El Monitoreo de Yacimientos

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Downhole Monitoring: The Story So Far

Reservoir monitoring requires dependable downhole data-acquisition systems.

Products based on sound reliability engineering and failure testing, essential to
building durable permanent monitoring systems, are responsible for an impressive
track record for permanent gauge installations worldwide. Gauges supply data
useful for both short-term troubleshooting and for long-term development planning.

Joseph Eck Nothing lasts forever. To many of us, “forever” is of an oil or gas well may be 10 or more years, so
Houston, Texas, USA our life span, which can vary widely among indi- “permanent” downhole equipment must last at
viduals. The “permanence” of inanimate objects least that long to satisfy operators’ expectations.
Ufuoma Ewherido also varies in absolute time and importance. For Because it is impractical to conduct equipment
Jafar Mohammed example, commercial communication satellites tests of such long duration, reliability engineer-
Rotimi Ogunlowo are expensive to fabricate, difficult to deploy and ing and failure testing have become mainstays of
Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited
generally inaccessible for repair, so it is impor- those people who develop permanent monitoring
Lagos, Nigeria
tant that they function properly for a long time. systems. The result has been an impressive
John Ford Replacement valves and pacemakers for human reliability track record for permanent monitoring
Amerada Hess Corporation hearts can be replaced or repaired, but not with- installations worldwide.
Houston, Texas out considerable risk to the recipient. Equipment In this article, we begin by examining the
sent to the remote research stations of challenges in permanent monitoring. Next, we
Leigh Fry Antarctica is expected to stand up to harsh con- consider how engineers develop robust perma-
Shell Offshore, Inc. ditions. Buildings, bridges and monuments are nent gauges to provide a continuous stream of
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA also built to endure, but they have finite life- data for the life of a well. Finally, we present
times. Intelligent completions, which combine examples that demonstrate how the use of per-
Stéphane Hiron production monitoring and control, are becoming manent gauges adds value by helping to optimize
Leo Osugo
more common, and require reliable downhole production and forewarning operators of prob-
Sam Simonian
gauges and flow-control valves.1 lems so that preventive or corrective action can
Clamart, France
Downhole equipment in the oil field also be taken.
Tony Oyewole must stand the test of time. The productive life
Lagos, Nigeria For help in preparation of this article, thanks to François FloWatcher, NODAL, PQG (Permanent Quartz Gauge),
Auzerais, Michel Bérard, Jean-Pierre Delhomme, Josiane PressureWatch, PumpWatcher, Sapphire and WellWatcher
Magnoux, Jean-Claude Ostiz and Lorne Simmons, Clamart, are marks of Schlumberger.
Tony Veneruso France; Larry Bernard and David Lee, Sugar Land, Texas, 1. For more on flow-control aspects of intelligent
Rosharon, Texas USA; Richard Dolan and Brad Fowler, Amerada Hess completions: Algeroy J, Morris AJ, Stracke M,
Corporation, Houston, Texas; David Rossi and Gerald Smith, Auzerais F, Bryant I, Raghuraman B, Rathnasingham R,
Houston, Texas; John Gaskell, Aberdeen, Scotland; and Davies J, Gai H, Johannessen O, Malde O, Toekje J
Younes Jalali and Mike Johnson, Rosharon, Texas. and Newberry P: “Controlling Reservoirs from Afar,”
We thank Philip Hall, Chief Executive of The Sir Henry Oilfield Review 11, no. 3 (Autumn 1999): 18-29.
Royce Memorial Foundation, for information about Sir
Henry Royce’s “bumping test” machine.

20 Oilfield Review
Winter 1999/2000 21
< Schlumberger milestones in permanent monitoring. Incremental improvements in dependability—that is, reliable
delivery of high-quality measurements—of permanent gauges are shown qualitatively by the time line below.

1986 Fully welded metal

tubing-encased permanent
downhole cable
1975 First pressure and 1978 First subsea 1983 First subsea
1973 First permanent temperature transmitter on installations in North Sea installation with acoustic
downhole gauge installation a single wireline cable and West Africa data transmission to surface

in West Africa, based on

wireline logging cable and

Challenges in Permanent Monitoring In addition to fabricating durable permanent

From the perspective of reliability, permanent downhole equipment, engineers and designers
downhole gauges used in oil and gas wells are work together to address the complexity of
similar to commercial communication satellites, equipment installation and conditions at the 1/4-in. encased cable
although other industries, such as the automotive wellsite. Competent field engineers and robust
industry, confront similar reliability challenges. equipment are both essential for reliability. For
Each system must endure a long life under harsh example, it is difficult to maintain a high level of
environmental conditions. Once in place, the manual dexterity for hours at a time in an icy
devices are not routinely repaired, replaced or downpour or a fierce wind. It is important for the Metal-to-metal sealed
cable head
recovered. Parts may never return to surface for field crew to install a monitoring system using
lab analysis of what worked and what didn’t; it is well-designed installation tools that ensure Hermetically sealed
welded housing
difficult to determine what failed without retriev- installation consistency, especially in remote
ing and examining a malfunctioning device. locations. Simplifying the installation process as
A typical approach to these challenges is to much as possible also improves success rates. Cable driver and
include redundant components in the hope that Early failure of permanent monitoring systems fault-tolerant regulator
if one part fails, its backup will function. When decreases when a well-prepared crew performs
used wisely, redundant designs can improve reli- the installation with familiar tools. Digital pressure,

