Wastewater Recycling-Application of Ozone Based Treatments To Secondary Effluents PDF

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Chemosphere 74 (2009) 854–859

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Wastewater recycling: Application of ozone based treatments to secondary effluents

Javier Rivas *, Olga Gimeno, Fernando Beltrán
Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Química Física, Facultad de Ciencias, Avenida de Elvas S/N, 06071 Badajoz, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A secondary effluent from a municipal wastewater plant has been treated by means of several processes
Received 6 May 2008 based on the use of ozone. Application of O3 as the only oxidising reagent is capable of halving the initial
Received in revised form 30 July 2008 COD (35 ppm at a flowrate of 40 L h1) with a roughly 40% of mineralization degree. The system O3/H2O2
Accepted 31 July 2008
slightly enhances COD removal albeit it is capable of significantly increasing the mineralization level up
Available online 14 November 2008
to 70% (35 ppm of O3 at a flowrate of 40 L h1 in the presence of 0.01 M of H2O2). The combination of two
commercial activated carbons and ozone did not improve the results obtained in the single ozonation
process. However, the simultaneous application of ozone and UV radiation showed beneficial effects both
in the COD removal rate and TOC conversion if compared to ozonation alone. The systems applied in this
Mineralization work can be acceptably modelled by empirical mathematical expressions based on the inlet ozone con-
Municipal wastewater centration, hydrogen peroxide concentration, COD, etc.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction like chlorine and its derivatives (Lee et al., 2008). Ozone is a power-
ful oxidant capable of reacting with a high number of organic and
Water availability is a challenging problem facing our society in inorganic molecules. The ozone versatility is based on the possibil-
some regions all over the world. This problem is aggravated when ities of destroying contaminants through two different routes,
the lack of rainfall extends over an unusually long period of time. either by direct molecular attack and/or by decomposition into
Drought usually results in water shortage that seriously interferes HO radicals which, contrarily to ozone, actuates unselectively with
with human activity. Water-supply reservoirs empty, wells dry up, rate constants of the order 108–1010 M1 s1 (Beltrán, 2004).
and crop damage ensues. Its seriousness depends on the degree of The use of ozone in more sophisticated systems such as the
the water shortage, size of area affected, and the duration and combination ozone/activated carbon (AC) (Faria et al., 2008),
warmth of the dry period. ozone/hydrogen peroxide or ozone/UV radiation (Burns et al.,
Rapid population growth and increasing water withdrawal for 2007) might improve the efficiency of the process by reinforcing
agricultural use culminate in a large population suffering from the second pathway of ozone performance, i.e., decomposition into
water deficit. The irrigated agriculture accounts for approximately hydroxyl radicals. In the first case, adsorption of contaminants
70% of all freshwater withdrawals and more than 80% in the devel- onto the AC surface can also contribute to the global efficacy in
oping countries (FAO, 2008). organic removal.
Once the regulatory limits are fulfilled, the normal procedure In this work, four ozone based systems (O3, O3 + H2O2, O3 + AC,
after biological treatment of wastewater is the direct discharge into and O3 + UV) have been evaluated when applied to a real down-
natural water matrixes (rivers, oceans, etc.). Nevertheless, more stream effluent generated in a municipal wastewater plant.
and more countries are focusing their efforts to reutilize secondary
effluents in those requirements not demanding a high standard of 2. Experimental
water quality (drinking water or water for the food industry). Thus,
recycled water can be used in toilet flushing, garden watering, Biologically treated wastewater was collected from a municipal
street washing, fire protection, etc. Even if more stringent standards wastewater plant in Móstoles (Spain) and immediately frozen after
of quality are adopted, reclaimed wastewater can be used for agri- characterization. The main properties of the effluent are displayed
cultural purposes in crop production (The on Site Consortium, in Table 1.
2008). For this purpose, oxidising agents like ozone or other ad- Experiments were conducted in a glass reactor equipped with
vanced oxidation processes based on its use are considered as sampling port, temperature monitorization, ozone inlet and outlet,
promising alternatives to conventional oxidation/disinfection tools and mechanical agitation. Temperature was kept controlled at
20 ± 0.1 °C by immersion of the reactor into a thermostatic bath.
* Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +34 924 289385. When UV light was used, a low pressure mercury Heraeus
E-mail address: fjrivas@unex.es (J. Rivas). Hanau TNN 15/32 located in the middle of the reactor was used.

