Maintaining Safety, Maximizing Efficiency and Minimizing Costs

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Maintaining Safety, Maximizing Efficiency

and Minimizing Costs

Table of Contents

3 Introduction
4 How safe is your asset?
5 A safe solution
6 Controlling fire

7/8 Main challenges for the maintenance/instrument engineer

9 Safety
10 Asset sustainability
11 Cultural complacency
12 Human reliability
13 Controlling O2 through direct monitoring
14 It is time to change your LOC process

15/16 TDLS – the smart way to ensure safety

17 Safety under control

18/19 Safety at every stage

20/21 Features and benefits of Yokogawa’s TDLS technology
How safe is your asset?
How safe is your asset?
Fire and explosion are the biggest inherent hazards
facing the chemicals industry.
The combination of flammable raw fuel, open flames and the presence of gas
components such as oxygen (O2), methane (CH4), and carbon monoxide (CO) can make
chemical processing a hazardous activity, particularly in combustion. Not only is there a
potential safety risk with burning combustible materials, but their by-products are often
combustible too.

It is essential for operators to be able to minimize the hazards of ignition, combustion

and explosion. This includes ensuring there are no leakages in the heat exchanger or
pipelines, which can further fuel the combustion process. And you must comply with
modern emissions regulations.

Modern chemical processing is based around three main objectives: maximizing

production, minimizing cost, and ensuring safety is not compromised. But how can
you achieve all three at the same time?

Unfortunately, the limitations of conventional technologies severely impact the abilities

of maintenance and instrument engineers to meet this triple challenge effectively.

A safe solution
Ensuring your asset and instruments are maintained so that your
colleagues can work in a safe environment is your highest priority. And
safety supports the other two objectives of increased efficiency
and minimized costs.

Rather than saving a few dollars, hazardous with less downtime and assured improvements in
operations and working processes will actually cost safety and negligible delay time to detect. And it is
much more due to production inconsistencies and easy to apply.
downtime. At worst, lack of safety can lead to
This is a major development in supporting maintenance
a hazardous incident or explosion with potentially
and instrument engineers as they reduce the threat of
catastrophic consequences. Because of their
hazards while ensuring maximum operational efficiency
limitations, conventional analyzer technologies have
and lower costs.
prevented operators from running their processes in
the safest manner – without them ever being aware.

Yokogawa’s Tunable Diode Laser Spectrometer

It is a step change in the industry’s
(TDLS) analyzer system provides a safe solution to
this challenge. It is a step change in the industry’s
ability to operate safely by allowing
ability to operate safely by allowing O2 control O2 control while answering the need
while answering the need for maximum efficiency and for maximum efficiency and
minimized costs. minimized costs.
The TDLS analyzer provides SIL certified, reliable,
real-time, non-contact, and direct O2 measurement

Controlling fire
Combustion needs three basic elements to survive – a combustion
supporting gas (O2), heat and fuel (process gas). In order to main safe
operations, it is imperative for you to control the elements that allow
combustion to take place.



Main challenges for the
maintenance/instrument engineer
Asset sustainability
Cultural complacency
Human reliability
Main challenges for the
maintenance/instrument engineer

Safety Asset sustainability Cultural complacency Human reliability


Main challenges for the
maintenance/instrument engineer
When a hazardous incident occurs, every second counts.

Conventional gas detection analyzers are constrained by

time-delaying processes, including the identification and
analysis of chemical elements. These processes can hold up
response – whether for maintenance or, in the worst case, a
shut down.

In fired heaters, conventional technology only provides

automated control of the fuel supply and not the air supply.
As a result, excess air is often used in the combustion process.
This creates a hazardous and potentially explosive situation,
increases costs and reduces efficiency.

By delivering trustworthy, real-time in situ and holistic data

for the timely identification and control of O2 and other gases,
the easy-to-apply TDLS technology ensures maximum safety
and operational efficiency. It is also capable of being fully
maintained in the field which minimizes downtime.


