a
d o r d [s] annda>pou!rne pue Xrommrepu!-!lue sl! paapu! 01 alqe wuwsqns) rrqrspo~qdv.uo!13e jo sapow i!ayljo
pue) ms!rewnaqi pue a y e p e a q j o luawlean worj %u!%uei8upuelsiapun ayl 01 pal aneq siaqlo jo suo!lsz!iaueieF
'ap!M s! a u p p a w n o j u! am n! pue 'sapqm miads jo in$3!%0~0~ewreqd aql 's!seq Jg!j!,uaws ou lnq lsaialu! 3!$ol
ay, u! punoj s! 11 .[peg] sa!i~onm q e v u! pasn s! '(z %.J)
-oqlXw pue p!io~s!y e aneq s p l u pue sa!pawar awos 31
ua1!.8 v~.lquvjo luam!lsuo> io!ew e '(1 .%!a) u!t*qury '[z] sa!ds
,>ywads-alew aiojaraql am pue uo!lenua>uo> auolalsol 'ainsaaw poo%roj 'pue iaqwe pue ysnw q l ! pax!m ~ sapvo
-=I u! aseaiJu! ue y2no1y1 I>e ISOW y%noylp 'saxas yloq p a w Xneay 10 a n p leuon!nnu y%!q ~I!M sadwar rayl!ajo
a n n q a aq uw waqlfo awos 'suo!lenua>um auowioq Bu!ls!sum 'SIU?WIE~II pue (srau~iedalenbape 'ma1 IOU 'pue
xas q x d s i o ian!msuenoinau srjpads %u!ra~pXq ma1sXs 'sBu!punorins alepdordde 'sawnjrad '>!snw 'pooj poo%y l ! ~
snoNau p l u m ayl jo Tam1 aql le ~ s s>e!qpoqde
e asaqL
asuas h a m 5!1eB 01 EdeM 'a3uassa u!) sa!pawai 'cpmleu,,jo
suo!~d!rxap s u y u o > waod a q .a>ua!.~adxa
~ pnxas a3uequa
01 sa>umsqnsi o j paqmas aneq sBu!aq ueurny saur!l luapue
a>o!s 1eq1 bfmqmsJo v$!quvs aql 'swaod asaql jo auo uroij
M O a,& ~ '3'9 0001 01 oooz punore paqrrxu! Xlpulj aiam
.,y![jo axtaps,, ayl jo swaod asaqL '[I] uo!~epdod npuM
.ainsmld pnxas a q ~Buowe swaod [eio qSno~cplxau ayl 01 uo!miauaS
Bmseai~u!Xq (E) pue '(uonsara jo ssauan!lsafja 'q) 10~31 auo urorj passed SEM uo!1ewio3u! p p a m uaqM ' s i d 000'p
-0d 8u!seaisu! Xq (z) '(ai!sap @mas .a!) op!q!l Bu!seai>u! 01 0 0 0 ' ~y x q w e p a3ualodur! %mmrusrpuodai ~sa!peaaqL

7 7 LIP!,
"'od aq p p o asp
~ s a p m a ,apqm,, S q ! o ~ aa w sSnzp
uauoa aqa Smsn m m a p +pe m p a Wuaped mq 10~ l dpq q
4 alqepaa suopdo aqajo m e aq 01 uep+qd aqs r q w w
-1odnq i u n o m d jo st q . n p f q n w 01 q - s qsaq a a m q
dsm D J R ~n~! sUp ~ o w ! ~paw s!sv r e a p n o s m (sqosnrwp
w d ) -130 ~0!1538~!aqJ. ?-!$!I@S S! SSllqE SI!
mog &p!qroy~ .no- pue uogsaSum lqnm +np
-m 'sroadaou-d jo u o p q n m p p m L a ~ p amaqdsoqd

a q , nep~ m s a ~m xw@m a ~ aqay s! 11 'u!uotoaas jo

iouaSuo~s!oa%oupnlpqabf,eand a '(qnooapejnq aapo pue)
au!uaaopq u y u m spun$ p a q s peoa ojna .asoraasmEn
-us pue sauomzoq dra,~",!d xopxm p a m s 30 uopwaul~
YOJ aqa sa-u! l o q o ~ pauadn!g >!+pa .sa!gunrn
9er\r m porn q ,ms.d vdqwvja anasupsum so!w a ' n p x q w
-L,~& S u & q - ' r ( & @ ~ o ~ e u u e ~ dpgpoap!
JOJ ~ naaq aAeq
~tuos:samapu x w ~ w l o sao!xpatu 7104 u! pam oaaq aAeq