0045-6535/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Rivas et al. / Chemosphere 74 (2009) 854–859 855

Table 1 further incubation at isotherm conditions depending on the type

Characterisation of secondary effluents of microbes to be tested.
COD 62 ± 4 Zn 47 ± 6
TOC 17 ± 1 Cu 6±2 3. Results and discussion
TIC 41 ± 4 Cd 2±2
BOD 41 ± 2 Cr 3±1
SS 77 ± 25 Fe 146 ± 113 3.1. Ozonation
DS 305 ± 44 Mn 30 ± 17
Al 93 ± 7 Ni <0.1 Some ozone reactions were carried out at increasing values of
As 5±2 Pb 9±2
ozone inlet concentration from 10 to 50 mg L1. Fig. 1 shows the
Sb 4±2 Se 5±4
results obtained. As seen from this figure, in terms of COD removal,
Units in mg L1 with the exception of metals in lg L1. ozone dose exerts a positive influence for values of ozone concen-
tration from 10 to 35 mg L1, however, a further increase up to
The main wavelength emission was at 254 nm with an intensity of 50 mg L1 did not appreciably affect the efficiency of the process.
4.5  106 Einstein L1 s1. Ozone was produced from an Erwin Dissolved ozone and ozone at the reactor outlet are immediately
Sander 301.7 laboratory ozone generator. detected after initiating each experiment. This suggests that com-
Activated carbons Darco 12-20 (Aldrich) and Hydraffin P110 pounds present in the secondary effluent are recalcitrant to ozone
(Lurgi) have the following characteristics according to the manu- attack (low rate constants) and, accordingly, slow regime reaction
facturers. Iodine index (mg g1): 600 and >950, SBET (m2 g1): develops. Mineralization of the organics present in the treated
650 and 1000, density (g cm3): 0.37 and 0.46, and moisture (%): wastewater is more difficult to achieve. With the exception of
<12 and <5. the run conducted at 10 mg L1, there are no differences between
Dissolved ozone was measured by following the decoloration of experiments. The maximum TOC decrease after 120 min of treat-
the 5,5,7 indigotrisulphonate. For that purpose a Thermo Spectron- ment barely reaches the 35–40% of the initial amount. Similar fig-
ic Hekios a spectrophotometer was used. Additionally, ozone in ures are reported by Zou and Zhu (2008) when also treating a
the gas phase was monitored by means of an Anseros Ozomat secondary effluent by the combination of ozone and light.
ozone analyser. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was determined After 120 min of treatment, SS were reduced at an average per-
in a Dr. Lange spectrophotometer, the method based on the stan- centage of 80% (from 37 to 7 mg L1) in the case of experiments
dard dichromate reflux method. Biological oxygen demand (BOD) carried out with 20 and 35 mg L1 of ozone. When 50 mg L1 of
was measured following the respirometric method. For this pur- O3 was applied, this value decreased to slightly above 20% and even
pose, non-acclimated microorganisms from the municipal waste- lower values (7%) were obtained for the run completed with
water plant of the city of Badajoz were used. In order to assess 10 mg L1 of ozone. In parallel with SS, DS increased at the expense
the degree of mineralization, total organic (TOC) and inorganic car- of SS removal (i.e. for the run conducted with 20 mg L1 of ozone
bons (TIC) were determined by a Shimazdu TOC 5000A analyser by DS changed from 343 to 380 mg L1). It seems that ozone is capa-
directly injecting the aqueous solution. Suspended (SS) and dis- ble of converting some of the organics/inorganic molecules present
solved (DS) solids were obtained by means of the weight difference in particulates into soluble compounds.
after dryness of two aliquots of the effluent before and after filtra- Additionally, some metals are also reduced after ozone applica-
tion through 0.45 lm membranes. Metals were quantified by ICP tion. Hence, metal species (in parentheses elimination degree) like
after filtration. Microbial assays were conducted after filtration of Al (10%), As (55%), Sb (47%), Zn (70%), Cu (17%), Cd (100%), Cr
100 mL of wastewater onto membranes (0.45 lm pore size) and (74%), Fe (58%), Mn (26%), Pb (64%), or Se (34%) are eliminated when

