Unit 1: Earth As A Planet

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Q1: what is Big bang?

ANS: According to the scientists the creation of universe
resulted from a massive explosion about 15 to 20 billion
years ago is called big bang.
Q2: Define universe?
ANS: The universe is a combination of billions of galaxies comprised of matter.
Q3: What is Milky Way?
ANS: It is a collection of star gasses and clouds of dust.
Q4: Define solar system?
ANS: Eight planets revolve around the sun this is called solar system.
Q5: Define Earth?
ANS: Our Earth is part of the solar system. It is one of eight planets which revolve
around the sun in their orbit.
Q6: How solar system came in to begin?
ANS: The solar system is composed of eight planet which revolve around the sun
originated 5 billions years ago when a cloud of gases and dust began to spin.
In the centre originated the sun while the circulating gases.
Q7: What is temperature?
ANS: Sun is a bright star .It is comprised of hydrogen helium gases. It is scour of
temperature of light for all planet of the solar system.
Q8: What is the planet?
ANS: The planet which revolve around the solar system in their respective orbit,
get and temperature form the sun.
Q9: When was Pluto eliminated?
ANS: Pluto was eliminated in august 2006.
Q10: What is the size of Earth?
ANS: Size of earth.
1: Diameter of earth is 2750 km.
2: The area of the surface earth is 510 million.
3: Area of the earth is 40,000.
Q11: Name the planet?
ANS: 1-Mercury, 2-Venus, 3-Earth, 4-Mars, 5-Jupiter, 6-Saturn,
7-Uranus, 8-Neptune.
Q12: What is the shape of earth?
ANS: Earth is like a foot ball.
Q13: Define rotation?
ANS: The earth move around its axis .This is called rotation.
Q14: Define revolution?
ANS: The movement of the earth in its orbit around the sun is called revolution.
Q15: What is the percentage of the land and water?
ANS: The area of the earth surface is about 510 millions km out of which about
of 29% is comprised of land 71% of is covered by water.
Q16: What is ocean?
ANS: A huge area of water is called ocean.
Q17: What is continent?
ANS: A huge area of land is called continent.
Q18: Define leap year?
ANS: In which there are 366 days come after four
Year is called leap year.
Q19: What is solar eclipse and lunar eclipse?
ANS: Solar eclipse:-
When the moon comes between sun and the
earth its throw its shadow on the earth is called solar eclipse.
Lunar eclipse:-
When the earth comes between sun and the
earth its throw its shadow on the moon is called lunar eclipse.
Q20: How many continent and ocean?
ANS: There are seven continents and five oceans.