ability significantly. However, in both downhole Operators have used permanent downhole temperature and self-test
gauges and satellites, redundant components pressure gauges since the 1960s.3 The vast body
occupy valuable, limited space and consume of experience is paying off in the latest genera-
Quartz crystal resonators
precious power. Common failure modes must be tion of gauges, for which statistically valid relia- P/T to measure temperature
avoided when specifying redundant components. bility data are now available. There are now and pressure
For example, if a particular component is prone thousands of gauges deployed worldwide, over
Protection bellows
to failure in a particular environment, its backup 800 of which have been installed by Schlumberger
part should be made from different material so since 1973 (above and next page, top). A signifi-
Pressure connection
that it too won’t fail under the same conditions. cant increase in installations occurred after a
The annals of aviation include numerous episodes new generation of more reliable gauges was
of common-failure-mode disasters. Charles developed in the early 1990s. or
Lindbergh undertook a transatlantic flight in the 2. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/lindbergh/timeline/
single-engine Spirit of Saint Louis in 1927 only index.html
Gland radial Autoclave axial
after careful study convinced him that the lack of 3. Nestlerode WA: “The Use of Pressure Data From
connection connection
Permanently Installed Bottom Hole Pressure Gauges,”
backup systems would not put him at risk.2 paper SPE 590, presented at the SPE Rocky Mountain
Joint Regional Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA,
May 27-28, 1963. > Permanent downhole pressure guage. This
4. For more on permanent downhole pressure gauge hard-
PQG Permanent Quartz Gauge system measures
ware: Baker A, Gaskell J, Jeffrey J, Thomas A, Veneruso
T and Unneland T: “Permanent Monitoring—Looking at pressure and temperature using quartz crystal
Lifetime Reservoir Dynamics,” Oilfield Review 7, no. 4 resonators.
(Winter 1995): 32-46.

22 Oilfield Review
1994 FloWatcher installation
1993 New generation of 1994 PQG Permanent Quartz for mass flow-rate measurement
quartz and sapphire crystal Gauge performance substant-
1990 Fully supported copper permanent gauges iated by gauge accreditation
1986 Introduction of quartz conductor in permanent program at BP. Start of long-
crystal permanent pressure downhole cable term lab testing
gauge in subsea well

Dependability, the Sine Qua Non surface equipment, such as a computer or control sensor to measure flow rate and fluid density,
A basic permanent downhole gauge consists of system. Because acquiring and transmitting good a PumpWatcher sensor to monitor an electric
sensors to measure pressure and temperature, data depend on proper functioning of each part, submersible pump and a PressureWatch gauge
electronics and a housing (previous page, right).4 such systems are only as reliable as their weak- to measure pressure and temperature (below).
A mandrel on the production tubing holds the est component. Surface sensors measure multiphase flow rate
gauge in place. A cable, enclosed in a protective A complete monitoring and communication and pressure and detect sand production. In
metal tube, is clamped onto the tubing. The cable system, such as the WellWatcher system, han- addition to surface controls for valves and
connects the gauge to the wellhead and then to dles diverse sensors, including a FloWatcher chokes, there is a computer to gather data, which

Surface sensors and controls

Multiphase flow rate
Valve and choke control
Pressure measurements
Sand detection

Permanent downhole sensors

FloWatcher sensor Data-retrieval and Integrated
to monitor flow rate communications software applications
and density
PumpWatcher sensor
to monitor electric
submersible pump
PressureWatch gauges
to measure pressure
Host server and database
and temperature

> A complete permanent monitoring system for measuring pressure, temperature, flow rate and fluid density downhole. Surface sensors measure
flow rate and pressure. A data-retrieval and communications system facilitates data transfer to the office of the end user.

Winter 1999/2000 23
are stored at the wellsite or transmitted to the gauge. It is important to know whether gradual The Road to Reliability
office (below).5 variation in a measurement with time indicates During the past 10 years, Schlumberger has
Permanent downhole systems must be an actual change in the reservoir or reflects a enhanced the dependability of its permanent
dependable throughout their lifetimes—they drift problem with the measuring device. monitoring systems through improvements in
must be reliable and stable. “Dependability” con- To ensure a dependable product, it is essen- engineering and testing processes, system
jures different meanings for different people, but tial to maintain strict quality control throughout design, risk analysis, training and installation
is used in this article to refer to the combination the entire engineering process. Quality is the procedures (next page, top).6 Like other tools and
of reliability and stability. “Reliability” in the con- degree to which the product conforms to specifi- systems developed by Schlumberger, permanent
text of downhole gauges refers to proper instal- cations. To truly achieve world-class reliability gauge development follows a logical sequence of
lation and ongoing delivery of data from the and stability entails systematic product develop- engineering phases. Dependability concerns are
gauge. It can be defined as the probability that ment and qualification testing, use of qualified paramount during each phase.
the gauge will perform as specified without fail- components and proven design methods, strict The engineering phase begins with develop-
ure for a certain amount of time under the audits and tracking of generic parts, failure analy- ment of a mission profile, or a verbal description
required environmental conditions. ses and consultation with industrial and academic of the technical concept that serves as an engi-
“Stability” refers to the actual measurement. peers. Reliability and stability cannot be tested neering framework. The mission profile defines
Measurements from an unstable or excessively into a product after it is built, but instead must be the role of each component and the environmen-
drifting gauge might prove more troublesome to considered throughout the entire process, from tal conditions components will encounter during
an oilfield operator than outright failure of the design and production to installation.

