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Philippine Standard

Classification of Education

Republika ng Pilipinas

The 2008 Philippine Standard Classification of Education (PSCEd) is the third inter-
agency collaboration between and among partners in the Philippine Statistical
System (PSS) geared towards the improvement of the education sector. The first
standard classification ever developed in the Philippines was published in 1994,
while an updated PSCEd was disseminated to users in 1997.

The PSCEd was developed to facilitate the compilation of the country’s education
statistics as basis for educational planning, manpower training, labor market studies
and other related activities. Patterned after the International Standard Classification
of Education (ISCEd) produced by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the PSCEd provides for national and international
comparability of education statistics.

The PSCEd presents a detailed classification of all educational levels in the

Philippine educational system. It is useful to those responsible in compiling statistics
on education, either from administrative records or from censuses and surveys. It
also serves as a guide to various users, particularly those in the academe and those
involved in job placement and recruitment services.

The preparation of PSCEd has been made possible with the gargantuan tasks
accomplished by the Technical Working Group on Education Classification
(TWGEC) under the Technical Committee on Statistical Standards and
Classifications (TCSSC). Likewise, we wish to express our deep appreciation for the
support and cooperation extended by experts from Higher Education Institutions
(HEIs) who unselfishly shared their knowledge and experience during the
consultation meeting held to review educational programs and courses.

The PSCEd has been revised to take into account the requirements of the three key
players in the education sector - the Department of Education (DepEd), Commission
on Higher Education (CHED), and the Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA).

Pursuant to NSCB Resolution No. 8, Series of 2008, all concerned government

offices, agencies and instrumentalities are hereby enjoined to adopt and use the 2008
Philippine Standard Classification of Education (PSCEd) effective immediately.

Secretary of Socio-Economic Planning, and
Chairman, National Statistical Coordination Board

TO: All Agencies of the National and Local Government, Government-

Owned and/or Controlled Corporations Involved in the Statistical
Activities of the Government

SUBJECT: Guidelines for the Implementation of the 2008 Philippine Standard

Classification of Education (PSCEd)

Pursuant to NSCB Resolution No. 8, Series of 2008 approved on the 10th day
of September 2008 entitled, “Approving and Adopting the 2008 Philippine Standard
Classification of Education (PSCEd)”, the following guidelines are hereby issued:

1. Adoption and Use of the 2008 PSCEd

The 2008 Philippine Standard Classification of Education (PSCEd) is a

detailed classification of all educational levels in the Philippine educational
system. It is a tool designed to standardize and facilitate the compilation of the
country’s education statistics as basis for educational planning, manpower
training, labor market studies, and other related activities.

To promote better understanding and cooperation among users of education

data, all concerned government agencies, offices and instrumentalities are
hereby enjoined to adopt and use the 2008 PSCEd.

2. Concepts and Definitions

For purposes of the 2008 PSCEd, the following selected terms shall be

Adult Education - the entire body of organized educational processes,

whatever the content, level and method, whether formal or otherwise, whether
they prolong or replace initial education in schools, colleges and universities
as well as in apprenticeship, whereby persons regarded as adults by the society
to which they belong, improve their technical or professional qualifications,
further develop their abilities, and enrich their knowledge with the purpose: (a)
to complete a level of formal education; (b) to acquire knowledge and skills in
a new field; and (c) to refresh or update their knowledge in a particular field.

Alternative Learning System (ALS) - a parallel learning system aimed to

provide a viable alternative to the existing formal educational instruction. It
encompasses both the informal and non-formal sources of knowledge and
Distance Education/Learning - a method of learning and teaching which
employs print, radio, television, computer-based communications, satellite
broadcasting, teleconferencing or other educational technologies which allows
students to study on their own without having to regularly attend classes in
conventional classrooms.

Double Degree - a program wherein students simultaneously complete two

undergraduate degree programs.

Education - comprises all organized and sustained communication process

designed to bring about learning.

Formal Education - the systematic and deliberate process of hierarchically

structured and sequential learning corresponding to the general concept of
elementary and secondary level of schooling. At the end of each level, the
learner needs a certification in order to enter or advance to the next level.

Non-Formal Education - any organized, systematic educational activity

carried outside the framework of the formal system to provide selected types
of learning to a segment of the population.

Special Needs Education - the education of children and youth with special
needs corresponding to elementary and secondary education that require
modifications of school practices, curricula, programs, special services and
facilities. These include children and youth who are gifted/talented, fast
learners and those with disabilities.

3. Rules in Classification

Under the 2008 PSCEd, Levels 0 to 2, and 5 to 6 are confined to formal

education, while Level 4 to non-formal education. Level 4 includes courses
previously classified under Levels 5 and 9 in the 1997 ISCEd. Level 3, which
refers to (upper) secondary education, or second stage of basic education under
the international setting was not included in the 2008 PSCEd since it is not
applicable to the Philippine educational system. Level 8 is a reserve code in case
when additional category is to be inserted or existing category is to be amended
without necessarily upsetting the system. Level 9 which was reserved for the
educational programs that could not be allocated to any other level has been
eliminated. It is assumed that all educational programs can be classified in the
various levels.

The 2008 PSCEd publication is divided into three parts. Part I contains the
definition/description of educational levels, broad groups, fields and programs.
Part II contains the coding scheme used for the different educational levels,
broad groups, fields, programs and courses. Presented under this section is the
list of educational courses and their corresponding codes - classified according to
levels, broad groups, fields and programs. Part III contains the alphabetic index.
For purposes of classifying and/or gathering data on the educational
attainment of the population, the following rules shall be followed:

 Enrollees/Graduates of pre-primary/pre-school education, i.e., nursery,

kindergarten and preparatory are classified under Level 0

 Enrollees/Graduates of primary/elementary education, i.e., Grades I to

VII are classified under Level 1

 Enrollees/Graduates of secondary/high school education, i.e., First Year

to Fourth Year High School are classified under Level 2

 Enrollees/Graduates of 3-month to 3-year technical-vocational education

courses are classified under Level 4

 Enrollees/Graduates of baccalaureate courses are classified under Level 5

 Enrollees/Graduates of post-graduate courses are classified under Level 6

For enrollees/graduates of more than one course, the following rules shall be

 If the degrees are of the same level, the course which the individual is
actually practicing or is engaged in should be the one to be reported.
On the other hand, if the individual practices both courses (which are
of the same level) at the same time, the course where he/she spends
more time should be the one to be reported.

 If the degrees are of different levels, whichever is higher should be the

one to be reported.

This memorandum circular shall take effect immediately. Henceforth, all other
education classification systems adopted by concerned agencies are deemed

Secretary General

December 2008


The 2008 Philippine Standard Classification of Education (PSCEd) is a detailed

classification of all educational levels in the Philippine educational system. It
aims to integrate the different coding schemes being used by various government
agencies, education and research institutions, and international organizations. The
Department of Education (DepEd), for instance, has a coding system for the
classification of technical-vocational and higher education programs/courses
being offered in Philippine colleges and universities. The National Statistics
Office (NSO), on the other hand, has been utilizing a coding system for
educational courses in processing the Integrated Survey of Households (ISH) and
the Census of Population and Housing (CPH).

The PSCEd has been patterned after the International Standard Classification of
Education (ISCEd) produced by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the purpose of assembling, compiling, and
presenting education statistics, both nationally and internationally.

In view of the many changes that have taken place in the educational systems
since the 1997 ISCEd revision, there is a growing clamor to address various
problems in terms of implementation and other concerns.

In drafting the 2008 PSCEd, the following activities were undertaken:

 Creation of the Technical Working Group on Education Classification

(TWGEC) chaired by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED),
with member agencies from the Department of Education (DepEd),
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA),
Science Education Institute (SEI), Bureau of Local Employment (BLE),
and National Statistics Office (NSO). The National Statistical
Coordination Board (NSCB) serves as the Secretariat responsible for
technical coordination as well as overall planning and management of
activities of the TWG;

 Identification of new/emerging and obsolete educational programs and

courses through internet, newspapers and other reference documents;

 Definition/Description of educational levels, fields and programs;

 Revision of coding scheme adopted for the different levels and fields of
 Development of a correspondence table to indicate the old codes of
educational programs and courses used in the 1997 PSCEd;

 Discussion/Review of educational programs and courses by level of

education with concerned agencies as lead: (a) Levels 4 and 9 - TESDA;
and (b) Levels 5 and 6 - CHED;

 Consultation with experts from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), i.e.,

public and private university registrars, to elicit comments/suggestions on
the revised list of educational programs and courses;

 Presentation of the final draft 2008 PSCEd for approval of the NSCB
Executive Board;

 Issuance of NSCB Resolution No. 8, Series of 2008 approving and

adopting the 2008 PSCEd;

 Preparation of the 2008 PSCEd publication;

 Conduct of information dissemination and advocacy work on the

utilization of 2008 PSCEd through press release; and

 Development of PSCEd database in the NSCB website.

The publication is divided into three parts. Part I contains the

definition/description of educational levels, broad groups, fields and programs.
Part II contains the coding scheme used for the different educational levels, broad
groups, fields, programs and courses. Presented under this section is the list of
educational courses and their corresponding codes - classified according to levels,
broad groups, fields and programs. Part III contains the alphabetic index.

The definition/description of educational levels, broad groups, fields and

programs was still based on the 1976 ISCEd. It seemed that UNESCO did not
prepare a more detailed document containing program/course description. In
response to the request for unabridged publication, only an operational manual
was instead sent to NSCB as complimentary copy.


1. To provide the basic conceptual framework for the collection,

compilation and presentation of statistics in the Philippine educational

2. To promote better understanding and cooperation, both within the

international and national educational communities; and
3. To contribute to the improvement in the generation of quality education


The following guidelines were adhered to in the development of the 2008


1. The 1997 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCEd) was

adopted as the basic reference document. Modifications, however, were
made to suit domestic/local conditions and requirements.

2. As with ISCEd, the PSCEd categorizes educational programs by their

content along two main axes referred to as cross-classification variables:
levels and fields of education.

3. In the classification of educational levels, their popular names shall be

indicated (the first term refers to Philippine setting/new concept being
adopted, while the second term refers to international/old terminology
used) as follows:

Level 0 Pre-Primary/Pre-School
Level 1 Primary/Elementary
Level 2 Secondary/High School
Level 4 Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary/Technical-Vocational
Level 5 Tertiary, First Stage/Baccalaureate
Level 6 Tertiary, Second Stage/Post-Graduate

4. Renumbering of levels of education (1997 PSCEd vs 2008 PSCEd):

1997 PSCEd 2008 PSCEd

Non-Degree 5

Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary/ 4*

Tertiary, First Stage/Baccalaureate 6 5

Tertiary, Second Stage/Post-Graduate 7 6

Not Elsewhere Classified 9

*Level 4 includes educational programs and courses previously classified

under Levels 5 and 9 in the 1997 PSCEd
5. Some modifications in the 2008 PSCEd broad structure:

 The levels of education were reduced from 7 to 6:

1997 PSCEd 2008 PSCEd

0 Pre-School 0 Pre-Primary
1 Elementary 1 Primary
2 High School 2 Secondary
4 Post-Secondary
5 Non-Degree
6 Baccalaureate 5 Tertiary, First Stage
7 Post-Graduate 6 Tertiary, Second Stage
9 Not Elsewhere

 A new level, Level 4, has been introduced to cover educational

programs and courses which straddle the boundary between upper
secondary and tertiary education

 Tertiary education now comprises only two levels, Levels 5 and 6,

instead of the previous three, Levels 5 to 7

 Level 9 which was reserved for the educational programs that

could not be allocated to any other level has been eliminated. It is
assumed that all educational programs can be classified in the
various levels.

 The fields of education were increased to cover 25 categories

compared to 21 in the 1997 PSCEd (including 9 broad groups
introduced in the 2008 PSCEd):

1997 PSCEd 2008 PSCEd

01 General 01 Basic
08 Literacy 08 Literacy and Numeracy
09 Personal Development

14 Teacher Training and 14 Teacher Training and
Education Science Education Science


18 Fine and Applied Arts 21 Arts
22 Humanities 22 Humanities
26 Religion and Theology

30 Social and Behavioral 31 Social and Behavioral
Science Science
84 Mass Communication 32 Journalism and Information
and Documentation
34 Business Administration 34 Business and Administration
and Related
38 Law and Jurisprudence 38 Law

42 Natural Science 42 Life Science
44 Physical Science
46 Mathematics and 46 Mathematics and Statistics
Computer Science 48 Computing/Information

54 Engineering 52 Engineering and Engineering
52 Trade, Craft and 54 Manufacturing and Processing
58 Architectural and 58 Architecture and Building
Town Planning

62 Agriculture, Forestry 62 Agriculture, Forestry
and Fishery and Fishery
64 Veterinary


50 Medical and Allied 72 Health
76 Social Services

66 Home Economics 81 Personal Services
(Domestic Science)
78 Service Trades
70 Transport and 84 Transport Services
89 Other Programs 85 Environmental Protection
86 Security Services
 Broad group, an innovation made to eliminate overlapping by
grouping together fields of education having similarities:

0 General
1 Education
2 Humanities and Arts
3 Social Sciences, Business and Law
4 Science
5 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction
6 Agriculture
7 Health and Welfare
8 Services

The 2-digit code assigned to a broad group shall consist of the

following: the first digit refers to a level of education (for third
level only - Level 4, 5 or 6), while the second digit refers to any
of the single-digit code associated with the particular group of
related fields.

6. The 2008 PSCEd is a five-stage classification system providing

successive subdivisions from level to broad group to field to program to

 The level, represented by a 1-digit code, and is defined as a stage

that denotes the steps of educational progression, e.g., tertiary.

 The broad group, represented by a 2-digit code, and is defined

as an innovation made to eliminate overlapping by grouping
together fields of education having similarities, e.g., Health and

 The field, represented by a 3-digit code, and is defined as an

aggregation of program groups that are related in terms of level
and major subject-matter or area, e.g., Health Programs.

 The program, represented by a 5-digit code, and is defined as a

selection of one or more courses, e.g., Programs in Nursing.

 The course, represented by a 7-digit code, and is defined as a

planned series of learning experiences in a particular range of
subject-matter or skills, e.g., Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

7. Changes made in educational courses (1997 PSCEd vs 2008 PSCEd):

New/Emerging refer to courses that are not found in the 1997

Deleted/Phased out refer to obsolete courses that are no longer offered

by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

Merged/Renamed refer to similar courses that are being offered by

different schools using different titles which are
combined in one program/course

8. To guide users and others stakeholders in the utilization of the 2008

PSCEd, a correspondence table was developed to indicate the old codes
of educational programs and courses used in the 1997 PSCEd.


The coding scheme of the 2008 PSCEd is similar to that of the 1997 ISCEd, with
the 1-digit code representing the level, the 2-digit code representing the broad
group, the 3-digit code representing the field, and the 5-digit code representing
the program. The Philippine education classification system conforms to
international standard (i.e.,1997 ISCEd), and is comparable across countries up to
5-digit code (program) only. The 2008 PSCEd coding system, however, has been
extended to 7-digit code representing the particular course.

To illustrate the revised coding scheme, the course - Bachelor of Science in

Nursing coded 5721201, is taken as an example. Its hierarchical structure is as

5 7 2 1 2 0 1

Level - First Stage of Tertiary/Baccalaureate

Education (5)

Broad Group - Health and Welfare (57)

Field - Health Programs (572)

Program - Programs in Nursing (57212)

Course - Bachelor of Science in Nursing (5721201)

The first digit (5) represents the level, First Stage of Tertiary/Baccalaureate
Education. The first two digits (57) represent the broad group, Health and
Welfare. The first digit (5) and the next two digits (72) taken together, represent
the subject-matter field (572), Health Programs. The first three digits (572) and
the next two digits (12) taken together, represent the program (57212), a
selection of one or more courses under the Programs in Nursing. The first five
digits (57212) and the last two digits (01) altogether, represent the particular
course (5721201), Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
0 001 00100 0010000 General Programs, Pre-Primary/Pre-School Education Level 0010000
(include: nursery, kindergarten and preparatory)
0 003 00300 0030000 Programs in Special Education 0030000
1 101 10100 Programs in General Primary/Elementary Education
1 101 10100 1010001 Grade I 1010001
1 101 10100 1010002 Grade II 1010002
1 101 10100 1010003 Grade III 1010003
1 101 10100 1010004 Grade IV 1010004
1 101 10100 1010005 Grade V 1010005
1 101 10100 1010006 Grade VI 1010006
1 101 10100 1010007 Grade VII 1010007
1 103 10300 1030000 Programs in Special Primary/Elementary Education 1030000
2 201 20100 Programs in General Secondary/High School Education containing
Little Technical-Vocational Education
2 201 20100 2010001 First Year High School 2010001
2 201 20100 2010002 Second Year High School 2010002
2 201 20100 2010003 Third Year High School 2010003
2 201 20100 2010004 Fourth Year High School 2010004
2 202 20200 Programs in Technical-Vocational Secondary/High School
2 202 20200 2020001 First Year High School 2020001
2 202 20200 2020002 Second Year High School 2020002
2 202 20200 2020003 Third Year High School 2020003
2 202 20200 2020004 Fourth Year High School 2020004
2 203 20300 Programs in Special Secondary/High School Education
2 203 20300 2030001 First Year High School 2030001
2 203 20300 2030002 Second Year High School 2030002
2 203 20300 2030003 Third Year High School 2030003
2 203 20300 2030004 Fourth Year High School 2030004
4 40 401 40100 Basic General Programs
4 40 401 40100 4010001 Associate in Arts/Liberal Arts 5010001
4 40 401 40100 4010002 Associate in Science
4 40 401 40100 4010003 Pre-Dental
4 40 401 40100 4010004 Pre-Optometry
4 40 408 40811 Programs in Simple Literacy
4 40 408 40811 4081101 Adult Literacy Program 9081101
4 40 408 40821 Programs in Functional Literacy
4 40 408 40821 4082101 Functional Literacy Training 9082101

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 40 409 40901 Programs in Personal Development
4 40 409 40901 4090101 Course in Career Development 5899901
4 40 409 40901 4090102 Course in Personality Development 5899902
4 40 409 40901 4090103 Course in Professional Modelling 5899903
4 41 414 41401 Programs in General Teacher Training
4 41 414 41401 4140101 Associate in Education
4 41 414 41401 4140102 Associate in Teaching Elementary Education
4 41 414 41401 4140103 Associate in Teaching Secondary Education
4 41 414 41404 Programs in Teacher Training with Specialization in Non-
Vocational Subjects
4 41 414 41404 4140401 Associate in Christian/Religious Education
4 41 414 41404 4140402 Associate in Mathematics Education
4 41 414 41404 4140403 Associate in Physical Education
4 41 414 41404 4140404 Associate in Proficiency in Teaching General Science
4 41 414 41404 4140405 Associate in Teaching General Science
4 41 414 41404 4140406 Associate in Teaching Language
4 41 414 41404 4140407 Associate in Teaching Music
4 41 414 41404 4140408 Associate in Teaching Physics
4 41 414 41408 Programs in Teacher Training for Teaching Practical or Vocational
4 41 414 41408 4140801 Associate in Industrial Education
4 41 414 41408 4140802 Associate in Technical/Trade Education
4 41 414 41412 Programs in Teacher Training for Teaching Pre-School or
4 41 414 41412 4141201 Associate in Pre-School Education
4 41 414 41422 Programs in Teacher Training for Teachers in Special Education

