Tutorial 5 - One Way Anova

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Tutorial 5: One Way ANOVA

1. A researcher wants to determine whether there is a significant difference between the attitude towards
Mathematics mean score of Year 6 pupils from Class I, Class II and Class III in School A. The mean scores
for the 90 Year 6 pupils are given in the following table.

Pupil Attitude towards Mathematics

Class I Class II Class III
1 156 185 132
2 185 160 156
3 170 138 144
4 172 160 136
5 178 165 144
6 196 159 150
7 180 160 152
8 184 158 140
9 180 170 124
10 190 166 128
11 178 175 120
12 160 172 144
13 176 166 140
14 178 165 120
15 150 160 148
16 150 186 148
17 170 168 136
18 185 150 144
19 172 160 156
20 178 160 144
21 196 159 150
22 180 165 152
23 184 158 140
24 190 170 124
25 180 166 128
26 178 172 120
27 160 170 144
28 176 166 120
29 178 165 140
30 156 160 132

a) State the statistical assumptions for One Way ANOVA.

b) Using SPSS, test the hypothesis that there is a significant difference in the attitude towards
Mathematics mean score between Year 6 pupils from Class I, Class II and Class III in School A at the
.01 significance level.
2. A researcher wants to study the effect of teaching method on the English achievement of Form I pupils.
The result of the analysis using SPSS at .05 significance level is given as follows:

Between-Subjects Factors
Value Label N
Teaching 1 Method I 30

2 Method II 30

3 Method III 30

4 Method IV 30

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: English achievement of Form I pupils
Teaching method Mean Std. Deviation N
Method I 83.63 12.198 30
Method II 61.43 10.139 30
Method III 43.53 14.929 30
Method IV 40.67 14.092 30
Total 57.32 21.463 120

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances a

Dependent Variable: English achievement of Form I pupils

F df1 df2 Sig.
1.822 3 116 .147
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the
dependent variable is equal across groups.
a. Design: Intercept + Teaching_method

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: English achievement of Form I pupils
Type III Sum of Partial Eta
Squares Squared
Source df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 35301.500a 3 11767.167 69.933 .000 .644
Intercept 394224.033 1 394224.033 2342.909 .000 .953
Teaching_method 35301.500 3 11767.167 69.933 .000 .644
Error 19518.467 116 168.263

Total 449044.000 120

Corrected Total 54819.967 119

a. R Squared = .644 (Adjusted R Squared = .635)

Post Hoc Test

Teaching method

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: English achievement of Form I pupils
Tukey HSD
(I) Teaching method (J) Teaching method Mean Difference Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound

Method I Method II 22.20* 3.349 .000 13.47 30.93

Method III 40.10* 3.349 .000 31.37 48.83

Method IV 42.97* 3.349 .000 34.24 51.70

Method II Method I -22.20* 3.349 .000 -30.93 -13.47

Method III 17.90* 3.349 .000 9.17 26.63

Method IV 20.77* 3.349 .000 12.04 29.50

Method III Method I -40.10* 3.349 .000 -48.83 -31.37

Method II -17.90* 3.349 .000 -26.63 -9.17

Method IV 2.87 3.349 .827 -5.86 11.60

Method IV Method I -42.97* 3.349 .000 -51.70 -34.24

Method II -20.77* 3.349 .000 -29.50 -12.04

Method III -2.87 3.349 .827 -11.60 5.86

Based on observed means.

The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 168.263.
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
Homogeneous Subsets

English achievement of Form I pupils

Tukey HSD
Teaching method N Subset

1 2 3

Method IV 30 40.67

Method III 30 43.53

Method II 30 61.43

Method I 30 83.63

Sig. .827 1.000 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 168.263.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 30.000.
b. Alpha = .05.

a) State (i) the independent variable and its levels; and (ii) the dependent variable in this study.
b) State the statistical assumptions for this test
c) Do the scores of the dependent variable for each group have the same variance? Explain.
d) State the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis for this study.
e) What is your decision about the null hypothesis in (d)? Explain your answer.
f) Based on your decision in (e), what is your conclusion for this study?

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