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Safety Light Curtains  The Safety Library

Step 2. Calculating
the Safe Distance for Hazard Zone
Nearly all industrial equipment,
especially production machinery, requires
some level of human interaction to func-
tion, so people need to be protected from Height Hazard Zone
potentially dangerous interactions with
To be effective, any safeguard must
either prevent an individual from entering
a hazardous area or detect the entry of
individuals into the hazardous area and
eliminate the hazard before it can present
a danger. Guards, devices that provide a
physical barrier to exposure of a hazard,
Reference plane
must be designed to keep individuals from
reaching through them to the hazard. On
the other hand, devices that protect indi-
viduals by detecting entry to or presence
within a hazardous area must be mounted
at a sufficient distance from the location
of the hazard(s) such that the machine will
stop before the operator’s hand or other
Figure 1: Height of Hazard Zone
body part can reach this hazardous point.
Correctly calculating the minimum safe
mounting distance is vital to ensure worker Effective safety measures need to required. The relevant OSHA standard,
safety, while excessive mounting distances minimize the potential for risk of injury OSHA 29 CFR 1910.219 – Mechanical
use up valuable floor space and can also while providing access for functions, such Power-Transmission Apparatus, says that
increase the time required to service ma- as loading and unloading workpieces a hazard that is more than 7 feet from
chinery, which in turn reduces throughput. and maintaining the machinery. The best the working surface does not need to
This article will explain how to calculate protection is the device or system that be guarded. ANSI B15.1-2000 (R2006)
safe mounting distances for a wide range offers the maximum level of safety with – Safety Standard for Mechanical Power
of safeguards. minimal impact on machine operations at Transmission Apparatus included similar
an affordable cost. A key factor to consider requirements, although the threshold
Background is how often entry is required. For ex- was increased to 8 feet, but has since
ample, with machines that operate at high been withdrawn and replaced in part by
Protecting employees against industrial
production rates, operators will frequently ANSI B11.19-2010 – Performance Criteria
machinery hazards is required to comply
need to enter the hazardous area to load for Safeguarding. This newer standard
with regulations and to protect a compa-
and unload parts. On the other hand, low requires that a low risk hazard needs to
ny’s most valuable assets, its employees.
production rate equipment will usually be safeguarded unless it is 2,500 mm
The same equipment that prevents injuries
require less frequent entry. Applications (98.4 in.) or more from the working surface
also provides an opportunity to make a
that require frequent entry generally require and that a high risk standard needs to be
positive impact on the bottom line. This is
faster and more convenient access in safeguarded unless it is 2,700 mm (106.3
because the cost of a work-related injury
order to maintain throughput at high levels. in.) or more from the reference plane as
goes far beyond hospital and medical
shown in Figure 1. This portion of ANSI
costs. Additional costs that commonly
result from an accident include rehabilitat-
Safe-location safeguarding B11.19-2010 has been harmonized with
CSA Z432-04 – Safeguarding of Machinery
ing and retaining the injured worker, time The first question to consider is the
– Occupational Health and Safety and ISO
spent by supervision and management height of the hazard. If the hazard is suf-
13857:2008 – Safety of Machinery.
on the incident, machine downtime, and ficiently far above the ground or expected
possible litigation. working surface then guarding is not

