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1.1 Background to the study

Organizations are finding it difficult to predict their long-term survival due to

the ever dynamic business environment resulting in different opportunities

and challenges. This necessitates organizations to come up with fail proof

strategies to ensure their long-term achievement of goals (Koigi, 2002). Not

for profit organizations are not an exception, they have to strive to find a

foothold in a volatile environment that has scarce resources and a large

number of stakeholders that require the essential services provided. Porter

(2008) ascertains that organizations have to create a unique and valuable

position that enables them to conduct activities that are different from those

of rivals thus ensuring long-term survival.

According to Harmon, Fairfield and Behson (2009), of performance targets

in financial, environmental and social terms have become a common trend.

Barry, (1986) states that many not for profit organizations use partnership

strategies such as growth and income diversification to have an impact in

the environment; strategic alliances and sharing of services with one or more
other organization; providing essential services to both governmental and

non governmental entities; human resource strategies and undertaking cost

cutting measures. With effective operationalization and institutionalization of

strategies that put in perspective the various environmental trends,

organizations can enhance their overall performance and improve their

capability to serve the purposes for which they exist into the future

(Thompson & Strickland 2011).

Organization theory (Pfeiffer 1997, Zammuto and Cameron, 1983, and

Casey, 2002) and resource-based theory (Porter 1985, Wernerfelt 1984,

North 1990, Barney 1991) will anchor this study. Organization theory states

ways in which an organization can cope with rapid change both in its internal

and external environment to ensure its survival. A different approach for

describing organization turnaround in organization theory was proposed by

Zammuto and Cameron (1983). Their model addresses five process domains

that focuses on the organization, these are; the defense, offense,

diversification, consolidation domains. Organization theory fosters the

relationship between the internal and external environment, enhancing

productivity to ensure the sustainability. When an organization considers

these major components, it tends to address the areas of weakness that

require it to change and adapt partnership strategies to its external

environment, which brings about the change process.

In addition to organization theory there is the resource-based theory, which

argues that a firm must analyze their resources before crafting strategies for

competitive advantage, (Barney, 1991). This theory posits that in order to

have competitive advantage against other firms, an organization has to

develop unique and non-substitutable resource base that will enable them

to be ahead of competitors and craft strategies that will ensure sustainability

of the firms in the business environment (Newbert, 2007).

Partners in Community Transformation (PCT), was founded in 2007 with the

objectives of enhancing the capacity of communities to assess their

strengths, capabilities and resources in order to implement and evaluate

interventions to strengthen community leadership, linkages and

collaboration between individuals, organizations, and relevant government

departments. Partners in Community Transformation has over time received

funding from various donors. The organization currently has a five-year

funding cycle. After the five years elapse in 2017 the organization may not

receive more funding from the major donor (The University of British

Columbia, 2016).
This raises the issues on the organization’s sustainability. Some of the

challenges that the organization is currently facing are over reliance on

private donors and inability to source for other donors. With reduced funding

PCT will not be able to run a majority of its projects and programs whose

beneficiaries are the most vulnerable population. Moreover, it is experiencing

hurdles in implementing some of its partnership strategies; therefore the

organization has to device ways to ensure that its programs do not ‘die’ with

cessation of funding (Partners In Community Transformation , 2011).

1.2 Statement of Problem

The need for organizations to achieve organizational goals and objectives

has never been so urgent than at the moment. The business environment

that organizations operate in is highly volatile and demands for different

strategies to be adopted to ascertain success (Barney, 2004). For any long-

term success to take place in an organization, partnership strategies must

be crafted and implemented. Partnership strategies are unique to each

organization as organizations are different and face different challenges, and

thus there is need for each organization to adopt their own strategies.
Achievement of goals thus becomes a crucial aspect of the organizational

strategy and operations when an organization is able to overcome different

hurdles of the process that is from crafting, adopting and implementing the

different strategies selected and develop new capabilities of tackling the

challenges. Rawlings (2010) notes that donor funding is being diverted to

other disaster prone areas hence organizations are trying to commercialize

activities as they struggle to reduce over dependence on incoming resources.

Chumo (2011) also notes that most for PBOs in Kenya are preoccupied with

emergencies, diseases, illiteracy and poverty to the extent that long term

planning is forgotten. These scholars are in agreement that for organizations

to benefit from continued survival they have to be prepared to tackle

changes in the environment in which they operate. However, Nidumolu,

Pralahad and Rangaswami (2009) assert that sustainability is not easy to


All organizations require funds to operate and implement their programs and

projects and PCT is no exception. PCT is over reliant on donor funding for

both programmatic and administrative activities. With donor funding comes

restrictions on spending. Donors restrict spending of funds on support

service and overhead costs incurred by the organization. The organization

must “contribute” these costs, or at least cover an increasing share of these

costs overtime (The University of British Columbia, 2016). PCT therefore has

limited autonomy and lack the freedom to c select the most effective

strategies and program activities to undertake to achieve its vision. This

challenges PCT managers to find ways in which to strengthen their financial

standing without compromising its mission. They therefore have to device

and implement strategies that foster its long-term survival.

