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Journal of Veterinary Behavior (2009) 4, 157-162


The influence of land transport on animal welfare

in extensive farming systems
Andrew D. Fisher, Ian G. Colditz, Caroline Lee, Drewe M. Ferguson

CSIRO Livestock Industries, FD McMaster Laboratory, Armidale NSW, Australia.

KEYWORDS: Abstract The land transport of animals can have 3 types of influence on their welfare. First, the han-
cattle; dling, loading, and novelty of the transport environment and experience can induce a psychological
sheep; stress response in animals. Second, the withdrawal of feed and water and the need to stand and main-
transport; tain balance for transport periods can cause a physiological and fatigue challenge to the animals.
animal welfare Finally, the thermal and physical conditions of the vehicle and journey can present a risk to the physical
integrity of the transported animals.
The key determinant of animal welfare is the way in which transport is conducted. The stress
response during loading and the initial stages of transport may be minimized by careful handling, good
design of facilities, and appropriate stocking densities and driving techniques. Where animals are not
fed and watered during land transport, they vary in their ability to cope with periods of feed and water
withdrawal, depending on their species, age, physiological state, and pre-transport access to feed and
water. Journey conditions can also be an influence, with cold conditions exacerbating the effects of
feed withdrawal and hot conditions increasing the risk of dehydration. The facilities containing the
animals on the vehicle should minimize the risks of physical injury caused by falls, knocks, bruising,
and the protrusion of body parts. Stocking density can also be managed to lessen the influences on an-
imal welfare caused by hot conditions. In a well-ventilated vehicle, it is the stationary periods rather
than periods in motion that present the greatest risk of heat stress. The opposite is true for very cold
conditions. The land transport of livestock is neither inherently good nor inherently bad for their wel-
fare. Rather, it is the way that it is done, and the management of the risks involved, that determine the
level of welfare of the animals involved.
Ó 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.

Introduction result in the need to move animals to central points, whether

for sale or slaughter. Livestock may be transported within
The land transport of livestock is an essential element of properties, between properties, and between a property and
extensive farm production systems. Particularly for sheep saleyard, abattoir, feedlot, and pre-export assembly depot.
and cattle, widely spread, pasture-based farming systems Livestock can be transported to growing and finishing
properties, markets, or to make best use of seasonal condi-
tions. In this way, the need to transport sheep and cattle from
Address for reprint requests and correspondence: Andrew Fisher, many disparate points of origin differs from the way in which
CSIRO Livestock Industries, FD McMaster Laboratory, Locked Bag 1, Ar-
many other commercial goods are moved from concentrated
midale NSW 2350, Australia; Phone: 161 2 6776 1435; Fax: 161 2 6776
1333 points of origin, or the more concentrated and vertically
E-mail: integrated pig and poultry industries. For example, in

1558-7878/$ -see front matter Ó 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.

158 Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Vol 4, No 4, July/August 2009