4 41 414 41422 4142201 Teacher Certificate Program in Special Education

4 41 414 41472 4147200 Programs in Education Science in Support of Teaching
4 41 414 41499 4149900 Other Programs in Teacher Training and Education Science 5149900
4 42 421 42101 General Programs of Art Studies
4 42 421 42101 4210101 Associate in Digital Arts
4 42 421 42101 4210102 Associate in Fine Arts 5180101
4 42 421 42101 4210103 Certificate in Multi-Media Arts
4 42 421 42104 Programs in Drawing and Painting
4 42 421 42104 4210401 Course in Special Fine Arts - Painting 5180401
4 42 421 42106 Programs in Graphic Arts
4 42 421 42106 4210601 Associate in Graphic Arts/Printing Technology
4 42 421 42106 4210602 Course for Compositor 9527804
4 42 421 42106 4210603 Course for Lay Out Artist 5527803
4 42 421 42106 4210604 Course for Letterpress Pressman 9527806
4 42 421 42106 4210605 Course for Repro-Cameraman 9527813
4 42 421 42106 4210606 Course in Binding 9527801
4 42 421 42106 4210607 Course in Binding Machine Operation 9527802
4 42 421 42106 4210608 Course in Commercial Photography 9527803
4 42 421 42106 4210609 Course in Cylindrical Press Operation 9527805
4 42 421 42106 4210610 Course in Graphic Arts 9527802
4 42 421 42106 4210611 Course in Linotype Operation 9527807
4 42 421 42106 4210612 Course in Offset Press Operation 9527808
4 42 421 42106 4210613 Course in Offset Printing 9527809
4 42 421 42106 4210614 Course in Platemaking 9527810
4 42 421 42106 4210615 Course in Platen Press Operation 9527811
4 42 421 42106 4210616 Course in Printing 5527801/9527812
4 42 421 42108 4210800 Programs in Sculpturing 5180800
4 42 421 42110 Programs in Visual and Plastic Arts
4 42 421 42110 4211001 Course in Silk Screen Designing 9181001
4 42 421 42110 4211002 Course in Silk Screen Printing 5527801/9181002
4 42 421 42112 Programs in Handicrafts

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 42 421 42112 4211201 Course in Bamboo Craft 5181201/9181201
4 42 421 42112 4211202 Course in Buri/Nito/Rattan Craft 5181201/9181212
4 42 421 42112 4211203 Course in Ceramics/Pottery Technology 5181202/9181202
4 42 421 42112 4211204 Course in Coco Craft 9181203
4 42 421 42112 4211205 Course in Crocheting 9181204
4 42 421 42112 4211206 Course in Fiber Craft 9181205
4 42 421 42112 4211207 Course in Flower and Toy/Stuffed Toy Making 5181201/9181214
4 42 421 42112 4211208 Course in Glass Blowing 5181201
4 42 421 42112 4211209 Course in Hand/Machine Embroidery 9181206
4 42 421 42112 4211210 Course in Hand/Machine Knitting 9181207
4 42 421 42112 4211211 Course in Jewelry Craft 5181201/9181208
4 42 421 42112 4211212 Course in Leather Craft 9181209
4 42 421 42112 4211213 Course in Metal Craft 5181201/9181210
4 42 421 42112 4211214 Course in Paper Craft
4 42 421 42112 4211215 Course in Plastic Craft 9181211
4 42 421 42112 4211216 Course in Rubber Production Technology 5181203
4 42 421 42112 4211217 Course in Shell Craft 5181201/9181213
4 42 421 42112 4211218 Course in Wood Craft 5181201/9181215
4 42 421 42122 Programs in Music
4 42 421 42122 4212201 Associate in Music 5182201
4 42 421 42122 4212202 Associate in Performing Arts
4 42 421 42122 4212203 Certificate in Performing Arts (Dance) NC II
4 42 421 42122 4212204 Certificate in Performing Arts (Song) NC II
4 42 421 42122 4212205 Artist's Diploma in Music
4 42 421 42122 4212206 Artist's Diploma in Piano
4 42 421 42122 4212207 Artist's Diploma in Violin
4 42 421 42122 4212208 Artist's Diploma in Voice
4 42 421 42132 Programs in Drama
4 42 421 42132 4213201 Associate in Cultural Arts, including Development/Community 9183201
4 42 421 42132 4213202 Associate in Theater Arts
4 42 421 42142 Programs in Photography and Cinematography
4 42 421 42142 4214201 Course in Photography 5184201
4 42 421 42152 Programs in Interior Design
4 42 421 42152 4215201 Course in Interior Design 5185201
4 42 421 42152 4215202 Course in Furniture Design 5185202
4 42 421 42199 Other Programs in Arts
4 42 421 42199 4219901 Associate in Product Design and Development Technology
4 42 422 42201 4220100 General Programs in Humanities
4 42 422 42202 4220200 Programs for Interpreters and Translators 5220200
4 42 422 42208 Other Programs in Languages, except the Current or Vernacular
4 42 422 42208 4220801 Course in a Foreign Language 5220801
4 42 422 42208 English Language
4 42 422 42208 French Language
4 42 422 42208 German Language
4 42 422 42208 Japanese Language
4 42 422 42208 Korean Language
4 42 422 42208 Malaysian Language
4 42 422 42208 Mandarin (Fookien) Language
4 42 422 42208 Spanish Language
4 42 422 42211 Programs in the Current or Vernacular Language and Its Literature

4 42 422 42211 4221101 Associate in Creative Writing

4 42 422 42211 4221102 Associate Title in Filipino
4 42 422 42215 4221500 Programs in Other Living Languages and Their Literature
4 42 422 42221 4222100 Programs in "Dead" Languages and Their Literature
4 42 422 42231 4223100 Programs in Linguistics
4 42 422 42241 4224100 Programs in Comparative Literature
4 42 422 42251 4225100 Programs in History
4 42 422 42261 4226100 Programs in Archeology
4 42 422 42271 Programs in Philosophy

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 42 422 42271 4227101 Associate in Philosophy
4 42 422 42281 Programs in Religion and Theology
4 42 422 42281 4228101 Associate in Arts (Classical) 5260001
4 42 422 42281 4228102 Associate in Bible Translation
4 42 422 42281 4228103 Associate in Marriage and Family Ministry
4 42 422 42281 4228104 Associate in Mission
4 42 422 42281 4228105 Associate in Religion Education 9260001
4 42 422 42281 4228106 Associate in Youth Ministry
4 42 422 42299 4229900 Other Programs in Humanities 5229900
4 43 431 43101 4310100 General Programs in Social and Behavioral Science
4 43 431 43112 Programs in Economics
4 43 431 43112 4311201 Associate in Econometrics
4 43 431 43112 4311202 Associate in Economics/Business Economics
4 43 431 43112 4311203 Associate in Socio-Economic Research
4 43 431 43122 Programs in Political Science
4 43 431 43122 4312201 Associate in Political Science
4 43 431 43132 Programs in Sociology
4 43 431 43132 4313201 Associate in Community Traditions and Customs 9303201
4 43 431 43133 4313300 Programs in Demography
4 43 431 43142 4314200 Programs in Anthropology
4 43 431 43152 Programs in Psychology
4 43 431 43152 4315201 Associate in Applied Psychology
4 43 431 43152 4315202 Associate in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
4 43 431 43162 4316200 Programs in Geography
4 43 431 43172 4317200 Programs in Studies of Regional Cultures
4 43 431 43199 4319900 Other Programs in Social and Behavioral Science 5309900
4 43 432 43201 4320100 General Programs in Communication Arts
4 43 432 43202 4320200 Programs in Journalism 5840200
4 43 432 43204 Programs in Radio and Television Broadcasting
4 43 432 43204 4320401 Associate in Broadcast Communication 5840401
4 43 432 43207 Programs in Public Relations
4 43 432 43207 4320701 Associate in Advertising Arts 5840701
4 43 432 43222 Programs in Library Technician
4 43 432 43222 4322201 Associate in Library and Information Studies
4 43 432 43222 4322202 Associate in Library Science/Technology/Information Studies

4 43 432 43289 Other Programs in Journalism and Information

4 43 432 43289 4328901 Associate in Mass Communication 5840901
4 43 434 43401 General Programs in Commerce
4 43 434 43401 4340101 Associate in Commerce
4 43 434 43401 4340102 Associate in Entrepreneurship 5340102
4 43 434 43401 4340103 Associate in Management
4 43 434 43401 4340104 Course in General Clerical
4 43 434 43404 Programs in Secretarial
4 43 434 43404 4340401 Associate in Business and Office Management
4 43 434 43404 4340402 Associate in Computer Office Administration
4 43 434 43404 4340403 Associate in Junior Secretarial 5340401
4 43 434 43404 4340404 Associate in Office Administration
4 43 434 43404 4340405 Course in Automated Office Systems Management 5340406
4 43 434 43404 4340406 Course in Medical Secretarial
4 43 434 43404 4340407 Course in Secretarial 5340412/9340401
4 43 434 43404 4340408 Course in Stenography (Court)/ 5340408/9340402/
4 43 434 Course in Stenography (Office) 9340403
4 43 434 43408 Programs in Office Administration
4 43 434 43408 4340801 Course in Bookkeeping 5340407/9340801
4 43 434 43422 Programs in Business Machine Operation, except Electronic Data
4 43 434 43422 4342201 Course for Calculator and Adding Machine Service Technician 9342201

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 43 434 43422 4342202 Course for Repographic Equipment Service Technician 9342203
4 43 434 43422 4342203 Course for Typewriter Service Technician 9342204
4 43 434 43422 4342204 Course in Calculating, Copying and Similar Office Machine 5342201
4 43 434 43422 4342205 Course in Duplicating and Mimeographing Machine Operation 9342202

4 43 434 43432 Programs in Accountancy

4 43 434 43432 4343201 Certificate in Computer-based Accountancy
4 43 434 43432 4343202 Certificate in Computer-based Bookkeeping
4 43 434 43432 4343203 Certificate in Government Accounting and Auditing 5343202
4 43 434 43434 Programs in Business Administration, Marketing and Sales
4 43 434 43434 4343401 Associate in Advertising
4 43 434 43434 4343402 Associate in Business Administration/Management 5343401
4 43 434 43434 4343403 Associate in Marketing/Trade Management
4 43 434 43436 Programs in Financial Management and Investment Analysis
4 43 434 43436 4343601 Associate in Banking and Finance
4 43 434 43436 4343602 Course in Financial Analysis/Management 5343602
4 43 434 43438 4343800 Programs in Labor Studies, including Personnel Administration 9343800
4 43 434 43439 Programs in Business Administration with Other Specialization
4 43 434 43439 4343901 Associate in Agri-Business
4 43 434 43452 Programs in Public Administration
4 43 434 43452 4345201 Associate in Local Government Administration
4 43 434 43452 4345202 Associate in Public/Government Administration/Management 5345201

4 43 434 43462 Programs in Institutional Administration/Management

4 43 434 43462 4346201 Associate in Airline Management/Administration
4 43 434 43462 4346202 Associate in Cooperative Management 5346202
4 43 434 43462 4346203 Course in Hospital Administration 5346204
4 43 434 43462 4346204 Course in Marine Catering Management 5346206
4 43 434 43462 4346205 Course in Personnel Administration 5346207
4 43 434 43462 4346206 Course in Recreation, Events and Entertainment Management 5346208

4 43 434 43499 4349900 Other Programs in Office Administration 9349900

4 44 442 44202 4420200 Programs in Biological Science 5420200
4 44 442 44299 4429900 Other Programs in Life Sciences 5429900
4 44 444 44412 4441200 Programs in Chemistry 5421200
4 44 444 44422 4442200 Programs in Geological Science 5422200
4 44 444 44432 4443200 Programs in Physics 5423200

4 44 448 44841 Programs in Computer Science and Information Technology

4 44 448 44841 4484101 Associate in Business Software Development 5464108
4 44 448 44841 4484102 Associate in Computer System and Network Technology
4 44 448 44841 4484103 Associate in Computer Technology 5464104
4 44 448 44841 4484104 Associate in Information and Computer Science 5464105
4 44 448 44841 4484105 Associate in Web-based/Cyber Programming
4 44 448 44841 4484106 Certificate in Animation NC II
4 44 448 44841 4484107 Certificate in 2D Animation NC III
4 44 448 44841 4484108 Certificate in 3D Animation NC III
4 44 448 44841 4484109 Certificate in Basic Computer Programming 5464122/9480001
4 44 448 44841 4484110 Certificate in Contact Center Services NC II
4 44 448 44841 4484111 Certificate in Desktop Publication Operation 9480002
4 44 448 44841 4484112 Certificate in Legal Transcription NC II
4 44 448 44841 4484113 Certificate in Medical Transcription NC II
4 44 448 44841 4484114 Certificate in Programming NC IV
4 44 448 44841 4484115 Certificate in Systems Analysis 9480003
4 44 448 44844 Programs in Electronic Data Processing
4 44 448 44844 4484401 Associate in Computer Data Processing and Information 5464101

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 44 448 44844 4484402 Associate in Computer Operations and Data Processing
4 44 448 44844 4484403 Certificate in PC Operations NC II
4 44 448 44844 4484404 Course in Electronic Data Processing 5464117

4 45 452 45200 Programs in Engineering Technology

4 45 452 45200 4520001 Certificate in Civil Engineering Technology 9540001
4 45 452 45200 4520002 Certificate in Drafting 9540002
4 45 452 45200 4520003 Certificate in Illustration 9540003
4 45 452 45202 Programs in Surveying
4 45 452 45202 4520201 Associate in Mapping/Marine Surveying 5540202/5540201
4 45 452 45204 Programs in Aeronautical Engineering Techniques
4 45 452 45204 4520401 Associate in Aeronautical Technology 5524201
4 45 452 45204 4520402 Associate in Aircraft Maintenance
4 45 452 45204 4520403 Associate in Aircraft Maintenance Technology 5524203
4 45 452 45204 4520404 Associate in Aircraft Technology 5524202
4 45 452 45204 4520405 Associate in Aviation/Avionics Technology
4 45 452 45204 4520406 Course for Avionics/Aviation Technician 5524205
4 45 452 45206 Programs in Drafting and Design
4 45 452 45206 4520601 Associate in Drafting Technology 5540601
4 45 452 45212 Programs in Chemical Engineering and Materials Techniques
4 45 452 45212 4521201 Associate in Chemical Technology 5541201
4 45 452 45212 4521202 Certificate in Pyrotechnics NC II
4 45 452 45216 Programs in Civil Engineering Techniques
4 45 452 45216 4521601 Associate in Civil Engineering Technology 5541601
4 45 452 45216 4521602 Associate in Civil Technology 5521605
4 45 452 45218 4521800 Programs in Geodetic Engineering Techniques 5541800
4 45 452 45222 Programs in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
4 45 452 45222 4522201 Associate in Electronics Communication Technology
4 45 452 45222 4522202 Associate in Instrumentation and Control Technology
4 45 452 45222 4522203 Certificate in Computer Hardware Servicing NC II
4 45 452 45224 Programs in Electrical and Electronic Trades
4 45 452 45224 4522401 Certificate in Consumer Electronics NC II
4 45 452 45224 4522402 Certificate in Consumer Electronics NC III
4 45 452 45224 4522403 Certificate in Consumer Electronics NC IV
4 45 452 45224 4522404 Certificate in Electrical Technology 5522202/9522213
4 45 452 45224 4522405 Certificate in Electronics Technology 5522204
4 45 452 45224 4522406 Certificate in Instrumentation and Control Servicing NC II
4 45 452 45224 4522407 Certificate in Instrumentation and Control Servicing NC III
4 45 452 45224 4522408 Certificate in Instrumentation and Control Servicing NC IV
4 45 452 45224 4522409 Certificate in Mechatronics Servicing NC II
4 45 452 45224 4522410 Certificate in Mechatronics Servicing NC III
4 45 452 45224 4522411 Certificate in Mechatronics Servicing NC IV
4 45 452 45224 4522412 Course for Consumer Electronics Service Technician 5522207/9522209
4 45 452 45224 4522413 Course for Integrated Circuit (IC) Operator/Technician 5522209
4 45 452 45225 Programs in Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Trades

4 45 452 45225 4522501 Certificate in Air Duct Servicing NC II

4 45 452 45225 4522502 Certificate in Ice Plant Refrigeration Servicing NC III
4 45 452 45225 4522503 Certificate in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) -
PACU/CRE Servicing NC II
4 45 452 45225 4522504 Certificate in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC) 5526401
4 45 452 45225 4522505 Certificate in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (RAC)
Window-type AC/Domestic Refrigeration NC I
4 45 452 45225 4522506 Certificate in Transport Refrigeration and Air Conditionong
(RAC) Servicing NC II
4 45 452 45225 4522507 Course for Auto/Bus Air Conditioning Mechanic 9522501
4 45 452 45225 4522508 Course for Domestic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 9522502

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 45 452 45225 4522509 Course for Domestic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 9522503
4 45 452 45225 4522510 Course for Packaged Air Conditioning Technician 9522504
4 45 452 45225 4522511 Course for Refrigeration Mechanic 9522505
4 45 452 45226 Programs in Industrial Engineering Techniques
4 45 452 45226 4522601 Associate in Industrial Design 5542601
4 45 452 45226 4522602 Associate in Industrial Facilities Technology
4 45 452 45226 4522603 Associate in Industrial Technology
4 45 452 45228 Programs in Materials-Handling and Earth-Moving Equipment
4 45 452 45228 4522801 Certificate in Heavy Equipment Operation NC II
4 45 452 45228 4522802 Certificate in Heavy Equipment Operation (Bulldozer) NC II
4 45 452 45228 4522803 Certificate in Heavy Equipment Operation (Crawler Crane) NC
4 45 452 45228 4522804 Certificate in Heavy Equipment Operation (Forklift) NC II
4 45 452 45228 4522805 Certificate in Heavy Equipment Operation (Hydraulic
Excavator) NC II
4 45 452 45228 4522806 Certificate in Heavy Equipment Operation (Motor Grader) NC
4 45 452 45228 4522807 Certificate in Heavy Equipment Operation (Rough Terrain
Crane) NC II
4 45 452 45228 4522808 Certificate in Heavy Equipment Operation (Truck-Mounted
Crane) NC II
4 45 452 45228 4522809 Certificate in Heavy Equipment Operation (Wheel Loader) NC
4 45 452 45228 4522810 Certificate in Heavy Equipment Servicing (Mechanical) NC II

