Plan de Lectie Clasa A IV-a Knights and Castles

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Teacher: Vasile Mihaela - Ștefania

Date: 17th of April 2019
School: Laurențiu Fulga Secondary School, Fulga de Sus Village
Grade : 4th grade
Level: Beginners; EFL -1st Language
Number of students: 13
Coursebook: Fairyland 4b, Editura Uniscan Grup Educațional, Author: Jenny Dooley, Virginia
Unit: 9a
Lesson: Knights and Castles
Type of lesson: acquisition of new knowledge
Time: 45 minutes
Description of the class: Young students between 10-11 years old. They like English but they
get noisy sometimes so lessons must be interesting and very attractive.
Recent work: Students have studied animals and habitats, feelings and buildings.
Assumptions: Students have already been exposed to the main language focus and they
shouldn’t have difficulties in solving the tasks.
Skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing

1.1. Identificarea unor detalii din mesaje simple articulate clar și rar în contexte cunoscute/
1.3. Manifestarea interesului pentru înțelegerea de detalii dintr-o varietate de mesaje orale
simple, articulate clar și rar (filme, cântece pentru copii)
2.1. Cererea și oferirea de informații referitoare la casă, familie, adresă, persoane, hobby-uri,
3.1. Identificarea unor detalii din texte simple care conțin informații uzuale
4.2. Redactarea de mesaje simple despre sine/ despre alții

1. To get students involved in the topic
2. To improve students’ vocabulary related to castles and knights
3. To practice reading for achieving a task.
4. To develop communication during the class
5. To identify specific information from a listening material.
6. To give students practice in writing about the life at the castle.

Lesson objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able:
 Improve their knowledge of castles and knights vocabulary
 Use vocabulary related to castles and knights in different contexts
 Work in pairs on different tasks developing both receptive and productive skills.
Evaluation: continuous – through observation and analysis of answers
Resources/Aids/Materials: computer, projector, flipchart, worksheets
Internet Links: Castle Song

Anticipated problems: Students may not feel at ease in expressing themselves in English and
some students may encounter difficulties in understanding all the required information by the
listening exercise. Students must be encouraged not to use so much the mother tongue.
Solutions: Teacher will have an encouraging attitude throughout the lesson.

Teaching strategies:
 Matching
 Gap fill
 Reading comprehension
 Listening
 Miming

Classroom management: lockstep; pair work; group work

Type of interation : T-S; S-T; T-SS; SS-SS.
Teacher’s role : organizer, prompter, resource
Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman, 2000
Vizental, Adriana : Metodica predarii limbii engleze – Strategies of Teaching and Testing
English as a Foreign Language – Polirom, Iasi, 2007;

Stages of the lesson/ Timing Interaction Teacher does Students do Aids

Warm up – to make 2 min T-Ss The teacher greets the students, The students
students feel Ss-T checks attendance and asks Ss answer the
comfortable; to lighten Lockstep questions like: Who is on duty teacher’s
up the atmosphere today?, Who is absent today? questions.
The teacher announces the
topic of the lesson, presenting
the objectives.
Lead in 5 min T-Ss The teacher shows the students The students poster
Aim 1.: to raise Lockstep the Castle and Knights Poster, listen and pictures
interest in the topic points to the items, one at a repeat, chorally flipchart
and involve Ss in the time, and says the and
atmosphere of a castle; corresponding words. individually.
Aim 2: to improve Then, the teacher points to the
students’ vocabulary words in random order and
related to castles and asks individual students to say
knights the words.
Teacher gives feedback.
Pre-Listening task 5 min T-Ss The teacher writes a big 24 on The students blackboard
Aim 3: to practice Ss-T the blackboard and asks the open their textbook
scanning the text students to open their books at books, look at
page twenty-four. Then, the the text and
teacher encourages students to answer
have a quick look at both the teacher’s
text and the pictures because questions.
she is going to ask them some
questions in order to set the
Who are the children in the
Where are the children?
Who else is there?
The teacher gives feedback.
Listening 6 min T-Ss The teacher shows the students The students flipchart
Aim 5: to help Ss-T a matching exercise written on listen to the projector
students improve their the flipchart. recording and computer
listening skills (1. They lived like complete the
2. They listened to task.
3. They dressed in
4. The knights dressed in

a. music
b. suits of armour
c. expensive clothes...
d. film stars!)
Then, the teacher plays the
recording and asks the students
to pay attention in order to
solve correctly the matching
Teacher gives feedback and
helps students if necessary.
Reading 5 min T-Ss The teacher encourages The students textbook
Aim 4: to develop Ss-T students to take roles and read take roles and
reading skills PW out the dialogue. read out the

After-Reading 5 min T-Ss The teacher reads out phrases Some students
Aim 3: to check Ss-T from the dialogue and asks tell the class
students’ Lockstep individual students to tell the who said each
understanding of the class who said each sentence. sentence.
text e.g. Teacher: There’s the
castle! Wow!
Class: Harry! Etc
The teacher gives feedback.
Listening 6 min T-Ss The teacher announces the Students listen Worksheet
Aim 5: to improve Ss-T students that the next activity to the song in computer
listening skills Lockstep is a listening activity. Each the mp3 projector
student will receive a version and try
worksheet with four people to number the
living in a castle and four people in the
things that they have. They right order and
have to listen to a song Castle associate their
Song things.
h?v=rEbrwAIEDRI and number They read their
the people in the right order answers aloud.
and match their names with the Then they
things they have. The teacher listen to the
plays the song in mp3 first and song again in
then she plays it again in mp4 an mp4 version
to check their understanding. and check their
Teacher gives feedback. answers.
Reading and Writing: 7 min T-Ss The teacher gives to each The students Worksheet
Aim 6: to give GW group a worksheet containing work in groups Projector
students practice in two exercises: for the first the in order to do computer
writing about the life students have to write the the tasks.
at the castle correct word next to the picture
and for the second the students
have to use the words from the
first exercise to complete the
The teacher helps if necessary.
The teacher gives feedback.
Feedback 2 min T-Ss The teacher offers to each Ss complete Self-
Individual student a self –evaluation sheet the self- Evaluation
work and encourages them to apply evaluation sheet
it. sheet and
present it to the
Homework 2 min T-Ss At the end of the lesson the Students write
teacher praises the most active down their
students and gives homework: homework.
exercise 3, page 25.

Mime game – People T-Ss The teacher encourages One student at
at the castle Ss-T students to play a mime game. a time comes
in front of the
classroom and
mimes a
person living
Teacher gives feedback. in the castle
and the other
students have
to guess.

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