1 50

CO g, ppm




0.2 40

CO , ppm




0.5 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time, min Time, min

Fig. 1. Ozonation of secondary effluents. Experimental conditions: pH = 7.8, T = 298 K, gas flowrate = 40 L h1, C O3 gðinletÞ : e, 10 mg L1; h, 20 mg L1; 4, 35 mg L1;
r, 50 mg L1. (A) COD; (B) TOC; (C) outlet ozone; (D) dissolved ozone.
856 J. Rivas et al. / Chemosphere 74 (2009) 854–859

35 mg L1 of ozone is fed to the reactor. The way metals are elimi- Fig. 2 displays the results obtained for a series of experiments
nated from solution is unclear, likely these species are in solution completed with different initial concentrations of hydrogen perox-
forming complexes with the organics initially present in the efflu- ide acting as a promoter. After comparison to single ozonation re-
ent. Once ozone does oxidise the complexing organics (i.e. humic sults, some significant facts are worth mentioning.
substances, fulvic acids, etc.) the remaining metals might undergo In terms of COD reduction, an initial dose of 103 M in H2O2 is
hydrolysis and finally precipitate. Thus, initial ozonation pH was capable of accelerating the COD removal rate at the initial stages
approximately 8 showing minor variations after the treatment of the reaction. Once hydrogen peroxide is consumed, the process
process (less than 0.5 units in all cases), solubility products of the comes to a halt achieving a similar COD conversion after 120 min
analysed metals go from 2  1013 for manganese hydroxide or of treatment if compared to the non-promoted experiment. Exper-
7.2  1015 for cadmium hydroxide to values as low as 2.8  1039 iments completed with initial H2O2 doses of 5  103 and 102 M
for ferric hydroxide or 3  1034 for aluminium hydroxide (Kemij- show an initial induction period proportional to the amount of pro-
sko-Tehnološki Fakultet, 2008). In a similar way, evolution of carbon moter added, nevertheless, after approximately 20 min from the
dioxide at this pH due to organic matter mineralization can lead to start, COD incessantly decreases to values close to 80% of conver-
formation of insoluble carbonates (i.e. solubility products of carbon- sion in 120 min (70% achieved in the non-promoted experiment).
ates are from the order of 1.46  1010 for ZnCO3 to 7.4  1014 for When the highest H2O2 concentration was used (0.05 M), the scav-
PbCO3). Alternatively although less probable, some metallic species enging effect of the peroxide (reactions (3) and (4)) predominated
can directly be oxidised to forms of higher valence state whose over its promoter action.
hydroxides are thereafter precipitated at the working pH.
Raw wastewater contained some colonies (4 colonies in H2 O2 þ HO ! HO2 þ H2 O kTer1 ¼ 2:7  107 M1 s1 ð3Þ
100 mL) of Feacal coliform, however, as expected, a test of pathogen 9
HO2 þ HO ! 
HO2 þ OH 
kTer2 ¼ 8:3  10 M 1
s 1
microorganisms after the ozonation revealed the absence of Sal-
monelle, Staphylococcus aureus, Feacal streptococcus, Pseudomonas Dissolved ozone is detected only when hydrogen peroxide has
aeruginosa, F. coliform, and Clostridium sulphite reductors, regardless been consumed. For high dosages of H2O2 this species remains at
of the ozone concentration used. Additionally, BOD5 values were extremely low values in the frontier of the detection limit for the
reduced in all cases more than 50% of the initial values, thus for analytical method employed.
the experiment conducted with 35 mg L1 of ozone, BOD5 was low- The most relevant achievement when using hydrogen peroxide
ered from 45 to 13 mg L1. is the mineralization improvement. Similarly to COD removal, a
dose of 103 M in H2O2 involves a high initial TOC elimination rate
3.2. Ozone + hydrogen peroxide but the improvement of the final TOC conversion after 120 min of
treatment is not achieved. An excess of the promoter impedes the
The recalcitrant nature towards ozone of the substances present beneficial effect of the HO formed due to reactions (3) and (4).
in the secondary effluent suggests the utilisation of a technology However, H2O2 amounts in the range 5–10  103 M are capable
capable of generating more HO radicals to improve the oxidation of increasing the final mineralization degree from below 40%
yield. The following reactions have to be considered (Rivas et al., (non-promoted experiment) up to a value in the proximity of 70%.
2003): Similarly to single ozonation, SS are quantitatively transformed
into DS. BOD values are minimized from 44 ppm to values in the
O3 þ OH ! HO2 þ O2 ki ¼ 70 M1 s1 ð1Þ
range 6–7 ppm while metals also exhibit an important reduction
HO2 þ O3 ! HO þ  
O2 þ O2 kii ¼ 2:8  10 M 1
s 1
ð2Þ even higher than in the case of single ozone application (values