Australia, government data indicate that there are more than 0.36%. Cattle, particularly older cows that were in poor
70 000 properties with cattle in Australia, and more than body condition at the start of a journey, were at greater
45 000 properties with sheep (ABARE, 2008). In contrast, risk of death.
there are fewer than 2000 pig farms. There are practical guidelines available for the prepara-
Of course, the transport of live animals is completely tion of stock and determining fitness for transport. For
different from the movement of other commercial goods, example, to assist in determining whether animals are in a
because animals have the capacity to suffer. This is fit state to travel (MLA 2006), a publication for transport
recognized in Australia through the development of legis- operators and animal producers was developed to provide
lation and in animal welfare codes, in the development of pictorial representation of animals that should not be
quality assurance (QA) within the livestock trucking transported. The guidelines stated that an animal was fit
industry (ALTA, 2007), and in the QA program for Queens- to travel if it: could walk normally, bearing weight on all 4
land Rail, which is the only rail network to still transport legs; was not suffering from any visible disease or injury
livestock, specifically cattle (Queensland Rail, 2005). The that could cause it harm during transport; was able to keep
fact that livestock transport can present specific animal up with the group at both loading and unloading; could see
welfare risks also probably influenced the move to have out of at least 1 eye; and was not in late pregnancy. Similar
land transport of livestock as the first set of standards and guidelines were developed in a European context by the
guidelines for animal welfare developed under the new Federation of Veterinarians in Europe, and modified by the
Australian system (de Witte, 2008). European Commission Scientific Committee on Animal
It is the contention of this paper that the land transport of Health and Animal Welfare (EC SCAHAW, 2002).
livestock is neither inherently good nor inherently bad for Inappropriate mustering and handling can result in
their welfare. Rather, it is the way that it is done, and the animals that are significantly stressed at the beginning of
management of the risks involved, that determine the level a journey. If mustering has been prolonged, it is recom-
of welfare of the animals involved. mended practice to allow animals some time to rest before
So what are the risks to animal welfare during land transport. The presence of well-designed and -maintained
transport? We suggest that the animal welfare risks fall into facilities for loading livestock is critical for promoting
3 categories: (1) stress and fear due to handling, loading, smooth animal flow and minimizing stress. Finally, it is
and the conditions and novelty of transport; (2) hydration, important to realize that animals that are less domesticated
energy, and fatigue challenges that increase with transport or that have not been handled very much will be more at
duration; and (3) risks to the thermal comfort and physical risk of stress during mustering, loading, and transport, and
integrity of the animals. In this paper, each of these areas is more at risk of injuring themselves (or handlers) due to
reviewed in turn, with a focus on the livestock species. excessive flight responses or fear-induced aggression.
Animals may be managed under extensive conditions
with minimal contact with humans so that even the slightest
Stress and fear due to handling, loading, and contact can initiate a substantial fear response. Grandin
the conditions and novelty of transport (1997) proposed that previous experience may affect an an-
imal’s fear response and may be responsible for the variable
The challenge posed by the conditions and novelty of the results reported in transport studies. For example, exten-
transport experience can be influenced or modified by sively reared animals may experience more psychological
several factors. These factors include: (1) the selection of fear during loading than intensively reared animals. In a
animals that are fit for the intended journey; (2) the way the study using steers that were not familiar with human con-
animals are mustered, handled, and loaded; (3) the standard tact, handling during loading was associated with an in-
of yard, ramp, and vehicle facilities; and (4) the previous creased cortisol response, which was suggested to be
experience and genetic background of the animals. more disturbing than the truck ride itself (Tennessen
In general, there is a lack of published scientific et al., 1984). For extensively reared livestock, Grandin
literature on the influence of fitness on the welfare of (1997) suggests that rest stops where livestock are removed
livestock during land transport. Fitness in this context from the transport may compromise welfare due to the
means being of appropriate health and vigor for the stress associated with loading and unloading. It may there-
intended journey and conditions. Common sense would fore be beneficial to familiarize stock with human handlers
suggest that animals in poor condition, such as drought- on a regular basis to reduce the stress of handling. An im-
affected animals in reduced body condition, would not have portant example is that of feral goats, which need to be kept
the same capacity to cope with extended transport dura- and fed within fenced compounds for some time until they
tions, but this situation has rarely been scientifically are settled before loading and transport.
investigated outside the confines of practical experiences In general, loading has been shown to be more stressful
of transporting drought-affected stock. than unloading, with more adverse effects on the animals’
A survey of cattle transported by rail in Queensland in welfare (Maria et al., 2004). Unloading does not appear to
the late 1970s (Tobin, 1981), revealed a mortality rate of produce a significant stress response, with no increase in
Fisher et al Land transport and animal welfare 159