Wellsite Office

data- Engineering
retrieval offices
Data browser

acquisition unit


Central storage

Automatic data-
retrieval client

ASCII files

Central storage

Data access library

> Data flow. Measurements are transmitted from the downhole device through the cable to surface. The surface data-acquisition unit can send data by
satellite to engineering offices, where data are stored in a library for easy access.

24 Oilfield Review
Product engineering Training and personnel development Project engineering Reliability and data quality
Mission profile and requirements Training with development and Reservoir engineering and production
Prototype product design field engineers requirements Collect field track records into database
Risk analysis and test plans Well completions installation training Well completions design and Analyze results and feedback for
Components qualification testing Performance evaluation and growth plan installation planning improvement
Reliability qualification testing Technique improvement Well construction, installation and Review with operators, development and
Technical reviews and audits operation field engineers
Sustaining, product improvement Project improvement

> Permanent monitoring system development. From the initial mission profile to failure analysis, collaboration between engineers, field personnel and
operators contributes to continual improvements in permanent monitoring systems.

their expected lifetime. All components of the A drawback to accelerated testing is that 5. For a related article on data delivery in this issue: Brown T,
Burke T, Kletzky A, Haarstad I, Hensley J, Murchie S,
system are screened and qualified to withstand failure can occur simply because of the stressful Purdy C and Ramasamy A: “In-Time Data Delivery,”
the expected conditions. Accelerated destructive test procedure, and the test might not be a good Oilfield Review 11, no. 4 (Winter 1999): 34-55.
tests subject components to conditions much predictor of actual performance. It is impossible 6. Veneruso AF, Sharma S, Vachon G, Hiron S, Bussear T
and Jennings S: “Reliability in ICS* Intelligent
more extreme than expected over their lifetime, to test everything, but it is important to test as Completions Systems: A Systematic Approach from
such as greater mechanical shocks and vibrations much as possible to increase confidence that the Design to Deployment,” paper OTC 8841, presented at
the 1998 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston,
and higher-than-downhole temperatures and product will perform as required in commercial Texas, USA, May 4-7, 1998.
pressures. This type of testing helps determine operations. Feedback from field engineers is a crit-
failure causes and failure modes. Long-term test- ically important complement to laboratory testing.
ing of the system enables engineers to validate
reliability models and quantify measurement
stability (below).
PQG Stability Test at 10,000 psi

Permanent gauge stability test. This plot 10,030


of pressure versus time represents testing 150°C 160°C 170°C

of a PQG Permanent Quartz Gauge system at
elevated pressures and temperatures for more
Test cell repairs

Test cell repairs

than two years. The initial test conditions were

140ºC [284ºF] and 7000 psi [48.2 Mpa]. Testing 10,020
was then accelerated, with the temperature
Pressure, psi

increased to the maximum rated temperature

of 150ºC [302ºF], and then to 160ºC [320ºF] and
170ºC [338ºF], to make the gauge fail. Each
time the temperature was increased, there 10,010 -3 psi/year drift
was a brief period of measurement drift before pressure reading
the gauge reached stability. The gauge drifted 0 psi/year drift
less than 3 psi/yr [20 kPa/a]. During the test, 10,005
the gauge performed as expected, but the test 1 year 2 years
cell had to be repaired twice! 10,000
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Duration of testing, days

Winter 1999/2000 25
Tests for susceptibility to mechanical shock
and vibration, such as those expected during
transport and installation, are also performed.7
These tests are similar in concept to those
developed by Sir Henry Royce, the engineer
behind the success of the Rolls-Royce auto-
mobile. By repeatedly bumping the car on an
apparatus that simulated bumps in a road,
Royce determined which parts of the chassis
were not strong enough and developed better
ones (right).8 The changes included replacing
rivets with bolts and using a few large bolts
rather than many small ones.
In the system-design phase, engineers ensure
proper interfacing between the completion
components. Communication with completion
engineers and third-party vendors has resulted in
continual improvement in downhole cable con-
nections and protection of the system.
Both experts and end users provide input dur-
ing the development phase, as engineers perform
simulations and build mock-ups. Conducted fre-
quently, design reviews include field personnel.
Design rules have been prepared to address the
need for low stress on components, minimal
external connections and other concerns.
Once the system is built and is ready for
installation, a specially trained crew reviews
detailed installation procedures and project
plans with operations personnel and third-party
vendors. Performance of the field installation
crew plays an important role in system reliability,
so formal training programs for both system
design engineers and field installation techni-
cians are conducted. Whenever possible, system
design engineers attempt to simplify installation
requirements because factors such as frigid
temperatures, gusty winds and long hours may > Torturing tools. By exposing an automobile chassis to repeated mechanical shocks (top), Sir Henry
present additional challenges to the crew. A Royce observed which parts were prone to failure and built better ones for Roll-Royce, beginning
design that allows fast, easy installation relieves around the turn of the last century. Today, highly specialized testing machines and accelerated test
techniques developed by Schlumberger verify the endurance of downhole equipment against
some of the burden on the field crew and
mechanical shocks (bottom).
minimizes risk and rig time.
7. Veneruso A, Hiron S, Bhavsar R and Bernard L:
“Reliability Qualification Testing for Permanently
Installed Wellbore Equipment,” abstract submitted to the
2000 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
to be held in Dallas, Texas, USA, October 1-4, 2000.
8. We thank Philip Hall for information about the “bumping
test” machine. Mr. Hall retired from Schlumberger after
22 years of service, both in the oilfield and in electronics.
He is Chief Executive of The Sir Henry Royce Memorial
Foundation, The Hunt House, Paulerspury,
Northamptonshire, NN12 7NA, England.

