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49197 Wixom Tech Drive

Wixom, MI 48393
Phone: 248-675-1200
Fax: 248-675-1201
H2H Digital Rx

WELCOME to the world of e-prescribing powered by H2H Solutions, Inc. and Digital Rx™.

H2H Digital Rx
Digital Rx is an Internet delivered application that allows the physician to send safe, secure
prescriptions electronically to the patient’s pharmacy of choice. Digital Rx has been designed
and tested by medical professionals in order to provide the highest level of functionality for
physician use.

Prescribing medications with the utmost consideration for the patient’s drug/food/allergy
interaction history can be a time consuming activity in the physician’s already busy office.
Working with the patient to determine their level of benefits is also an important consideration.
Digital Rx provides the physician with the patient’s drug history, active medications, drug-drug
interaction warnings, drug-food interaction warnings, drug-allergy interaction warnings,
insurance specific formulary and insurance benefit information, all in real-time.

Through the use of any device with an Internet connection using a valid browser (Internet
Explorer®, Firefox®, Safari®, Opera®, Chrome®, etc.) the physician can prescribe, refill and
electronically deliver medications to the pharmacy with the most updated and accurate
information available. Digital Rx is an easy to use application that includes the most current
resources for today’s health care professionals.

H2H Solutions is delighted to guide you through the Digital Rx application with this step-by-step
instructional manual.

H2H Digital Rx


1 PROGRAM INTRODUCTIONS............................................................................................5
1.1 Introducing “H2H Solutions”™ developers of “Digital Rx”™...................................................5
1.2 About “SureScripts”™............................................................................................................5
2 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL.............................................................................................6
2.1 Icon Indications......................................................................................................................6

H2H Digital Rx
2.1.1 New Screen.............................................................................................................................................6
2.1.2 Mouse Click.............................................................................................................................................6
2.1.3 Glossary Terms........................................................................................................................................6
2.1.4 Quick Steps..............................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Legend of text........................................................................................................................7
3 LOGGING IN.....................................................................................................................8
3.1 Stand Alone...........................................................................................................................8
3.2 Integrated..............................................................................................................................9
4 PATIENT REGISTRATION..................................................................................................10
4.1 Stand Alone.........................................................................................................................10
4.2 Integrated............................................................................................................................10
5 Patient Search...............................................................................................................11
6 PRESCRIPTION WORKFLOWS..........................................................................................13
7 FAVORITE DRUG.............................................................................................................21
8 MEDICATION HISTORY....................................................................................................25
9 SAVE PRESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................34
10 PHARMACY SELECTION WORKFLOW..............................................................................36
11 DRUG SCREENING..........................................................................................................40
12 PRESCRIPTION CONFIRMATION......................................................................................41
13 REFILL WORKFLOW........................................................................................................43
14 RX ALERT WORKFLOW...................................................................................................51
15 REPORTS........................................................................................................................54
16 PROFILE MAINTENANCE.................................................................................................56
16.1 PHYSICIAN...........................................................................................................................56
16.2 PATIENT...............................................................................................................................59

H2H Digital Rx

17 ALLERGIES......................................................................................................................61
18 ON BEHALF PRESCRIBING...............................................................................................63
19 Glossary of Terms...........................................................................................................68
19.1 BRANDED/GENERIC DRUGS.................................................................................................68
19.2 COPAY TIERS.........................................................................................................................68
19.3 DOSAGE FORM.....................................................................................................................68
19.4 Formulary............................................................................................................................68
19.5 OTC/OVER THE COUNTER....................................................................................................68

H2H Digital Rx
19.6 PAYER/PBM..........................................................................................................................68
19.7 ROUTE.................................................................................................................................69
19.8 SIG.......................................................................................................................................69
19.9 THERAPEUTIC ALTERNATIVES...............................................................................................69

H2H Digital Rx


1.1 Introducing “H2H Solutions”™ developers

of “Digital Rx”™
H2H Solutions, Inc. is a Michigan based company, with an
extensive background in Healthcare IT staffing, consulting

H2H Digital Rx
and product development. The company, founded in 2000 has
been most recently recognized by INC. Magazine as a fast
growing (113th in the nation) privately held corporation.
H2H Solutions offers clients expertise in HIPAA compliance,
extensive payer experience and a history of innovative product development in various
areas of health care.

