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WinCC system
diagnostics with
performance variables

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WinCC Performance Tags

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Table of contents

Table of contents
Legal information ......................................................................................................... 2
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Overview............................................................................................... 4
1.2 Components used ................................................................................ 4
1.3 Variables for measuring the performance and efficiency of the
WinCC system ...................................................................................... 5
1.4 Required knowledge ............................................................................. 6
2 Configuration ..................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 WinCC OnlineTrendControl.................................................................. 9
2.1.2 Optional: Display counter ................................................................... 13
2.1.3 Archiving Performance Tags .............................................................. 15
2.1.4 Optional: Displaying more Performance Tags ................................... 19
2.1.5 Optional: Displaying the connection status ........................................ 19
3 Interpretation of Performance Values ........................................................... 22
3.1 General ............................................................................................... 22
3.2 Curve characteristics .......................................................................... 22
3.3 Example screen .................................................................................. 24
3.3.1 "Tag Logging" Analysis ...................................................................... 24
3.3.2 Analysis "S7 connection" .................................................................... 24
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4 Commissioning the example application ...................................................... 25

4.1 Opening the project ............................................................................ 25
4.2 Adapting the communication to the S7 controller .............................. 26
4.3 WinCC-Runtime ................................................................................. 28
5 More information and links ............................................................................. 31
5.1 Project engineering recommendations ............................................... 31
5.2 Quantity structure in WinCC ............................................................... 31
5.3 SITRAIN courses ................................................................................ 31
6 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 32
6.1 Service and support ........................................................................... 32
6.2 Links and Literature ............................................................................ 33
6.3 Change documentation ...................................................................... 33

WinCC Performance Tags

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
With SCADA systems, the correct design of the system plays a decisive role.
Which hardware expansion and how many tags are required for your application?
With slow systems, the WinCC system is often overloaded at a certain point, e.g.
due to hardware that is too weak. On the other hand, incorrect programming of
scripts, for example, can result in high utilization of the communication channels.
An early and exact diagnosis of the cause is crucial so that you can take measures
to increase the performance of your WinCC system.
With WinCC V7.5, system variables for the connection status and performance
tags are available. The performance variables provide indicators for file processing
in runtime, archiving, and the status of the communication channels.

The following error types can be diagnosed with the performance variables.
• Overload in the communication channels
• Overload of the WinCC server
• Software error, e.g. in a script

In this application example, the individual performance variables are introduced

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and displayed and interpreted in a WinCC project.

1.2 Components used

The following hardware and software components were used to create this
application example:
Table 1-1
Components Quantit Article number Note
SIMATIC WinCC V7.5 1 6AV63.1-....7-5... Update 2
SIMATIC S7 1500 1 * * Any S7-1500 controller can be
Control used for the application example.

This application example consists of the following components:

Table 1-2
Components File name Note
Documentation 109767801_WinCC_PerformanceTags.docx
Example project As of WinCC

WinCC Performance Tags

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1 Introduction

1.3 Variables for measuring the performance and

efficiency of the WinCC system
The "performance tags" include variables that indicate how many active read and
write operations WinCC is currently processing and how many requests are in the
queue. The performance variables include indicators for the variable budget in
runtime, the archiving system, and the communication channels. The performance
variables can be found in the variable household under "Internal Tags >

All performance variables have the prefix "@PRF".
The performance variables are divided into the following groups by additional
Table 1-3
Prefix Components
@PRF_CLDCN WinCC Cloud Connector
@PRF_DMRT WinCC tag management
@PRF_TLGRT WinCC tag logging
@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON "Channel Connection", performance
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variables for a connection.

The data record, consisting of 11
performance tags, is automatically
created for each connection.
Within these groups, there are the following categories of performance variables:
• Relative tags ("_ACTIVE", "_SECOND", "_QUEUE")
The relative variables refer to the current period.
• Counter tags ("_TOTAL")
The counter variables count up continuously from runtime start.
• Reset tags ("_RESET")
The reset variables set the counter variables to "0".

