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Clinical Cases
Volume 1
Presentation and Analysis by the Method of
Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis

By Dr. Athos Stavrou Othonos

Homeopathic Medical Doctor



Vol. 1

Presentation and Analysis

by the method of

Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis

Athos Othonos
Homeopathic Medical Doctor




1.1 The homeopathic case taking begins from “Good Morning, doctor!”

1.2 Non-verbal clues

1.3 “Maidservant”!

1.4 Loquacity and syphilitic behavior

1.5 Present Disease

1.6 The syphilitic image of “the mother that sacrifices herself for her
close ones”

1.7 Syphilitic accusations for other doctors

1.8 “That‟s how false diagnosis is reached in Homeopathy!”

1.9 Reconfirmation questions

1.10 Overprotective and religious hypocrite

1.11 Syphilitic inconsistencies

1.12. Syphilitic Exaggeration

1.13 Again, back to reconfirmation questions

1.14 Necessary explanations and support

1.15 Fixing the patient‟s wrong conceptions

1.16 Why a homeopath must be a doctor

1.17 Giving directions to the patient

1.18 Standard explanations and standard questions

1.19 Idiosyncrasies “live among us” and “inside us”!


1.20 The question is: “What are your motives when you learn or teach

1.21 Repertorising and Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis

1.22 If you don‟t remain moral then your knowledge is lost



2.1 The “Granny” Medicine, the “Mother” Medicine and the

“Grandchild” Medicine!

2.2 Present Disease

2.3 A brief necessary introduction to Homeopathy

2.4 General physical questions

2.5 General psychological questions

2.6 Evaluation of headaches and evaluation of aversion milk

2.7 Tracing possible idiosyncrasies by Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis

2.8 Ironic and temperamental

2.9 Nervous symptoms, insecurity and extroversion

2.10 Tracing fixed ideas, jealousy and insecurity

2.11 Intellect and ambitions

2.12 Final diagnosis and explanations to the patient



3.1 “Soul leaves the body first and then mannerism!”

3.2 “…as if I am in the bottom of the sea drowning!”


3.3 Nervous, neuro-vegetative or hysterical symptoms?

3.4 Differential diagnosis of fears and suicidal tendency

3.5 Tracing Irritability

3.6 A possible case of Stramonium; differential diagnosis from Aurum

3.7 Differential Diagnosis from other hysterical idiosyncrasies

3.8 Repertorising has become a modern homeopathic curse

3.9 Prescription time



4.1 Present disease and allopathic history

4.2 Tracing his miasmas and idiosyncrasy

4.3 Explanations to the patient

4.4 Evaluation of heat and cold

4.5 Sweat, taste, position of sleep

4.6 Individual history and its importance in idiosyncratic diagnosis

4.7 Evaluation of irritability

4.8 “Tidy or untidy?”

4.9 Evaluation of introversion

4.10 Evaluation of fears and overprotectiveness

4.11 Self-confidence and sexual desire

4.12 Tracing several possible idiosyncrasies

4.13 Final diagnosis




5.1 Genotype first and then Phenotype

5.2 Hierarchy: first the whole picture, then psychological symptoms and
then physical symptoms

5.3 Present Disease

5.4 The homeopathic point of view about bacteria and viruses

5.5 How allopathic diagnosis of disease can indirectly help us towards

homeopathic diagnosis of idiosyncrasy

5.6 General physical questions

5.7 The pace of interrogation

5.8 General psychological questions

5.9 Analysis of irritability, arrogance and tidiness

5.10 Introversion/extroversion, fears and fixed ideas

5.11 Differential Diagnosis

5.12 Final diagnosis



This book is about Homeopathic Clinical Cases which have been

recorded by me. They are presented and analyzed live, step by step, to my
students who are medical doctors trained in Homeopathy.

My main aim is to initiate my students to the art and science of

Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis (MID), a special method of
homeopathic diagnosis developed after many years of clinical practice.

Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis is based on the general miasmatic and

idiosyncratic picture of the patient taken as a whole in accordance with
Classical Homeopathy. As a result I am not interested so much in the
specific symptoms of the disease but on the contrary I greatly value the
general physical and psychological characteristics of the patient when in
a state of health.

Thus, in everyday clinical practice I make no use of any Repertory or

Materia Medica or Computer Expert System of any kind. The above are
not needed if the doctor is well acquainted with the Miasmatic
Idiosyncratic Homeopathic Materia Medica, that is, with the “essence”
and true picture of the basic Homeopathic Idiosyncrasies.

Step by step, I show to my students how to “translate” any image, sound,

smell and touch projected by the patient into valuable miasmatic and
idiosyncratic information. The same “translation” is done for every
intention, thought, opinion, emotion and behavior of the patient.
Moreover, valuable diagnostic information is drawn from his secondary
behavior, that is, from the “image” he projects to others. This is of great
value especially in syphilitic idiosyncrasies.

All the above “translated” data gradually reveal to the eyes of the
experienced and unbiased homeopathic doctor, the “puzzle” or “picture”
or “essence” of the person that corresponds to a certain Homeopathic
Idiosyncrasy. This is very essential in Classical Homeopathy. Once you
have revealed the idiosyncrasy of the patient you can administer the
similar homeopathic remedy and achieve a successful treatment.

Much said! Enough with theory! The cases speak by themselves! Do

enjoy them!

Important Note: Anyone who wants to fully understand Miasmatic

Idiosyncratic Diagnosis apart from this book must read my books:

1. Homeopathic Materia Medica

2. The Art and Science of Homeopathic Case Taking
3. Homeopathy and Universal Laws



1.1 The homeopathic case taking begins from “Good Morning,


1.2 Non-verbal clues

1.3 “Maidservant”!

1.4 Loquacity and syphilitic behavior

1.5 Present Disease

1.6 The syphilitic image of “the mother that sacrifices herself for her
close ones”

1.7 Syphilitic accusations for other doctors

1.8 “That’s how false diagnosis is reached in Homeopathy!”

1.9 Reconfirmation questions

1.10 Overprotective and religious hypocrite

1.11 Syphilitic inconsistencies

1.12. Syphilitic Exaggeration

1.13 Again, back to reconfirmation questions

1.14 Necessary explanations and support

1.15 Fixing the patient’s wrong conceptions

1.16 Why a homeopath must be a doctor

1.17 Giving directions to the patient

1.18 Standard explanations and standard questions


1.19 Idiosyncrasies “live among us” and “inside us”!

1.20 The question is: “What are your motives when you learn or
teach Homeopathy?”

1.21 Repertorising and Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis

1.22 If you don’t remain moral then your knowledge is lost

Good Evening! Tonight we move on to the second part of our lectures,

the advanced and more live. We will hear recorded clinical cases and at
times stop and analyze these cases by the method of Miasmatic
Idiosyncratic Diagnosis.

It‟s time to reap what we have sown! It‟s action time! It‟s time for you
and me to check what have you learned! It‟s time “to catch fish”. No
more theories. We have a man in front of us talking live and a doctor in
front of us asking live; and that‟s how things are done in real life, in a
homeopathic medical office. You may not see the patient but I will tell
you all what is needed about his image.

Let‟s move on! From time to time I will stop the hearing for comments.
During the hearing any time I ask a question and the patient answers I
want you to write down any important symptom along with its evaluation,
for example irritability grade 2 or 3. You should skip any physical or
psychological characteristic that is not important or that is not of grade2
or 3. Whenever you can‟t make up your mind about the specific rubric
that corresponds to the patient‟s answer you can note down his exact
words in brackets if you think that they are of any value.

It is also crucial to note down and evaluate any non-verbal information as

well as your comments about the feeling that the patient creates to you.
For example I say “hello” to the patient and he makes a certain remark

irrelevant of his disease. If you think that this is important you can write
down his exact words and your remark like “loquacious”, “rude”,
“vulgar”, “biting”, “ironic”, etc. But be very careful not to jump hastily
into conclusions.

As the hearing goes on whenever a certain idiosyncrasy crosses your

mind don‟t forget to write it down on the top right side of your paper as
possible idiosyncrasy of the patient. You will have to take it in
consideration during the procedure of case taking and reject it or confirm
it at the end during differential diagnosis. While hearing the answers of
the patient if this certain idiosyncrasy matches again and again his
symptoms and image, then underline it once, twice or even three times
accordingly. This procedure forces you to become an active listener and
not a passive one and that is what I, myself actually do while taking the
case. And that‟s what makes me also an active case taking doctor and not
a passive one.

Try to be brief regarding your notes. For example you can write h3,
instead of hot 3 or irrit2 instead of irritability 2 using the abbreviations I
gave you. It‟s now time to listen to the patient. Open your ears, minds and
hearts and listen!

1.1 The homeopathic case taking begins from “Good Morning,


-Hello, doctor! How are you? How are things going on? Are you fine?

-Yes, fine, thank God.

-The little girl in the photo in the waiting room, is it your daughter?

-Yes, she is my daughter.

-All the best! She is a real beauty! Do you have other children also or is
she the only one?

-I have two more daughters, older ones.


-Two more! Wow! Three daughters! That‟s a blessing! I also have two
daughters, I had them married and each one has given me a daughter.

-Well, that‟s a lot of women!

-I now have four daughters! That‟s a very good thing! It‟s a blessing from

It‟s time to stop the hearing. Please, tell me what you have noted down up
to now. Always bear in mind that the homeopathic case taking starts from
the very first contact with the patient. From the very moment he calls us
to fix an appointment. Let me remind you that we have dealt for a whole
lecture with non-verbal information that can be drawn from the patient,
i.e. how he fixes his appointment, how he behaves at the waiting room,
the way he sits on the chair, his body structure and style, etc.

If you start noting down information only after you have asked him
“medical questions” you have already lost too much and too valuable!
Although it may seem strange to you, I have already reached my final
diagnosis of the “simillimum” of this patient with much certainty solely
from her non-verbal characteristics and from our first “non-medical”
conversation. I have already noted down her most possible idiosyncrasy
and you will confirm this later so as not to be biased during your hearing
of this case.

It‟s not that I am a magician! It‟s just that firstly she is a typical case
already giving us a lot of information and secondly I have a lot of
experience in Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis. Believe me, you will be
able to do that after only a few years of training and practice; take my
word for it! So it‟s time to listen to your remarks and observations.

-I noted down a certain comment she did.

-What comment?

-The one about your daughter‟s picture.

-What information can you draw from what she said? Don‟t tell me yet
what idiosyncrasy her comment reminds you of. First give me a rubric or
even a comment.


-Right! We have the first signs of loquacity! Never be absolute and

definite about anything. We have the possibility of loquacity. What
possible loquacious idiosyncrasies can you think of?

-I think that she is a Lachesis case.

-Any other loquacious idiosyncrasies or any idiosyncrasies that are very

social and talkative?


-Yes, Pulsatilla and also Phosphor and sycotic Sulphur. Ok? Don‟t stick
to only one idiosyncrasy. Let your antennas, your minds and your hearts
open! In this case I would note down Lachesis as my first choice and then
Pulsatilla as a possible second choice.

Now I start building scripts and stories inside my mind. She is a woman
around sixty years old, very talkative and asks things that usually
someone that comes to my office for the first time doesn‟t ask. So she
sees that picture in the waiting room and starts chatting about my children
and about how nice is to have children and grandchildren from her own
experience, etc. The very minute she behaves like that we start noting
down Lachesis and Pulsatilla.

1.2 Non-verbal clues

Let me give you some more clues about her, some more non-verbal
information since you haven‟t seen her and you don‟t have an image of
her in your mind. She is slightly fat and has the body type of Lachesis,
the one that Allopathic Medicine calls “Cortisone Facies”. She is also
dressed in a kirsch style just like Lachesis does.

Clues start piling up in favor of Lachesis but be careful! Underline

Lachesis but still don‟t be biased. Remain unprejudiced observers. We are
at the case taking phase that we gather information and we note down
things. It‟s not yet the phase of reaching to final conclusions. Let‟s go on
listening to her case again. Stay tuned and open your senses, minds and

-What do you do for a living?

-I am a private employee.

-What exactly do you do?

-I am a maidservant for old people.

-Before we go on to see what brings you to me I am going to perform a

quick check up because in Homeopathy we are interested to examine you
as a whole…

-I brought some test results with me, they are not recent ones, only the…

-We will see them later on. We will see them…

-It‟s about blood glucose…

-Let me first do to you a quick check-up and we are going to see your test
results right away. Let me check your blood pressure first.

-Yes, yes.

-Did you ever have problems with your blood pressure?

-No. I never had high blood pressure! I always had low blood pressure, a
100 or 105 since… the last thirty years.

-I see…

-I never…

-Give me a minute to examine your blood pressure and we will talk about

-Yes, doctor!

1.3 “Maidservant”!

-It‟s time to interrupt the hearing for comments. Let me hear your

-That word “maidservant” seems peculiar to me.

-Excellent! Bravo! “Maidservant”! What kind of a word is this! Even a

person with not a sensitive antenna would notice that.

-What does she mean by “maidservant”?

-She wants to say that she takes care of old people and she uses this old-
fashioned term. But you see we are not interested in the etymology of the
word because we are not literature teachers; we are homeopathic doctors.
We have an ordinary low-class woman and when I ask her “What do you
do for a living?” she says: “Maidservant for old people”. The question is:
“Why does she use such an unusual word?” It‟s not a word commonly
used in every day conversation; it‟s an old-fashioned term. In fact it‟s a
word of Ancient Greek origin (“therapenida” from “therapevo” = to

My guess is that she uses this very formal old-fashioned word because
she considers what she does as something depreciatory from a social
point of view. So instead of saying “I take care of old people” that could
cause – according to her - in other‟s minds the picture of a woman wiping
dirty old men full of shit, she employs this nice formal old-fashioned term
for her job. It‟s not that she is pompous like a Platina. In fact a Platina
would feel shame to say that she does such a kind of job.

Please, be very careful about what I say! The above don‟t reflect any
personal opinion of mine. I don‟t consider taking care of old people as
something depreciatory. Of course, not! This has to do with certain social
opinions and what really interests us as homeopathic doctors is how this

certain individual interprets things. We are mainly interested in her

subjective, individual interpretation of the one and only reality.

As doctors and especially as homeopathic doctors we shouldn‟t judge

people according to social patterns or according to our individual patterns
and opinions. That would be very wrong and would moreover spoil our
diagnosis. But that doesn‟t mean that we don‟t take in consideration the
usual social patterns, the prevailing social patterns, since these affect
most of our patients.

We are interested in what is peculiar about our patient. And a woman of

her age and class using such an unusual and old-fashioned formal word
for her profession is definitely something peculiar and strange and thus
characteristic. She uses a pompous term for a socially depreciatory job.
That‟s an exaggeration! And from what I have taught you exaggeration is
a characteristic of…


-Yes, but don‟t just stick to a certain idiosyncrasy. Exaggeration is

characteristic of Syphilitic Miasma and syphilitic idiosyncrasies. So apart
from noting down Lachesis on the top right part of our paper we also note
down “syphilitic miasma” or “3”, which is the abbreviation for the latter.
Write it down, now! See how we draw information in an indirect way
when it comes to Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis?

What other information do I have from the previous conversation? I

confirm that she is loquacious. She has an unrestrained loquacity. As you
must have noticed I find it very difficult to stop her from talking in order
to move on to the check-up that I want to do first before starting
questions. She keeps telling me that she has some test results and I keep
telling her that I will see them later on. I am forced to interrupt her many
times in order to go on. So I have confirmed “loquacity” and I suspect
that she “exaggerates” and that she is probably “syphilitic”. Let‟s return
back to our live case.

1.4 Loquacity and syphilitic behavior

-What‟s your usual blood pressure?

-110 over 65.

-I see.

-I even had 170 many years ago, about 14 years ago but it was a rare
thing. Normally my blood pressure is what I told you.

-From my check-up I see that your blood pressure is 110 over 60 and
your heart rate is 86. These are normal ratings.

-Yes, yes!

-Let me check you with another special device now.

-Oh, I know this device!

-How‟s that?

-I‟ve been treated by Mr. X the homeopathic doctor and by Mrs. Y the
homeopathic doctor.

-So let me examine you…

-Yes. What do you want me to do? Simply hold it?

-Hold this a bit tight and I will examine your ear externally so as to trace
your basic predispositions, that is, the weak points of your organism.
Your spine is very sensitive. Did you have any problems with your spine?

-Yes! I have suffered with my back…

-I also see that your knees are sensitive. You also have a sensitive
hormonal system and a sensitive peptic system. Do you have any
symptoms from your belly like pain, distention or constipation?

-Not particularly.

-I also trace a lot of tension, a lot of anxiety. You have a very sensitive
Autonomic Nervous System.

I must again interrupt for comments. Have you any other clues up to


-Ok. We reconfirm her loquacity. But have you noticed that she has an
urge to tell me that she has been examined in the past by this and that
homeopathic doctors? The question again is why does she do that?

-For self-confirmation or to show that she knows a lot of doctors.

-Not for self-confirmation. I believe that she does very well with herself.
She hasn‟t got any self-confirmation problems at all! It is I that i am the
receiver of her message! She wants me to take care of her, to give special
attention to her case. The message is: “You must know that I have also
been treated by other homeopathic doctors that are your professional
rivals, so be careful and take a good care of me or else I will return back
to them!”

-You mean to say that she tells you that on purpose?

-Yes, indeed! That‟s exactly what I mean! It‟s a deliberate action. There
is a definite purpose to it. It‟s not something accidental. She just isn‟t a
psoric Pulsatilla who says something without any hidden and intentional
purpose. It‟s a meaningful action due to her syphilitic miasma. Get it? See
how we trace her miasmas and her Simillimum? That‟s what I mean by
Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis!

Our questions are never accidental and so is our evaluation of the

patient‟s answers. We grab the patient by the throat! We are not just case-
takers or indifferent recorders of the patient‟s answers. We are not
employees of a company that does market research so as to simply write
down our clients answers to a certain fixed questionnaire. If you just
write down things passively so as to pass these answers to a superior for
evaluation then you‟ve already missed the most valuable clues.

Any homeopathic case taking should be “aggressive”, active and a

detective-like procedure; a Sherlock Holmes action! Our aim is to strip
our patient naked from all his masks, from all his fake images, from all
the lies he tells to himself and others so as to reach his real self, his naked
self, the truth and nothing but the truth. We want to see him as he is and
not as he seems to be. We want to get rid of any social mask he carries
with him. We want him naked because that‟s the only way to reach a
correct diagnosis of his idiosyncrasy and the only way to cure him

That doesn‟t mean that we don‟t respect him or that we judge him or that
we want to expose him in any way. We are not being smart to him and we
are very cautious, discreet and tactful. But that doesn‟t mean that we have
to buy all the crabs he is selling to himself and to others around him.
Let‟s move on to our hearing.

1.5 Present Disease

-Let me put things in an order. What is the main problem that brings you
to me today?

-Well… it‟s my nervous system.

-What do you mean by that?

-Well… let me start from the very beginning of things. The last five years
I had to face excessive physical work.

-I see.

-Too much physical work! Too many obligations! My kids were engaged
and I wanted to help them get married… too much work, my feet were
killing me, my back also… all these things together… and in order to
cope I had to take pain killers. But not just one or two! I was taking even
seven a day so as to cope with my shift because my work is very difficult
and there were also times that I worked 24 hours round the clock…

-How many pain killers did you say that you have you been taking?

-Around seven a day.

-I see.

-So I‟ve reached a certain point… nevertheless, I was in a very good

mood, I was so pleased to cope with all that I had to do, I did what I
wanted to do, I was working and… not to mention that I really needed the
money… so I helped my second child to get married on May and in
October my husband died.

-When did that happen?

-Two years ago.

-He died from what?

-It happened unexpectedly just one week after my youngest daughter‟s

marriage. He had that cough… anyway we went to the hospital, they told
us that he had lung cancer that also spread to the glands and to the
center of the skull and so we did chemotherapy. But they told us that he
had two types. The one was oat cell and the other squamous.

-I see.

-Squamous, was it? I think so, well… something like that. Any way he had
two types of cancer. The one, the more primitive one, the squamous did
not react to chemotherapy and so we had to do radiotherapy. We did
radiotherapy, he improved but the combination of chemotherapy and
radiotherapy decreased his white blood cells down to only one hundred.
On leaving the hospital with so… he obviously caught a cold while
walking… what you can expect from a person with only one hundred
white blood cells… anyway we knew he didn‟t stand a chance…

-So, I understand that you were already very tired and then this thing
with your husband happened and things got much worse.

-Then I continued taking all those pain killers in order to take care of my
grandchildren and then my older daughter got pregnant… and… well I
had a very tough day today… (tears)

-Don‟t feel bad to express yourself… let it go. If you suppress it, it will
only become worse.

-I managed to keep some kind of balance for the kids because… but then I
just couldn‟t pull myself together.

-What did you feel then?

-I just couldn‟t walk. But I kept working, working all the time because I
wanted to complete my Social Insurance stamps project so as to earn a
better pension. There was a point that in order to go to work I had to
support myself on the wall while walking. I couldn‟t walk. I felt swollen
all over like a balloon ready to burst. I happened to work at “X”

-What‟s left of all those symptoms now?

-Well I did some tests and they found that I had something going on to my
liver. I realized that it was due to pain killers and so I stopped them. It‟s
been two years since I stopped pain killers… I take not even one. I kept
not being able to walk. I feel my feet, my knees as if cut. My hands as if
cut here; weakness. On top of that my thyroid got worse. It has countless
nodules. They just can‟t count them.

-When was the first time that nodules were traced in your thyroid?


-You mean two years ago?

-I suffer from hypothyroidism for many years, around ten years. And I am
on T4 treatment.

-I see.

-For a while that treatment managed to keep things steady and then I
stopped it. They told me that it has caused goiter to me.

-Let me check your laboratory tests.

-Ok. But I don‟t know if this is…

-Please, give me your file.

-But I have other tests also.

-Don‟t worry I will check all of them.


-I was in a hurry and on leaving the house I took everything with me, all
the files mixed up and did not have the time to check what you may need
or not.

1.6 The syphilitic image of “the mother that sacrifices herself for her
close ones”

-Well, it‟s time for a break. Before we go on we have to discuss; any


-I believe that she is that kind of person who is always complaining that
she tires herself for others. She adopts the role of the “victim” although
she likes interfering in all matters. You can understand that she interferes
to her daughters‟ life when she says “I had them married… I did this… I
did that, etc”.

-So, you think that she projects to us a certain kind of image. Isn‟t it so?
What kind of image is this? It‟s that kind of image that usually a low-
class Lachesis projects to her close ones and to society. That she is the
mother and woman that sacrifice herself for her family. That she was
working hard although she couldn‟t walk and had to take pain killers by
the dozen so as to cope with hard work. That her husband died tragically
and was left alone to take care of her children and again take of her
children and always take care of her children and so on!

There is an exaggeration, a syphilitic exaggeration to her sayings. A

psoric Pulsatilla, for example, would not have exaggerated like that even
if she had lived likewise. On the contrary, this woman exaggerates and
projects the image called “I am the mother that sacrifices for her

Do you remember when I referred to idiosyncratic pictures while

lecturing on Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Materia Medica? Does this case
remind you a certain image of Lachesis? I mean the image that she
projects to others that she is that fine mother that sacrifices for her

children and family? The one who is the “victim” of life situations? So
we are justified and have every right to write down “loquacious 3” and
“Mrs. Kate 3”.

(There isn‟t any proper word in English for the translation of the Greek
word “katina” so I use the word “Mrs. Kate” or “Kate” and I explain how
this word originated in modern Greece. About 50 years ago many poor
young girls came from their small villages all around the country to
Athens to work as maids to rich houses. At that time the name “Katina or
Katerina or Kaiti” (Kate in English) was very popular for young peasant
girls. These girls were considered by their Athenian employers as low-
cultured, gossipers, always dealing with little unimportant every day
matters, cunning and devious. After some years and up to now, this term
is used for any woman of any age, either of low-class or not, who is of
low culture, dealing with little every day matters, gossiper, cunning and
devious. It‟s also used as a verb “katinizo” (behave like Mrs. Kate) to
express the same traits of character. As a matter of fact many young low
class girls of that time on the process of becoming grownups were
affected by the idiosyncrasy Lachesis which has these certain traits and
even today Lachesis is a very popular idiosyncrasy among Greek women
over 45 years old.)

