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Valid Upto : February 17, 2014

SNDPT College of Engineering

Civil & Transportation Engineering

Batch - 2013

College : 8.56 CGPA

12th std : 68 %
10th std : 86.8 %

Sagar D.S

4 Important things for you to know

Your PRE-ASSESS Score Your Personality Type

This will be used by

companies for shortlisting
Score Range : 200 to 800
Details Details

Your Job Suitability Your Next Step on CoCubes

Start applying for companies

Given that now you have PRE ASSESS score, you can
start applying for jobs on CoCubes.
IT Service R&D Sales Operations
Take career test
Your subscription includes 'Career Tests'. We would
recommend that you take 'Career Tests' to practise
Product Analytics / Network Software and understand opportunities in private sector,
Development KPO Administrator Testing government jobs and higher education.

Login to view article/videos regularly

Our expert content team everyday spends time to
find the right articles and videos for you to succeed.
ITES-BPO Core-Plant
View and discuss them with your friends.

If your profile does not match with your desired job, you should practise using Career tests and take PRE ASSESS again.

Suitable Not Suitable

Understanding Job Profiles

This role revolves around creation Typical role revolves around Roles involve testing of software
of software product. Given that designing, creation or as a member of the software
this majorly includes thinking maintenance of software. The role quality assurance team. Testing is
about the product and then may or may not actually involve done at different phases of the
implementing it, this role needs coding regularly. The role mostly software development life
heavy coding and high problem requires interaction with business cycle(SDLC). Key skills needed are
solving skills. functions, clients and fellow team attention to detail, analytical
members, and hence need thinking, effective communication
excellent communication skills in and documentation skills.
addition to higher than average
logical and problem solving skills.

IT Product IT-Services Software Testing

Roles involve researching to find Working on the shop floor, plant

out innovative methodologies to site and helping with the direct
solve existing as well as new manufacturing and production for
problems. The role requires a the organisation is the typical role
combination of imagination and for such profiles. Generally these
practical implementation of ideas. are cross functional roles with
Key skills needed are excellent exposures to different
analytical and problem solving departments such as Production,
skills along with a strong Quality, Design, Sales etc. Key
understanding of domain subject. skills needed are sound domain
knowledge along with good
interpersonal skills.

Core - R & D Core - Plant

Role includes working on complex Roles involve maintenance of the If you are the kind of person who
business problems, data computer hardware and software does not like sitting on the chair
collection/research, analysis of systems that make up a computer. and does not want to spend most
the data to generate meaningful This includes activities such as of the time in front of the laptop,
insights and creation of deployment, configuration, sales is a good option, it helps you
reports/presentations based on maintenance and monitoring of meet more people and explore
the analysis. The role mostly the active network equipment. the world. The downside is that
requires interaction with client Key skills needed are attention to this is a role which is easily
and fellow team members, and detail, analytical thinking and measured by assigned targets
hence need excellent effective documentation skills. which generally are monthly or
communication skills in addition quarterly. But a lot of people like
to higher than average logical and the excitement of bringing in
problem solving skills. business for the company they
work for.

KPO Network Administrator Sales

This role can be of two kinds This role mostly involves client
depending on whether you support which can be either on
interact with the client or not. phone or through email. Most
When you interact with the client companies have a shift culture
your job generally is to build a having both day and night shifts.
relationship and ensure that the Good english speaking skills are
services promised are delivered required for voice profile and non-
well. In a non client facing role voice profile requires good
involves managing process(which written communication skills.
could be between various
functions) for smooth functioning
of the company. Key skills needed
are attention to detail and good
communication skills.

Operations ITES BPO

Detailed PRE ASSESS Score

Types Details Score National %ile

Aptitude Analytical Ability 740 99.87

English Competency 650 95.63

Numeric Ability 620 96.57

Domain knowledge Civil 482 83.84

Coding abilities Not Appeared Not Appeared

Basic programming skills 482 81.05

Job Health Card

Profile Types Your Diagnosis Skill Check

Analytical English Numerical Domain Coding

IT Product

IT Services

Software Testing

Core - R & D

Core - Plant


Network Administrator




The likelihood of your getting selected for

Your skill matches the job profile.
such a company is high.
You should practice harder to clear test of
This skill can improve with regular practice.
such companies.
You will need a lot of training to get You need to spend time and take training to significantly
through these companies. improve this skill.