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Barrier guards One approach to provide access is the Safe mounting distances for
use of movable barrier guards with devices barrier guards
Barrier guards, or hard guards, can
interlocked with the machine controls
provide the maximum amount of protec- A guard, whether fixed, adjustable,
in a manner that controls the hazard(s)
tion, not only by keeping people out, or movable and interlocked, must be
whenever the guard door is open. When
but also protecting people outside the designed to ensure individuals cannot
guard door movement is detected, the
hazardous area from projected hazards, reach the hazard by reaching over, under,
interlock device initiates a stop signal to
such as flashes and flying objects. Barrier around or through it. To determine the safe
the guarded equipment. Some interlock
guards cannot normally be used for the mounting distance for a barrier guard, first
switches also incorporate a solenoid
entire perimeter because this would make consider the largest opening in the guard-
device that locks the guard door closed
it very difficult to access the equipment. ing material. The current Occupational
and will not release it until the hazardous
Typically, a gap in the hard guarding is Safety and Health Administrator (OSHA)
machine is in a safe state.
defined as an entry to the cell and a more standard for safe distance as a function
flexible guarding solution is provided here of opening size is set forth in Table O-10
to enable personnel and/or material to of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.217 – Mechanical
safely approach the equipment. Power Presses. This table technically only
applies to mechanical power presses oper-
ated within OSHA’s jurisdiction, although
some industry consensus standards
also reference this table, such as ANSI
B65.1-2005 – Graphic technology – Safety
standard – Printing press systems.
A more recent study, “A Review of
Machine Guarding Recommendations”
by Donald R. Vaillancourt and Stover H.
132 mm
(5.0) Snook of the Liberty Mutual Research
Center for Health and Safety, is the basis
Barrier opening size – for the American National Standards
Smallest Dimension
Institute (ANSI) and Canadian Standards
mm (inches)
Association (CSA) standards. This anthro-
opening pomorphic study, shown in Figure 2, was
16 32 (1.875) published in 1995 and based on the then
11 (0.625) (1.25) current U.S. workforce. These recommen-
6 dations have not officially been adopted
(0.250) 64 by OSHA, but they have been adopted by
13 (2.5) 89 166 445 915 mm a number of other consensus standards,
(0.5) (3.5) (6.5) (17.5) (36.0)
• ANSI B11.19-2010 – Performance
Distance from hazard millimeters (inches) Criteria for Safeguarding
• ANSI/RIA R15.06-1999 (R2009) – For
Figure 2: ANSI standard distance for barrier guards Industrial Robots and Robot Systems –
Safety Requirements
• CSA Z142-10 – Code for Power Press
Operation: Health, Safety, and Guarding
• CSA Z432-04 – Safeguarding of
Machinery – Occupational Health and
• CSA Z434-03 – Industrial Robots
and Robot Systems – General Safety

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Furthermore, these values are sited Figure 3 shows different domestic and or more conservative than OSHA’s Table
through reference by other industry con- international standards overlaid on top of O-10 except at distances of 6.5 in. to 7.5
sensus standards, including: each other. Note that there are three differ- in.; at these distances the OSHA table has
• ANSI O1.1-2004 – American National ent charts in the ISO standard, each based the more stringent requirements.
Standard for Woodworking Machinery – on a different opening shape. Note that the As previously mentioned, technically the
Safety Requirements ANSI O1.1-1992, represented by the green OSHA requirements of Table 0-10 only ap-
• ANSI/PMMI B155.1-2006 – Safety line above, was withdrawn when the stan- ply to barrier guards on mechanical power
Requirements for Packaging Machinery dard was revised in 2004 and the standard presses within OSHA’s jurisdiction; how-
and Packaging-Related Converting reverted to the Liberty Mutual distances. ever, users of mechanical power presses in
Machinery The ANSI and CSA standards are equal to the U.S. and associated territories should
apply the most restrictive requirements
Set Back Distance Comparison of all applicable standards, as the OSHA
6.5 requirements are typically viewed as the
6.0 ‘bare minimum’, while ANSI standards
5.5 are consensus based and represent more
Maximum Gap Size (inches)

5.0 current requirements. All other types of

4.5 equipment in the U.S. are under the scope
4.0 of one or more of the ANSI consensus
3.5 standards.
3.0 Omron STI’s Gotcha Stick accurately
2.5 tests the allowable barrier opening size
2.0 based on the ANSI and CSA standards
1.5 to ensure that personnel cannot reach
1.0 through a barrier. The three segment stick
features English measurements on one
side and Metric measurements on the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
other. The Gotcha Stick is the easiest way
Distance from Hazard (inches) of verifying that openings in barrier guards
Liberty Mutual
OSHA 1910.217 will not allow the hazards to be accessed
ANSI 01.1-1992 (subsequently by personnel reaching through a barrier
has been updated)
ISO 13857:2008 (Slot) guard.
ISO 13857:2008 (Square)
ISO 13857:2008 (Round)
Figure 3: Combination of all safety distance standards Reach under
Note: ANSI 0.1.1 has been revised, with the latest revision released in 2004. This current release no longer To prevent an individual from accessing
includes safe mounting distance data for barrier guards, but rather references the Liberty Mutual data.
the hazard by reaching or crawling below
the barrier guard, perimeter barrier guards
must be designed so that the bottom of
the barrier is no more than 300 mm (12
in.) above the adjacent walking surface
according to ANSI/RIA R15.06-1999
(R2009). The same standard states that
the top of the barrier must be no less than
1,500 mm (60 in.) above the adjacent
walking surface. These measurements
are more restrictive in Canada, however,
with distances of 150 mm (6 in.) and 1,800
mm (71 in.), respectively, according to
CSA Z434-03. The equivalent international
standard, ISO 10218-2:2011, sets the
requirements at 200 mm (7.8 in.) and 1,400
mm (55 in.), respectively.

