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Mood and Tone Practice

Read the following excerpts and choose the best answer. Look for key
words in the passage that help you figure out the answer. The answer key
is at the end of the 24 questions.

1. The footsteps were coming closer. I knew I had to get out of there fast. Looking
desperately around, I finally spotted a small window at the end of the room, a beacon of light
in the dark, rancid basement. I sprinted and leapt up to grab a ceiling pipe. Thankfully, the
pipe was close enough to the window to allow me to swing my body through. My enemy was
making his way down the hall, bursting open door after door. I needed to break through this
window in two tries to make it out in time.

What is the mood of the passage?

A. timid
B. cheerful
C. sorrowful
D. daring

I was having a crazy dream. For some reason, my face was covered in sticky honey, and a bear
was charging toward me! It pounced on me and started licking my face! Yuck. I quickly jerked awake
to escape, but for some reason the licking didn't stop! I also realized that something small was
running back and forth across my chest. I opened my eyes, and there staring back at me was a
"Awesome!" I yelled. I've wanted a puppy for so long, and here was this adorable brown creature
looking up at me. I suddenly realized that today was my birthday! I looked at the doorway and saw
my mother smirking at me.
"Happy Birthday, Anisa!" she said.
I ran to hug her with the puppy in my arms. "Thank you so much! I didn't think you'd ever let me
have one."
"Well, now that you're 14, I figured it was about time. What are you going to name her?"
I studied the puppy's rich chocolate fur and long, floppy ears. "I think I'll name you Slobber since
you just slobbered all over me!" I said, and as if she understood me, she started licking my face all
over again!

2. How does the mood change in the second paragraph?

A. The mood becomes joyful.

B. The mood becomes peaceful.
C. The mood becomes terrifying.
D. The mood becomes mysterious.

3. What is the mood at the beginning of the passage?

A. depressing
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B. comical
C. joyful
D. horrifying

Jeremiah knew that life was going to get better once he finished his degree. To begin with,
people who doubted his commitment to education would begin to show him some well-deserved
respect. He had planned to visit his elementary school teacher, Mrs. Chen. She was the only one
who had shown faith in him more than his own family. Mrs. Chen had told Jeremiah that he would
grow up to be one of those people who would be read about in textbooks someday.
Jeremiah thought about the day his first day at school in Woodland. His mother had often
reminded him about the look of disbelief the people at Woodland gave at the ten-year-old Jeremiah.
That day, his mother insisted that Jeremiah could catch up and had asked the principle to give her
son a try. Something about her pleadings had worked, and Jeremiah was able to join kids half his
age on the pursuit of education. That day was history.

4. Which sentence contributes to the optimistic tone of the passage?

A. "Jeremiah knew that life was going to get better once he finished his degree."
B. "His mother had often reminded him about the look of disbelief the people . . ."
C. "Jeremiah thought about the day his first day at school in Woodland."
D. "He had planned to visit his elementary school teacher, Mrs. Chen."

by J. Robbins

Shelly dragged herself into school and stood in front of her locker. Valentine's Day was her least
favorite day of the year. All around her, people paraded through the school carrying their Valentine's
Day gifts like trophies. Why do people try to turn this day into a popularity contest? she wondered
drearily. As she opened her locker, something tumbled out and landed on her foot. Shelly reached
down and picked up an envelope with her name scribbled across the front.
"Dear Shelly, I really can't tell you how I feel about you in a card, but here goes nothing. You are
the sweetest girl I've ever met. Would you like to go out with me sometime? Yours truly, Jeremy,"
Shelly read. She could hardly believe her eyes. Why would Jeremy Prince, the quarterback of the
football team, give her a Valentine's Day card? She had never even talked to him! This is like a
dream come true! she thought to herself as she closed her locker.
"Hey, Shelly," called a voice behind her. "What did you think of your card?" Shelly turned around
to see Jeremy Wallace, her physics lab partner, smiling at her. He was wearing the same cartoon
character t-shirt and ragged knit cap he wore every day.
"You wrote the card?" she gasped. Jeremy grinned and nodded.
"Yeah," he admitted. "I've wanted to ask you out since the beginning of the school year." How can
such a nerdy guy write something this great? Shelly wondered as she looked down at the card in her
"I know that Evil Robot Theory is your favorite band," Jeremy said. "They are having a free
concert tonight, and I wondered if you'd like to go with me." He looked at her hopefully, and Shelly
felt her reservations disappear.
"That is so thoughtful, Jeremy," she told him. "I'd love to go to the concert with you."