cortisol or body temperature reported in cattle (Warriss Ruminants such as sheep and cattle tend to cope better
et al., 1995; Pettiford et al., 2008) or sheep (Broom et al., with periods of transport-associated water deprivation than
1996). monogastrics such as pigs, because the amount of water
Following loading and journey commencement, research contained within the rumen contents provides some buff-
suggests that after an initial increase in stress indicators, ering capacity against the effects of water deprivation
most animals tend to show declines in physiological during the journey. Although definitely not recommended
measures such as cortisol from peak values within 1 to in a transport context, an experimental study from the
3 hours. For example, a study in the United Kingdom by United States some years ago (Cole, 1995) withheld water
Knowles et al. (1995) transported sheep by road for up to from (nontransported) wether sheep for up to 72 hours
24 hours. Blood samples collected from animals trans- under controlled, mild environmental conditions in housed
ported for varying durations within that time frame revealed pens. The study found that although total body water
a peak in the stress-responsive hormone cortisol within the declined by 17%, the sheep were relatively resistant to
early stages of transport (about 3 hours). Blood samples changes in water content of their circulation, with water
collected after 9 to 24 hours of transport, however, showed content of their plasma declining by 3%. In contrast,
cortisol concentrations similar to pretransport values. In plasma osmolality, an indicator of the concentration of
cattle, a study by Pettiford et al. (2008) showed that plasma solutes in plasma (and thus inversely related to the water
cortisol and body temperature peaked within the first 1 to content), rose by up to 5% in pigs deprived of water for
2 hours of a 6-hour road journey conducted under good 12 hours in a separate experiment (Houpt and Yang, 1995).
practice. However, it is important to recognize that a corti- It is important to note that there are interactions between
sol decline from an initial stress-induced peak may not the thermal conditions of a journey and the animals’
mean that the animals have wholly adapted to the transport resistance to the effects of water withdrawal. In untrans-
process. The initial response to handling and the novelty of ported sheep, Lowe et al. (2002) found that the most rapid
the transport experience may have diminished, but other increase in plasma osmolality occurred in animals that were
factors such as hydration and fatigue become more impor- both temporarily deprived of water and exposed to hot con-
tant as the journey continues. Furthermore, studies of situ- ditions. Thus, greater care needs to be taken in managing
ations other than transport have shown that physiological the water deprivation period associated with transport
feedback mechanisms can attenuate responses such as cor- during hot weather.
tisol, despite animals remaining in conditions that are mea- Within a species, breed and previous adaptation can
surably behaviorally stressful (Munksgaard et al., 1999). have significant effects on animals’ ability to cope with
Animal genetics can also influence stress and fear periods of heat challenge and water withdrawal, such as
responses to handling and transport. In cattle, for example, those that may occur during transport. For example,
behavioral responses to handling can vary widely and have exposure to controlled hot conditions produced signifi-
been shown to be heritable (Burrow and Corbet, 2000; cantly greater rectal temperatures in purebred Hereford
Kadel et al., 2006). Research on transporting cattle of dif- cattle than in animals produced by cross-breeding with Bos
ferent temperaments has shown that more docile animals indicus sires (Gaughan et al. 1997). Similarly, animals that
lose less weight as a result of transport and recover that have been managed in hot environments are better able to
weight more quickly than more flighty animals (Burrow cope with subsequent challenges (Silanikove, 2000).
et al., 1998; Colditz et al., 2006). Given the influence of journey conditions on resistance
to dehydration in transported livestock, it is difficult to
place absolute limits on journey times (or more correctly,
Hydration, energy, and fatigue challenges water deprivation times). For example, the current Austra-
associated with journey duration lian codes for the transport of sheep and cattle specify a
maximum interval of 48 hours between the provision of
As a journey continues, the initial psychological stress water at the start and end of a journey (MCOP, 1999). Al-
challenges induced by handling, loading, and the novelty of though there is evidence indicating that transported cattle
the transport experience tend to give way to challenges (Parker et al., 2003) and untransported sheep (Cole, 1995)
associated with journey duration, specifically the risks of can cope with such periods without water, there is generally
dehydration, and metabolic and physical fatigue. In Aus- a lack of published scientific studies to inform discussion
tralia, transported farm animals are generally not fed or on appropriate limits on water withdrawal for transported
watered during the journey on board the vehicle. This is not livestock under extensive conditions. This gap is currently
in itself a problem, provided that the overall time off water being addressed in the Australian context by research
does not cause clinical dehydration of the animals. The risk funded by Meat and Livestock Australia and conducted
of dehydration for transported animals depends on: (1) by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
species (ruminant vs monogastric); (2) age, physiological Organisation (CSIRO). From a regulatory perspective, any
state, and condition; and (3) thermal conditions during the absolute limits on journey or water deprivation times
journey. should not diminish the individual responsibility of
160 Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Vol 4, No 4, July/August 2009