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Reach over
Figure 4 shows how to determine guard
height to protect against reaching over a
barrier to contact a hazard. In the figure, Hazard zone
a is the height of the danger zone, b is
the height of the protective structure,
and c is the horizontal distance between
the guard and the danger zone. Guards
or other protective structures less than
1,000 mm (39 in.) high are not considered
sufficient on their own for any application Reference plane
because they do not adequately restrict a
movement of the body, and structures less
than 1,400 mm (55 in.) should not be used
in high risk applications without additional
safety measures. The following guidelines
are available to help determine adequate
Protective structure
height of constructed guards in relation to
the hazard height and the distance of the a – height of hazard zone
guard from hazard: b – height of protective structure
• ANSI B11.19-2010 – Performance c – horizontal safety distance to
hazard zone
Criteria for Safeguarding
• CSA Z432-04 – Safeguarding of
Figure 4: Guard height to protect against reach over
Machinery – Occupational Health and
• ISO 13857:2008 – Safety of Machinery equipment by emitting harmless infrared Safe mounting distance for
– Safety distances to prevent hazard light beams across a plane, typically the presence sensing devices
zones being reached by upper and entrance to the hazardous area. When
Safeguarding devices that do not
lower limbs any of the beams are obstructed, the light
prevent an individual from reaching into
curtain control circuit initiates a stop signal
a hazardous area must be located far
Note that ANSI B15.1-2000 (R2006) to the guarded machine. Light curtains are
enough away from the hazardous area that
– Safety Standard for Mechanical very versatile and can guard areas many
the machine will stop before the opera-
Power Transmission Apparatus included meters wide – sometimes as large as 20
tor’s hand or other body part can reach
similar requirements, but has since been meters. Light curtains can be mounted in
the hazard. The minimum safe distance
withdrawn and replaced in part by ANSI either a horizontal or vertical plane.
is based on the stopping time of the
B11.19-2010. Pressure sensitive safety mats provide
machine as well as the reaction time of
another alternative for guarding the
the safeguarding device and the estimated
Presence sensing devices entrance to the equipment, and in certain
approach speed of the individual towards
Safety devices that protect individuals applications they can also be installed to
the hazard.
by detecting their entrance to or presence protect the inside of a cell. A matrix of in-
A formula is outlined in OSHA 1910.217
within a hazardous area include photoelec- terconnected mats can be laid at the entry
and applies to the guarding of mechanical
tric presence sensing devices (including area and an operator’s footstep causes
power presses, but also can serve as a
light curtains, single-beam devices and the mat control unit to initiate a stop signal
guide for other machine applications. A
laser area scanners) as well as pressure to the machine. Trim is used around the
newer formula that takes into consider-
sensitive devices, such as safety floor perimeter of the device to hold the mat in
ation more factors in calculating the mini-
mats. Light curtains are often used in con- place, protect wiring and either provide a
mum safe distance is included in American
junction with hard guards to protect people smooth ramped surface to prevent tripping
National Standards Institute (ANSI)
when the machinery is operating, while hazards at the edge of the mat or allow the
standards B11.19-2010 and Robotic
enabling easy access at other times. Light device to be mounted directly against the
Industries Association (RIA) R15.06-1999
curtains control access to the hazardous equipment or other structures to ensure
(R2009), as well as Canadian Standards
that the entire area is safeguarded.
Association (CSA) Z142-10, Z432-04, and