But please, be very careful! I don‟t use the word “Mrs. Kate” with a
depreciatory disposition. I only give to it the usual meaning that it has to
our everyday Modern Greek society. It‟s just a descriptive term and not a
depreciatory on my part, comment.

I am also justified to note down “exaggeration 3”. This tendency for

exaggeration is obvious also from the fact that she used to take so many
pain killers. She also says that she couldn‟t walk but at the same time she
says that she continued working long hours; you see the one excludes the

You must have also noticed that she tends to show off to me her medical
knowledge although it‟s but a very poor and confused one. She refers to
the two types of her husband‟s cancer, the course of his disease, the
treatments he has undergone, etc. On top of that on the one hand she
brings her laboratory tests to me in order to tell her my scientific opinion
and on the other hand she lectures to me about it! Isn‟t that a syphilitic

-Yes, indeed!

-We have already reached to a miasmatic and idiosyncratic diagnosis of

the Simillimum with much certainty because she is such a typical case. I
deliberately chose this as our first clinical case because it‟s a
characteristic and easy case. Nevertheless if we had to do with the “tough
businesswoman” image of Lachesis things would not have been so easy.
But this “Mrs. Kate” Lachesis image is so crying out: “Give me Lachesis,
give me Lachesis!” (laughing)

But, this doesn‟t mean that we will stop taking our case and give Lachesis
at this very moment. We still have to differentiate from relative to
Lachesis idiosyncrasies that are also in the habit of faking, for example
hysteric idiosyncrasies. Anyway, I must say, that her symptoms are not
that hysteric so as to suspect a hysteric idiosyncrasy, let‟s say Cimicifuga.

During case taking we should also note down her specific diseases, the
time of their onset and the possible circumstances during which they
appeared. In this case the patient admits that her problems started after
becoming very tired from work and family taking care and especially
after her husband‟s severe disease and death. We note down “ailments
after family problems” something that definitely suits Lachesis due to her
great attachment to family matters.

You must have also noticed that since I had a clear picture of the patient‟s
idiosyncrasy I tried to overcome her loquacity or else I would need a
whole day to complete my examination. That doesn‟t mean that we

shouldn‟t listen patiently to our patient but on the other hand when you
have such a loquacious patient you must focus on what‟s important for
you as a doctor.

It‟s your duty as doctors to check all the test results that the patient carries
with him no matter if he is already diagnosed and labeled with certain
diseases. Never consider as granted the diseases that the patient tells you
he has. It‟s your obligation to confirm or reconsider any allopathic
diagnosis and even reconsider his allopathic treatment if needed. Many
times I have examined patients and found out that they didn‟t suffer from
the diseases they have been diagnosed for or that they suffered from
another disease.

At times the diagnosis of the disease was correct but although they were
cured a long time ago they still they were on unnecessary medication.
Don‟t hesitate to order new diagnostic tests if needed either to confirm or
reject the diagnosis of a disease. You see, you should always act as a
doctor and never limit yourself to being just a homeopath. For me being a
homeopath is being a doctor that acts in a homeopathic holistic way.
Let‟s move on.

1.7 Syphilitic accusations for other doctors

-It was summer, must have been July, last year when I went to Mr. X
(homeopathic doctor).


-I told him that I know you, he told me that you know each other, that you
had some time to… I went there because my hairdresser told me so… you
were at Piraeus for a while?




-I thought so because my brother was treated by you and I had the

impression that you had your office at Piraeus.

-No, not to Piraeus.

-Were you here?

-I had my office for one year at the center of Athens and after that, since
many years I am here at Galatsi area.

-I see! Anyway, ok… nevertheless, I was treated by that doctor last

November… I woke up, I slept… I had a very nice weekend, I woke up
around 5 o‟clock Monday morning and I was dizzy and stumbling. You
see I use to wake up for work around 5.30 a.m.; around 5 o‟clock. I used
to go…

-Were things turning round?

-Yes, that‟s exactly what happened! (She stands up and shows to me how
things were turning round)

-Oh, I see.

-And this happened while I was still in my sleep. I woke up and


-When did you say that this happened?

-Last November. I was under homeopathic treatment, I had already

slightly improved, and I know it was still very early to see great results…
I know that homeopathic medicines take a long time to act… well to cut a
long story short I went to the hospital, they kept me for four days and they
found that… you can see the papers from the hospital right there on my

-I can see it.

-They found nothing pathological… there are some test results here also,
let me show you… they found nothing abnormal but a professor asked me
what happened in my life. I didn‟t say a word, I just looked at him and he
said: “I get it!”. He understood that something had happened, any way…

-You see, this kind of vertigo is mostly caused by stress so when a doctor
finds nothing abnormal it is expected to ask if something happened.

-I also did other tests…

-I see that you had a CT scan and it was normal. You also had an
ultrasound of your carotids and it was also normal.

-Yes, yes, there was nothing wrong with it, nothing wrong. I was ok until
December. From that time on I was worse again. I believe that I was
maybe… I don‟t know, at the beginning of depression. That‟s how I felt. I
stopped being treated by Mr. X (the homeopathic doctor) and then I went
back to him on May and he told me that my treatment was spoiled by the
turpentine they used so as to paint the radiology department of the

-I see…

-I started treatment again, I was slightly better and then I had severe
problems with my back. I just couldn‟t do anything. The minute I woke up
at night I wore my supporting back belt but still I couldn‟t stay standing.
On wearing my belt… this test here I think it‟s called glycohemoglobin…
because my blood sugar was high…

-You have blood sugar 167.

-Yes, and he asked me… I was treated by a dietician because I had

gained many kilos, I was 83 kilos… I only have these prescriptions of the
doctor, I don‟t have all others, I have only the first prescription and this
here is the last one. These two were easy to find… this prescription I had
to repeat it two more times… that is, I started things from the

-You mean that you took Ignatia 1M the first day and the second day
Ignatia 10M?

-I did as he ordered, the way you see there on the prescription.

-I see, I see!

-Why did I leave Mr. X? Because my back gave me a lot of pain and I
also had pain here on my hip and it was impossible for me to walk and
they gave me a pain killer at work. So I phoned him to ask him if that pain
killer affected my homeopathic treatment. He told me “No” and I told
him “I‟m in great pain” and he told me “I don‟t know”. I may have been
a nuisance at that time calling him, I don‟t know, but he also told me
“Take care of your back because when it comes to this case I can‟t help
you, I can‟t do anything about it”. I did some bathing in the summer and
my back got a lot better.

It‟s time to stop the hearing for the sake of discussion. Listen to me.
There‟s this woman and the hairdresser tells her to go to that doctor and
she goes. Does that ring a bell to you? I say that we have to do with a
“Mrs. Kate” case. I repeat again that this word is used for the sake of
description only and with the usual meaning and that doesn‟t mean that I
have any kind of negative feelings towards her.

Then, she jumps into an irrelevant matter: “Did you ever have your office
at Piraeus?” and then again returns to what she was saying. As I have
already told you during Materia Medica lectures this jumping from one
subject to another, even to irrelevant ones, is characteristic of Lachesis

Another important clue is that she accuses others to me, as Lachesis most
of the times tends to do. Being a syphilitic person she finds an indirect
way to accuse other doctors and say that they are useless. She does that
on purpose so as to flatter me in order to take good care of her.

Then she says “I know that homeopathic medicines take a long time to
act…” and someone could think that she is positive towards Mr. X
finding excuses for him and the next minute she says that Mr. X did not
help her. This is a “blow hot and cold” technique, very frequently
employed by Lachesis and syphilitic individuals! It‟s what I have told

you many times about Lachesis that for example she will tell you about
her husband “My husband is so good but… but… but…” and after one
good thing she finds ten bad things to say against him!

But you may also come up with a Lachesis patient that has exactly the
opposite behavior: She may start saying so many good things about her
previous doctor and then find an excuse that she stopped going to him
because “he was expensive” or “because he was far away from her
house”. Both of these seemingly opposite behaviors/phenotypes are but
secondary behaviors belonging to the same primary behavior, to the same
genotype. She does this so as to make you try to win her as a patient and
at the same time not charge her much. Again you see clearly the element
of expediency which is a syphilitic trait.

Have you noticed that even if I didn‟t ask her, she told me: “Why did I
leave Mr. X?” and gives a certain reason? Mr. X told her something about
her back pain and she interpreted it that he couldn‟t help her or that he
didn‟t want to help her. What matters is that she accuses previous doctors
on purpose, so as to motivate me to take a good care of her. See how
things work! What matters is not so much the behavior of any patient but
the intention that lies behind it!

Another clue is that she had a nervous vertigo about a year ago and this is
something common for Lachesis when upset. Many times she says
something for which she seems to be certain and then the next minute
adds: “Maybe”, “I don‟t know”, “I am not sure”, “I think so”. This is
hypocritical behavior and hypocrisy is definitely a syphilitic element and
also belonging to Lachesis.

Up to now I have noted down: “Loquacity 3”, “Mrs. Kate 3”,

“Exaggeration 3”, “Hypocrisy 3”, “Accuses other doctors 2” and
“Syphilitic 3”. You won‟t find most of these rubrics in any Repertory but

it doesn‟t matter. What matters is that these characteristics are very

important and critical for our diagnosis of the patient‟s idiosyncrasy.

I must, of course, stress that for the time being, all these are merely clues.
We haven‟t yet reached our final diagnosis and it‟s not yet a certainty that
she is Lachesis indeed. Clues keep coming and piling up, but still we
should not stop gathering data yet. We should not be hurried and
impatient. Up to the very minute of writing down the prescription or even
up to the very minute the patient leaves our office, new clues could alter
our final conclusion. Let‟s move on.

1.8 “That’s how false diagnosis is reached in Homeopathy!”

-Are you now still in pain regarding your back?

-Very much! Nevertheless I wake up in the morning, I am in pain and I

feel… but then while walking things get better. What really troubles me
is this melancholy, this depression as I call it but I don‟t have any suicidal

-I see.

-It‟s just that I have that… being absolute, being… sometimes also that…
that I am all the time tired.

-Whenever you are forced to…

-If I am forced to then I manage to work.

-So when you have to do something do you manage to do it?

-Yes, I work all the time, I never sit to rest even for a minute.

-From what I see here these are the medicines that my colleague gave you
for your back pain: Rhus Toxicodendron 30CH, ten capsules.

-I don‟t know anything about it. I told him…

-You have been taking these for five days, one in the morning and one at

-He told me “I will give you this and that” and I told him “Well, doctor,
these are all Chinese to me”.

-I see.

-I am not a doctor… I don‟t know… you do. Well you see…

-Are you on any other medication at the moment?

-I am on T4 only.

-Only T4.

-T4, 75mg and at times 100mg… the endocrinologist at the hospital

proposed that I should take also some thyroxin…


-Because my gland was dried out. I was completely dried out. Anyway,
now… in the past T4 100mg caused weeping to me. But I can‟t be sure
about it because…

-Does tight clothing annoy you?

-Yes, now they do!

-If you wear something with tight neck or a polo neck blouse not to be
able to stand it?

-Yes, yes, I pull it all the time!

-Or if your bra is even a bit tight not to stand it and the minute you enter
your house to take it off?

-Yes, yes, the happiest time is when I take it off!

-So, anything tight annoys you either pressing your belly, your chest or
your neck?

-Yes, yes, yes! The only tight thing that I can stand is my shoes. I want
my feet to be pressed firmly to my shoes and not be able to slip out.

Well it‟s time to stop this rushing stream of words of our patient that
threatens to drown our brains! (laughing). While talking about depression

she says: “But I don‟t have any suicidal tendency”. I don‟t recall asking
her that! Not even her previous statements could drive us to such an
extreme conclusion. So why does she say such a thing? Simply because
she knows that she is exaggerating about her so called “depression” and
she doesn‟t want you to think that she is “on the edge”. See how quick
and perverted her thoughts are? She is definitely syphilitic! Now let me
ask you something. Do you think that this person is tired or not?

-No, I don‟t think so!

-But, nevertheless, she says that she is “tired 3”! What do you say my
dear colleagues? Is she tired or not?

-One thing is certain: She is a very strong person.

-My dear fellows, how could we say that she is “tired 3” when she is
doing all that tremendous amount of work? All these statements about
exhaustion are nothing but crabs. She is not tired! Ok, she may be doing a
lot but she is not tired; she copes with all of it and goes on.

So, if you have a “case taker” who believes everything his patients tell
him and writes down “tired 3” and then goes to the Repertory or to the
Computer Expert System and searches for “tired” idiosyncrasies, then he
is all wrong! That‟s how false prescription is reached in Homeopathy!
She may be projecting this to me but I don‟t buy it! But, still, interpreting
her behavior, I draw some other very valuable characteristics. That she is
exaggerating and that she is hypocritical. See what matters in true
Homeopathy? Not what the patient says but what we conclude from it!

-But if she isn‟t tired why does she say so?

-To make an impression; to attract interest; to project a certain image: the

image of the tired, suffering woman.

-And for what reason? Shouldn‟t we examine the purpose of this


-Yes, certainly! She projects this image so as to attract attention and

manipulate people around her. Her motive is to dominate, to rule, to do

things her own way. She does this to her husband, children and close ones
and even to her doctor.

She also says: “Well, doctor, these are all Chinese to me” and a minute
ago she was lecturing to me about her disease, test results and medication
as if she were a scientist and had a firm opinion”. My conclusion is that
she is hypocritical. Is hypocrisy anything else than saying something and
doing the opposite? Isn‟t hypocrisy to pretend to be humble and at the
same time be pompous and project knowledgeable opinions about all
things! That reminds me of those priests and bishops that are flattered to
be called “your holiness” and “your highness” and at the same time
pretend to be humble. Scribes and Pharisees! Let‟s move on.

1.9 Reconfirmation questions

-Does it sometimes happen that you wake up suddenly at night due to a

chocking sensation in your throat that makes you jump out of bed?

-Oh yes, especially lately. And I also feel a smarting sensation in my


-Do you easily wake up in the morning?

-No, I never did. It was hard for me to wake up at 5 a.m., very hard.

-But if you sleep many hours and you wake up late in the morning do you


-No! I mean if you feel worse instead of better.

-No, no, I feel better.

-So, you feel better…

-But even now I just can‟t sleep long hours.

-How many children did you say you have?

-I have two daughters.


We cut the hearing for comments. As you must have noticed I cut to the
chase and go straight to reconfirmation questions because I am already
very certain that she is most probably a Lachesis case. In addition, I have
spent enough time fighting her loquacity and little doubt is left to me
about her idiosyncrasy. That‟s why I suddenly ask her if she has aversion
tight clothes or if she wakes up with a chocking sensation at night or if
she feels tired when sleeping long hours. All these are strong Lachesis

-But she was negative about that last one…

-Yes but she probably wakes up tired because due to her work and family
matters she sleeps late at night, has to wake up very early and does not
get enough sleep. Anyway, that doesn‟t mean that a certain person has to
have all the characteristics of an idiosyncrasy in order to match it. Even if
some parts of a puzzle are absent that doesn‟t erase the whole picture.

Why do you think I ask about how many children she has? Don‟t forget
that on entering my office and on asking about my children she already
told me that she has two daughters. I am not that forgetful and certainly I
am not asking for reasons of social conversation. No! I just open a
conversation to this certain matter because I want to confirm what I have
already suspected: that she is an overprotective “Mrs. Kate” mother.
That‟s why I ask her!

And as you will further see I do it in an indirect way because it would be

foolish and wrong to ask her directly: “Are you overprotective to your
children?” It would seem as an accusation and she wouldn‟t answer
sincerely. Let‟s go on.

1.10 Overprotective and religious hypocrite

-How old are your daughters?


-The one is 27 and the other 22 years old.

-Even if they are grownups now, are you still worried about them?

-Oh yes! Very much, very much!

-Even when they go out and are slightly late?

-Yes, yes, of course!

-Even now that they are grownups do you still tell them “Eat!”, “Dress
well!” and “Be careful!”?

-Yes! If their husbands aren‟t nice to them or if they don‟t indulge them I
get angry and upset, yes, yes, yes!

-When facing problems or misfortunes do you often feel the need to draw
comfort from faith in God or from praying?

-Yes, yes, yes! That is indeed my comfort, my refuge! But lately my heart
is frozen. I find no joy in anything while in the past I was happy even
from little things. I was so much enjoying my life and feeling nice. I could
be easily pleased. But now joy is a rare thing.

-I see.

-Recently my first grandchild was born. My husband wasn‟t there to see

it, he didn‟t make it! I felt a great coldness in my heart. There are times of
course that I feel joy, there are some times indeed the last six months, but
most times I feel nothing.

Again, it‟s time for conversation and evaluation of what she said. There
are so many comments on my part that in the end you„ll consider me a
great gossiper! (laughing) Now, watch carefully! We have already
confirmed that she interferes to everything; to her children and I say even
to her grandchildren or even to her son in laws.

She is around 60 years old, has raised her children, her children start
giving birth to her grandchildren and still she wants to interfere to her
children‟s and grandchildren‟s life! Not out of altruism! This is a clear

case of tendency for domination. She may project this tendency covered
in a veil of “pathological love” for her family but I just don‟t buy it. This
is all crab to me! Just bullshit! This may seem on my part as
insensitiveness but my job is to have a clear sharp mind and see things as
they are and not believe to false fairy tales that people project to others. If
I am tricked by the patient I simply won‟t be able to help him.

Another thing about her: Religious hypocrisy! She said about faith in
God: “Yes, yes, yes! That is indeed my comfort, my refuge!” If I
“translate” it correctly she isn‟t the woman that has a true faith. She is the
one that pretends and shows off that she is a true believer. Being a true
believer and being a hypocrite believer are two different and in fact
opposite things. Again we come across her syphilitic ability to pervert
things. Let me ask you another thing: Is her heart “frozen” as she says?

-Her heart frozen?

-Yes, that‟s what she said. Is her emotion flat? Does she need Psorinum?
Because if she is indeed as she says she may need Psorinum.

-No, I don‟t believe she is like that.

-Could she be Sepia who also can‟t find joy in anything and her emotion
is flat? Is her heart frozen?


-How frozen is her heart? I insist asking. I want evaluation from you. Is
she frozen emotionally at grade 0, 1, 2 or 3? Be careful! Never investigate
things only by your mind. Use also your heart and your whole existence.
It‟s not only what a person tells you that matters! It‟s also how he says it!
Does this person look “frozen” emotionally to you? Good God, no! From
the minute she entered my office she hasn‟t stopped talking, laughing,
expressing emotions, accusing others and communicating! Only because
she used the terms “depression”, “melancholy” or “my heart is frozen”
should we accept it? No! For God‟s sake, no!

-But what about her attitude towards her first grandchild? She does not
want it and doesn‟t feel love towards it!

-Come on! Give me a break, will you! She may say whatever she likes! I
don‟t buy it! I bet she is as overprotective to her grandchild as she is to
her daughters.

-I am also sure that she interferes a lot.

-You bet! She is a natural at it! It‟s in her blood! It‟s in her idiosyncrasy.
She just can‟t help it! Let me be clear again. I am not accusing this
woman right now. I don‟t have any negative feelings towards her. I am a
Sherlock Holmes right now dressed as a doctor. I try to be unbiased in
order to “strip” her from lies and see the truth unmasked in order to help

It‟s true that my expressions may seem slang or even vulgar to some of
you but I must be sharp and emphasizing in order to give you the truth
and nothing but the truth, in order to penetrate not only the veil of her
illusions but also the veil of your illusions too! Am I clear enough? I
think I am!

If we accept what she tells us, if we are deceived by her false syphilitic
image and her projected false intentions then we are screwed. We„ve lost
the case! We will prescribe a psoric medicine instead of a syphilitic one.
We will prescribe for example Pulsatilla or Phosphor instead of Lachesis.
And thus we won‟t be able to help her. And if we are sincere to ourselves
we must never say “Homeopathy didn‟t help you!” but instead we ought
to say “I couldn‟t help you!”

During this case taking I haven‟t followed the usual procedure: general
physical questions, general psychological questions, reconfirmation
questions. She was so loquacious and such a typical homeopathic picture
that she forced me first to confirm that she is Lachesis as I have suspected
from the very beginning. Then I proceeded to the usual physical questions
just in case I missed something or just in case she was a relative to
Lachesis idiosyncrasy but not Lachesis.

The very analysis of this case is done right now, live, in front of you. I
haven‟t listen to this hearing before our discussion and this recording
happened some days or weeks ago. Let‟s go on.

1.11 Syphilitic inconsistencies

-Are you hot or cold in general?

-I don‟t like heat. I can stand cold and feel better in cold than in heat.

-I see.

-When I turn on the heater even slightly I want to sleep with windows

-How about irritability? Do you easily get angry?

-Irritability? I was never irritable!


-Never, ever! Not even in my menopause phase.

-Did you have flashes of heat during your menopause?

-Yes, I had plenty, yes, and for too long. Now I feel angry; a certain kind
of anger.

-Why so? You are angry about what?

-I get angry on trifles.

-Do you express your anger?

-No, no!

I just can‟t help interrupting the hearing. What did she just say? She said
that she is angry about trifles while a minute ago she said that she was
“never, ever” irritable! This is a clear inconsistency. Our goal as doctors
is to find out why she has this inconsistency. Is she idiot? Is she

dementing? Or is she a syphilitic idiosyncrasy saying other things and

doing other? Our patient is definitely not stupid or suffering from
dementia. On the contrary she is very smart and even cunning. Thus, as a
result we end up considering this inconsistency as a syphilitic behavior
and especially as a Lachesis behavior.

What else have I noted down in the form of rubrics? “Worried about her
children 3”, “Overprotective 3”, “Religious hypocrisy 3”, “worse heat 2”,
“history of flashes during menopause 2”. The last one is also a Lachesis
symptom. Now, what about irritability? I note down “Irritability 2”,
“Expresses her anger 2”, no matter what she says. Let‟s move on.

1.12. Syphilitic Exaggeration

-I may get angry with the baby; my daughter‟s baby is now 26 months
old. I adore it! She is… she is the light of my life, I could say! Ok, it will
be naughty at times, but then what can I say to a baby?


-You see I get angry and so I avoid letting my daughter bring it to me for
babysitting, but on the other hand I feel bad about it.

-Do you easily cry?

-Yes, yes.

-Will this happen also in front of others?

-I try to avoid it, but when I am alone I cry a lot.

Comments, please! She said: “She is the light of life!” Wow! Aren‟t such
exaggerated statements a characteristic of syphilitic individuals? If she is
“the light of her life” how come she avoids babysitting it? Because the
baby, the “light of her life”, makes her angry! You see, Lachesis creates a
vicious circle and in the end she is trapped herself into it. On the one hand

she suppresses others and on the other hand she is suppressed by these

It‟s what happens with the shepherd and the sheep. He enslaves them in
order to make money and at the same time he becomes their slave since
they depend totally on him and he must therefore satisfy all their needs.
Perpetrator and victim caught in the same spider net woven by the

She is overprotective and repressive to her grandchildren but she is tired

and wants to find a moments peace also. But how can she avoid “the light
of her life”, as she frequently says to her daughter, thus giving her the
right to ask for baby-sitting all the time? So she tries to find excuses to
avoid babysitting, for example that she is tired or sick.

Someone could say: “Come on! Isn‟t she human? Doesn‟t she have the
right to rest as any human being could ask? Give me a break, man! You
are the one who is exaggerating right now!” Well, sorry but that‟s not the
right diagnostic attitude on the part of the doctor! It‟s not my job to
participate in a conversation with her about her excuses. I am not a judge
and it‟s not my concern to find who is more right than the other, she or
others around her.

I am a doctor. My sole aim is to take an objective picture of my patient.

To diagnose what‟s his trap and prescribe that similar medicine that will
help him get out of his trap. If he wants to get out, of course! So, it‟s not
my job to empathize with her or to give her right or wrong. It‟s not my
job to fight alongside her against the “unjust society” and “vain life”!
What really interests me is to diagnose that she is exaggerating and that
this may point out Lachesis. Let‟s go on.

1.13 Again, back to reconfirmation questions


-You are also very emotional, aren‟t you?


-So easily moved?

-Yes, I do!

Let me interrupt again. I seem to be doing a great mistake at the moment.

I always keep telling you that during case taking we don‟t guide the
patient by asking for example “You are emotional, aren‟t you?” Instead I
always tell you to ask in a more general way like “Are you emotional or
not?” So, why on earth, am I doing the opposite from what I told you?

