Adulthood Old Age

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Death and young adulthood

Death rates during young adulthood are
lower than during any other period of
the life span. Socioeconomic status and
TOPIC 9: race also have an impact on health and
ADULTHOOD-OLD AGE death rates. Less educated, urban, and
poorer minorities tend to have the worst
health and are at the greatest risk of
premature death from violent crimes.
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But the issue of intellectual development in adulthood
Health is not so straightforward or simple. The results of the
Health and physical fitness during young cross‐sectional studies—younger adults, as a group, do
adulthood are excellent. People in their 20s and better on IQ tests—may be due more to cohort
30s perform at exceedingly high levels on tests of influences, such as longer schooling or greater
endurance and stamina. They generally are at exposure to television than that enjoyed by the
their best in terms of physical conditioning and previous generation, than to aging influences. The
overall sense of well‐being. The closer they get to results of the longitudinal studies—over time, persons
age 40, the more physical limitations they begin do better on IQ tests—may be due to the effects of
to notice. In fact, many young adults detect a practice, increased comfort taking such tests, or the
significant decrease in energy and increase in tendency for those who remain in the studies to
health concerns after 40. perform better than those who drop out.
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However, with proper diet and exercise, the Attempts to measure IQ are complicated by the
physical and psychological vitality that fact that there are different types of intelligence.
accompanies young adulthood can be maintained Crystallized intelligence is the ability to use learned
well into the 40s and beyond. The most common information collected throughout a lifetime, and
health problems of young adulthood are arthritis, fluid intelligence is the ability to think abstractly
asthma, diabetes, depression and other mental and deal with novel situations. Young adults tend
problems, hypertension (high blood pressure), to score higher on tests of fluid intelligence, while
multiple sclerosis, and ulcers. Two additional middle adults tend to score higher on tests of
categories of health concerns during young crystallized intelligence. Variables unique to young,
adulthood are disabilities and sexually middle, and older adults complicate any
transmitted diseases. comparison of IQs among the groups.
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Young adult thinking, especially in a person's early 20s, Establishing a Career: Age 22–33
resembles adolescent thinking in many ways. Many young Young adults commonly explore various career options
people see life from an idealistic point of view, in which before settling into one field of work. However, this does
marriage is a fairy tale where lovers live happily ever after, not mean that once a young adult chooses a particular
political leaders never lie or distort the truth, and career path that he or she will not deviate from it. On the
salespeople always have consumers' best interests in contrary, more and more adults are switching vocations,
mind. People in their 20s have not always had the benefit not just changing jobs within a field. For example, a
of multiple life experiences, so they may still view the psychology professor may decide after years of teaching
world from a naively trusting and black‐or‐white undergraduates to become a church pastor. Still, multiple
perspective. This is not to say that young adults do not roles can be positive and rewarding. If they are of sufficient
question their world, challenge rules, or handle conflicts. quality, these roles may be associated with increased
These, and more, are normal developmental tasks that self‐esteem, feelings of independence, and a greater sense
lead to realistic thinking and recognition of life's of fulfillment.
ambiguities. C&A/Human Development
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Starting a Family: Age 33–45
Adulthood, which encompasses the majority of a As young adults enter the culminating phase of early adulthood
person's life span, is marked instead by (ages 33–45), they enter the settling down (ages 33–40) stage.
considerable psychosocial gains that are coupled By this time, their careers (at least the first one) has been
established and a spouse found. If a couple have not already
with steady but slow physical decline. Age clocks, done so, they will probably decide to have one or more children
or the internal sense of timing of physical and and start a family. Parenthood is generally thought to
social events, determine the various life stages strengthen marriages, even though research indicates that
marital satisfaction often declines after the birth of the first
through which adults pass. Although people age at child. This decline may be due to such stressors as changes in
different rates, the majority, reinforced by social usual roles and routines, increases in family responsibilities, and
norms, pass through a series of predictable additional strains on finances. But marital satisfaction need not
decline. If the marriage is already positive and the spouses
periods. The young adult years are often referred share parenting duties equally, the stresses of parenthood may
to as the peak years. Young adults experience be minimized and not significantly interfere with marital
excellent health, vigor, and physical functioning. happiness. C&A/Human Development