For more information, please visit

1.2 About “Surescripts”™

“Surescripts” was founded in 2001 by the

National Association of Chain Drug Stores
(NACDS) and the National Community
Pharmacists Association (NCPA) to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of the
overall prescribing process. The Pharmacy Health Information Exchange, operated by
“Surescripts” is the largest network to link electronic communications between
pharmacies and physicians, allowing the electronic exchange of prescription information.
This connection allows Digital Rx to send prescriptions electronically to any pharmacy
of choice (CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Wal-Mart, Kroger, Sears, Costco, Publix, Sam's
Club, Meijer, etc.).

“Surescripts” provides the necessary clinical decision support information including

patient eligibility, formulary, and medication history at the point-of-care through certified,
secured networks, in addition to providing the ability to route prescriptions electronically
to retail and mail order pharmacies. The mission of “Surescripts” is to partner with all
stakeholders in the prescribing industry to improve patient safety, increase workflow
efficiency and reduce the overall cost of health care delivery.

For more information, please visit

H2H Digital Rx


The following section will describe the icons and text indications for ease of following
the instructions of this manual. These icons and text indications can be found throughout
this training manual (also available in program under the help menu).

2.1 Icon Indications

H2H Digital Rx
The following icons are used to call attention to an action or reference content of the
program. The visual display of the icons will be used along with the words to take into
account various ways users develop understanding.

2.1.1 New Screen
This icon indicates a transition from one screen to the next while
progressing through the application. A screen transition is typically
followed by either   clicking the mouse key or pressing the submit

2.1.2 Mouse Click
This icon indicates the need for the user to do a single left  click of the
mouse. If a double  click is required than the instructions will indicate
that. This application does not use any right mouse  clicks.

2.1.3 Glossary Terms
Appendix B includes a glossary of terms. This icon indicates the term
along with its explanation can be found in the glossary.

2.1.4 Quick Steps
This icon indicates abbreviated instructions for the experienced user
looking for simple, concise process steps.

2.2 Legend of text

H2H Digital Rx

Text that is in Italics and underline indicates a sub heading or field name. A subheading
is a reference to a section or entry point on the application screen. A field indicates a
place on the input screen where the user is expected to enter information. Application
indications are in “quotes”. The two applications that will be described in this program
are; “Digital Rx” ™, “Surescripts” ™.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx

The user id and password will be unique to the office/ practice setting. Every staff
member will have a unique user name and password to access the system.

3.1 Stand Alone

H2H Digital Rx
This method of logging in is applicable only to stand alone practices and practitioners.

Input the assigned user name and password. If the password is forgotten, it can be
retrieved by contacting the application support team.

Clicking on the “Reset” button will clear the fields and the login credentials can be

Quick Steps
1. Type the unique assigned user id and password
 Click the “login” button

H2H Digital Rx

The integrated logon is for practices and practitioners who are using an “EMR”
application which is integrated with Digital Rx.

3.2 Integrated
The integrated logon is a “single sign on” method. Here, the user (in this case, the
provider) is redirected to the Digital Rx application after clicking the “prescribe” tab on
some other system. For this to work, Digital Rx must be integrated with the EMR system.
All authentication activities happen behind the scene and the user does not have to use his
Digital Rx credentials.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx


4.1 Stand Alone

H2H Digital Rx
For standalone practitioners, the patient has to be registered manually through the Patient
registration page of Digital Rx (Displayed below). Once a new patient is registered you
will be directed to the Patient Search screen where you can find the patient that was just

4.2 Integrated
Patient Registration is done behind the scene. The practitioner does not have to enter the
patient information manually. The patient information is pushed from the EMR database
to Digital Rx.

H2H Digital Rx

5 Patient Search
While using Digital Rx it is important to keep in mind that the program is centered on the

H2H Digital Rx
ability to write a prescription. The basis for writing a prescription is to first identify the
recipient of the prescription. Each new prescription starts with the search for a patient in
which the prescription will be written for. The search screen allows the Digital Rx user to
enter information and  click search for a list of potential patients.

The  patient search page begins with the lastname field. Last name is the only
required field.

You may enter as little as the first letter of the last name or the entire last name. The more letters
you provide results in a more refined search. The first names, gender, date of birth and
telephone number fields are not required fields.