Mayar leqro~s! ye
:auasard pue ~ s e dsae!s!porydv
Saluia haematoaks has been reported ro have an anxiolytic
effect, to decrease brain serotonin synthesis, and to contain
flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties [6]. Andoxi-
dant compounds can in turn alter androgen levels.
Litbopmum aruense (bird millet) is a plant whose leaf
and seeds have androgenic, gonadotropic, and estrogenic
properties, hence its aphrodisiac effect 171. No toxicity is
In Arab countries, Brmica rapa, h n u r amygdah, and
Zingiber oficinale are used for their aphrodisiac effects and
various other medical properties [8]. Animal studies have
demonstrated their androgenic activity, with toxicity lim-
ited to androgen effects (weight gain, alopecia) and mild
Bufo toadskin and glands contain bufotenine (Fig. 3) and
its O-methylated derivative, 5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-
N,N-dimethyltryptamine), a putative Wudnogen conge-
ner of serotonin 191. It is the active ingredient in West
Indian "love stone" and the Chinese medication chan nr
[lo]. Its use dates to prehistoric ages, crossing many cultures
and continents. Because of its pressor and digitalis-like
properties, it was recommended as a heart medication and
diuretic and to stop bleeding diathesis [9]. Curiously, Ger-
man violinists handled toads before performances to reduce
sweat production in their palms [9]; the mechanism
thrkgh which this is achieved is unclear: no anticholinergic
property is described in toad skin secretions. The aphrodi-
siac p r o p e ~ e sare likely of central origin, as are other (psy-
choactive) effects of the drug; hence, it is listed as a hallu-
Flgure 1. Chemical structure of ambrein. cinogen. The toad has a prominent position in mythology,
religions, occult and magic rituals, and fairy tales. How that
have shown that this tricyclic ttiterpene alcohol increases the popularity relates to its venom is a mystery.
concentrations of several anterior pituitary hormones and A nonspecific increase in sexually oriented behavior oc-
serum testosterone, which m turn stimulate dopam~nere- curs with the inrake of central nervous system stimulants,
ceptor synthesis and sexual behanor [4]. Amhrein also en- such as amphetamine, cocaine, dopaminergic agents, caf-
hances central noradrenergic traficking, which in turn feine, antiserotonin drugs, cannabis, and marijuana. Various
stimulates sexual arousal, and it can antagonize the contrac- stimulants are present in beverages and chewable derivatives
tile action of various agents (acetylcholine, noradrenaline, of the kok nut, guarana, and betel nut, the use of which
prostaglandin, oxytocin) on smooth muscles [3]. as recreational and aphrodisiac drugs is widespread in Af-
rica, Asia, and Latin America [ll]. These nuts also contain


I b'

Flgure 2. Ambra grisea: lumps found In the gut of a sperm

whale. (From Ralph RD. Ambergris: a pathfinder and annotated
bibliography. Updated 10-4-98. Available at: http://www.uncg.
edu/lis/faculty/ralphlwritings/amberg~. Accessed October Figure 3. Chemical structures of some of the active compounds in
2, 2000. By permission of the author.) Bufo toad secrenons

304 Clinical Autonomic Research 2001, Vol 11 No 5

tannin, whose carcinogenic and antinutritional propetties
are well known. The effect of ethanol is likely through
disinhibition, but it decreases potency.

Substances that increase potency (allow or

sustain erection)

