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CHAPTER 28 Telefeleane messages, Daily acti & chared, Ai FUNCTIONS + Taking [leaving messages overthe phone + Asking about ability + Expressing ably, possibity, probabiity + Polite requests + Asking for help “Asking permission GRAMMAR +The abiltave 4y)Abil ‘The ablitaive for politeness ‘The causative ‘The adverbial suffix -mAdAn + -madan énee /-DIKIAN sonra beauty, design and qual VOCABULARY ake (-) to flow, run, leak: aligtirma exercise anlas- ((A) to get along, come to an agreement ayir-(DAnI|) to sever, separate; to select bayrak flag bile even; already birlik unity, union degiis- (-) to change pil devir period, era ettirgen causative (gr.) kag- (DAn) to escape, run away kopar- (I) to break off mesaj message mesafe distance battery resim cek- to take a picture (of) yazilim software 1, CONVERSATION: Lale'yle gértisebilir miyim? 9 TRACK 32 ‘Arzu Lale'nin evini arar. Lale'nin babasi Ali Bey telefona cevap veri Arzu: Ali Bey: Arzu Ali Bey: Arzu: Iyi akgamiar. Lale'yle gbrisebifir raz daha 2 iz, duyamadim. yiiksek sesle konusabilir Lale'yle gorilsebifir miyim efendim? Lale heniizisten dénmedi. Kiminle gdrdisyorum? Ben Arzu efendim, Lale'nin arkadasi. Nasilsiniz? Tesekkiir ederim, iyiyim. Siz nasilsiniz? Sag olun, ben de iyiyim. Lale ne zaman dénecek, biliyor musunuz? ‘Yan sate kadar gelir. Lale'ye cep telefonundan ulasabilir miyim? Ulagabifirsiniz sanirim. Lale'nin cep telefon numarasint verebilir misiniz? Tabii, (0532) 483 26 47. Gok sag olun. Her ihtimale karsi size bir mesaj birakabilir miyim? Tabii, buyrun. Benim acil bir igim cikti. Yann Lale'yle bulusamayacag ‘Oldu. Ben Lale'ye mesajiniz iletirim. Gok saij olun. Hos¢a kalin. Good evening. May I speak to Lale? 11am sorry. | couldn't hear (you). Could you speak a litle louder, please? May I speak to Lale, sir? Lale hasn't returned from work, Who ‘am | speaking with? Tm Arzu, sir, Lale's fiend. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. How are you? fm fine, too. Thank you. Do you know when Lale will return? She'll come back within half an hour Could I reach Lale on her cell phone? (Yes) you could, | suppose. Could you give me her cell phone number, please? Of course. It is (0592) 483 2647. Thank you very much. Just in case, may Ileave a message with you? Of course, go ahead. ‘Something urgent came up. | won't be able to meet with Lale tomorrow. ‘OK. til convey your message to Lale. Thank you very much. Take care, Substitution drills, 4. Q: Lale'yle giriigebilir miyim efendim? A Tabii, bir dakika. (talk) (She isn't here.) p 2. Q: Lale'ye mesa] birakabilirmiyim? A: Tabii, buyrun. (your daughter) f 3. Q: Lale'ye nasil ulagabilrim? A: Cep telefonundan. (home phone) (work phone) 4. Q: Cep numaranizi verebilir misiniz? _A: (0542) 255 82 54. (work) 2. GRAMMAR POINT: The abilitative -(y)Abil Affirmative Expressions of ability, capability, permission, and possibilty are expressed in Turkish through the suffix -(y}Abil, commonly referred to as the abilitative by grammarians of Turkish. This suffix is the combination of the gerund -(y)A and the verb bil-25 It indicates ability very much like the English fo be able to, for example: yazabil- (to be able to write), okuyabil- (to be able to read), gérebil- (to be able to see), oturabil- (to be able to sit), The suffix -~{y)Abil generally indicates that the subject is able to perform the indicated action. It may also indicate capability, permission, and possibilty. As such, it corresponds to English modals can, may, and might (or the clause it is possible that... Okuyabilirim. | am able to read. {can read I may read. I might read. or Its possible that | (will read. ‘Simple or compound tense or mood endings can be used with the abilitative. However, attention should be given to the following points: ‘+ Verb tense, mood, and personal endings follow the -{y)AbIl suffix: Okuyabilecek. (S/he will be able to read). Certain suffixes, such as the passive, causative, or reciprocal are considered part of the verb stem and so precede the abiltative: yapabildim (I was able to do), yaptirabildim (I was able to have it done), yazabllacek (s/he will be able to write), yazilabilecek (it might be written). 