Studies have been conducted on the concept of partnership strategies in

different contexts. Kramer, (2009) conducted a study on the energy sector

New Zealand and concludes that for sustainability to be achieved critical

implementation policies should be intergrated into a companies core

activities. Gandy, (2015) studied small business strategies for company

profitability and sustainability in Colorado, USA. The main findings were that

seasonality of business, passion and dedication of managers and proper

recruitment of qualified manpower are important to ensure sustainability,

while MulabaBafubiandi, (2007) conducted a study at the university of

Johannesburg in South Africa and observed that for sustainability the

University of Johannesburg must shift its focus from administrative and

transactional tasks to transformational activities and remain alert and flexible

to market demand and changes.

Gitari, (2006) studied sustainability strateges adopted by Kenya Agricultural

Research Institute (KARI) which is a public sector organization funded by the

government. However due to reduction in budgetary allocations KARI has

systematically instituted several strategies to remain sustainable in the long

run. Kanyugo, (2014) conducted a study at Amedo Centres Kenya Limited.

Kanyugo observes that when a company adopts strategies that cannot be

easily copied by its competitors, competitive advantage is prolonged hence

becoming sustainable. These studies have focussed on different

organizational strategies however not in the context of for public benefit

organizations. Several studies have also been carried out on partnership

strategies for public benefit organizations by various researchers including

Mbithi, (2010) studied the extent to which community based organizations

in Kisumu East District apply Ansoff’s product/market growth strategy this

represents a significant conceptual gap that helps inform the current study.

Onsongo, (2012) indicates that there are numerous strategies that

organizations can adapt to remain sustainable and step away from reliance

on donors. Njoroge, (2012) asserts that there are several factors including
unsuitable operations that influence the sustainability of a non-profit

organization. Otieno, (2013) studied the partnership strategies adopted by

the I-TECH Kenya and his findings outline that the organization is adopting

these strategies and as it continues to do so, it faces various challenges that

it has to overcome to ensure sustainability.

As much as these studies have given us valuable insights on partnership

strategies in different contexts and different levels in public benefit

organizations, research has not been carried out to ascertain partnership

strategies to be adopted by a local grass root organization, Partners in

Community Transformation. This represents a significant contextual

knowledge gap. This knowledge gap informs this study on adopting

partnership strategy for achieving organizational goal and objectives.

1.3 Research Objectives

The study was based on three main objectives namely:

i. To establish the partnership strategies adopted by Partners in the

ii. To determine the challenges, the organization faces in adopting the

partnership strategies.

iii. To examine the effects of partnership strategies on organizational


1.4 Research Questions

i. What are the partnership strategies adopted by Partners in the


ii. What are the challenges, the organization faces in adopting the

partnership strategies?

iii. What are the effects of partnership strategies on organizational


1.5 Significance of the Study

The sustainability of any organization is crucial and therefore the study

findings may be used as a source of reference. Comparisons may be made

on the findings with effectiveness of the partnership strategies adopted by

other organizations for further study for researchers. Moreover, the study
findings will add some knowledge to the existing theory and open up areas

for more research. The findings will contribute to generation of knowledge

on the partnership strategies employed by non-governmental organizations

in order to achieve their mission, objectives and goals resulting into theory


The study will also provide insightful information to the management team

in its policy formulation and assist in policy development and implementation

to take into account new strategic policies on sustainability and also to create

knowledge based on the techniques used in crafting and adopting various

strategic practices, which help them improve the management and

leadership styles to enhance sustainability.

Organizations exist and operate in highly dynamic environments. Most

organizations therefore, have to device, develop and implement strategies

to guarantee their survival within these environments; similarly non-

governmental organizations have to develop strategies to ensure their

operations in the long run. It is difficult to meet current program needs with

scarce resources that PBOs have. With so many social ills and problems to

solve, donors are not able to sustain organizational needs. Furthermore, with

population explosion worldwide the number of PBO beneficiaries increases.

With these come new social ills that demand urgent financial resources to

curb. The study will be important not only to Partners in Community

Transformation under study but also other key players in this sector. This

will help the organization at large to understand the strategies and policies

it should enhance and those it should continue to adopt in order to attract

multiple sources of funds.

1.6 Scope of the study

This study is carried out on Adopting Partnership Strategy for achieving

Organizational Goal and Objectives. The study is limited to small and medium

enterprises in Kaduna state, Nigeria.

1.7 Limitation of the study

The following limitations were anticipated in this study:

1. Since the study was only carried out in only one province, the results may

not be generalisable to the whole country. The researcher collected data

on his own without research assistants.

2. Financial constraints were also anticipated in the current study. Although

the researcher received assistance from the bursary, it was not possible

to carry out the study at national level.

1.8 Organization of the study

The study is grouped into five chapters. This chapter being the first gives an

introduction to the study. Chapter two gives a review of the related literature.

Chapter three presents the research methodology; chapter four presents the

data analysis as well as interpretation and discussion of the results. Chapter

five gives a summary of findings and recommendations.

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