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Experiment No.

The Hartley Oscillator

I. Purpose and Discussion

The purpose of this simulation is to demonstrate the characteristics and

operation of a Hartley oscillator. The Hartley oscillator is characterized by the
inductive voltage divider made up of L1 and L2. This feedback voltage is used to
sustain the oscillations. Once again, the parallel LC resonant circuit is
responsible for the oscillator frequency. As with other LC oscillators, the
Barkhausen criteria must be met in order for oscillation to take place. Specifically
the gain from input to output must be one and the net phase around the loop
must be zero. In the design in Figure 7-1, the BJT must have a voltage gain
greater than the ratio L1 /L2 in order to sustain oscillations. In other words, the
gain of the BJT must make up for the attenuation created by the feedback

II. Parts and Equipment

DC 12 V Supply, Transistor: Ideal BJT

Resistors: 500 Ω, 10 kΩ
Inductor: virtual 0.5 mH, 2.5 mH
Capacitor: virtual 1 μF

III. Formulae
IV. Procedure

Fig. 5.1. Circuit diagram of Hartley Oscillator

1. Connect the circuit components illustrated in Figure 5.1

2. Double-click the Oscilloscope to view its display. Set the time base to 200
μs/Divand Channel A to 2V/Div. Select Auto triggering and DC coupling.
3. Select Simulate/Interactive Simulation Settings, and select Set to Zero for

4. Start the simulation. The oscillator may take a few seconds to stabilize.
Measure the frequency of oscillation.

5. Compare with theoretical calculations.

fc = ___________measured = ____________calculated = __________

6. Stop the simulation and place a Spectrum Analyzer on the workspace.

7. Connect the output lead of the oscillator to the input of the Spectrum
Analyzer. Double-click on the Spectrum Analyzer to open its window.

8. Press Set Span, set Span = 10 kHz, Center = 5 kHz and Amplitude = Lin
and click Enter.

9. Restart the simulation. When the oscillator has stabilized, drag the red
marker to the position of the spectrum line observed. Note the frequency in
the lower left corner of the spectrum analyzer window.
fc = _______________________________

10. Calculate the gain of the circuit and verify that it is greater than 1/B.

11. Calculate the value of L2 that is required to obtain oscillations of 3.5 kHz.
Replace existing simulated component values by double-clicking on the
component of interest. Run the simulation to verify your results.

V. Expected Output

Figure 5-2 :Oscilloscope Display of Initial Hartley Oscillations

VII. Additional Challenge

Re-design the circuit of Figure 5-1 to lower the gain to 10. This lower gain will
result in a more predictable oscillator. Replace existing simulated component
values by double-clicking on the component of interest. Run the simulation and
compare the output data with expected theoretical values.

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