23 Bil. does not follow vowel harmony rues in this structure, Affirmative yes /no questions With the affirmative form of the abiltative, yes / no questions are generated in the usual manner for each tense or mood ending, using the ml particle: Bulabilir misin? (Will you be able to find (2); Gidebildin mi? (Was s/he able to go?) ‘Alabilecekler mi? (Are they going to be able to buy?). The -y)Abil suffix with participles, verbal nouns, and adverbials, ‘The ablitative suffix -{y)Abil can also be inserted between the verb stem and endings used tocreate participles, verbal nouns, and adverbials: okuyabilen (s/he who is able to read), bulabildigim (that / those | was abe to find), aldiramayarak ([being] unable to lif), yazabilmek igin (in order to be able to writ). Examples with the abilitative in various tense and mood structures ‘The abiltative in the definite past tense ben yazabil + di +m | was able to write sen yazabil + di +n you were able to write © yazabil + di sihe was able to write biz yazabil + di+ k we were able to write siz yazabil + di + niz you were able to write onlar yazabil + di + (ler) they were able to write The abiltative in the future tense ben okuyabil + eceg + im Iwill be able to read sen okuyabil + ecek + sin you will be able to read 0 _okuyabil + ecek sfhe will be able to read biz okuyabil + eed + iz ‘we will be able to read siz okuyabil + ecek+ siniz you will be able to read onlar okuyabil + ecek + (ler) they willbe able to read The abilitative in the present progressive tense ben gdrebil + iyor + um lam able to see sen gérebil + iyor + sun you are able to see 0 gorebil + iyor sihe is able o see biz —_gdrebil + iyor + uz we are able to see siz gorebil + iyor + sunuz you are able to see onlar gérebil + iyor + (lar) they are able to see ‘The abiltative in the necessitative ben bulabil + meli + yin {must be able to find sen bulabil+ meli + sin ‘you must be able to find © bulabil + meli s/he must be able to find biz bulabil + meli + yiz we must be able to find siz bulabil + meli + siniz you must be able to find onlar bulabil + meli + (ler) they must be able to find Study these sentences: Bugiin toplantiya katilabilecegim. I'll be able to participate in the meeting today. Treni giigltikle yakalayabildim. | was able to catch the train with difficulty. Bu yaz Bodrum'a ben de gidebilirim. | can / may / might also go to Bodrum this summer. istediginiz zaman misafir gelebi ‘You may come (as a guest) any time you wish. Ben konsere sizin icin de bilet alabilirim. | can also buy a ticket to the concert for you, Leyla'y: ancak resmini gOrdikten sonra hatirlayabildim. | was able to remember Leyla only after | saw her picture Bu ma§jazadaki cantalar pahali olabilir. The bags in this store may / might be expensive. Sonunda ne dedigimi anlayabildin. Finally you were able to understand what | said / meant. Kiziniz bu saatte nerede olabilir? Where could your daughter be at this hour? Sizi tekrar ne zaman gérebilirim? When may /can | see you again? COtobiis duragina nasil gidebilirim? How can | get to the bus stop? Bu agir bavulu kaldirabilir misiniz? Can / could you lift this heavy suitcase? Burada oturabilir miyiz? May we sit here? Bu tiimceleri Almancaya cevirebildiniz mi? Were you able to translate these sentences into German? Bu yaz tatil yapabilecek misiniz? Will you be able to take a vacation this summer? Sen mutiulugun resmini yapabilir misin Abidin? Abidin, can you paint the picture of happiness? (Nazim Hikmet) TRANSLATION EXERCISES A. Ingilizceye gevirin. 