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SC Analytics & Optimization

Management Trainee

mission / role purpose

Responsible for Spares Supply Chain management for the Planning & execution of & complete
Customer Support for Global Installed base.
As an Expert the Individual is responsible to continuously optimize the Improve all the key Business
parameters of the ISCO which include, Customer Satisfaction & On-time Spares delivery, ISCO
Operational & Cost performance, Invenotry Optimization, Warehouse & Logistics cost optimization.

key accountabilities
Own & drive some of the Supply Chain Digital Transformation Initiatives

Inventory Reduction, mobilization of idle inventory

Sparing Policy definition: Define the Spares Stocking levels, Demand Forecasting

Inventory optimization: Excess inventory definition policy, Inventory consumption/burnout prediction,

Excess Inventory root cause analysis

Supply Chain Economics: Overall Supply chain Cost and Total Cost to serve Analysis, Identification of
the major cost drivers and optimization of them, recommend cost reduction initiatives

Supply Network Optimization to reduce overall SC Costs and improve Customer service

IS Customers inventory Management and reconciliation w.r.t. Supplier tools and FLIP

International Supply Chain domain knowledge is desirable

Experience in working in International environment is preferable

© copyright, Equant 2007

All rights reserved.
The information contained in this document is the property of Equant and its affiliates and subsidiary companies forming
part of the Equant group of companies (individually or collectively). No part of this document may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of Equant. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Equant is part of the France Telecom group and operates under the name, Orange Business Services.
key accountabilities
Should have exporsure to different continents, regions, cultures

Understanding of Supply Chain costing is preferrable

Should have excellent interpretation, communication and presentation skills

© copyright, Equant 2007

All rights reserved.
The information contained in this document is the property of Equant and its affiliates and subsidiary companies forming
part of the Equant group of companies (individually or collectively). No part of this document may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of Equant. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Equant is part of the France Telecom group and operates under the name, Orange Business Services.
1 essential role related knowledge, skills,
certifications, and experience
knowledge and abilities

International Supply Chain domain knowledge is desirable

Experience in working in International environment is preferable
Should have exporsure to different continents, regions, cultures
Understanding of Supply Chain costing is preferrable
Should have excellent interpretation, communication and presentation skills
International Supply Chain domain knowledge is desirable

Strong Analytical Skills

education, qualifications, and certifications

Post Graduate/Diploma from Tier 2 Management Institute

0-4 years of experience in a must and International Supply Chain experience is preferrable.

Experience in Service Industry, Telecom, IT will be preferable

© copyright, Equant 2007

All rights reserved.
The information contained in this document is the property of Equant and its affiliates and subsidiary companies forming
part of the Equant group of companies (individually or collectively). No part of this document may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of Equant. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Equant is part of the France Telecom group and operates under the name, Orange Business Services.
job skills and certifications

Select up to a maximum of 20 skills or certifications. Aim for 5 behavioral skills, the rest, professional
skills or certifications

behavioral skills skill target proficiency level expected

1 Agility advanced

2 Flexibility expert

3 Innovation advanced

4 results driven expert

5 communication expert

6 prioritization and balance expert

professional skills skill target proficiency level expected

1 International effectiveness advanced

2 customer service orientation advanced

3 operational and financial excellence advnaced

4 knowledge and development advanced

5 teamworking and networking expert

6 leadership and matrix management expert

7 employee development and performance expert


8 delegation and empowerment advanced

© copyright, Equant 2007

All rights reserved.
The information contained in this document is the property of Equant and its affiliates and subsidiary companies forming
part of the Equant group of companies (individually or collectively). No part of this document may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of Equant. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Equant is part of the France Telecom group and operates under the name, Orange Business Services.

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