26 Oilfield Review
Learning from Experience
If a permanent downhole gauge fails, engineers
analyze the circumstances and sometimes
attempt to reproduce the failure modes in the
engineering center or other testing facility. Failure
mechanisms are not random; in most cases there
are underlying causes at work that must be
uncovered, such as design problems, faulty mate-
rials or improper installation. Schlumberger has
established an on-line database to capture data
about system installations, including details
about environmental conditions, to identify any
patterns in failures (right). The database allows
statistical analysis of the data by region, operator,
environmental conditions and other operational
parameters. Careful analysis of the worldwide
database increases confidence that the appropri-
ate lessons are learned from field experiences
and helps focus efforts on possible areas of
From August 1, 1987, to the present, the per-
formance of 712 permanent gauge installations
has been tracked. The oldest system is more than
16 years old, having been installed a few years
before the database was established. Analysis of
572 new-generation digital technology installa-
tions made since their introduction in March
1994 indicates that over 90% of these
PressureWatch Quartz and Sapphire systems
were still operating after 2.5 years (below). The
analysis, based on methods introduced by

> Permanent downhole gauge database. Careful tracking of each system enables analysis of
gauge performance. Comparison of environmental conditions helps teams prepare to install
gauges in new locations by learning from past experience in similar areas.

100 Permanent gauge operating life. Since record-


90 keeping began in 1987, Schlumberger has installed

more than 700 permanent gauges worldwide.
80 Analysis of 572 new-generation digital technology
installations made since March 1994, shown by
Survival probability, %

the purple line, indicates that over 88% of these

60 PressureWatch Quartz and Sapphire systems
were still operating after 4 years. The lavender
50 trend line begins at 97% and decreases by 3%
per year, a higher failure rate than that of the
actual data. The photograph shows the production
30 facilities of the Baldpate field, operated by
Amerada Hess.


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Operational life, years

Winter 1999/2000 27
Characterizing performance over time.

Even the most reliable permanent gauge can
fail and the root cause often is a matter of ”Predictable“ wear-out
speculation. Production-related or installation (design and environment related)
flaws account for many early failures. At

Accumulated failures, %
intermediate stages, failures occur at a low,
relatively steady rate, apparently because of
random overloads. After many years of service,
failures may occur as components age. Random overload
(design related)

(manufacturing and installation related)
Møltoft, helps reveal the key factors influencing
the reliability of permanent monitoring systems Operational time
(above right).9 The Møltoft method addresses a
system’s actual operational time rather than its
calendar time, a key advantage when studying
field installations over a long time period. The Reservoir drainage
method helps pinpoint areas for improvement in
Application Description
system design and deployment.
Pressure monitoring Static bottomline pressure survey
Operating companies have independently
studied the reliability of permanent gauges.10 Pressure maintenance Future development plans (reservoir
repressurization: install injection facilities?)
Different manufacturers and operators measure
performance according to their own standards. Well test interpretation and analysis Reservoir boundaries, well spacing
(buildup, drawdown, multirate and requirements, interwell pressure
Schlumberger has chosen to focus on the whole interference well testing) communication
system rather than a single component because
Water and gas injection monitoring Evaluate degree of pressure support
it is vital that the entire system operate properly from injector wells
and provide usable data. Appraise performance of injection program
Reservoir simulation model Historical database for pressure
Downhole to Desktop: Using the Data refinement and validation history matching
Calibration tool for simulation model
After the equipment has survived the ordeal of
testing and installation, the real challenge begins Complement or corroborate other Corroboration of information provided
reservoir monitoring measurements by innovations such as 4D seismic
once a permanent monitoring system is placed surveys, time-lapse well logging
securely in a well. A system that takes a mea-
Material balance model updating Input data for continuous update and
surement every second of the day produces over refinement of material balance model
31 million data points per year. Coping with the
Well delivery
volume of data from permanent monitoring
systems is an issue that operators and service Application Description
companies continue to address.11 Some operators Well test interpretation and analysis Skin, permeability and average
have chosen to sample their data at specific (buildup, drawdown, multirate and reservoir pressure
interference well testing)
times or when the change in a measurement
exceeds a predetermined threshold. Others sam- Production engineering Input for NODAL analysis
Productivity Index (PI) and long-term
ple their data at greater time intervals, such as variation in PI measurement;
30 seconds, to reduce data volume. generation of water, gas and sand
Once reaching the end user, the data are applied production rate correlation as a
function of pressure
to two general production issues: reservoir
drainage and well delivery (right). Reservoir- Flowing bottomhole pressure survey
to determine maximum offtake _
drainage aspects include pressure monitoring, Flow well at optimal pressure above
pressure maintenance, material-balance models bubblepoint pressure to avoid
and simulation models. Well-delivery issues, liberation of free gas