Q1: What is globe?
ANS: Model of the earth is called globe.
Q2: Write the different between globe and map?
ANS: Different between globe and map.
1- Globe is around and map is flat.
2- Globe represents a whole world earth while map can
give small part of earth.
3- Globe cannot represent much detail and map give
much detail.
Q4: What is projection?
ANS: The network of latitude and longitude on map is drawn is called projection.
Q5: Write the component of map?
ANS: 1- Map show direction.
2-Map has a scale.
3- latitude and longitude are drawn on a map.
Q5: Define cardinal direction?
ANS: 1-North 2-West 3-East 4-South.
Q6: Define secondary direction?
ANS: 1-Northeast 2-Northwest 3-Southeast 4-Southwest.
Q7: What do you know about latitude?
ANS: There are 180 latitude from North Pole to South Pole in equator and 90 in
the equator.
Q8: What do you know about longitude?
ANS: There are 360 longitudes on the globe 180 in east prime meridian 180 in
west of prime meridian.
Q9: Define scale?
ANS: A ratio is established between ground and map distance .This is called scale.
Q10: Define am and pm?
ANS: 24 hours of the day are divided in to two periods am and pm.
Q11: Define location?
ANS: Location of a place on a map is found with the help of latitude and
Q12: Define contours?
ANS: These are lines on the map which join areas of equal height from the
sea- level.
Q13: Define layer?
ANS: Different areas are show by different colors layers e.g. plains and forest are
shown by different shades of green colors, mountains by brown and snowy
areas by white.
Q14: Define map?
ANS: A map presentation of earth or part of it on a flat on a surface.
Q15: Define Atlas?
ANS: The collection of maps in shape of a book is called Atlas.
Q16: Define zone?
ANS: The world has been divided in 15 longitude time zone.
Q17: How many types North direction?
ANS: There are two types of North direction.
1-Geography North, 2-Magnetic North.
Q18: Which country in the east of Pakistan?
ANS: India is the east of Pakistan.
Q19: IN which direction Arabian Sea is situated from Pakistan?
ANS: IN south direction Arabian Sea is situated from Pakistan.
Q20: Name the two countries which are satiated in the west of Pakistan?
ANS: Iran and Afghanistan are situated in the west of Pakistan.
Q21: What is the direction of chain of Pakistan?
ANS: North is the direction of Chain from Pakistan.
1: Sun is a:
A: planet, b: star, c: satillte, d: galaxy
2: The largest continent is:
A: Africa, b: Europe, c: NorthAmerica, d: Asia
3: THE diameter of earth in kilometers is:
A: 4000, b: 6375 c: 8870 d: 12750
4: The circumference of earth in kilometer is:
A: 40,000, b: 30000, c: 25000, d: 15000
5: THE area of earth surface in millions sq. km:
A: 148, b: 362, c: 510, d: 700
6: The earth completes a rotation about its axis in:
A: 1 year, b: 1 hour, c: 72 days, d: 24 hour
7: The earth completes a revolution
A: 24 hours, b: 1 year, c: 2 year, d: 12 year
8: THE percentage of earth surface covered by water:
A: 29, b: 5o, c: 71, d: 90
9: The Ocean in the east of Asia is:
A: Atlantic, b: Pacific, c: Indian, d: Arctic
10: The uninhabited continent is:
A: Australia, b: Europe, c: Asia d:Antartic
3:Earth as a home for human beings

Short Questions
 What are the components of natural environment?
Components of natural environment are:
1-physical landscape

 Why Earth is habitable?

Three basic reasons makes our Earth habitat:
1-Our Earth has suitable environment
2-Our Earth has a huge mass of water
3-Earth has oxygen enriched air envelope called atmosphere

 Define atmosphere.
There is an envelope of different gases, water vapours and dust particles
which surround our earth. It is called atmosphere.

 Define lithosphere.
The surface area of our Earth is about 510 million square kilometers.
About 29% of this area is comprised of land. This is called lithosphere.

 Define hydrosphere.
About 71% of the Earth’s surface is comprised of water in different
shapes for example. ocean, rivers and lakes .

 Define biosphere.
The part of the Earth where life exists is called biosphere.

 How many population is in desert?

80% of world’s population resides in desert.

 How many forests should be in a country?

The area of the forests should be at least 25-30% at a country.
 How much forests are in Pakistan?
They are only 5% in Pakistan.

 What are called root garden?

The world’s most dense forests are found near the equator. These are
called root gardens.

 Why rivers are important?

1-rivers are important source of transportation.
2-Hydro-electricity is generated from rivers.
3-Rivers are important source of irrigation.

 From where the silk is attained?

Silk is attained from silk worms which are reared on mulberry plants.

 Write advantages of forests.

1-Forests provide us oxygen.
2-It provides us rubber paper and ship.
3-Forests attract the climate.
4-Forest is a source of natural beauty.
5-We get silk from forest.
Tick the correct answer.
1-The gaseous envelope surrounding our Earth is called:
 Atmosphere
 Lithosphere
 Hydrosphere
 Biosphere
2-Sphere of life:
 Atmosphere
 Lithosphere
 Hydrosphere
 Biosphere
3-Which gas shields us from dangerous ultra-violet rays of the sun?
 Carbon dioxide
 Oxygen
 Ozone
 Nitrogen
4-Due to which gas, life is possible on Earth?
 Carbon dioxide
 Oxygen
 Ozone
 Water vapours
5-What is the percentage of population settled in plains?
 10
 20
 40
 80
6-What is the percentage of fish caught from the oceans?
 20
 43
 64
 85
7-Forests provide us:
 Carbon dioxide
 Ozone
 Oxygen
 Nitrogen
8-Which areas receive least rainfall?
 Mountains
 Plains
 Oceans
 Deserts
9-Natural silk comes from:
 Forests
 Plants
 Silkworm
 Industries
4: Rocks

Short Questions
 Define element.
An element is the simplest form of matter.