I do it on purpose because I have already reached with great certainty to

my diagnosis and the only thing I aim at is to give her a push, a motive,
an excuse to take out her exaggeration. I induce her to play the role of the
victim! This will reconfirm my original diagnosis of her syphilitic
miasma and her Lachesis essence.

She may be a cunning fox but I have to be more cunning for the sake of
true diagnosis. Pulsatilla is the true emotional idiosyncrasy, thus she has
nothing to do with this behavior because this is a syphilitic behavior.
Pulsatilla is on the contrary psoric regarding ideas and principles and
sycotic regarding expression. See how valuable is the knowledge of
Miasmas when it comes to diagnosis and differential diagnosis? Shall we
move on? Ok, let‟s go.

-What about your personal problems, deep felt matters and misfortunes?
Do you want to talk about it, discuss it with others?



-Look! Let me tell you something. I never had friends and friendships.

-Why so?

-I always believed that nobody could be my friend the way I understand

friendship. For example some people confided to me their deep felt
matters and I never revealed it. I never trusted people. On the other hand,
I never had such close discussions with my husband.

Well, more comments. Is she introvert or extrovert?

-She is not extrovert.

-She says that she has no friends but the question is “Do you believe

-Well, I say that she is extrovert.

-You see, Lachesis may be also extrovert but usually she is introvert
because she is afraid that others may gossip about her. She is such a
gossiper herself that she believes that, as a rule, others do the same thing.
So she is suspicious most of the times. Let‟s move on.

-I see that you are very sensitive!

-Yes, doctor! Very, very sensitive!

-You keep thinking about all things; investigate all things, being fussy!

-Yes, damn me! Yes, a lot!

-Not just sensitive, but over-sensitive!

-Yes, yes doctor!

-So, as your doctor, what is it that I see in you after I have examined you?
I will tell you what I see to confirm that I got you right, that I understood
you well. I would say that many people are confused regarding your
personality. Those who are not so close to you, who don‟t know you well
may say “a very strong person” and may even say that you are even a bit
harsh. On the other hand, those who are very close to you, who know you
better may say: “What a sensitive person! She is oversensitive!”

I would say that they are both right in some way. How is this possible?
It‟s possible because you are both very strong intellectually but also very
sensitive emotionally. Mentally you are very strong; you have a quick,
effective thinking; very energetic and restless so if somebody forces you
not to do anything and rest you will get sick in a few days.

Your mind works at very high speed so it‟s always difficult for you to be
tuned with slow thinking people. Or when they are slow moving people. If
imagine that when you work with slow moving people you tend to do it all
by yourself. But, on the other hand, you are very sensitive emotionally.
You think a lot. You investigate things a lot. You deal a lot with little
things. You easily get upset with little things.

-Bravo! You are so right doctor! That‟s exactly who I am!

-And I think that you try very hard to be alright with yourself and all
others and when you discover that there are no mutual feelings and no
positive response then ingratitude drives you crazy! I would also say that
you are being very strict with yourself. You accept no excuses. You press
yourself a lot. I say all these in order to understand if I got you well.

-You are so right! You are so inside my mind!

It‟s time for comments. Sometimes at the end of my case taking, when I
have reached to a final conclusion I talk to my patient and tell him what I
have understood of him. I tell him what I think is his “essence”. I do this
for two reasons. First this is a special way to reconfirm my diagnosis and
secondly this reassures him that I really got him and this makes him feel
safe and hopeful for the outcome of our treatment. But, I try to be very
careful, that is, whenever I have to do with syphilitic persons that project
a different image from what they really are, what I say to them has to do
with what they project and not with what they really are.

-You mean that you tell them what they want to hear?

-Mostly yes! If you can‟t tell someone the bitter truth then you are in
some way forced to tell him his “own” truth. It may not seem a nice or
moral thing to do and that‟s why I do it only at the office as a mere
medical technique. My intention certainly isn‟t to grab her money. If my
intention was syphilitic and egoistic that would be immoral and
unacceptable. Only if my motive is to gain the patients trust, only If I
intend to use it for his own sake so as to be patient and cooperative, only
then am I excused to act like that.

Be careful! Lachesis is cunning and therefore she wants to have a smart

doctor standing opposite her. If I was that kind of doctor who made all
the time flattering comments in order to gain her as client she would have
said to herself: “Oh my God, what a slimy moron!” Don‟t you ever think
that patients are stupid just because we happen to know a few more things
about idiosyncrasies! What I have described is just a personal technique
of mine that is used strictly in specific cases and with moral intention. It‟s
time to proceed to the phase that we explain to our patient how he will
apply his treatment. Let‟s move on.

1.14 Necessary explanations and support

-Well, I told you my conclusion because…

-Yes, I know, yes…

-You had so much troubling you, they kept piling up and at the end you

-I knelt!

-Both physically and psychologically. And you know what? When you feel
tired due to psychological reasons this is worse than being tired from
physical exertion. You may dig for hours and not feel as exhausted as you
feel when you are stressed or upset.

-You know something, when I was helping my girls for the wedding
ceremony I was tired to the limits. I used to work night…

-I see.

-…then I slept for two hours and then I got up, went home and worked
like hell.

-In general you are a strong and active person but when somebody is

-Yes, yes, now I am totally…

-I know…

-And I strongly believe that, that vertigo was… you see I was ready to get
better and that vertigo…

-I see…

-Homeopathy did help me but that vertigo was the death blow.

-I understand.

Let me stop for a minute. What I do at this point of examination is human

support. I say some things to show her that I understand her and support
her and I communicate emotionally with her. I try not to overdo it and not
to act in a strange or unaccepted way. As a rule I try to give explanations
to my patient about the causes of his disease, his present status of health
and what one can expect from my treatment. We must express ourselves
as doctors to the patients using simple terms and in a few words and
furthermore, in a human manner.

Many doctors speak in a scientific and very formal manner using

statistics and numbers and that‟s wrong. The patient wants clear and
simple explanations not lectures. Accordingly if I go to a lawyer I don‟t
want him to confuse me with legal terms and formal conversation. “Keep
it simple”, is always a very good rule. Let‟s move on.

1.15 Fixing the patient’s wrong conceptions


-Don‟t worry! We‟ll fix things. Don‟t worry!

-Yes, yes.

-I have seen this kind of problems been overcome by our treatment so

many times that I don‟t worry about it. I believe that as soon as the
“batteries” of your Nervous System are charged, you„ll do fine.

-My Nervous System… that‟s what I believe too doctor, my Nervous

System is completely ruined.

-We‟ll take care of it, don‟t worry.

-Are all these things caused by my thyroid?


-Does it have to do…?

-Don‟t be confused! It‟s simple. Your Nervous System collapsed and this
affects your thyroid and in turn this gland may affect your Nervous
System. It‟s a vicious circle. The one thing affects the other and so on.

Let me interrupt for an important comment. At this point I try to fix the
patient‟s wrong ideas about his health problems, wrong ideas that
Allopathic Medicine inserted into her mind. She tells me: “Are all these
things caused by my thyroid?” Being homeopathic doctors we are aware
of the Law of Hierarchy and the Law of the Whole. Imbalance and illness
begin from up downwards but secondarily the malfunction of a lower
organ can, in turn, affect the function of higher organs. So I explained to
her this law in a few simple words without insisting on theoretical

You see, wrong ideas and opinions about reality can and may cause
imbalance and illness if they are combined with other causes of illness.
Many people think that ideas are just words that have no effect on the
material body but this is totally wrong. When you have a wrong program
or a virus in your computer doesn‟t this cause malfunction to your
system? How can this not be of significance when it comes to wrong

ideas fixed into our psyche and brain? There are consequences for every
wrong idea that lies into our psyche and brain. When I say “wrong” I
always mean any deviation from normal, from natural.

That‟s the reason why during our first lectures we‟ve talked about
Universal Laws and how they can be used to judge if something is natural
and normal or not. Using these laws in three special lectures we have also
traced what is normal or abnormal in family, affairs and sexuality and
gave examples of how our false ideas can create problems, imbalance and

For example this certain woman has wrong ideas and attitude towards her
family and children. She has that domineering attitude, wants to control
everything and decide about everything and becomes overprotective.
Doesn‟t that affect her psychology and body function? Doesn‟t that affect
her children? It certainly does!

The etiological chain of Illness, as we‟ve many times said, is: Intentions,
Desires, Miasmas, Idiosyncrasy, Mental Patterns, External Conditions,
etc. Do you think that all these are theoretical without any practical
value? I don‟t think so! I‟ve already given you a specific example, an
individual case in which all these play a significant role; in fact, a very
important role! For example, we‟ve used all these in diagnosis when
judging if she is really tired or not; if she is “Mrs. Kate” or not; if she is
faking or not. It‟s time to move on.

1.16 Why a homeopath must be a doctor

-This weariness I feel, this weakness…

-It‟s definitely psychological.


-Definitely psychological. When…


-Isn‟t it caused by my thyroid?

-No! It‟s clearly psychological.

-Isn‟t it caused by the nodules of my thyroid?

-No, it‟s not caused by your thyroid since your blood tests show clearly
that your thyroid hormone levels are normal. So, your thyroid‟s function
is normal and cannot affect your psychology. Your thyroid hormone
levels are normal; only the levels of your anti-thyroid antibodies are
slightly increased. There is no problem regarding the function of your
thyroid gland.

-I thought that maybe my thyroid was the problem…

-No! You may have nodules in your thyroid gland but they don‟t affect its
function, its hormones level.

-At the hospital they told me that I should be operated and have my
thyroid removed.

-I don‟t think that there is such a need if we take in consideration both

your test results and your condition. Moreover I expect you to be cured
by our treatment and avoid such unpleasant things.

It‟s time for comments. Let me ask you something: If I wasn‟t a medical
doctor and did not know how to evaluate her test results, her condition
and the medication she is on, how, on earth, could I treat her? Why
should he trust me? I must be a doctor to apply Homeopathy and in fact a
very good one. A good homeopath must first be a good medical doctor.
This is absolutely necessary because Homeopathy is Medicine after all.

Whenever a patient comes to us we have to treat him as a whole

according to our homeopathic laws. We have to treat both his mind and
his body. How can we act as some homeopaths or even as some
homeopathic doctors do, and say “I will only ask you if you are cold or
not, if you like sweets and if you are irritable. If you have any diseases
and physical symptoms or for anything that has to do with tests or drugs

you should consult an allopathic doctor!” Is that Homeopathy? No! Is that

Medical Practice? Of course not!

Let me tell you something. Let‟s suppose that our patient has tachycardia
and great irritability that are caused by his hyperthyroidism. If I am not a
medical doctor and I am not aware of this, then I could consider these
symptoms as idiosyncratic characteristics of my patient and prescribe a
wrong homeopathic remedy.

Furthermore, if I am not a medical doctor how can I evaluate if he really

needs the chemical drugs that he takes for his thyroid? And if he doesn‟t
need them how can I take the responsibility to gradually stop it? Isn‟t my
medical duty to overcome any obstacle that obstructs my treatment? How
can I cure any person if he takes chemical drugs that not only he doesn‟t
need but on top they cause him a pharmaceutical hyperthyroidism?

These drugs may not spoil the energy action of my homeopathic remedies
but they cause an artificial disease to my patient and block his system. I
definitely have to be a medical doctor and a good one in order to diagnose
such obstacles and moreover to propose medical solutions. Let‟s move

1.17 Giving directions to the patient

-So, you‟ll be taking my medicines as follows: You will have one separate
capsule and you will use it in the morning of the first day. After that
you‟ll have one flagon with 30 capsules from which you‟ll take one
capsule per day every morning five minutes before breakfast, on empty
stomach. This treatment will last for one month and you will consult me
again in about one month‟s time, see how things went and decide how to
proceed from that time on.

-Should I continue taking the drug given by the orthopecic?


-Yes, you should continue Glucosamine Sulphate, because it helps your


-I see, I can take it; because it helped me.

-Yes, there is no problem taking it together with our medicines.

-So, I can take it…

-It helps your joints and we don‟t have to do with some kind of drug with
severe side effects.

-What about those drops that is for the swelling of my feet? My feet
become enormous…

-I will take care of your feet, don‟t burden your organism with too much

-Ok. It‟s just that I have this flagon full of such drugs… should I toss it

-I checked it and my opinion is that there is no need for it.

-I see, I see, OK.

Well, let me make some remarks. Again we come across the absolute
need that a homeopath should necessarily be a medical doctor and a good
one. She places on my desk several chemical drugs that she already uses.
I have to decide for her. Should she continue them? Are they really
needed? Do they help her or not? Do they have severe side effects or not?
Can all these be combined with my homeopathic treatment or not?

In this specific case I told her to continue the drug given for her joints
because it didn‟t have severe side effects on the one hand and it could
give some help to her joints on the other hand and later on, if she
improved we could stop it. I told her to stop taking the other drug given
for the swelling of her feet because I knew from my experience that not
only it wouldn‟t help her but it also had some severe side effects. You
see, there are some drugs that you can stop from the beginning of the

treatment, some that must be stopped gradually and some few ones that
it‟s wrong to stop. How can you decide about such things if you aren‟t a

And what, on earth, is this ridiculous conception: “I am a homeopath but

I am not a doctor!” How can you practice medicine without being a
medical doctor? Would it seem a normal thing to you if somebody told
you: “I teach kids but I am not a teacher!” or “I fix cars but I am not a
mechanic!” or “I will built a house for you but I am not a civil engineer!”
or “Get on my plane but let me tell you that I am not a pilot!” (laughing)

It‟s very important that the doctor is approachable. You have to be. You
have to have the patience to explain in simple words to the patient what to
do, when to do it and how to do it. Some doctors say: “My job is to write
it down to you and the pharmacist will explain all about it”. It‟s as if they
are telling the patient: “Hey, lady, don‟t bother me with such little stuff
because I am a great doctor and I don‟t have time to explain such little
things to stupid people!”

You see, we must as doctors realize that we have a human being facing us
and asking our help. It‟s true that sometimes some patients are indeed “a
pain in the ass”, but still they are patients, that is, suffering people and we
have to have patience. Let‟s go on.

-There is a slight possibility, when you take the first capsule, during the
first hours or few days to have a headache or feel sleepy. I say that to you
so as to expect it and not worry about it. This is not a side effect. On the
contrary it‟s a very good sign for me that our treatment has begun. We
name this “Therapeutic Aggravation” and if it doesn‟t happen that don‟t
mean that you are not going to get well. It‟s not necessary to happen and
in fact most of the times it doesn‟t happen.

Therapeutic Aggravation can only cause what I‟ve already told you and it
can never aggravate psychological symptoms. It affects only physical
symptoms and only those that you already have. It‟s never a problem
because it quickly passes off and gives place to general improvement both
physical and psychological. You will call me in two weeks‟ time to inform
me how are you going on and in one month‟s time I will see you again in
my office. Ok?

1.18 Standard explanations and standard questions

So, that‟s what case taking is all about. Let me tell you something. As
you will find out during our hearings to come, I usually use standard
questions during case taking and standard explanations to the patient
regarding how to follow the treatment. Life, experience and routine force
you to act in a rather standard way. But, most of the times, it‟s not what
you say that matters but how you say it and who you are. Words are
communication signs. It‟s who uses it that gives color and brightness to it.

As you must have noticed case taking as I see it, is a complete allopathic
and homeopathic examination. It includes present disease, pathography,
test results, medications, homeopathic case taking and the art of human
communication. That is how I do things and that is what I propose to you
to do. Any questions?

-If I examine a person that I know well, then it‟s easy to see his
inconsistencies and from his past life to know if what he says is as he
says it is. But when I am to examine a stranger, a person that I see for the
first time then you definitely must have some great experience in order to
say “things aren‟t the way he presents it to be”.

-On the contrary I tell you that when you examine a close friend it‟s even
harder to be objective! That‟s because you have already a picture in your
mind that is not always unbiased. Your emotions are involved most of the
times and they don‟t let you see clearly. On the other hand, when you
examine a stranger there is a lack of any emotional interference and you
tend to be more objective.

1.19 Idiosyncrasies “live among us” and “inside us”!

So, when you‟ll become well acquainted with human idiosyncrasies,

you‟ll be surprised to see that your mother, father, wife and kids aren‟t as
you‟ve imagined! And I do hope it will be a nice surprise and not a
terrible one! (laughing) All these people that we see in our office, for
example the “Mrs. Kate” Lachesis, the cruel Arsenicum or the psychotic
Hyoscyamus, are indeed people that “live among us”.

These people are the parents of some of us, or the kids of some of us or
the companions of some of us. Moreover these idiosyncrasies affect also
us and “live inside us”. It‟s not something that affects only others! It
definitely affects us also! You see doctors aren‟t excluded from illusion
and illness! (laughing)

1.20 The question is: “What are your motives when you learn or
teach Homeopathy?”

Each and every one is affected by illusions. Psoric persons have psoric
illusions that aren‟t in general less illusive than sycotic or syphilitic
illusions. Today, our hearing had to do with a syphilitic person and it may
seem a kind of an extreme case to you, much different from your illusions
because it happens that most of you are psoric persons. But nobody is
excluded from illusion if you happen to live on planet Earth!
Nevertheless, it‟s not accidental that in the beginning of these lectures
there were plenty more students from all miasmas and now most of you
left are psoric persons.

This is not accidental. Up to a point it has much to do with the way I

teach Homeopathy. For example, a syphilitic person would like to learn
Homeopathy in order to dominate others and gain money and fame and
not in order to heal and help others. Moreover he would have liked to
learn it quickly and superficially and he wouldn‟t stand me talking for

hours about philosophy and Universal Laws and ethics and all those un-
profitable things that I dwell on. Apart from that I didn‟t promise any
fancy diplomas to you so what motive do I give him so as to have the
patience to withstand my busting his balls with philosophies? (laughing)

Anyway, I made it quite clear to you from the beginning of this course
that I promise you nothing else but to do my best to transfer to you
everything I know about Homeopathy. If I wanted to take advantage of
you in any way I would have done it like some other homeopathic
teachers do. I would have promised fancy diplomas, I would have filled
your heads with promises for money and glory or I would have promised
that you will become my close associates. I could also have flattered you
in order to become my fans.

Being an experienced homeopathic doctor I have the ability to diagnose

the idiosyncrasies and miasmas that affect you and I could easily
manipulate you. I would promise money to the greedy one, fame to the
ambitious one, ideals to the idealist, religion to the religious one, security
to the insecure one and so on. I wouldn‟t do anything different from what
politics, salesmen and “gurus” of any kind do to their “clients”.

On the contrary, from the first minute I took care to give you
counterincentives by saying in a straight and clear way: “I will give you
any knowledge I have about Homeopathy and as long as I am in the mood
to do it. You‟ll get no diplomas of any kind from me. You aren‟t going to
be my associates when you complete the course and you‟ll have to be
independent. I will help you as much and as long as I can, I don‟t want
any money of yours and then you‟ll be on yourselves”. In fact I do
wonder why you are still here listening to me! (laughing)

I am not interested in manipulating you and taking advantage of you. I

was treated that way when studying Homeopathy and I don‟t want to
make the same mistake either to myself or to you. I have one more reason

to avoid any “business co-operations” with you. I am afraid of my egoism

and ambition and I don‟t want to become just another “great professor-
guru” sucking money and ambition out of you. In a few words, I don‟t
want “to become a caliph instead of another caliph” as “Is-No-Good”
wants to become in the homonymous comic. (laughing)

Don‟t forget that most of those who have been trained hardly and cruelly
as trainee soldiers become hard and cruel trainers in the end. Also, most
repressed people often become the worst repressors later on and many
poor people become the most scrounge nouveau riches and so on.

That‟s why I try to speak straight and clear to you. I think that this is the
best for you and primarily for me. Even if some of you don‟t have the
ability or the will or the time to become homeopathic doctors I really
don‟t give a dime about it! It‟s up to you! At least, I did enjoy teaching

1.21 Repertorising and Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis

As our first clinical case I must admit that I have chosen a long and
characteristic case. Due to her loquacity you may have become a little
tired and dizzy. But that was her main idiosyncratic characteristic:
loquacity and especially syphilitic loquacity. In fact it was a typical
Lachesis loquacity that you‟ll never forget! How can you! (laughing)

-She didn‟t say any specific physical symptoms like specific pains, etc.

-We were not interested about such symptoms.

-Moreover we haven‟t asked her about her physical symptoms.

-Why should I? She didn‟t have any symptoms leading to the diagnosis of
a specific physical disease. Moreover, from the homeopathic point of
view why should I ask in details her physical symptoms? What good
would it make to me regarding diagnosis of her idiosyncrasy? I practice

Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis as a method of homeopathic

diagnosis. I don‟t do Repertorising!

If I did Repertorising dwelling on her physical symptoms, it would have

been as if I had a treasure full of gold in front of me and I had picked that
bronze worthless bijou and looked at it amazed with that stupid happy
expression on my face. If I started asking “How is your pain? When do
you have it? What makes it worse or better?” then I would have lost my
focusing. I would have lost my concentration on that ocean of
characteristic valuable mental symptoms and non-verbal clues that this
person presented from the first minute she entered my office. So, why
choose faux bijou when I have in front of me real diamonds?

Furthermore, if I dealt with her physical symptoms, her being such a

syphilitic and inconsistent person, she would have given me such
incredible answers that I would end up in false diagnosis. Or I would end
up prescribing a superficial idiosyncrasy based mostly on physical
symptoms and I would have lost the diagnosis of her true miasmatic
idiosyncratic nature. Therapeutic results would have been superficial or

If I focused on her physical symptoms or disease I would have given her

Rhus Toxicodendron or Bryonia as the previous homeopathic doctor did
and accomplished partial alleviation but not constitutional treatment. Or if
I didn‟t focus on her miasmatic background I would have done the same
mistake as the previous doctor who prescribed Ignatia 1M for her based
on the fake secondary picture of the “hurt and disappointed victim of life
cruel circumstances”. And I would have prescribed again and again,
Ignatia 1M, Ignatia 10M and so on.

Can you picture the dead end that faces any doctor that hasn‟t got the
correct attitude and technique regarding homeopathic case taking? In
order to have correct diagnosis and good therapeutic results you have to

have the right attitude, correct theory, true knowledge of the

idiosyncrasies and the right technique. As Hippocrates said Medicine is
both Art and Science.

Let me tell you something else. To be honest, I would be deadly bored if I

did Repertorising like a robot asking this specific physical symptom and
then that and then look at the Repertory or at the Computer Expert
System and then back to the physical symptoms and so on.

A man is but his soul! A man is not his body! I am interested in grabbing
him from the throat and strip him of all his fake images and see straight
right into his mind and soul through his eyes. And say: “What are you?
What kind of a man are you, for God sake?” And the answer would be his
Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Identity! And the medicine that I would give him
would cure him in depth. I wouldn‟t care to judge him the least and I
would respect him the most but I wouldn‟t buy his crab. I wouldn‟t care
about his bronze bijou. I would only be interested in his gold and

Whenever I have a patient in front of me I feel that I have a unique

individual facing me; a special human being; a puzzle to be solved by me.
True homeopathic knowledge gives me the incredible ability to read his
mind and soul, to see his malfunctions, to see the causes of his imbalance.
This gives me the incredible chance to learn from his mistakes and not to
do the same mistakes myself. Got it?

This is what is “magic” in Homeopathy; this is what is “magic” to my

eyes! When you refuse Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Homeopathy and choose
Repertory, then magic changes into masturbation; a mental masturbation!
(laughing) Repertorising resembles mechanic masturbation while
Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis resembles a complete psychosomatic
orgasm! What would you like to choose for you? (laughing)

That‟s why I often say that there are as many Christianizes as many
Christians; as many loves as many lovers; and as many Homeopathies as
many homeopathic doctors. If you want light you have to earn it. If you
want to stay in the dark you just don‟t have to do anything.

1.22 If you don’t remain moral then your knowledge is lost

You must realize that if you didn‟t have the will and patience to listen and
assimilate the past 19 long lectures then you wouldn‟t be able to
understand and enjoy today‟s analysis of this live clinical case. There is a
certain line of hierarchy in all things. I couldn‟t just start your training
with analysis of clinical cases. What would I analyze if you didn‟t know
anything about Universal Laws and nothing about the fact that Illness is
caused by the violation of these laws.