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Z434-03. Omron STI suggests using this body movements which can affect the mends that you contact the manufacturer
newer formula and presents it here in the actual approach speed, and is considered of your machine for guidance in selecting a
form used by ANSI and CSA. the minimum acceptable value. Another percentage increase factor.
acceptable value is 2.0 m/s (78.75 in/s)
DS = K (T) + DPF which is based on an individual walking to- The EN and ISO standards use a slightly
ward a hazard. This latter value is defined different method for calculating T:
where: in ISO 13855:2010 – Safety of machinery
DS = the safety distance – Positioning of protective equipment with T = T1 + T2
K = the maximum speed that an respect to the approach speeds of parts of
individual can approach the hazard the human body. where:
T = the total time to stop the hazardous The factor T is the total time necessary T1 = maximum time between the actua-
motion for the hazardous motion to stop or for the tion of the sensing function and the output
DPF = the depth penetration factor of the hazardous portion of the machine cycle signal switching devices being in the off
safeguarding device to be completed. Factors that affect T state (i.e., light curtain and monitoring
include: relay)
There is a different mounting formula for • Reaction time of the safeguarding T2 = maximum response time of the
safeguarding devices used in Europe that device, including its interface machine, i.e. the time required to stop the
is similar to the ANSI formula given above • Reaction time of the machine control machine or remove the risks after receiving
but with some subtle differences. This system the output signal from the protective
formula is presented in European Standard • Type of actuator equipment (can be influenced by various
(EN) 999:1998 and International Standards • Additional time required for degradation factors, e.g. temperature, switching time of
Organization (ISO) 13855:2010 is: of braking performance valves, ageing of components, etc.)

S = (K x T) + C The ANSI and CSA standards use the

following method to calculate T:
< 30
S = the safety distance Light Intrusion
T = TR + TC + TS + TSPM Curta Approach
K = the approach speed of the body or in

parts of the body where:

T = the overall system stopping TR = reaction time of the safeguarding
performance device and its interface (i.e., light curtain
C = an additional distance based on and monitoring relay)
intrusion towards the danger zone prior to TC = reaction time of the control system
actuation of the protective equipment Ds
TS = stopping time of the machine
TSPM = additional stopping time allowed
The factor K is the speed constant and by the stopping performance monitor Floor
includes hand and body movements of an before it detects stop time deterioration. Intrusion angle of approach less than 30 to the
individual approaching a hazardous area. sensing field.
As used in the press industry, a stopping
The determination of K should consider performance monitor will halt the machine
all types of motion that could move the Figure 5: Approach considerations
when the stop time of the machinery
individual towards the hazard, including exceeds the set limit. This indicates that
hand and arm movement, twisting of the excessive brake wear has occurred.
body or shoulder, bending at the waist and
walking or running. TC + TS are usually measured together
One of the acceptable values of K is the by a stopping performance monitor. TSPM
hand speed constant which is usually de- is an additional value to allow for braking
fined as the horizontal motion of the hand system wear and is typically a percent-
and arm while seated. The hand speed age increase factor of the measured stop
constant originated in the press industry time (TC + TS). For example, stopping
using two hand controls in the 1930s. performance monitors usually add an
A common value for the hand speed extra amount from 5% to 20% of the
constant is 1.6 m/s (63 in/s). The hand measured stop time. Omron STI recom-
speed constant does not include other

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Depth penetration factor Model Series S (mm) S (in.) DPF (mm) DPF (in.)

An additional distance, called the depth F3SJA-P14 14 0.6 24 0.9

penetration factor (DPF or C), needs to be F3SJA-P20 20 0.8 44 1.8
added to the safety distance when using F3SJA-P25 25 1.0 61 2.4
devices that do not detect the presence
F3SJA-P30 30 1.2 78 3.1
of an individual at the plane or within the
field until an amount of penetration into F3SJA-P55 55 2.2 163 6.4

the field occurs. The expected direction MS 4600-14 14 0.6 24 0.9

of approach towards the hazard should MS 4600-20 20 0.8 44 1.8
be considered when calculating the depth
MS 4600-30 30 1.2 78 3.1
penetration factor. If the detection zone is
MS 4800-14 14 0.6 24 0.9
at an angle of greater than 30° to the direc-
tion of approach as in Figure 5, it is treated MS 4800-20 20 0.8 44 1.8
as an orthogonal or perpendicular ap- MS 4800-30 30 1.2 78 3.1
proach. On the other hand, if the detection MS 4800-40 40 1.6 112 4.4
zone has been installed so that it is angled
less than 30° to the direction of approach, Figure 7: DPF for all Omron STI light curtains
it is treated as a parallel approach.