transport operators and animal caregivers to transport journey. A study by Krawczel et al. (2007) found that lambs
livestock in a manner that addresses the journey conditions transported for 22 hours interspersed by a 6-hour rest stop
and state of the animals. In some cases, ensuring good and a 24-hour rest stop had better metabolite and body
animal welfare during transport may mean having shorter weight status than lambs transported continuously for
transport and water withdrawal times than the maximum 22 hours, but the rest stops did not alter transport-induced
limits provided by regulation. immunosuppression and resulted in a total journey of
In general, because livestock are neither fed nor watered 52 hours. Similarly, Fisher et al. (1999) found that trans-
during transportation, the influence of water withdrawal is ported dairy cows benefited from overnight rest, feeding,
likely to be of serious consideration before any serious and watering in terms of hydration and muscle status, but
challenge resulting from a lack of food. For example, sheep bodyweight and serum magnesium concentrations were
transported by Knowles et al. (1995) for up to 24 hours significantly reduced by the overall journey. Accordingly,
tended to show an increase in plasma glucose during the the decision to take rest stops should be based on journey
journey, rather than a decrease that would indicate meta- conditions and the state of the animals. When animals are
bolic exhaustion. This plasma glucose increase was most traveling well under good conditions, it is probably better
probably due to the initial stress response inducing a mobi- to continue the journey, provided that it can be completed
lization of body energy reserves. within the acceptable limits discussed earlier.
However, there are 2 situations where metabolic chal-
lenge to the welfare of animals needs to be given careful
consideration. In very cold conditions, which can be Risks to thermal comfort and physical
exacerbated by wind chill in a moving vehicle, animals integrity
rapidly mobilize body energy reserves to try to maintain
body temperature. Very young animals also can be at risk, Under Australian conditions, challenges due to hot weather
with a proportionally higher metabolic demand, and often are a more frequent issue for consideration than issues of
lower fat and energy reserves. These risks can be mini- cold stress during livestock transport. However, although
mized by reducing flow-through ventilation, and in extreme we do not have data, it has been reported by transporters
cases by stopping the vehicle. Again, this is an area where that truckloads of sheep being transported in very cold
the extent of practical knowledge is much greater than the weather sometimes need to be halted to prevent wind chill
scant available scientific data. and hypothermia in the animals. This reflects the fact that
We have relatively little knowledge on fatigue effects being on a moving vehicle (without controlled ventilation)
during transport, although it is a reasonable presumption is more of a risk for animals during very cold weather, but
that animals become tired if they are standing for a long confinement on a stationary vehicle is more of a risk during
journey. We do not have good data regarding how tired hot conditions, particularly for sheep. The thermal suscep-
animals become, and what is the risk of associated suffer- tibility of sheep to very hot or cold conditions is obviously
ing. Plasma indicators of muscle exertion and damage, such influenced by the length of their wool. It should also be
as the enzyme CK, do not always increase with journey noted that pigs and poultry are more susceptible to heat
length, but tend to be more responsive to knocks and stress than sheep and cattle, although the distances moved
bruises. Animals may lie down at the end of a journey, but by these species is often shorter and can also be more easily
these responses may be variable. For example, in a New scheduled to avoid hot periods of the day. Poultry transport
Zealand study, 6-month pregnant dairy cows transported for vehicles, in which the birds are contained in crates, also
9 hours did not spend any time lying in the 2 hours after have adjustable side ventilation in the form of flaps or
-arrival, but grazed instead (Fisher et al., 1999). This does covers. Data from the United Kingdom obtained by Mitch-
not in itself prove that the animals were not tired, but sug- ell and Kettlewell (1998) found that a typical poultry trans-
gests that eating was more of a priority for the animals at port vehicle, when operated with the side ventilation open
arrival than lying down and resting. Fatigue is likely to at an ambient temperature of 21  C, resulted in tempera-
increase over longer journeys, although individual animals tures inside the crates of a reasonable 24  C to 27  C. In
may vary. Cattle transported for 31 hours in bedded vehi- winter, with an ambient temperature of less than 10  C,
cles tended to start to lie down after 24 hours of transport, keeping the side covers closed produced temperatures for
although not all animals did so (Knowles et al., 1999). the birds of 23  C to 26  C.
Fatigue is also more likely to be an issue in heavier In Australia, transport vehicle stock crates for sheep and
animals. cattle rely on natural ventilation, and there is little capacity
The question of whether a long journey is better for adjustment, apart from measures under some conditions
managed by unloading the animals for rest stops with such as covering the front aspect with a tarpaulin or similar.
feed and water has no definitive answer for all situations. However, under most conditions it appears that the design
Rest stops may benefit animal fatigue and hydration in the of the stock crates works well from a ventilation standpoint
short term, but such stops may add extra loading and (Lapworth, 1986; Town and Lapworth, 1990). One poten-
unloading events and prolong the overall duration of a tial risk to animal welfare is long stationary periods during
Fisher et al Land transport and animal welfare 161