5. What mood prevails at the end of the story?

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A. foreboding
B. melancholy
C. anticipation
D. pessimism

6. Which words contribute to the mood of the first paragraph of the story?

A. favorite and trophies

B. reached and picked
C. tumbled and wondered
D. dragged and drearily

Today was the day. All the students in Ms. Esparza's class had to present their science projects. I
had seen everyone else's projects, and although I had tried hard and had followed the steps of the
scientific method, my experiment didn't work. I dragged myself into class and slouched in my seat,
not raising my hand when Ms. Esparza asked for volunteers to present their projects. After listening
to everyone else's presentations, it was my turn.
Soberly, I carried my poster and materials to the front of the class. My voice shook as I explained
how I had asked my question, formed my hypothesis, and conducted my experiment, only to have it
fail. After I finished, I looked over at Ms. Esparza for some sign that I might get a passing score on
my project. She only sat scribbling notes on a scoring sheet, frowning slightly.
Before lunch, Ms. Esparza called us up individually to get our scores. When it was my turn, she
said, "Raphael, I think you will find my comments on your project are appropriate." At lunch, I sat
alone, holding Ms. Esparza's folded scoring sheet. After some time, I slowly unfolded the sheet and
read the comments. "Nothing in science is exact, and often a failed experiment answers more
questions than a successful one. Good work. A+." I could not believe what I was reading! Elated, I
tucked the note in my jacket and joined my friends, planning in my mind my next science

7. How does the mood of the story change?

A. happy at the beginning and serious at the end

B. playful at the beginning and sad at the end
C. serious at the beginning and calm at the end
D. somber at the beginning and happy at the end

8. from "The Two Brothers"

by Leo Tolstoy

Two brothers set out on a journey together. At noon they lay down in a forest to rest.
When they woke up they saw a stone lying next to them. There was something written on the
stone, and they tried to make out what it was.
"Whoever finds this stone," they read, "let him go straight into the forest at sunrise. In the
forest a river will appear; let him swim across the river, to the other side. There he will find a
she-bear and her cubs. Let him take the cubs from her and run up the mountain with them
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without once looking back. On the top of the mountain he will see a house, and in that house
will he find happiness."

Based on the mood of this excerpt, what type of story should the reader expect?

A. a family history
B. a fairy tale or legend
C. a biography or autobiography
D. an essay

9. There is a place in London, England, where you can meet many famous (and infamous)
people. You can meet kings and queens, presidents and their ladies, and theater and movie
stars. All of the people are wax likenesses of many of the world's best-known figures—both
good and evil. Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum on Baker Street began during the time of
the French Revolution by Marie Grosholtz, who was married to a man named Francois

What is the tone of this passage?

A. suspicious
B. informational
C. humorous
D. sarcastic

10. from "The Fall of the House of Usher"

by Edgar Allan Poe

During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the
clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback,
through a singularly dreary tract of country, and at length found myself, as the shades of the
evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher.

What mood is established in this paragraph?

