Cross Exam

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Entry of appearance.

Good morning Your Honor. Atty. ____________ respectfully entering appearance as collaborating
counsel for accused Carlo Badaran under the IBP Leyte Legal Aid Program.
Cross examination of arresting officers PCpl Erick Carbona and Pat Christian Rey Cuajao.

1. Good morning Mr. Witness. In your Judicial Affidavit you said that you were one of the two
arresting officers of herein accused Carlo Badaran, is that true?

2. In response to question number 2 in the said Judicial Affidavit, you said that the person who
was identified by the complainant as the one who snatched her cellphone was fleeing towards the
direction of two other persons on board a motorcycle, how far were they from each other when
you saw them?

3. Also, in your judicial affidavit you called the fleeing person and the two other persons on board
the motorcycle as companions, what made you say so?

4. Who were these two other persons on board the said motorcycle?

4. Is it correct to say that you arrested herein accused Carlo Badaran based solely on the
information narrated to you and your fellow officers by herein private complainant as you did not
actually witness the cellphone snatching itself?

5. In your Judicial Affidavit, you also said that when you approached herein accused Carlo Badaran
to arrest him, he was attempting to start the engine of his motorcycle, did he succeed in starting
the engine of the said motorcycle?

And because the person who allegedly snatched the complainant’s cellphone was running towards
accused Carlo Badaran and accused Carlo Badaran was attempting to start the engine of his
motorcycle, you and your fellow arresting officer concluded that he is the driver of the snatcher’s
getaway vehicle, is that correct?

Did accused Carlo Badaran tried to flee on foot when you approached him?

Is the said motorcycle the one pictured in Exhibit A?

Where is this motorcycle now?

How was it brought there?

5. Were you able to recover the cellular phone subject of the herein snatching?

From whom were you able to recover it from?

Is it the one referred to as exhibit C in the records of this case?

Cross examination of private complainant Jesaline Busa

1. In your Judicial Affidavit, you said that at about 10:00PM of 14 July 2019 while walking along
Maharlika Highway in front of CLN Hotel at Brgy. 91, Abucay, Tacloban City, a male person
coming from your back snatched your cellphone. Was it accused Carlo Badaran who snatched your

2. You also said that the male person after snatching your cellphone ran towards his companions
who were on board a motorcycle. At that time when the cellphone snatching occurred, how far
were you from those persons on board a motorcycle?

What made you say that they were companions?

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