The mode of action of these compounds is generally

through induction of vasodiifation, to allow for erection to
occur. Such remedies are used almost exclusively by males,
although to a lesser degree they could be efTective in women.
Sildenaiil (under the brand name Kagra; Pfmr, New York,
NY, U.S.A.)(Fig. 4), an oral drug for men with erectile
dysfunction, produces satisfactory erections and improves
sexual satisfaction without affecting sexual desire [12].
Sidenafil also may be useful for treating female sexual dys-
function [13,14]. It appears to be effective for various con-
ditions that cause impotence, such as diabetes, starus post-
prostatectomy, spinal cord injuries, drug effect, and even
psychogenic impotence [14,15]. Sildenafil competitively in- ngure 5. Ginseng rwts.
hibits type-V cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-
specific phosphodiesterase enzyme. Inhibition of that iso-
enzyme increases stores of cGMP, the second messenger of Sildenafiil may produce potentially hazardous cardiovas-
nitric oxide and a mediator of vasodilatation to the penis, cular effects for ~ettainpatients, such as those with coronary
which relaxes corpus cavernosal smooth muscle cells and ischemia or congestive heart failure, or patients caking mul-
increases blood flow into cavernosal spaces. This leads to tidrug antihypertensive regimens or drugs that might pro-
increased intracavernosal pressure, which is a major factor in long the half-life of sildenafil [16,17]. Patients in dose-
producing erection. escalation trials have reported seeing a blue haze and
Because of its additive vasodilating effects and potential transient increased brightness when taking sildenafil in
for a dangerous drop in blood pressure, sildenafil must not doses of more than 200 mg [13]. Transient abnormal vision
be taken concurrently with nittate therapy, and they should occurred in 3% of patients in flexible-dose trials and in 11%
not be used within 24 hours of each other. Patients with of patients in bed-dose studies and was more common at
adrenergic autonomic dysfunction, who are unable to com- 100-mg doses than at lower doses. Such a phenomenon is
pensate for hemodynamic perturbations, are particularly at due to the drug effect on retinal, and
risk for sildenaiil's hypotensive effect. Unfomnately, such therefore the use of sildenafil is conttaindicated in patients
individuals likely are a significant portion of patients who with retinitis pigmentosa or other retinal abnormality.
might need sildenafii. Headache occurred in 11% to 16% of patients in large
studies [13,14,181, and it can be severe.
Panax (panacea) ginseng is a root (Fig. 5) used in ttadi-
tional Chinese medicine [19]. It works as an antioxidant by
enhancing nitric oxide synthesis in the endothelium of
many organs [201, including the corpora cavernosa. Ginse-
nnsides also enhance acetylcholine-induced and ttansmural
nerve stimulation-activated relaxation associated with in-
creased tissue cyclic guanosine monophosphate, similar to
sildenaiil, hence the aphrodisiac properties. Ginseng's cen-
tral effect (increase in brain stem dopamine, nnrepineph-
time, cortical serotonin, attenuation of monoamine oxidase
activity) can explain its memory-enhancing and antianxiety
properties and contribute to its aphrodisiac effect. In addi-
tion, ginseng significandy increases workload and oxygen
uptake in normal subjects, and, at fixed load, it decreases
oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide and lactate pto-
duction, confirming its ergogenic properties, particularly
evident when the organism is challenged, taxed, or ex-
hausted (eg., the elderly and athletes). At the recommend-
Flgure 4. Chemical structure of sildenafil. ed doses, no toxicity is known. Inhalation of "poppers"

Clinical Autonomic Research 2001, Vol 11 No 5 305

' w m z : a z:sml
~ Jew uApo3euueqd zul '~47fi3WpyIWOqJ 'PIOmnUUSSlZ3OdD $' UlU Wll~llOp?~dC/3 '[YZ]
wv 'slw u! io!neqeq lenxes eu!lnmw uo 'wi6~eqwe$0luewls (map' i e 1 n ~ m o p i npue pio!neqaq %uowe 'se!s!poiqde
- U O ~loleu e 'u!aqwe p 138113 'wv 1 3 0 6' ~~ y welsly ' v s ( ~ ~ qPe l
@iayd!rad pue p l u m j o apnl!llnm e %u!neq aiojaiayl 'yreq
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qtoows uo u!elqwe JO wag3 '31pe~eqy-13'w e z e ~'VS eqel B sa!vadoid ~ u e p ~ o n upue e uo!lnel!posen q%oiql IJE lsow
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s e h~ w o uone!pqj
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paJnpu! 'uo!lnel!posen pue u o ! ~ m g r r !30 llnslr e X~ay!l
araM asaaa asaqL .x!spoiqde pue ~ u e p m n ss!loqelaw
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pue uo!mnpa roj paau aql asnpai 3ou op auamxean JamaN '[PZI (T?ol5=u
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q m!xapq u! sp!urole!n pue e!svzseaylno~
-soid a p a d 10sa!hap mnnsen se qsns) sm!mp l o (~~feuapl!s u! (sap?o$sau2p rnqrualud) sapaaq ah11 jo uousa%u! aqL
se q3ns) w o n w p m .nua!led Jno rp+ sans! pnxas naippe ~sa%eqnoway ppesopuaqns pue p!pm!iad
Xpado sn jo wj 001 Xlqeqoij ~sura3umua~odsunuayo pue '%u!llamr @!rpuoqsol!m <uo!le~auaBap1!1q'~oXw01 anp
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p e j X p u a ~ o dare slua!paJ%u! aql jo amos are a q a se!pre~.s!soisau ielnqn~axn3e 01pea1 Xew y s g m
pue 'amno s! uasn 01 EM :~sad!sar,, %u!u!nuoa sa~!s 'uo!laisxa [euai a!jo 11nsa1 e ? XI!s!xol p a x .sa%eqriomaq
piahas paxanmsp I '~d!ismuew s!yl Bu!iedaid a m .ma p y u! %u!qnsa~'kp!xo~jo ~ u m qa y su!ezsns uerl leu!lsal
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aqL .Xpso3 h a h aq ue3 s~e!s!poiqde ioj qsieas alwadsap -poqdsoqd jo uo!~!qpp! Xq ? uon3e jo apow n~ '[zz]
uayo pue puo!~e.n! ue 01 %u!peal b e n b a p e ~j o %u!laaf saxas qloq Xq ~ u e l n ~ pq x~ass e se e!uuall!m roj pasn uaaq
s pue 'asusrou%! 'suoneieda~dp u e u jo ainreu ayl lnoqe 2 A q q3yM 'Dp22q 131SI1q Ulmj paA!JJp !lap!lladold iIIEJ!SaA

