UTS KIG St. 2016: C. Its Ability To Control One's Learning ???

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1. •An amazing discovery about the possible directions before
human brain is: they take action.
a. its plasticity—its ability to b. Ignore the importance of
"rewire," change, and even developing a strategy to
repair itself to become overcome the problems.
smarter. c. They act before thinking.
b. its ability to communicate d. They do not clarify direction.
c. its ability to control one’s 5. Efficacious people collect evidence
learning ??? to :
d. its ability to be judgmental a. indicate that he is genious.
b. indicate that their problem-
2. Efficacius people are able to solving strategy is working, if
analyze: one strategy doesn't work,
a. a problem, and they can’t they know how to back up
develop a system, structure, and try another.
or strategy to attack it. c. proof too his/her supervisor
b. a problem but they are not that he has been working
able to develop a system or very hard.
strategy to attack it. d. let people know that s/he the
c. a problem, but they depend smarter person around.
on someone else develop a
system and strategy to attack 6. The human species is known as
it Homo sapiens sapiens, which
d. a problem, and they develop basically means:
a system, structure, or a. "a being that knows their
strategy to attack it knowing" .
b. a being that is not aware of
3. Flexible people have the most their learning”
control. They have the capacity to: c. “ a being that is communicate
a. keep their minds calm as they telephatically.”
receive additional data. d. “a being that is able to read
b. create and seek oneway each others minds.”
c. have a well-developed sense 7. What distinguishes humans from
of humor. other forms of life is:
d. they do not envision a. the capacity for learning.
consequences. (Not sure)
b. the ability to stand off and
4. Reflective individuals : examine our own thoughts
a. consider alternatives and while we engage in them. ??
consequences of several c. The disability to reflect on
our own thinking.

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UTS KIG St. 2016
d. The disability to plan for our a. considering alternative points
strategy. of view or dealing with more
than one classification system
8. Listening is the beginning of: simultaneously.
a. understanding b. solving a problem can be
b. compromising done from seeing it from
c. communicating many different ways.
d. learning c. perceiving situations from
many different perception.
9. Which of these following Topic d. working with others with
Sentence is using Transition Signal : different view points.
a. The cause of death
b. My holiday 13. Effective problem solvers are
c. There are three important deliberate:
causes of inflation a. they do not think before they
d. The importance of health act.
b. They intentionally establish a
10. Success seems to be connected with: vision of a product, an action
a. Confidence plan, a goal, or a destinatio
b. Action before they begin.
c. Relationship c. they do not develop a
d. Personalitye strategy for approaching the
11. Some psychologists believe that the d. they do not clarify and
ability to listen to another person is understand direction.
a. try to empathize with and to 14. They decrease their need for trial and
understand that person's point error by:
of view—is one of the a. Not bother gathering
highest forms of intelligent information
behavior. b. taking time to reflect on an
b. learn about someone’s belive answer before giving it
and values so that you can c. Not making sure they
influence him. understand directions
c. get the essence of the person d. not listening to alternative
speaking in order to keep the points of view.
conversation going.
d. Try to understand to 15. We spend 55 percent of our lives:
understand someone’s a. speaking
ulterior motive b. reading
c. writing
12. Some students have difficulty in: d. listening

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UTS KIG St. 2016
16. Occurring in the neocortex, a. do not consider alternative
metacognition, or thinking about points of view
thinking is: b. deal with several sources of
a. Our ability to know what we information simultaneously
know and what we don't c. deal with one source at a time
know. d. belive that his way is the only
b. Disability to perceive what’s way
happening next. _______ (21) jacking up the car to
c. Disability to pruduce change flat tire, you need to do
information that is needed to several things. ______(22), make
solve a problem sure the car is on level ground and
d. Our disability to evaluate the emergency brake is on.
prodectivness of our own ______(23), take the jack, the lug
thinking wrench and spare tire out of the
trunk. _____(24), using the lug
17. Efficacious people have : wrench, loosen the wheel nuts on
a. systematic methods for the flat tire.
analyzing a problem.
b. no method for analyzing a 21. When, Before, After, Then
c. no knowledge where to 22. Second, First, When, So
d. no awareness of resources 23. Next, Third, So, Where
available to assis
24. Which, There, Then, Second
18. Efficacious people have:
a. A repertoire of alternative It was nearly dark, ______(25) when
strategies for problem solving my two brothers and I arrived at the
b. No alternative strategies for Ranger station in The Shenandoah
problem solving. National Park. ______(26) the
c. No developed alternative ranger was issuing us our camping
strategies for problem permit, he warned us to be careful
solving. of bears. ______ (27) we had put on
d. Only one way for problem our hiking boots and adjusted our
solving backpacks, we set off down the
nearest trail. _______(28) we were
19. Efficacious people stick to a task: tramping through the forest, we
a. until it is completed heard many strange noises.
b. half way ________ (29) we arrived at a small
c. until someone come to help
clearing we began to set up tent. I
d. until the boss comeback
held flashlight______(30) my
brothers were setting up the tent.
20. Flexible people:

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UTS KIG St. 2016
25. While, When, Who, Where

26. Then, As, First, Now

27. After, Before, Where, Who

28. While, When, Where, Who

29. As Long As, As Soon As, As There As, As

Late As

30. And, Where, Who, While

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