If we haven‟t discussed thoroughly the causes of Illness and haven‟t

referred to miasmas and human idiosyncrasies you wouldn‟t be able to
fully understand why and how Lachesis causes psychosomatic illness to
this specific woman of our case. If we haven‟t talked about what is
normal and abnormal behavior in a family how could understand the
pathology of this woman? You wouldn‟t understand the syphilitic and
domineering attachment of this mother to her children.

Furthermore if I didn‟t insist that the attitude of any doctor should be

moral and natural according to Universal Laws you would be in danger of
being manipulated by me and you would be facing the temptation of
manipulating your patients. And I would be in danger of manipulating
you and becoming a homeopathic “guru”. This homeopathic knowledge
that is moral, natural and positive would have easily turned into an art of
manipulating patients and people for money, glory and fans.

But, as people say: “Nature revenges! And this is done through the
Universal Law of Action and Reaction. Believe me! Many homeopathic
doctors started with good intentions and became very good healers but as
their intentions became immoral due to money and fame, they lost their
true knowledge and the ability to diagnose correctly.

Such a tragic case is the one we came across today. The homeopathic
doctor that this woman attended was a colleague of mine many years ago.
He was a nice young man then with true moral intentions and enthusiasm.
He was taught true Homeopathy from my teacher and from me since I
was older than him. But then after years he lost the path and ended up
giving to this woman who is a typical clear case of Lachesis, Rhus
Toxicodendron 30CH ten capsules two per day or Ignatia 1M and again
Ignatia 10M and again and again!

He knew Lachesis well, he was taught well, he knew the homeopathic

laws, he was taught the true art of case taking… he knew it all! But in the
process of life he lost his morality and so he lost his clear thinking. If
your heart is confused then your mind is also confused! Easy come, easy
go! Or to be more precise regarding true knowledge and wisdom we
should say: “With great difficulty come, easy go!”

You haven‟t studied Homeopathy theoretically more than a year and you
have only seen a few cases in my office but I believe that it was easy for
you to identify this typical Lachesis image even from the very beginning
of the case taking. But, that experienced doctor after consulting her for
months could not see this thing and give her Lachesis. What can I say!
Whom God wish to ruin he first drives mad!

Can you realize that you may be in front of a huge elephant and think that
he is an ant bear just because they both have a trunk? This happens when
you seem to see but you don‟t see. That‟s why I say again and again that
since homeopathic doctor is the measuring device of the soul and body of

the patient, if he is to reach a correct diagnosis he has to be well tuned

and calibrated.

I am really glad that we‟ve reached this point of theoretical knowledge

because from now on every time you‟ll hear a recorded live case or every
time you examine a patient you‟ll know that true theory is not a waste and
is fundamental for any practice.

Your training may have been done without a prescheduled program,

nevertheless, it was carried out according to my experience and according
to the Universal Laws of Hierarchy and Whole. It was imperative that
first you had to listen to theory and philosophy and then get acquainted
with the true pictures of homeopathic idiosyncrasies. Then it was time for
homeopathic case taking and now it‟s time for analysis of clinical cases.
What follows is the clinical practice next to me in my office and then on
your own. That is the correct hierarchical order of things.

Let me remind you that I taught you Repertorising only at our last
theoretical lecture and stressed to you that I only use it for acute
conditions side by side with Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis. So, that‟s
its place and usefulness. Last, alternative and supplementary! Toes are
one thing, brain is another and soul is another. There is a hierarchy in all
things and we must not violate it. Or else you‟ll have to do with the
Universal Law of Hierarchy and its anger! (laughing)

I know I have become loquacious but please don‟t give me Lachesis…

(laughing). I assure you that this is another kind of loquacity! (laughing).
It‟s a psoric loquacity regarding ideas but also a sycotic regarding
expression. I understand that you‟ve already started making guesses about
my idiosyncrasy… but what can I do! Some things are just inevitable! So
sleep on it! (more laughing)



2.1 The “Granny” Medicine, the “Mother” Medicine and the

“Grandchild” Medicine!

2.2 Present Disease

2.3 A brief necessary introduction to Homeopathy

2.4 General physical questions

2.5 General psychological questions

2.6 Evaluation of headaches and evaluation of aversion milk

2.7 Tracing possible idiosyncrasies by Miasmatic Idiosyncratic


2.8 Ironic and temperamental

2.9 Nervous symptoms, insecurity and extroversion

2.10 Tracing fixed ideas, jealousy and insecurity

2.11 Intellect and ambitions

2.12 Final diagnosis and explanations to the patient

Good Evening! Before we go on with more clinical cases I will make a

digression; as you must have already noticed it must be an idiosyncratic
characteristic of mine. (laughing)

2.1 The “Granny” Medicine, the “Mother” Medicine and the

“Grandchild” Medicine!

Last night I woke up at 3 a.m. and started thinking; you see that‟s not
something unusual for me. It must be my inspiration time. (laughing) It is
probably one more idiosyncratic trait of mine.

It so happened that a question crossed my mind: “What‟s Homeopathy?”

You are so damn right if you tell me: “Good Lord! After 25 years of
homeopathic practice, how on earth, can you think of such questions?”
Well, it doesn‟t seem strange to me because Homeopathy is a great part
of my life not just as a profession but also as philosophy and way of life.

Let me go on. An analogy crossed my mind. There was “Granny”

Medicine prevailing until 1850 A.D. Granny Medicine was a person with
principles and strict morality. Think of her as a psoric combination of
Natrum Muriaticum and Nux Vomica. She believed in the principles of
Hippocrates, practiced herbal medicine and was very strict about ethical
matters; she also didn‟t have much relation with Technology. So she was
very idealistic and also very conservative, finding it difficult to adjust to
technological evolutions.

Around 1850 A.D, her daughter “Mother” Medicine, that is, Modern
Medicine, being at her puberty, reacted strongly against her mother. She
was a syphilitic combination of Lachesis and Platina. She thought that she
had the ability and strength to change Medicine and Humanity in general.
She had an aversion for tradition, past ideals and conservative methods of
diagnosis and treatment. She was in favor of quick, drastic and promising
new treatments. She studied thoroughly the human body, invented
technological diagnostic tests, discovered bacteria and promised that she
would annihilate all human diseases and even overcome aging. She was
so confident and even arrogant; she started playing God!

One must admit that she did wonderful things in many fields: modern
diagnostic tests, transplantations, operations and drastic chemical drugs
for every disease. These modern drugs stopped symptoms immediately
but did not cure chronic problems because they were simply suppressing
diseases causing many severe side effects.

Then it was time for “Grandchild” Medicine that is, Holistic Medicine to
make their debut. She had genes both from their mother and grandmother.
She was inspired by the ideals, laws and principles of her grandmother
but was also fond of technology and evolution. Being young, enthusiastic
and idealistic she now wants to renew Medicine. That‟s what
Homeopathy and Holistic Medicine is for me; the renewal of Medicine.

Homeopathy is not just a new kind of herbal medicine since it acts on the
Energy-Etheric Level, thus effecting deeper therapeutic results.
Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry have entered the energy Era the last
100 years while Modern Medicine is still dealing only with the Material
Level. It‟s time for Modern Medicine to enter the energy Era also through
the push from Energy Holistic Medicines like Homeopathy and

It so happen, of course that Homeopathy, the Grandchild Medicine is still

going through her puberty. It may move on to something revolutionary or
it may adjust to the system, as most teenagers do and become that typical,
conservative “Greek Mother” resembling Allopathic Medicine!
(laughing) It‟s up to us homeopathic doctors!

I gave my answer to my question “What‟s Homeopathy?” It‟s about time

to give your answer, each and every one of you. What‟s Homeopathy for
you? It‟s also time for you to wake up at 3 a.m. in the morning
philosophizing! (laughing)

Now, let‟s move on to our second hearing of a live clinical case. The
procedure is as follows: we start hearing the recorded case and you note
down rubrics and comments that we shall discuss whenever we stop the
hearing for discussion. Next time I will give you a paper of mine with the
abbreviations of symptoms, diseases and usual rubrics. I will also give
you a list of usual rubrics and what idiosyncrasies usually have these
rubrics at grade 3 or 2. It‟s seems like a brief Repertory but please use it
only as I told you that we use Repertory: only as a reminder.

If you use it any other way I won‟t do anything to you until I die. Then I
will get up from my grave and haunt your office telling to your patients:
“He practices Allopathic Homeopathy! Run for your life!” (laughing)

2.2 Present Disease

Let‟s move on. This clinical case is about a young woman 25 years old.
In the waiting room I usually address my new patients using the plural
but when entering my office and after greetings I don‟t speak in a formal
manner so as to help my patient feel comfortable. That doesn‟t mean that
I stop being polite and discreet. Let‟s go on.

-Well, what brings you to me?

-Acne rosacea, as my dermatologist told me.

-Since when?

-Four years.

-Did you take any drugs or are you still taking?

-I‟ve tried several ointments and at times I‟ve used antibiotics but nothing
worth mentioning happened.

-Any other health problems?

-No, nothing worth telling you.


-What about your menses. Is it normal?


-Have you done any hormonal tests?

-Yes and they were normal. My gynecologist did ultrasound to me but

there were no polycystic ovaries. Everything was normal.

2.3 A brief necessary introduction to Homeopathy

-I see. Before going on I would like to tell you a few words about your
case and what we can do about it with Homeopathy from my experience.
Acne rosacea differs a lot from common acne. Common acne happens
during puberty to most teenagers and most of the times isn‟t a troubling
and insisting situation. On the contrary acne rosacea happens many
years after puberty and is a rare and more troubling disease. There is
always a skin predisposition as a background that is irritated at a certain
time giving chronic symptoms.

So, if we prescribe antibiotics we merely suppress temporarily the

symptoms and the bacteria growth but we don‟t cure the fertile ground
for the development of the bacteria so the disease keeps relapsing. A
similar thing happens if we give hormonal treatment or other drastic
chemical drugs which again suppress merely the symptoms or the
disease. Not only we keep having relapses but we may suffer from their
severe side effects. It‟s always important not to go fix the “body of the
car” and damage “the engine”.

Unfortunately, nowadays, most chemical drugs merely suppress the

symptoms or even worse the disease but don‟t achieve causative
treatment. If you enter any common pharmacy you will see at the shelves:
antitussive drugs for cough, antipyretic drugs for fever, antiemetic drugs
for vomiting, anti-inflammatory drugs for inflammations, antidepressant
drugs for depression and so on. Our aim in Homeopathy is not just to

suppress symptoms or diseases but to cure the causes of Illness in general

so as to overcome diseases permanently.

I am a medical doctor, I was specialized in Homeopathy and I apply it the

last 25 years. From my experience such problems as yours can be cured
completely and permanently in most patients. This is done by balancing
the whole organism which in turn balances also the hormonal system.

You may wonder, of course, why any hormonal abnormalities haven‟t

been traced by the lab tests. This is not a rare thing, because normal
ranges of hormones are very wide and fluctuating all the time, so there
may be an imbalance that cannot be traced. Hormonal disorders affect
the secretion of sebaceous glands of the face thus creating a fertile
ground for acne. Subsequently, any external medication like for example
ointments are but a superficial treatment and not a curative one. We need
to act more internally and in a more causative way.

So, I will ask you several questions in order to identify your idiosyncrasy,
your personality, because in Homeopathy we always administer that
medicine which is similar not to your diseases but to your idiosyncrasy.
This homeopathic medicine will mobilize all therapeutic mechanisms of
your organism and thus balance you as a whole.

Homeopathic drugs are natural because they are prepared mainly from
minerals and plants but still they are not simply herbs or vitamins. They
are considered drugs, are prescribed by doctors and sold by pharmacies,
but, nevertheless they cause no side effects at all! They are so harmless
that can be given even to babies and pregnant women without second
thought or any special precaution.

Nor do we have any problem if during our treatment any other chemical
drug is needed. Homeopathic drugs act on the energy level and chemical

drugs act on the material level so there is no interference between them.

Nevertheless, the less chemical drugs with side effects a person makes use
of the better for his organism. At this point I will start asking you several
questions in order to decide what homeopathic medicine suits your

It‟s now time for discussion of the case. So there comes to me this 25
years old young woman with a history of acne rosacea the last 4 years.
She complained for nothing else so first I gave her a brief but necessary
introduction to Homeopathy since it‟s her first consultation regarding
Homeopathy. But even if she visited other homeopathic doctors in the
past, since there are so many weird and false ways of practicing
Homeopathy it is essential that I clear things out and present what is
correct from my point of view.

During this introduction we explain to the patient in simple words what is

it that he has and why allopathic treatment didn‟t help him. Then we go
on explaining how Homeopathy works and what‟s our experience
regarding treatment of his specific diseases. We also answer to the
question what are homeopathic medicines, how they work and if they
have any kind of side effects.

It‟s important that this introduction be done before to start asking about
his physical characteristics or personal matters. We have to explain to the
patient that we ask all these because we are interested in diagnosing his
idiosyncrasy apart from his disease and that this is a crucial thing in
Homeopathy because for each patient we administer the similar to his
idiosyncrasy homeopathic medicine.

From my experience this is a good way of making a working relation

between the doctor and the patient and then you can go asking anything
you want because a human contact has already been established. The
patient sees that he has in front of him a doctor that is human and

approachable but at the same time well informed; that he cares to explain
to him all about his problems and that he knows well what he does and
has a certain program of treatment.

Furthermore he doesn‟t give him the impression of the arrogant scientist

that says: “I needn‟t explain anything to you because you don‟t have the
knowledge to understand; I am a great scientist and you know nothing;
don‟t ask much, just follow my orders, pay me and off you go!”
(laughing) Let‟s move on; it‟s time to start noting down what you
consider important.

2.4 General physical questions

-Are you hot or cold in general?


-During winter time do you want much clothing or not?

-Yes I do, I do want much.

-What about your feet? Are they cold during winter?

-Very cold!

-Does it often happen that your feet are at the same time cold and
sweating during winter time?


-Does it often happen that if you go out after washing your hair without
drying it, to have headache or catch cold easily? I mean if you have a
very sensitive head regarding cold.

-I often have a headache if I get cold but since my hair are dense and
long I never go out if I don‟t dry it well.

-Do you usually have brittle nails, cracking easily?


-Do your lips crack easily?

-No, not particularly.

-Is your skin dry or greasy?

-A combination of both, I would say.

-Is your hair greasy, oily? After how many days do they usually need

-I wash them day after day; they need three or four days to become oily.

-Are you thirsty or not?

-Normally thirsty.

-Do you like sweets a lot?


-Do you go and buy it or do you eat it only if it‟s there?

-I don‟t ask for it but if it‟s there I will eat it.

-Do you like salt and salty food or not?

-Oh, yes, I do like it.

-Does this mean that you crave salty chips and salty dried nuts?

-Yes, I eat it a lot.

-Will you add salt to your food even before tasting it?

-I do it but not always.

-Do you like fatty meat or crave fat in general?


-Even boiled fatty meat? I mean for example the skin of a boiled chicken?

-I don‟t prefer cooked meat. I prefer roasted meat.

-Do you like cold water?

-Not very cold.


-Do you prefer it from the fridge even in winter?

-No, of course not.

-What about sour things like lemon and vinegar. Do you like it a lot?

-Just lemon.

-Do you like the taste of fresh milk?

-No, I don‟t.

-Does it cause you distention or indigestion?

-Yes, it causes bloating to me.

-Ever since you were a baby?

-Yes, my mother used to force me to drink it.

-What is your favorite position of sleep? On your back, on your belly or

on sides?

-On the sides.

-Left, right or both?

-Sometimes left, sometimes right.

-Whenever you lie on your left side, the side of the heart, does it
sometimes happen to hear its sound and say to yourself “I will change
position so as not to press my heart”?

-No, no.

-How about salivation coming out of your mouth to the pillow during
night time?

-From time to time.

-Did you have warts on your hands or feet in the past?


-Did you have relapsing vaginitis, urine infections or anemia in the past?

-I had anemia once or twice in the past.


-Do you prefer the sea or the mountain?

-The sea.

-Do you like it a lot?

-Yes, very much.

-Is it the love of your life? Does it calm you even by watching it as if it
were a remedy for you?

-Yes, indeed.

2.5 General psychological questions

-How about irritability? Do you easily get angry?

-A lot.

-What usually makes you angry? What usually bothers you?

-When others press me to do something; when they insist I am pissed.

-Any other behaviors that annoy or irritate you?

-Rudeness and injustice.

-Whenever you get angry do you express your anger or keep it inside?

-If it‟s a close person I do express my anger a lot. But if it‟s at my job
environment I keep it inside. Nevertheless I will find a way to show my

-When somebody offends you, insults you, not necessarily at work where
you can‟t express yourself easily, will you put him down a peg?

-Yes I will; I just can‟t tolerate him being on top of me.

-How will you put him down a peg? By yelling, by arguments, by being
ironic or by being snobbish?

-I may become slightly ironic.

-If somebody greatly offends you, do you bear grudges at him, not
forgetting it?

-If he is a close one, not so much, but at work if they do something to me I

don‟t forget it.

-Do you even want to pay back?

-No, I don‟t do it.

-Are you usually moody, temperamental? Do you have ups and downs all
the time during the day?

-Yes, that happens indeed; one time angry and then not.

-Even without any reason? I mean that you may say to yourself: “What‟s
the matter to me? Why am I angry?” and then after a while this passes off
just like that.

-Yes, that‟s me!

-If you try reading in a bus or in a car do you become dizzy?

-Yes, that‟s something that happens to me since my childhood.

-Whenever you feel sleepy do your feet or body become cold?


-Do you often have headaches?

-Yes, ever since my childhood.

-If you go downtown where there is a lot of traffic and people do you
often have a headache?

-Yes, I just can‟t stand traffic and crowds.

-Does your headache start there or on coming home?

-On coming home; it also causes dizziness to me.

2.6 Evaluation of headaches and evaluation of aversion milk

It‟s about time to stop this hearing. I deliberately let the hearing take its
course so as not to have many interruptions as last time. I wanted you to

feel the rhythm, the tempo of my case taking. What have you noted down
as capital, as grade three rubrics and what as grade two?

-I noted down her characteristic headache.

-What idiosyncrasies have crossed your mind?

-First Valeriana, then Natrum Muriaticum and then Nux Vomica.

-Any other comments?

-She has those ups and downs, that characteristic moodiness that matches

-Other comments? Anybody else?

-I noted down the fact that when she returns home from downtown traffic
she feels that dizziness and headache which also matches Valeriana. I
would also add that she is cold grade 2 and that she has an aversion to
fresh mild since childhood.

-What idiosyncrasies have aversion to fresh milk even since childhood?

Before you answer to me, first tell me if someone doesn‟t like fresh milk
since childhood what grade of aversion is this?

-Grade 3.

-Right! It‟s grade 3 or at least 2 to 3. So, what idiosyncrasies have

aversion to the taste of fresh milk?

-Natrum Muriaticum?

-From top to bottom we first think of Silica and Natrum Carbonicum and
then Natrum Muriaticum.

-But her nails aren‟t brittle like Silica‟s.

-Right. But we are not at the phase of differential diagnosis right now; we
are at the phase of tracing possible idiosyncrasies. So we don‟t exclude
any idiosyncrasy that comes to our mind. So, up to now, possible
idiosyncrasies are first Valeriana and then Silica and maybe Natrum
Carbonicum. What else?

-Natrum Muriaticum.

-Yes… even that and Nux Vomica. What are her main rubrics up to now?
I say that she is “cold grade 1 to 2” not to say only 1. I was not convinced
that she is very cold, at least from the way she was saying it. She has
“headaches grade 2 or even 3” because it‟s something that she has ever
since her childhood. She has “desire for salt 2 to 3” and “aversion fresh
milk 3”. She also has “desire for sea 3” which is a sycotic characteristic.
What sycotic idiosyncrasies have this characteristic? Medorrhinum, of
course! But, nevertheless, Valeriana and even Natrum Muriaticum may
have a strong sycotic tendency. Our patient also has “irritability 2 to 3”,
which is an important characteristic of hers.

-Furthermore, she says that she gets angry whenever pressed or from
injustice which are also traits of Valeriana.

-Right! I also note that she says that she expresses her anger according to
conditions which means that she is flexible and not a rigid person for
example like Platina who will express her anger under any condition. She
expresses her anger more easily to her close ones and that is also a trait of
Valeriana; when she can she is like a wild cat showing her nails to others!
She also said that even at work, she will find some way to show that she
is annoyed and that she “just can‟t tolerate him being on top of me”. This
is indeed a very strong characteristic of the insecurity of Valeriana.

2.7 Tracing possible idiosyncrasies by Miasmatic Idiosyncratic


So, you see, we are already able to trace certain directions, certain
possible idiosyncrasies. That‟s how things work whenever we employ
Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis that I have taught you. If I just note
down the patient‟s answers without evaluation and puzzling at that very
minute and then after ending all the questions start thinking about
possible idiosyncrasies then I‟ve lost the case. You have to ask, evaluate,
wonder about possible idiosyncrasies, note them down, ask again,
evaluate, wonder and ask again and so on. The more you ask, the more
you trace and the more you know where all this is going to.

It‟s like that game of ten questions. A person writes down a certain object
without you knowing it and then you have only ten questions to find out
what he has in his mind. As you proceed his answers direct you to certain
routes and your questions become more specific and more targeted. First
you are guided to possible objects and finally you end up with the one
and only one right object.

Things get worse if I say I will take the case and will study it later in my
convenience to decide what to give. I did that, years ago, whenever I had
a difficult case but after a while I found out that it doesn‟t work. What
matters is “here and now” because you are in the middle of a “fight” and
you have the chance to act according to the moves of your “opponent”.
What good does it make if you film the fight and watch it later on TV?
Then, from your couch, you don‟t have the chance to fight back and
change the course of the fight.

In the office you have the chance to do differential diagnosis and ask
again and again in order to decide what the most similar remedy to his
picture is. You can change as many times as you like the “optic angle”
from which you can see the patient. You can also wonder if he is this or
that idiosyncrasy and ask specific questions that characterize the
idiosyncrasies you have in mind.

You are not a paleontologist having in front of you a dead fossil that you
have all the time to examine whenever you want. You have a living
creature in front of you who is always in motion and action and these
constant changes are the ones that will give you valuable clues for your

2.8 Ironic and temperamental

Irony is a very strong characteristic of Valeriana. She may have said that
she is slightly ironic but I don‟t buy it. She doesn‟t want to seem “mean”

to me and this syphilitic state according which she is something but wants
to show that she is something else, is indeed confirmative of Valeriana.
Don‟t forget that Valeriana is syphilitic and “hidden”. She likes to project
an image quite different from her real qualities.

Our patient is also very temperamental, temperamental 3. Be careful!

This has little to do with the fickleness of Pulsatilla regarding her mood.
Pulsatilla is not moody regarding irritability; she is fickle regarding her
emotions. She is easily glad and easily depressed from slight causes
because she is very sensitive, very emotional. Moreover she is psoric and
romantic regarding her ideas but very sycotic and fickle regarding her
expression while Valeriana is syphilitic.

Valeriana has ups and downs during a day with no profound reason.
Nothing happened and nothing crossed her mind but still she has those
inexplicable ups and downs. It‟s an internal moodiness largely
independent from external factors. See how we must compare
idiosyncrasies using our knowledge of miasmas? That‟s why I call my
method Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis.

Our patient has another characteristic feature. Most of the times that she
goes downtown to the traffic and crowded places she earns a headache
that characteristically begin on returning home. And that is also a strong
trait of Valeriana. Let‟s move on to our hearing.

2.9 Nervous symptoms, insecurity and extroversion

-Whenever in a party full of strangers do you feel comfortable or not?

Not if you appear to be comfortable but how you feel?

-Ok… if there are many unknown people I don‟t feel so comfortable but I
adjust and act normally.

-Compared to the average of other people of your age, regarding

cleverness, smartness, I.Q. and not regarding diplomas or success, do
you feel on the average, lower or higher?

-Ha, ha… what can I say? On the average.

-When angry do you want to break something or throw something?

-No! No!

-Are you tidy? Do you want everything to be in order?

-Normally. I don‟t overdo it.

-What about your personal problems, your deep felt matters? Do you
want to talk about it to others or do you keep it inside?

-I always need someone to talk to.

-To how many people will you speak about your personal problems?

-To one or two.

-To these close persons will you speak by yourself or do you need a little

-No, I talk.

-When you are upset from something personal and someone not from
your close ones has heard about it and comes to console you, how do you
feel? Do you just listen to him, feel better or does consolation annoys you
or irritates you?