such as skin and permeability, affect production Real-time fracturing and stimulation
operation monitoring
Appraisal of injection and production
When a well is shut in for maintenance, a
profile along the well
pressure gauge offers the small-scale equivalent
of a pressure buildup test. Subsequent well shut- > Typical applications of permanent downhole gauge data. Data from downhole
ins allow engineers to analyze the repeatability gauges can be used to improve both reservoir drainage and well delivery.

28 Oilfield Review
of the tests and improve confidence in selecting
a reservoir model. If all the wells in a field are LOUISIANA
shut in, downhole gauges can measure the aver-
age reservoir pressure. The average reservoir
pressure measured this way is a key component
of decline rate and reserve estimations and a
parameter for reservoir simulations.12
In fluid-injection projects, permanent downhole
pressure gauges can be used to better maintain
pressure, displace oil, arrest subsidence and dis- Garden Banks
pose of fluids. By monitoring a continuous stream
of pressure data, operators can control reservoir 0 100 miles Baldpate
performance by injecting fluids to keep reservoir 0 160 km North
pressure above bubblepoint pressure to ensure
production of oil rather than gas. Permanent
gauges can also help determine the optimal pro- > Enchilada field. The Enchilada area includes several blocks in the Garden Banks area offshore
duction rate when there are concerns about sand Louisiana, USA. The blocks are 3 miles [4.8 km] long and 3 miles wide.
production or water coning at high flow rates.
Downhole pressure gauges allow engineers
to allocate production to specific wells. Knowing Gauges in Action was the first use of the FloWatcher system at a
the downhole pressure, the wellhead pressure The permanent monitoring applications that fol- pressure of 15,000 psi [103.4 Mpa], so advance
and the general properties of the produced fluids low come from widely separated regions with preparations were necessary. The wellhead,
allows calculation of the flow rate for a well and different operational challenges and operator which had already been procured, was modified
calibration of flow rates with test data. Offshore priorities. In each case, the operator might mea- to allow an exit for the cable. A shed was built to
satellite fields tied back to platforms and fields sure the value of permanent monitoring systems accommodate surface monitoring equipment.
owned by multiple partners are good candidates in a variety of ways, such as additional barrels of The permanent monitoring system was
for this particular application of downhole pres- oil recovered through more efficient reservoir safely installed and an extended well test was
sure gauges. drainage or delivery from individual wells, or in conducted for four months, with oil flowing
In artificial-lift applications, downhole pres- cost savings through decreased well interven- through a 70-km [43.5-mile] flowline. The
sure gauges help engineers determine how well tions. Appraisal of a deep, sour, high-pressure, FloWatcher system was selected in part
the artificial-lift system is performing. For exam- high-temperature (HPHT) discovery in the Middle because pressure measurements at the Venturi
ple, a prolific, highly permeable, unconsolidated East presented numerous operational and inter- inlet and throat allowed determination of the
oil reservoir might have high deliverability, but pretation challenges. Unlike the prolific shallow absolute pressure, the pressure change across
the bottomhole pressure of the well might be oil fields nearby, the discovery well produced the Venturi and the flow rate. Despite a
inadequate to produce the fluid to surface. If an anomalously high API gravity oil for the region repairable seal failure in the Venturi, it was still
electric submersible pump or gas-lift system is from a fractured carbonate reservoir with limited possible to obtain pressure measurements from
installed in the well, the operator can add a microporosity. A thick salt layer above the reser- the pressure gauge, which functioned as
downhole gauge to assess the performance of voir complicated interpretation and operations. expected throughout the test. Also, the mandrel
the lift system. Nevertheless, the accumulation presented fasci- design for the system was relatively inexpensive.
9. Møltoft J: “Reliability Engineering Based on Field
nating opportunities to evaluate fracture fairways The permanent monitoring system enabled
Information—the Way Ahead,” Quality and Reliability below structural spillpoints and hydrocarbon self- engineers to produce at the maximum rate while
International 10, no. 5 (May 1994): 399-409.
sourcing in a kerogen-rich reservoir rock. maintaining pressure above the bubblepoint, and
Møltoft J: “New Methods for the Specification and
Determination of Component Reliability Characteristics,” Data from the initial discovery well were inad- to gather the data they needed to formulate
Quality and Reliability International 7, no. 7 (July 1991): equate to calibrate reservoir simulations or to development plans. Given the operational chal-
10. van Gisbergen SJCHM and Vandeweijer AAH:
plan development. A deep appraisal well, drilled lenges of this particular well and area, the
“Reliability Analysis of Permanent Downhole Monitoring over the course of a year with mud weights remote location and the importance of gaining
Systems,” paper OTC 10945, presented at the 1999
Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA,
exceeding 20 pounds per gallon [2.4 g/cm3], pro- useful data, an extended well test with a perma-
May 3-6, 1999. vided core, mud log and wireline log data. An nent downhole monitoring system proved to be
11. A complete discussion of processing and reducing data extended well test generated enough data for the optimal approach.
from permanent downhole gauges is beyond the scope
of this article. For one example of how to process data: engineers to decide how to proceed. Permanent downhole monitoring systems
Athichanagorn S, Horne R and Kikani J: “Processing and The extremely high formation pressures and have been used in the Gulf of Mexico for several
Interpretation of Long-Term Data from Permanent
Downhole Pressure Gauges,” paper SPE 56419, pre- use of kill-weight mud in wellbores meant that years. Shell Offshore, Inc., has installed perma-
sented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and wireline-conveyed pressure measurements were nent gauges in each of the 10 wells it operates in
Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA, October 3-6, 1999.
12. Baustad T, Courtin G, Davies T, Kenison R, Turnbull J,
not possible. Instead, the operator selected a the Enchilada area in the continental Gulf of
Gray B, Jalali Y, Remondet J-C, Hjelmsmark L, Oldfield T, FloWatcher system to measure pressure, temper- Mexico (above). The Enchilada area comprises
Romano C, Saier R and Rannestad G: “Cutting Risk,
Boosting Cash Flow and Developing Marginal Fields,”
ature and flow rate continuously. This installation thin-bedded turbidite reservoir sands located both
Oilfield Review 8, no. 4 (Winter 1996): 18-31.