Note In addition to the performance variables, you can create variables for the
connection status. These variables can be found in the internal tags under
To display the status of a connection, you can create status variables for each
communication channel. Two variables are created, the first one shows the
connection status and the other one can be used to control the communication
Figure 1-1

Information on project engineering can be found in chapter 2.1.5

WinCC Performance Tags

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1 Introduction

1.4 Required knowledge

The following knowledge is required for project planning and commissioning of this
application example:

• Knowledge in handling WinCC V7.5

– Project engineering of HMI screens with standard elements
– WinCC scripts
– Communication settings (S7 control)

Note Under chapter 5.3 you will find SITRAIN courses in which you can refresh or
expand your knowledge of WinCC V7.
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WinCC Performance Tags

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2 Configuration

2 Configuration
We recommend that you use "trend controls" to display the performance variables,
as this enables you to quickly graphically record the values over time. In the
following chapter a suggestion is presented which variables you can use and how
you can configure the curve displays.

Tag table
The displayed variables are a selection from all available performance variables by
which you can most easily recognize loadings or overloads of the WinCC system.
The following variables are used in this example:
Table 2-1 Important performance variables
No. Tag Category
1. @PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_<S7Connection> Performance S7 connection
_TAG_READS_PENDING <S7Connection> The following
variables are used in this example:
2. @PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_<S7Connection> Performance S7 connection
_TAG_WRITES_PENDING <S7Connection> corresponds to
the name of the connection in
3. @PRF_TLGRT_AVERAGE_TAGS_ Performance Tag Logging
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4. @PRF_TLGRT_AVERAGE_TAGS_ Performance Tag Logging
5. @PRF_TLGRT_TAGS_PER_SECOND Performance Tag Logging

Details on the individual variables are explained on the following pages.

HMI screen
Two "Online Trend Controls" are used to display the performance indicators. In
addition, there are buttons for archiving the performance variables and a display of
the counters for read and write access.
You need archiving if you want to observe and investigate the behavior of your
WinCC system over a longer period of time.
The HMI screen is divided into two areas. On the left side, the current performance
of the tag logging is displayed and on the right side, for example, the performance
of an S7 channel (waiting read and write accesses).

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2 Configuration

Figure 2-1 Finished projected HMI screen in runtime

1 2


Table 2-2 Legend

Item Designation
1. Display area of the "Performance Tags" for the archive system
2. Display range of the "Performance Tags" for the S7 connection
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3. Display of the connection status of the S7 connection

4. Enable archiving of performance tags
5. Read and write request counter

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2 Configuration

Table 2-3 Important Performance Variables for Tag Logging

Tag Meaning
"@PRF_TLGRT_TAGS_PER_SECOND" This value specifies how many
variables are currently archived.
"@PRF_TLGRT_AVERAGE_TAGS_ Average value of archived variables
"@PRF_TLGRT_SIZEOF_NOTIFY_QUEUE" This value specifies how many
variables are currently archived.
A high or strongly increasing value can
indicate problems during archiving.

2.1.1 WinCC OnlineTrendControl

Display of the performance values of tag logging

1. Open an existing WinCC project or create a new project.
2. Open an empty HMI screen in the WinCC Graphics Editor.
3. Insert a "WinCC OnlineTrendControl" from the "Controls" into the screen.
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2 Configuration

Figure 2-2 HMI screen

4. Open the configuration dialog of the added Controls.

Figure 2-3
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5. In the "Curves" ("Trends") area, add a new curve and give it a name.
6. In the "Data Connection" area, select "Data source", "2 - Online Tags" and
select "@PRF_TLGRT_TAGS_PER_SECOND" as the variable.

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2 Configuration

Figure 2-4
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WinCC Performance Tags

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2 Configuration

7. In the same way, add the curves for the following variables:
8. Optional:
Adjust the design (color, line thickness) for each individual curve according to
your ideas.

Display of the performance values of an S7 connection

In addition to displaying the performance values for tag logging, you can, for
example, monitor an S7 connection.
The following performance variables are automatically created for each
communication channel created.
Figure 2-5
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Note The name "S7Connection" is a placeholder for the name of the S7 connection.

In this example, the variables from the following table are displayed:
Table 2-4 Important performance variables for an S7 communication channel
Tag Meaning
"@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_<S7Connection> This value specifies the currently
_TAG_READS_PENDING“ pending read requests.
A high or strongly increasing value can
indicate communication problems.
"@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_<S7Connection> This value specifies the currently
_TAG_WRITES_PENDING" pending write requests.
A high or strongly increasing value can
indicate communication problems.

