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Joselyn Natali Ramón Huamán.

4th - ID

Tl?t€^ afdxmmtums of Tciiti Sdwyei

The adventures of Tom Sawyer is a novel which talks about Tom Sawyer
and Huckleberry Finn, well known as Huck, who were the two most
memorable characters in the story. They shared lots of similarities and had
many differences because they are alike in some ways. In the foUowing
paragraphs you will know more ahgut Tom and Huck, how they Ijvedmid
{tí^ basís of their stronR friendship^

Firstly, the boys were cióse friends, but the differences between their lives
was huge. Tom Sawyer was a boy wiio lived with his aunt Polly, his brother
Sid and cousin Mary. Despite his antics, his aunt Polly loved him and took
care of him because he was his dead sister's son. On the other hand, Huck
was a boy who lived alone everyday, he did not go to school and was dirty
all the time. Although they had some differences, they shared many
similarities such as their creativity and imagination for playing, their beliefs
in superstitions and their bravery for doing things on their own.

Secondly, the basis of their friendship was how they valued having each
other in their lives. They knew when to make the right decisions for them to
do what they wanted to do. Also, they loved adventure so they had a lot of
experiences that they shared together in order to have fiin. They both knew
what means to do not have their parents, but they had each other by their side
always. Although Huck was not well seen by the people of the village, Tom
played and went out with him every time he wanted to enjoy his day.

Thirdly, there are instances in the story where Tom is uncomfortable being
seen with Huck in public and that is because Huck was not well known by
the people and they did not want their children to hang out with him.
Moreover, after they saw the crime scene in the graveyard, they signed in
order not to say what they saw. But, in one moment, Tom wanted to tell the
truth because he saw Muff Potter's sadness. Huck did not want to say
^^^^^^}^hiiig^^^^^^ Tom felt sad " about ^jt^

hi conclusión, friendship is not about having things in lije, it is about

knowing that you will always have by your side someone who is going to be
with you in the right moment and in the right place. That is what these two
friends wanted to show, their friendship went beyond people's words or
thinkings about them. They enjoyed every moment together as if it was their
last and that is what we have to do, enjoy life and every second we have, take
risk and accept new changes because they are there for a reason.

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