Winter 1999/2000 29
above and below salt. The first gauge was Permanent downhole pressure gauges are pressure monitoring without mechanical risk
installed in September 1997, and to date all of especially important for effective reservoir man- and with minimum deferred production.
the gauges continue to operate without failure. agement in the Enchilada area and areas like it. Frequent pressure measurements help optimize
Permanent downhole pressure gauges fulfill Thin-bedded reservoirs, such as turbidite sands, production rates, and enhance understanding of
two major requirements for Shell Offshore: daily can be difficult to evaluate by wireline methods. ultimate reserve potential.
operations improvements and better long-term Producers want to determine if the reservoir is The Enchilada area example affirms that data
reservoir management. In both cases, pressure continuous. During the initial development, few from permanent gauges are valuable throughout
data must be accessible to reservoir specialists appraisal wells had been drilled and the subsalt the life of the well. Run time is a major concern for
in a format they can use efficiently. The system location of several prospects made it difficult to Shell Offshore because the Enchilada wells are
installed by Schlumberger stores the data for define the reservoir geometry and extent. expected to produce for at least 10 years. The reli-
subsequent pressure transient analysis. Shell Gathering early reservoir pressure data from ability and durability of these permanent gauges
Offshore retrieves the data from the system and each well aided development planning. In addi- have a direct impact on the asset’s value. The suc-
uses its own computer-assisted operations (CAO) tion, the long-reach, S-shaped wells in the cessful application of permanent monitoring tech-
system to manage the data stream on a long- Enchilada area are expensive to drill and not nology convinced Shell to install gauges in two
term basis. easily accessed by wireline methods. wells on their deepwater Ram-Powell platform,
Shell’s CAO acquisition unit captures surface Furthermore, the mechanical risk of running offshore Gulf of Mexico. The second of these
and downhole pressure measurements at wireline pressure devices into these high-rate installations, a PQG Permanent Quartz Gauge sys-
approximately 30-second intervals for trend analy- wells is unacceptable. Therefore, the perma- tem set at a depth of 23,723 feet [7230 m], is the
sis and long-term archiving of pressure data. In nent gauge system allows frequent reservoir deepest installation by Schlumberger to date.
the past, most decisions about daily operations
were made on the basis of surface pressure or
tubing pressure measurements with infrequent
downhole wireline pressure measurements. A
decline in surface pressure could indicate reser-
voir depletion or a downhole obstruction, but this
ambiguity could not be resolved with surface
data alone. Now, with both surface and down-
hole pressure measurements, it is possible to
quickly diagnose production problems. For exam-

ple, if both surface and bottomhole pressure Pbhp

curves track each other on a declining trend, then
the probable cause is reservoir depletion. On the Psurface
other hand, if the surface pressure is dropping
but the downhole pressure remains constant or
increases, then the engineer might suspect that
salt, scale or paraffin is plugging the tubing Time

(right).13 Therefore, engineers for the Enchilada

area use surface and downhole measurements to
diagnose production problems and optimize
remediation treatments.

Diagnosing production problems. Plots of both

bottomhole, Pbhp, and surface pressure, Psurface,

versus time help engineers diagnose production

problems. In the top example, surface and

bottomhole pressures are declining, but the
curves track each other, suggesting reservoir
depletion. In the bottom plot, the surface Psurface
pressure diverges and drops at a faster rate
than the bottomhole pressure. One possible
conclusion is that scale is plugging the
production tubing.

30 Oilfield Review


Garden Banks

0 100 miles Baldpate

0 160 km North

> Baldpate field location. Baldpate field is located offshore Louisiana in Block 260 of the Garden
Banks area.