4 45 452 45228 4522811 Course for Asphalt Paver Machine Operator 5526601
4 45 452 45228 4522812 Course for Back Hoes Excavator Operator 5526602
4 45 452 45228 4522813 Course for Bulldozer Operator 5526603/9526601
4 45 452 45228 4522814 Course for Crane Machine Operator 5526604
4 45 452 45228 4522815 Course for Crawler Excavator Operator
4 45 452 45228 4522816 Course for Dump Truck Operator/Driver 5526605
4 45 452 45228 4522817 Course for Excavator Machine Operator 5526606/9526602
4 45 452 45228 4522818 Course for Forklift Operator 9526603
4 45 452 45228 4522819 Course for Grader Operator
4 45 452 45228 4522820 Course for Loader Operator 5526607/9526604
4 45 452 45228 4522821 Course for Mobile/Crawler Crane Operator
4 45 452 45228 4522822 Course for Motor Grade Operator 5526608
4 45 452 45228 4522823 Course for Motorized Farm Equipment Operator 9526605
4 45 452 45228 4522824 Course for Road Grader/Scraper Operator 5526610/9526606
4 45 452 45228 4522825 Course for Road Roller Operator 5526609
4 45 452 45228 4522826 Course for Roller Compact Operator
4 45 452 45228 4522827 Course for Transit Mixer Operator 5526611
4 45 452 45228 4522828 Course for Truck/Trailer Operator 5526612
4 45 452 45232 Programs in Metallurgical Engineering Techniques
4 45 452 45232 4523201 Associate in Foundry Engineering Technology
4 45 452 45232 4523202 Associate in Welding and Fabrication Engineering Technology

4 45 452 45234 Programs in Metal Trades

4 45 452 45234 4523401 Associate in General Metal Technology 5523203
4 45 452 45234 4523402 Certificate in Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) NC I
4 45 452 45234 4523403 Certificate in Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) NC II
4 45 452 45234 4523404 Certificate in Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) NC III
4 45 452 45234 4523405 Certificate in Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) NC I
4 45 452 45234 4523406 Certificate in Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) NC II
4 45 452 45234 4523407 Certificate in Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) NC III
4 45 452 45234 4523408 Certificate in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) NC II
4 45 452 45234 4523409 Certificate in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) NC IV
4 45 452 45234 4523410 Certificate in Gas Welding NC I
4 45 452 45234 4523411 Certificate in Gas Welding NC II
4 45 452 45234 4523412 Certificate in Machining NC I
4 45 452 45234 4523413 Certificate in Machining NC II

Page 7 of 35
2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 45 452 45234 4523414 Certificate in Machining NC III
4 45 452 45234 4523415 Certificate in Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC I
4 45 452 45234 4523416 Certificate in Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC II
4 45 452 45234 4523417 Certificate in Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC III
4 45 452 45234 4523418 Certificate in Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC IV
4 45 452 45234 4523419 Certificate in Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) NC I
4 45 452 45234 4523420 Certificate in Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) NC II
4 45 452 45236 4523600 Programs in Mining Engineering Techniques 5543600
4 45 452 45242 4524200 Programs in Mechanical Engineering Techniques 5544200
4 45 452 45244 Programs in Mechanical and Mechanical Repair Trades
4 45 452 45244 4524401 Certificate in Auto Body Painting/Finishing NC I
4 45 452 45244 4524402 Certificate in Auto Body Painting/Finishing NC II
4 45 452 45244 4524403 Certificate in Auto Body Painting/Finishing NC III
4 45 452 45244 4524404 Certificate in Auto Body Repairing NC II
4 45 452 45244 4524405 Certificate in Auto Diesel Technology 5524204
4 45 452 45244 4524406 Certificate in Auto Engine Rebuilding NC II
4 45 452 45244 4524407 Certificate in Auto Servicing NC I
4 45 452 45244 4524408 Certificate in Auto Servicing NC II
4 45 452 45244 4524409 Certificate in Auto Servicing NC III
4 45 452 45244 4524410 Certificate in Auto Servicing NC IV
4 45 452 45244 4524411 Certificate in Automotive/Mechanical Technology 5524206/5524208
4 45 452 45244 4524412 Certificate in Diesel Technology 5524210
4 45 452 45244 4524413 Certificate in Motorcycle/Small Engine Servicing NC II
4 45 452 45250 4525000 Programs in Sanitary Engineering Techniques
4 45 452 45253 4525300 Programs in Agricultural Engineering Techniques
4 45 452 45263 4526300 Programs in Forestry Engineering Techniques
4 45 452 45281 Programs in Marine Engineering Techniques
4 45 452 45281 4528101 Certificate in Marine Engineering
4 45 452 45299 Other Programs in Engineering Techniques
4 45 452 45299 4529901 Associate in Technology
4 45 454 45412 Programs in Food and Drink Processing
4 45 454 45412 4541201 Associate in Food Processing 5521201
4 45 454 45412 4541202 Certificate in Fish Products Packaging NC II
4 45 454 45412 4541203 Certificate in Food Processing NC II
4 45 454 45412 4541204 Course in Baking 9541201
4 45 454 45412 4541205 Course in Candy/Confectionery Making 9541202
4 45 454 45412 4541206 Course in Vinegar/Wine Making 9541206
4 45 454 45422 Programs in Food Technology
4 45 454 45422 4542201 Associate in Food Preparation/Preservation Technology
4 45 454 45422 4542202 Associate in Food Technology
4 45 454 45422 4542203 Associate in Nutrition and Food Technology
4 45 454 45422 4542204 Associate in Sugar Technology
4 45 454 45472 Programs in Leather Trades
4 45 454 45472 4547201 Certificate in Footwear Making NC II
4 45 454 45472 4547202 Course in Footwear Technology 9547201
4 45 454 45472 4547203 Course in Leathergoods Making 9547202
4 45 454 45474 Programs in Textile Trades
4 45 454 45474 4547401 Course in Dyeing Techniques 5527401
4 45 454 45474 4547402 Course in Loom Weaving 5527402/9547401
4 45 454 45474 4547403 Course in Weaving 9547402
4 45 454 45476 Programs in Clothing and Related Trades
4 45 454 45476 4547601 Associate in Apparel/Garments Technology
4 45 454 45476 4547602 Certificate in Dressmaking NC II
4 45 454 45476 4547603 Certificate in Tailoring NC II
4 45 454 45476 4547604 Course for Industrial Garments Cutter 9547605
4 45 454 45476 4547605 Course in Basic Sewing 9547601
4 45 454 45476 4547606 Course in Embroidery Machine Operation 9547603
4 45 454 45476 4547607 Course in Industrial Embroidery Machine Operation 9547604
4 45 454 45476 4547608 Course in Industrial Sewing Machine Operation 9547606
4 45 454 45476 4547609 Course in Patternmaking and Grading 9547607
4 45 454 45476 4547610 Course in Special Machine Operation 9547608
4 45 454 45476 4547611 Course in Upholstery (Furniture and Automotive) 9547610

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 45 454 45478 Programs in Woodworking Trades
4 45 454 45478 4547801 Course in Charcoal Making 9547810
4 45 454 45478 4547802 Course in Rattan Furniture Sample Making 9547802
4 45 454 45478 4547803 Course in Wood Carving (Furniture) 9547803
4 45 454 45478 4547804 Course in Wood Finishing 9547804
4 45 454 45478 4547805 Course in Wood Furniture Sample Making 9547805
4 45 454 45478 4547806 Course in Wood Tuner Course 9547806
4 45 454 45478 4547807 Course in Wooden Boat Builder 9547808
4 45 454 45478 4547808 Course in Wooden Sash Making 9547809
4 45 454 45478 4547809 Course in Woodworking Technology 5526201
4 45 458 45801 General Programs in Architecture and Town Planning Techniques

4 45 458 45801 4580101 Associate in Architectural Drafting 5580101

4 45 458 45802 Programs in Structural Architecture
4 45 458 45802 4580201 Associate in Architectural Interiors
4 45 458 45802 4580202 Associate in Structural Drafting 5580201
4 45 458 45810 4581000 Programs in Architecture 9581000
4 45 458 45812 Programs in Landscape Architecture
4 45 458 45812 4581201 Associate in Landscaping 5581201
4 45 458 45816 Programs in Building Trades
4 45 458 45816 4581601 Associate in Building Construction Technology 5521602
4 45 458 45816 4581602 Certificate in Building Wiring Installation NC II
4 45 458 45816 4581603 Certificate in Carpentry NC II
4 45 458 45816 4581604 Certificate in Carpentry NC III
4 45 458 45816 4581605 Certificate in Construction Painting NC I
4 45 458 45816 4581606 Certificate in Construction Painting NC II
4 45 458 45816 4581607 Certificate in Construction Painting NC III
4 45 458 45816 4581608 Certificate in Masonry NC II
4 45 458 45816 4581609 Certificate in Masonry NC III
4 45 458 45816 4581610 Certificate in Plumbing NC I
4 45 458 45816 4581611 Certificate in Plumbing NC II
4 45 458 45816 4581612 Certificate in Plumbing NC III
4 45 458 45816 4581613 Certificate in Reinforced Steel Bar (RSB) Installation NC II
4 45 458 45816 4581614 Certificate in Scaffold Erection NC II
4 45 458 45816 4581615 Certificate in Tile Setting NC II
4 45 458 45816 4581616 Course for Building Maintenance Worker 9581601
4 45 458 45816 4581617 Course for Insulator 9581605
4 45 458 45816 4581618 Course for Shulterer 9521613
4 45 458 45816 4581619 Course in Glazier (General) 9581602
4 45 458 45816 4581620 Course in House/Building Carpentry 9581603
4 45 458 45816 4581621 Course in House/Building Painting 9581604
4 45 458 45816 4581622 Course in Main Pipe Laying 9581606
4 45 458 45816 4581623 Course in Masonry (General) 9581607
4 45 458 45816 4581624 Course in Parquetry 9581608
4 45 458 45816 4581625 Course in Pipe Fitting 9581609
4 45 458 45816 4581626 Course in Plumbing 9581610
4 45 458 45816 4581627 Course in Roofing 9581611
4 45 458 45816 4581628 Course in Service Pipe Laying 9521612
4 45 458 45816 4581629 Course in Water Well Drilling and Pump Installation 9521614
4 45 458 45822 4582200 Programs in Town or Community Planning 9582200

4 46 462 46201 General Programs in Agriculture

4 46 462 46201 4620101 Associate in Agricultural Technology 5620101
4 46 462 46201 4620102 Associate in Agriculture
4 46 462 46201 4620103 Certificate in Agricultural Technology 5620102
4 46 462 46202 Programs in Agriculture
4 46 462 46202 4620201 Course in Agri-Farm Technology 9620201
4 46 462 46203 Programs in Animal Husbandry
4 46 462 46203 4620301 Associate in Animal Husbandry/Technology
4 46 462 46203 4620302 Certificate in Animal Health Care and Management NC III

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 46 462 46203 4620303 Certificate in Animal Production NC II
4 46 462 46203 4620304 Certificate in Slaughtering Operations NC II
4 46 462 46206 Programs in Horticulture
4 46 462 46206 4620601 Certificate in Horticulture NC II
4 46 462 46206 4620602 Certificate in Horticulture NC III
4 46 462 46208 Programs in Agronomy
4 46 462 46208 4620801 Associate in Crop Production
4 46 462 46208 4620802 Certificate in Agricultural Crops Production I
4 46 462 46208 4620803 Certificate in Agricultural Crops Production III
4 46 462 46208 4620804 Certificate in Pest Management (Vegetables) NC II
4 46 462 46212 4621200 Programs in Agricultural Economics 5621200
4 46 462 46226 4622600 Programs in Soil and Water Technology 5622600
4 46 462 46249 Other Programs in Agriculture
4 46 462 46249 4624901 Course in Industrial Tree Plantation Technology 5624901
4 46 462 46262 Programs in Forestry and Forest Product Techniques
4 46 462 46262 4626201 Associate in Forestry 5626201
4 46 462 46262 4626202 Certificate in Forestry
4 46 462 46262 4626203 Course for Forest Ranger 5626202
4 46 462 46272 Programs in Fisheries Technology
4 46 462 46272 4627201 Associate in Fisheries 5627202
4 46 462 46272 4627202 Associate in Fisheries Technology 5627203
4 46 462 46272 4627203 Certificate in Aquaculture NC II
4 46 462 46272 4627204 Certificate in Fish Capture NC I
4 46 462 46272 4627205 Certificate in Fish Capture NC II
4 46 462 46272 4627206 Certificate in Fisheries
4 46 462 46272 4627207 Certificate in Fisheries Technology specializing in: 5627205
4 46 462 46272 Fish Capture
4 46 462 46272 Fish Culture
4 46 462 46272 Fish Preservation
4 46 462 46272 4627208 Certificate in Fishing Gear Repair and Maintenance NC III
4 46 462 46272 4627209 Course in Fish Farm Technology 9627201
4 46 462 46272 4627210 Course in Fishing Technology 9627202
4 46 464 46432 Programs in Veterinary Technology
4 46 464 46432 4643201 Course for Veterinary Technician 5623201
4 46 464 46432 4643202 Pre-Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
4 47 472 47202 Programs in Public Health Inspection
4 47 472 47202 4720201 Associate in Barangay/Community Health Work
4 47 472 47202 4720202 Associate in Elderly Health Care
4 47 472 47202 4720203 Associate in Sanitary Science 5500204
4 47 472 47202 4720204 Certificate in Barangay Health Services NC II
4 47 472 47202 4720205 Certificate in Emergency Medical Services NC II
4 47 472 47202 4720206 Certificate in Health Care Services NC II
4 47 472 47202 4720207 Course for Health Aide 5500202
4 47 472 47202 4720208 Course in Environmental Health 5500203
4 47 472 47202 4720209 Course in Medico Legal 5500205
4 47 472 47208 Programs in Physio-Therapy and Occupational Therapy
4 47 472 47208 4720801 Associate in Physio-Therapy 5500801
4 47 472 47208 4720802 Associate in Pulmonary Therapy
4 47 472 47208 4720803 Associate in Respiratory Therapy 5500802
4 47 472 47208 4720804 Certificate in Massage Therapy NC II
4 47 472 47208 4720805 Course in Acupuncture
4 47 472 47208 4720806 Course in Chirotherapy
4 47 472 47208 4720807 Course in Reflexology
4 47 472 47208 4720808 Course in Shiatsu/Swedish Massage
4 47 472 47208 4720809 Course in Therapeutic Massage
4 47 472 47212 Programs in Nursing
4 47 472 47212 4721201 Certificate in Caregiving NC II
4 47 472 47212 4721202 Course for Nursing Aide/Nursing Assistant 5501201/5501202
4 47 472 47212 4721203 Course in Practical/Vocational Nursing
4 47 472 47215 Programs in Midwifery

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 47 472 47215 4721501 Graduate in Midwifery 5501501
4 47 472 47217 Programs in Medical X-Ray Techniques
4 47 472 47217 4721701 Associate in Radiological Technology 5501701
4 47 472 47217 4721702 Course for Bio-Medical Equipment Technician
4 47 472 47242 Programs in Dental Techniques
4 47 472 47242 4724201 Associate in Dental Technology 5504202
4 47 472 47242 4724202 Course for Dental Aide 5504201
4 47 472 47242 4724203 Course in Dental Hygiene
4 47 472 47242 4724204 Course in Dental Prosthesis Making
4 47 472 47252 Programs in Pharmaceutical Techniques
4 47 472 47252 4725201 Course for Pharmacy Technician
4 47 472 47262 Programs in Optometry Techniques
4 47 472 47262 4726201 Course for Optician 5506202
4 47 472 47264 Programs in Optical Lens Making
4 47 472 47264 4726401 Course for Optometry Laboratory Technician 5528601
4 47 472 47264 4726402 Course in Optical Lens Making 5528602
4 47 472 47272 Programs in Nutrition and Dietetics
4 47 472 47272 4727201 Course for Dietetics Aide 5661202
4 47 472 47272 4727202 Course for Dietetics Technician 5661204
4 47 472 47282 Programs in Laboratory Technology
4 47 472 47282 4728201 Course for Chemical Laboratory Technician 5528401
4 47 472 47282 4728202 Course for Dental Laboratory Technician 5528402
4 47 472 47282 4728203 Course for Glaze Solution Mixer 5528403
4 47 472 47282 4728204 Course for Instrumentation Technician 5528404
4 47 472 47299 Other Programs in Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Techniques

4 47 472 47299 4729901 Associate in Health Science Education

4 47 472 47299 4729902 Certificate in Bio-Medical Equipment Servicing NC II
4 47 472 47299 4729903 Course in Paramedics
4 47 472 47299 4729904 Health Science Education Partnership Program
4 47 472 47299 4729905 Innovative Health Sciences Education Program
4 47 476 47632 Programs in Social Work
4 47 476 47632 4763201 Course for Community Worker 5893201
4 47 476 47642 Programs in Vocational Counseling
4 47 476 47642 4764201 Associate in Bible Christian Counselling 5894201
4 48 481 48101 General Programs in Home Economics (Domestic Science)
4 48 481 48101 4810101 Associate in Home Economics/HomeTechnology
4 48 481 48101 4810102 Certificate in Household Services NC II
4 48 481 48122 4812200 Programs in Home Economics with Emphasis on Child Care 5662200/9662200
4 48 481 48132 4813200 Programs in Home Economics with Emphasis on Household Arts 5663200

4 48 481 48134 4813400 Other Programs in Home Economics 5669900/9669900

4 48 481 48136 Programs in Barbering and Beauty Culture
4 48 481 48136 4813601 Course for Make-Up Artist 9780004
4 48 481 48136 4813602 Course in Beauty Culture 5781202
4 48 481 48136 4813603 Course in Cosmetology 5781201/9780001
4 48 481 48136 4813604 Course in Hair Dressing/Styling 9780003
4 48 481 48136 4813605 Course in Hair Science 5781203/9780002
4 48 481 48142 Programs in Cooking (Restaurant-and Hotel-type)
4 48 481 48142 4814201 Certificate in Commercial Cooking NC II
4 48 481 48142 4814202 Certificate in Commercial Cooking NC III
4 48 481 48142 4814203 Certificate in Commercial Cooking NC IV
4 48 481 48142 4814204 Certificate in Food and Beverage Preparation and Service 5782602
4 48 481 48142 4814205 Course for Kitchen Supervisor 5782601
4 48 481 48142 4814206 Course in Culinary Arts 5661203
4 48 481 48152 Programs in Laundry and Dry Cleaning Trades
4 48 481 48152 4815201 Course in Dry Cleaning 5784201
4 48 481 48162 4816200 Programs in Retailing 5786200
4 48 481 48164 Programs in Sports Science
4 48 481 48164 4816401 Associate in Sports Officiating and Coaching

