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Long Tone Study PP. 1, Play with a clean, consistent tone using a solid breath of air, Clarinet in Bs Begin at softest possible volume; gradually increase to loudest possible then back down; "2+ maintain smooth, solid breath support through al Bo. oO ©. se LS — jo__? —_ ee ea aS SO Begin at highest possible volume; decreas osftst possible volume then backup; 3. maintain solid breath support throughout all, 37, 45 = = 3 cs , o_o Ro Se Se SS >a Tone Study #2 1. "Throat Tones” ‘These ones usally sound more “sully than other tones onthe clarinet. Practice playing these with ll air suppor, and ‘work on developing Tl, solid rounded tne. On some clarinets, t may help to pt he finger of your right nd down fn their Keys to add some body and warmth othe tone. 2. Upper Register ‘Work toward afl soi, rounded tone. This exercises similar in nature tothe lower-egster fone study on the previous page Repeat this exercise using the same dynamic markings asin steps #2 and 3 of that sty 15 3. Upper Register - high ‘Those notes require a moe focused embrochure andar ver likely o have intonation robs Practice them with distal ner ang work toward geting asear consistent tone with ood intonation 3 — —— obs — Tone Study #3 Chromatic Tone Exercise: Use a smooth, consistent airflow when moving from one note to the next. Take a breath where the rests indicate; Try not to let the quality of the tone change from one note to the next. This exercise isa good ‘one to use for a warmup atthe start of every practice session, * bes Tone Study #4 1. Ascending 12ths: Piay wit ful, smooth, connected tone, ‘Try to change as litle as possible about your embrochure and sirsuppor from one note to the next - you find you need to use more arto get he upper note to speak use tore air for both nots. o 2. Descending 12ths: 4 2 Tone Study #5 1, The Third Register - Ascending: Agsin, change as litle as possible shout your embroshure and sinsttam tr fora smooth transition between notes and do whatever it takes to get ll three nots to sound sol and in tane. Use a solid, consistent steam of ait practice wi ater ta solve intonation problems ba, 2. The Third Register - Descending: «2 * The sequence may be continued to higher notes, but intonation and tone quality will become more and ‘more difficult to control with each higher note, Consult a fingering chart for notes higher than High F.

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