hot conditions with little air movement. A study in New However, the rate of THI increase varied with the stocking
Zealand by Fisher et al. (2002) found that the temperature density of the sheep. In vehicles loaded at standard space al-
and humidity index (THI) within a sheep transport vehicle lowance (0.20 m2/animal for the class of sheep used in the
rose rapidly once the vehicle was stationary in an environ- study), the THI increase was much more rapid and reached
ment with no air movement. The THI is a measure of ther- higher levels (91.0) than vehicles loaded at a reduced stock-
mal comfort or heat stress, and values above 80 can cause ing density (0.26 m2/animal; THI peak 5 84.9). Thus, a re-
significant heat stress. In the study, the THI on board the duced stocking density, particularly for sheep, may provide
vehicle increased above 90 during the 3-hour stationary pe- some protection against heat stress during journeys.
riod, even though the ambient THI never rose above 80 Similar interactions have been shown for journey duration
(Fisher et al., 2002). Because sheep are smaller than cattle and handling. In a European study by Hambrecht et al.
(and thus there is less effective space within the vehicle), (2005), pigs subjected to both longer transport duration and
and because they are covered in wool, stationary periods rougher handling had far greater plasma concentrations of
may be more of a challenge during hot weather for sheep, cortisol than pigs subjected to either component alone.
and if stationary, vehicles should be positioned to maximize Weather conditions and journey duration may also combine
airflow across the stock crate. to challenge animal welfare. Australian survey data collected
Risks to the physical integrity of animals during land by Cave et al. (2005) on mortality of young calves during
transport are associated with animals becoming injured transport showed that although calf mortality increased
during loading or unloading, being smothered or falling with journey distance, there was a strong additional effect
during the journey, having body parts protruding from the of year, which was likely to have been associated with differ-
vehicle in a manner that risks injury, or even worse, falling or ent weather conditions during the calf transport season.
escaping from the moving vehicle. There is little scientific Although the interactions between different risk factors
data on these risks, and much of the management of the may appear just to present further problems, it is also
animal welfare challenges comes down to appropriate vehi- appropriate to examine how these interactions may be used
cle design, careful handling, not overloading animals, and to successfully manage animal welfare during transport. For
checking the animals at regular intervals during the journey. example, if some factors, such as weather conditions, happen
Recommended stocking densities during transport are pub- to be unavoidable, there may be other parameters that can be
lished in the Australian welfare codes, and there is strong adjusted to safeguard animal welfare. Thus, animals may
evidence that overloading beyond the recommended values benefit from slightly lower stocking densities during very long
predisposes animals to injury. Eldridge and Winfield (1988) journeys, or if weather conditions are anticipated to be hot.
measured bruising in 400-kg steers transported at low
(0.89 m2/animal), medium (1.16 m2/animal) and high
(1.39 m2/animal) space allowances. For comparison, the Conclusions
welfare code recommendation for 400-kg cattle is currently
1.05 m2/animal. The study found that bruising was signifi- The land transport of extensively reared livestock in coun-
cantly greater in animals densely packed at 0.89 m2/animal. tries such as Australia is a practical necessity for farming
Cattle transported at 1.16 m2 had only one-quarter the level under pastoral conditions, and it is neither inherently good
of bruising of the most densely loaded animals. Interestingly, nor inherently bad; it is how it is managed that most
there was a moderate increase in bruising at 1.39 m2/animal, influences animal welfare. The risk factors to animal welfare
suggesting that excessive space can reduce the ability of the include stress and fear due to handling, loading, and trans-
animals to brace themselves and may increase the distance an port, as well as hydration, energy, and fatigue challenges, and
animal can move or slip before hitting something. It is recom- risks to thermal comfort and physical integrity. The transport
mended practice that internal pen divisions present in of animals can have almost no influence on their welfare, or if
vehicles be used, even when transporting just a few animals, things go wrong, it can have a very significant adverse
to minimize the amount of excess room and reduce the risk influence on animal welfare. Although the risk factors for
of injury. animal welfare described can interact to provide additional
risks, it is often the interactions of these factors that provide
the opportunity to successfully manage animal welfare.
Interactions between welfare risk factors
As described earlier, hot conditions can increase the risk of References
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There are other important interactions between our cate- Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE),
gories of welfare challenge that need to be managed to 2008. Farm survey data for the beef, slaughter lambs and sheep indus-
tries. Available at:
ensure good animal welfare. Accessed September 15, 2008.
In the study by Fisher et al. (2002), a stationary period re- Australian Livestock Transporters Association (ALTA), 2007. TruckCare.
sulted in a rapid increase in THI on board the vehicle. Quality System Manual for Livestock Transporters.
162 Journal of Veterinary Behavior, Vol 4, No 4, July/August 2009

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