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-low ~uesrj!u%!s pue sa!l!plq .san!len!iap o p q jo u o n s a 2 ~ .raulled (p!~ua~od) ayl Xq predaid up e qSnoiy
01 palela1 aram sreaX z iaho h!3 y r o ~ma^ u! paiodar laa!qns %u!~sadsnsun ue Xq pa~sa%u!are Xaql 'Xlluanb
sq~eapp 'aldurexa i o j 'q%!q are sdoqs xas u! plos suo!~ei -aiju! ION wxas yloq Xq pasn pue sdoqs xas m plos are
-edard jo (asnqe pue) asn a y ~I!M pale!sosse q s p aqL X a q ~'uonesuas %u!suequa aiojaJav 'eso3nm p ~ a ayl % jo
's~l!d IonuoJ ylqq 30 rolsaue uo!le,!ii! q%noiyl XllerauaS s! saauesqns rpns jo n a p a q ~
ue paiap!suos aq Xew 11 '[8z] h b ! n e quasonsa anrey Xlim
pue !anal ~ U O I ~ I S O I Sa~ Iq ~
asnpai ~ ! q m'sa~eueXso!ylos! aq sngoa 6u!rnp aaua!radxa
01 m d d e slua!pai%u! a ! ~ xaqL .sapu\r aql u! UMOIB raqm Arosuas aauequa leu1 saauetsqns
alq!pa ue s! unrouqtu unqudo.i~ .asn 3e!s!porqd~ ipnw
ooi Xq pasnn swalqoid ayl j o areme SEM aup!paur yroj
aq u n '13ajja ap!s palewnsarapun ue 'e!wau!qo~owayla~
'[Iz] Xsw~odpanoidw! pue uonalel!poseh amaq 'uo!le
-xe~aiapsnm q ~ o o w sasnpoid
s sa]en!u ~!leqd!p Su!upluo3
.uopsa%pu! s! na#a ap!s p u o d a r u!em ayl :asuas auo
ueyl aiom j o uo!repm!ls q%noirp1st Xp!errm Xew rpooj
sno!s!laa .smal! amql j o amos u! v p ~ s p o r q d en o d
-dns 01 a>uap!ha 3@01osemreqd aplq s! alaqL xsmnw aql
jo ~uaura%io%ua %u!snpu! 'IYWI dreulln arp e n o n p palanxa
uaqm sluel!ir! se ise leyl TO apelon u%uos wayl jo Xuem
'@law%UI 'SI!N~Xuem pue ~ a ~ q m o 'sasXo qs '(sn%eiedse
'sayoT!ne) sqqaa%n '(40- '3![re% '"a%u@'a%es 'lauuaj
'rapue!roJ '~!wq 'as!ue) sas!ds ale may] % u o.[Lz] ~ sa!lra
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30 aldures llews e Xluo are
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imcuueqdouw3 r 'ronso,aqr.i -1 oeed011 ,O SWUJ p-lolpeu .e~n~sc.\a p ~ !elem
n 'iere 'aa r i r j s e ! ~v sa1e.o~ n b ucrusnz '9,
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M9U UllM 6 n. l ~Dl0 . . .
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re~noseho!p.e-, 3 flor~otphsolenluene aul u o .v oubew b elso3
~SC:ZS1866L doeid U!I~ r rul .:~~oealiou
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i6oag d o i i 'suo!teo!!du! weall qqnd st! pue ao!toeid lwlpaw
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