1. gidebild 6. sasirabilir 2. yazabildin 7. cairabilmissiniz 3. okuyabilecek 8. kizabiliriz 4, gbriigebilecekler 9. alabilecekler 5. hastalanabilriz 40. konugabiliyor B. Torkgeye gevirin. 1. to be able to send 6.Imable to stop 2. to be able to write 7. you were able fo understand 3. tobe able to sing 8. she'll be able to take 4, to be able to know 9. we must be able to close 5.tobe able to getup a 10 they were able to leave ak sonra buds aie a cag larmaris'te yehi bir yazlik alabilir. _ “3>Ozlem yoiouluktan yorgun dénmiis olabili 4. Hasan Paris’e gidince Eyfel Kulesini gezebilmis 5. Burasi cok glzelmis. Bir sire daha burada kalabil 6. Carsamba aksami size gelebii 7. Mag biletlerii nereden alabiliriz? 8, Size yardim edebili miyim? 10. Evimizi kolay bulabildin mi? Chapter 28 Negative The 4y)AmA suffix is added to the verb stem to negate the abiltalive, exprosetg inability or impermissibility:2* okuyamamak (not (0 tbe able to read), bulamadiklarim (those / what | pet able (0 find), yazamadim (| wasnt able to wre), hatirlayamayacaksin (you won't be wipe to remember), anlayamiyoruz (we aren't able to understane), Depending upon the context, Okuyamam means either |’m nol able 1 readjor | can't read. Papemezsin means You arent able to see, You cant see, or You may not see | Bu konuda siz(injle anlagamiyorum. | can't agree with you on this mater. Bu soruya cevap veremem. | can't answer this question, Kis bugiin okula gidemeyecek. My daughter won't be able f0 9010 school today. Galiba karar veremiyorsunuz, | think you can't decide. ‘hz kalsin sizi taniyamiyordum. | almost couldn't recognize YO Fen aksama konsere gelemeyecegim. | wont be able to come the concert tonight. Faaars pakmayin, size haber veremedim. Forgive me, | cougrit inform you, Alvnin yapamayacagi higbir is yok. There is nothing that AY can't do. Bu odada sigara igemezsiniz. You may not smoke in ths room. ote: With verbs ending in a consonant, the only difference Belcan the negative of certain tense or mood structures and the negative ablitatve is ho ‘vowel A. Pay particular attention fons difference: yapmadim (| didnt do), yapamadim (' wasn't able to do / | couldn't do); gelmeyecek (sine won't come), golemeyecek (S/he ‘won't be able to come); kalmayr2 (we see wont stay), Kalamayez (we can't/ won't be able sta) Study these affirmative and negative forms ofthe abilitative in the definite past tense: Affirmative Negative yazabildim (I was able to write) yezamadim (| was not able o write) Yyazabildin (you were able to write) Yazamadin _(youwere notable to write) Yazabildi (s/he was able to write) Yavamadi (s/he was:nat abl 10 Wie) yazabildik (we were able to write) Yazamadix (we were not able to wre) Yyazabildiniz (you were able to write) yazamadiniz (you were not able {0 write) yazabildi(ler) (they were able to write) Yazamadi(lar) (they were notable to write) TRANSLATION EXERCISES: A. Ingilizceye gevirin. 4. gelemem 6. alama 2. bulamadik 7, oturamayacak 3. anlayamazsin 8 tekrar edemedi 4, yazamaziar 9. yiyememissiniz 5. anlayamamis 40. tanistiramadik ee 2A Recall hat the negative suf isnot acceneg: hs, Ce feat yale of tre Sic y)AmA avays cares the 2 Roca hatte onan forme peameyeeni™ MATS ‘and 0.0. Fe 330 Chapter 28, B. Turkgeye gevirin. 4. She isn't able to sing. 2. |won't be able to come. 3. They weren't apparently able to send (it). 