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Regardless of the many joys of parenthood, new
parents are not always prepared for the responsibility
Young adults have not yet been subjected to and time commitment that raising a child requires.
age‐related physical deterioration, such as This is especially the case when parenthood is
wrinkles, weakened body systems, and reduced accidental rather than planned, or when the child is
lung and heart capacities. Their (YOUNG ADULTS) difficult and prone to irritability and excessive crying.
strength, coordination, reaction time, sensation Some young adults also have troubles seeing
(sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch), fine motor themselves as parents, especially when they feel that
skills, and sexual response are at a maximum. an important activity, such as attending college, has
Additionally, both young men and women enjoy been lost because of parenthood. Others, especially
young women, may struggle with the issue of having
the benefits of society's emphasis on youthfulness.
to choose between the desire to pursue career versus
They typically look and feel attractive and sexually staying at home to raise their children.
appealing. C&A/Human Development

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One growing trend is the postponement of marriage and Relationships: Age 17–45
childbearing until people are in their 30s. Two advantages of Love, intimacy, and adult relationships go hand‐in‐hand.
waiting are that both partners are more emotionally mature Robert Sternberg proposed that love consists of three
and have a more stable relationship, both of which provide components: passion, decision/commitment, and
the necessary tools for weathering the storms of parenthood. intimacy. Passion concerns the intense feelings of
Nontraditional family units represent another interesting physiological arousal and excitement (including sexual
trend. Examples of these include blended families (or arousal) present in a relationship, while
stepfamilies, in which new family units are made up of decision/commitment concerns the decision to love the
children from previous marriages), single‐parent families, and partner and maintain the relationship. Intimacy relates to
same‐sex families. Meanwhile, some couples choose to the sense of warmth and closeness in a loving
remain childless. Couples who have children do not relationship, including the desire to help the partner,
necessarily regard themselves as more fulfilled than couples
self‐disclose, and keep him or her in one's life.
who do not. The critical factor in a couples' satisfaction and
happiness seems to be their ability to choose their lifestyles.
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Independence: Age 17–28 People express intimacy in the following

Psychosocial development in adulthood consists of
three ways:
changes in lifestyles and relationships. According to
Erikson, the primary task of early adulthood is to • Physical intimacy, or mutual affection
establish identity and intimacy (sharing one's total self and sexual activity.
with someone else) after wrestling with the intimacy • Psychological intimacy, or the sharing of
versus isolation psychosocial crisis, which poses
commitment to others opposite the possibility of
feelings and thoughts.
self‐absorption. Much psychosocial development • Social intimacy, or having the same
occurring during this period is in conjunction with friends and enjoying the same types of
significant life changes, such as leaving home, finding a recreation.
long‐term romantic relationship, beginning a career,
and starting a family. C&A/Human Development

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The many varieties of love described by

An important aspect of establishing intimacy
Sternberg consist of varying degrees of passion,
with a partner is first being able to separate commitment, and intimacy. For example,
from the family of origin, or family of infatuation, or puppy love so characteristic of
procreation. Moreover, dating and marriage adolescence, involves passion, but not intimacy
are natural extensions of the eventual or commitment.
separating from the family of origin—a key
In addition to love and intimacy, a deeper level
process in becoming an adult. Early bonding of sexuality is realized during young adulthood
and separation experiences, then, set the within the context of one or more long‐ or
stage for later independence from the family short‐term relationships…
and the ability to form healthy attachments. C&A/Human Development