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 48 481 48164 4816402 Certificate in Sports/Sports Studies
4 48 481 48172 Programs in Hotel and Restaurant Trades
4 48 481 48172 4817201 Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Management
4 48 481 48172 4817202 Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Services Technology
4 48 481 48172 4817203 Certificate in Baking/Pastry Production NC II
4 48 481 48172 4817204 Certificate in Bartending NC II
4 48 481 48172 4817205 Certificate in Food and Beverage Services NC II
4 48 481 48172 4817206 Certificate in Food and Beverage Services NC III
4 48 481 48172 4817207 Certificate in Food and Beverage Services NC IV
4 48 481 48172 4817208 Certificate in Food Management 5661201
4 48 481 48172 4817209 Certificate in Front Office Services NC II
4 48 481 48172 4817210 Certificate in Housekeeping NC II
4 48 481 48172 4817211 Course in Butchering 9782203
4 48 481 48182 Programs in Tourist Trades
4 48 481 48182 4818201 Associate in Tourism 5787201
4 48 481 48182 4818202 Associate in Tourism and Travel Management
4 48 481 48182 4818203 Certificate in Tour Guiding Services NC II
4 48 481 48182 4818204 Certificate in Travel Services NC II
4 48 481 48182 4818205 Course for Tourist/Travel Guide 9782215
4 48 484 48402 Programs in Air Crew
4 48 484 48402 4840201 Associate in Air Transportation
4 48 484 48402 4840202 Course in Airflight and Ground 5700202
4 48 484 48402 Commercial/Private Pilot Ground Course
4 48 484 48402 Flying Course
4 48 484 48402 Non-Destructive Testing Course
4 48 484 48402 Rotary Wing Flying Course
4 48 484 48402 4840203 Course in Airways Operator Technology 5700201
4 48 484 48402 4840204 Course in Transportation Stewardship 5700203
4 48 484 48406 Programs in Ship's Officiating
4 48 484 48406 4840601 Certificate in Deck Seafaring NC I
4 48 484 48406 4840602 Certificate in Deck Seafaring NC II
4 48 484 48406 4840603 Certificate in Deck Seafaring NC III
4 48 484 48406 4840604 Certificate in Engine Seafaring NC I
4 48 484 48406 4840605 Certificate in Engine Seafaring NC II
4 48 484 48406 4840606 Certificate in Engine Seafaring NC III
4 48 484 48406 4840607 Course in First Aid at Sea 5891901
4 48 484 48408 Programs in Land Transport
4 48 484 48408 4840801 Certificate in Driving NC II
4 48 484 48408 4840802 Certificate in Driving NC III
4 48 485 48552 4855200 Programs in Environmental Studies 5895200
4 48 486 48612 Programs in Police Works and Related Law Enforcement
4 48 486 48612 4861201 Certificate in Civil Security 5891902
4 48 486 48612 4861202 Certificate in Criminology 5891202
4 48 486 48612 4861203 Certificate in Police Administration 5891203
4 48 486 48612 4861204 Certificate in Security Services NC II
4 48 486 48612 4861205 Pre-Licensing and In-Service Training for Security Personnel 9899905

4 48 486 48612 4861206 Supervisory Course for Security Personnel 9899906

4 48 486 48615 Programs in Fire Protection and Firefighting
4 48 486 48615 4861501 Course in Firefighting and Fire Prevention 5891501
4 48 486 48617 Programs in Military
4 48 486 48617 4861701 Course in Ballistics 5891701
4 48 486 48619 4861900 Other Programs in Civil Security 5891900
4 48 489 48902 Other Programs in Communication
4 48 489 48902 4890201 Course in Communication Technology 5702901
4 48 489 48902 Course for Broadcast Technician

Page 12 of 35
2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
4 48 489 48902 Course for Communication Electrician
4 48 489 48902 Course for Communication Lineman
4 48 489 48902 Course for General Radio Communication Operator
4 48 489 48902 Course for Radio Communication Technician
4 48 489 48902 4890202 Course in Data Communication Technology 5702902
4 48 489 48999 Other Programs in Education at the Third Level, First Stage, of the
Type that Leads to an Award Not Equivalent to a First University
or Baccalaureate Degree, N. E. C.
4 48 489 48999 4899901 Associate in Training Management
5 50 501 50100 Basic General Programs
5 50 501 50100 5010001 Bachelor
5 50 501 50100 5010002 Bachelor of Arts 6010001
5 50 501 50100 5010003 Bachelor of Science 6010003
5 51 514 51401 Programs in General Teacher Training
5 51 514 51401 5140101 Bachelor of Elementary Education 6140101
5 51 514 51401 5140102 Bachelor of Secondary Education 6140102
5 51 514 51401 5140103 Bachelor of Science in Elementary and Secondary Education 6140104
5 51 514 51401 5140104 Bachelor of Science in Pedagogy 6140106
5 51 514 51404 Programs in Teacher Training with Specialization in Non-
Vocational Subjects
5 51 514 51404 5140401 Bachelor of Home Economics and Livelihood Education for
5 51 514 51404 5140402 Bachelor of Physical Education 6140409
5 51 514 51404 5140403 Bachelor of Sports Science
5 51 514 51404 5140404 Bachelor of Technology and Home Economics for Teachers
5 51 514 51404 5140405 Bachelor of Arts in Language Education for Teachers
5 51 514 51404 5140406 Bachelor of Science in Chemistry for Teachers
5 51 514 51404 5140407 Bachelor of Science in English Education as Secondary
5 51 514 51404 5140408 Bachelor of Science in Language Education for Teachers
5 51 514 51404 5140409 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics for Teachers
5 51 514 51404 5140410 Bachelor of Science in Music Education
5 51 514 51404 5140411 Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
5 51 514 51404 5140412 Bachelor of Science in Physics for Teachers
5 51 514 51404 5140413 Bachelor of Science in Religious Education 6140406
5 51 514 51408 Programs in Teacher Training for Teaching Practical or Vocational
5 51 514 51408 5140801 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education 6140803
5 51 514 51408 5140802 Bachelor of Science in Technician Teacher Education
5 51 514 51412 Programs in Teacher Training for Teaching Pre-School or
5 51 514 51412 5141201 Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education 6141202
5 51 514 51412 5141202 Bachelor of Science in Kindergarten/Pre-School Education 6141203
5 51 514 51416 5141600 Programs in Teacher Training for Teachers in Adult Education 6141600
5 51 514 51422 Programs in Teacher Training for Teachers in Special Education

5 51 514 51422 5142201 Bachelor of Special Education

5 51 514 51472 Programs in Education Science in Support of Teaching
5 51 514 51472 5147201 Bachelor of Science in Guidance and Counseling 6147201
5 51 514 51499 Other Programs in Teacher Training and Education Science
5 51 514 51499 5149901 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education 6149902
5 51 514 51499 5149902 Bachelor of Science in Business/Commercial Education 6149905/6149906
5 51 514 51499 5149903 Bachelor of Science in Extension Education 6149907
5 51 514 51499 5149904 Bachelor of Science in Fishery Education 6149908
5 51 514 51499 5149905 Bachelor of Science in Nursing Education 6149909

Page 13 of 35
2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
5 51 514 51499 5149906 Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics for Teachers
5 51 514 51499 5149907 Bachelor of Science in Secretarial Education 6149910
5 52 521 52101 General Programs in Art Studies
5 52 521 52101 5210101 Bachelor of Digital Arts
5 52 521 52101 5210102 Bachelor of Science in Fine Arts/Bachelor of Fine Arts 6180102/6180101
5 52 521 52104 5210400 Programs in Drawing and Painting 6180400
5 52 521 52108 5210800 Programs in Sculpturing 6180800
5 52 521 52122 Programs in Music
5 52 521 52122 5212201 Bachelor of Music Liturgy 6182203
5 52 521 52122 5212202 Bachelor of Science in Music/Bachelor of Music 6182204/6182201
5 52 521 52132 Programs in Drama
5 52 521 52132 5213201 Bachelor of Performing Arts
5 52 521 52132 5213202 Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Drama 6183201
5 52 521 52132 5213203 Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Theater Arts 6183202
5 52 521 52132 5213204 Bachelor of Arts in Theater Arts
5 52 521 52132 5213205 Bachelor of Science in Speech and Drama 6183203
5 52 521 52152 Programs in Interior Design
5 52 521 52152 5215201 Bachelor of Science in Interior Design
5 52 521 52199 Other Programs in Arts
5 52 521 52199 5219901 Bachelor of Arts in Film and Audio-Visual Communication
5 52 522 52201 General Programs in Humanities
5 52 522 52201 5220101 Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
5 52 522 52211 Programs in the Current or Vernacular Language and Its Literature

5 52 522 52211 5221101 Bachelor of Arts in English 6221101

5 52 522 52211 5221102 Bachelor of Arts in English Literature
5 52 522 52211 5221103 Bachelor of Arts in Filipino 6221103
5 52 522 52211 5221104 Bachelor of Arts in Philippine Literature 6221102
5 52 522 52215 Programs in Other Living Languages and Their Literature
5 52 522 52215 5221501 Bachelor of Arts in European Languages 6221501
5 52 522 52221 5222100 Programs in "Dead" Languages and Their Literature 6222100
5 52 522 52231 Programs in Linguistics
5 52 522 52231 5223101 Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics 6223101
5 52 522 52241 Programs in Comparative Literature
5 52 522 52241 5224101 Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature 6224101
5 52 522 52241 5224102 Bachelor of Arts in Literature 6224102
5 52 522 52251 Programs in History
5 52 522 52251 5225101 Bachelor of Arts in Development Studies
5 52 522 52251 5225102 Bachelor of Arts in History 6225101
5 52 522 52261 5226100 Programs in Archeology 6226100
5 52 522 52271 Programs in Philosophy
5 52 522 52271 5227101 Bachelor of Arts in Classical/Philosophy/Bachelor of
5 52 522 52271 5227102 Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy/Bachelor of Philosophy 6227101
5 52 522 52281 Programs in Religion and Theology
5 52 522 52281 5228101 Bachelor of Evangelical Ministry 6260005
5 52 522 52281 5228102 Bachelor of Arts in Religion 6260003
5 52 522 52281 5228103 Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies
5 52 522 52281 5228104 Bachelor of Arts in Divinity/Bachelor of Divinity 6260001
5 52 522 52281 5228105 Bachelor of Arts in Theology/Bachelor of Theology 6260004/6260007
5 52 522 52299 5229900 Other Programs in Humanities 6229900
5 53 531 53101 General Programs in Social and Behavioral Science
5 53 531 53101 5310101 Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral Science
5 53 531 53101 5310102 Bachelor of Arts in Social Science 6300101
5 53 531 53101 5310103 Bachelor of Arts in Human Behavior Technology/Bachelor of
Human Behavior Technology
5 53 531 53101 5310104 Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Science 6300102
5 53 531 53101 5310105 Bachelor of Science in Human Behavior Technology 6300103

Page 14 of 35
2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
5 53 531 53112 Programs in Economics
5 53 531 53112 5311201 Bachelor of Arts in Economics 6301202
5 53 531 53112 5311202 Bachelor of Arts in Applied Economics/Bachelor of Applied 6301201
5 53 531 53112 5311203 Bachelor of Science in Applied Economics 6301203
5 53 531 53112 5311204 Bachelor of Science in Business Economics
5 53 531 53112 5311205 Bachelor of Science in Economics 6301204
5 53 531 53122 Programs in Political Science
5 53 531 53122 5312201 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science/Bachelor in Political 6302201
5 53 531 53122 5312202 Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service 6302202
5 53 531 53122 5312203 Bachelor of Science in International Relations 6302203
5 53 531 53122 5312204 Bachelor of Science in Political Economy 6302204
5 53 531 53132 Programs in Sociology
5 53 531 53132 5313201 Bachelor of Arts in Applied Sociology
5 53 531 53132 5313202 Bachelor of Arts in Sociology 6303201
5 53 531 53132 5313203 Bachelor of Science in Sociology 6303202
5 53 531 53133 Programs in Demography
5 53 531 53133 5313301 Bachelor of Science in Demography 6303203
5 53 531 53142 Programs in Anthropology
5 53 531 53142 5314201 Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology 6304201
5 53 531 53152 Programs in Psychology
5 53 531 53152 5315201 Bachelor of Arts in Applied Psychology
5 53 531 53152 5315202 Bachelor of Science in Clinical Psychology
5 53 531 53152 5315203 Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Organizational 6305202
5 53 531 53152 5315204 Bachelor of Science in Psychology 6305203
5 53 531 53162 Programs in Geography
5 53 531 53162 5316201 Bachelor of Science in Geography 6306201
5 53 531 53172 Programs in Studies of Regional Cultures
5 53 531 53172 5317201 Bachelor of Arts in Arabic/Islamic Studies 6307201
5 53 531 53172 5317202 Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
5 53 531 53172 5317203 Bachelor of Arts in Philippine Arts
5 53 531 53172 5317204 Bachelor of Arts in Philippine Studies 6307202
5 53 531 53199 5319900 Other Programs in Social and Behavioral Science
5 53 532 53201 Programs in General Communication Arts
5 53 532 53201 5320101 Bachelor of Arts in Communication 6840901
5 53 532 53201 5320102 Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies
5 53 532 53202 Programs in Journalism
5 53 532 53202 5320201 Bachelor of Arts in Business Journalism/Bachelor in Business 6840201
5 53 532 53202 5320202 Bachelor of Arts in Journalism/Bachelor in Journalism 6840202
5 53 532 53202 5320203 Bachelor of Science in Business Journalism 6840204
5 53 532 53202 5320204 Bachelor of Science in Journalism 6840205
5 53 532 53204 Programs in Radio and Television Broadcasting
5 53 532 53204 5320401 Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast Communication 6840401
5 53 532 53204 5320402 Bachelor of Science in Broadcast Communication 6840402
5 53 532 53207 Programs in Public Relations
5 53 532 53207 5320701 Bachelor of Arts in Public Relations 6840701
5 53 532 53222 Programs in Library Science
5 53 532 53222 5322201 Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Science/Bachelor
of Library and Information Science
5 53 532 53222 5322202 Bachelor of Arts in Library Science/Bachelor of Library 6842201
5 53 532 53229 Other Programs in Journalism and Information
5 53 532 53229 5322901 Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts/Mass Communication 6840902/6840903

5 53 532 53229 5322902 Bachelor of Arts in Communication Research

5 53 532 53229 5322903 Bachelor of Arts in Organizational Communication
5 53 532 53229 5322904 Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication 6840904
5 53 534 53401 General Programs in Business Administration/Commerce

Page 15 of 35
2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
5 53 534 53401 5340101 Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration/Bachelor in 6340101
Business Administration
5 53 534 53401 5340102 Bachelor of Arts in Entrepreneurial Management/Bachelor in 6340104
Entrepreneurial Management
5 53 534 53401 5340103 Bachelor of Arts in Business Management/Bachelor of 6340102
Business Management
5 53 534 53401 5340104 Bachelor of Arts in Management and Social Work /Bachelor of
Management and Social Work
5 53 534 53401 5340105 Bachelor of Science in Administration 6340106
5 53 534 53401 5340106 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration 6340107
5 53 534 53401 5340107 Bachelor of Science in Business Management 6340108
5 53 534 53401 5340108 Bachelor of Science in Commerce 6340109
5 53 534 53401 5340109 Bachelor of Science in Management 6340111
5 53 534 53404 Programs in Secretarial
5 53 534 53404 5340401 Bachelor of Science in Airline Secretarial/Administration
5 53 534 53404 5340402 Bachelor of Science in Computer Secretarial
5 53 534 53404 5340403 Bachelor of Science in Office Administration/Technology 6340401
5 53 534 53404 5340404 Bachelor of Science in Secretarial Administration 6340403
5 53 534 53432 Programs in Business Administration with Specialization in
5 53 534 53432 5343201 Bachelor of Science in Accountancy 6343202
5 53 534 53432 5343202 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and 6343203
5 53 534 53432 5343203 Bachelor of Science in Computer Accounting and Management

5 53 534 53432 5343204 Bachelor of Science in Management and Accountancy 6343204

5 53 534 53434 Programs in Business Administration with Specialization in
5 53 534 53434 5343401 Bachelor of Arts in Advertising/Bachelor of Advertising
5 53 534 53434 5343402 Bachelor of Arts in Advertising and Public Relations/Bachelor
of Advertising and Public Relations
5 53 534 53434 5343403 Bachelor of Science in Marketing
5 53 534 53436 Programs in Business Administration with Specialization in
Finance and Investment
5 53 534 53436 5343601 Bachelor of Science in Finance
5 53 534 53436 5343602 Bachelor of Science in Real Estate 6343602
5 53 534 53436 5343603 Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance/Bachelor in 6343601
Banking and Finance
5 53 534 53439 Programs in Business Administration with Other Specialization
5 53 534 53439 5343901 Bachelor of Arts in Legal Management
5 53 534 53439 5343902 Bachelor of Arts in Business Engineering/Bachelor in Business
5 53 534 53439 5343903 Bachelor of Arts in Agricultural Entrepreneurship/Bachelor of
Agricultural Enterpreneurship
5 53 534 53439 5343904 Bachelor of Arts in Business Distributive Arts/Bachelor of 6343901
Business Distributive Arts
5 53 534 53439 5343905 Bachelor of Arts in Computer Management/Bachelor of
Computer Management
5 53 534 53439 5343906 Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Management/Bachelor of
Industrial Management
5 53 534 53439 5343907 Bachelor of Arts in Transportation Management/Bachelor of
Transportation Management
5 53 534 53439 5343908 Bachelor of Science in Agri-Business Management 6343903
5 53 534 53439 5343909 Bachelor of Science in Business Enterpreneurship
5 53 534 53439 5343910 Bachelor of Science in Business Technology 6343905
5 53 534 53439 5343911 Bachelor of Science in Economics and Cooperatives 6343906
5 53 534 53439 5343912 Bachelor of Science in Fishery Business Management 6343907
5 53 534 53439 5343913 Bachelor of Science in Home Arts and Enterpreneurship
5 53 534 53439 5343914 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management 6343908
5 53 534 53452 Programs in Public Administration
5 53 534 53452 5345201 Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration/Bachelor of Public
5 53 534 53452 5345202 Bachelor of Science in Public Administration

Page 16 of 35
2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
5 53 534 53462 Programs in Institutional Administration/Management
5 53 534 53462 5346201 Bachelor of Arts in Port Administration/Bachelor of Port
5 53 534 53462 5346202 Bachelor of Science in Airline Business
5 53 534 53462 5346203 Bachelor of Science in Airline Management
5 53 534 53462 5346204 Bachelor of Science in Airline Management and Accountancy

5 53 534 53462 5346205 Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration

5 53 534 53462 5346206 Bachelor of Science in Food Service Administration
5 53 534 53462 5346207 Bachelor of Science in Hospital Administration
5 53 534 53462 5346208 Bachelor of Science in Postal Management
5 53 534 53462 5346209 Bachelor of Science in Shipping Management
5 53 534 53499 Other Programs in Business Administration/Management
5 53 534 53499 5349901 Bachelor of Arts in Legal and Indigenous Studies
5 53 534 53499 5349902 Bachelor of Arts in Cooperatives/Bachelor of Cooperatives
5 53 534 53499 5349903 Bachelor of Science in Cooperative Management
5 53 534 53499 5349904 Bachelor of Science in Maritime Management
5 53 534 53499 5349905 Bachelor of Science in Recreation Management
5 53 534 53499 5349906 Bachelor of Science in Supply Management
5 53 538 53801 General Programs in Law
5 53 538 53801 5380101 Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)/Juris Doctor (J.D.) 6380101
5 53 538 53801 5380102 Bachelor of Science in Jurisprudence 6380102
5 54 542 54202 Programs in Biological Science
5 54 542 54202 5420201 Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology
5 54 542 54202 5420202 Bachelor of Science in Bio-Chemistry 6420203
5 54 542 54202 5420203 Bachelor of Science in Biological Science 6420201
5 54 542 54202 5420204 Bachelor of Science in Biology 6420202
5 54 542 54202 5420205 Bachelor of Science in Botany 6420204
5 54 542 54202 5420206 Bachelor of Science in Entomology 6420205
5 54 542 54202 5420207 Bachelor of Science in Human Biology 6420206
5 54 542 54202 5420208 Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology 6420207
5 54 542 54202 5420209 Bachelor of Science in Micro-Biology 6420208
5 54 542 54202 5420210 Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Bio-Technology

5 54 542 54202 5420211 Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology 6420209

