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Katelyn Osborne
PPCE Rationale

Over the next seven weeks I am hoping to undertake my Professional Practice

Community Engagement at Glenmore Park High School. This role will require me to assist

year 11 and 12 students through a one on one mentoring program. During this experience I

hope to gain an insight into how each individual student may learn, process assignments and

the way they aim complete them, with this focusing on the NESA Standard 5 Assess, provide

feedback and report on student learning. I also hope to further develop my skills on building

student teacher relationships, with this opportunity being quite different to the professional

placement I have already completed with a class of thirty students, I hope this one will allow

me to really get to know the students I interact with and how they view their learning, with

these ideas aligning with NESA Standard 1 Know Students and How They Learn.

In order to provide a high standard of mentorship to the students who are booked in

with me, I will need to do some follow up research on the texts that they may be studying, pre

prepare some strategies to assist me with students who may be a little hesitant towards

feedback/help, and make sure that I have an open mind to each student’s approach to their

own learning. I’m hoping to be able to provide effective strategies for dealing with the stress

of assignments and exams, skills on how to break down questions for assessment task and to

help the year 12 students who do book in with me prepare for their HSC. I have been

informed by my supervising teacher that the year 12 students have already completed their

HSC trials, so I aim to use my time with them to go through their results, discuss where they

would like to be and make sure that they see the positive throughout their HSC process rather

than the negative, with this aim supporting the NESA Standard 4 Create and Maintain

Supportive and Safe Learning Environments. I hope throughout this experience I am able to

utilise my mentor teacher’s skills, knowledge and experience to help provide me with a new
Katelyn Osborne
PPCE Rationale
insight into the teaching profession and further develop my teaching practice. I believe that

this will not only help my teaching skills but it aligns with the NESA Standard 6 Engage in

Professional Learning, throughout my teaching profession I hope to be surrounded by

supportive teachers who can continuously provide me with new ways of thinking and

different ways of learning.

I truly believe that this experience will not only enhance my professional teaching

skills but it will allow for me to have an enriched insight into how senior students in

particular cope with the pressure of assessments, give me strategies and skills the break down

assessment questions, whilst allowing for me to build on my ability to have a positive

relationship with my students. I’m really excited to be working with senior students as I

know I will develop skills that will be continuously used throughout my teaching practice and

this will be a new experience for me as my last placement was focused around developing my

skills for junior students.

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