Main challenges for the
maintenance/instrument engineer
Asset sustainability
Your focus is on continuous improvement. It is not just about reducing
hazards for your plant and your colleagues; it is about improving your
workplace processes too.

That means making sure your asset is run in a sustainable

way, using the least amount of fuel to get the most amount
of heat as safely as possible. In the fired heater, you need to
know the make up of the gases going in and coming out and
how efficient your combustion process is in burning all of the
fuel. Changing fuel compositions add to the challenge.

Unfortunately, many chemical plants currently use outdated

and wasteful diagnostics processes and controls that cannot
provide this range of essential data.

Poor asset sustainability increases the risks of accidents and

hazardous incidents. But TDLS technology can help you avoid
these problems by delivering real-time, trustworthy data with
line of sight, open path, free space measurement.


Main challenges for the
maintenance/instrument engineer
Cultural complacency
Your asset has run without a hazardous incident for several years and
your operations manager is happy with the monthly reports, so why
would you spend money on improving safety?

This type of thinking is based on the misguided contact with the gases, they do not carry that risk.
notion that if everything is working fine right now, In fact, TDLS analyzers can be run throughout the
and everybody is familiar with the same old daily whole process and identify hazardous conditions
operations, there is no need to improve anything. before, during and after firing.
This creates a false sense of security regarding
Air-to fuel ratio control is only used on a few
asset safety and leaves you vulnerable to
systems, and fewer even conventional systems
human error.
compensate for changing fuel composition. This
For example, furnace firing rate controls have can create a hazard. Feedback measurements are
changed little over 40 years and manual firing minimal and, remove again, are limited by the
is still common practice. The ignition hazard capability constraints of conventional analyzers.
from conventional analyzers requires them to be
In all likelihood you are running an aging system,
switched off before firing. This means you cannot
so modern emissions may well exceed its design.
measure your gas composition in this crucial stage.
But how do you know?
However, because TDLS analyzers do not come into


Main challenges for the
maintenance/instrument engineer
Human reliability
The great crew change has seen the industry lose many of its most
skillful operators. Yet, no matter how experienced workers are, we all
make mistakes. In a chemical facility, those mistakes can
lead to hazardous incidents or explosions.

Unfortunately, reliance on limited data outputs from
conventional analyzer technology places a greater onus
on the skills of the operator to avoid incidents. These
skills can vary for several reasons including experience,
knowledge of the system and the quality of the training/
induction received by the operator. Also, traditional
analyzers require human calibration – another potential
hazard source.

TDLS technology reduces human error by delivering

the most trustworthy data as quickly as possible. Its
high degree of accuracy enables automation of the
control system based on the response of the analyzer –
something that less reliable conventional technologies
cannot offer.


Controlling O2 through direct monitoring

Combustion requires a combination of heat, fuel and O2. In order to lim-

it risk and ensure the safety of your asset and your workmates, it is im-
perative that you have the ability to detect, measure, control and above
all limit O2 concentration (LOC).

An oxygen concentration of 8% or above increases the risk

of explosion.

A 2% excess of O2 usually equals 1% of fuel cost.

Using Yokogawa’s TDLS technology to directly monitor and

optimize air flow typically allows O2 concentration to drop
from 6% to 2%, thereby maximizing safety, efficiency, and
asset life while minimizing fuel costs.


It is time to change your LOC process

The timely monitoring and analysis of gases including O2 is critical in

reducing the potential for hazardous incidents and achieving optimal
performance from your asset.