5 54 542 54202 5420212 Bachelor of Science in Physiology 6420210
5 54 542 54202 5420213 Bachelor of Science in Plant Science 6420211
5 54 542 54202 5420214 Bachelor of Science in Zoology 6420212
5 54 542 54209 Other Programs in Life Sciences
5 54 542 54209 5420901 Bachelor of Arts in Applied Science/Bachelor of Applied
5 54 542 54209 5420902 Bachelor of Science in General Science 6429901
5 54 542 54209 5420903 Bachelor of Science in Natural Science 6429902
5 54 544 54412 Programs in Chemistry
5 54 544 54412 5441201 Bachelor of Science in Chemical Research 6421201
5 54 544 54412 5441202 Bachelor of Science in Chemical Technology 6421202
5 54 544 54412 5441203 Bachelor of Science in Chemistry 6421203
5 54 544 54412 5441204 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry 6421204
5 54 544 54422 Programs in Geological Science
5 54 544 54422 5442201 Bachelor of Science in Geology 6422201
5 54 544 54422 5442202 Bachelor of Science in Volcanology 6422202
5 54 544 54432 Programs in Physics
5 54 544 54432 5443201 Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics 6423201
5 54 544 54432 5443202 Bachelor of Science in Metallurgy 6423202
5 54 544 54432 5443203 Bachelor of Science in Physics 6423203
5 54 544 54432 5443204 Bachelor of Science in Physics-Mathematics 6423204
5 54 544 54442 Programs in Astronomy
5 54 544 54442 5444201 Bachelor of Science in Astronomy 6424201

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
5 54 544 54452 Programs in Meteorology
5 54 544 54452 5445201 Bachelor of Science in Meteorology 6425201
5 54 544 54462 Programs in Oceanography
5 54 544 54462 5446201 Bachelor of Science in Marine Science 6426201
5 54 544 54462 5446202 Bachelor of Science in Oceanography 6426202
5 54 546 54601 General Programs in Mathematics
5 54 546 54601 5460101 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 6460101
5 54 546 54611 Programs in Statistics
5 54 546 54611 5461101 Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics 6461101
5 54 546 54611 5461102 Bachelor of Science in Experimental Statistics 6461102
5 54 546 54611 5461103 Bachelor of Science in Statistics 6461103
5 54 546 54621 Programs in Actuarial Science
5 54 546 54621 5462101 Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science 6462101
5 54 546 54699 Other Programs in Mathematics
5 54 546 54699 5469901 Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics 6463901

5 54 548 54841 Programs in Computer Science and Information Technology

5 54 548 54841 5484101 Bachelor of Arts in Information Technology/Bachelor in
Information Technology
5 54 548 54841 5484102 Bachelor of Science in Business Computer Applications
5 54 548 54841 5484103 Bachelor of Science in Computer Applications 6464101
5 54 548 54841 5484104 Bachelor of Science in Computer Data Processing Management 6464102

5 54 548 54841 5484105 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 6464103

5 54 548 54841 5484106 Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies
5 54 548 54841 5484107 Bachelor of Science in Information and Computer Science 6464105
5 54 548 54841 5484108 Bachelor of Science in Information System/Management
5 54 548 54841 5484109 Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
5 54 548 54841 5484110 Bachelor of Science in Management Information System
5 54 548 54841 5484111 Bachelor of Science in Software Technology
5 54 548 54844 Programs in Electronic Data Processing
5 54 548 54844 5484401 Bachelor of Science in Computer Data Processing and
Information Management
5 54 548 54844 5484402 Bachelor of Science in Data Processing 6342601

5 55 552 55204 Programs in Aeronautical Engineering

5 55 552 55204 5520401 Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering 6540401
5 55 552 55204 5520402 Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering 6540402
5 55 552 55204 5520403 Bachelor of Science in Air Transportation 6540405
5 55 552 55204 5520404 Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
5 55 552 55204 5520405 Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology 6540406
5 55 552 55204 5520406 Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Technology
5 55 552 55204 5520407 Bachelor of Science in Aviation
5 55 552 55204 5520408 Bachelor of Science in Aviation Electronics Engineering 6540403
5 55 552 55204 5520409 Bachelor of Science in Avionics Engineering 6540404
5 55 552 55204 5520410 Bachelor of Science in Avionics Technology
5 55 552 55204 5520411 Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Avionics 6540407
5 55 552 55204 5520412 Bachelor of Science in Flying Technology
5 55 552 55212 Programs in Chemical Engineering
5 55 552 55212 5521201 Bachelor of Science in Ceramics Engineering 6541201
5 55 552 55212 5521202 Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering 6541202
5 55 552 55212 5521203 Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Technology 6541203
5 55 552 55216 Programs in Civil Engineering
5 55 552 55216 5521601 Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering 6541601
5 55 552 55216 5521602 Bachelor of Science in Construction Technology 6541602
5 55 552 55218 Programs in Geodetic Engineering
5 55 552 55218 5521801 Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering 6541801
5 55 552 55222 Programs in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
5 55 552 55222 5522201 Bachelor of Science in Communications Engineering

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
5 55 552 55222 5522202 Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering 6542201
5 55 552 55222 5522203 Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology 6464104
5 55 552 55222 5522204 Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering 6542202
5 55 552 55222 5522205 Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology 6542203
5 55 552 55222 5522206 Bachelor of Science in Electrical Technology
5 55 552 55222 5522207 Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications 6542205
5 55 552 55222 5522208 Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering 6542204
5 55 552 55222 5522209 Bachelor of Science in Electronics Technology
5 55 552 55222 5522210 Bachelor of Science in Instrumentation and Control
5 55 552 55226 Programs in Industrial Engineering
5 55 552 55226 5522601 Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Management Engineering 6542601

5 55 552 55226 5522602 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design 6542602

5 55 552 55226 5522603 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering 6542603
5 55 552 55226 5522604 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology 6542604
5 55 552 55226 5522605 Bachelor of Science in Management Engineering 6542605
5 55 552 55226 5522606 Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering
5 55 552 55232 Programs in Metallurgical Engineering
5 55 552 55232 5523201 Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering 6543201
5 55 552 55236 Programs in Mining Engineering
5 55 552 55236 5523601 Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering 6543601
5 55 552 55242 Programs in Mechanical Engineering
5 55 552 55242 5524201 Bachelor of Science in Automotive Technology
5 55 552 55242 5524202 Bachelor of Science in Geothermal Engineering
5 55 552 55242 5524203 Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering 6544201
5 55 552 55242 5524204 Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Technology 6544202
5 55 552 55250 Programs in Sanitary Engineering
5 55 552 55250 5525001 Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Sanitary
5 55 552 55250 5525002 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering
5 55 552 55250 5525003 Bachelor of Science in Sanitary Engineering 6545001
5 55 552 55253 Programs in Agricultural Engineering
5 55 552 55253 5525301 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering 6545301
5 55 552 55253 5525302 Bachelor of Science in Aquatic Resource Engineering
5 55 552 55263 Programs in Forestry Engineering
5 55 552 55263 5526301 Bachelor of Science in Forest Products Engineering 6546301
5 55 552 55281 Programs in Marine Engineering
5 55 552 55281 5528101 Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering 6549904
5 55 552 55281 5528102 Bachelor of Science in Naval Architecture and Marine 6549905
5 55 552 55299 Other Programs in Engineering
5 55 552 55299 5529901 Bachelor of Arts in Technology/Bachelor of Technology
5 55 552 55299 5529902 Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Computer Technology 6464104

5 55 552 55299 5529903 Bachelor of Science in Food Engineering

5 55 552 55299 5529904 Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Engineering
5 55 554 55476 Programs in Clothing and Related Trades
5 55 554 55476 5547601 Bachelor of Science in Clothing Technology
5 55 554 55476 5547602 Bachelor of Science in Garment/Textile Technology 6527601
5 55 558 55801 General Programs in Architecture and Town Planning
5 55 558 55801 5580101 Bachelor of Science in Architecture 6580101
5 55 558 55812 Programs in Landscape Architecture
5 55 558 55812 5581201 Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture 6581201
5 55 558 55822 Programs in Town Planning
5 55 558 55822 5582201 Bachelor of Science in Town and Country Planning 6582201

5 56 562 56201 General Programs in Agriculture

Page 19 of 35
2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
5 56 562 56201 5620101 Bachelor of Arts in Agricultural Technology/Bachelor of
Agricultural Technology
5 56 562 5620102 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture 6620101
5 56 562 56203 Programs in Animal Husbandry
5 56 562 56203 5620301 Bachelor of Science in Animal Husbandry 6620301
5 56 562 56203 5620302 Bachelor of Science in Animal Science 6620302
5 56 562 56203 5620303 Bachelor of Science in Animal Technology 6620303
5 56 562 56206 Programs in Horticulture
5 56 562 56206 5620601 Bachelor of Arts in Horticulture Management/Bachelor of
Technology in Horticulture Management
5 56 562 56206 5620602 Bachelor of Science in Horticulture 6620601
5 56 562 56208 Programs in Agronomy
5 56 562 56208 5620801 Bachelor of Science in Agronomy 6620801
5 56 562 56212 Programs in Agricultural Economics
5 56 562 56212 5621201 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics 6621201
5 56 562 56222 Programs in Food Science and Technology
5 56 562 56222 5622201 Bachelor of Science in Food Technology 6622201
5 56 562 56226 5622600 Programs in Soil and Water Sciences 6622600
5 56 562 56249 Other Programs in Agriculture
5 56 562 56249 5624901 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Administration
5 56 562 56249 5624902 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Chemistry 6624902
5 56 562 56249 5624903 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Development 6624903
5 56 562 56249 5624904 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Management 6624906
5 56 562 56249 5624905 Bachelor of Science in Rice Technology
5 56 562 56249 5624906 Bachelor of Science in Sugar Technology
5 56 562 56262 Programs in Forestry
5 56 562 56262 5626201 Bachelor of Arts in Agro-Forestry Technology/Bachelor in
Agro-Forestry Technology
5 56 562 56262 5626202 Bachelor of Science in Agro-Forestry 6626201
5 56 562 56262 5626203 Bachelor of Science in Forestry 6626203
5 56 562 56272 Programs in Fishery Science and Technology
5 56 562 56272 5627201 Bachelor of Science in Aquaculture
5 56 562 56272 5627202 Bachelor of Science in Aquatic Resource Management and
5 56 562 56272 5627203 Bachelor of Science in Fisheries 6627201
5 56 562 56272 5627204 Bachelor of Science in Fishing Technology 6627203
5 56 562 56272 5627205 Bachelor of Science in Inland Fisheries 6627204
5 56 564 56432 Programs in Veterinary Medicine
5 56 564 56432 5643201 Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology
5 57 572 57202 Programs in Hygiene
5 57 572 57202 5720201 Bachelor of Science in Community/Public Health 6500201/6500202
5 57 572 57202 5720202 Bachelor of Science in Sanitary Science 6500203
5 57 572 57206 Programs in Medicine
5 57 572 57206 5720601 Bachelor of Arts in Basic Medical Sciences
5 57 572 57206 5720602 Doctor of Medicine 6500601
5 57 572 57208 Programs in Rehabilitation Medicine
5 57 572 57208 5720801 Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy 6500801
5 57 572 57208 5720802 Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy 6500802
5 57 572 57208 5720803 Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy
5 57 572 57208 5720804 Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology 6500803
5 57 572 57212 Programs in Nursing
5 57 572 57212 5721201 Bachelor of Science in Nursing 6501201
5 57 572 57217 Programs in Medical X-Ray Techniques
5 57 572 57217 5721701 Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology 6501701
5 57 572 57230 Programs in Medical Technology
5 57 572 57230 5723001 Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology 6503001
5 57 572 57242 Programs in Dentistry
5 57 572 57242 5724201 Doctor of Dental Medicine 6504201
5 57 572 57252 Programs in Pharmacy
5 57 572 57252 5725201 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Pharmacy 6505201

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
5 57 572 57252 5725202 Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 6505202
5 57 572 57252 5725203 Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy 6505203
5 57 572 57262 Programs in Optometry
5 57 572 57262 5726201 Doctor of Optometry 6506201
5 57 572 57272 Programs in Nutrition and Dietetics
5 57 572 57272 5727201 Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics 6661205
5 57 572 57299 Other Programs in Medical Diagnostic and Treatment
5 57 572 57299 5729901 Bachelor of Science in Paramedics
5 57 572 57299 5729902 Bachelor of Science in Rural Medicine 6509901
5 57 576 57632 Programs in Social Welfare
5 57 576 57632 5763201 Bachelor of Arts in Social Services/Social Work 6893201/6893202
5 57 576 57632 5763202 Bachelor of Science in Social Services/Social Work 6893203/6893204
5 57 576 57652 Programs in Community Development
5 57 576 57652 5765201 Bachelor of Science in Community Development 6893301
5 57 576 57652 5765202 Bachelor of Science in Development of Multi-Cultural
5 57 576 57652 5765203 Bachelor of Science in Rural Development Management
5 58 581 58101 General Programs in Home Economics (Domestic Science)
5 58 581 58101 5810101 Bachelor of Science in Family and Child Development 6660101
5 58 581 58101 5810102 Bachelor of Science in Home Economics 6660102
5 58 581 58101 5810103 Bachelor of Science in Human Ecology 6660103
5 58 581 58132 5813200 Programs in Home Economics with Emphasis on Household Arts 6663200

5 58 581 58134 Other Programs in Home Economics

5 58 581 58134 5813401 Bachelor of Science in Home Technology
5 58 581 58172 Programs in Hotel and Restaurant Trades
5 58 581 58172 5817201 Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
5 58 581 58182 Programs in Tourism
5 58 581 58182 5818201 Bachelor of Arts in Tourism
5 58 581 58182 5818202 Bachelor of Science in Tourism 6787201
5 58 581 58182 5818203 Bachelor of Science in Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant
5 58 581 58182 5818204 Bachelor of Science in Tourism and Travel Management 6787202
5 58 584 58404 Programs in Nautical Science
5 58 584 58404 5840401 Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation 6897202
5 58 584 58404 5840402 Bachelor of Science in Nautical Science 6897201
5 58 585 58552 Programs in Environmental Studies
5 58 585 58552 5855201 Bachelor of Arts in Technology in Environmental
Management/Bachelor of Technology in Environmental
5 58 585 58552 5855202 Bachelor of Science in Coastal Resource Management
5 58 585 58552 5855203 Bachelor of Science in Ecology 6895202
5 58 585 58552 5855204 Bachelor of Science in Environmental
Development/Environmental Hygiene/Environmental Science

5 58 585 58552 5855205 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management

5 58 585 58552 5855206 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Planning 6895203
5 58 586 58613 Programs in Criminal Justice Education
5 58 586 58613 5861301 Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice/Criminology 6891301
5 58 586 58613 5861302 Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science
5 58 586 58613 5861303 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Security Management
5 58 586 58613 5861304 Bachelor of Science in Police/Law Enforcement Administration

5 58 586 58617 5861700 Programs in Military 6891900

5 58 586 58619 Other Programs in Civil Security
5 58 586 58619 5861901 Bachelor of Arts in Peace and Security Studies
5 58 586 58619 5861902 Bachelor of Science in Peace and Security Studies

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
5 58 589 58901 5890100 Programs in Human Resource Development
5 58 589 58999 Dual Programs of Other Programs of Education
5 58 589 58999 5899901 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Economics and
Bachelor of Arts in History
5 58 589 58999 5899902 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Economics and
Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
5 58 589 58999 5899903 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Economics and
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
5 58 589 58999 5899904 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English and
Bachelor of Arts Major in Literature
5 58 589 58999 5899905 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Guidance and
Counselling and Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology
5 58 589 58999 5899906 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in History and
Bachelor of Arts Major in Behavioral Science
5 58 589 58999 5899907 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in History and
Bachelor of Arts Major in Economics
5 58 589 58999 5899908 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Literature and
Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology
5 58 589 58999 5899909 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Literature and
Bachelor of Arts Major in Translation Studies
5 58 589 58999 5899910 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Religious Education
and Bachelor of Arts Major in Literature
5 58 589 58999 5899911 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Religious Education
and Bachelor of Arts Major in Philosophy
5 58 589 58999 5899912 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Religious Education
and Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology
5 58 589 58999 5899913 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Translation Studies
and Bachelor of Arts Major in Literature
5 58 589 58999 5899914 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Translation Studies
and Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology
5 58 589 58999 5899915 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in History and
Bachelor of Arts in Behavioral Science Major in Social
Planning and Development
5 58 589 58999 5899916 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Computer
Applications and Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
5 58 589 58999 5899917 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in General Science
and Bachelor of Science in Biology
5 58 589 58999 5899918 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics and
Physics and Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
5 58 589 58999 5899919 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Statistics and
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
5 58 589 58999 5899920 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics and
Bachelor of Science Major in Computer Applications
5 58 589 58999 5899921 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics and
Bachelor of Science Major in Computer Electronics
5 58 589 58999 5899922 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Economics and
Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Business
5 58 589 58999 5899923 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Economics and
Bachelor of Science in Commerce Major in Management and
Financial Institutions
5 58 589 58999 5899924 Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Education
Technology and Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Major in
Computer Applications
5 58 589 58999 5899925 Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Major in American
Studies and Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
5 58 589 58999 5899926 Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Major in European
Studies and Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
5 58 589 58999 5899927 Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Major in Japanese
Studies and Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
5 58 589 58999 5899928 Bachelor of Arts Major in Behavioral Science and Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy
5 58 589 58999 5899929 Bachelor of Arts Major in Organizational Communication and
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
5 58 589 58999 5899930 Bachelor of Arts Major in Philosophy and Bachelor of Science
in Accountancy
5 58 589 58999 5899931 Bachelor of Arts Major in Political Science and Bachelor of
Science in Accountancy
5 58 589 58999 5899932 Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology and Bachelor of Science
in Accountancy
5 58 589 58999 5899933 Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in
Biology - Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise
(CITE) Project
5 58 589 58999 5899934 Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in
Chemistry - Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise
(CITE) Project
5 58 589 58999 5899935 Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in
English - Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise
(CITE) Project
5 58 589 58999 5899936 Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in
Mathematics - Center for Industrial Technology and
Enterprise (CITE) Project
5 58 589 58999 5899937 Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in
Physics - Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise
(CITE) Project
5 58 589 58999 5899938 Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in Biology - Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise
(CITE) Project
5 58 589 58999 5899939 Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in Chemistry - Center for Industrial Technology and
Enterprise (CITE) Project
5 58 589 58999 5899940 Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in English - Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise
(CITE) Project
5 58 589 58999 5899941 Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in Mathematics - Center for Industrial Technology and
Enterprise (CITE) Project
5 58 589 58999 5899942 Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Secondary Education Major
in Physics - Center for Industrial Technology and Enterprise
(CITE) Project
6 60 601 60100 Basic General Programs
6 60 601 60100 6010001 Professional Diploma
6 60 601 60100 6010002 Master of Professional Studies
6 60 601 60100 6010003 Master of Arts 7010001
6 60 601 60100 6010004 Master of Science 7010002
6 60 601 60100 6010005 Doctor of Letters 7010003
6 60 601 60100 6010006 Doctor of Arts
6 60 601 60100 6010007 Doctor of Science 7010004
6 61 614 61401 General Programs in Education Science
6 61 614 61401 6140101 Diploma in Educational Curriculum and Supervision 7140102
6 61 614 61401 6140102 Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration 7140103