same model and size light curtain with 20 mm resolution. The light curtain with
MOS = 14 mm MOS = 30 mm
30 mm (1.18 in.) resolution only requires a larger object resolution (fewer beams)
38 beams, resulting in a depth penetra- thus can be almost 19 mm (0.733 in.)
tion factor of 78 mm (3.1 in.) and a 23 closer to the hazard, proving that minimum
millisecond minimum response time. object resolution, and by extension the
When these numbers are plugged into the corresponding depth penetration factor,
formula provided earlier for calculating the should not be the sole consideration when
safe mounting distance, they show that selecting a point-of-operation light curtain.
the safety distance is 116 mm (4.549 in.) See Figure 7 for depth penetration factors
RCVR XMTR XMTR RCVR for the 30 mm resolution light curtain and for various models of safety light curtains
97 mm (3.816 in.) for the light curtain with available from Omron STI.
Figure 6: Minimum object sensitivity for
two different light curtains

mm in
It’s also important to address possible 64 (2.5)

tradeoffs between the depth penetration

factor and reaction time of different light 51 (2.0)
Object Sensitivity (S)

curtains. In Figure 6, the light curtain on

the left yields a smaller depth penetration 38 (1.5)
factor because the individual beams are
located closer together as opposed to 25 (1.0)
the light curtain on the right. Yet the light
curtain on the left also has a longer reac-
13 (0.5)
tion time because it takes more time to
cycle through the larger number of beams.
As an example, a light curtain with 20 mm
0.0 25 50 76 102 127 153 178 203 mm
(0.78 in.) resolution requiring 76 beams to
(1.0) (2.0) (3.0) (4.0) (5.0) (6.0) (7.0) (8.0) (in.)
obtain a desired protected height of 760
mm (29.9 in.) results in a depth penetration Depth Penetration Factor (DPF)
factor of 44 mm (1.8 in.) and a minimum DPF = 3.4 (S - 0.7) cm
response time of 32 milliseconds. The (DPF = 3.4 (S - 0.275 in.)

Figure 8: Depth penetration factor for presence sensing devices used in a vertical
application with object sensitivity less than 64 mm (2.5 in.)

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Devices with perpendicular

The depth penetration factor compen-
sates for varying object sensitivities of 2
electro-optical presence sensing devices. 1
Figure 8 can be used to determine DPF
when applying the ANSI or CSA formula
for presence sensing devices used in

Light Curtain
vertical applications with object sensitivity
less than 64 mm (2.5 in.), considered as
point-of-operation safeguarding devices. b
When blanking features are used and 3
when the blanked area is not com-
pletely filled by the workpiece or part or
by supplemental mechanical guarding, the
adjusted minimum object sensitivity can
be calculated as:
Adjusted depth penetration factor =
(minimum object sensitivity without blank- KxT
1 electro-sensitive protective equipment
ing) x (number of beams blanked)
2 hazard zone
Where minimum object sensitivity Ds
3 reference plane
without blanking = center-to-center beam
a height of hazard zone
spacing + lens diameter
b height of the upper edge of the detection zone of electro-sensitive protective equipment
Once this value is found, then determine
Dpf additional distance which a part of the body can be moving towards the hazard zone prior
DPF using Figure 8, as long as the adjusted
to the actuation of the safegard
minimum object sensitivity is still less than
Ds minimum distance for reaching over
64 mm (2.5 in.). If the entire blanked area
is filled with mechanical guarding or other
fixed material or guards, use the original
Figure 9: Reaching over the vertical direction zone of electro-sensitive protective equipment
object sensitivity of the device to deter-
mine the appropriate value for DPF.
Similar to the concept for barrier guards,
guidelines are also available in ISO 13855-
2010 to determine the minimum height to
the top beam of the electro-optical device
to protect against reaching over the sens-
ing field to contact a hazard. In Figure 9, a
is the height of the danger zone, b is the
minimum height of the sensing field, and
DS is the horizontal distance between the
sensing field and the danger zone.
A different method is used to determine
DPF for electro-optical devices with object
sensitivities greater than 64 mm (2.5
in.), considered perimeter safeguarding b
devices, as shown in Figure 10. ANSI and
CSA standards set DPF = 900 mm (36 in.)
for reach-through applications where the a a
individual cannot reach over the top of
the sensing field and the bottom of the
sensing field (“A”) is no more than 300 Reach-Through Reach-Over
mm (12 in.) above the working surface;
Figure 10: Reach-through and reach-over applications