H2H Digital Rx

The additional fields will assist the user to expand the search in the instance of several patients
with same last name.

If after  clicking search the patient name is not found then the patient may need to be
registered before continuing. The next section includes instructions on how to register a new
patient. Once the patient is registered the user will need to choose  New Prescription and use
the search page to find the patient and continue.

If the patient has previously been registered please skip the next section; “Patient Registration”
and go to step 2b; “Patient List”.

H2H Digital Rx
Quick Steps

 1.  Click on the last name field

2. Type at least one letter of the patients last name
3.  Click the “Search” button below

Once the patient information is entered the user can  click search. This will result in a list of
current patients in the office database sorted by last name. At this point basic demographic
information is provided (name, address, and telephone number) however more detailed

H2H Digital Rx

information is available by  clicking the “more” link under the details column. Once the
patient name is selected by the user you will be automatically directed to the Rx Pad.

The user can  click reset to clear the search.

Quick Steps

 Click on the name of the patient from the list
1. The user will automatically be directed the  Rx Pad

H2H Digital Rx
In this section, we will describe the different prescription workflows (Drug Search, PBM
History, Favorite Drug and Medication History workflows).

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
This feature provides access/connection to local databases for drug information. This database
includes a listing of over 60,000 prescription drugs with up to date information on drug-drug,
drug-food, and drug-allergy interactions. The drug search list provides the user with the available
options for the medication selected including dosage and form, drug type, Rx/OTC information
and the formulary status, which will automatically fill in the formulary status field on the Rx Pad
once a medication is selected from the list. The user must provide at least the first 3 letters of a
medication name to conduct a medication search.

If the medication is OTC (over the counter) and does not require a prescription a message will
appear on the Rx Pad in red print next to the drug search button.

The information in the formulary status field tells the user if the medication selected is
reimbursable by the benefit source and at what level. The formulary level rates the level of
preference for the medication with the following rating system:

H2H Digital Rx

Formulary levels
U Unknown
0 not reimbursable
1 non formulary
2 not preferred (on formulary)

H2H Digital Rx
3 Preferred level 1
4 preferred level 2
5 preferred level 3
up to 99 highest preferred level

payer/pbm (pharmacy benefit management) specified alternatives provides any known

alternatives to the current medication selected, or the user may select therapeutic alternatives,
which will again provide a list of alternative medications when available.

therapeutic alternatives are automatically provided to the user in this field by category and with
consideration for the patients benefit levels. The user may choose to make changes as needed or
maintain the original selection.

The strength, dosage form, route, coverage and copay fields are disabled and are not designed
for user entry. They provide updated information through Surescripts for the user’s reference.

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H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
It is also important to note the “Qualifier” field next to the quantity input. This field is used to
differentiate between prescription delivery mechanisms – such as capsules, tablets, injections,
pills, mixtures, and so forth. This field requires selection before a valid e-prescription can be
made and is demonstrated in the screenshot below:

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H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
Users may also choose to prescribe free-text medication. By clicking the ‘free-text-medication’
tab on the left-hand side of the screen, the user will create a prescription by free-text writing
instead of the normal Drug Search. This functionality may be important for certain prescriptions,
such as chemical compounds which are mixed uniquely per patient requirement. Medications
here will not be used in drugs/allergies interactions checking.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
The above information is provided as a VIEW ONLY of information that has been provided by
the selected patients PBM. Some information may not be available for all patients depending on
the selected patient’s coverage. For more information visit

H2H Digital Rx


H2H Digital Rx
Favorite Drugs provides a list of frequently prescribed drugs by the physician. The user can
select a drug from the  favorite drug list that provides the drug name and dosage, sig,
formulary status and copay by  clicking on the medication name or by checking the box next
to the prescription and clicking “Confirm”. The medication will be added to the drug name field
in the Rx Pad. The user can  click on details column and will be provided with the drug name,
type, strength, strength unit, dosage form, route, and any instructions listed.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
The physician can add a drug to the  favorite drug list from the Rx Pad page by checking the
add to favorite drug list box as shown above.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
Favorites can also be added using the favorite drugs module. To get to this, click on ‘My Profile’
and then select ‘Favorite Drugs’ from the left panel options. The screen below will be displayed.
Click on ‘Add’ to add a new drug to favorite list as shown above.