4, You (pl. won't be able to know. 5. They weren't able to get up. Li nese Ve ble to laugh. hangi kitapgida bulabilirim? | indeki kitapcida (bulabilirsiniz). | inden iBo-ew) sivemsted (vete Fnowh ons sviacmitis 496 Chapter 28 Negative yes /no questions Negative yes /-no questions are generated in the usual manner for each tense or mood ending, using the ml particle: tele ylrdiyerek gidemiyor musunuz? Can't you walk tothe hotel? Bunun sebebini anlatamaz misin? Cant you explain the reason for this? gore 1 ekin bir gekilde oturamayacak miyiz? Aren't we going tobe able tositpeacefuly? rye doki koca sandalyeyi géremedin mi? Couldrit you see the huge chitin front of you? Note: The interrogative of the aorist ablative is commonly used to form polte requests In Turkish, For more on this, see Section 4 of this chapter. Expressing negative possibility and uncertainty ‘To express the possibilty that some event may or might not occur, fe verbal negative suffix TRA combined with the affirmative ablative sux -(y)Abil (most commonly) in the aorist inte okumayabilirim (I may / might nt read), yazmayabilir (she may / might not write) oF gérmeyebilirler (they may / might not see). Konsere bilet olmayabili ‘Arabanin éniinden gecen Klick kizi gbrmeyel {itl who passed by in front of the car. ‘There might not be (any) tickets for the concert in, You might not have seen the litle ‘To express the notion of uncertainty regarding a future event the negative abiitative suffix y)AmA is combined with the affirmative abilitative suffix -{y)Abil (most commonly) in the sieMiense: yetigemeyebifirsiniz (you may or may not be ‘able to catch up), cevap Neremeyebifirer (they may or may not be able to answer) or coynayamayabifirim (I may OF may not be able to play)- Hirsi yakalayamayabilrir. They may or may not be able catch the thief Kanseve gare bulunamayabilir. The cure for cancer may or m2Y riot be able to be found. ‘Study the following sentences: Rak igmeyebilir.Sihe may or may not dink rakl Rak Iremeyebilir. Sine may or may nate able to ink ral. 3. WRITING Neler yapabllrsiniz? Neler yapamazsiniz? Bes ‘lumlu, bes olumsuz tamoe yazin. ‘Almancadan Turkgeye geviri yapabilirim. Gok hizit ylirdyemem. 4. USAGE: Polite requests and asking permission with the abilitative The yes /no question forms of the aorist25 are used to express polite requests: Bakar misiniz? Would you please look here? (Commonly used in restaurants to attract the attention of the waiter.) Kapiyt agar misin? Would you open the door, please? Biraz daha bekler misiniz? Would you wait a litle longer, please? The second-person interrogative form of the aorist abiltative is also used to express polite requests. In fact, these forms are even more polite than those formed with just the aorist. These are offen translated into English with the word could. Kirmizi kalemini verebilir misin? Could you give me your red pen(cil), please? Bavullarm cok agir. Tasimama yardim edebilir misiniz? My suitcases are very heavy Could you help me carry them? Babacigim, bayramda bana yeni bir elbise alat ‘a new dress for bayram? Bu kitabi ablana verebilir misin? Could you give this book to your older sister, please? Resmimi cekebilir misiniz? Could you take my picture, please? Bana bir Turk kahvesi yapabilir misin? Could you make me a Turkish coffee, please? Pencereyi kapatabilir misiniz? Could you close the window, please? Bana yardim edebilir misiniz? Could you help me please? Marketten bir paket cay alabilir misin? Could you buy a box of tea from the market? misin? Father, dear, could you buy me To ask permission, stock words and phrases are used, such as musaadenizle (with your permission), izninizle (with your permission) or izin verirseniz (if you permit me). The first- person interrogative form of the aorist abilitative can also be used to ask permission: Bu resme bakabilir miyim? May | look at this picture? Aynur Hanim'la konusabilir miyim? May | speak to Ms. Aynur? Bu sandalyeye oturabilir miyim? May | sit in this chair? ‘Bu noktada sézintizi kesebilir miyim? May | interrupt you at this point? Biz de siz(in)le gelebilir miyiz? May we also come with you? Bu odada sigara igebilir miyiz? May we smoke in this room? Size bir soru sorabilir miyim? May | ask you a question? Ben biraz dinlenebilir miyim? 