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First off all, in my opinion this book talk a lot about mystery and thriller kind of. This book gives a mind

blowing for me due to its plot twist, so unpredictable and extraordinary.

in the beginning of this story ACCELERATION is boring and slow for casual reader like me. Shortly after

you reached the action of the story you will not be able to take the book off from your hands. Once you

get attached with the book you will be very addicted. The detailed situation and atmosphere dragged

me as the reader sympathized to the book.

The book starts with Duncan was at the beach and found out that there is a girl drowning. As soon as

possible he swam toward the to save her apparently he was too late. Since that event it has frightened

himself and he considers it as his fault and unable to save her.

With his new job, Duncan found a a book kind of old journal talks about someone’s sickness with mouse.

After Duncan decided to continue his reading he found out that the writer might be the one who in

charge for a fire in his neighborhood environment. When he read more deeper he realized that the

person is bored with the “small crime” and wanted to do bigger. More interestingly he found out that it

might involve women. He identified the author is Roach. He wanted to discover who is he and what his

planning and does it refer to real society or people.

Within his journal, Roach kept track a woman called Cherry for her hair, Who is enter the train at 10.40

am. Surprisingly the girl is real and does exist, without doubt he followed her and see if there is might

anyone fit the profile of Roach’s search. Duncan knows that the person who did animal abuse and arson

are top-notch of their list. Duncan realized he might have jumped into something really big and more

serious than he thought before. He decided to take the case to the authorities. Unfortunately, the

police won’t take the case so serious. It left him with no options, he knows there is no one will take this
case to the surface. So he thinks he is the only one who is eligible and be able to save the women’s lives

where they are Roach’s target. Then he asked for assistance, which are his friends Vinny and Wayne. To

help him out.

Short after researching the incidents relate to animal mutilations and house fire. Vinny have a thought

that Roach possibly live somewhere in a neighborhood called Wilson Height. The place Cherry also lives.

According to the journal, and deep research on FBI profile. Duncan believe Roach is white and lived with

his Grandmother. One of the pages of the journal there is a receipt that has been glued to the journal.

After cautiously obtained the receipt. Duncan knows that Roach possibly works at hardware store . as

the receipt dated a year ago and it filled with lists an employee discount. And then Duncan visited the

store, They figured that Roach is not the staff of the store but the security guard.

They found a skinny, thin who they named Red and put it on their suspect list and there is also huge,

muscular man called Jumbo.

The Day after, Vinny followed Red meanwhile Duncan followed Jumbo. Apparently Jumbo isn’t fit with

Duncan’s thought of Roach. As he get board in a middle train carriage. When Roach chose the front train

carriage. At the night, Jumbo met up with his girlfriend. Duncan believes serial killer does not have a

proper relationships or even a girlfriend. Also Vinny reported that Red is not match with Roach. He lives

outside of the Wilson Height neighborhood and has family and a dog. A few days after, Duncan heard

the news that a woman was pushed on to the on-coming train and the suspect is a Hispanic man, he

wonders if this is a Roach but Vinny is sure Roach is a white guy.

One day, a man wear thick glasses came to the transit lost and found in search of a leather bound

journal. Duncan Strongly believes this is Roach. He pretends It never got turn in and disguises himself

and start to follow Roach all the way home. Soon after Roach left the house, Duncan enlists his friend
Wayne to pick the lock on Roach’s house. Inside the house they see Roach’s grandmother who is unable

to hear anymore. This makes Wayne a little bit nervous and told Duncan that he is about to leave.

After Wayne Left, Duncan sneaked into the underground floor. He found a lot of jars of Formaldehyde

with animals and animal parts in the basement as well as pictures of women. Before the Duncan leaves

he noticed there is another door in the basement. Inside the room Duncan found nothing except


He considered there is no activity recently in the room. He was planning to leave when Roach returns to

the home. The cell inside the room is the only place he can hide in. After Roach returns, He realizes that

someone is in his basement. He opened the the cell door and at that moment Duncan tries to escape

and knocks Roach off. Roach chases Duncan to the subway and there is when Duncan got cornered.