A. eagerness
B. sympathetic
C. calm
D. foreboding

I place my groceries on the conveyor belt and make sure that I have grabbed everything on my
shopping list. It's close to dinner time, and my stomach is already starting to growl. I cannot wait to
prepare a quick meal of spaghetti and meatballs. I start tapping my feet. Can't this line move any
I reach into my purse to grab my wallet, but surprisingly, my hand does not wrap around the
familiar bulk. I dig frantically, but it's no use. My wallet is gone! I hastily tell the cashier my situation

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and hightail it out of there. Grabbing my cell phone, I call my credit card company to check the
activity on it.
"Thank you for calling MasterCard. This is Cindy. How can I help you?"
"I can't find my wallet! Will you check the activity on my account, please?!"
"Yes, of course. Just give me a second while I run the request. Can I put you on hold please?"
"Do I have a choice?!" I mumble to the music on hold.
"Ma'am? Someone has just made a purchase at Peggy's Nail and Spa."
My mouth drops as the news sinks in. Nancy is the only person I know who goes there and the
only person who has easy access to my purse!
I cannot BELIEVE the nerve of that woman! I give her a place to stay, let her borrow $500, help
her look for a job, and how does she thank me?! She steals my identity! I am going to make her

11. How does the mood change in the second paragraph?

A. The mood becomes frantic.

B. The mood becomes soothing.
C. The mood becomes gloomy.
D. The mood becomes comical.

12. What is the mood at the very end of the passage?

A. horrific
B. angry
C. adventurous
D. sorrowful

13. What is the mood of paragraph 1?

A. impatient
B. hopeful
C. threatening
D. melancholic

14. The year is 2020. You've just graduated from a highly-ranked virtual university. You had
the opportunity to take e-learning classes from great professors and world leaders in
government and business. It's cool to be smart—and even cooler to really understand
technology. Almost all the good jobs today involve science, engineering, and technology. And
there is such a demand for workers with your skills that you can choose from thousands of
jobs. Many of these jobs have high starting salaries and perks like your own pet robot, a new
convertible astromobile, or monthly online shopping allowances.

What is the mood of this passage?

A. anxious, fearful

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B. expectant, frightened
C. expectant, confident
D. dreary, depressed

15. I look out my window to observe the torrential downpour. Ironically, the weather reflects
my mood. I can't believe that Cora humiliated me like that. She could've just checked "no"
and returned the note to me. She didn't have to stand on top of a table and announce to the
whole world that she would never date me. Girls are so cruel. My life is completely ruined. My
head is still ringing with the disdainful laughs of the entire student body. There is no way I
can go to school tomorrow.

What word below best describes the mood of this passage?

A. comical
B. romantic
C. chilling
D. depressing

16. from "The Myth of Demeter"

"I suffer!" cried Demeter. "I suffer! Here—" She struck herself on the chest. "Here—in my
mother's heart. And if I suffer, then everyone else shall suffer, too. For the months that you
spend with that scoundrel, no grass will grow, no flowers blow, no trees will bear. So long as
you are below, there will be desolation everywhere."

Which words contribute to the anguished mood of this passage?

A. "spend" and "bear"

B. "suffer" and "desolation"
C. "scoundrel" and "months"
D. "heart" and "chest"

17. The room was hushed. All one could hear was the rhythmic breathing of the surgical team
and the beeping machines. Beads of sweat formed on the surgeon's brow. He and his team
were working diligently to remove the remains of a tumor. He kept his hands steady and
carefully maneuvered his knife. One mistake could cost him his patient's life. He did not want
to rupture a blood vessel. He did not want to slice a nerve.

What is the mood of the passage?