9. Add another "Online Trend Control" to your screen.

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2 Configuration

Figure 2-6

10. Open the configuration dialog of the added Controls.

11. Add a total of 2 curves for the following variables:
Table 2-5 Configuration of the trends for the S7 connection
No Data source Tag
1. 2 - Online "@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_<S7Connection>_TAG_READS
2. 2 - Online "@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_<S7Connection>_TAG_WRITE

2.1.2 Optional: Display counter

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A counter for read and write access is suitable for information purposes. You can
use this to check how many read or write accesses are requested over a defined
period (1h, 1d) via the communication channel.

1. Open an HMI screen in the WinCC Graphics Designer.
2. Drag and drop two I/O fields into the HMI screen.
Figure 2-7

3. Use the configuration dialog to connect the I/O fields with the variables from
the following table:

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2 Configuration

Table 2-6
Tag Meaning
@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_S7Connection_TAG_READS_TOTAL Counter read
@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_S7Connection_TAG_WRITES_TOTAL Counter write
4. Insert a button (3) to reset the counters in the HMI screen.
5. Connect the button as described in the following table to generate a positive
signal edge.
Table 2-7
Event Action
Press left @PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_S7Connection_Reset = True
Releasing left @PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_S7Connection_Reset = False
Figure 2-8

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Note The total counters can only be interpreted if you know since when the counter
has been active. If, for example, you reset the counter for a particular action, you
can then valuate these values.

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2 Configuration

2.1.3 Archiving Performance Tags

To evaluate the variables over a longer period of time, save the variables in an
archive if required.
In the example project, "Tag Logging" can be activated or deactivated via a button.
This allows you to reduce the archiving load of the WinCC system and the
variables are only archived when required.

The service "WinCC Tag Logging Runtime" is activated in the computer properties.

Archiving is configured with the acquisition type "cyclic-selective". With this entry
type, you specify two variables that specify the start and end of archiving. Use the
button to invert both variables in order to alternately generate a positive signal
edge for starting and ending the archiving.
Figure 2-9

To configure the archiving of the performance variables with the button, carry out
the following steps:
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1. In WinCC Explorer, open the "Tag Logging" area.

2. Click on "Archive > Process Value Archive" in the "Tag Logging" area.
3. Click an empty cell in the Main Area to add a new archive. Assign a name.
4. Open this archive via the left navigation area.
5. Click the [...] icon in the first line and select the variables you want to archive.

Note You can select multiple variables by holding down the <STRG> key during

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2 Configuration

Figure 2-10

To be able to control archiving, create two variables "Start" and "Stop" each for
the performance tags of "Tag Logging" and "S7 Connection" (a total of four
variables of the data type "Bool"). The variables created in this application
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example can be found in Table 2-8.

6. In the "Tag Logging Editor", set the "cyclic selective" entry type for all tags to
be archived and select one variable each for "Start" and "Stop"
In this example, archiving is divided into two groups ("Tag Logging" and
"S7 Connection"). Within a group, you use the same start and stop condition
(See for example Table 2-8).

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2 Configuration

Table 2-8 Projected start and stop condition for archiving

Archive Tag Start Variable Stop Variable
@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_S7Connection startArchive_S7Con endArchive_S7Con
@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_S7Connection startArchive_S7Con endArchive_S7Con
@PRF_TLGRT_ startArchive_Taglogging endArchive_Taglogging
@PRF_TLGRT_ startArchive_Taglogging endArchive_Taglogging
@PRF_TLGRT_ TAGS_PER_SECOND startArchive_Taglogging endArchive_Taglogging

Figure 2-11
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7. Open the "Graphics Designer" and place a button on your HMI screen.
8. Create a new click event for the button.
9. You can use the following example code to switch between the two variables.
This alternately generates a positive signal edge for "Start" and "Stop".

Note In the example project, the button is configured so that a graphic is displayed
depending on the state. This represents a slider.

Figure 2-12

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2 Configuration

Note If you use the script, you must set the start value of the stop variable
"endArchive_*" in the WinCC variable household to "1", otherwise the script will
simultaneously generate positive signal edges for the start and stop signal. In
this case, archiving is not started.

Alternatively, you can use two separate buttons, one for the start signal and the
other for the stop signal.

In Runtime you switch archiving on and off alternately with the configured button.

Display of archive variables

The archive variables are displayed with the OnlineTrendControl.
To do this, create new trends with the data source "1 - Archive Tags" in the
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configuration menu of the OnlineTrendControl.

