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A constitution is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that ....

The Romans first

codified their constitution in 450 BC as the Twelve Tables. ..... It was adopted by the Great Sejm and is
considered the first constitution of its kind in Europe and the world's second oldest one after the American ...
Which is the oldest constitution in the world?
Oldest Constitutions Still Being Used Today

1. San Marino (October, 1600) The Republic of San Marino is believed to have the oldest surviving
Constitution in the world.
2. United States (June, 1788) ...
3. The Netherlands (March, 1814) ...
4. Norway (May, 1814) ...
5. Belgium (February, 1831) ...
6. Denmark (June, 1849) ...
7. Argentina (May, 1853) ...
8. Luxembourg (October, 1868) .

Pakistan Constitutional History from 1947 to 1956

1. 1. Pakistan Studies Pakistan Constitutional History 1947 - 1956
2. 2. An overview of the ConstitutionalTopic of Discussion & Political History of Pakistan form 1947 to
3. 3. Under Article “8” of above Act, Indian Act of 1935 adopted to be worked as an Interim Constitution
with necessary adjustments and alterations till the time Pakistan frame its constitution Pakistan was
given the status of dominion status under Independence Act 1947 Constitutional Development of
Pakistan: 1947 to 1956
4. 4. Objective Resolution was approved by this above mentioned assembly on 12 March, 1949. The
First constitutional assembly elected Mr. Jinnah as its first Governor General on 11th August, 1947
unanimously Constitutional Development of Pakistan( cont.)
5. 5. Basic Principles Committee (BPC) was the most important in terms of drafting of the constitution in
the light of objective Resolution (1949). Constituent Assembly devised various committees.
Constitutional Development of Pakistan( cont.)
6. 6. BPC was comprises of 24 members BPC Sub-Committees FederalBasic Principles Committee &
Provincial constitutional powers Franchise Judiciary
7. 7. First Report of the BPC was submitted in September, 1950 One important committee was
“Talimat- i- Islamia which was established in order to advice BPC regarding Ideology of Pakistan
Other committees and 1st Report (1950)
8. 8. 1st Report (1950) Central Assembly (Two Houses) Upper House On parity Basis Lower House On
popular Basis According to 1st Report :
9. 9. Ultimately rejected Little about Islam  Reaction from East Pakistan  Adoption of Parliamentary
system Criticism on 1st Report:  President can be removed by 2/3 majority 1st Report (1950)( cont.)
10. 10. President would be Muslim; Central Assembly (Two Houses) Upper House On parity Basis 120
(60 seats to Each wing) Lower House On parity Basis 400 (200 to each wing)2nd Report (1952)
Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din, the next Prime minister submitted the 2nd Report on 1952 According to 2nd
11. 11. 1953 dismissal of the cabinet (dismissal of Khawaja Nazimuddin’s government) Activation of de-
stabilizing forces  East Pakistan was given upper hand 2nd Report (1952)( cont.) Criticism on 2nd
12. 12. Lower House: More representation to Eastern part Upper House: Equal representation to all five
units  The proposals were revised in the light of the criticism on 2nd report and decided: Third
Report: Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula (1953) According to 2nd Report:
13. 13. Joint Session 175 175 While in joint session, both wings had equal representation: East Pak
West Pak Upper House 10 40 Lower House 165 135 --------------------------------------------- Third Report:
Muhammad Ali Bogra Formula (1953)( cont.)
14. 14. This is important that after the Formula, the work began on constitution drafting because the
deadlock was over. It suggested some difficult process but mostly it was widely acceptable. Two
languages, Urdu and Bengali were approved as official languages. Third Report: Muhammad Ali
Bogra Formula (1953)( cont.) CRITICISM on 3rd Report:
15. 15. The court declared the dissolution illegal but the Federal Court upheld the GG action but asked for
setting up an elected CA. The dissolution of assembly was challenged in the Sindh court by Maulvi
Tamizuddin.  In October 1954, GG (Governor General) dissolved the CA which proved a fatal blow to
the democratic process. Dissolution of 1st Constituent Assembly, 1954
16. 16. PML lost its representative character as it had to face crushing defeat at the hands of Joint
Opposition Front in the provincial election of East Pakistan 1954 Elections were held which was
indirect viz just on the provincial level in 1954 1954 Indirect Election
17. 17. All its members were to be elected indirectly (by the provincial assemblies). In this way, the 2nd
CA came into existence. Ghulam Muhammad called a Convention on May 10, 1955 consisting of 60
people which later raised to 80, elected by the respective provincial Assemblies, Formulation of 2nd
Constitutional Assembly 1955
18. 18. The Convention was vested with the task of completing constitution making. Coalition
government in collaboration with United Front under the leadership of Mohammad Ali was formed.
Formulation of 2nd Constitutional Assembly 1955 (cont.)
19. 19. This second Constituent assembly solved the problem of representation by making West Pakistan
as one unit by enactment of a law on 30th September, 1955.One Unit Scheme Sept. 1955
20. 20. The inclusion of two persons viz; Major Gen. Sikandar MirzaConstitutional Development of
Pakistan( cont.) & An announcement was made by Gen. Sikandar Mirza that Pakistani people lack
capabilities to run democratic institutions, therefore, controlled democracy would be introduced.Ayub
Khan worked as the beginning of new phase in political history of Pakistan
21. 21. The new draft of constitution was presented on 29th January, 1956 in assembly and got Governor
General consent on 2nd March and enforced on 23rd March.Constitution of 1956
22. 22. With the support of 2/3 majority, an amendment can be introduced Parliamentary form of
government was adopted  1956 constitution was comprises of 13 chapter, 6 schedules and 234
Articles 1956 of constitution (cont.)
23. 23. Urdu and Bengali was made official languages and English was accepted for official business for a
maximum period of 25 years Objective resolution as preamble  Independence of judiciary  Uni-
cameral Legislature  Federation 1956 of constitution (cont.)
24. 24. Thank You

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