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Name : Prayudha Benni Setiawan, S.Kp.G, M.P.H

Contact Address : Faculty of Dentistry UGM, Jl. Denta Sekip Utara, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman
Contact/Phone : 0274-514307
Email Address :
Office : Lecturer in Dental Hygiene Program, Faculty Of Dentistry, UGM
Website :
Education Background
1. (S1) Ilmu Keperawatan Gigi, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, UGM
2. (S2) Master of Public Health, Minat Sistem Informasi Kesehatan, Fakultas Kedokteran
Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Keperawatan, UGM
Research Interest
1. Dental Hygiene
2. Health Informatics System
Research Cluster/Group
1. Preventive and Public Health Dentistry
Lecturer on The Subject
1. Computer Application
2. Special Needs Children
3. Special Needs Population
4. Dental Hygiene III
5. Dental Health Education

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