1 1

0.8 0.8
2O2 H2O2o

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0

CO , ppm

0.6 1.5


0.2 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Time, min Time, min

Fig. 2. Oxidation of secondary effluents by the O3/H2O2 system. Experimental conditions: pH = 7.8, T = 298 K, gas flowrate = 40 L h1, C O3 gðinletÞ = 35 mg L1,
C H2 O2 : e, 5  102 M; r, 1  102 M; 4, 5  103 M; s, 1  103 M; N, 0.0 M.
J. Rivas et al. / Chemosphere 74 (2009) 854–859 857

corresponding to the experiment with 0.01 M in hydrogen perox- 3.4. Ozone + UV light
ide): Al (56%), As (98%), Sb (72%), Zn (99%), Cu (57%), Cd (100%),
Cr (100%), Fe (78%), Mn (49%), Pb (82%), or Se (96%). The combination of ozone and ultraviolet radiation accumulates
the effects of two direct oxidation pathways (ozonation and pho-
3.3. Ozone + AC tolysis), the formation of the system O3/H2O2 because of hydrogen
peroxide generation and the intrinsic photolysis of the peroxide to
Use of AC in the presence of ozone might involve the beneficial produce two hydroxyl radicals:
effects of the adsorption, inherent to this material, and also the
O3 þ hmðsÞ ! H2 O2 þ 1=2O2 ð6Þ
promotion of ozone decomposition into HO. A first attempt was
therefore conducted by using Darco. The results obtained when H2 O2 þ hmðsÞ ! 2HO ð7Þ
Darco AC was used were somehow disappointing (Fig. 3). Thus, Fig. 4 shows the results obtained in radiation experiments car-
COD removal rate was similar to elimination achieved by the single ried out in the absence of ozone and hydrogen peroxide (photoly-
ozonation with the exception of the run conducted with 4 g L1 sis), in the absence of ozone and presence of the peroxide
where a slight improvement in the initial rate was observed. Min- (promoted photolysis), and finally in the presence of increasing
eralization levels were even lower than those obtained in the sin- ozone concentrations and UV radiation. As observed, the photolytic
gle ozonation (results not shown). process is able to just remove the 15% of the initial COD. Addition
A second attempt was therefore carried out with a different AC of hydrogen peroxide (0.01 M) increases the COD removal conver-
(Hydraffin). In this case, although COD depletion profiles were sim- sion up to 65%. However, the best results are obtained when ozone
ilar to the single ozonation process, addition of Hydraffin showed a and UV radiation are combined. In this case, the initial COD deple-
better performance in terms of TOC conversions (Fig. 3). The tion is significantly enhanced achieving a roughly 95% COD elimi-
adsorption stage in the absence of ozone eliminated a roughly nation when 50 mg L1 of ozone was fed (final COD was roughly
25% of the initial TOC present. Increasing concentrations of ACs, 3 mg L1). A similar trend was found in the case of TOC with a max-
after an initial induction period, were capable of gradually enhanc- imum mineralization level of 70% found when simultaneously
ing the mineralization level. When the maximum amount of the applying ozone and UV radiation.
adsorbent was used (4 g L1), the lag period needed for free radi-
cals build up disappeared and an approximately 65% mineraliza- 3.5. Empirical kinetics
tion level was achieved. The beneficial effect of AC can be
attributed to either the cumulative effects of adsorption + ozona- 3.5.1. Ozone
tion and/or a potential catalytic action of carbon surface to decom- The mechanism governing ozonation processes is extremely
pose ozone into hydroxyl radicals. Decomposition of ozone on complex (Rivas et al., 2006). Moreover, the complexity is exponen-
carbon surface leads to formation of hydroxyl radicals with a much tially increased when a multicomponent matrix like wastewater
higher oxidation potential than molecular ozone (Alvárez et al., effluents is treated. The ignorance of compound nature and con-
2006): centration in the secondary effluent, the presence of solids that
O2 þ HO are further attacked by ozone (i.e. three phase system, i.e. gas–li-
O3 þ ACðsÞ ! O3 ð5Þ quid–solid), etc. recommend the proposal of an empirical kinetic
HO2 ! HO þ  O2 þ O2 law rather than considering a detailed mechanism of reactions.
This empirical model should be capable of modelling the