-Well, I will listen to him.

-Does pity annoy you or make you angry?

-Yes it does! I don‟t like others to feel pity for me.

It‟s again time for conversation. At the beginning of our case taking the
patient mentioned incidents of dizziness. First of all I have to see if this
dizziness is pathological or not, i.e. if it‟s caused by low blood pressure or
anemia or if it‟s of nervous or hysteric origin. Now that I have a more

complete picture of her I tend to consider that she has enough nervous
and hysteric elements, so I am justified to consider her dizziness as a
nervous symptom as is also her headaches. That is something that suits
Valeriana. Now let me ask you something: Is she insecure or not? What
have you to say?

-She is.

-My opinion is that she is cool.

-Well, I tell you that she is insecure. On the one hand you see a young
lady that looks cool, answers with certainty and without much thought,
has clear opinions but on the other hand if she finds herself in the
presence of many strangers then, although she doesn‟t project it, she
doesn‟t feel nice. This matches Valeriana‟s insecurity; on the one hand
she acts as if she is modern and strong and confident and on the other
hand whenever she goes to a new place she is anxious about the
impression she will make to others; she is very careful about how to
speak, how to dress, how to eat, etc.

Platina, on the contrary, is so confident and certain about her cleverness

and beauty and this is radiated all around her. Medorrhinum is also
confident but in another way; he has that wide-boy air: “That‟s who I am
whether you like it or not!”

Nevertheless she surely doesn‟t have the insecurity and lack of self-
confidence of Thuja or Gelsemium. The way she talks and her answer
about her cleverness have nothing to do with the above two
idiosyncrasies. When asked about her cleverness she says “on the
average” but I don‟t buy it! I think that she says so, in order not to be
characterized as freak or fruitcake. Is she in any way fastidious?


-Correct! How about introversion or extroversion?

-I think she is on the average.


-I think that she is expressive.

-Ok, expressive, but what about introversion or extroversion?

-She might be introvert.

-I would say that from her whole picture she seems to be careful to talk
about her personals. She is careful what to say and what not to say and
this also suits Valeriana. Let‟s move on.

2.10 Tracing fixed ideas, jealousy and insecurity

-Have you got any fears or phobias?


-How about fear of heights, I mean to look down from your balcony?

-Not particularly… only if it‟s from very high above.

-Does it happen that on leaving your car, house or job to have the doubt
that you haven‟t locked the door or that you have left the oven on or the

-Once in a while.

-Will you go back to have a look at it when you are already on the street?

-Maybe, once in a while.

-Does it happen sometimes that you‟ve already checked things before

going out and then when on the street, still to wonder if you‟ve forgotten
something else?

-No, no.

-When walking on the street to have the tendency to count steps, cars, and
say “one, two, three, four, etc.”


-Are you superstitious? To say I saw this thing so things will go bad or


-Do you like mixing sweet and salty food? Eat sweet and then
immediately salt and so on?

-Not particularly.

-Whenever you are in a car next to the driver do you sometimes have the
feeling that opposite cars are heading towards you and want to step on
the breaks or shout to the driver?

-No, only slightly.

-Does it happen that you have a lot of “what if…” crossing your mind?
What if this happens? What if that happens?


-Are you afraid of diseases?

-No, not much… just like all other people.

-Whenever you listen about heart attacks, strokes, cancer, etc. are you
afraid that it may also happen to you and become worried?

-No, not particularly, only for a moment.

-Any other fears?

-I am mostly anxious about how things will go?

-Are you jealous?

-Ha, ha… at a normal degree. He didn‟t give me any reasons…

-What about your companion? Do you want not just to love you but to
show it to you all the time and deal with you?

-Ok, normally… who doesn‟t want such a thing?

Once again, we stop the hearing for discussion. I ask her about her fears
and she tells me about her insecurity regarding future. Be careful! We
always take in consideration the patient‟s present status. She is 25 years
old and starts thinking: “I didn‟t get married, I have no children yet, my

job is not standard yet, etc…” She doesn‟t have the confidence of a
Platina and she doesn‟t have the cool feeling and the easy-going thinking
of a Medorhinum or of a sycotic person. She is a Valeriana full of

You see, from a certain point on I have reached my diagnosis and since
my first choice is Valeriana my aim is to confirm this or reject it.
Whatever she tells me from now on rings bells to my ears confirming or
rejecting possible idiosyncrasies.

I also check and cross check if her non verbal data, her style and the “air”
of her whole personality suits Valeriana or if some data contra-indicate
Valeriana. It‟s as if I have already placed 10 pieces on my puzzle and
these indicate Valeriana. From this time on any new piece I choose to
place tells me if my diagnosis is correct or not. If it fits it makes my
diagnosis stronger. If it‟s neutral I leave it apart and take it in
consideration. If it doesn‟t fit at all I start thinking: “Did I do something
wrong? Is she a different idiosyncrasy?” And I keep searching until I
reach a diagnosis with great certainty.

For example she has this insecurity that suits Valeriana. Valeriana is also
ambitious, wants to do much regarding her life, wants to find a man and
create a family the way she likes, wants security and standards, has
specific dreams to fulfill, wants a man that she can manipulate in order to
fulfill her dreams, etc. Is she jealous or not?

-She is jealous.

-What grade?


-Well, I say two to three.

-And how my dear colleagues did you reach to such a conclusion?

-She said so.



-She said that she is jealous normally.

-Yes, but the way she said it…

-Bravo! It‟s the way she said it that counts! You see I may say “yes” and
actually mean “no”. It reminds me of a certain joke: If a woman asks a
man if he could have married her and he says “Possibly” then it‟s a “no”
but he doesn‟t want to make her feel bad. On the other hand, if a man
asks a woman the same thing and she says “Possibly” then it‟s a definite
“yes” but she doesn‟t want to be considered as an easy target. (laughing)

It‟s not what the patient says that interests us; it‟s mostly what lies
beneath it, if it does. Did you notice that when he answered about
jealousy she laughed feeling embarrassed? There‟s a very good saying in
Greece: “His lips say one thing and his heart another!”

And this definitely suits Valeriana because at this age, young Valerianas
want to project the image of the “modern and liberal woman” and of
course, a liberal girl can‟t be jealous. On the other hand you may come up
to a Valeriana that answers straight away: “Yes, I am jealous, indeed and
I will tear him to pieces if he cheats on me!” She will say this laughing
but at the same time she will definitely mean what she said. You see
Valeriana is a syphilitic idiosyncrasy and may project herself in many
different and even opposite ways. The primal tendency is what matters
and not the final secondary behaviors.

There are times that she says she isn‟t jealous and at a certain point she
even believes it. But if her companion cheats on her then things turn
upside down. The once “confident” and “cool” woman becomes
pathologically jealous, torn to pieces, very insecure and revengeful!

When I‟ve asked her if she wants her companion not just to love her but
to show it all the time she says: “Who doesn‟t want such a thing?” This
could be the answer of a Valeriana but it could also be a Palladium case.
Nevertheless, Palladium is more hysterical, more complaining and is very
much affected by the comments and opinion of others. If our patient was
a Palladium idiosyncrasy she would say that she likes others to show her
that they love her and care about her, grade 3 and she would be proud to
say it. She would also like her own people to deal with her and even if
they dealt very much with her she would still be complaining in a “kitty
cat” way.

But Valeriana wouldn‟t admit that she wants others to deal with her a lot.
Moreover, if there was an exaggeration on this matter she may even be
annoyed. This happens because she thinks that her privacy is violated.
She could also consider this behavior as hypocritical and not sincere,
since she is so mistrustful of others.

So, our patient in her own way shows that she likes her companion to
deal with her but she says “who doesn‟t want such a thing” in order to
conceal that she is abnormally jealous; again she tries to maintain the
image of the modern and liberal woman who is “cool” and never a “Mrs.
Kate” case.

She said that she is afraid of height at a degree 1 to 2. So I started asking

several questions in order to trace fixed ideas which is the characteristic
of Argentum Nitricum. Nothing confirms that and so I go on tracing other

You see, at first I employ no guiding during case taking. It‟s the phase of
tracing. But after a while, when the patient shows definite signs of certain
idiosyncrasies or miasmas, things change. I start guiding the case by
asking specific questions that regard specific characteristics of these
possible idiosyncrasies. It‟s not that I arbitrarily guide the course of the

case taking. It‟s simply that life shows me certain routes and I explore

In this certain case, even from the very beginning her style and non verbal
elements indicated Valeriana. But still, I started asking general routine
questions because I had to go through Phase One, the phase of gathering
information so as to be certain about my initial suspicions. During the
first phase I have to be guided in a general way and see if my patient‟s
idiosyncrasy can be listed in one of the following idiosyncratic families:
Egoistic, Neuro-vegetative, Hysteric, Nervous, Irritable, Phobic, Psoric,
Sycotic, Syphilitic, Psychotic, Intellectual, etc. It‟s time to go on.

2.11 Intellect and ambitions

-Do you like reading books?

-Yes, but I don‟t have time for this the last few years.

-What books do you like to read?

-History, literature, novels…

-What kind of movies do you enjoy watching?

-Quality movies.

-If you won the lottery and could make all your dreams come true what
would you like to do professionally or what would you like to do with
your life?

-I would like to travel.

-And as a profession?

-To open a store.

-What kind of store?

-A restaurant or a cafeteria.

-Any other profession?


-I would like to become a photographer… I‟ve attended some seminars of

this kind.

-Would you like to make a career or do you simply want to make a living
out of your job in order to have a good time?

-Well, I would surely like to do something worthy.

Comments! Time for comments! I‟ve asked questions about her

intellectuality, books, movies and such staff. She doesn‟t seem to be very
intellectual as Lycopodium or Sulphur would be. Nevertheless, being a
genuine Valeriana she says that she likes reading books although not
lately, because she wants to be considered “cultured” and not an ignorant
person. But I don‟t buy it at all! Even her tone of voice while answering
does not persuade me about her answer. She simply likes to project a
certain image, as Valeriana does. You see, most of the times Valeriana is
one thing and projects another.

I also asked her about her attitude towards profession. I am not interested
in what a patient does as a profession but what he likes to do or would
like to do. Because, very often, we choose our profession forced by
certain conditions and our choice does not agree with our likes and
dislikes or with our abilities. Since I am mainly interest in what she really
likes I deliberately tell her “If you won the lottery what would you do?”
because then she feels free to say whatever she really wants.

She said that she would like to open a store or restaurant or cafeteria and
this is a sycotic answer. Don‟t forget that she has some sycotic
characteristics and that she is very fond of the sea, grade 3. But the
answer that suits Valeriana is when she says she would like to be a
photographer and that she has attended some relevant seminars. Don‟t
think that she definitely has the ability to become a good photographer or
that this is the dream of her life. It‟s rather a past teenager choice or to be
more precise a past teenager image she projected to others so as to be
considered “cultured” and “art-oriented”, etc.

2.12 Final diagnosis and explanations to the patient

Many new data confirm Valeriana, again and again so I don‟t ask
anything else as confirmation or as differential diagnosis. I have already
excluded Silica because the latter is characteristically psoric and not
syphilitic as our patient. I also excluded Natrum Carbonicum for the same
reason and due to the lack of any other characteristics of it.

Nux Vomica does not suit the case regarding style or tendency for
fastidiousness. She was a clear case of Valeriana from the beginning to
the end. Clear, of course, for anyone who has the knowledge of
Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Materia Medica and the “eyes” of the miasmatic,
idiosyncratic detective! How do I end my case? It‟s time for explanations.
Let‟s go on.

-Ok! I am done with your interrogation… your sentence is decided… I am

joking, of course! I am not here to judge people. I am here to simply
diagnose your character, your type as a person. To take a picture of you
so as to give you the homeopathic medicine that suits your idiosyncrasy
both physically and psychologically and thus help you with your

As a conclusion, I would say that many people are confused as to your

character. They may see you and think: “What a calm person!” or “What
a strong person!” or “What a confident person!” but my opinion is that
this isn‟t you! I think that you are very temperamental and that you have
a lot of inconsistencies. I mean that you may seem strong and secure and
confident but you are very insecure. Or you may seem calm but in fact
you are very nervous and anxious and at times also reactive. I also
believe that if they ask you something in a polite manner you don‟t have
any problem giving it to them but if you think that they are trying to force
you to do something or if they aren‟t straight enough then you become
very reactive…

-Yes… it‟s true that I am a reactive person.

-Ok, then, I will prescribe for you some capsules; you will take one first

I now stop the hearing because it‟s meaningless to hear any explanations
about how she should take her medicines, what to avoid, etc. These are
things that we have already heard during our first clinical case and there
is no reason on rehearing it since they are standard explanations done to
all patients. What really interests me is for you to understand why I said
the last sentences to her. Why I said to her a brief conclusion about her

I do this for two reasons. Firstly because I want to show her that I “got”
her, I understood her, that I have a clear picture of her and secondly
because I want her to confirm or reject my diagnosis. So during this brief
conclusion I describe in a few words what her main characteristics are. Of
course, if I have to do with a syphilitic person, as is this case, I am
obliged to be very careful to what I say in order not to offend her and
even talk about her negative traits in a rather neutral or even “positive”
manner. In brief I may have to sugar the pill, but not in order to
manipulate her but in order not to offend her.

So, as you must have noticed, I grabbed her by the throat, I let her no
space for bullshit and irrelevant talking, then I traced her possible
idiosyncrasy, confirmed it, did differential diagnosis and finally gave her
the miasmatic idiosyncratic remedy that suited her whole picture. That‟s
how a homeopathic case taking should be: quick, aggressive, unbiased,
not guiding but at the same time purposeful.

I must always be ready to change my diagnosis even at the last minute

when my patient says “Goodbye doctor” if new elements come up. Even
a phrase or a gesture or a meaningful glance may change my diagnosis. If

you are mortal you must be able to accept that you may be mistaken any
time, any place, no matter how good you are at what you are doing. “I
know one thing for sure, that I know nothing!” as great Socrates said!



3.1 “Soul leaves the body first and then mannerism!”

3.2 “…as if I am in the bottom of the sea drowning!”

3.3 Nervous, neuro-vegetative or hysterical symptoms?

3.4 Differential diagnosis of fears and suicidal tendency

3.5 Tracing Irritability

3.6 A possible case of Stramonium; differential diagnosis from


3.7 Differential Diagnosis from other hysterical idiosyncrasies

3.8 Repertorising has become a modern homeopathic curse

3.9 Prescription time

3.1 “Soul leaves the body first and then mannerism!”

This is a follow up case, that is, I examined this lady about a year ago,
she did well, but now she comes again to me complaining of a great
relapse. Since it‟s not her first time ever, I have valuable information
about her from last time‟s prescription. I know what idiosyncrasy she was
then and what are her miasmatic characteristics and past history. But,
nevertheless, I shouldn‟t be biased and say to myself: “I gave her that
medicine then and she did well so I will repeat it and see”. I must

reconsider, recheck and crosscheck in order to be sure that this is indeed

again her present idiosyncrasy.

To be honest, from my long lasting experience people don‟t change

easily. My dear colleagues, we, humans, are so predictable, so
foreseeable and this is a fact even if it hurts our human egoism! Don‟t
forget the saying: “Soul leaves the body first and then mannerism!” This
mannerism is but our Etheric Body, which by nature only slightly
changes during a person‟s earthly life. Not to say that only few people
really do want to change and at the end only a few manage to change!

But, let‟s get back to our case. She is a woman around 40 years old and
she is escorted by her father. Do you think that such a thing is accidental?
Nothing is accidental in life and that‟s why, we, homeopathic doctors,
consider nothing as accidental. Her father is a low-class, ordinary person,
empathizing with his daughter‟s condition and full of anxiety. She is
always escorted to my office either by her father or by her husband. They
enter my office and I say to her:

3.2 “…as if I am in the bottom of the sea drowning!”

-Come in; come in please, to talk to me.

-I don‟t know how I will be able to do such a thing, doctor!

-Why? Is your voice blocked? Are you cold?

-No, no, doctor. My throat is blocked, I have a lump…

-Like the old symptoms you had in the past?

-No! Not a chance! Worse than that! Lump in my throat, difficult

breathing, fainting tendency, my eyelids tremble, numbness…

-Please, tell me something: Since when do you not feel well?

-Since last month everything is at its top.


-Did anything special happen?

-No, doctor. Nothing! All are fine!

-I mean if something happened to you or great changes happened to your


-No, no! Nothing, nothing! I was so fine, excellent, my relation with my

husband OK, but then all of a sudden… gradually all these symptoms

- (Father) She can‟t go anywhere alone doctor, I have to carry her all
around myself, she is so afraid…

-What can I do? I am so scared! I just can‟t! I feel so insecure!

-Afraid of what?

-I don‟t know! I am afraid! I don‟t know what I am afraid of! Not even to
the super market I don‟t go alone.

-Afraid of what?

-I don‟t know… I feel bad.

-Are you afraid that you might die?

-I feel that I am dying, that I collapse but at the same time I want to jump
from the balcony.

-Does that mean that you have the tendency, the impulse to do it?

-Since I have all these symptoms it‟s so easy for me to do it. If I return to
my house and there is nobody there then I could do it right away! I‟ve got
no problem to do it! Why? Because, I am so tired with this thing!

-What thing?

-With what I have due to weariness. It‟s as if I am at the bottom of the sea
and I try to get out and I am drowning and I get panicked. I get anguish
and try to do several things and I get panicked. I do several things, I am
beating my chest and go around so as not to collapse. I keep holding
myself so as not to fall.

3.3 Nervous, neuro-vegetative or hysterical symptoms?

It‟s time for comments. What‟s the matter with this woman regarding her
symptoms? What kind of symptoms are these regarding the general
categories of symptoms that we‟ve talked about? Of what kind are her

-Neuro-vegetative, nervous or hysterical symptoms? What‟s the matter
with her?

-Hysterical symptoms.

-Let me remind you how important it is to distinguish among categories

of symptoms once again and ask you once again: Are her symptoms
neuro-vegetative, nervous or hysterical? Take in mind that one category
does not exclude the other.

-Where is her husband?

-Probably home or at work. Her father brought her and he seems to be

very well informed about what happens to her.

-Why? Is he living with them?

-No. He doesn‟t live with them but he keeps him busy all the time
accompanying her here and there.

Well, it‟s time for answers. I believe that her symptoms are mostly
hysterical. For a start she is definitely a plethoric person. She rushed into
my office and started saying this and that, exaggerating all the time and I
had to stop her and ask several questions in order to understand what the
matter with her, is. If you have a hysterical patient and act like an
allopathic doctor and take for granted what she says about her physical
symptoms then you are in bad trouble because you‟ll think that she has
most of the diseases that exist in this planet!

All this ocean of symptoms that are seemingly pathological is but an

illusion. It‟s not that they are physical symptoms. They are indeed

hysterical symptoms. The way she talks and expresses herself, the fact
that she carries her father here and there although she is an adult woman
around forty, the fact that she insisted to have her father in my office
during the examination so as to convince him that she is seriously ill, all
these make me believe that she is a hysterical personality. She may also
have some neuro-vegetative symptoms or some phobias but her main
symptoms seem to be hysterical. Of course, we will see about it as her
case unfolds.

What else does she tell me? I say to her: “Come in please to talk to me”
and she says: “I don‟t know how I will be able to do this, doctor”. And I
ask her: “Why? Is your voice blocked? Are you cold?” I deliberately
asked this in order to give her motive for exaggeration although I got the
hysteric picture from the beginning and furthermore I knew her
personality from her last examination.

3.4 Differential diagnosis of fears and suicidal tendency

Then she tells me that she is “afraid when alone”. This could be a case of
Phosphor who is afraid of being alone because he thinks that he might
have a heart attack or a stroke. It could also be a case of Argentum
Nitricum who has fixed ideas about his health or a case of Arsenicum
who is afraid of death and wants someone by his side to take him to the
hospital on an emergency. But her fear is vague, it‟s not something
specific. Although I deliberately keep asking what is she afraid of she
doesn‟t give me any specific answer.

Then she says “I want to jump from the balcony”. These are the exact
words of the patient but then is she telling the truth? We should never
take for granted what our patient says and especially if he is a syphilitic
person or a hysterical one. We always have to cross check what the
patients says. If I believe her then I have to think of Aurum Metallicum
due to her suicidal tendency. I just note it down for the sake of
differential diagnosis.

If I am not a well trained homeopathic doctor I might think: “She wants

to jump from the balcony grade 3 and she can‟t restrain herself so give
her Aurum Metallicum!” Wrong! Nothing could be more wrong, my dear
colleagues! Why? Because an Aurum person would not reveal this so
easily and profoundly and moreover in front of her father. She would
have only confided it to me, the doctor, after much pressure. Aurum is
psoric and introvert and not an exaggerating syphilitic person. See how
valuable is miasmatic knowledge!

She doesn‟t have any suicidal tendency at all! She is faking! She is giving
a performance in front of me and especially in front of her father, who
will of course inform also her husband about her “extreme” condition.
That‟s why he wanted him in my office in the first place. I told you that
nothing is accidental for the experienced homeopathic doctor. I see such
cases almost every day! In conclusion, she is faking.

An Aurum person does commit suicide and usually nobody knows a thing
about it before it happens while a hysterical person all the time says that
he has suicidal tendency to all around him just to draw attention but he
never commits suicide. He may attempt to in a most slight and non
dangerous way, ensuring his safety and especially in front of others! How
on earth can you give a performance if you don‟t have any audience? Be
careful! Our patient may be hysterical but she isn‟t stupid!

A syphilitic person and especially Lachesis could also talk about suicide.
She tells to her husband or children in a loud complaining voice: “You
are driving me to the grave! I want to die and save myself from this
burden you cause to me! You don‟t understand me and you don‟t care at
all about me!” or “You are driving me crazy!” or “You are going to make
a sick person out of me! You‟ll drive me to the hospital!” She may say to
the doctor especially in front of her husband and children: “I want to die
doctor… I know it‟s a sin, but I want to die!” or “If I didn‟t love my
husband/children I would have killed myself!”

It‟s more than certain that she doesn‟t mean what she says! She certainly
doesn‟t want to kill herself! And certainly doesn‟t want to become sick or
die! She doesn‟t have any suicidal tendency! Not even suicidal thoughts
most of the times. She loves her life! She projects a fake suicidal
tendency deliberately in order to draw attention, create guilty feeling to
her own and thus manipulate them and do things her own way. It‟s so
simple. She declares “oversensitive” and “a victim of life and others” and
all around her must do whatever she wants so as not to “upset” her.

This is also the case with this woman. She deliberately projects her fake
suicidal tendency and this is a syphilitic action in order to manipulate her
father and husband. They keep running after her and keep satisfying all
her whims. So I start thinking: “Hysterical person or syphilitic person like
Lachesis”. After all, she is loquacious and exaggerating and dynamic like
Lachesis and she is handling her father and possibly her husband in a
very efficient way. That‟s why he wanted him in my office during

Furthermore, she presents her symptoms in a dramatic and exaggerating

way. She says: “I feel as if I am at the bottom of the sea and I try to get
out and I am drowning”. Exaggeration is a syphilitic and hysterical
characteristic. So I note down possible idiosyncrasies like syphilitic
Lachesis and hysterical idiosyncrasies like Lilium Tigrinum, Asafoetida,
Moschus, Cimicifuga, Cyclamen and Cactus. Let‟s move on.

3.5 Tracing Irritability

-When you say “I am beating my chest” what do you mean?

-I hit the doors, I punch…

-Do you strike your head with your hands or feasts?


-Yes, I have such great strength… I have no sense of my power and I

cause pain to myself.

-Do you pull your hair?

-Very much.

-Do you want to tear your clothes?

-I did it today. Today it‟s the second day that I have this thing although I
take three pills a day.

-Do you burst your anger on others too apart from yourself?

-Yes, yes!

-What do you do?

-I push them, beat them… not that I will get a knife or do such things… I
just take it out of me. I usually don‟t burst to others. I want to run away.
When others don‟t let me go away I hit them to let me go.

-Do you want to throw something or break something during your anger?

-I have the tendency to do it but I reason myself and say “Why break
things? It‟s a waste!” And then I hit myself. I do like this and like that
(she shows to me how she hits her head with her hands).

-Do you bite your hands when angry?

-Yes, yes!

-Does bright light annoy you or make you angry? For example the bright
light at night in the living room or the bright light of the sun? Not if it
irritates your eyes but if it makes you angry.