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ISO 13855 sets DPF = 850 mm (33.5 in.) for C = 1,200 mm – (0.4 x H) function of their object sensitivity can be
these applications. North American and determined by the following formula and is
International standards require DPF to be where: also shown in Figures 11 and 12.
equal to 1,200 mm (48 in.) for reach-over C = an additional distance based on
applications where the top of the sensing intrusion towards the danger zone prior to h = 15 (S – 50) mm
field (“B”) is between 900 and 1,200 mm actuation of the protective equipment h = 15 (S – 2) inches
(36 and 48 in.) above the reference plane H = the height of the detection zone
and the bottom of the sensing field (“A”) above the reference plane (measured in where:
is no more than 300 mm (12 in.) above the mm) S = the minimum object sensitivity.
working surface.
Impact of vertical point- Allowable Sensing Field Heights in Inches (mm)
Devices with parallel approach of-operation vs. horizontal Ground Level Devices that Can Be Reached
Any device installed with parallel perimeter safeguarding devices Over (30 inches [760 mm] or Less)
approach to the hazard is considered a on usage of floor space
Object Mounting Height
perimeter safeguarding device. For these Sensitivity Minimum Maximum
applications, the minimum depth-of-field Mounting height of devices with < 2 (50) 0 39 (990)
or sensing area must hinder an individual parallel approach 2.5 (64) 7.5 (190) 39 (990)
from stepping over the electro-optical 3.0 (76) 15 (380) 39 (990)
Ground level devices that can be
presence sensing device or safety mat. In 3.5 (89) 22.5 (570) 39 (990)
reached over, such as safety mats, area
ANSI and CSA standards, this distance 4.0 (102) 30 (760) 39 (990)
scanners and horizontally-mounted light
is 1,200 mm (48 in.) if an individual can 4.25 (108) 33.75 (860) 39 (990)
curtains, are approached by individuals
step over and pass unrestricted or 900 4.6 (117) 39 (990) 39 (990)
parallel to the sensing field. The minimum
mm (36 in.) if supplemental safeguarding
mounting height (h) for these devices as a
or physical barriers are used such that an Figure 12: Allowable sensing field heights for
individual must stand within the sensing ground level devices
area. ISO standards require that distance
be calculated as follows, but not less than
850 mm (33.5 in.). Ds

K (T total) Dpf = 3' or 4'

Hazard Zone

Light Curtain h

Area Scanner

Safety Mat

Figure 11: Height of sensing field

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The orientation of a safety device can Two-hand control applications requires the additional factor (C) to be 250
have a major impact on the amount of mm (9.8 in). The safe mounting distance
Two-hand control applications use two
floor space required to properly safeguard for these control devices is measured by
operator control devices which are both
a machine or manufacturing cell. For ex- the closest hand control to the hazard
monitored and initiate a stop signal to
ample, if you use a vertical light curtain as as shown in Figure 13. It is extremely
the machine when the operator removes
a safeguarding device with a 30 mm (1.18 important that the two-hand control and
one or both hands from the actuating
in.) minimum object sensitivity, the depth two-hand trip stations are designed,
devices. A two-hand control is used when
penetration factor is 78 mm (3.08 in.), constructed, and arranged such that the
it is necessary to ensure that the operator
resulting in the use of 5.08 m (16.68 sq. actuating devices can only be initiated by
must be prevented from reaching into
ft.) over a 20 m (65 ft.) range. On the other the hands of the operator.
the hazardous area during the hazardous
hand, if you position the same safeguard-
portion of the equipment cycle. Two-hand
ing device horizontally, the depth penetra- One-hand control applications
trip applications (such as full revolution
tion factor increases to 1,200 mm (48 in.)
machines) still require two operator control A single control device can only be
and the space usage increases to 24.15
devices, but activation of both devices used when the operator cannot reach
m2 (260 sq. ft.) over the same 20 m (65 ft.)
only initiates the hazardous motion; both the hazardous area with his/her free
range. This scenario shows that switching
control devices and are not required to be hand. As shown in Figure 14, the safe
from a horizontal to a vertical orientation in
maintained by the operator throughout the mounting distance (DS) for a single control
this application can save 22.6 m2 (243.32
hazardous portion of the cycle. Two-hand device includes a large DPF of 2 meters
sq. ft). This figure can be multiplied by the
control and two-hand trip applications (6.5 ft) due to the ability of the operator
cost of space per square foot in the facility
have a DPF of 0 in North America, while ISO
to calculate the cost savings.