The physician will have the option to either add to the physician’s list or to the practice list as
shown below. If added to the practice list the drug will be shown in the favorite display screen
for all the physicians in the practice.

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H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx


H2H Digital Rx
The  medication history tab provides a list of medications previously prescribed to the current
patient selected. The user can select a drug from this list and add it as a new prescription on the
Rx Pad from this field. Details about the medication including drug type, strength, dosage form,
strength unit, route and any special instructions are available in the  medication history.
Prescription or over the counter information along with the formulary status and available co-
pay information can be found in the  medication history. The default view is the “Active
Medication” list. You can always look at the complete history by clicking on the button labeled
“Complete History” at the bottom of the page.

H2H Digital Rx

If a patient is no longer taking a medication the user must check the box next to the medication
and click the button on the bottom that says “Inactive Drug(s)” in the medication history display
screen. This will open a new screen to enter a “Reason for Inactivation” of the medication as
shown below and a reason is required to be entered. The will remove the medication from the
active list but will always be available on the complete history list.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
If a drug’s data needs to be updated, select the drug and click Update.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
If a drug needs to be reprinted or re-faxed this can be accomplished through the Medications
History screen in the bottom menu of tabs as demonstrated in the above screen shot.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
This function demonstrated in screen shot above (Reprint/Refax), allows to print the
prescription and information to give to the patient or to be manually faxed if needed (see also on
page 28).

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H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
New button added to the confirm page (Add to Medication History) which will allow the user to
add drugs which are currently being taken by the patient to the Medication History without
actually prescribing the drug as shown above.

Further the following screen shots (see pages 32 and 33) demonstrates
how drugs are classified by color in the medication history.
1) Free text will be displayed in yellow color
2) Previously prescribed drugs which are now obsolete are displayed in
peach color and are not selectable
3) A problem and error in the transmission of prescriptions are displayed
in pink

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H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx

The save prescription tab enables physicians and other authorized personnel's to save the
prescription generated for patients.

In both the screen shots given below give a detailed description. In the 1st screen shot the entire
listing of patients with their drug description and pharmacy are been stated. While in the 2nd

H2H Digital Rx
screen shot details per patient are been stated.

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H2H Digital Rx


The pharmacy field is a required field (unless printing the prescription) and provides the
user with a list of pharmacies previously used by the patient by use of a drop down list.
(As shown below)

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx

Or the user can press the search pharmacy button to begin a search for a convenient pharmacy
location for the patient. You can search for Mail-Order or Retails pharmacies from this page.
The search pharmacy page has optional fields for name, city, and zip code and phone. The state
field is a required field as indicated by the asterisk*. User can also place the % symbol in the
Name field as a wild card for a search for a pharmacy.

The user can select the search pharmacy button to obtain a list of pharmacies that meet the H2H Digital Rx
criteria provided. Common searches are by name in a given city or simply a location.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
The user can select the location that is convenient to the patient by  clicking on that location,
which will automatically fill in the pharmacy field. The user also has the option of selecting the
reset button to clear the fields or the back button to go back to the Rx Pad page.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
Quick Steps

 1.  Click on the “Search Pharmacy” button on the  Rx Pad

2. Type location and/ or name of pharmacy
3. Identify the pharmacy that best matches the search criteria from the
pharmacy search list.
4.  click the pharmacy name from the list
5. Continue to Step 5 to confirm the prescription

H2H Digital Rx

This segment of the user guide is focused towards interactions of drugs with each other
and other multiple factors.

There are high chances of a patient taking multiple dosage of medication for different
drugs. With the feature of 'Drug Screening', physicians at the time of assigning
medications to patients can look into the following aspects:

H2H Digital Rx
(a)Can screen for drugs that do not conflict and have adverse negative effects at the time
of consumptions i.e. Drug-Screening
(b)Can screen for drugs that do not cause allergy at the time of consumption i.e. Drug-
(c)Can screen for drugs that do not have adverse negative effects at the time of
consumption in accordance with consumption of food i.e. Drug-Food
In addition to the above features drug screening also provides the following:
(a)Reporting of daily dose limit
(b)Patient new drug interactive with new drug
(c)Reporting and updating of duplicate drugs

H2H Digital Rx

The final step in the process is to review the prescription summary and confirm the order
before it is sent to the pharmacy. The patient information is carried over to this page.
After  clicking “Confirm Prescription(s)” a window will appear to preview the
prescription. The summary information includes the Rx number, date of the prescription,
formulary status, co pay, medication name and dosage. If no drug interactions are found
the screen will look similar to the following:

H2H Digital Rx
If any drug or allergy interactions are found, the program will notify the user. The following
screen shows an example of this situation;

The user can also review a copy of generalized information about the medication prescribed by
selecting the patient education button.