Page 23 of 35
2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 61 614 61401 6140103 Diploma in Elementary Teaching
6 61 614 61401 6140104 Diploma in Teaching 7140101
6 61 614 61401 6140105 Master of Arts in Educational Management 7140110
6 61 614 61401 6140106 Master of Arts in Elementary Education 7140106
6 61 614 61401 6140107 Master of Arts in Secondary Education 7140108
6 61 614 61401 6140108 Master of Arts in Teaching 7140109
6 61 614 61401 6140109 Master of Arts in Education/Master of Education 7140105
6 61 614 61401 6140110 Master of Science in Education
6 61 614 61401 6140111 Master of Science in Educational Management 7140112
6 61 614 61401 6140112 Master of Science in Teaching 7140113
6 61 614 61401 6140113 Doctor of Education 7140114
6 61 614 61401 6140114 Doctor of Philosophy in Education 7140118
6 61 614 61404 Programs in Teacher Training with Specialization in Non-
Vocational Subjects
6 61 614 61404 6140401 Diploma in Language Studies Education
6 61 614 61404 6140402 Diploma in Language Teaching
6 61 614 61404 6140403 Diploma in Mathematics Teaching
6 61 614 61404 6140404 Diploma in Physical Education
6 61 614 61404 6140405 Diploma in Science Teaching
6 61 614 61404 6140406 Diploma in Social Studies Education
6 61 614 61404 6140407 Teacher's Post-Graduate Diploma in Music 7140402
6 61 614 61404 6140408 Teacher's Post-Graduate Diploma in Spanish 7140403
6 61 614 61404 6140409 Master of Arts in Health Education/Studies
6 61 614 61404 6140410 Master of Arts in Language Teaching 7140404
6 61 614 61404 6140411 Master of Arts in Music Education 7140406
6 61 614 61404 6140412 Master of Arts in Reading
6 61 614 61404 6140413 Master of Arts in Religious Education 7140407
6 61 614 61404 6140414 Master of Arts in Science Education 7140408
6 61 614 61404 6140415 Master of Arts in Values Development
6 61 614 61404 6140416 Master of Arts in Values Education
6 61 614 61404 6140417 Master of Arts in Physical Education/Master of Physical 7140422
6 61 614 61404 6140418 Master of Science in Chemistry Education 7140423
6 61 614 61404 6140419 Master of Science in Home Economics Education
6 61 614 61404 6140420 Master of Science in Physical Education/Administration 7140426
6 61 614 61404 6140421 Doctor of Mathematics Education 7140428
6 61 614 61404 6140422 Doctor of Arts in Language Teaching
6 61 614 61404 6140423 Doctor of Philosophy in Language Teaching 7140430
6 61 614 61404 6140424 Doctor of Philosophy in Science Education 7140431
6 61 614 61408 Programs in Education with Specialization in Curriculum
Development in Vocational Subjects
6 61 614 61408 6140801 Diploma in Teaching Vocational Education
6 61 614 61408 6140802 Master in Technician Teacher Education 7140802
6 61 614 61408 6140803 Master of Arts in Industrial Education 7140803
6 61 614 61408 6140804 Master of Arts in Non-Formal Education
6 61 614 61408 6140805 Master of Arts in Vocational Education 7140806
6 61 614 61408 6140806 Master of Science in Industrial/Practical Arts
6 61 614 61408 6140807 Doctor of Technology Education
6 61 614 61408 6140808 Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Education
6 61 614 61412 Programs with Specialization in Early Childhood Education
6 61 614 61412 6141201 Master of Arts in Childhood Education
6 61 614 61416 6141600 Programs with Specialization in Adult Education 7141600
6 61 614 61422 Programs with Specialization in the Education of the Handicapped

6 61 614 61422 6142201 Master of Arts in Special Education 7142201

6 61 614 61450 Programs in Educational Administration and Supervision
6 61 614 61450 6145001 Diploma in Educational Management
6 61 614 61450 6145002 Master of Arts in Educational Management/Administration
6 61 614 61450 6145003 Master of Arts in Educational Programs Management
6 61 614 61450 6145004 Master of Science in Educational Management/Administration

6 61 614 61450 6145005 Doctor of Educational Management/Administration

Page 24 of 35
2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 61 614 61450 6145006 Doctor of Philosophy in Educational
6 61 614 61472 Programs in Education Science in Support of Teaching
6 61 614 61472 6147201 Master of Arts in Educational Psychology 7147204
6 61 614 61472 6147202 Master of Arts in Guidance and Counseling 7147206
6 61 614 61472 6147203 Master of Science in Guidance and Counseling 7147207
6 61 614 61472 6147204 Doctor of Guidance and Counseling
6 61 614 61499 Other Programs in Teacher Training and Education Science
6 61 614 61499 6149901 Master in Health Professions Education 7149901
6 61 614 61499 6149902 Master of Business Education 7149904
6 61 614 61499 6149903 Master of Arts in Agricultural Education 7149902
6 61 614 61499 6149904 Master of Arts in Development Education 7149903
6 61 614 61499 6149905 Master of Arts in Environmental Education
6 61 614 61499 6149906 Master of Arts in Environmental Studies
6 61 614 61499 6149907 Master of Arts in Nursing Education
6 61 614 61499 6149908 Master of Science in Agricultural Education
6 61 614 61499 6149909 Master of Science in Business Education 7149906
6 61 614 61499 6149910 Master of Science in Development Education
6 61 614 61499 6149911 Doctor of Agricultural Education 7149908
6 61 614 61499 6149912 Doctor of Occupational Education 7149909
6 61 614 61499 6149913 Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Education 7149910
6 61 614 61499 6149914 Doctor of Philosophy in Development Education 7149911
6 62 621 62101 General Programs in Art Studies
6 62 621 62101 6210101 Master in Fine Arts/Master of Fine Arts 7180101
6 62 621 62101 6210102 Master of Arts in Fine Arts 7180102
6 62 621 62102 Programs in the History and Philosophy of Art
6 62 621 62102 6210201 Master of Arts in Art History 7180201
6 62 621 62104 6210400 Programs in Drawing and Painting 7180400
6 62 621 62108 6210800 Programs in Sculpturing 7180800
6 62 621 62122 Programs in Music
6 62 621 62122 6212201 Post-Graduate Diploma in Ethnomusicology 7182203
6 62 621 62122 6212202 Artist's Post-Graduate Diploma in Music 7182201
6 62 621 62122 6212203 Master of Arts in Music/Master in Music 7182202
6 62 621 62132 Programs in Drama
6 62 621 62132 6213201 Master of Arts in Speech and Drama/Master of Speech and 7183202
6 62 621 62152 6215200 Programs in Interior Design 7185200
6 62 621 62199 6219900 Other Programs in Arts 7189900
6 62 622 62201 General Programs in Humanities
6 62 622 62201 6220101 Master of Arts in Humanities
6 62 622 62211 Programs in the Current or Vernacular Language and Its Literature

6 62 622 62211 6221101 Master of Arts in English 7221101

6 62 622 62211 6221102 Master of Arts in English Literature 7221102
6 62 622 62211 6221103 Master of Arts in Filipino 7221104
6 62 622 62211 6221104 Master of Arts in Philippine Literature 7221103
6 62 622 62211 6221105 Doctor of Philosophy in English 7221105
6 62 622 62211 6221106 Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature 7221106
6 62 622 62211 6221107 Doctor of Philosophy in Filipino 7221107
6 62 622 62211 6221108 Doctor of Philosophy in Philippine Literature
6 62 622 62215 Programs in Other Living Languages and Their Literature
6 62 622 62215 6221501 Master of Arts in Language and Literature 7221502
6 62 622 62215 6221502 Master of Arts in Spanish 7221503
6 62 622 62215 6221503 Doctor of Arts in Language and Literature 7221504
6 62 622 62215 6221504 Doctor of Philosophy in Spanish 7221505
6 62 622 62221 6222100 Programs in "Dead" Languages and Their Literature 7222100
6 62 622 62231 Programs in Linguistics
6 62 622 62231 6223101 Master of Arts in Linguistics 7223101
6 62 622 62231 6223102 Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics 7223102
6 62 622 62241 Programs in Comparative Literature

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 62 622 62241 6224101 Master of Arts in Comparative Literature 7224101
6 62 622 62241 6224102 Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literature 7224102
6 62 622 62251 Programs in History
6 62 622 62251 6225101 Master of Arts in Development Studies
6 62 622 62251 6225102 Master of Arts in History 7225101
6 62 622 62251 6225103 Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies
6 62 622 62251 6225104 Doctor of Philosophy in History 7225102
6 62 622 62251 6225105 Doctor of Philosophy in Peace and Development Studies
6 62 622 62261 Programs in Archeology
6 62 622 62261 6226101 Diploma in Archeology
6 62 622 62261 6226102 Master of Arts in Archeology
6 62 622 62271 Programs in Philosophy
6 62 622 62271 6227101 Master of Arts in Philosophy 7227101
6 62 622 62271 6227102 Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy 7227103
6 62 622 62281 Programs in Religion and Theology
6 62 622 62281 6228101 Diploma in Ministry
6 62 622 62281 6228102 Diploma in Pastoral Theology/Religion
6 62 622 62281 6228103 Master of Divinity 7260001
6 62 622 62281 6228104 Master of Educational Ministries
6 62 622 62281 6228105 Master of Ministry 7260002
6 62 622 62281 6228106 Master of Spiritual Life
6 62 622 62281 6228107 Master of Arts in Biblical Studies
6 62 622 62281 6228108 Master of Arts in Christian Leadership
6 62 622 62281 6228109 Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry
6 62 622 62281 6228110 Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology/Religion 7260004
6 62 622 62281 6228111 Master of Arts in Systematic Theology/Religion
6 62 622 62281 6228112 Master of Arts in Theological/Religious Studies 7260003
6 62 622 62281 6228113 Master of Science in Pastoral Theology/Religion 7260005
6 62 622 62281 6228114 Doctor of Divinity 7260007
6 62 622 62281 6228115 Doctor of Ministry
6 62 622 62281 6228116 Doctor of Pastoral Theology/Religion
6 62 622 62281 6228117 Doctor of Philosophy in Theology/Religion 7260006
6 62 622 62299 Other Programs in Humanities
6 63 631 63101 General Programs in Social and Behavioral Science
6 63 631 63101 6310101 Diploma in Social Studies 7300101
6 63 631 63101 6310102 Master of Arts in Behavioral Science
6 63 631 63101 6310103 Master of Arts in Social Research
6 63 631 63101 6310104 Master of Arts in Social Science
6 63 631 63101 6310105 Master of Arts in Social Studies 7300103
6 63 631 63101 6310106 Master of Science in Social Science 7300104
6 63 631 63101 6310107 Doctor of Philosophy in Social Science
6 63 631 63101 6310108 Doctor of Philosophy in Social Studies 7300105
6 63 631 63112 Programs in Economics
6 63 631 63112 6311201 Diploma in Development Economics 7301201
6 63 631 63112 6311202 Master of Business Economics
6 63 631 63112 6311203 Master of Development Economics
6 63 631 63112 6311204 Master of Arts in Applied Economics 7301202
6 63 631 63112 6311205 Master of Arts in Economic Research 7301203
6 63 631 63112 6311206 Master of Arts in Economics 7301204
6 63 631 63112 6311207 Master of Science in Economics 7301205
6 63 631 63112 6311208 Master of Science in Industrial Economics 7301206
6 63 631 63112 6311209 Doctor of Philosophy in Economics 7301207
6 63 631 63122 Programs in Political Science
6 63 631 63122 6312201 Master of Arts in Political Science 7302201
6 63 631 63122 6312202 Master of Science in Political Science 7302202
6 63 631 63122 6312203 Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science 7302203
6 63 631 63132 Programs in Sociology
6 63 631 63132 6313201 Master of General and Pastoral Sociology
6 63 631 63132 6313202 Master of Arts in Rural Sociology 7303501
6 63 631 63132 6313203 Master of Arts in Sociology 7303502
6 63 631 63132 6313204 Master of Science in Applied Sociology and Anthropology 7303504

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 63 631 63132 6313205 Master of Science in Pastoral Sociology 7303505
6 63 631 63132 6313206 Master of Science in Rural Sociology 7303506
6 63 631 63132 6313207 Master of Science in Sociology 7303507
6 63 631 63132 6313208 Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology 7303508
6 63 631 63133 Programs in Demography
6 63 631 63133 6313301 Diploma in Population Communication 7303301
6 63 631 63133 6313302 Master of Population Studies 7303302
6 63 631 63133 6313303 Master of Arts in Demography 7303303
6 63 631 63133 6313304 Master of Science in Demography 7303304
6 63 631 63142 Programs in Anthropology
6 63 631 63142 6314201 Diploma in Applied Cosmetic Anthropology
6 63 631 63142 6314202 Master of Arts in Anthropology 7304201
6 63 631 63142 6314203 Master of Science in Anthropology
6 63 631 63142 6314204 Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology 7304202
6 63 631 63152 Programs in Psychology
6 63 631 63152 6315201 Diploma in Industrial Psychology 7305201
6 63 631 63152 6315202 Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology
6 63 631 63152 6315203 Master of Arts in Industrial Psychology
6 63 631 63152 6315204 Master of Arts in Psychology 7305203
6 63 631 63152 6315205 Master of Science in Psychology 7305204
6 63 631 63152 6315206 Doctor of Philosophy in Counselling Psychology 7305205
6 63 631 63152 6315207 Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology 7305206
6 63 631 63162 Programs in Geography
6 63 631 63162 6316201 Master of Arts in Geography
6 63 631 63162 6316202 Master of Science in Geography 7306201
6 63 631 63172 Programs in Studies of Regional Cultures
6 63 631 63172 6317201 Diploma in Southeast Asian Studies 7307201
6 63 631 63172 6317202 Master of International Studies
6 63 631 63172 6317203 Master of Arts in Asian Studies 7307203
6 63 631 63172 6317204 Master of Arts in Islamic Studies 7307205
6 63 631 63172 6317205 Master of Arts in Philippine Muslim Personal Laws 7307206
6 63 631 63172 6317206 Master of Arts in Philippine Studies/Master of Philippine 7307207
6 63 631 63172 6317207 Master of Science in Oriental Religion and Culture 7307210
6 63 631 63172 6317208 Doctor of Philosophy in Philippine Studies 7307212
6 63 631 63199 6319900 Other Programs in Social and Behavioral Science 7309900
6 63 632 63201 General Programs in Communication Arts
6 63 632 63201 6320101 Master of Arts in Communication 7840101
6 63 632 63201 6320102 Master of Arts in Media Studies
6 63 632 63201 6320103 Doctor of Philosophy in Communication
6 63 632 63202 Programs in Journalism
6 63 632 63202 6320201 Diploma in Business Journalism 7840201
6 63 632 63202 6320202 Diploma in Journalism 7840202
6 63 632 63202 6320203 Master of Arts in Journalism 7840203
6 63 632 63204 Programs in Radio and Television Broadcasting
6 63 632 63204 6320401 Diploma in Broadcast Communication 7840401
6 63 632 63204 6320402 Master of Arts in Broadcast Communication/Master in 7840403/7840402
Broadcast Communication
6 63 632 63207 6320700 Programs in Public Relations 7840700
6 63 632 63222 Programs in Library Science
6 63 632 63222 6322201 Diploma in Librarianship
6 63 632 63222 6322202 Master of Arts in Library Science/Master in Library Science 7842202/7842201
6 63 632 63222 6322203 Master of Science in Library Science 7842203
6 63 632 63229 Other Programs in Journalism and Information
6 63 632 63229 6322901 Master of Arts in Christian Communication
6 63 632 63229 6322902 Master of Arts in Mass Communication/Master in Mass 7840902/7840901
6 63 634 63401 General Programs in Business Administration (Commerce)
6 63 634 63401 6340101 Diploma in Management
6 63 634 63401 6340102 Master of Arts in Business Administration (Commerce) 7340103

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 63 634 63401 6340103 Master of Arts in Business Administration/Management/Master 7340104/7340101
in Business Administration/Management

6 63 634 63401 6340104 Master of Arts in Management/Master in Management 7340105/7340102

6 63 634 63401 6340105 Master of Science in Business Administration (Commerce) 7340109
6 63 634 63401 6340106 Master of Science in Business Management/Administration 7340108
6 63 634 63401 6340107 Master of Science in Management 7340110
6 63 634 63401 6340108 Doctor in Management 7340111
6 63 634 63401 6340109 Doctor of Business Administration/Management 7340112
6 63 634 63401 6340110 Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management 7340113
6 63 634 63401 6340111 Doctor of Philosophy in Management 7340114
6 63 634 63432 Programs in Business Administration with Specialization in
6 63 634 63432 6343201 Diploma in Management and Accounting for Executives
6 63 634 63432 6343202 Master in Accountancy 7343201
6 63 634 63432 6343203 Master of Science in Accountancy 7343202
6 63 634 63434 6343400 Programs in Business Administration with Specialization in 7343400
6 63 634 63436 Programs in Business Administration with Specialization in
Finance and Investment
6 63 634 63436 6343601 Master of Science in Banking and Finance 7343601
6 63 634 63436 6343602 Master of Science in Computational Finance
6 63 634 63436 6343603 Master of Science in Financial Management
6 63 634 63439 Programs in Business Administration with Other Specialization
6 63 634 63439 6343901 Diploma in Agri-Business Management 7343901
6 63 634 63439 6343902 Diploma in Industrial Relations 7343902
6 63 634 63439 6343903 Diploma in Technology Management
6 63 634 63439 6343904 Master in Agri-Business Management 7343906
6 63 634 63439 6343905 Master in Business Economics 7343907
6 63 634 63439 6343906 Master in Communication Management
6 63 634 63439 6343907 Master in Construction Management 7343904
6 63 634 63439 6343908 Master in Industrial Relations 7343905
6 63 634 63439 6343909 Master of Science in Agri-Business Management
6 63 634 63439 6343910 Master of Science in Commerce and Taxation 7343908
6 63 634 63439 6343911 Doctor of Business Technology 7343909
6 63 634 63439 6343912 Doctor of Philosophy in Agri-Business Management 7343910
6 63 634 63439 6343913 Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Management
6 63 634 63452 Programs in Public Administration
6 63 634 63452 6345201 Diploma in Governmental Management
6 63 634 63452 6345202 Diploma in Public Management 7345201
6 63 634 63452 6345203 Master in Governmental Management 7345202
6 63 634 63452 6345204 Master in Local Government
6 63 634 63452 6345205 Master of Business and Government Administration
6 63 634 63452 6345206 Master of Arts in Fiscal Studies
6 63 634 63452 6345207 Master of Arts in Public Administration/Management/Master in 7345203
Public Administration/Management

6 63 634 63452 6345208 Master of Science in Public and Business Administration 7345205
6 63 634 63452 6345209 Doctor of Fiscal Studies
6 63 634 63452 6345210 Doctor of Public Administration 7345206
6 63 634 63452 6345211 Doctor of Philosophy in Fiscal Studies
6 63 634 63452 6345212 Doctor of Philosophy in Public Management/Administration
6 63 634 63462 Programs in Institutional Administration/Management
6 63 634 63462 6346201 Diploma in Educational Administration 7346201
6 63 634 63462 6346202 Master in Customs Administration 7346202
6 63 634 63462 6346203 Master in Hospital Administration 7346203
6 63 634 63462 6346204 Master in Management of Small Industry 7346204
6 63 634 63462 6346205 Master in Media Management 7346205
6 63 634 63462 6346206 Master in Police Management/Administration 7346206
6 63 634 63462 6346207 Master in Shipping Business Management
6 63 634 63462 6346208 Master of Church Administration
6 63 634 63462 6346209 Master of Arts in School Administration 7346208
6 63 634 63462 6346210 Master of Arts in Vocational School Management 7346209