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Following are discussions of some of the most common Friends
types of adult relationships. Friends play an important role in the lives of
Cohabitation and marriage
young adults. Most human relationships,
The two most common long‐term relationships of adulthood
including casual acquaintances, are nonloving
are cohabitation and marriage. Cohabitors are unmarried
people who live and have sex together. Many individuals
in that they do not involve true passion,
claim they cohabitate as a test for marital compatibility, but commitment, or intimacy. According to
no solid evidence supports the idea that cohabitation Sternberg, friendships are loving relationships
increases later marital satisfaction. Other individuals claim characterized by intimacy, but not by passion
that they cohabitate as an alternative to marriage, not as a or commitment. In other words, closeness
trial marriage. Marriage can be advantageous. Married and warmth are present without feelings of
people tend to be healthier and happier than their passionate arousal and permanence.
never‐married, divorced, and widowed counterparts C&A/Human Development

(according to studies)… C&A/Human Development

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Females tend to be more relational in their
On average, married males also live longer than interactions, confiding their problems and
single males. Marriages seem to be happiest in the feelings with other females. Males, on the
early years, although marital satisfaction increases
other hand, often hesitate to share their
again in the later years once parental responsibilities
problems and feelings, instead, seeking out
have ended and finances have stabilized. Marriage
can also be disadvantageous. Numerous problems common‐interest activities with other males.
and conflicts arise in long‐term relationships. Friends provide a healthy alternative to family
Unrealistic expectations about marriage, as well as members and acquaintances. They can offer
differences over sex, finances, household emotional and social support, a different
responsibilities, and parenting are only a few perspective, and a change of pace from daily
potential problem areas. Severe problems may lead routines.
one or both spouses to engage in extramarital affairs. C&A/Human Development

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Extramarital relationships Health: Age 45–65
Health during middle age is typically good to excellent.
People express various reasons for The most common health problems experienced during
engaging in extramarital activities; in any middle age are arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, coronary
case, such affairs can irreparably damage a heart disease, diabetes, genitourinary disorders,
hypertension (high blood pressure), mental disorders, and
marriage. Marriages in which one or both
strokes (cerebrovascular accidents). Middle adults are
partners are unfaithful typically end in faced with stressors, such as the challenges of raising a
separation. Some couples may choose to family, paying their mortgages, facing layoffs at the office,
stay together for monetary reasons or until learning to use technology that is continually changing, or
dealing with chronic health ailments.
the children are grown.
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The most common sources of stress in the workplace
For example, too often society has
include forced career changes, lack of expected
progress (including promotions and raises), lack of erroneously determined that menopause
creative input into decision making, monotonous inevitably means the end of female
work, lack of challenging work, inadequate pay, sexuality. However, while menopause gives
feelings of being underutilized, unclear procedures rise to uncomfortable symptoms, such as
and job descriptions, conflicts with the boss or
supervisor, lack of quality vacation time, workaholism
hot flashes, headaches, irritability, dizziness,
(addiction to work), and sexual harassment. and swelling in parts of the body,
Long‐term job stress can eventually result in burnout, post‐menopausal women frequently report
a state of mental exhaustion characterized by feelings improved sexual life perhaps because they
of helplessness and loss of control, as well as the
no longer worry about menstruation and
inability to cope with or complete assigned work.
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Physical Development: Age 45–65 Men also experience biological changes as they age,
Although no longer at the peak level of their young although none is as distinct and pronounced as female
adult years, middle‐aged adults still report good health menopause. Testosterone production lessens, which
and physical functioning. However, as a result of the creates physical symptoms, such as weakness, poor
passage of time, middle adults undergo various physical appetite, and inability to focus on specific tasks for
changes. Decades of exposure and use take their toll on extended periods. During middle age, men are faced with
the body as wrinkles develop, organs no longer function
the realization that they are no longer 20 years old and
as efficiently as they once did, and lung and heart
that they are not going to accomplish all they wanted to
capacities decrease. Other changes include decreases in
strength, coordination, reaction time, sensation (sight, in life. They may also feel less sexually attractive and
hearing, taste, smell, touch), and fine motor skills. Most appealing, are balding, and are feeling less energetic than
people, however, describe feeling that they have they used to. Because of society's emphasis on
reached midlife by their mid‐50s. youthfulness and physical appearances, middle‐aged
men and women may sometimes suffer from diminished
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The biopsychosocial changes that The ideal form of love in adulthood involves
accompany midlife—specifically, three components: passion, intimacy, and
menopause (the cessation of commitment—termed consummate love, or
menstruation) in women and the male complete love. This variety of love is
climacteric (male menopause) in men— unselfish, devoted, and is most often
appear to be major turning points in terms associated with romantic relationships.
of the decline that eventually typifies older Unfortunately, as Robert Sternberg has
adulthood. None of the biological declines noted, achieving consummate love is similar
of middle and late adulthood needs to be to losing weight. Getting started is easy;
an obstacle to enjoying all aspects of life, sticking to it is much harder.
including sex.
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Having close friends in later life, like any other period, is
Relationships that last consistently associated with happiness and satisfaction.
What is a sure predictor of a loving relationship's Friends provide support, companionship, and
potential for growing or wilting? Long‐term acceptance, conditions that are crucial to most older
relationships share several factors, including both adults' sense of self‐esteem and self‐worth. Friendships
partners regarding the relationship as a long‐term provide opportunities to trust, confide, and share
commitment; both verbally and physically expressing mutually enjoyed activities. They also seem to protect
appreciation, admiration, and love; both offering against stress, physical and mental problems, and
emotional support to each other; and both considering premature death. Because older men are more likely to
the other as a best friend. Essential to preserving a rely on their wives for companionship, older women
quality relationship is the couple's decision to practice typically enjoy a wider circle of close friends.
effective communication. Communication helps them C&A/Human Development

