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When you apply for a job, most employers ask for 2 important documents:
1. A CV or resume
2. A covering letter

Your CV and letter are usually the first impression that an employer has of
you. And because an employer may have hundreds of job applications to
consider, you have about 15 seconds to make sure that first impression is a
good one.

An Application letter is a cover letter, a sales letter, and a marketing tool all in
one and it should accompany a professional resume any time a person applies
for a job.

Its main objective is to get the applicant in the door for an interview and must
be written well enough to attract the attention and interest of the person with
the power to recommend or grant one.

The scope should include compelling information that will convince the reader
that the qualification outlined in the resume are strong enough to make an
applicant candidate.

The reader of your letter does not want to waste time on unnecessary
details. You should therefore design your letter to be easy to read. It should
be short, concise and relevant. It should not be too formal or complicated.
The successful application letter accomplishes some tasks :
1. It confirms that you are applying for the job
2. It says where you learned about the job
3. It says why you want the job
4. It says why you would be a benefit to the company
5. It requests an interview
6. It catches the reader’s attention favorably
7. It convinces the reader that you are qualified candidate for the job

Task 1. Translate the passage into Bahasa Indonesia

Task 2. Answer these questions
1. What is application letter?
2. What is the purpose of application letter?
3. How should we write a good application letter?
4. What are the scopes of application letter?
5. What should we accomplish to write a successful application letter?

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