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 63 634 63462 6346211 Master of Science in Elementary School Management 7346211
6 63 634 63462 6346212 Master of Science in Food Service Administration 7346212
6 63 634 63462 6346213 Doctor of Philosophy in Food Service Administration
6 63 634 63462 6346214 Doctor of Philosophy in Institutional Development 7346213
6 63 634 63499 Other Programs in Business Administration/Management
6 63 634 63499 6349901 Diploma in Cooperatives
6 63 634 63499 6349902 Diploma in Development Administration
6 63 634 63499 6349903 Diploma in Research and Development Management
6 63 634 63499 6349904 Master in Resource Systems Management 7349902
6 63 634 63499 6349905 Master of Arts in Development 7349901
Management/Administration//Master in Development
6 63 634 63499 6349906 Master of Arts in Organizational Development and Planning 7349905
6 63 634 63499 6349907 Master of Science in Cooperative Management
6 63 634 63499 6349908 Doctor of Philosophy in Development Administration
6 63 634 63499 6349909 Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Development and 7349907
6 63 638 63801 Programs in Jurisprudence and History of Law
6 63 638 63801 6380101 Master of Laws 7380101
6 63 638 63801 6380102 Doctor of Civil Laws 7380102
6 63 638 63804 6380400 Programs in International Law 7380400
6 63 638 63806 6380600 Programs in Labor Law 7380600
6 63 638 63808 6380800 Programs in Maritime Law 7380800
6 63 638 63899 Other Programs in Law and Jurisprudence
6 63 638 63899 6389901 Master of Laws in Taxation 7389901
6 63 638 63899 6389902 Master of Science in Criminal Justice 7389902
6 64 642 64202 Programs in Biological Science
6 64 642 64202 6420201 Diploma in Bio-Chemistry 7420201
6 64 642 64202 6420202 Diploma in Micro-Biology 7503001
6 64 642 64202 6420203 Diploma in Physiology 7420202
6 64 642 64202 6420204 Diploma Program in Biology
6 64 642 64202 6420205 Master of Science in Applied Zoology 7420203
6 64 642 64202 6420206 Master of Science in Bio-Chemistry 7420206
6 64 642 64202 6420207 Master of Science in Biological Science 7420204
6 64 642 64202 6420208 Master of Science in Biology 7420205
6 64 642 64202 6420209 Master of Science in Botany 7420207
6 64 642 64202 6420210 Master of Science in Entomology 7420208
6 64 642 64202 6420211 Master of Science in Genetics 7420209
6 64 642 64202 6420212 Master of Science in Marine Biology 7420210
6 64 642 64202 6420213 Master of Science in Micro-Biology 7420211
6 64 642 64202 6420214 Master of Science in Molecular Biology and Bio-Technology

6 64 642 64202 6420215 Master of Science in Pharmacology 7420212

6 64 642 64202 6420216 Master of Science in Physiology 7420213
6 64 642 64202 6420217 Master of Science in Zoology 7420214
6 64 642 64202 6420218 Doctor of Philosophy in Bio-Chemistry 7420215
6 64 642 64202 6420219 Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Science 7420216
6 64 642 64202 6420220 Doctor of Philosophy in Biology 7420217
6 64 642 64202 6420221 Doctor of Philosophy in Botany 7420218
6 64 642 64202 6420222 Doctor of Philosophy in Entomology 7420219
6 64 642 64202 6420223 Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics 7420220
6 64 642 64202 6420224 Doctor of Philosophy in Micro-Biology
6 64 642 64202 6420225 Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Biology and Bio-
6 64 642 64202 6420226 Doctor of Philosophy in Physiology
6 64 642 64202 6420227 Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology 7420221
6 64 644 64412 Programs in Chemistry
6 64 644 64412 6441201 Diploma Program in Chemistry

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 64 644 64412 6441202 Master of Science in Chemistry 7421201
6 64 644 64412 6441203 Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry 7421203
6 64 644 64422 Programs in Geological Science
6 64 644 64422 6442201 Master of Science in Geology 7422201
6 64 644 64422 6442202 Master of Science in Marine Geology 7422202
6 64 644 64422 6442203 Doctor of Philosophy in Geology 7422203
6 64 644 64432 Programs in Physics
6 64 644 64432 6443201 Diploma in Physics
6 64 644 64432 6443202 Master of Science in Applied Physics 7423201
6 64 644 64432 6443203 Master of Science in Physics 7423202
6 64 644 64432 6443204 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
6 64 644 64442 6444200 Programs in Astronomy 7424200
6 64 644 64452 Programs in Meteorology
6 64 644 64452 6445201 Diploma in Meteorology 7425201
6 64 644 64452 6445202 Master of Science in Meteorology 7425202
6 64 644 64452 6445203 Doctor of Philosophy in Meteorology
6 64 644 64462 Programs in Oceanography
6 64 644 64462 6446201 Master of Science in Marine Bio-Diversity
6 64 644 64462 6446202 Master of Science in Marine Science
6 64 644 64462 6446203 Master of Science in Oceanography 7426201
6 64 644 64462 6446204 Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Science
6 64 644 64499 6449900 Other Programs in Physical Sciences 7429900
6 64 646 64601 General Programs in Mathematics
6 64 646 64601 6460101 Diploma in Mathematics
6 64 646 64601 6460102 Master of Arts in Mathematics 7463901
6 64 646 64601 6460103 Master of Science in Applied Mathematics 7463902
6 64 646 64601 6460104 Master of Science in Mathematics 7463903
6 64 646 64601 6460105 Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Science 7463904
6 64 646 64601 6460106 Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics 7463905
6 64 646 64611 Programs in Statistics
6 64 646 64611 6461101 Diploma in Statistics 7461101
6 64 646 64611 6461102 Master in Applied Statistics 7461102
6 64 646 64611 6461103 Master of Arts in Statistics/Master of Statistics 7461103/7461105
6 64 646 64611 6461104 Master of Science in Statistics 7461104
6 64 646 64611 6461105 Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics 7461106
6 64 646 64621 Programs in Actuarial Science
6 64 646 64621 6462101 Doctor of Philosophy in Actuarial Science 7462101
6 64 646 64699 6469900 Other Programs in Mathematics 7463900

6 64 648 64841 Programs in Computer Science

6 64 648 64841 6484101 Diploma in Computer Science
6 64 648 64841 6484102 Diploma in Computer Technology
6 64 648 64841 6484103 Master in Computer Science 7464101
6 64 648 64841 6484104 Master of Computer Applications
6 64 648 64841 6484105 Master of Science in Computer Science
6 64 648 64841 6484106 Master of Science in Information Management/Science
6 64 648 64841 6484107 Master of Science in Information Technology
6 64 648 64841 6484108 Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

6 65 652 65212 Programs in Chemical Engineering

6 65 652 65212 6521201 Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering 7541201
6 65 652 65212 6521202 Master of Science in Chemical Engineering 7541202
6 65 652 65212 6521203 Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering 7541203
6 65 652 65216 Programs in Civil Engineering
6 65 652 65216 6521601 Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering 7541601
6 65 652 65216 6521602 Master of Science in Civil Engineering 7541602
6 65 652 65216 6521603 Master of Science in Structural Engineering
6 65 652 65222 Programs in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
6 65 652 65222 6522201 Diploma in Remote Sensing

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 65 652 65222 6522202 Master in Electrical Technology
6 65 652 65222 6522203 Master of Engineering in Computer Engineering 7542201
6 65 652 65222 6522204 Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering 7542202
6 65 652 65222 6522205 Master of Science in Computer Engineering 7542203
6 65 652 65222 6522206 Master of Science in Electrical Engineering 7542204
6 65 652 65222 6522207 Master of Science in Electronics and Communications
6 65 652 65222 6522208 Master of Science in Remote Sensing
6 65 652 65222 6522209 Doctor of Philosophy in Electronics and Communications
6 65 652 65226 Programs in Industrial Engineering
6 65 652 65226 6522601 Diploma in Industrial Engineering 7542601
6 65 652 65226 6522602 Master in Industrial and Management Engineering 7542602
6 65 652 65226 6522603 Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering 7542605
6 65 652 65226 6522604 Master of Management Engineering
6 65 652 65226 6522605 Master of Arts in Industrial Development and Technology 7542603
6 65 652 65226 6522606 Master of Arts in Industrial Engineering 7542604
6 65 652 65226 6522607 Master of Arts in Industrial Technology
6 65 652 65226 6522608 Master of Science in Industrial and Management Engineering 7542606

6 65 652 65226 6522609 Master of Science in Industrial Engineering

6 65 652 65226 6522610 Master of Science in Management Engineering 7542607
6 65 652 65226 6522611 Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering
6 65 652 65226 6522612 Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Engineering
6 65 652 65232 Programs in Metallurgical Engineering
6 65 652 65232 6523201 Master of Engineering in Metallurgical Engineering 7543201
6 65 652 65232 6523202 Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering 7543202
6 65 652 65236 6523600 Programs in Mining Engineering 7543600
6 65 652 65242 Programs in Mechanical Engineering
6 65 652 65242 6524201 Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering 7544201
6 65 652 65242 6524202 Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering 7544202
6 65 652 65242 6524203 Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering
6 65 652 65250 Programs in Sanitary Engineering
6 65 652 65250 6525001 Master of Public Health Engineering 7549906
6 65 652 65250 6525002 Master of Science in Environmental Engineering 7549908
6 65 652 65250 6525003 Master of Science in Sanitary Engineering 7549911
6 65 652 65253 Programs in Agricultural Engineering
6 65 652 65253 6525301 Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering 7545301
6 65 652 65253 6525302 Doctor of Agricultural Engineering 7545302
6 65 652 65253 6525303 Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Engineering 7545303
6 65 652 65263 6526300 Programs in Forestry Engineering 7546300
6 65 652 65299 Other Programs in Engineering
6 65 652 65299 6529901 Diploma in Engineering (Water Resources) 7549901
6 65 652 65299 6529902 Master in Engineering Design 7549903
6 65 652 65299 6529903 Master in Engineering Science
6 65 652 65299 6529904 Master in Land and Water Resources Engineering
6 65 652 65299 6529905 Master in Technology
6 65 652 65299 6529906 Master of Engineering in Engineering Design 7549904
6 65 652 65299 6529907 Master of Engineering in Environmental Engineering 7549905
6 65 652 65299 6529908 Master in Engineering/Master of Engineering 7549902
6 65 652 65299 6529909 Master of Science in Energy Engineering 7549907
6 65 652 65299 6529910 Master of Science in Engineering
6 65 652 65299 6529911 Master of Science in Materials Science Engineering
6 65 652 65299 6529912 Master of Science in Meteorological Engineering 7549909
6 65 652 65299 6529913 Master of Science in Water and Waste Water Engineering
6 65 652 65299 6529914 Doctor of Technology
6 65 652 65299 6529915 Doctor of Philosophy in Energy Engineering
6 65 652 65299 6529916 Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science Engineering
6 65 658 65801 General Programs in Architecture and Town Planning
6 65 658 65801 6580101 Master of Science in Architecture 7580104
6 65 658 65802 Programs in Structural Architecture
6 65 658 65802 6580201 Master of Architecture in Architectural Design 7580201

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 65 658 65812 Programs in Landscape Architecture
6 65 658 65812 6581201 Master in Tropical Landscape Architecture 7581201
6 65 658 65822 Programs in Town Planning
6 65 658 65822 6582201 Diploma in Land Use Planning
6 65 658 65822 6582202 Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning
6 65 658 65822 6582203 Master of Arts in Urban and Regional Planning /Master in 7582201
Urban and Regional Planning
6 65 658 65822 6582204 Doctor of Philosophy in Urban and Regional Planning

6 66 662 66201 General Programs in Agriculture

6 66 662 66201 6620101 Diploma in Agriculture 7620101
6 66 662 66201 6620102 Master in Agriculture 7620102
6 66 662 66201 6620103 Master of Science in Agriculture 7620103
6 66 662 66201 6620104 Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture
6 66 662 66201 6620105 Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Science 7620104
6 66 662 66203 Programs in Animal Husbandry
6 66 662 66203 6620301 Master of Science in Animal Husbandry
6 66 662 66203 6620302 Master of Science in Animal Science 7620302
6 66 662 66203 6620303 Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science 7620303
6 66 662 66206 Programs in Horticulture
6 66 662 66206 6620601 Master of Science in Horticulture 7620601
6 66 662 66206 6620602 Master of Science in Plant Pathology 7620602
6 66 662 66206 6620603 Master of Science in Plant Science 7620603
6 66 662 66206 6620604 Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture 7620604
6 66 662 66206 6620605 Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Pathology 7620605
6 66 662 66208 Programs in Agronomy
6 66 662 66208 6620801 Master of Science in Agronomy 7620801
6 66 662 66208 6620802 Master of Science in Crop Protection
6 66 662 66208 6620803 Master of Science in Crop Science
6 66 662 66208 6620804 Master of Science in Grain Science
6 66 662 66208 6620805 Master of Science in Plant Breeding 7620802
6 66 662 66208 6620806 Master of Science in Seed Science 7620803
6 66 662 66208 6620807 Master of Science in Weed Science 7620804
6 66 662 66208 6620808 Doctor of Philosophy in Agronomy 7620805
6 66 662 66208 6620809 Doctor of Philosophy in Crop Science
6 66 662 66208 6620810 Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Breeding 7620806
6 66 662 66212 Programs in Agricultural Economics
6 66 662 66212 6621201 Diploma in Agricultural Economics 7621201
6 66 662 66212 6621202 Master of Science in Agricultural Economics 7621202
6 66 662 66212 6621203 Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Economics 7621203
6 66 662 66222 Programs in Food Science and Technology
6 66 662 66222 6622201 Master of Science in Food Science/Technology 7622202
6 66 662 66222 6622202 Doctor of Philosophy in Food Science/Technology 7622204
6 66 662 66226 Programs in Soil and Water Sciences
6 66 662 66226 6622601 Master in Soil and Water Development
6 66 662 66226 6622602 Master of Soil Science (Soil Conservation and Management) 7622601
6 66 662 66226 6622603 Master of Science in Soil Science (Soil Conservation and
6 66 662 66226 6622604 Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science 7622602
6 66 662 66249 Other Programs in Agriculture
6 66 662 66249 6624901 Master in Agricultural Development
6 66 662 66249 6624902 Master of Arts in Agrarian Reform
6 66 662 66249 6624903 Master of Arts in Agrarian Studies/Master of Agrarian Studies 7624901

6 66 662 66249 6624904 Master of Science in Agricultural Chemistry 7624902

6 66 662 66249 6624905 Master of Science in Agricultural Development 7624903
6 66 662 66249 6624906 Master of Science in Agro-Industrial Technology
6 66 662 66249 6624907 Master of Science in Agro-Meteorology 7624905
6 66 662 66249 6624908 Master of Science in Development Communication 7624906
6 66 662 66249 6624909 Master of Science in Farming System
6 66 662 66249 6624910 Master of Science in Sericulture

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 66 662 66249 6624911 Doctor of Agricultural Chemistry 7624907
6 66 662 66249 6624912 Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Chemistry
6 66 662 66249 6624913 Doctor of Philosophy in Development Communication 7624910
6 66 662 66249 6624914 Doctor of Philosophy in Farming System
6 66 662 66262 Programs in Forestry
6 66 662 66262 6626201 Diploma in Agro-Forestry
6 66 662 66262 6626202 Master of Forestry 7626201
6 66 662 66262 6626203 Master of Science in Agro-Forestry
6 66 662 66262 6626204 Master of Science in Forest Biological Science 7626202
6 66 662 66262 6626205 Master of Science in Forest Entomology 7626203
6 66 662 66262 6626206 Master of Science in Forest Resources Management 7626204
6 66 662 66262 6626207 Master of Science in Forestry 7626205
6 66 662 66262 6626208 Master of Science in Wildlife Studies 7626206
6 66 662 66262 6626209 Master of Science in Wood Science and Technology 7626207
6 66 662 66262 6626210 Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry 7626208
6 66 662 66262 6626211 Doctor of Philosophy in Wood Science and Technology 7626209
6 66 662 66272 Programs in Fisheries Science and Technology
6 66 662 66272 6627201 Master in Fisheries Technology
6 66 662 66272 6627202 Master of Science in Aquaculture
6 66 662 66272 6627203 Master of Science in Fisheries
6 66 662 66272 6627204 Doctor of Science in Fisheries 7627206
6 66 662 66272 6627205 Doctor of Philosophy in Fisheries
6 66 664 66432 Programs in Veterinary Medicine
6 66 664 66432 6643201 Master of Science in Veterinary Medicine
6 66 664 66432 6643202 Master of Science in Veterinary Parasitology 7623201
6 66 664 66432 6643203 Master of Science in Veterinary Pathology 7623202
6 66 664 66432 6643204 Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Medicine
6 67 672 67202 Programs in Hygiene
6 67 672 67202 6720201 Diploma in Public Health
6 67 672 67202 6720202 Master in Community Health
6 67 672 67202 6720203 Master in Medical Health
6 67 672 67202 6720204 Master in Public Health/Master of Public Health 7500201
6 67 672 67202 6720205 Master of Arts in Health Science 7500202
6 67 672 67202 6720206 Master of Arts in Public Health 7500203
6 67 672 67202 6720207 Master of Science in Public Health 7500204
6 67 672 67202 6720208 Doctor of Public Health 7500205
6 67 672 67206 Programs in Medical Specialties
6 67 672 67206 6720601 Diploma in Anesthesiology 7500601
6 67 672 67206 6720602 Master of Science in Clinical Medicine (Epidemiology)
6 67 672 67206 6720603 Master of Science in Clinical Medicine (Surgery)
6 67 672 67206 6720604 Master of Science in Internal Medicine 7500602
6 67 672 67208 Programs in Rehabilitation Medicine
6 67 672 67208 6720801 Master in Occupational Health 7500801
6 67 672 67208 6720802 Master in Rehabilitation Science
6 67 672 67208 6720803 Master of Science in Occupational Health 7500802
6 67 672 67212 Programs in Nursing
6 67 672 67212 6721201 Master of Arts in Nursing/Master in Nursing 7501201
6 67 672 67212 6721202 Master of Science in Nursing 7501202
6 67 672 67212 6721203 Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing 7501203
6 67 672 67230 Programs in Medical Technology
6 67 672 67230 6723001 Master of Science in Medical Technology 7503002
6 67 672 67242 Programs in Dental and Stomatological Specialties
6 67 672 67242 6724201 Diploma in Dental Public Health 7504201
6 67 672 67242 6724202 Diploma in Orthodontics
6 67 672 67242 6724203 Master of Dental Science
6 67 672 67242 6724204 Master of Science in Dentistry
6 67 672 67242 6724205 Doctor of Dental Medicine
6 67 672 67252 Programs in Pharmacy
6 67 672 67252 6725201 Master of Science in Hospital Pharmacy 7505201
6 67 672 67252 6725202 Master of Science in Industrial Pharmacy 7505202