Complicated deepwater developments, such Amerada Hess Corporation, operator of Interference tests can be performed because
as the Baldpate field in Block 260 of the Garden Baldpate field, elected to install permanent there are permanent downhole pressure gauges
Banks area of the Gulf of Mexico, challenge oper- downhole pressure gauges for both mechanical in all the wells. Each well responds to rate adjust-
ating companies (above). The first downhole and reservoir management purposes. Expensive ments in offset wells within hours. The pressure
gauge in the Baldpate field was installed in gravel-pack completions and tubing in high-rate responses can be used to assess reservoir conti-
August 1998. Seven of eight wells have down- wells are prone to damage if there is excessive nuity. Data from pressure gauges confirmed the
hole gauges. The field is expected to produce for drawdown or if the erosional velocity is too geologic model of laterally continuous basin floor
6 to 10 years. high.14 As flow rates were ramped up during the fan sands.
Baldpate field comprises two major Pliocene initial stages of production, pressure data helped Of seven gauges installed in the Baldpate
reservoirs at depths of 15,500 to 17,500 feet avoid damage by ensuring that predetermined field, six are working. The lone failure—the only
[4724 to 5334 m]. Original reservoir pressures limits on drawdown and erosional velocity would failed gauge out of 43 gauges installed by
exceeded 13,000 psi [89.63 MPa]. Production not be exceeded. By measuring the pressure drop Schlumberger in North America—appears to
from the sands in the Baldpate North area is across the completion, engineers calculated have resulted from a problem within the gauge
commingled in a seventh well. The field reached the mechanical efficiency, or mechanical skin, of itself, although it has not been recovered for
peak production of 58,000 BOPD [9216 m3/d] and the completion.15 postmortem analysis. The installation of gauges
230 MMscfg/D [6.5 MMm3/d] by June 1999. Acquiring a constant stream of pressure data in all the wells meant that the loss of one gauge
Installation of permanent downhole gauges is enables reservoir engineers to fine-tune compo- was an inconvenience rather than a major diffi-
particularly demanding at the well depths and sitional models for reservoir simulation, perform culty. It was not worth retrieving or repairing the
pressures of Baldpate field. Success depends on history matching of pressure depletion of the failed gauge because of the cost and mechanical
a thoroughly trained, competent wellsite crew. reservoirs over time, test secondary recovery risks of pulling tubing. Data from the gauges in
For example, the crew must avoid potential pit- scenarios and predict ultimate recovery. The the other wells are sufficient for ongoing reser-
falls such as damaging the cable and making bad pressure data are also used for frequent pres- voir management.
splices. Extensive prejob planning allows the sure-transient analysis. This analysis provides Amerada Hess carefully manages the high
entire team to anticipate problems and work out calculations of effective permeability, mechanical volume of data from permanent downhole pres-
solutions before installation. Having many of the skin, non-darcy flow effects, average reservoir sure gauges. The data are stored in the hard drive
same crew work on every installation builds pressure and approximate distance to various of a personal computer on the production tower.
experience and carries lessons learned from one reservoir boundaries. From the office, an engineer can control sampling
job to the next. rate and electronically retrieve data from the
13. For more on scale: Crabtree M, Eslinger D, Fletcher P,
remote production tower and move them to the
Miller M, Johnson A and King G: “Fighting Scale— office. Eventually, however, Amerada Hess
Removal and Prevention,” Oilfield Review 11, no. 3
(Autumn 1999): 30-45.
expects to move and store the complete data vol-
14. Erosional velocity is the velocity at which an impinging ume elsewhere. Data can be downloaded into a
fluid degrades a metal at the molecular level. In this pressure-transient software package and ana-
case, the operator was concerned about the possibility
of high-flow rate wells producing sand from the uncon- lyzed within minutes.
solidated reservoir and damaging the production tubing.
15. Pahmiyer RC, Fitzpatrick HJ, Jr. and Dugan J:
“Completion Efficiency Measures for High-Permeability,
Unconsolidated Sand Environments,” presented at the
1999 SPE European Formation Damage Conference,
The Hague, The Netherlands, May 31-June 1, 1999.

Winter 1999/2000 31
Qua Iboe
Niger Delta


Unam Mfem
Usari Ubit

Edop Iyak

Oil fields with downhole gauges

0 15 miles
0 24 km

> Offshore Nigeria. Since 1992, Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited has installed permanent downhole
gauges in the 12 offshore fields shown in red-rimmed green. Approximately 95% of the gauges are still
operating today.