0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0.2
Time, min 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time, min
Fig. 3. Oxidation of secondary effluents by the O3/AC system. Experimental
conditions: pH = 7.8, T = 298 K, gas flowrate = 40 L h1, C O3 gðinletÞ = 35 mg L1. Top Fig. 4. Oxidation of secondary effluents by the O3/UV system. Experimental
figure: darco, bottom figure: hydraffin P110. CAC: e, 4 g L1; h, 1 g L1; r, 3 g L1; conditions: pH = 7.8, T = 298 K, gas flowrate = 40 L h1, C O3 gðinletÞ : e, 50 mg L1; 4,
4, 2 g L1; s, adsorption; N, 0.0 g L1. 35 mg L1; r, 10 mg L1; h, 0.0 mg L1 (C H2 O2 = 0.01 M); s, photolysis.
858 J. Rivas et al. / Chemosphere 74 (2009) 854–859

Table 2
COD removal model parameters in the treatment of secondary effluents by ozone based technologies

O3 O3/H2O2 O3/UV
kO3 ¼ 1:00  0:17  10 mg5
kO3 =H2 O2 ¼ 6:00  0:52  10 6
mg Om1
2 mg On
3 Lmþn1
min kUV = 2.5  103 min1
2 mg On
3 L

n = 0.79 ± 0.05 n = 0.95 ± 0.04 kO3 ¼ 1:00  0:17  105 mg Om1
2 mg On3 L
m = 2.11 ± 0.04 m = 2.00 ± 0.03 m = 2.11 ± 0.04
0 a n mnþa
kH2 O2 ¼ 6:10  0:17  1012 mg H2 O
2 mg O3 L n = 0.79 ± 0.05
00  0 0 0 0
kH2 O2 ¼ 4:30  0:15  1011 Lb mg H2 Ob
2 kO3 =UV ¼ 1:10  0:09  104 mg Om
mg On
3 Lm þn 1 min1
a = 0.680 ± 0.007 m0 = 1.92 ± 0.02
b = 6.3 ± 0.8 n0 = 0.63 ± 0.01
ðC CODexp  C CODcal Þ2 ¼ 159 (4 runs) ðC CODexp  C CODcal Þ2 ¼ 242 (4 runs) ðC CODexp  C CODcal Þ2 ¼ 206 (4 runs)

" #
kH2 O2 C aH2 O2
experimental trends found under the working conditions used. dC COD
Obviously the adjustable parameters should be contemplated as  ¼ kO3 =H2 O2 C m
O3 gðinletÞ þ 00 ð10Þ
dt 1 þ kH O C bH O
mere modelling tools, i.e. they have no chemical significance and, 2 2 2 2