Please remember that your selection for a particular role also requires your psychometric profile to match with the one that job
Your Strengths, Improvement Areas & Weaknesses

Analytical Ability Tips

You are a strong logical thinker and can arrive at conclusions of problems Increase your analytical skills
quickly. Keep practising to keep your brain fresh!! Ace MCQs

English Competency Tips

You are proficient in English usage. You should continue practising to ensure Book: Word Power Made Easy
you maintain the edge. Understanding words in context
Your Strengths

Understanding RC

Numerical Ability Tips

You are good in mathematics and are comfortable in using numbers in your Maths Tips
everyday life. You should definitely continue practising solving problems to Improve Maths Calculation
ensure that your speed and accuracy increases Steps to Improve Math

Coding abilities Tips

You have learnt a very valuable skill. You can further sharpen your skills by Overview of C++
designing multiple solutions for complex problems. Try finding the most Let us C - Yashwant Kanetkar
efficient solution to a problem. Programming from Coursera
MITs Intro to Programming

Domain Knowledge Tips

Improvement Areas

You have intermediate knowledge of your engineering subjects. It is strongly Civil Courses from NPTEL
recommended that you read more about your engineering subjects and Civil & Environment Engineering
practise more application based questions.

Basic Programming Skills Tips

Presently, you are satisfactory in knowledge of computer fundamentals. Programming from Coursera
Many IT/ITES companies look for this knowledge and hence it is strongly
advisable for you to put more effort in mastering this subject.
Understanding your Personality Type

We are all different from each other!!

Sagar D.S, because of where we grow up, who we interact with, our experience in life, we all turn out to be
different from each other. Researchers over time have tried to classify people into different personalities. This
report gives you a detailed analysis of your personality style and makes you aware of your own behavioural
aspects. The analysis done is on the basis of your responses to the personality test conducted by

Let's understand personality types (slightly complex)!

Extarversion (E)
CoCubes personality profiling is based on
the International Personality Item Pool
representation of the Five Factor Model
of personality. The Five Factor Model Openness (O)
(also known as "The Big Five") is based in (C)
the idea that the main five dimensions
are necessary and sufficient for broadly
describing human personality. The
following personality traits are tested
Emotional Stability
through this CoCubes Personality Profiling Agreeableness (A)

The Big Five

Who are you?

Below is the map which classifies you based on the traits mentioned in "The Big Five". Do remember that a
low percentile does not mean bad performance and high percentile does not mean good performance, as
there is no concept of performance in personality. It is just a measure of who you are as a person. This is
important because different job profiles suit different kind of people.

The personality map below shows your score in different personality traits. Each bar represents your Z-score
in a personality trait.

Low Medium High




Emotional Stability


-2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0

The Z-Score
For each trait, a Z-score is provided. The Z-score measures the number of standard deviations the score is away from mean of
norm. A Z-score more than +0.44 means the candidate is in the top 33%, whereas a Z-score of less than -0.44 represents the
candidate is in the lowest 33%.

What does "Low", "Medium" or "High" mean?

The classification above in terms of "Low", "Medium" or "High" is a relative positioning of you as compared to the large sample
of entry level candidates that have been assessed. For instance, a person who is high on Extraversion is as extraverted as the
top 33% people in the control group .He/She may not still be extraverted enough for a given role or a standard set by another

"Low" does not mean "Bad"

A trait score of HIGH or LOW does not classify someone as GOOD or BAD. Every individual has a unique personality and
different people in different kind of jobs need different personality combinations. A person may perform better in sales related
job which he may not be suitable for a testing role in an IT organisation.
Know yourself in more detail

Extraversion Low Medium High

Extraversion is characterized by positive emotions, people You are an extrovert person which means that you are
high on extraversion tend to seek out stimulation and are likely to be very assertive, talkative and cheerful. You
perceived to be full of energy and enjoy company of others. enjoy company of others and you have many friends. You
They are the life of a party and people like to be around are very likely to be successful in sales or customer
them relation oriented jobs.

Agreeableness Low Medium High

Agreeableness is a tendency to be compassionate and You are a balanced mix of being able to work in teams as
cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards well as putting your own interests at priority. You are
others. Agreeable individuals value getting along with assertive for your rights but you ensure that others are
others. They are generally considerate, friendly, generous, not hurt while doing this. You get along well with people
helpful, and willing to compromise their interests with and are a medium fit for roles requiring client interaction
others. (KPO, IT services) or team interaction (Core-Plant, IT

Conscientiousness Low Medium High

Conscientiousness is a tendency to show self-discipline, act You are a person with a high level of self-discipline and
dutifully, and aim for achievement against measures or self-governance. You are not driven by someone else and
outside expectations. The trait shows a preference for you generally take a planned approach towards a
planned rather than spontaneous behavior. problem. You have a high chance of performing better in
jobs where regularity is more favoured as compared to
spontaneity. Some examples of such jobs are software
testing and research and development roles.
Emotional Stability Low Medium High

Emotional stability is a tendency of a person to remain You are an emotionally stable people and hence get less
stable and balanced in ordinary situations. This trait is highly easily upset. You remain calm, are emotionally stable, and
desirable in almost every job profile these days. free from persistent negative feelings. Being emotionally
stable, personality wise you should do well in every role.

Openness Low Medium High

Openness is a general appreciation for art, emotion, You are intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and
adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety sensitive to beauty. You tend to experiment with a new
of experience. approach towards solving problems. You have a high
chance to thrive in R & D or product development kind of

All the Best !

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equal opportunity to build a career.

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