12 Imp Questions-1

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Q.NO.1 (a) Describe different symptoms, causes, prevention and Management strategies of dengue fever.
(b) Discuss the functions of various parts of the cell. Also discuss the similarities and differences between the
animal cell and plant cell.
(c) Liver is the chief chemist of human body. justify
(d)Define the term biofuels? Discuss how they are preferable than conventional fossil fuels?

Q.NO.2. (a) write a comprehensive note on photochemical smog.

(b) Define global warming? What are its disadvantages and sunny sides? Write some suggestion to control the
process of global warming. (5)
(c) Discuss the process, advantages and limitations of composting.
(d) What are fertilizers? Discuss their classification. How they contribute towards water pollution? Discuss.

Q. 3. (a)Why Ozone in stratosphere is important to us? Explain the causes and effects of ozone depletion.

(b) How Acid Rain is generated? Describe its nature, effects and remedial measures.
(c)Explain the causes and effects of water logging. How can it be treated?
(d)Discuss Management of solid waste with respect to preventive measures. Explain Recycling in detail.

Q. NO. 4 Write a comprehensive note on the following

(a) Incineration
(b) Rocks
(C) Blood Groups
(d) Enzymes

Q.5. (a)Name receptors in human body? Explain the structure and function of human eye.
(b) Explain the structure and function of human heart with labelled diagram.
(c) Pancreas is a double gland which not only helps in maintaining the sugar level but also digesting food.
(d) Kidneys are organs of excretion as well as osmoregulation. Justify.

Q.6. (a)How proteins are important for human body. Explain their chemistry and importance.
(b) What is balanced diet? Explain the Biochemistry and importance of carbohydrates and fats.
(c) Describe the traditional and modern methods of food preservation.
(d) What are food preservatives? Describe their types and effects on human health.

Q.7. Write a comprehensive note on the followings:

(a) Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer
(b) Vitamins
(c) Endocrine System
(d) Remote Sensing
Q.8. (a) Discuss Universe, theories related to universe and Galaxy.
(b)Explain the terms Asteroids, Comets and Aurora briefly.
(c) What do you understand by the terms solar system eclipse and lunar eclipse? Explain with diagram.
(d) Describe the rotation and revolution of earth and their effects.
Q9. (a)What are Earthquakes? Explain the types of seismic waves and measurement of Earthquakes.
(b) Differentiate between weather and climate. What are the practical suggestions to slow down the process
of climatic change?
(c) Define pesticides. Explain the classification and health effects of pesticides.
(d) What are semiconductors? Explain Band Theory to explain semiconductors. Give some applications of
semiconductors also.
Q.10.Write comprehensive note on the followings:
(a) Antibiotics and Vaccines
(b) GPS and its applications
(c) Fiber optics
(d) Social Media Websites
Q.11. (a)What is information system? How can it be developed and classified into different types?
Information System
(b) Define Networking. Briefly compare the different types of Networking.
(c) Artificial intelligence is the miracle of science. Justify.
(d) what are satellites? How they work? Discuss their applications also.
Q.12:Write note on the followings:
1. Ceramics
2. Renewable & non-renewable energy resources
3. The water cycle
4. Plate tectonics
5. Water pollution
6. Kyoto protocol
7. Polio
8. Land Pollution
9. Hepatitis
10. Electromagnetic Radiations
11. Solar system

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