feel close, connected, and loved.

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Slide 212 The Stages of Dying and Death
Perhaps the best‐known pioneer in thanatology is Elisabeth
Kubler‐Ross, who after interviewing 200 terminally ill people
Ironically, middle adults and their adolescent children are both proposed five stages of coming to terms with death. Upon learning
prone to emotional crises, which may occur at the same time. of their own impending death, dying people's first reaction is often
For adolescents, the crisis involves the search for identity; for denial, in which they refuse to acknowledge the inevitable, perhaps
middle adults, the search is for generativity. These two crises are believing a mistake has been made. They may seek other medical
not always compatible, as parents try to deal with their own opinions and diagnoses or pretend that the situation will simply go
issues as well as those of their adolescents. Parents respond to away on its own. Gradually, as they realize that they are going to die,
their children's adolescence in different ways. The adolescent the terminally ill experience anger at having their lives end
prematurely. They may become angry (envious and resentful) of
journey into young adulthood is a reminder to middle‐aged
those who will continue on, especially if they feel that their own life
parents of their own aging processes and inescapable settling
plans and dreams will go unfulfilled. Individuals who are dying will
into middle and later adulthood. Finally, for some families, then attempt to bargain, often with God or another religious figure,
teenagers may ignite so much tension at home that their and will promise to change or make amends or atone for their
departure to college or into a career can be a relief to parents. wrongdoings.
Other parents experience the empty‐nest syndrome, or sense of C&A/Human Development

aloneness, once all their children leave home.

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Slide 213 When bargaining fails, they experience depression and

hopelessness. During this stage, the terminally ill may
Relationships: Age 65+ mourn the loss of health that has already occurred, as
Given increases in longevity, today's older adults face well as the impending losses of family and plans. Finally,
the possibility of acquiring and maintaining those dying learn to accept the inevitable, paving the
relationships far longer than during any other time in way for a smoother transition both for themselves and
modern history. For instance, nearly 1 in 10 adults over loved ones. Kubler‐Ross pointed out that although the
the age of 65 has a child who is also within the older above five stages are typical, they are not absolute. Not
adult age range. Nurturing long‐term family all people progress predictably through all the stages,
relationships can be both rewarding and challenging. nor do people experience the stages in one particular
While middle and older adults may enjoy the peaceful order. Additionally, these stages do not necessarily
relationships that develop over the decades in place of represent the healthiest pattern for all individuals
sibling rivalry, younger adults may feel the strain of under all circumstances.
trying to care for their aging and ailing parents,
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grandparents, and other relatives.
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