 Define minerals.
Minerals are the vital resources found in the Earth. Human beings use these
resources for example coal, petroleum, salt, iron etc for their benefit.

 Define rocks.
Rock is a combination of two or more minerals. Lithosphere is formed by
different types of rocks. Some of which are soft like shale and some are hard
like diamond.

 How many types of rocks are there?

There are three types of rocks:
1-Igneous rocks
2-Sedimentary rocks
3-Metamorphic rocks

 What is lava?
The magma when comes on the surface of Earth is called “lava”.

 What is meaning of Ignis?

The word Ignis is derived from a Latin word “ignis” which means “fire”.

 How many types of igneous rocks are there?

There are two types of igneous rocks:
1-Instructive Igneous rock
2-Extrusive Igneous rocks

 How igneous rocks are formed?

Igneous rocks are formed by the molten matter present under the surface of
 Define instructive igneous rock?
When the molten matter solidifies deep inside the surface of the Earth, the
rocks thus formed are called instructive igneous rocks. They are also called
plutonic rocks.

 Define extrusive igneous rock?

When the molten matter comes on the surface of Earth and solidifies the
rocks, thus formed are called extrusive igneous rocks.

 Where igneous rocks are formed in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, igneous rocks are found in areas of Hazara.

 Continents and oceans are formed by which rocks?

Continents are formed by granite and oceans are formed by basalt rocks.

 How sedimentary rocks are formed?

Sedimentary rocks are formed by the deposition of sediments in a layered

 How metamorphic rocks are formed?

Metamorphic rocks are formed by the alteration of pre-existing rocks.

 In which rocks crystal are formed?

Crystals are formed in igneous rocks.
Tick the correct answer.
1-Simplest form of matter is called:
 Mineral
 Rock
 Element
 Crystal
2-Combination of two or more minerals is called:
 Crystal
 Fossil
 Rock
 Element
3-Molten matter which comes out on the surface of Earth is called:
 Magma
 Lava
 Granite
 Rock salt
4-One of these is an igneous rock:
 Limestone
 Marble
 Dolomite
 Basalt
5-One of these is a chemically formed sedimentary rock:
 Rock salt
 Sandstone
 Slate
 Gabbro
6-One of these is a metamorphic rock:
 Sandstone
 Obsidian
 Marble
 Granite
7-Found in igneous rocks:
 Fossils
 Crystals
 Calcium
 Carbon
8-The rock in which fossils of animals are abundantly found:
 Calcareous rocks
 Carbonaceous rocks
 Chemically formed rocks
 Igneous rocks
9-Found in sedimentary rocks:
 Fossils
 Crystals
 Diamonds
 Molten matter
10-After metamorphism, limestone becomes:
 Slate
 Marble
 Schist
 Quartzite
Unit 5: Land Features Of Pakistan

Q .1 : Where Arabian Sea is ?

Ans : Arabian Sea is situated in the South of Pakistan.
Q .2 : The mountain ranges of Pakistan are divided into how many
Segments ?
Ans : The mountain ranges of Pakistan are divided into two
Northern mountain.
North western and western Mountain.
Q .3 : Wich is the highest mountain in the World ?
Ans : The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest its hight
Is 8850 Meters. It is situated in Nepal.
Q .4 : Where Khyber pass situated ?
Ans : The famous Khyber pass is situated in Sufaid Kho.It connects
Pakistan with Afghanstan.
Q .5 : Why Balochistan platean is dry ?
Ans : Balochistan platean is dry due to shortage of rainfall.
Q .6 : Write names of main rivers of Balochistan platean.
Ans : Zhob , Bolan , Hub , Porali , Hingol and Dast are the main
Rivers of Balochistan platean.
Q .7 : Wich is the longest river of Pakistan ?
Ans : Indus is the longest river of Pakistan.Its length is 2900
Q .8 : How many plateans are there in Pkistan?
Ans : Pothuar and Balochistan are the two plateans of Pakistan.
Q.9 : How many parts indus plain is divided into? Name them?
Ans : The indus plain has been divided into three parts. Upper
Plain , Lower indus plain and Deltaic plan.
Q .10 : Name the deserts of Pakistan?
Ans : Thal ,Thar ,Cholistan and Kharan are the deserts of Pakistan.