The user may also  click on edit which will take the user back to the Rx Pad for editing. When
all editing is complete, the user must  click confirm prescriptions to continue.

The user  clicks on send to pharmacy when ready to submit the prescription. This will
complete the process and return to the Rx Pad, veiw Rx will allow the user to see a copy of the

H2H Digital Rx

prescription. Print is designed for situations where the patient would prefer to hand a printed Rx
to the pharmacy rather than having the Rx sent electronically. When print at the front desk is
selected, no electronic prescription is sent. Remove will remove the currently prescribed
medication(s). Save will store the prescription for later use and can be accessed by clicking on
the “Saved Prescriptions” tab on the Rx Pad. In Addition, for “Controlled Substances and/or
Scheduled Drugs, they can be filled out and prescribed on the Rx Pad the same as any other
medication, however, they can be Printed (Only) to either hand to patient or to be manually
faxed according to Federal laws, regulations and guidelines given for each of the medications.

Quick Steps

H2H Digital Rx
1.  Click on “Confirm Prescription” from the  Rx Pad
2. Watch the screen for any interactions
3. Preview the Prescription
4. click on “Send to Pharmacy”

H2H Digital Rx

Click on Pending Refills or Pending Alerts

H2H Digital Rx
Next to the physicians name is an alert that will notify the user if a patient has requested a refill.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
Click on the patient’s name (see screen shot above)

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
Once having clicked on the patient requesting the refill, all refills for that
patient will show up. The user can approve or deny using the drop down
“Action field” marked A above. The only fields that can be changed and/or
updated are the refill quantity (marked B) and the comments field (marked
C). If the refill is being denied, a reason has to be selected from the drop
down box (marked D). If “Denied ” with the New Rx selected and “Send to
Pharmacy” is clicked on, a denial transaction will be sent to pharmacy and
the application will open the Rx pad with the drug details populated so that
the new Rx can be sent.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
The denial reason codes are shown above. The user also has the option to
delete the refill as shown above if the refill has been taken care of by calling
into pharmacy, already manually faxed or a renewal request has already
been sent to another pharmacy etc.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
If the refill request coming in does not match with the patient data we have
or the original Rx is not found (etc.), the request will go to the refill alert
queue. When clicking on refill alerts, here is what the user will see (shown
in screen shot above).

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
Select the one which indicates patient not matched and click on view alert.
A pop up will be shown with the patient name(s) with the closest match
within the Digital Rx Data Base with the one that came in the request shown
above. The user can select the patient name if it is the right patient.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
Upon selecting the patient from the pop up, the following screen will appear
for approval or denial (as shown in screen shot above).

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H2H Digital Rx
If the one which says “Original Rx” is not matched, drug not matched… as
shown above is selected, the user will see the approved/denial screen shown
on page 49.

H2H Digital Rx

Located at the top of the screen, uses the alert symbol to notify the physician that the
pharmacy has questions regarding prescriptions they have received. The user can simply
 click on Rx alert and will be directed to a listing of patient names including the drug
description and alert type.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
The user can select a patient by  clicking the circle next to the name of the patient, or by 
clicking on the view alert button located at the bottom of the page, and will be directed to the
prescription info page. The patient’s personal information, prescription detail, a drop down list of
denial reasons, substitutions and pharmacy code and /name are provided on this page. The
prescription is authorized by clicking on approved. The user can choose to deny the refill request
by  clicking on denied, or denied new Rx to follow to alert the pharmacy that a new Rx will be
forthcoming. If a printed prescription is desired than the user may select the print at front desk to
be taken to an authorized pharmacy for refill. log off is found and the top right side of the 
prescription list Page. When clicked directs the user back to the  log in screen.

While prescribing for a particular patient, a situation may arise where an RxAlert of Refill
Request is brought to the user’s attention. These alerts are noticeable at the top where the yellow
exclamation points indicated a pending alert or refill request.