25 review this feature ofthe aorist tense, see Chapter 18, Section 12. practice in pairs: Asagidaki Konusmalan okuyun Sinifarkadas(lar)iizia pratt yapin, Yardim isteme Ofiste eS (Q:Bu mektuplan postaya atabilir misiniz? A: Tabil, hemen atari. | {Q Bunlarin fotokopisini yapabilir misiniz? A: Hemen efendim. Evde fe =] (Q: Manavdan biraz meyve alabilir isin? A: Tabil, 6gleden sonra liam. a misin? A: Simdi mesguldim. Aksam yardim ederim. Q: Abia, ev Sdevime yardim edet =| Sokakta Q: Bizim resmimizi gekebilir misiniz? ‘A: Tabii, memnuniyetie. izin / miisaade isteme Ofiste Q: Aynur Hanim'la goriigebilir miyim? A: AynurHanim burada yok efendim. | Q: Bu odada sigara igebilir miyim? ‘A: Hayir, burada sigara igmek yasak | Evde ©: Baba, akgam sinemaya gidebilirmiyim? A: Tabil, ama geg kalma. miyim? A: Kusura bakma, Veremern+ bana lazim. bla, cep telefonunu ddiing alabili Aligveriste im? A: Tabii, efendim. Q: u siyah ayakkabiyt gdrebllir mi Fe 5, READING: iPhone 5 Uretimi Yavasladi ‘Apple'n yeni nesil akili telefonu iPhone Sin fabrikalarinda isler yavasladi, Uretim oldukga azaldi, Bunun sebebi ise hethangi bir kriz de@il, Apple'n yeni politikxasi. Apple iPhone 51 piyasaya sirdd ve seri Gretime devam ediyor. Fakat fabrikalannda Uretilen iPhone Sterin sayisinda son dénemde bir azalma var. Bunun sebebi ise fabrikalardaki isci eylemleri veya bir kriz de@il. Bu yavaslamanin asil sebebi su: Apple'in sikilastirdig) kalite Kontrolleri eskisine oranla gok daha uzun strdyor. Isimsiz bir kaynaktan yapilan agiklamaya gre, Apple yeni iPhone'u daha hafif ve ince hale getirebiimek igin kullandigi aldminyum kasanin Gretiminde kalite sorunu olmasint istemiyor. Bunun Ondine gegmek igin de kalite kontrolu konusunda cok daha siki bir politika uygulanmaya baslanmis. Bu da iPhone Slerin daha yavas Gretiimesine yol agiyor. $u anda telefon tim dunyada satista olmadigindan stoklarda bir sorun cikmayacak. Bununla bitikte birkac ay igerisinde tiim diinyaya yayilacak olan iPhone Silerin Uretiminin tekrar eski hizina kavusmasi gerekiyor. Vocabulary iretim (production), piyasaya sir- (to bring on the market), seri dretim (mass production), ‘eylem (action, activity), sikilagtir- (to tighten), kaynak (source), kasa (case, frame), stki (tight), uygutan- (to be applied) Reading Comprehension ‘A. Yukaridaki metni bir kez daha okuyun ve agagidaki sorulani cevaplayin. Apple fabrikalarinda ne tor bir kriz var? ‘Phone 5'n Gretimindeki azaimanin sebebi ne? iPhone 5'in daha hafif olmasinin sebebi ne? iPhone S'in Gretimi ne zaman hizlanacak? bene . Yukaridaki metne gore agaiida verilen ciimlelerin siralamasini dogru olarak yapin. iPhone Stin kalite kontrollan daha uzun sirdyor. Birkag ay iginde Gretim yeniden hizlanacak. Kalite kontrolunun daha sikt olmasi Oretimi yavaslatiyor. iPhone § Uretiminde bir azalma var. . iPhone 5'in Uretimi basladi. . Apple iPhone Sn kasasinda kalite sorunu olmasintistemiyor. oohenop iPhone $'in Gretimi neden yavasiadi? Chapter 28, 6. CONVERSATION: Sacim: boyatacagim. 