-No, I want light, I like light.

It‟s again time for comments. Is this woman self-controlled during her
anger burst or not? What‟s your opinion? You are doctors and you have
to decide! It‟s up to you to decide! It‟s your burden and your cross to
carry! The patient has the right to say whatever he wants, whatever comes

into his mind but it‟s your obligation to clear things and come to an
objective conclusion.

-I think that she is self-controlled.

-How do you support what you say?

-Because she thinks before doing something.

-Bravo! She did say: “I have the tendency to do it but I reason myself and
say “Why break things? It‟s a waste!” So this thing reveals a person who
isn‟t uncontrolled and who on top of that behaves conscientiously for her
own interest or at least semi-conscientiously.

She is very irritable and irascible, she is not faking anger, she expresses
her irritability very much but she is not out of control and on top this is a
hysterical behavior aiming to draw attention so as to do things her own
way. Another fact that reveals exaggeration and matches her hysterical
personality is that she may take three pills a day (sedatives). Some
hysterical patients may often overdose or take any pill that is available,
relevant or not to their disease.

3.6 A possible case of Stramonium; differential diagnosis from


What does this kind of irritability remind you of? A case of Stramonium,
I would say. She bursts her anger to herself; she hits her head with her
hands, bites her hands, pulls her hair, tries to tear her clothes and all these
help her take it out of her. All these are strong characteristics of

After irritability questions I asked her deliberately about her relation with
bright light because I have already suspected Stramonium. This
idiosyncrasy usually becomes irritable from bright artificial or natural
light. She refused having this but the absence of any single characteristic
does not contra-indicate any diagnosis. It‟s a piece of information that

doesn‟t fit to the whole image of the puzzle and has to be taken in
consideration but it doesn‟t contra-indicate our diagnosis.

So, up to now, we have many characteristics of Stramonium and

moreover, its general irritable personality. Stramonium is not a typical
hysterical idiosyncrasy although it may have some hysterical elements. I
say this because our patient is very hysterical in general.

-Isn‟t Stramonium a male idiosyncrasy?

-Not particularly. I must remind you that I‟ve told you that Stramonium is
mainly a female idiosyncrasy. It‟s not accidental that it will mainly affect
adult women or boys. Boys are not yet men and they can sometimes be
hysterical although hysteria is mainly a female characteristic.
Accordingly, it‟s not accidental that apart from boys hysteria can be
found also in gay men or in effeminate men.

I am not being critical at gay men at the moment. I just try to give you my
experience as objectively as possible. I just can‟t shut my mouth so as not
to displease gay men or for the fear of being characterized as not liberal
or as racist. Nevertheless I have already told you my medical opinion
about homosexual men during a whole lecture about sexuality.

A man could also rarely be hysterical without being homosexual but

usually unbalanced men become violent or neurotic while unbalanced
women become “Mrs. Kates” or bitches or hysterical. If the two sexes are
different in a normal state then they are expected to be different also in an
unbalanced state. Let‟s move on.

-I am a very anxious person doctor. While reading I don‟t breathe; I do

all things full of anxiety; I can‟t eat; I almost eat standing; I can‟t sit by
the table. Anything that must be done in a relaxed state makes me

-So, if I understood well it‟s not that you want to suicide but it‟s that with
all these symptoms that you suffer you say to yourself: “If I died I would
save myself from all this suffering”.

-Yes, yes, yes! There are days that I am like that and other days that I can
control myself.

-Are you hot or cold?

-Cold. Very cold lately! Very, very cold! Especially my hands are ice-
cold. And I feel my blood frozen, not moving! My lips and eyes are frozen.
My lips tremble all the time, are numb… I feel terrible.

Now it‟s again time for analysis. As you must have noticed it‟s time for
differential diagnosis. I ask again about her supposed suicidal tendency so
as to confirm or reject Aurum. Her answer confirms to me that she
doesn‟t have any suicidal tendency and that she isn‟t Aurum. But what‟s
more important is that she doesn‟t have the general miasmatic and
idiosyncratic picture of Aurum. Keep always in mind that the whole
picture is what counts more and not any isolated characteristics no matter
how intense they are. Anyone who sticks to details, just “can‟t see the
wood for the trees”!

Have you noticed how I ask? I say “So, if I understood well…” This is a
way of bringing back to focus a matter that I have asked for but did not
insist then. Now it‟s time to clear things completely and at the same time
do differential diagnosis.

3.7 Differential Diagnosis from other hysterical idiosyncrasies

Why do I ask if she is cold or hot? Because it‟s time for differential
diagnosis from other hysterical idiosyncrasies. Her great irritability and
hysteric personality reminds me of Moschus and because the latter is
characteristically a very cold idiosyncrasy I have to ask about it.

See how important it is for the homeopathic doctor to have a very good
knowledge of the Materia Medica? If you have a good background of
idiosyncratic pictures inside your mind then each time a patient says
something this reminds you of certain idiosyncrasies. This knowledge of
Materia Medica is at the same time important for diagnosis and for
differential diagnosis. Let us again proceed to the hearing.

-Does it often happen that things drop down from your hands?

-Such a thing happened today.

-Do you sometimes feel as if your vision is blurred and then restored?

-Yes, yes!

-Or that sometimes you hear well and other times not so well?

-No, my hearing is ok but my eyes keep blurring at times and are numb.

-Do you often have hic-cough?

-Yes, quite often. I may have it all day. I also feel that my tongue is turned
backwards and that I am chocking. I feel that I have something big inside
my throat that is chocking me and I want to get rid of it.

-How about tendency for fainting?

-Yes and dizziness. I feel as if going to faint. My throat is squeezing me

right here and there are many times that I just can‟t talk, as if… I think
that I can‟t talk.

-Sensation as if falling from high above?

-At times when I am standing I feel as if looking like this. (from above
towards down)

-Do you have the feeling at times that a lump is rising from your stomach
to your throat and is chocking you?

-You bet!

-Do you want to swallow all the time in order to push it towards your

-I do have this lump and I can‟t swallow.

-Are you chocking while eating?

-Yes I do!

-Does this happen often?

-Yes, yes! I‟ve already told you that I even avoid eating.

-Does your sweat smell badly even if you slightly neglect washing
yourself or if you neglect using deodorant?

-It‟s easy to smell badly, even if a day goes by without washing.

It‟s again, time for analysis. What do I do at this phase? I took my notes
about idiosyncrasies that I keep in a dossier and I ask questions that refer
to the basic characteristics of hysteric idiosyncrasies so as to complete my
differential diagnosis. It‟s just impossible for anyone to remember all
features of all idiosyncrasies and during differential diagnosis sometimes
you need to have these notes in front of you. On the contrary this is never
done during diagnosis because at that phase if you start looking at notes
then you‟ve lost all the important verbal and non-verbal information that
the patient gives you.

Since she is so cold there is less possibility to be Lilium Tigrinum or

Asafoetida that are hot idiosyncrasies and increased possibility to be
Moschus which is a very cold idiosyncrasy. Since she is cold grade 3
could she be Arsenicum? No! I doubt it because her general miasmatic
and idiosyncratic picture doesn‟t suit the latter.

Nevertheless there are many superficial homeopathic doctors that practice

Repertorising and could easily think accordingly and say: “She is cold 3,
she is egoistic and says that she is fainting and gets very scared which is
fear about death 3, so why not give her Arsenicum?”

But this is very wrong! It‟s so wrong to do Repertorising, so wrong to

focus on isolated symptoms or isolated groups of symptoms because you
don‟t take in consideration the general picture of the patient, his essence,
his main idea, his core. The whole is exceedingly more than the sum of its
components! The essence is above the sum of each and every symptom.
What also counts is the feeling that a patient creates to you provided that
you are a well-trained, experienced and unbiased observer.

But, only on this condition! Or else you‟ll end up like those charlatans
that have no knowledge and experience but they say that they have
“instinct” or “spiritual gift” or “supernatural perception”. You have to be
very careful about these things especially since Homeopathy is not yet a
fully recognized Academic Therapeutic System and many non-medical
doctors or many ignorant doctors are fond of becoming “gurus”. Mind
and heart, logic and feeling, knowledge and perception must always go
hand by hand or else imbalance is the result.

She told us that things drop down from her hands and this is a Moschus
feature. She also told us that her vision and hearing are weakened from
time to time and then return to normal. That can‟t be pathological since it
comes and goes just like that and especially in a hysterical personality.
It‟s a hysterical symptom and a feature of Moschus. She also has nervous
hic-cough and nervous fainting tendency. She has dizziness but not as
characteristically as Lilium Tigrinum and apart from that the latter is
quite hot.

She also has that lump in her throat that makes it difficult for her to talk
and it is chocking her. This reminds us of the hysteric lump of Asafoetida
although it doesn‟t rise up from her stomach. Her sweat is offensive and
that is also a trait of Asafoetida but the latter is hot. Nevertheless you
shouldn‟t exclude any possible idiosyncrasy due to isolated features so I
keep Asafoetida in mind not only for the present but also as a possible
remedy for the future.

3.8 Repertorising has become a modern homeopathic curse

Up to now, on my list of possible idiosyncrasies there are first

Stramonium, then Moschus and then Asafoetida. See how important it is
to have a very good knowledge of Materia Medica in order to be able to
evaluate every single clue that the patient gives us during case taking? Or
else you will be examining for hours and hours asking “Are you hot?”
“Yes”, “I see, let me look at the Repertory to see what idiosyncrasies are
hot”. “Are you irritable?” “Yes”, “I see, let me look at the Repertory to
check what remedies are irritable at grade 2”. “Do you like sweets?”
“Yes”, “I see, let me look at my Repertory or Computer Expert System to
see what idiosyncrasies have desire sweet 3”, etc.

I tell you, you‟ve lost your patient! He will get so bored answering and
furthermore he will start doubting about your abilities as a doctor. To his
eyes you will resemble an employee of a statistics company whose job is
just to ask questions and write down answers without knowledge and
profound goal. You will not be the detective, the hound-doctor, the doctor
that can read his mind and see his soul!

Even if you just ask questions, note them down and then leave
Repertorising for later after the patient has gone, even then you are
wrong. You may not bore the patient but still he will understand that you
don‟t guide the case taking, that you don‟t make purposeful questions;
you just have a list of questions to ask.

To his eyes you are a listener and a typist! You are not a detective! You
don‟t fight him! You don‟t evaluate him, you don‟t question his answers.
You don‟t play with him like the cat plays with the mouse. The patient
may not be a homeopathic doctor but he is not stupid. He can feel what
you are doing. He may not know why you are asking but he feels the way
you ask, the way you do your job and the look in your eyes!

A doctor that does Repertorising resembles those employees that perform

those standard psychological tests that are easy to find in magazines.
These tests ask standard questions like for example “Are you sensitive?
How often do you cry? If you cry every day you get 10 points, if you cry
twice a week you get 5 points and if you cry less than that you get 2
points, etc.” After completing all questions then you get a score. If your
score is from 0-15 points then you are characterized as “insensitive”, if
your score is from 15-30 points then you are “sensitive” and finally over
60 points you are “oversensitive”! Congratulations! You are now entitled
to enroll to the “OGC Club”, that is the “Oversensitive Guys Club”!

If you leave Repertorising for later, then you just have to evaluate written
answers without having in front of you the live picture of your patient, the
vibration of his personality and all his non-verbal data. On top of that
you‟ve lost the chance to ask questions in order to clarify and evaluate his
answers, not to mention clarification questions that serve differential

3.9 Prescription time

In this specific casel, diagnosis started from her exaggerations, her

loquacity and the ocean of her weird symptoms to end up in three main
features: Irritability3, hysterical personality3 and syphilitic personality2.
Through specific questions we‟ve narrowed down our diagnosis to three
possible idiosyncrasies: Stramonium, Moschus and Asafoetida.

Her whole picture as well as the intensity and the specific trait of her
irritability lead me to choose Stramonium as her simillimum for the time
being. I prescribed Stramonium 1M, that is, Stramonium at the
thousandth potency. Moschus is the second possible idiosyncrasy and
Asafoetida is the third possible idiosyncrasy.

I told the patient that I will re-examine her in one month‟s time but that
she should call me in 2 weeks. If when she calls me is even slightly
improved then I don‟t change my treatment and I wait and see and re-
examine at the follow up in one month. If when she calls me nothing
changed then I will re-consider and think first of Moschus and Asafoetida
and then of any other remedy.

You must know that, nowadays, most of our patients don‟t have a clear
idiosyncratic picture. I mean that there isn‟t only one clearly prevailing
idiosyncrasy. Next to the simillimum, lie also closely other relative
idiosyncrasies. It‟s as if the person stands on more than two legs.
Nevertheless, at a given moment, only one remedy is the most prevailing
and most similar to the patient and this is the one to be prescribed as the
simillimum. This complexity of the patient‟s picture often demands a
very good differential diagnosis.

On the course of treatment when the imbalance caused by the prevailing

idiosyncrasy comes to an end, and as life takes its course, other co-
existing idiosyncrasies may take the place of the former prevailing one
becoming in turn the simillimum. You see, life is in constant motion and
it‟s our obligation as doctors to follow her course if we want to complete
successfully any treatment and achieve cure.



4.1 Present disease and allopathic history

4.2 Tracing his miasmas and idiosyncrasy

4.3 Explanations to the patient

4.4 Evaluation of heat and cold

4.5 Sweat, taste, position of sleep

4.6 Individual history and its importance in idiosyncratic diagnosis

4.7 Evaluation of irritability

4.8 “Tidy or untidy?”

4.9 Evaluation of introversion

4.10 Evaluation of fears and overprotectiveness

4.11 Self-confidence and sexual desire

4.12 Tracing several possible idiosyncrasies

4.13 Final diagnosis

(Important Note: In the course of training the author omits the hearing of
standard parts of case taking that don‟t play any role in diagnosis or
differential diagnosis of the idiosyncrasy of the patient like greetings,
clinical examination and explanations to the patient. These parts were
not omitted in the hearing and analysis of the first clinical cases for
reasons of complete presentation.)

It‟s time for the analysis of another clinical case. Let‟s move on without
any delay.

4.1 Present disease and allopathic history

-What brings you to me?

-My bones and feet cause to me a lot of pain.

-You mean the joints of your toes?

-Yes and also here at my calves.

-Do you feel the pain in your muscles or in your bones?

-I can‟t be sure.

-Since when do you have these symptoms?

-It‟s been about two or three months. I had these about 15 years ago and
you treated me and I got well.

-How long did our treatment last then?

-Two or three months if I recall well.

-Did anything happen two months ago before these symptoms start? Any
kind of injury, intense physical exercise or anything that upset you?

-Nothing physical… but I was upset then.

-How long ago?

-A long time ago.

-How long? One year, two years or more?

-It‟s been two years.

-What happened then?

-Not something particular… I got divorced 5 years ago and then my new
husband is very repressive, very jealous…

-So you feel repressed…

-Yes, yes, that‟s it!

-Any other health problems apart from this?

-I feel oppression to my chest at times.

-Since how long do you feel this oppression?

-Lately… let‟s say the last two months.

-Do you also feel a lump in your throat?


-Do you sometimes feel as if this lump is rising from your stomach to
your throat chocking you?

-Not from the stomach, just a lump in the throat.

-Do you often feel chocking when you eat or drink something?

-No, but my voice becomes hoarse when I have this.

-Do you feel this lump whenever you get upset?

-Yes, but other times also.

-Any other health problems at the moment?

-I have a back pain at times.

-Since when?

-The last 15 years.

-Any other health problems?


-Do you take any drugs of any kind at the moment?

-No, but lately I take aspirins for my pains.

-Did you have any severe diseases in the past or have you been operated?

-No. I had a cryosurgery for HPV.


-When was HPV diagnosed?

-Six years ago and it was then that I had the cryosurgery.

-Any other problems?

-I often suffer from fungi at my vagina, I take drugs and ointments but
every now and then I have it again.

4.2 Tracing his miasmas and idiosyncrasy

We stop the hearing for analysis. As expected we always start from her
present disease. She said that I‟ve examined her 15 years ago for the same
ailments, was treated for 2 or 3 months and was cured. She stopped the
treatment and remained ok and now after 15 years has the same problem
with her feet the last 2 or 3 months.

-How old is she?

-Around forty.

-As you must have noticed I insist asking why her symptoms relapsed
after 15 years. She tells me that she got divorced 5 years ago, that her
new husband is repressive and jealous and that she suffers from anxiety
the last 2 years. Then she mentions symptoms like oppression chest, lump
throat and hoarseness whenever upset.

What kind of symptoms are these? Could it be physical symptoms,

nervous symptoms, neuro-vegetative or hysterical? My first impression of
her was that she had been an introvert and psoric person. So, after
mentioning the oppression to her chest I immediately suspected Natrum
Muriaticum and asked her if she had that nervous lump in the throat
which is characteristic of the latter.

Next, I wanted to differentiate from the hysteric lump of Asafoetida but

her answer did not verify something like that. If this lump was a physical
symptom of a physical disease then she would have had it all the time and

not when upset and it would tend to deteriorate as the physical disease
run its course.

I have already been guided to certain directions. Let me remind you that I
often told you in the past that the kind of symptoms that the patient has
can be very useful guiding us towards the patient‟s miasmas and
idiosyncrasy. It is important to trace the nature of the patient‟s symptoms,
that is, if they are psoric, sycotic, syphilitic, nervous, neuro-vegetative,
hysterical, etc. I have already noted down possible idiosyncrasies like the
psoric Natrum Muriaticum or the neuro-vegetative Phosphor and
Argentum Nitricum. Can you now see what I mean when I say that you
shouldn‟t be passive listeners but aggressive detectives? Let‟s go on.

4.3 Explanations to the patient

-Well, it‟s time to tell you what is the matter with you and what can
Homeopathy do about your problems. Every human being is born with
certain predispositions, certain weak points. We could say that this is his
medical “dowry”. As long as the “car” is new and hasn‟t faced any
rough dirt roads these predispositions do not manifest themselves. As
years go by and several things stress us then symptoms and diseases

I believe that what have upset you the last few years are not irrelevant
with what you have developed now. These incidents irritated your
predispositions and caused these recent symptoms.

There are two ways to treat diseases. The one is the common treatment
with chemical drugs. If you go into any pharmacy you will see packed at
the shelves: antitussive drugs for cough, antipyretic drugs for fever, pain
killers for pain, anxiolytic pills for anxiety, antidepressant for depression,
and so on. But all these drugs don‟t do causative treatment; they merely
suppress symptoms.

And that‟s why we end up giving the same drugs for years and years
without any permanent cure, not to mention their side effects. I am a
medical doctor and I apply Homeopathy many years. Relief of symptoms
isn‟t something bad but yet it‟s not enough. We have to go on and try to
cure the diseases and the patient as a whole.

And that‟s what we are doing with Homeopathy. Our aim is to have a
causative and permanent cure. This is done by mobilizing the defensive
mechanisms of the patient, both physical and psychological. The patient‟s
organism is wiser than any doctor and can do miracles if properly aided.

Homeopathic medicines are natural because they originate from minerals

and plants although they are not just herbs or vitamins. They are
considered as medicines that must be prescribed by medical doctors and
bought from pharmacies that have homeopathic stock. Yet they have no
side effects at all. They are so harmless that can be given without any
second thought even to babies and pregnant women. Nor do we have any
problem if they are combined with any chemical medicine during our
treatment. Homeopathic drugs act on the energy level while allopathic
drugs act on the material level.

Your relapsing vaginitis will never be cured by external ointments or

antibiotics. These drugs may temporarily suppress the growth of fungi but
they won‟t cure the real cause, i.e. the predisposition you have at this
system. That‟s why things keep relapsing and you keep taking chemical
drugs again and again. Our goal in Homeopathy is to lessen the
predisposition, strengthen your immune system and your organism as a
whole and thus cure your problem permanently.

The same thing is true for your joints. By painkillers or by anti-

inflammatory drugs we can relieve temporarily but we cannot achieve

complete cure, not to mention their side effects. Again, the main goal
should be to cure permanently the existing arthritic predisposition.

I will now ask you some questions about your idiosyncrasy, your
character, your organism in general. I will do that because in
Homeopathy we always give to our patient that medicine that is similar
not to your diseases but to your idiosyncrasy.

It‟s about time to stop our hearing for discussion. I‟ve explained to my
patient what the matter is with her according to my opinion as a
homeopathic doctor. Next I compare his past allopathic treatment with
the homeopathic one to follow. This is done for two reasons. Firstly
because I have to explain to her what Homeopathy can do with each and
every of her diseases. Secondly because there are many illusions in the
minds of both doctors and patients about what Man is, why he gets ill and
how diagnosis and treatment should be. You see, it‟s my duty to “heal”
also these illusions because illusions are causes of illness and truth is a
healing power.

I have to stress to her the importance of the psychic level and its influence
on her body and that she got ill because she had a certain physical
predisposition on which acted the imbalance of her mind. This may help
her think in a different way. She may even try to avoid being upset and
being so sensitive and thus become more balanced. But enough with
philosophical matters; let‟s go back to our hearing.

4.4 Evaluation of heat and cold

-Are you hot or cold in general?


-Very cold?


-Cold, freezing hands and feet?


-Must you wear socks in bed at night to keep your feet warm?

-Yes, yes.

-Your feet apart from being cold, are they also often at the same time
wet? I mean at the same time cold and wet?

-Only at times.


-Yes, rarely.

-If you have washed your hair and haven‟t dried it well and go out do you
get a headache or catch a cold easily?

-No, no.

-Are your nails brittle?

-I wouldn‟t say that.

-Do your lips crack easily?


It‟s time for evaluation of her symptoms. Is she cold and how cold?

-I would say cold 3.

-How about her extremities? How cold are they?

-Grade 3.

-I agree, because she must put on socks to keep them warm. Did you
notice that I said “at the same time cold and wet” twice using a stressed
tone of voice? Why did I do such a thing? Because many patients say
“yes” but they mean that usually their feet are cold and when warmed up
they perspire and their feet become wet. But this doesn‟t mean that they
are at the same time cold and wet. We must always try to be specific and

clear when asking the patient anything or else he will give us a wrong
answer. Is this clear? Now, what idiosyncrasy was I asking about with the
former questions after she told me that she was very cold?


-Right! Silica and Calcarea Carbonica. So, I note down Silica and
Calcarea Carbonica not only due to the patients relation with cold but also
because I‟ve already traced a possible psoric personality due to her
physical symptoms and due to her whole image. Let‟s move on.

4.5 Sweat, taste, position of sleep

-Do you sweat a lot, normally or less than normal?


-Does your sweat smell badly even if you slightly neglect to wash yourself
or neglect using deodorant?

-Not, particularly.

-Do you like salt?


-How about lemon, vinegar and sour taste?

-I like sour things.

-Do you prefer fruit, for example oranges, to be unripe and sour or ripe
and sweet?

-Sweet, not sour.

-How about fat and fatty food? Do you like it?


-Not if you avoid it for reasons of healthy nutrition or obesity.

-No, I don‟t like it.

-How about cold water?


-Not much.

-Do you like the taste of fresh milk?

-I‟ve never been drinking milk!

-You didn‟t like its taste or did it bother your stomach or couldn‟t digest

-When I was a child they forced me to drink it and then I didn‟t like it at
all. Now… neutrally.

-If you drink it does it bother you?

-Yes, yes.

Let‟s discuss her answers. The most important symptom is her “aversion
to the taste of fresh milk”. Even from childhood she was forced by her
parents to drink it although she hated its taste. But now she says
“neutrally”. Why so? I think that she keeps hating it and has symptoms
drinking it but since doctors tell her “women must drink milk so as not to
develop osteoporosis” she forces herself to drink it.

See how secondary factors can alter the manifestation of a primary

idiosyncratic tendency? So you must always bear in mind that we are
mainly interested in the patient‟s primary tendencies, in his primary
behavior and not in his secondary ones. This aversion to milk grade 3 is a
strong characteristic of Silica and Natrum Carbonicum, so I also note
down Natrum Carbonicum as a possible idiosyncrasy. Let‟s go on.

-What‟s your favorite position of sleep? On your abdomen, on your belly

or on the sides?

-On the sides.

-Right, left or both?


-When on your left side, does it sometimes happen to hear your heart‟s bit
or feel that you press your heart?


-Do you have saliva coming out of your mouth at night?

-At times, yes.