Q 11 : Name the important parts of Pakistan?

Ans : Gawadar , Pasni , Lasbela ,Karachi , Bin Qasim , and Keti are

the important parts of Pakistan

Q .12 : Define pamir knot?

Ans : The place where northern and north western mountains meet
is called pamir knot.
MCQ ,s
Tick ( ) the correct answer:

i : One of these is part of northern mountain range:

a. Sufaid koh b. kirthar mountains
c. Hindukush mountains d. Himalayas

ii : One of these is part of western mountain range:

a . Siwalik b . Karakoram
c . Suleman Mountains d . Himalayas

iii : K2 is the highest peak of:

a . Hindukush mountains b . karakoram mountains
c . Himalayas d . Suleman Mountains

iv : One of these river of Balochistan:

a . Ravi b . Sutlej
c . Kabul d . Bolan

v : The mountain range situated between Balochistan and Sindh is:

a . Himalayas b . Hindukush
c . Suleman Mountains d . kirthar mountains
vi : The hight of K2 is:
a . 7690 meters b . 8125 meters
c . 8611 meters d . 3487 meters

vii : Situated between Mithan kot and Thatta is called:

a . Upper indus plain b . Lower indus plain
c . Suleman Mountains d . Waziristan hills

viii : The desert situated Sindh is:

a . Cholistan b . Thal
c . Kharan d . Thar

ix : The length of costal belt of Sindh is about:

a . 300 km b . 700 km
c . 1000 km d . 1500 km

x : The sea situated in the south of Pakistan is:

a . Mediterranean sea b . Bay of Bengal
c . Red sea d . Arabian sea
Short Answer Questions :
Q no : 1 What is the population of the world ?
Ans : More than 7.16 billion people live in the world.
Q no : 2 Define density of population?
Ans : The number of people per square kilometer is
called as density of population.
Q no : 3 How can calculate the density of population?
Ans : Density of populationcan be calculated by dividing
the population over area.
Q no : 4 How is density of population?
Ans: The average density of population of the world is 48 persons per
square kilometre.
Q no : 5 Which is the the largest desert in the world?
Ans: Sahara is the largest desert in the world.
Q no : 6 Define [MDCs]?
Ans: MDCs means more developed countries.
Q no : 7 Define [LDCs]?
Ans: LDCs means less developed countries.
Q no : 8 Define demography?
Ans: Study of population is called demography.
Q no : 9 In which area of the world least population?
Ans: Extreme cold,hot;rainy and dry areas of the world are
the least population.
Q no : 10 According to age population can be divided into which
Ans: population can be divided into there groups:
1:Children up to 15 years
2:Adult 15 to 60 years
3:Aged More than 60 years
Q no : 11 How many persons increase in world every year?
Ans:There is an increase of about 82 million persons in the world
population every year.
Q no : 12 How many type of migration?
Ans: There are two types of migrations:
1:Internal migration
2:International migration
Q no : 13 Define internal migration?
Ans: The movement with in a country from one place to another place is
called internal migration.
Q no : 14 Define international migration?
Ans: The movement from one country to another country is called
Q no : 15 Why people tend to move towards city?
Ans: People tend to move towards cities for better education,medical
facilities,jobs and better standard of life.
Q no : 16 Which number of Pakistan is accordingto Populate?
Ans: According to population pakistan is the largest sixth country of the
Q no : 17 what is the population of pakistan?
Ans:The population of Pakistan is about 191.71 million.
Q no : 18 Define Census?
Ans: The process of counting of population is called census.
Q no : 19 What is the main profession of people of the world?
Ans: The main profession of the people is agriculture.
Q no : 20 What is the percentage of rural and urban population?
Ans:The percentage of rural population is about 61% and urban is 39%.
Q no : 21 Write the names of four countries of high and low
population growth rate each?
1.Afganistan 2.Pakistan 3.Niger 4.Leberia
Q NO : 22 Write down the problems faced by pakistan due to increase
in population?
Ans: 1. illiteracy
3.Lack of medical facilities
4.Storage of water and power
5.Need to increase the crop production.