However, conventional technologies rely on highly

complex and costly sampling procedures that slow down There are five reasons why sampling may
the time it takes for you to receive this important data. be delayed:
TDLS technology has no contact with the gas and has no • Sample tapping at an inappropriate
moving parts, making it extremely reliable and accurate in location in the process pipes
identifying hazards and maximizing efficiency. It also
• Using too large a probe during
eliminates the frequent and extensive maintenance and
extraction of the sample
costly downtime linked to conventional sample
conditioning systems. Instead, it provides real time, • Using a long pipe during sample transfer
trustworthy data so you can act fast. can generate an unstable flow
• Adjustments to the sample through
filtering or coalescence
• The lengthy response times of
conventional analyzers


TDLS – the smart way to ensure safety
TDLS – the smart way to ensure safety
The TDLS analyzer consists of a laser that produces infrared light, optical
lenses to focus the laser light through the gas to be measured and then on to
a detector, and the detector itself. Electronics control the laser and translate
the detector signal into data to determine the gas fade concentration.
in words ‘highly inefficient’

MVO: in other words, legacy technology is highly inefficient

Gas molecules absorb light at specific wavelengths, called

absorption lines. TDLS works by measuring the amount
of laser light that is absorbed (or lost) as it travels through
Cool temperatures but
the gas being measured. The degree of loss equals the CO reaction is nearing
concentration of the gas.

Unlike conventional analyzers, which use wavelength Convection Tubing

modulation spectroscopy, TDLS uses gas molecule Combustion Variations

measurement based on absorption spectroscopy. This

makes it less sensitive to changes in conditions and
TDL Transmitter
means it can deliver more trustworthy data.

No sensor contact with the gases and no moving parts Radiant Tubes
(Radiant Zones)

mean consistently high performance in delivering the

fastest, most reliable information on your asset’s safety. Fly through the diagram into a Path type measurement dia-

MVO: TDLS delivers the most trustworthy data on the en-

tire furnace in real time for optimal asset performance and


Safety under control
TDLS offers specific safety benefits
when it comes to monitoring your pipelines.

Because the flow of gas usually fluctuates, analyzing

gas concentration can be difficult. However, the TDLS
analyzer allows you to maintain a steady and stable gas
flow in your pipe by creating an ‘air curtain’.

Conventional analyzers can be damaged by the gasses

and processes that they measure and require costly
maintenance leading to increased downtime. The TDLS
analyzer avoids this problem. It has no contact with
the gas and is contained in a strong, corrosion-free,
flameproof casing with the added option of a sapphire
window for corrosive environments.


Safety at every stage
Safety at every stage
The high reliability of Yokogawa’s TDLS technology enables long-term
operational consistency and real time measurement to ensure safety
and stability in your processes.

The TDLS changes the immeasurable to the measurable, changes in time to real time and changes
monitoring to optimization.

CO, CH4 and O2 are measurable from room temperature up to 1,500ºC while
incomplete combustion and light off can be detected in any temperature range.

Path average measurement provides a complete understanding of

gas concentration levels.

An optical path of up to 30m for optimal visibility.

Operates in corrosive environments.

Rapid data delivery helps you respond quickly.


Features and benefits of Yokogawa’s TDLS technology

Features Benefits

✔ Fully field repairable and TDLS technology can be maintained in situ without being removed
50-day record storage from the installation point. Its modular structure provides ultimate
flexibility on site, and all parts are fully interchangeable. Also, as
there is no need to recalibrate the system after a changeover, it
does not need to be removed from the process pipe.

This helps to ensure accurate measurement even in cases

✔ Reference cell
where this is a ‘zero value’ or ‘no absorption’ monitoring.

✔ SIL2 certified To meet your safety requirements, the TDLS analyzer is SIL2 cer-
tified by the IEC when used in a single set configuration, and SIL3
certified when used in a dual set configuration.


Features and benefits of Yokogawa’s TDLS technology

Features Benefits

✔ Plug and Play Avoiding a stop in your processes for repairs means you
can maintain operational stability, which also enhances the
safety of your asset. Parameters for the smart laser optics
are all preset in the factory, so the TDLS analyzer comes
ready to use out of the box.

Drawing on many years of experience, Yokogawa’s TDLS

✔ Safety
technology represents a step change in enabling
managers to reduce the threat of hazardous incidents
while enabling maximized output and minimized costs
in chemical facilities around the world.


Thank you for reading this eBook
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