9 TRACK 33, bru annesiyle telefonda konusuyor. Ebru: ilsin? Anne: Giinaydin annecigim, né ‘Sag ol yavrum, iyiyim. Sen nastisin? Geren uyandi mi? Ebru: Anne: Ebru: Evet, biraz nce uyandirdim. Niye erkenden kaldirdin kizi? Bugiin cok isim var. Saat Ugte arkadaslarim caya geliyor. Anne: Ebru Yapilacak bir sey var mi? Hayir annecigjim. Biraz sonra berbere gidecetjim. Giderken Geren’ sana birakirim. ‘Anne: Ne yaptiracaksin berberde? Ebru: Hem sagimt kestirecegim hem de boyafacagim. Ev temiziendi mi? Evet, Aygiin Hanim’a temizlettim. Oldu 0 zaman, biraz sonra gérusirlz, Anne: Ebru: Anne: Practice in pairs Good morning, mom. How are you? Fine. Thanks, dear. How are you? Did Ceren wake up? Yes, | woke her up a litle while ago. Why did you wake the gitl up so early? Ihave a lot to do today. My friends are ‘coming for tea at three o'clock. Is there anything to be done? No, mom. Imm going to the beauty shop soon. Ii drop Geren off at your place ‘on my way (there). What will you have done at the beauty shop? i have my hair both cut and dyed. Has the house been cleaned? Yes, | had it cleaned by Ms. Aygun. ‘Alright then, I'l'see you soon. A. Asadidaki giinldk isler hakkindaki konugmalan okuyun. var mi? | @ Bugiin yapilacak isin Yikatmam lazim. A: Evet, arabam cok kirli. Q: Bugiin mes: A: Evet, misaf ygul musin? rleri gezdirmem gerek. 4\@ Siz bugtn neler yapacaksiniz? Sinif atk ‘Arkadaginiza sorun, Onun neler yapacagin! oorenin Televizyonumuzu _ ee ee : Berbere. Sagim! acaksin? Bugiin ne yap: 7 tamir ottirecegim. Nereye gidiyorsun? ye saci kestirecedi. adaginiza anlatin. Chapter 28 B. Asagidaki Konusmalan ettirgen (causative) yapilar kullanarak tamamlayin. Sinif arkadas(lar)inizla pratik yapin. 4,| A: Arabam bozuldi B: Kendin mi tamir edeceksin? A: Hayir, servise gétiirip tamir ettirecegim. 2,| A: Sagim cok uzadh. B: Kendin mi keseceksin? A: Hayr, berbere gidip Chapter 28 7.GRAMMAR POINT: The causative In Turkish, @ causative suffix is added to a verb stem in order to convey the idea of having femeone do something or making someone do something. There are several causative siffxes: -Dir-, +t, -{I)t, r+, ~Ar-. However, since the rues that govern the usage of these tuffxes are not exact, and there are several exceptions, causative verbs are best Memorized. The causative form indicates that either the subject is causing the indicated ion to take place or that the subject is permitting / allowing /leting an agent to cary out the action. Causative forms are roughly the equivalent of the English structures fo have Something done, to make someone do something, orto let / allow someone do something ‘The causative suffix precedes all the other verb suffixes, except the reciprocal, 4, -Dir-ts by far the most common causative suffix in Turkish, it cannot be used afer palysyllabic verbs ending in a vowel, such as bekle- or bagla- or verbs ending In ror 1 Galis- (to work) alist (to employ) degis- (to change) detistir- (to cause to change) s6k- (to pull out) s®ktlr- (fo cause to pull out) ddur- ({o stop [intrans. v.]) ddurdur- (to stop [tans.v)) (to come down) indir-(to lower, bring down) ielalnte! Jae. at (0 die) ‘ldiir- (to kil, cause to die) nuts (to forget) tunuttur- (to cause to forget) vyaz- (to write) yazdir- (fo make someone write, cause to write) ye (to eat) yedir- (to feed) 2, The suffix -t-is used primarily with stems containing two or more syllables and ending in a vowel, or in an ror I. bilyl- (10 grow, grow up) ‘oku- (read) tur (to sit [down}) sbyle- (to tell, speak) tomizle- (to clean) baylt- (to bring up, raise) cokut- (fo make somieone read) oturt- (to cause to sit, seal) séylet- (to cause or force someone to tel) temizlet- (to cause to clean) YUFUE- (0 cause or help someone to walk) HEBEL yliri- (to walk) Sivril- (to become sharp) sivrilt (to sharpen) ‘Afew monosyllabic verbs ending in k use ‘the variation -(I)t- ak-(otow) Mo akit-(to lt something fow) ork: (fo be afraid of, fear) © > korkut- (to frighten, scare) ‘sark- (to hang down) atk. (to let something hang down) 3. Iris incipally with monosyllabic verb stems. sure oe bit- (to finish, come to an end) bitir- (to finish, end something) dog; (to be born) 2 dogur- (to give birth) diis- (to fall) agro cause to fal, drop), gec- (to pass) Zest let or cause something Pass) Ig- (to drink) J gir (to cause to drink) ida yat-(to sleep, gotobed) > —_—atil= (to put somebody to bed) 4, -Ar- is the least common of all the causative suffixes and is used only with the following verbs Gtk: (to come / go out) cikar- (to take / bring out) git- (to go) + gider- (to make something go, remove) kop- (to break) + kopar- (to break off) 5. There are a few irregular causatives: fem- (to suck) > emair-(to breastfeed) gel- (to. come) > getir- (to bring) git- (to 90) > gOtiir- (to take to; take away) g8r- (to see) + géster- (fo show) kalk- (to get up) = kaldir-(to raise, lit) Annem planint yine dedistirdi. My mother has changed her plans again, Kiigiik bebegi uzun bir stire aglatti. S/he let the litle baby cry for a long time. Seni diin kim korkuttu? Who scared you yesterday? lz dogurdu. Our cat gave birth to three kittens. i gezdirmeyi unutma, Don't forget to walk the dogs. Bu kadar agir bir bavulu ben kaldiramam, | can't lit such a heavy suitcase. The causative suffix with intransitive and transitive verbs When a causative suffix is attached to an intransitive verb, the subject of the original sentence becomes the direct object of the causative structure and takes the accusative case: Ben bugiin iki saat fazla calistim. | worked two extra hours today. > Patron beni bugiin iki saat fazia galistirdi. The boss made me work two extra hours today. When a causative suffix is attached to a transitive verb, however, the subject of the original sentence becomes the indirect object of the causative sentence and, thus, is marked by the dative case. The direct object of the original sentence remains the direct object of the causative verb; Polis hirsizi yakaladi. The police caught the thief. Hasan hursizi polise yakalatti. Hasan had the police catch the thief, {in English, a verb can be both intransitive and transitive depending on how it is used in @ sentence, for example, to stop, fo wake up. | stopped to get a newspaper. (intransitive) | stopped the carto get a newspaper. (transitive) , | wake up at seven o'clock on weekdays, (intransitive) | wake up my wife at seven o'clock on weekdays, (transitive) bee“ 12d et of seus of) Grip olduktan sonra atesim yilks 4. Digan gik arabanin anahtarlarini almay! unutma. 2. Yikan, ‘sakal trasi olmam gerek. sakal (beard) 3. Ancak odani temizle sinemaya gidebilirsin. 4, Mektubunu oku lemek istedigini daha iyi anladim. 5. Ceketini gy. ‘kravatini tak, kravattak- (to put on a tie) 6. Aynur tale ck ‘kendine atizel bir mayo ald. 7. Biletinizi otobiise bin ___almaniz gerekiyor. 8. Anlatacaklarim: dinle kararini verme. 9. Annem yemek yap. her zaman ellerin iyice yikar. Chapter 28 G. Tarkgeye cevirin. room for one person. ‘a cheaper room? Gould you give me the room Key? ‘a barber shop at the hotel? fre a barber shop close to the hotel? lay |ask you a question? 9, Could you bring my suitcases to my room? . 10. 'd like to get up early tomorrow. Could you wake me up at 7 M2 { Do you accept credit cards? Which red cards do you accepl?, ‘ave American Express. D0 you ‘accept Visa or ‘Mastercard? atx, please? | want to go tote alpor. TORK DILLER ARASTIRMALARI Dizisi 44 Kurtulus Oztopcu ELEMENTARY TURKISH ‘A Complete Course For Beginners Revised Third Edition

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