An example from Africa demonstrates other pressure in wells whose high wellhead pressure reservoir across fault blocks. Results from the
applications of downhole gauges. Since 1992, precludes use of wireline pressure measurement gauges showed no communication across the
Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited has installed techniques. Mobil can avoid the costs of shutting fault blocks, and that separate injectors would be
permanent downhole pressure gauges in 12 of its in wells with high flow rates solely for gathering required for each fault block. The downhole pres-
fields offshore Nigeria: Usari, Oso, Mfem, Ubit, data. In fields with many wells, data from strate- sure gauges also indicated that the planned
Iyak, Enang, Asasa, Ekpe, Asabo, Unam, Edop gically placed pressure gauges allow reservoir injection patterns needed to be changed, so the
and Etim (above).16 engineers to calibrate pressure measurements downhole pressure gauge data were then inte-
Mobil has used continuous pressure mea- gathered by wireline methods with those from grated with the 3D geological model to modify
surements from downhole gauges in many ways. permanent gauges. and optimize producer and injector locations.
The most basic applications include determining In the Edop field, 7 of approximately 40 wells 16. Ogunlowo RF, Ewherido UJ and Oyewole AA: “Use of
the reservoir drive mechanism, assessing deple- have downhole pressure gauges. Mobil expected Down-hole Permanent Gauges in Reservoir Description
and Management of a Gas Injection Project in Edop
tion patterns and reservoir discontinuities, and to inject gas to maintain reservoir pressure, so Field, Offshore, Nigeria,” prepared for the 23rd Annual
planning pressure maintenance programs. the initial plan was to place a downhole pressure International Conference and Exhibition, Abuja, Nigeria,
August 4-6, 1999.
Permanent downhole gauges measure downhole gauge in a well in each of four fault blocks in the
17. Algeroy et al, reference 1.
Edop field and assess the connectivity of the Huck R: “The Future Role of Downhole Process Control,”
Invited Speech, Offshore Technology Conference,
Houston, Texas, USA, May 3, 1999.
18. Christie A, Kishino A, Cromb J, Hensley R, Kent E,
McBeath B, Stewart H, Vidal A and Koot L: “Subsea
Solutions,” Oilfield Review 11, no. 4 (Winter 1999): 2–19.

32 Oilfield Review
Pressure data provided by downhole gauges 2150
were critical in determining communication effi- Pmax = 2100 psia tmin = 4/00 tmax = 7/00
ciency around shale baffles that had escaped
detection by seismic and well logging methods. 2050
Also, the continuous data provided by the gauges
led to better reservoir simulation results than sin-
gle data points from wireline measurement

Pressure, psia
methods. As the injection project proceeded,
instantaneous pressure responses within the 1900
continuous stream of data enabled engineers to 1850
determine how much compressor downtime their
injection project could accommodate (right). 1800
In other fields operated by Mobil offshore
Nigeria, 20 to 25% of the wells have downhole
pressure gauges. Approximately 95% of the 1700
gauges provided by Schlumberger are still oper-
ating. The rare instances of failure have been 1650
12/98 2/99 4/99 6/99 8/99 10/99 12/99 2/00 4/00 6/00 8/00
attributed to problems in control lines, bad
cable splices, failure at the wet connector or > Pressure response in Edop field. In the central fault block, gas injection is increasing
problems at the Christmas tree rather than prob- reservoir pressure, as shown in this plot of pressure measured in four different wells
lems with the gauges themselves. However, versus time in the Intra Qua Iboe 3 reservoir. Predicted pressures, shown in dashes, were
calculated on the basis of well placement, drainage radius, production rates and expected
these are still considered failures of the system. gas injection rates. tmin, or April 2000, represents the earliest predicted date when the
Improvement beyond the current 95% success reservoir pressure will attain the target pressure (Pmax), while tmax represents the latest
rate is expected. projected date to reach the desired pressure and occurs in July 2000.

Outlook for Reservoir Monitoring Improved links between data acquisition Today, operators are venturing into remote
Permanent reservoir monitoring is vital to intelli- systems and operators will facilitate real-time areas and water depths approaching 10,000 ft
gent completions, a modern approach to improving data transmission and display. Permanent mon- [3048 m] and are completing wells subsea with
reserve recovery.17 Efficient, beneficial operation itoring allows engineers to get a sense of the the expectation of limited or no interventions.18
of downhole flow-control valves depends on reservoir, but to “see” the reservoir requires Optimal production in these arenas will necessi-
understanding reservoir dynamics, so the combi- that the data be transformed into a usable for- tate permanent monitoring systems that are
nation of acquiring downhole data and using mat. If data access or display is too cumbersome, compatible with other completion equipment.
flow-control valves is essential. At present, downhole pressure gauge data are in danger of As with permanent downhole pressure gauges
knowledge of the reservoir comes from analyzing being ignored. and flow-control valves, dependability of down-
pressure and production data and, in some cases, The costs and economic benefits of perma- hole flowmeters and other permanent equipment
data from downhole flowmeters. Ongoing nent monitoring must be considered together. in wells will remain the key criterion for choosing
research and development of flowmeters are Success stories from around the world, such as to deploy these devices in expensive, inaccessi-
expected to provide accurate measurement of those presented in this article, should serve to ble wells.
flow rates as well as multiphase fluid properties. bolster confidence in permanent downhole pres- The successful application of rigorous prod-
In addition, researchers are addressing the chal- sure gauges. As confidence in the dependability uct development and testing processes with
lenges of accurately measuring flow rates in of permanent gauges and other systems contin- concurrent reliability engineering and field ser-
directional and horizontal wells. ues to grow, the value of the data will overcome vice quality control has set the standard for
short-term concerns about cost in many cases. dependable permanent monitoring systems. This
reflects a long-term commitment of people and
resources. Employing these engineering pro-
cesses enhances future permanent monitoring
systems. For operators, these enhancements
translate into early diagnosis of problems, fewer
well interventions, reduced risk and greater
reserve recovery. —GMG

Winter 1999/2000 33

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