I stop the hearing again for evaluation of her answers. As you must have
noticed whenever her answer is not characteristic I don‟t insist asking
anything else on the matter and move on to another subject. But
whenever I need clarifications or whenever I suspect a strong
characteristic either due to her words or due to the tone of her voice and
grimaces then I keep on asking.

For example when she tells me that she sleeps on her right side I suspect
Phosphor who avoids sleeping on his left side so as not to burden his
heart and so I insist asking for clarification. You see how things are done?
We let ourselves be driven by the patient, by his strong likes and dislikes,
by his answers. The flow of life is what guides us!

We are not passive questioners simply noting down her answers only to
be evaluated later on by the study of any Repertory or by the “genius
mind” of the author of a Computer Expert System. No machine can
replace a motivated clear human mind! And nobody else‟s mind can
replace your mind or relieve you from your responsibility as doctor to
diagnose and treat successfully to the best of your ability. You must
always carry your cross, yourselves, to the top of Golgotha hill! You just
can‟t avoid it! (laughing) Let‟s move on! Let‟s carry our crosses! (more

4.6 Individual history and its importance in idiosyncratic diagnosis

-Did you have any warts in the past?


-Yes I did have and I treated them by laser.

-When did this happen?

-About 7 years ago.

-Did you have in the past any problems like herpes of genitals, urethritis,
gonorrhea or such kind of diseases?

-When I visited you 15 years ago and after I got well and stopped the
treatment I had herpes zoster.

-Do you often develop common herpes on your lips?

-At times if I get upset.

-How about aphthae?

-At times if I am on antibiotics.

-Do you prefer the sea or the mountain?

-The sea.

-Do you like it a lot? Are you very fond of it? Are you crazy about it?

-I like it a lot but it‟s not that I am crazy about it.

I stop for comments. Now pay attention in order to see how her individual
history can be of any diagnostic value to us regarding her idiosyncrasy.
She came to me 15 years ago, did her treatment, got well and then after
the treatment she developed herpes zoster. Is this accidental? No! I don‟t
think so!

For anyone who knows true Homeopathy this is not accidental! It‟s in
accordance with the Law of the Course of Illness! Homeopathic treatment
improved her general state of Health and thus her Illness subsided to a
more external and less important for the organism level. It passed from
the musculoskeletal system to the skin and from that level to balance.
And this balance lasted 15 whole years!

And why did the old predisposition return back? It‟s very likely that the
personal problems she had the last 5 years played a significant role but I
believe that this was not the only reason. In fact I believe that there were
two more reasons: two suppressions of external skin and mucous
diseases. That is, the suppression of warts by laser therapy 7 years ago
and the suppression of HPV by cryosurgery 6 years ago.

These two external diseases served a certain purpose. They were of

course imbalances but being on an external level they served as safety
valves for the decompression of internal pressure thus preventing the
Illness from affecting a more internal level like the musculoskeletal one.

For us, homeopathic doctors, the individual history of any patient is not
accidental. It obeys to the homeopathic medical laws; those laws that
have to do with the hierarchy of the several levels of Man and with the
course of Illness. If it‟s not accidental then it can be of use to us regarding
idiosyncratic diagnosis.

In Homeopathy, we never say: “In the past you had eczema and now you
have asthma. These are two separated and irrelevant diseases. The one is
of interest to the dermatologist and the other is of interest to the
pulmonologist. You see how the lack of any laws in Allopathy and the
exaggeration of specialization, deprives us of valuable information and
understanding about the patient as a whole?

That‟s why I note down not only any past symptoms or past diseases of
the patient but also insist on when did these happen and in what
circumstances. Furthermore, it‟s of great importance to see what
happened first, what second and after how much time, etc. All these do
matter to us, homeopathic doctors. Nothing is accidental in Universe and

so nothing is accidental in Medicine and Homeopathy. “Accidental” is a

word that only exists inside ignorant minds!

I also asked if she often develops cold sore. Why so? Because Natrum
Carbonicum and Mercury often suffer from herpes of all forms. Borax on
the other hand often suffers from aphthae. Let‟s move on.

4.7 Evaluation of irritability

-How about irritability? Do you easily get angry?


-What, usually makes you angry? What kind of behaviors annoy you or
irritate you?

-When somebody is indiscreet or not polite.

-Any other behaviors?

-My companion… when he is grumbling about little things or when he is

jealous at trifles.

-Give me an example.

-Well, the day before yesterday he made a whole scene shouting because
I was out on the balcony… you see he suspects neighbors, people passing
by… everybody.

Now, let me say a few things. She says that her husband is extremely
jealous. Just because she said so that doesn‟t mean that we should take it
for granted. I always have to confirm whatever she says. So I ask her:
“Give me an example”. I always ask for examples in order to verify
things. Each patient interprets any event in his own individual
idiosyncratic way and according to his spiritual level. Furthermore, he
talks about it in his own individual idiosyncratic way. I am interested in
two things: what‟s the objective reality and what‟s his individual

So I must first verify that indeed her husband is jealous and furthermore
as jealous as she says because I may have to do with an exaggerating
woman. Or I may have to do with a psychotic, insane woman. I have to
know the truth in order to diagnose my patient‟s idiosyncrasy.

Her answers and her whole psoric personality have convinced me that she
is telling the truth; that indeed, her husband is insanely jealous. From my
experience I suspect that he may be Hyoscyamus. That could also explain
why my patient is so repressed by him, not to mention that she, herself,
mentioned her husband‟s jealousy as the main cause of her imbalance.
Jealousy is a terrible thing not only for the person that is addressed to but
also for the person that is governed by it! It‟s a green little Martian
creature! (laughing)

I can also reach to another conclusion: that she is psoric. Why so? Could
any sycotic person endure such a burden of jealousy and develop such an
imbalance without arguing intensely? A sycotic person would not stand
such a behavior for long, not to say for years. She would have divorced
him for sure or she would have forced him “to shut the fuck up” – I
deliberately use sycotic expressions. In general, she would have handled
this situation in a dynamic way. She would either “fight” or “flight”.

On the contrary, a psoric person isn‟t able to handle such situations. She
is hurt, does not express it, suffers quietly and develops nervous
symptoms. Isn‟t that our very patient? Yes, indeed! See how important is
miasmatic diagnosis?

Did she tell us: “Hey, doctor, I am a psoric person!” (laughing) No! We
have come to this conclusion out of knowledge, laws and observation.
Indirect information is very valuable for our homeopathic diagnosis and

especially regarding Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis that I teach to

you. It‟s time to move on.

-Whenever you get angry do you express your anger or do you keep it

-Only when I can.

-Do you express your anger to strangers?

-No, mostly to my own people.

-To your husband?

-No, not really. I prefer not to speak so as not to have fights going on.
Only at times I express my anger.

-Do you want to throw something or break something when angry?

-Yes, I do it; now that I am full of anger I do it.

-Do you mean that you often throw things?

-Lately, yes.

-Even things that can be broken?

-Well, not things made of glass but the day before yesterday I broke the

-Do you hit your hand on the table or slam the door behind you when

-No, no.

-Do you want to hit your head with your hands or pull your hair or tear
your clothes?

-No, no.

-Do you easily calm after you have expressed your anger?


-Do you mean… “Friends again”?


-Oh no, I don‟t forget it.

It‟s again time for discussion. She says that she is irritable. At what
grade? I don‟t think that she is irritable; perhaps 1 or 2 due to present
circumstances from her repressive and jealous husband. She bursts her
anger only a little and mostly to her own people but not to her angry
husband. She is definitely psoric but not as psoric as a typical Natrum
Muriaticum would be. Besides, she is quite cold while the latter is usually

If we also take in consideration the strong aversion to milk we come to

think of Natrum Carbonicum. When she bursts her anger she becomes
calm enough but she doesn‟t have the characteristic bitter hurt feeling or
the introversion of Natrum Muriaticum. Let‟s go on.

4.8 “Tidy or untidy?”

-Are you tidy or untidy?


-Do you mean very tidy? To have everything in order, everything in its
place, everything perfect?

-Not as much as in the past.

-When visitors change the order of things at your house, ash-trays,

chairs, etc. does this annoy you? Not if you say something, but if it
annoys you.

-Yes, it does a little.

-When visitors leave and it‟s late at night and you are tired will you put
all things back in place no matter what or will you leave it as it is?

-Now I leave it as it is.


Interruption for comments; what have you to say about her tidiness?

-She was very tidy in the past but not so now.

-What grade now?


-Yes, definitely not tidy 3 now. As you must have noticed I asked some
questions about tidiness so as to verify things but I did not insist since she
seemed definitely not tidiness 3 like for example a Nux Vomica case.
This tidiness 2 suits both Natrum Muriaticum and Natrum Carbonicum
due to their psoric and very responsible nature. Let‟s move on.

4.9 Evaluation of introversion

-What about your personal problems, your deep felt matters? Do you
want to talk about it to others or do you keep it inside?

-I may talk to my mother or to the girlfriend of my son…

-Even your deep felt matters?

-Well, they already know most of what I am experiencing…

-If somebody, not so close to you, has learned that you are very upset due
to something personal and comes to console you, to tell you “don‟t
worry, it will pass…” how do you face consolation? Do you just listen to
him, feel better or are you annoyed or angry?

-I may get angry.

-Why so?

-I don‟t know… I may get angry. I get angry with my mother whenever
she starts saying several things.

-Oh, I get it! Mothers most of the times tend to be quite annoying but I
don‟t mean that. I mean when somebody else not so close comes to
console you…

-I become more upset.


-Does it annoy you that he has learned about your personals?


-Do you cry easily?


-Does it happen in front of others?

-No, I don‟t want others to see me like that. I will go away.

-Do you cry in front of your husband?


Let us stop again for evaluation. Is she introvert or extrovert?


-What grade? Two or three?


-I say three.

-I say two and a half… (laughing)

-Well, you shouldn‟t laugh. There aren‟t any absolute things in life. I will
agree that she is introvert two and a half, i.e. 2 to 3. I ask her about
consolation and she says: “I get angry with my mother whenever she
starts saying several things”. I don‟t take that as “consolation aggravates”
because mothers tend not to console but to argue and grumble all the
time. She may have a domineering Lachesis mother that keeps interfering
to all her personal matters accusing her all the time that she doesn‟t
divorce her “scamp” husband and that she is “good for nothing”, etc.
How could she not get angry? But this isn‟t “consolation aggravates” of

That‟s why I repeat the same question emphasizing on other people, other
than her mother. Her answer is “I become more upset”. This answer isn‟t

the typical answer of a Natrum Muriaticum but nevertheless she wants to

cry alone like the latter one. So she seems to be very close to Natrum
Muriaticum but not just like it, something that leads me towards Natrum
Carbonicum. Let‟s move on.

4.10 Evaluation of fears and overprotectiveness

-Have you got any fears about anything?


-Fear of heights? When looking down from a balcony?


-Whenever you hear about heart attacks, strokes, cancer, etc, do you start
worrying about your own health? That it may happen to you also?


-Not if it affects you for a little while and then you forget it but if you
worry a lot and start checking about it.

-Not much.

-Any other fears?


-Do you have kids?


-How old are they?

-Twenty three and twenty two; two boys.

-If they are late do you worry a lot? Start thinking bad things?


-Even if they are 15-20 minutes late do you worry a lot?

-No, not so much.


-Even now that your children are grownups do you run after them saying
“Eat your food!”, “Wear enough clothes!”, “Be careful!”, etc?

-Oh, not so much! I know that they are grownups now and I don‟t do that.

Let‟s stop for discussion. I ask about her children so as to see if she has
the overprotectiveness of Lachesis. She doesn‟t seem to be like that. At
first she says that she worries so I insist asking but this time exaggerating
a little my question deliberately and after my new question she says: “No,
not so much”.

If she was a “Mrs. Kate” Lachesis she would bite my bate and would
exaggerate about how much she cares about her children because she
“loves them so much” and “worries” about them, etc. It‟s very important
to have the flexibility to push the patient this or that way, to “play” with
him “the game of questions and answers” so as to verify things. It‟s like a
fisherman who moves his bate here and there in order to draw the
attention of the fish. Let‟s go on.

4.11 Self-confidence and sexual desire

-Compared to the average people of your age are you cleverer, less
clever or on the average? I don‟t mean quantity of knowledge or
diplomas; I refer to cleverness.

-Normally, on the average.

-Do you like reading books?

-Yes, but I don‟t have time.

-What kind of movies do you like the most?

-Social movies.

-Around 11 o‟clock in the morning do you have the urge to eat



-Do you eat quickly, hastily, even if you have time?

-I try to eat slowly.

-Does that mean that you have the tendency to eat hastily but you restrain
yourself let‟s say for health reasons?

-No, I don‟t have the tendency to eat hastily.

-If you eat late at night do you have indigestion?


-How about your appetite? Low, high or normal?

-I may say high.

-How about your sexual desire? Low, high or normal?

-Nothing, nothing at all.

-Let me clear things; do you have zero desire?

-Yes, zero. I don‟t go for it but if it happens then ok, I feel good.

-But you don‟t make the first move…

-No I don‟t go for it.

-But if you have sex then will you enjoy it?


We must stop for analysis. I asked some questions to see if she is

Lycopodium but nothing came up. I asked about her appetite not because
I expected to have any characteristic answer. She is psoric and introvert
so I couldn‟t just suddenly ask about her sexual desire. So I asked first
about her desire for food so as to jump to sexual desire in a less abrupt

At first she answered about sexual desire: “Nothing, nothing at all”. She
seemed spontaneous and emphasized her answer. But I insisted asking in
order to be sure about it. It finally turned out to be a lack of desire for sex
grade 1 case and definitely not an aversion sex since she enjoys it
whenever it happens. If we take in consideration how adverse things are
with her companion then we could even predict that this woman under
other circumstances would have normal or above normal desire for sex.

A superficial homeopathic doctor could say: “She said that she doesn‟t
have any desire for sex, “nothing at all” and that is something expected
since her husband is a menace”. So he could easily note down “aversion
sex 3” and prescribe Sepia. I have seen this happen many times and it‟s
wrong. You always have to verify things and take in consideration the
whole picture of the patient. In this case the defining thing is that
whenever she has sex she enjoys it. Even if she enjoys it only at times or
rarely this can‟t be considered an aversion sex case. “Low desire for sex”,
“lack of desire”, “lack of enjoyment”, and “aversion sex” are four
different things and shouldn‟t be confused.

This “low desire for sex” could easily be the case of a Natrum
Carbonicum or Natrum Muriaticum troubled woman. Such psoric
idiosyncrasies are very sensitive and giving and if are troubled from life
and especially from their husbands it‟s something quite expected to have
decreased desire for sex. Under normal conditions Natrum Muriaticum
can be considered a hot person regarding sexual desire and if things are
going well with her husband she does enjoy sex. Let‟s move on.

4.12 Tracing several possible idiosyncrasies

-Do you sometimes feel as if having a black cloud over your head?


-Those pains that you have in your muscles and bones do they make you
feel as if bruised or injured?


-Lately, do you feel up to the neck from anger, as if you are ready to burst
although you never express it?

-No. I get angry only when something happens and then I get over it.

-When somebody offends you greatly do you keep it inside and want to
pay back?

-I want to but I don‟t do it.

-Does it stay inside you for very long?

-Yes, I feel bitter about it.

-Do you feel bitter for long?

-For a while.

-Ups and downs regarding your mood or irritability during the day but
without knowing the reason? I mean without being caused by something
or by some thought?


Let‟s stop the hearing for comments. As you must have noticed I asked to
see if she is Cimicifuga or Staphisagria. None of the two seemed possible.
Then I asked about Valeriana. At first she seemed as if being revengeful
but she wasn‟t. What she had as characteristic was that she keeps feeling
bitter after a great offence. This suits Natrum Muriaticum or Natrum
Carbonicum and not Valeriana. Let‟s go on.

-Whenever you try to read in a moving bus or vehicle do you get dizzy?


-If you go downtown to the traffic jam, to crowded streets and smoke do
you often have a headache?


-Does the sun bother you a lot to the head in the Summer? Must you wear
a hat all the time or seek for shade?

-Yes, kind of.

-Do you sometimes feel estrangement from other people? As if you are on
the one side and others on the other?


-How about constipation?

-Not often.

-Does noise annoy you a lot?

-Only loud music.

-Do you easily have dark rings beneath your eyes?

-Yes, kind of.

-When you lose weight does this happen mostly to your face, hands and
feet but not to your hips? And when you gain weight does this happen
mostly to your hips?

-Yes, indeed!

-Do you often need a soda to help you digest?

-No. An apple is what I want.

Let‟s do some analysis again. As you can see I go on doing differential

diagnosis. I ask about her relation to the sun and if she has that feeling of
estrangement. She has the first in some minor degree but she doesn‟t have
the second. Both of them are traits of Natrum Carbonicum. She easily
develops dark rings beneath her eyes and has that pear-shaped body like
the Natrums do. Another Natrum trait of hers is that she easily gains
weight at the hips and moreover it‟s very difficult to lose weight from the
same area. Let‟s go on.

-Does food warm you up whenever you are cold?

-Yes, right away.

-Do you often feel an annoying feeling or an empty feeling at the stomach
area and want to eat often and little food each time?

-No, but I am often hungry.

-When lying on your left side do you often feel palpitation?

-Sometimes, yes.

-Does it often happen to read a page of a book and forget the previous


-Did you have any difficulty getting pregnant?


4.13 Final diagnosis

Let‟s now reach to our final diagnosis. As you must have noticed I went
on asking about several traits of Natrum Carbonicum. So, what are we
going to prescribe for her?


-It seems that I am again the one to give the answer! I start thinking: She
isn‟t hysterical and she isn‟t Phosphor. She didn‟t have any traits of
Argentum Nitricum. She could be Silica but she hasn‟t enough
characteristics of the latter. She hasn‟t got any characteristic fears that
could make her a Calcarea Carbonica case. So I am left with only two
possible idiosyncrasies on hand: Natrum Carbonicum and Natrum

But she doesn‟t have the intense introvert and psoric picture of Natrum
Muriaticum. She is more like Natrum Carbonicum who is a more
extrovert version of the Natrums and furthermore she bursts her anger

more often. Moreover she is cold like a Natrum Carbonicum and not hot
like a Natrum Muriaticum. She also has that characteristic aversion to
milk who is a strong trait of Natrum Carbonicum and only slightly if not,
a trait of Natrum Muriaticum. But what matters most is her psychological
picture that suits more a Natrum Carbonicum and that‟s what I‟ve
prescribed for her. Any questions or objections of any kind? None!

Well, to conclude, that‟s what homeopathic case taking is, in action. It‟s
not as easy as it seems to you at the moment because during these first
live clinical cases I talk too much and give you many clues. But I have to
do this in order to explain to you how things are done. As you must have
noticed I apply in practice all those theoretical stuff that we have been
through during many past lectures. I mean the technique of case taking,
the attitude of the doctor towards his patient, what‟s normal and what‟s
not, the Homeopathic and Universal Laws, etc. I don‟t say this in order to
take the credits; I say it because I want to show you that if you have a
theory and practice joint closely together, then your practice can be very

During our analysis I also tried to show you what an easy thing is to make
mistakes especially if you give much value to the physical symptoms
which, from nature, are of a more general character. Or how easy is to
reach to wrong conclusions if you focus only to some psychological
characteristics and not to the whole picture, to the miasmatic traits and to
the feeling that the person creates to you.

That‟s why I named this method of diagnosis that I teach to you as

Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis. It‟s not that I have discovered
America! It‟s that I apply something that is but the application of
Homeopathic Laws in homeopathic case taking having in mind the
knowledge of Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Materia Medica. Art and Science
applied in clinical practice. Nothing more, nothing less!



5.1 Genotype first and then Phenotype

5.2 Hierarchy: first the whole picture, then psychological symptoms

and then physical symptoms

5.3 Present Disease

5.4 The homeopathic point of view about bacteria and viruses

5.5 How allopathic diagnosis of disease can indirectly help us towards

homeopathic diagnosis of idiosyncrasy

5.6 General physical questions

5.7 The pace of interrogation

5.8 General psychological questions

5.9 Analysis of irritability, arrogance and tidiness

5.10 Introversion/extroversion, fears and fixed ideas

5.11 Differential Diagnosis

5.12 Final diagnosis

Before we go on with analysis of a new clinical case I feel that I have to

answer to a question addressed to me privately a few minutes ago. John
told me that on hearing a lecture about Nux Vomica from another
homeopathic doctor very much focus was given on the trait of
overstimulation and less focus on fastidiousness and asked me why so.

5.1 Genotype first and then Phenotype

It‟s of extreme importance to apply Universal and Homeopathic Laws in

every step of our medical practice. That is also true when we try to
understand the characteristics of any idiosyncrasy so as to build its
complete miasmatic idiosyncratic picture. So according to the Universal
Law of Hierarchy what comes first are the miasmas and will of the
individual and then come his thoughts, then his emotions and last his

As we move from up to down or from the center to the circumference,

symptoms tend to become more diverse and thus less important to our
diagnosis. “Genotype” is the primary state and is one for all persons that
are affected from the same idiosyncrasy while “Phenotype” is the last link
of the chain and things tend to become numerous and diverse. Genotype
is one while there are many phenotypes. The final behavior of any person
affected by the same idiosyncrasy becomes diverse due to factors like
sex, culture, way of life, previous life-deciding events, moral values,
education and the specific phase that the person is going through.

For example, you may come up with a Phosphor person that has no
neuro-vegetative symptoms at all only because he is in phase A, i.e. in a
very balanced state. That doesn‟t mean that he isn‟t Phosphor. If you
examine his primary tendency, i.e. his psoric moral values - altruism,
good intentions and honesty - and his sycotic expression then you have a
strong foundation for your diagnosis of the whole picture. But if you
focus only on his secondary behavior, that is neuro-vegetative symptoms
and fear about health then you may reach to wrong conclusions.

So during our lectures on Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Materia Medica I

focused on the genotype of any idiosyncrasy, on the primary miasmatic
idiosyncratic features and not on secondary phenotypic behaviors. It‟s not
strange that many idiosyncrasies and especially the syphilitic ones have

plenty of phenotypes, plenty of secondary behaviors and sometimes even

opposite ones.

For example you may find a Lachesis introvert grade 3 and a Lachesis
extrovert grade 3. You may see her adopting the image of the “poor
sensitive helpless victim” or see her adopting the image of the cruel,
strong perpetrator. Nevertheless, these two seemingly opposite
phenotypes/secondary behaviors have the same genotype/primary
behavior: the syphilitic domineering tendency. In the first phenotype the
person dominates indirectly and in the second the person dominates

5.2 Hierarchy: first the whole picture, then psychological symptoms

and then physical symptoms

As you must have also noticed during the description of the

characteristics of any idiosyncrasy I deliberately didn‟t focus on the
physical symptoms so as not to lose focus of the whole image and of the
psychological symptoms. Physical symptoms have of course their value
but mostly as confirmation of our conclusion that has been reached
through the whole picture and the psychological symptoms.

Moreover it‟s quite impossible for anyone to remember all these

thousands of physical symptoms while it‟s easier to bear in mind the
essence of the psychological picture of the few decades of basic
idiosyncrasies. Then and only then, after one has come to certain possible
idiosyncrasies and only if yet needed, he can refer to any Repertory in
order to verify that the physical symptoms of the patient are in
accordance with the whole.

Repertorising and Computer Expert Systems have failed to give

successful prescriptions because they leave out very important aspects of
case taking like non-verbal clues, “feeling” of the patient, miasmatic

aspect of the patient, primary and secondary behaviors, etc. These two
methods fail to focus on the hierarchy of symptoms. They fail to give
more credit to symptoms that hierarchically are of more importance like
miasmatic characteristics, psychological symptoms and primary

No Computer Expert System or Repertorising Method can judge and

apply hierarchy as an intelligent human being can do. Nor do they have
any heart and conscience to evaluate the heart and mind of the patient
standing in front of them. The only thing they do is to count symptoms
and compare it to Materia Medica.