A. heart-breaking
B. cautious
C. threatening
D. sinister

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My Baby Sister
by A. Gautam
Fresh like morning dew
On a new leaf that has just sprung
After the longest winter
She rests on the leaf of the blanket
—pink as her soft cheeks
And blossoms in her sleep
Unaware of the world that has turned
Upside down because of her
And only for her

18. The author's tone in this poem can be best described as

A. sentimental.
B. apathetic.
C. confused.
D. humorous.

"The Battle of Gettysburg was fought in 1863 . . . " the tour guide began, but I was too distracted
to follow her carefully rehearsed speech. I looked out across the Gettysburg Battlefield in
amazement. For as long as I could remember, my dad had taught me about United States history.
His passion for history, especially the Civil War, had inspired me to travel to the battlefield. Tears
pricked my eyes at the thought of the United States soldiers who had lost their lives at Gettysburg.
My eyes devoured every detail of the Battlefield, and I tried to memorize each blade of grass on the
gently sloping landscape. I wanted to carry this memory with me forever.
"In conclusion, this historical site is one that every United States citizen should visit," said the tour
guide. My heart silently agreed with her.

19. The author creates the mood of this passage mainly through

A. foreshadowing.
B. setting.
C. symbolism.
D. characters.

20. Which word best describes the mood of this passage?

A. comedic
B. ambivalent
C. sinister
D. patriotic

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21. Prudence woke up on Saturday morning with great excitement. The day had finally come.
She would finally get to compete in the Academic Decathlon National Competition. Hundreds
of recruiters were going to be there looking for the brightest young minds in America, and she
couldn't wait to show off her skills. She hoped to attract the attention of Harvard or Yale. Her
dream was to attend an Ivy League School, but she knew her parents wouldn't be able to
afford the costs. A full scholarship would solve all of her problems.

What is the mood of the passage?

A. comical
B. daring
C. powerful
D. hopeful

22. from "The Story of King Midas"

There was a king named Midas, and what he loved best in the world was gold. He had
plenty of his own, but he could not bear the thought of anyone else having any. Each
morning he awoke very early to watch the sunrise and said, "Of all the gods, if gods there be,
I like you least, Apollo. How dare you ride so unthriftily in your sun-chariot, scattering golden
sheaves of light on rich and poor alike—on king and peasant, on merchant, shepherd,
warrior? This is an evil thing, oh wastrel god, for only kings should have gold; only the rich
know what to do with it."

What is the mood of this passage?

A. defeated
B. suspenseful
C. dissatisfied
D. wealthy

22. Half Full

A rainy day will go away.
A failing grade can soon be raised.
A nasty cut in time will shut.
A dire year will disappear.

What word below best describes the tone of this poem?

A. melancholic
B. cynical
C. optimistic
D. powerful

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Everybody in the room was silent as my grandmother, walking unsteadily, brought my birthday
cake from the darkened kitchen. The family members gathered in the cramped room began singing
"Happy Birthday." They were interrupted by a thunderclap that was followed by a cold breeze that
came in through the open window. The breeze blew out 3 of the 13 candles on the cake. As they
started singing for the second time, I shivered and watched the distorted shadows cast on the walls
by the flickering candles.

24. Which word best describes the mood of this story?

A. sarcastic
B. reverent
C. gloomy
D. amused

1. Looking around desperately, footsteps coming closer, dark, rancid, basement, enemy, bursting, to
make it out in time… These words set the mood to be daring. Someone is escaping and it is tense.
They are racing to get away from the enemy.

2. Mood in 1st paragraph: it starts out terrifying (bear charging and pouncing, licking honey off of the
person's face; something running across person's chest) Mood 2nd paragraph: happy because she
receives a puppy. Mood 3rd paragraph: stays happy- puppy slobbering, licking face, rich chocolate
fur. A. Would be the correct answer, because the second part of the story is much more joyful than
the beginning.

3. The mood at the beginning was D. horrifying (bear charging and pouncing)

4. A. This is optimistic (positive) because "life was going to get better…" The others are not optimistic
because B, is negative, C, was an overwhelming experience for him, and D, was positive but was in
the past and the positivity happened in the past.

5. C. Anticipation. Foreboding means that something bad is going to happen, melancholy would mean
she is depressed, and pessimism means negativity. By the end, Shelly is happy to go to the concert
with him. "Shelly felt her reservations disappear", and "That is so thoughtful, Jeremy" told me she was
anticipating the concert.

