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The main objective of the project is study the presence of oxalate ions in guava in
different stages of ripening

The experiment used for the testing is titrimetric analysis

Different types of guava were used to check the oxalate ions.the results were
noted down

From the experimental result its evident that ripened guava contains maximum
amount of oxalate on than semi-ripened and unripened guavas

[1]Weigh 50g of fresh guava and crushed it to a fine pulp using pestle and mortar.

[2]transfer the crushed pulp to a beaker and add about 50ml dilute H2S04 to it.

[3]boil the content for about and filter the contents in a
100mlmeasuring flask.

[4]make up the volume to about 100ml by adding ample amount of distilled water.

[5]take 20ml of the solution from the flask and add 20ml of dilute sulphuric acid to

[6]heat the mixture and titriated it against [n/10]KMn04 solution taken in a

burette till the end point have an appearance of pink colour.

[7]repeat the above experiment with 50g of 1day,2day and 3day old guava fruits.


1.weight of the guava fruit for each time was 50g.

2.volume of guava extract taken for each titriation was 20 ml.

3.normality of KMn04 solution was[1/10].

4.END POINT :color changes to pink guava solution.

1]for raw guava: Initial burette reading Final burette Concurrent

reading reading [ml]
1 0 9.6
2 0 9.5 9.6
3 0 9.6

2]for semi-ripening guava: Initial burette reading Final burette Concurrent

reading reading [ml]
1 0 8.4
2 0 8.6 8.4
3 0 8.4

3]for ripe guava: Initial burette reading Final burette Concurrent

reading reading [ml]
1 0 7.3
2 0 7.5 7.5
3 0 7.5


1]for raw guava :



1/10XNormality of oxate =[x/100]

=strength of oxalate

=normality x Eq.mass of oxalate in fresh guava extract

=9.6/100x44g/l-1 of diluted extract


2]for semi ripened guava [1dayold]

Strength of oxalate in one day old guava exract

=[8.4/100]x44g/l-1 of diluted extract


3]for ripening guava :

Strength of oxalate in fresh guava extract

=[7.5/100]x44g/l-1 of dilute extract



A]the normality fresh of oxalate ions of:

i]fresh guava solution is 9.6ml

ii]semi-ripen guava solution is =8.4ml

iii]ripenined guava solution is =7.5ml

b]the strength of oxalate ions of:

i]fresh guava solution is =4.224g/l-1

ii]semi-ripened guava is =3.693g/l-1

iii]ripened guava is =3.3g/l-1


the content of oxalate ions in guava was found to be 59.61per cent ,which is close
to the literature valuve of 60 per cent .It was also noticed that the content of
oxalic ions grows with ripening of guava.

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