While prescribing a new drug in a patient’s course of treatment, it may be appropriate to add the
drug into a patient’s medication history to ensure that proper record is kept for the user and other
physicians the patient may see. This feature can be utilized at the drug-interaction check screen
in the bottom menu of tabs.

Both of the above features are demonstrated in the screenshot below.

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H2H Digital Rx

The Repots page is loaded after clicking on the “REPORTS” tab. Type in the last name or
part of the last name. Click on the “Search” button and a list of matching patients is
pulled up.

H2H Digital Rx
“Add” the desired patient and click on “Generate Report”. The report generated is displayed

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H2H Digital Rx



H2H Digital Rx
The physician’s profile page can be accessed by clicking on the “My Profile’ link on the top right
corner of any page. Displayed below is the profile page that is loaded.

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H2H Digital Rx
The physician can change password, update clinic information and update their personal
information. The below screenshot indicates how to identify the Change Password and Clinic
Information via the My Profile page.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
The physician can also choose to allow additional staff authorization for use of Digital Rx, as
determined by state and local laws. If legally allowed, the process for adding additional staff
authorization is in the My Profile section and indicated in the screenshot below:

H2H Digital Rx


H2H Digital Rx
The patient’s profile page can be accessed by clicking on the “patient Profile” link on the upper
left side of the RX Pad.

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H2H Digital Rx


Patient allergies can be stored in our application for greater assistance when prescribing
medications for the selected patient.

1. Go to the “Patient Profile” tab on the left quick launch bar

H2H Digital Rx
2. Click on the “Allergy Tab”
3. To add a new allergy click “Add New Allergy” at the bottom
4. Search for the drug that patient is allergic to
5. Choose a common reaction or use free text to specify the reaction
6. Click “Add”
7. To edit an existing allergy, select the allergy and click “Update”

Additionally, physicians may choose to turn off particular allergy warnings depending on the
specific patient’s treatment. The process for doing so requires clicking “inactivate” and is
demonstrated in the screenshot below:

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H2H Digital Rx

The Provider will log into the application and choose ‘My Profile’ found in the top right side
this will take the user to the profile page.

Inside the profile page on the left corner under change password select Staff Authorization. H2H Digital Rx

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H2H Digital Rx
The screen will display all Enrolled users in the practice with check boxes for OBN and OBR. If
the User will be sending refills on behalf of ONLY, click on OBR. If the User will be sending
New Rx and Refills, click on OBN check box and both will be enabled. Very Important you
will be DENIED access to submit Prescriptions ON BEHALF OF if the proper boxes are not
selected. Now Select Update option found at the bottom middle section of the page.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx
Now the Provider Agent (The person sending on behalf of the Provider) can sign in as
themselves and choose the link On Behalf.

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H2H Digital Rx
A pop up window will appear and you will be prompted to choose the Provider you are
prescribing on behalf of.

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H2H Digital Rx
The screen will now display the physician’s name on whose behalf the user is working. Continue
with the prescribing process and the confirm page will have the options to ‘Send to pharmacy’,
‘Print’ etc. enabled for the user.

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx

H2H Digital Rx

19 Glossary of Terms
For the purpose of this document we are including a list of terms we have developed for


H2H Digital Rx
The branded medication is generally only available through the original brand name. A generic
drug has the same properties as the branded drug, however is manufactured by more than one
company and may be a more cost effective option or required to guarantee payment by the
benefit source.


Copays describe the cost to the patient as defined by their benefit source. They can be defined
by flat dollar amounts, percentages, or tier levels.
Tier levels are defined by the payer and as an example can mean lower pt copay for lower tiers of


Describes the medication form, such as tablet, capsule, liquid etc.

19.4 Formulary
In medicine, a listing of prescription drugs approved for use.


Medication is available for purchase without a prescription from the physician or healthcare


H2H Digital Rx

Pharmacy benefit management

19.7 ROUTE
Describes the method for administration of a medication such as orally, injection etc.

19.8 SIG
Is Latin for “write” and informs the pharmacist about special instructions to add to the

H2H Digital Rx
prescription label… for example “take this medication at bedtime”


Therapeutic alternative medications are chemically different but have similar therapeutic effects.
For example, acetaminophen and aspirin are different chemicals but because both are used for
pain, inflammation and fever, they may be used as therapeutic alternatives.


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