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 67 672 67252 6725203 Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 7505203
6 67 672 67252 6725204 Master of Science in Pharmacy 7505204
6 67 672 67252 6725205 Doctor of Pharmacy 7505205
6 67 672 67252 6725206 Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 7505206
6 67 672 67252 6725207 Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmacy 7505207
6 67 672 67262 Programs in Optometry
6 67 672 67262 6726201 Master in Clinical Audiology
6 67 672 67262 6726202 Master of Science in Optometry
6 67 672 67262 6726203 Doctor of Optometry
6 67 672 67272 Programs in Nutrition and Dietetics
6 67 672 67272 6727201 Master of Science in Applied Nutrition 7661201
6 67 672 67272 6727202 Master of Science in Food and Nutrition 7661202
6 67 672 67272 6727203 Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics 7661204
6 67 672 67272 6727204 Master of Science in Nutrition and Food Planning 7661205
6 67 672 67272 6727205 Doctor of Philosophy in Food and Nutrition 7661206
6 67 672 67299 6729900 Other Programs in Health 7509900
6 67 676 67632 Programs in Social Welfare
6 67 676 67632 6763201 Diploma in Social Work 7893201
6 67 676 67632 6763202 Master of Social Work 7893204
6 67 676 67632 6763203 Master of Science in Social Development 7893202
6 67 676 67632 6763204 Master of Science in Social Work 7893203
6 67 676 67632 6763205 Doctor of Social Development
6 67 676 67652 Programs in Community Development
6 67 676 67652 6765201 Diploma in Community Development 7893301
6 67 676 67652 6765202 Diploma in Community Organizing 7893302
6 67 676 67652 6765203 Master in Participatory Development
6 67 676 67652 6765204 Master of Rural/Community Development
6 67 676 67652 6765205 Master of Arts in Community Development/Master in 7893303/7893304
Community Development
6 67 676 67652 6765206 Master of Science in Community Development 7893305
6 67 676 67652 6765207 Master of Science in Extension Service and Management 7893306
6 67 676 67652 6765208 Master of Science in Rural/Community Development
6 67 676 67652 6765209 Doctor of Philosophy in Community Development 7893307
6 67 676 67652 6765210 Doctor of Philosophy in Rural Development 7893308
6 68 681 68101 General Programs in Home Economics (Domestic Science)
6 68 681 68101 6810101 Diploma in Early Childhood Development
6 68 681 68101 6810102 Diploma in Family Life and Child Development
6 68 681 68101 6810103 Master in Family Life and Child Development 7660106
6 68 681 68101 6810104 Master of Arts in Child Development
6 68 681 68101 6810105 Master of Arts in Family Life/Family Education 7660101
6 68 681 68101 6810106 Master of Arts in Home Economics/Master of Home 7660102/7660103
6 68 681 68101 6810107 Master of Science in Family Resource Management 7660104
6 68 681 68101 6810108 Master of Science in Home Economics 7660105
6 68 681 68101 6810109 Doctor of Philosophy in Home Economics
6 68 681 68132 6813200 Programs in Household Arts 7663200
6 68 681 68134 Other Programs in Home Economics
6 68 681 68134 6813401 Diploma in Home Technology 7669901
6 68 681 68134 6813402 Master of Science in Home Technology 7669902
6 68 681 68172 Programs in Hotel and Restaurant Trades
6 68 681 68172 6817201 Master of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
6 68 681 68182 Programs in Tourist Trades
6 68 681 68182 6818201 Diploma in Tourism
6 68 685 68552 Programs in Environmental Studies
6 68 685 68552 6855201 Diploma in Environmental Science
6 68 685 68552 6855202 Master of Environmental Planning 7895201
6 68 685 68552 6855203 Master of Science in Environmental Management 7895202
6 68 685 68552 6855204 Master of Science in Environmental Science/Studies
6 68 685 68552 6855205 Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science 7895203

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2008 PSCED 1997 PSCED
Level Broad Field Program Course Title Correspondence
Code Group Code Code Code Code/s
6 68 686 68613 Programs in Criminal Justice Education
6 68 686 68613 6861301 Master of Criminology 7891301
6 68 686 68613 6861302 Master of Science in Criminology 7891302
6 68 686 68613 6861303 Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology
6 68 686 68617 6861700 Programs in Military 7891900
6 68 686 68619 Other Programs in Civil Security
6 68 686 68619 6861901 Master of Arts in Peace and Security
6 68 689 68901 Programs in Human Resource Development
6 68 689 68901 6890101 Master of Arts in Human Resource Development and Planning 7898201

6 68 689 68901 6890102 Master of Science in Personnel and Human Resource 7898202
6 68 689 68901 6890103 Doctor of Philosophy in Personnel and Human Resource 7898203
6 68 689 68999 Other Programs in Education at the Third Level, Second Stage, of
the Type that Leads to a Post-Graduate Certificate/University
Degree (Higher Education Level, Second Stage, or Graduate
Level), N. E. C.
6 68 689 68999 6899901 Diploma in Women and Development 7899901
6 68 689 68999 6899902 Master of Arts in Women and Development

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1. Different levels of education in the Philippines:

Level 0 - pre-primary/pre-school education

Level 1 - primary/elementary or first stage of basic education

Level 2 - secondary/high school or second stage of basic education

Level 4 - post-secondary non-tertiary/technical-vocational education

Level 5 - first stage of tertiary/baccalaureate education

Level 6 - second stage of tertiary/post-graduate education

2. Scope and coverage of the different levels of education:

Level 0 - those enrollees/graduates of pre-primary/pre-school education, i.e.,

nursery, kindergarten, preparatory

Level 1 - those enrollees/graduates of primary/elementary education, i.e., Grades

I to VII

Level 2 - those enrollees/graduates of secondary/high school education, i.e., First

Year to Fourth Year High School

Level 4 - those enrollees/graduates of 3-month to 3-year technical-vocational

education courses

Level 5 - those enrollees/graduates of baccalaureate courses

Level 6 - those enrollees/graduates of post-graduate courses

3. Ideal age composition by level of education:

Pre-Primary/Pre-School Education (Level 0) - ages from 3 to 5 years old

Primary/Elementary Education (Level 1) - ages from 6 to 11 years old

Secondary/High School Education (Level 2) - ages from 12 to 15 years old

Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary/Technical-Vocational Education (Level 4) -

ages from 16 to 19 years old

Tertiary/Baccalaureate Education (Level 5) - ages from 16 to 20 years old

Tertiary/Post-Graduate Education (Level 6) - ages from 21 to 22 years old

4. Stages of Philippine education classification system:

Level - a stage that represents the steps of educational

progression, and is represented by a 1-digit code.

Example: Baccalaureate Degree (5)

Broad Group - an innovation made to eliminate overlapping by grouping

together fields of education having similarities, and is represented by a 2-digit
code. The 2-digit code assigned to a broad group shall consist of the
following: the first digit refers to a level of education (for third level only -
Level 4, 5 or 6), while the second digit refers to any of the single-digit code
associated with the particular group of related fields.

Example: Health and Welfare (57)

Field - an aggregation of program groups that are related in terms of level and
major subject-matter or area, and is represented by a 3-digit code.

Example: Health (572)

Program - a selection of one or more courses, and is represented by a 5-digit


Example: Programs in Nursing (57212)

Course - a planned series of learning experiences in a particular range of

subject-matter or skills, and is represented by a 7-digit code.

Example: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (5721201)

5. Nine broad groups introduced in the 2008 PSCEd (based on 1997 ISCEd):

0 General
1 Education
2 Humanities and Arts
3 Social Sciences, Business and Law
4 Science
5 Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction
6 Agriculture
7 Health and Welfare
8 Services

6. Appropriate title to be used for different educational programs/courses:

Certificate - for short programs/non-degree courses

Associate - for pre-baccalaureate courses

Diploma - for post-graduate courses

7. Changes made in educational courses (1997 PSCEd vs 2008 PSCEd):

New/Emerging - refer to courses that are not found in the 1997 PSCEd

Deleted/Phased out - refer to obsolete courses that are no longer offered by

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)

Merged/Renamed - refer to similar courses that are being offered by different

schools using different titles which are combined in one program/course

8. Selected terms used in the 2008 PSCEd:

Adult Education - the entire body of organized educational processes,

whatever the content, level and method, whether formal or otherwise, whether
they prolong or replace initial education in schools, colleges and universities
as well as in apprenticeship, whereby persons regarded as adults by the society
to which they belong, improve their technical or professional qualifications,
further develop their abilities, and enrich their knowledge with the purpose: (a)
to complete a level of formal education; (b) to acquire knowledge and skills in
a new field; and (c) to refresh or update their knowledge in a particular field.
Source: 1997 International Standard Classification of Education
(ISCEd)/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Alternative Learning System (ALS) - a parallel learning system aimed to

provide a viable alternative to the existing formal educational instruction. It
encompasses both the informal and non-formal sources of knowledge and
skills. Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in Education
Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Basic Education - the education intended to meet the basic learning needs
which lays the foundation on which subsequent learning can be based. It
encompasses early childhood, elementary and secondary education as well as
alternative learning systems for out-of-school youth and adult learners, and
includes education for those with special needs. Source: Glossary of
Commonly Used Terms in Education Statistics/National Statistical
Coordination Board (NSCB)

Broad Group - an innovation made to eliminate overlapping by grouping

together fields of education having similarities, and is represented by a two-
digit code. The first digit refers to a level of education, while the second digit
refers to a group of similar educational programs introduced in the 1997
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCEd). Source: Technical
Committee on Statistical Standards and Classifications (TCSSC)/National
Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Certificate of Competency (COC) - a certificate issued to an individual who

passed the national assessment for a single unit or cluster of units of
competency leading to a national certification level. Source: Glossary of
Commonly Used Terms in Education Statistics/National Statistical
Coordination Board (NSCB)

Course - a planned series of learning experiences in a particular range of

subject-matter or skills, and is represented by a seven-digit code. Source:
Technical Committee on Statistical Standards and Classifications
(TCSSC)/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Distance Education/Learning - a method of learning and teaching which

employs print, radio, television, computer-based communications, satellite
broadcasting, teleconferencing or other educational technologies which allows
students to study on their own without having to regularly attend classes in
conventional classrooms. Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in
Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Double Degree - a program wherein students simultaneously complete two

undergraduate degree programs. Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms
in Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Education - comprises all organized and sustained communication process

designed to bring about learning. Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms
in Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Elementary Education - the first stage of free and compulsory, formal

education primarily concerned with providing basic education and usually
corresponding to six and seven grades. Elementary education can likewise be
attained through alternative learning system. Source: Glossary of Commonly
Used Terms in Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board

Formal Education - the systematic and deliberate process of hierarchically

structured and sequential learning corresponding to the general concept of
elementary and secondary level of schooling. At the end of each level, the
learner needs a certification in order to enter or advance to the next level.
Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in Education Statistics/National
Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Field - an aggregation of program groups that are related in terms of level and
major subject-matter or area, and is represented by a three-digit code. Source:
Technical Committee on Statistical Standards and Classifications
(TCSSC)/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Higher Education - the stage of formal education requiring secondary and

post-secondary education covering the programs on: (a) all courses of study
leading to bachelor's degree; and (b) all degree courses of study beyond
bachelor's degree level. Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in
Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) - all institutions of higher learning

recognized by Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and primarily
offering degree programs. Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in
Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Level - a stage that represents the steps of educational progression, and is

represented by a one-digit code. Source: Technical Committee on Statistical
Standards and Classifications (TCSSC)/National Statistical Coordination
Board (NSCB)

Non-Formal Education - any organized, systematic educational activity

carried outside the framework of the formal system to provide selected types
of learning to a segment of the population. Source: Glossary of Commonly
Used Terms in Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board

Post-Baccalaureate - a level of study requiring the possession of a bachelor's

degree leading to the award of a one or two-year diploma/certificate program.
Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in Education Statistics/National
Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Post-Secondary (Non-Tertiary) Education - the stage of formal education

following the secondary level covering non-degree programs that have varying
duration for three months to three years, concerned primarily with developing
strong and appropriately trained middle-level skilled manpower possessing
capabilities supportive of national development. Source: Glossary of
Commonly Used Terms in Education Statistics/National Statistical
Coordination Board (NSCB)

Pre-Baccalaureate - a stage of post-secondary study usually ranging from one

to two years leading to associate/certificate and diploma; a preparatory level of
professional degree programs or part of the "ladderized" programs leading to
baccalaureate programs. Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in
Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Pre-School Education - an organized learning experience including play

activities for children below six years old. It aims to develop the child in all
aspects (physical, social, cognitive and emotional) so he/she will be better
prepared for socialization and cope with the demands of formal schooling.
Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in Education Statistics/National
Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Primary Education - the stage of formal education concerned with providing

the first six years of basic education. Source: Glossary of Commonly Used
Terms in Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Program - a selection of one or more courses, and is represented by a five-

digit code. Source: Technical Committee on Statistical Standards and
Classifications (TCSSC)/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Secondary Education - the stage of formal education following the

elementary level concerned primarily with continuing basic education and
expanding it to include the learning of employable gainful skills, usually
corresponding to four years of high school. Source: Glossary of Commonly
Used Terms in Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board

Special Education (SPED) - the education of persons who are gifted or

talented and those who have physical, mental or sensory impairment and
cultural differences that require modifications of school curricula, programs
and special services and physical facilities to develop them to their maximum
capabilities. Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in Education
Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Special Needs Education - the education of children and youth with special
needs corresponding to elementary and secondary education that require
modifications of school practices, curricula, programs, special services and
facilities. These include children and youth who are gifted/talented, fast
learners and those with disabilities. Source: Glossary of Commonly Used
Terms in Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Technical Education - the education process designed at post-secondary and

lower tertiary levels, officially recognized as non-degree programs aimed at
preparing technicians, para-professionals and other categories of middle-level
workers by providing them with a broad range of general education,
theoretical, scientific, artistic and technological studies, social services and
related job skills training. Source: Glossary of Commonly Used Terms in
Education Statistics/National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVET) - refers to aspects

of the educational process involving, in addition to general education, the
study of technologies and related sciences, and the acquisition of practical
skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge relating to occupants in various
sectors of economic and social life. Sources: International Labor
Organization (ILO) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO)

Training Regulations - the official document that serves as a basis in the

formulation of competency assessment and the development of curriculum and
instructional materials for competency-based technical education and skills
development. The training regulations consist of two documents: the
competency standards and the training standards. Source: Glossary of
Commonly Used Terms in Education Statistics/National Statistical
Coordination Board (NSCB)

9. Acronyms:

BAS - Bureau of Agricultural Statistics

BALS - Bureau of Alternative Learning System

BEE - Bureau of Elementary Education

BETP - Bureau of Export Trade Promotion

BLES - Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics

BLE - Bureau of Local Employment

COMELEC - Commission on Elections

CHED - Commission on Higher Education

DA - Department of Agriculture

DepEd - Department of Education

DILG - Department of the Interior and Local Government

DOLE - Department of Labor and Employment

DOST - Department of Science and Technology

DTI - Department of Trade and Industry

ILO - International Labor Organization

ISCEd - International Standard Classification of Education

NBOO - National Barangay Operations Office

NSCB - National Statistical Coordination Board

NSO - National Statistics Office

PSCEd - Philippine Standard Classification of Education

SEI - Science Education Institute

TC - Tariff Commission

TCSSC - Technical Committee on Statistical Standards and Classifications

TESDA - Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

TWGEC - Technical Working Group on Education Classification

UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

NSCB Resolution No. 8
Series of 2008



WHEREAS, the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) is the

highest policymaking and coordinating body on all statistical matters in the

WHEREAS, the NSCB is mandated to develop and prescribe uniform

standards and classification systems in the generation of official statistics to ensure
comparability and consistency across national and international boundaries;

WHEREAS, a standard educational classification is necessary to facilitate the

compilation of the country’s education statistics as basis for educational planning,
manpower training, labor market studies, and other related activities;

WHEREAS, the NSCB, through the Technical Committee on Statistical

Standards and Classifications (TCSSC), developed the Philippine Standard
Classification of Education (PSCEd) in 1994;

WHEREAS, the PSCEd is patterned after the International Standard

Classification of Education (ISCEd) developed by the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO);

WHEREAS, the 1994 PSCEd (based on the 1976 ISCEd) was approved and
prescribed for adoption by the NSCB Executive Board through Resolution No. 4,
Series of 1994, while an updated PSCEd (still based on the 1976 ISCEd) was
published in October 1997;

WHEREAS, the UNESCO revised the ISCEd in 1997 to take into account the
changes in general terminology, definitions, renumbering of levels, new rules and
criteria for the allocation of programs to levels, and new specifications in the
classification list;

WHEREAS, there is a need to revise the existing PSCEd to conform with the
revised international standard classification, i.e., 1997 ISCEd, but with modifications
to suit domestic/local conditions and requirements;

WHEREAS, the NSCB Technical Staff, in coordination with the TCSSC and
its Technical Working Group on Education Classification (TWGEC), has prepared the
revisions to the PSCEd done in accordance with the approved Policy on the Revision
and Amendment of the Philippine Standard Classification Systems, and is
recommending the same for approval of the NSCB Executive Board;
RESOLVED, that the NSCB Executive Board approve the 2008 PSCEd (based on
the 1997 ISCEd) for adoption and use by all concerned government offices, agencies
and instrumentalities.

Approved this 10th day of September 2008 in Pasig City.

Attested by:

Secretary General
Technical Committee on Statistical Standards and Classifications


Programs, Policies and Standards Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Vice-Chairperson: ESTELA T. DE GUZMAN

Industry and Trade Statistics Department
National Statistics Office (NSO)


Economic Statistics Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Assistant Director
Bureau of Agricultural Statistics
Department of Agriculture (DA)


Supervising Labor and Employment Officer
Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

Statistical Coordination Officer VI
Programs, Policies and Standards Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Planning and Evaluation Service
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

Bureau of Export and Trade Promotion
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)

Office of Policy, Planning, Research and Information
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
Research and Statistics Division
Commission on Elections (COMELEC)

Research and Investigation Department
Tariff Commission (TC)

Statistician IV
Statistical Sampling and Operations Division
National Statistics Office (NSO)

Local Government Operations Officer VI
National Barangay Operations Office
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)


Statistical Coordination Officer IV
Programs, Policies and Standards Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Statistical Coordination Officer IV
Programs, Policies and Standards Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)


Statistical Coordination Officer III
Programs, Policies and Standards Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Statistical Coordination Officer III
Programs, Policies and Standards Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Statistical Coordination Officer II
Programs, Policies and Standards Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)
Technical Working Group on Education Classification


Chief, Management Information Systems Division
Office of Policy, Planning, Research and Information
Commission on Higher Education (CHED)


OIC, Policy Research and Evaluation Division
Planning Office
Technical Education and Skills Development
Authority (TESDA)

Chief, Research and Statistics Division
Planning Service
Department of Education (DepEd)


Bureau of Elementary Education

Department of Education (DepEd)

Senior Specialist
Bureau of Alternative Learning System
Department of Education (DepEd)

Science Education Institute
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

Division Chief

National Statistics Office (NSO)

Bureau of Local Employment
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
Statistical Coordination Officer VI
Programs, Policies and Standards Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)


Statistical Coordination Officer III
Programs, Policies and Standards Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)

Statistical Coordination Officer II
Programs, Policies and Standards Office
National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB)
For Inquiries:


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Philippines 1200

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