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Minutes during meeting last October 11, 2019 (Friday)

AGENDA are the followings:

 Part I Opening Parade

 DSWD will Evaluate this coming Saturday
 Gulayan and GPP
 Sanitation (about hugaw if naa by classroom)
 This coming Saturday and Sunday LGU will evaluate in our classroom(not
later than tuseday)
 October 18-19, 2018 schedule for 2nd grading exam
 Some of students involve of Sarapang Festival or attending the events so
that, the grades not below 78
 100 per teacher (Amotan) for district 8 this coming sarapang festival
 200 each teacher for t-shirt this coming sarapang festival
 Continuous Improvement (CI) explained by Maam Remorosa
 Tricycles or driver should pick up the passengers beside surseco
 Computer during classes hour, we should report or be aware of this and
just contact of Sir Rota
 Gambling strictly prohibited (Damang)
 Proper waste segregation properly disposed
 November (Reading Month) teachers conduct 5 minutes reading and
spelling any kind of subject

Prepared by:


SHS Teacher II

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