1. The percentage of world population living in ASIA is about:
ANS: 60
2. What is the density of world population?
ANS: 48 persons/sq.km
3.which of the following countries has the maximum growth rate of
ANS: Liberia
4.In which of the following countries of old persons is maximum?
ANS: japan
5.Which of the following countries has the minimum growth rate of
ANS: Italy
6.How many people are adding up anually in the world population?
ANS : 82million
7.The least populated province of pakistan is:
8.The percntage of females in the population of pakistan is:
Answer the following short questions:

Q1. Define settlement ?

Ans. A settlement is a place where human dwellings are made to live on
permanent basis .
Q2. Define location ?
Ans. Location tells us where the settlement is situated .
Q3. Define site ?
Ans. Site is the actual ground where the settlement is established .
Q4. How many types of settelments ?
Ans. There are two major types of settelments :
1. Rural settelments .
2. Urban settelments

Q5. What are the characteristics of rural settelments ?

Ans. Characteristics of rural settelments are given below :
1. They are small in size .
2. They have small population .
3. The majority of population is engaged in agriculture .
4. They lack facilities of education, medical and recreation .
Q6. Define primate city ?
Ans. The largest city of a country is called primate city .
Q7. What are the characteristics of urban settelments ?
Ans. Characteristics of urban settelments are given below :
1. They are large in size .
2. They have a big population .
3. Most of the cities are engaged in different services, industry and trade .
4. Basic necessities of life i.e. education, medical, commercial and recreational etc. are abundantly
available in the cities .
Q8. Which is the primate city of Pakistan ?
Ans. The primate city of Pakistan is karachi .
Q9. Which is the primate city of India ?
Ans. The primate city of India is Mumbai.
Q10. Which is the primate city of China?
Ans. The primate city of China is Shanghai.
Q11. Which is the primate city of Japan?
Ans. The primate city of Japan is Tokyo.
Q12. Which is the primate city of USA?
Ans. The primate city of USA is New York.
Q13. Which is the primate city of England?
Ans. The primate city of England is London.
Q14. Which is the primate city of Saudi Arabia?
Ans. The primate city of Saudi Arabia is Makkah.
Q15. Define dispersed settelments?
Ans. The settelments in which houses are situated far away from each other
are called dispersed settelments.
Q16. Define nucleated settelments?
Ans. The settelments in which houses are situated side by side are called
nucleated settelments.
Q17. Define linear settelments?
Ans. The settelments situated along a river or a road are called linear
Q18. Define hamlet?
Ans. The smallest unit of settelment is called hamlet.
Q19. Define metropolitan city?
Ans. Administrative or a big commercial city is called metropolitan city.
Q20. Define megalopolis?
Ans. Agglomeration of two or more big cities.
Q21 Where did the human beings have preffered from the beginning?
Ans. From the beginning, human beings have preffered the following sites for
1. In coastal belts.
2. In the confluence of two rivers.
3. Along river banks and island.
4. Accessible by different means of transportation.
5. Meeting the requirement of basic necessities of life.


1. Lahore is situated on the bank of river:

a. Indus b. Jhelum
c. Chenab d. Ravi
2. The ancient city `Babylon’ is situated in:
a. China b. Pakistan
c. Iraq d. Mexico
3. The settlement situated along the river are:
a. Rounded b. Iinear
c. Square d. Dispersed

4. Mohenjo Daro is the ancient city of:

a. Pakistan b. Iraq
c. Egypt d. China
5. The settlement in which houses are located far from each other, is called:
a. Megapolis b. Hamlet
c. Town d. Village
6. Makkah, Jerusalem and Vatican city are:
a. Commercial centres b. Capitals
c. Holy places d. Tourist places
7. The capital of Japan is:
a. Karachi b. New York
c. Tokyo d. London
8. One of these is situated on the coast of pacific Ocean:
a. London b. Makkah
c. Shanghai d. Karachi
9. One of these cities is not a port:
a. Karachi b. Mumbai
c. Makkah d. New York
10. The settlement which is bigger than village and smaller than city is called:
a. Town b. Metropolitan city
c. Hamlet d. Megalopolis

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