Ds = K (T total) Ds = K (T total)

Hazard Zone

Figure 13: Two-hand control and two-hand trip applications

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to stand between the device and reach factors such as temperature or humidity. Interlocked barrier guards
towards the hazard, where 2 meters is When used for used for safeguarding
With interlocked barrier guards, it’s nec-
the average human wingspan. Because applications, determination of the safe
essary to consider three different factors
of the implications on floor space, as well mounting distance cannot be dependent
in determining the safety distance: the gap
as the fact that this safeguarding measure on the inevitable fluctuations and varia-
size, the height in relation to the distance
does not provide adequate protection for tions in the field sensitivity. Therefore, to
to the hazard, and the time required to
other affected individuals, single control ensure the sensing field will always prevent
stop the hazard. First determine the safety
is typically not selected as a sole means individuals from reaching the hazard(s),
distance based on the gap size using the
of safeguarding for most equipment. the measured safe mounting distance of
appropriate standard shown in Figure
Furthermore, single control devices are a radio frequency device will unavoidably
3. Then determine the safety distance
not accepted as a primary safeguarding render addition floor space around the
based on the height of the guard using
means in International standards. machine as unusable as shown in Figure
the method shown in Figure 4. Finally,
15. This negative impact on floor space
calculate the safety distance based on the
Radio frequency (RF) / is the primary reason radio frequency
stopping time of the machine using the
capacitive devices devices are typically not selected as a sole
formula: DS = K (T) [or S = K (T) according
means of safeguarding for most equip-
to the international nomenclature]. Com-
ment. Additionally, radio frequency devices
The sensing field(s) of radio frequency pare the safety distances determined using
are not accepted as a primary safeguard-
devices can vary due to many factors, these three different methods and use the
ing means in International standards.
including design of the antenna(e), effects largest figure to determine the appropriate
of adjacent equipment, or environmental safe mounting distance of the interlocked
guard from the hazard(s).


K (T total) Dpf = 6.5’

Hazard Zone

Figure 14: Single control applications

Omron Scientific Technologies, Inc.

USA Tel. 1/888/510-4357 Canada Tel. 1/866/986-6766 A39
Safety Light Curtains  The Safety Library

Conclusion it’s important to consult your vendor and precautions should be taken to avoid one
the appropriate regulatory and consensus curtain interfering with another. This can
This article has provided an overview
standards to obtain full details on how to occur when the receiver of one unit “sees”
of the major considerations involved in
optimize safety device implementation for the transmitter of another. The first unit
determining the minimum safe mounting
your specific application. will respond with a Red Machine Stop
distance for various safeguarding devices.
Accurate calculation of the minimum
Best practices for installation involve
safe mounting distance can ensure the
orienting the light curtains such that the
safety of personnel while conserving floor Step 3. Physically transmitters or receivers are mounted
space and maximizing throughput. In
Mounting the Light Curtain back-to-back to each other as shown in
most manufacturing operations, the two
Figure 5.10a and b. Contact Omron STI
most important considerations are safety
Now that the minimum safe distance should you need additional assistance.
and productivity. The challenge is that
and reflective surface distance are Additionally, Omron STI safety light cur-
improving one of these factors often has
known, the safety light curtain may now tains offer multiple scan codes to decrease
a negative impact on the other. Proper
be mounted accordingly on the machine, the chance of light curtains interfering with
calculation of the required safety distance
stands or other mounting fixtures. each other.
is necessary to correctly select appropriate
safeguarding measures to best optimize
Installation of Multiple Light Mounting Considerations
both productivity and safety in many man-
Curtain Units The transmitter and receiver units must
ufacturing operations. It should be noted
that space limitations make it impossible Installations where two or more light be securely mounted at a distance from
to address every possible situation or to curtains are mounted on machines in close the pinch point greater than minimum safe
fully explain every configuration option, so proximity and in alignment with each other, distance. Other items to consider when
selecting a mounting location include:


Variable detection area

K (T total) + variance

Hazard Zone


Figure 15: Determination of safety distance for radio frequency devices

Omron Scientific Technologies, Inc.

A40 USA Tel. 1/888/510-4357 Canada Tel. 1/866/986-6766

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