6. The first paragraph, Shelly is not looking forward to Valentine's Day because it's "her least favorite
day of the year", and the words dragged and drearily let us know that she is not looking forward to
this day.

7. The mood changes in the story. In the beginning, words like dragged myself, slouched, not raising
my hand, soberly, my voice shook, frowning slightly, all tell you that the mood is somewhat sad
because Raphael thinks he will fail his project. However, the mood changes to happy at the end
because he has passed. Also, words like I could not believe what I was reading and elated tell me
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this. Correct answer, D.

8. The answer is B. You should know this because of the actual story itself.

9. Informational. This passage's primary purpose is to inform. There are only facts presented here.

10. The words dull, dark, soundless, clouds hung oppressively low, alone, dreary, shades of the
evening drew on, melancholy… these all paint a mood of foreboding. Foreboding, again, meaning
that feeling of something bad going to happen.

11. The first paragraph, the lady is in the grocery line and feeling a bit pressed for time. We could call
this impatient. We are kinda bored thinking about waiting in a check-out line. As the second
paragraph comes, we realize that the story is changing. She has lost her purse (more like stolen).
Words like frantically, hastily, hightail it out of there, and grabbing, as well as just the events
themselves, create a mood of frantic. Answer A.

12. The mood quickly changes in the last paragraph once she knows who stole her wallet. With the
word BELIEVE in all caps and the extra punctuation (!!! and ??), we know that there is a powerful
mood. She has become angry with Nancy.

13. The mood in the first paragraph, as we discussed in 11, is impatient. Check #11 for clarification.

14. C. The reason is it C is because the writer of this is feeling very positive. They are telling you that
you are smart, understand technology, have lots of jobs available to you in the future, and will make a
lot of money. They are expectant that you will get a high paying job and they are confident that you
can do the job.

15. Words like torrential downpour, humiliated, she would never date me, cruel, ruined, disdainful, no
way I can go to school tomorrow… these tell me that the mood is depressing. This guy just handed
his heart over to Cora and she smashed it into a million pieces.

16. The words that tell me the answer: suffer struck herself, scoundrel, no flowers…trees, desolation
everywhere. From that, the answer that I gather is B. Those are strong emotional words.

17. Words: hushed, rhythmic breathing, diligently, steady, carefully maneuvered. All of these words
create a mood of cautiousness. You are waiting to see what will happen to the patient.

18. This is a sweet poem about a new baby sister. The author is saying that the sweet baby is
unaware that the world has changed for her. Like all parents, their lives change because of the new
children. But, kids don't realize how much parents lives do change. The older sibling is feeling
sentimental. It is not B, because that would mean they didn't care (which is not true, they would not
have written a beautiful poem about their baby sister if that were the case). It is not C because they
show no signs of being confused as to what happened. And it is not D because there is nothing funny
in this poem.

19. We know the answer is B (setting) because the author fixates on the actual battlefield rather than
on anything else.

20. The mood here is D. patriotic. The character is feeling very sentimental about their country. The
last sentence really gives this away. The subject matter of the entire piece, however, is about
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American soldiers and their sacrifice that makes the speaker cry.

21. Phrases like: woke up with excitement, she would finally get to, couldn't wait to show off her skills,
… this tells you that the mood is very hopeful. You want her to be successful today so that she can
get a scholarship.

22. Many of you were probably eager to choose wealthy. However, wealthy is not an EMOTION. The
best answer here would have been dissatisfied because King Midas is frustrated with how Apollo is
giving away "gold" (sunlight).

23. The tone here is based on the content. All of the statements in this poem are positive. Therefore,
the best answer is optimistic.

24. Words like: darkened, interrupted, thunderclap, cold breeze, shivered, distorted, shadows,
flickering… these give a gloomy mood. This is in contrast to what you would expect at a birthday
party. The opposite of gloomy is cheerful.

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