I have many times told you that homeopathic diagnosis is like a thousand
pieces puzzle. If you are sensitive and smart enough to use your heart and
mind and grab from that ocean of pieces only the red hat and the rosy
cheeks of the Little Red Riding Hood and the teeth of the bad wolf then,
if the essence of the puzzle matches the tale of the Little Red Riding
Hood, you‟ve solved the case! You definitely know that this is a Little
Red Riding Hood idiosyncrasy! (laughing)

All other hundreds of pieces lying in front of you can only be useful in
confirming your diagnosis that has already been done with the help of
Miasmatic Idiosyncratic Diagnosis. No Computer Expert System and no
Repertorising can do that! Only a jet can take you across the Atlantic!
Little boats may do the same thing at times but after much time and
effort. It takes heart and skills to fly a modern jet while a boat seems
easier but would you prefer a jet or a small boat? (laughing)

Now, let‟s move on to our today‟s clinical case. I want you to write down
symptoms and characteristics and evaluate it as I‟ve taught you so as to
be able to discuss what you have written down. This is a case of a 40
years old public employee woman.

5.3 Present Disease

-What brings you to me? What‟s your main problem?

-I have a certain sensitivity regarding my voice. I catch colds easily and

can‟t speak.

-Since when?

-The last 3 years.

-How did this start? Did anything happen? Did you have a severe cold?


-How does this thing start? What are the first symptoms?


-So first you have hoarseness and then you can‟t speak?

-Can‟t speak at all. Then cough begins.

-Do you feel any phlegm running down from your nose to your mouth
causing the cough?

-I don‟t know, I can‟t say.

-Do you feel something inside your throat that causes this cough?

-As if I have a ball.

-Do you feel this going up from your stomach to your throat?

-I feel it over here.

-When coughing, do you have any expectoration?


-Nothing at all?


-When swallowing, do you feel any pain?



-Do you also have fever?

-Only once last year.

-Any other symptoms?

-I have intense cough and pain below my ears or inside it.

-How often does this happen?

-Last year I had it 3-4 times.

-When this acute condition is over, is your nose completely free and your
voice fully ok?


-Do you smoke?

-A lot.

-Do you have any other health problems at the moment?


-Did you have any other diseases in the past or done any surgery?


-Are you taking any drugs at present for any reason?

-No, only some vitamins.

-Do you have children?


-How old are they?

-Four and two years old. Last year that I had the high fever I didn‟t have
time for me because my kids had relapsing colds and I kept taking care of

-I see. So it‟s time for me to tell you what is the matter with you and what
are we going to do with our treatment. Every person is born with certain
predispositions, certain weak points…

-I forgot to tell you that my mother has the same problem.

-I see, so you have this certain inherited predisposition. Well, as I told

you we are born with certain predispositions that as time passes and as
we face several stressful conditions then these predispositions cause
symptoms and diseases.

-Let me also add something that has to do with my organism‟s defense.

They found that I have HPV.

-You mean that you did some test?

-No, not some test. My gynecologist examined me and told me that I have
this thing externally and I was worried a lot.

-My personal opinion is that often there is too much worrying about
something that doesn‟t worth it.

-What can I say…? I don‟t know… only recently I‟ve first heart about this

5.4 The homeopathic point of view about bacteria and viruses

-Let me tell you something. Bacteria, fungi and viruses are but the
“scavengers”, “recycling” agents and “decomposers” but never the
cause of any so called “infectious” disease. They tend to grow only
where there is fertile ground for their growth and multiplication.

Nor can they be the cause of cancer because the latter is the height of
physical disorganization and in order to reach such an extreme state it is
definitely needed to have psychological and physical weariness for many
years. The growth of microorganisms is only one of the local results
caused by the general imbalance of the organism and not the cause of

The dirty room is the cause of the presence of cockroaches and other
insects and not vice versa. In turn, of course, these microorganisms will
cause changes but they are not the cause of this vicious circle. Many
times such tests for HPV or any other microorganism could be falsely
positive, i.e. the test appears positive regarding abnormal growth of the
microorganism but no such thing happens.

But even if the presence of a microorganism is true that doesn‟t mean

anything. Every single minute there exist on and in us all kinds of
bacteria, fungi and viruses. What really matters is the balance between
them and our organism. If our organism and defense mechanisms
collapse, then and only then can a microorganism cause problems.

Nevertheless, we can treat any such imbalances and infectious diseases

with the application of Homeopathy. We do mobilize all physical and
psychological mechanisms of the patient and thus achieve cure.

Homeopathic medicines are natural; they originate from minerals and

plants but that doesn‟t mean that they are simply vitamins or herbs. They
are considered medicines that are prescribed only by doctors and bought
only from pharmacies but still they have no side effects at all. They are so
harmless that can be given even to babies and pregnant women without
any fear of side effects. Nor is there any problem if they are combined
with any chemical drug whatsoever. Homeopathic drugs act on the
energy level while chemical drugs on the material level. We do try of
course to avoid chemical drugs so as not to burden our organism but
there is no problem if a patient during our treatment has to make use of
antibiotics, painkillers on any other drug.

I will now ask you some things because in Homeopathy we prescribe for
every patient his own similar medicine. That is, the one that is similar to

his idiosyncrasy, to his type and character both physically and


5.5 How allopathic diagnosis of disease can indirectly help us towards

homeopathic diagnosis of idiosyncrasy

It‟s time for comments. I want your allopathic diagnosis. What‟s the
matter with this woman?

-We haven‟t got any typical diagnosis of a certain disease.

-Nevertheless, you have to reach to a conclusion. You are allopathic

doctors and you have to make up your mind about her disease.


-She said that it starts with hoarseness and then she has cough and pain
below or inside her ear and this happens 3-4 times a year. What‟s the
matter with this woman?

-Perhaps, a kind of pharyngitis?

-Well you see, all my arguing is about that “a kind of” you said. So,
what‟s the allopathic diagnosis for this woman?


-We definitely have some symptoms from the upper respiratory system.
The first thing that could come to one‟s mind would be an allergy. That‟s
why I ask her if she is absolutely free of symptoms during intervals. If
she had an allergic rhinitis she would only have seasonal symptoms or
she would also have symptoms during intervals. But her symptomatology
is not seasonal and she is absolutely free of symptoms during intervals. I
also ask if this sensation of a “ball” in her throat is rising from her
stomach to her throat. Why do I ask this? I do it in order to see if she has
the typical hysterical symptoms of an Asafoetida. Does this person seem
to be hysterical to you?

-Not for me.


-I agree with you. She doesn‟t seem to be hysterical but that is something
we must check as case taking proceeds and we start asking about her
psychological characteristics. So she doesn‟t seem to have something
allergic or hysterical, instead she seems to have a physical disease. She
has a chronic sensitivity of the upper respiratory system with hoarseness
or loss of voice. We must take in consideration the hereditary
predisposition from her mother‟s side and the fact that she is a heavy

I insisted on reaching a typical allopathic diagnosis because in an indirect

way this can lead us to possible idiosyncratic families. If we have
neurovegetative symptoms we search for neurovegetative idiosyncrasies.
If we have hysterical symptoms we head for hysterical idiosyncrasies,
and so on. If I have to do with insisting allergic symptoms I could think
of sycotic idiosyncrasies.

She also says that she has been diagnosed with HPV infection. As you
must have noticed I explained to her my homeopathic opinion about the
so called “infectious” diseases and the role of microorganisms. I did that
in order to lessen the stress and fear that my allopathic colleagues caused
to her especially when they say that HPV can lead to cervical cancer. It‟s
important to support our patient and to neutralize any allopathic illusions
that affected his mind and heart. But it‟s time to move on. What
idiosyncrasies crossed your mind up to now?

-You mean from the feeling he creates to us or from the way she talks?

-No, I mean from the diseases and symptoms that she suffers from. I may
have up to a point not a clearly hysterical personality in front of me but
that sensation of “ball” in her throat is worth examining Asafoetida in due
time. I also have to compare this sensation with the nervous sensation of a
lump in the throat of Natrum Muriaticum. No other idiosyncrasy comes
into my mind and heart for the present being so I note down these two
and move on.

5.6 General physical questions

-Generally are you hot or cold?


-Do you want much clothing?

-Yes, quite enough. In the past I was even colder but recent winters aren‟t
so cold anymore.

-Are your feet and hands cold in winter?

-Not particularly but I do want to keep them warm.

-Do you sometimes have cold and wet feet at the same time?


-Does heat bother you a lot?


-How about perspiration. Do you sweat a lot, normally or less than



-Does your sweat smell bad if you slightly neglect to wash yourself or
neglect to use deodorant?

-I guess not; nothing special.

-Do you like sweet things?

-Not much.

-Do you like salt?

-I can do without it.

-If your food is salty can you eat it?

-I prefer my food with less salt than normal.

-How about sour things, lemon or vinegar?


-Mostly lemon.

-Do you prefer fruits to be sour/unripe or to be sweet/ripe?


-How about fat? Do you like fatty meat?

-I don‟t eat it because I shouldn‟t eat it.

-I am interested mostly if you like it‟s taste no matter if you avoid it for
health reasons.

-I don‟t like it.

-Do you like cold water?

-Yes, I do.

-Even in winter do your prefer your water from the fridge?

-Not so much; half from the fridge and half from the tab. I used to drink it
from the fridge even in winter but then I had problems with my throat and
stopped it; now my habit has changed.

-Do you like the taste of fresh milk?


-What‟s your favorite position of sleep? On your abdomen, on your belly

or on the sides?


-Left, right or both?


-Sometimes if you lie on your left side, on the side of your heart, do you
feel pressing it or hear it beating?


-Do you have saliva coming out of your mouth at night on the pillow?


-Did you have any warts in the past?


-Did you often have vaginitis or urine infections in the past?


-Anemia in the past?


-Do you prefer the sea or the mountain?

-The mountain.

5.7 The pace of interrogation

Again it‟s time for analysis. As you must have noticed, whenever I asked
a question and her answer wasn‟t characteristic I went on without any
delay to my next question. The pace of interrogation at this case was very
quick. From what I remember I happened to have an extra urgent
appointment and I was late and I had to be very quick.

I always examine on appointment and try not to squeeze a lot of

appointments so as to have the comfort to examine my patient
thoroughly. I also never answer telephone calls while examining patients.
Every day between 4.30 and 5.30 in the afternoon I answer to phone calls
of my patients that have to do with the progress of their treatment.
Nevertheless, at times emergency appointments do happen and you have
to do your job quickly and at the same time properly.

I must say from my experience that a quick pace of interrogation is better

than a normal or slow one because you are forced to have all your
antennas open and working hard in order to reach a quick and correct
diagnosis. So, what‟s worth noting down from our patient‟s answers?

-That she is cold.


-Right. She is cold 2. In the past she must have been cold 3. Apart from
that she used to like cold water 3 but now it‟s either desire for cold water
2 or even 3 but she avoids it because of her throat problems. We are not
sure if it‟s desire for cold 2 or 3 at the moment but we shouldn‟t stick to
such details because it‟s the totality of symptoms that matters.
Nevertheless, I note down Phosphor as possible idiosyncrasy on the event
of desire cold 3. You must have noticed that I stressed to her that I wasn‟t
interested so much on what she does but on what she desires. Let‟s move

5.8 General psychological questions

-How about irritability? Do you easily get angry?


-Not if you burst your anger but if you get angry inside easily.

-Well, some things do make me angry.

-What makes you angry? What situations? What behaviors?

-Untidiness! Very much!

-Other behaviors?

-Slow people; and stupidity also.

-Whenever you get angry do you express your anger or do you keep it

-I do. I take it out.

-No matter what?

-Yes, but with tact.

-When somebody offends you will you take him down a peg?

-If he is a complete stranger I may let it go; I even go away. If he is

someone I know then I will answer.

-If somebody strongly offends you do you bear grudges? Not to forget it
no matter how much time will pass?

-No, not much.

-Are you temperamental? To have ups and downs regarding your mood
or anger during daytime even if nothing happened or nothing crossed
your mind?


-Do you have a constant nervousness without reason?

-My mind always operates at high speed because I have a lot in my mind
that must be done.

-Do you want to throw something or break something when angry?



-Not often, rarely.

-Even things that can be broken?

-No. Not such things… I never damage things.

-So, I see you are very careful even when bursting your anger…

-Yes, that‟s it! Ok, I may hit my head on the table or slam the door… but
that‟s it.

-Do you like tidiness? All things to be in place, everything in order?

-All of it! All of it!

-You mean even on the point of becoming fastidious? To have this thing
here, the other there, everything in perfect order?

-Yes, yes!

-When visitors move ashtrays, chairs, bibelot, does this annoy you?

-I want them to have a good time and after that I will put it back into

-When visitors leave the house and it‟s late at night and you are tired,
will you put all things back into order or you may do it next day?

-If I leave it just like that I will not feel well. Anyway, if I leave it as it is,
then I won‟t let anyone come to my house next day. (laughing) I will
arrange not to work the day after the gathering so as to stay home and
take care of it. All of it must be done! No way!

-Do you want to be punctual to your appointments, right on time?


-Do you manage to do so?

-Yes I do.

-If the person to meet delays to come to your appointment does this annoy
you or make you angry?

-Yes, very much!

-Will you make a comment, will you make a remark?

-Yes, I‟ll find a way.

-If he is very late will you go away?

-I‟ve also done that!

-You are in the line in a bank and someone tries to go ahead of you. Will
you say something?

-Yes! Yes! You see I never go ahead of anyone. I always wait patiently my

-While walking on the street someone throws garbage… will you make a

-Not much.

-Do you want to have a program in your life and not only at work? To
say: “I will do these things today, those things tomorrow, etc”?

-Yes, very much!

-If somebody changes your program does that annoy you or make you

-Yes. I don‟t want others to spoil my program.

-If bills are left unpaid or anything unsettled do you get very annoyed?
Do you want to settle everything the soonest possible?

-Right away! I put them in my program right away.

-Does it often happen to wake up at 4 to 6 a.m. and not be able to sleep

again because you keep thinking of all the things you have to do in the
day to come?

-Yes, that often happens to me. I have so much in my mind. I just can‟t
relax. At night if I don‟t do all housework and if I don‟t put my children
to bed I just can‟t sleep; it‟s impossible to sleep.

-Does noise annoy you a lot?

-Yes, it does.

-Even the tic-tac of a clock in your bedroom?

-No, not so much.

5.9 Analysis of irritability, arrogance and tidiness

It‟s time for comments again. What have you to say about her irritability?
Is she an irritable person or not? At what grade?

-Grade two.

-I agree. What makes her angry? You must take in consideration that this
is a very important question.

-Untidiness makes her angry.

-When asking such important questions we always leave our patient to

talk and say as much as possible. If he gives a short answer we push him
to talk. Furthermore, we ask about things that we suspect that he has at

grade 2 or 3. She says that she gets angry from untidiness, from slow
people and from stupidity and I think that she definitely means it. Can
you think of any possible idiosyncrasies that match these answers?

-Nux Vomica for untidiness.

-Yes, right! But she is also annoyed from stupidity and she says so
although not asked specifically. Any spontaneous statement is stronger
than a guided answer. That‟s the reason why we should always try to ask
in a general way and leave our patient express himself unbiased. For
example such general questions are: “What annoys you?”, “What makes
you angry?” or “What bothers you in general?” Our questions become
more specific when we do differential diagnosis. Even then we try not to
put words in the mouth of our patient so as to have an unbiased answer.
Any other possible idiosyncrasy?


-Bravo, Platina it is!

-Is it true that Tarentula Hispanica is annoyed from slow people? When
they act slowly?

-Yes, she might be, especially if she is a nervous person but this is not a
very strong characteristic of hers. On the contrary it‟s a very strong trait
of Platina and Valeriana and sometimes of Coffea Cruda because she
functions at high “revolutions”. Lachesis also could say “yes” to such a
question because she is very active and quick and always wants to do
things. I examined a Platina today who told me among other things
although not asked: “Stupidity annoys me a lot, doctor!”

-You mean that all these idiosyncrasies that feel superior to others are
annoyed by stupidity? Can you elaborate on Platina?

-Platina can‟t stand people that she considers inferior of her standards but
only when she has to cooperate with them. She doesn‟t have any problem
with people she thinks as inferior if they have nothing to do with her. She
will tell you that she simply accepts them as they are or even feels sorry
for them.

But if the considered inferior person is her companion or her husband or

her child then she is so annoyed! A Platina mother once told me: “How
did I give birth to this child? I just can‟t believe it! He just can‟t be my
child!” Platina feels shame if her own people are even a mediocre
according of course to her standards. She will even not hesitate to
comment on it.

Valeriana also cannot be tuned with people that are slow regarding
mental function. She may also feel shame for her “slow-minded‟
companion although this is in favor of her when it comes to manipulate
him, a thing that often has the tendency to do. A “slow-minded”
companion or child spoils her image to others.

She also has another special trait. Being very quick when it comes to
mental function and being very self-centered she demands that her
companion always be tuned with her and understand all her thoughts and
intentions and whims the minute she thinks of them, even without
expressing them by words. The background is “since you love me and
know me you should have understood before my saying anything and
react accordingly!”

Our patient said that when irritated she goes away. This behavior could
be a Platina behavior. Platina tends either to express her anger intensely
saying “Who do you think you are?” looking down on you as if you were
a worthless worm or leave in a snobbish style giving you again the same
look. Medorhinum when someone “busts his balls” will shout: “Get off
my back, will you!”

This certain patient expresses her irritability and often intensely. She may
hit her hand on the table or slam the door, i.e. she is sycotic regarding
expression of her irritability. What idiosyncrasy can do this?


-Right, Medorhinum, but also a Nux Vomica could do this. A

Stramonium would be much more intense and would burst his irritability
towards himself also. Now, as tidiness is concerned what is your
evaluation? Give me a grade for it.

-Two to three.

-I think it‟s three.

-I also think she is tidiness 3. She has many and intense characteristics
that show tidiness 3. For example she says that when visitors leave late at
night and even if she is tired she will put all things back in order. She also
says that if rarely she doesn‟t do this she won‟t let anyone come to the
house next day. Or she will plan not to work next day so as to take care of

She also has that waking up at 4-6 a.m. in the morning without managing
to sleep again because of the worries she has in her mind for the day to
come. And that she just can‟t sleep if everything in the house isn‟t in
order and kids to bed. Everything must be as it should be. This is not only
a Nux Vomica characteristic. It could also be a Natrum Muriaticum case
due to her tendency for consistency and her psoric tendency for
completing any task undertaken. But I think in this case it‟s more likely a
Nux Vomica case expressed by the motto: “Order for the sake of order!”.

Don‟t forget that Nux Vomica usually has two kinds of insomnia. The
one already mentioned and the other during which she can‟t sleep at night
because she hasn‟t had the time to finish everything “she should have
done”. So, we have many characteristics of Nux Vomica. We note this
down to bear it in mind and go on.

5.10 Introversion/extroversion, fears and fixed ideas

-Do you want to talk about your personal problems, your deep felt
matters or do you keep it inside?

-I want to.

-To how many people will you talk to?

-To one.

-Will you say it all or will you keep some things for you?


-Oppression chest or sighing or lump throat when upset?


-If somebody, not from your close ones, has learned that you were upset
from something personal and comes to console you how do you feel?
Better, just listen to him or worse, that is, feel annoyed or angry?

-It‟s not a problem but I don‟t say my personal problems to others.

-Do you cry easily?

-No, not easily.

-If you do, do you want to be alone or it doesn‟t matter if it happens in

front of others?

-Definitely alone!

-Any fears or phobias?

-Not something particular.

-If your husband is even a little late do you worry a lot, as if something
bad has happened to him?

-Not particularly but I will call him.

-Do you get very worried about the children telling them all the time
“Eat!”, “Wear enough clothes!” or “Be careful!”?

-Not much.

-In general, can you ignore anything that is not in its place or not
properly done?

-Nothing wrong escapes me!


Again it‟s time for comments. Is she introvert or extrovert?

-What did she say? Did she say that she confesses her personals only to
one person?

-Yes, only to her husband.

-Then she is mostly introvert.

-Let‟s say introvert 2. She also wants to cry alone grade 3 so we have to
think of Natrum Muriaticum and it‟s time to start differential diagnosis.
Let‟s move on.

-Whenever you hear about heart attacks, strokes, cancer, etc, are you
also worried about you? Afraid that it may also happen to you?


-Are you afraid of heights, for example to look down from a balcony?


-From what floor up, do you start being afraid?

-Up to the third floor I am alright.

-On leaving your house, your car or your job do you often have the doubt
if you have locked the door or if you have left the kitchen open or the
boiler on?

-I check it before leaving.

-After checking it when you are on the street do you still have doubts
about it?

-It may cross my mind.

-Will you go back again to check it?


-After going back and after checking it again on leaving do you still have

-No, not again.

-When walking, do you have the tendency to count numbers, steps, cars


-Do you want to wash your hands often just because you are afraid of

-Not much.

-Are you superstitious? To say to yourself: “I‟ve seen this sign so

something bad may happen”?


Again, it‟s time for discussion. Which are the new important

-Fear of heights.

-Give me a degree.


-I would say one, two the most. She says that she is afraid from the third
floor up but the way she says it is not so convincing. Does she have any
fixed ideas?

-Yes, she has some obsessive behaviors.

-Yes, she does! I mean the thing she has when leaving her house… but
still it‟s not at a capital degree. As you must have noticed I asked many
relevant questions in order to evaluate the degree of this symptom, in
order to find out if she were an Argentum Nitricum. But she doesn‟t seem
to be so. Let‟s move on.

5.11 Differential Diagnosis

-Do you like reading books?

-Yes I do.

-Around 11 o‟clock in the morning do you often get hungry and want to
eat something?


-Do you eat hastily even if you have time?

-Yes, that‟s it.

-If you eat late at night do you often have indigestion?


-Are you indecisive? Not to be able to decide easily to do this or that?


-If you are to speak in front of people, to make a presentation about

something you know very well, do you feel comfortable or do you have
intense stress worrying that you won‟t do things right?

-Yes, I am stressed.

-But does it last only a few minutes?


It‟s time for analysis. What idiosyncrasy am I asking for at the moment?


-Correct. I„ve asked about Phosphor, Argentum Nitricum and now I am

asking about Lycopodium. She doesn‟t have any special characteristics of
the above idiosyncrasies so I go on. You see I have Nux Vomica in my
mind as the most possible idiosyncrasy but still I have to differentiate
from other idiosyncrasies just in case. Let‟s move on.

-What are your favorite movies?

-Not something particular.

-How about documentaries about Nature, animals… such things?

-Sometimes, yes.

-Compared to the average of other people of your age, regarding

cleverness, do you feel above average, normal or below average?


-When walking, do you sometimes have the sensation that you are taller
than others or that others are shorter?


-When in between sleep and awakened state, do you sometimes feel that
your hands, head or feet become larger?


-Do you love dancing?


5.12 Final diagnosis

At this point differential diagnosis came to an end. I have asked again

about Lycopodium and then about Platina and Tarentula Hispanica. As
you must have noticed I didn‟t insist because nothing characteristic came
up. It‟s now time for decisions to be made.

Most of the characteristic symptoms point towards Nux Vomica. And in

fact this is in accordance with the general image of this woman and the
feeling she creates to me. She gave me quite a systematic and thorough
description of her physical symptoms. She was very specific and clear as
to her answers and often her answers were short and to the point. All the
above reveal a very well organized personality and this is in favor of Nux

Other things that suit the latter idiosyncrasy: cold 2, annoyed by

untidiness 3, has no problem to burst her anger but she does it with tact,
has a lot in her mind and is very active, controlled burst of anger, wakes
up at 4 to 6 a.m. and can‟t sleep again because she is worried about things
that must be done during the day and finally the most important
characteristic is fastidious 3.

After excluding Platina and Natrum Muriaticum I prescribed Nux

Vomica 1M. She followed my treatment and did well, thus confirming
that my diagnosis was correct.
Dr. Athos Stavrou Othonos

I practice Homeopathic Medicine as a private doctor in Athens the last 28

years, being a member of the Athens Medical Association and a member of the
Greek Association of Homeopathic Medicine.
I've always enjoyed reading and writing books! Up to now I have written 21
books on Holistic Philosophy, 16 Homeopathic Medical books and 8 Litterature
books. In my Homeopathic Medical Books one can find a complete course on
Homeopathic Medicine and the description of the Method of Miasmatic
Idiosyncratic Diagnosis developed by me the last 15 years.
My books either philosophical, novels or medical are the outcome of this
theoretical search and also the outcome of many years of medical and personal
experience. Their common ground is Holistic Thinking and Holistic Philosophy.
My choice to offer all my books for free in my web site and in
other sites for free e-books is in accordance with my holistic beliefs.

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