Roach pushed Duncan to the on-coming train, but Duncan able to overcome the situation and manages

to roll off the track and under the platform of the train.

Surprisingly Roach lost his balance and starts to fall off onto the train and hit by the on-coming train and

killed at that time.

The story is ended by police closed the case and uncooperative deaf grandmother .

This book has a lot of figurative language therefore deeper understanding is needed for interpret the

meaning of the novel.

So many times I have got fooled by the words that used in this book that use extraordinary word to

describe the character’s feeling or situation.

The key of the investigation that conducted by Duncan and Vinny was led by the little brown leather

diary to set up a better plan to catch Roach. They wanted to stop the coold-blooded evil and attempted
to stop and uncover what does the real plan of his. After doing good research and tailing the Roach, they

found where the Roach lives and with whom he lives.

The really intense situation that is when Duncan faced the killer by himself and fought for his life due to

he was cornered and almost being murdered by the monster he looked after.

He was hidden in the cell which is inside the basement of the Roach’s house.

Even the character of this story only a normal teenager, but I have to admit that he has more bravery

than mine. When he was talked to the cop about the Journal he found. The polices won’t put the case in

to the surface, but what he did next? It is a brave movement though it would risky his life.

Besides that, this investigation will not be succeeded without his clever friends.

Their characteristics made this story even getting more real. The vinny is imaginative and slacker. The

other hand Wayne seems like a little mafia or criminal

Then the Duncan, The star, He is a quick thinker and rational that makes he want to uncover this case.

To be honest, even the book so mind-blowing and full of surprise it doesn’t satisfied me that much.

I think this story will be ended with suspentful things and blood-spread killing.

I do really like Duncan, he is so represent of myself. Young, brave but jerky.

Even Duncan has succeeded the case but I think he still be haunted and afraid to swim. But the end of

this story Duncan took a dive and sought for the girl, but he didn’t what he looking for.

And then he told It to his friend that the girl is no longer there.

Even the story is so slow at the first read but yeah eventually it will boost your curious by reading it

further. Thought it is going to be the full dark and blood-spread story, but it is about mystery and
investigation for me. That is why many people recommend this story to be read for one who love with

story like this.

I do not know but, the main character is contrary with the author. Graham is known as a hy person born

in Toronto.

The reason that why there is no blood-spread-killing action it is because the author is vegetarion that

even won’t be able to eat egg. He said that the he found a difficult to tell about the mutilations stuff

according his answer on the back of the book.

Can not believe it that the story will begin when the Duncan found a suspicious journal diary that rises

his curiousity about it.

It is a good novel and story can not denied why he is awarded the best young Adult Mystery.

 Main idea : The core of this book is there was a teenager, 17-year-old boy. Works at a lost and

found at Toronto Besides a subway station. He was looking for a book or something to see.

Eventually he found a journal diary of serial killer and decide to read it. Within the serial killer

diary there is description of the victims that are targeted.

 Setting :The setting of this story is in Toronto, Canada. And he works at Lost and Found where it

seems not a nice place. In this story doesn’t much show and describe so much the city

 Characters : the main character is Duncan he works at Lost and Found and really suspicious

book that triggered his intention to investigate it.

Vinny : is Duncan’s closest friend since 7th graduate

He is kind of quiet and smart person

Wayne : more like troublemaker and little criminal.

Kim : Duncan’s ex girlfriend

Jacob: Duncan coworker

 Theme : The theme of this story is about thriller, investigation and adventure

 Plot : This story started with Duncan found a journal diary book. Duncan curious about what

book tells.
And he decided to try investigate the book and find Who is responsible about this book. Then he

grouped with his bestfriend. Finnaly he Found the owner and cover what he wanted. Story Ends with the

dead of the evil and the main character survived and the case is closed by police

It’s about animal torture and the serial killer target. Then he started to discover who is the Roach. Then

he encountered the serial killer by himself and almost died cause of it. in the end of the story The serial

killer was killed by on-coming train.

Point of view : This story in this novel uses First View Point and First Actor.

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