moreover, they depend on the initial guess used. Again, since outlet ozone concentration immediately reaches the
Recycling of wastewater is regulated (amongst other parame- steady-state conditions, ozone inlet concentration has been used in
ters) by COD content. This parameter can be easily obtained with- lieu of the former. Once again, it should be pointed out the lack of
out the need of a specific and expensive apparatus as it is the case chemical significance of the adjustable parameters in Eq. (10).
for TOC analysis. Additionally, in oxidation processes even when no At the sight of the curvature of H2O2 concentration profiles, it is
appreciable TOC changes have been observed, low COD values indi- suggested that its decomposition must follow a kinetic rate with
cate the formation of small carboxylic acids (acetic, oxalic, maleic, order in the range interval 0–1. Accordingly a decomposition order
etc.) of non-toxic nature, i.e. contamination reduction is more cor- of 0.5 was initially considered:
related to COD depletion than to TOC elimination. Consequently,
dC H2 O2
COD was adopted as the parameter to indicate the wastewater  ¼ kPer C 0:5
H2 O2 ð11Þ
contamination level, and therefore, it was used in the modelling
process. As stated previously, the presence of dissolved ozone By analytical integration:
immediately after the start of experiments suggests that the pro- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi k
cess is chemically controlled, i.e. slow reactions develop in the C H2 O2 ¼ C H2 O2  t ð12Þ
aqueous bulk and/or with the solid COD. A simple power kinetic
law was proposed of the form A plot of the square root of hydrogen peroxide concentration
versus time should lead to a straight line of slope kPer/2. When
dC COD H2O2 was expressed in mg L1 and time in min, kPer values ob-
 ¼ kO3 C m n
COD C O3 ð8Þ
dt tained were 25.4, 28.0, 22.8, and 24.2  102 ppm0.5 min1 for
where kO3 , m, and n stand for the empirical rate constant for COD increasing values of initial H2O2 concentrations from 0.001 to
depletion and empirical reaction orders regarding COD and ozone 0.05 M.
concentrations, respectively. In order to simplify the mathematical Combining Eqs. (10) and (12), the adjustable parameters were
procedure, the concentration of ozone reacting with COD (either obtained to minimize the squared differences between experimen-
dissolved or in solid phase) was considered to be proportional to tal and calculated COD concentrations. Table 2 shows the fitting re-
outlet ozone concentration (C O3 g ), so Eq. (8) was finally transformed sults. R2 values ranged in the interval 0.96–0.99. With minor
into exceptions, errors below 10% are achieved.

dC COD  
 ¼ kO3 C m n m n
COD C O3 g  kO3 C COD C O3 gðinletÞ ð9Þ 3.5.3. Ozone + UV radiation
dt This system was modelled by considering the cumulative ef-
It should be noticed that both inlet and outlet ozone concentra- fects of photolysis, ozonation, and HO generation enhancement
tions are similar after just 5 min of reaction, so inlet ozone concen- (considered proportional to ozone concentration):
tration can be used.
dC COD   m0 n0
By means of the finite difference method and the SOLVER opti- ¼ kUV C COD þ kO3 C m n
COD C O3 gðinletÞ þ kO3 =UV C COD C O3 gðinletÞ ð13Þ
mization package included in EXCELÒ, the adjustable parameters

kO3 , m, and n were obtained. The values after the fitting process Table 2 shows the values of the adjustable parameters. R2 for
are displayed in Table 2. Errors are located inside the ±10% range UV/O3 runs was located in the range 0.91–0.99.
validating the mathematical expression used. R2 values ranged
from 0.967 to 0.998 for the worst and best fittings, respectively.

3.5.2. Ozone + hydrogen peroxide

This work was supported by the CICYT of Spain and FEDER
Two opposite factors should be taken into account when con-
Funds (Project CSD2006/044). Dr. Gimeno (Ramón y Cajal Contract)
sidering this oxidation system. On one hand, the presence of
also thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education.
H2O2 may enhance HO generation by direct reaction of ozone
and the ionic form of the peroxide and, on the another hand, an ex-
cess of the promoter may lead to slowing down of the process due
to the predominant scavenging effect of hydrogen peroxide. Alvárez, P.M., García-Araya, J.F., Beltrán, F.J., Giráldez, I., Jaramillo, J., Gómez-
The empirical kinetic rate proposed should include the reaction Serrano, V., 2006. The influence of various factors on aqueous ozone
with ozone, the positive effect of adding H2O2, and also the nega- decomposition by granular activated carbons and the development of a
mechanistic approach. Carbon 44, 3102–3112.
tive effect of an excess of the latter, accordingly expression 10 Beltrán, F.J., 2004. Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems.
was adopted: Lewis Publishers, CRC Press Company, Boca Raton, FL.
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