The following archive variables are displayed in the application example:
Table 2-9 Configured archive variables in OnlineTrendControl
No. Data source Tag name
1. 1 – Archive Tags PerformanceTags\@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_
2. 1 – Archive Tags PerformanceTags\@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON_
3. 1 – Archive Tags PerformanceTags\@PRF_TLGRT_
4. 1 – Archive Tags PerformanceTags\@PRF_TLGRT_
5. 1 – Archive Tags PerformanceTags\@PRF_TLGRT_

Note: "PerformanceTags" corresponds to the name of the process value archive.

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2 Configuration

2.1.4 Optional: Displaying more Performance Tags

In addition to the performance variables for tag logging and process

communication (S7 connection) configured in this application example, further
performance variables exist, for example for the variable budget of WinCC.

Tag Management
The next table lists a selection of performance tags for the Variable Budget area.
You can also display these variables in WinCC analog to the project engineering of
the performance display for "Tag Logging".
Table 2-10
Tag name Meaning
CALLBACKS_PENDING Constantly rising values indicate
overload of the system, caused by
reading requirements of the client
REQUESTS_ACTIVE Steadily rising values indicate too many
(slow) client applications.
@PRF_DMRT_SRV_WRITE_ Tag Management
REQUEST_ACTIVE Steadily rising values indicate an
overload of the data manager.
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2.1.5 Optional: Displaying the connection status

You can use the status variables for the individual WinCC connections to display
whether the controller still has a connection to the WinCC system.
For this purpose, you can create the following two variables for each WinCC
Table 2-11
Tag Function
S7Connection@ConnectionStateEx Display of the connection status:
0: Connection interrupted
1: Connection has been established
S7Connection@ForceConnectionStateEx Selectively switch the connection on and
1 > 0: Turn off connection
0 > 1: Turn on connection
Note: S7Connection is an example of the WinCC connection name.

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2 Configuration

Tag creation
To create the status variables, proceed as follows:
1. Open the "Tag Management" in WinCC.
2. In the Connections area, right-click the connection to which you want to create
the variables.
3. Click on "Create Enable/Disable Tags" in the context menu.

Figure 2-13
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4. Click the "OK" button in the notification window.

Figure 2-14

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2 Configuration

The two status variables described are automatically generated for the selected
connection. The status variables are stored in the "Internal variables" under
Figure 2-15

Display of the connection status in WinCC

As of V7.5, SIMATIC WinCC contains an SVG library "IndustryGraphicLibraryV2.0"
with direct dynamization options. With it you can dynamize the pictures according
to your wishes.
In the example project, the "SignalTowerOff" from the SVG library was used to
display the connection status. This SVG graphic can be linked with the variable
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"S7Connection@ConnectionStateEx" via the "Object properties > Symbol

Figure 2-16

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3 Interpretation of Performance Values

3 Interpretation of Performance Values

3.1 General
The performance variables offer a possibility to diagnose problems on the WinCC
system. However, a high value, e.g. for the currently written variables, is not a
problem at first. Only permanently rising values or a sudden increase in
performance tags over a longer period of time can indicate a problem.
The variables that count the pending or waiting variables are important for
assessing the performance of the system. These performance variables end with
Increasing values for "Queue" or "Pending" indicate that the WinCC system cannot
process actions and variables immediately and WinCC must process them serially.
For example, if this queue grows faster than the WinCC system can handle the
requests, this is problematic. For this reason, permanently increasing values pose
a problem.
To recognize these performance variable progressions, you must observe the
values over a longer period of time. The following performance variable
progressions can indicate a problem.

3.2 Curve characteristics

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To obtain a statement about the performance of the WinCC system or the

communication channels, you must look at the development of some performance
Peak loads indicate a load that is triggered by cyclic events. This includes, for
example, scripts that require a lot of reading or writing.
These peak loads only become problematic if the WinCC system is temporarily
overloaded and therefore only able to be operated to a limited extent. If the peak
loads are quickly reduced again, there are no restrictions in the WinCC system.

Figure 3 Peak loads

Increasing chart progressions indicate an overload or a problem if the condition

does not return to normal. The problem depends on which performance variables
are affected.

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3 Interpretation of Performance Values

Figure 3-1

In this application example, the following variables are crucial for performance
measurement and overload detection of the WinCC system:

Range "Tag Logging"


Area "S7 connection"

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Table 3-1
Affected tag WinCC components Possible causes
@PRF_DMRT_SRV_* Data management 1. Too many /
overloaded client
2. Overload of the data
@PRF_TLGRT_* Tag Logging Overload the tag logging
Notify Queue runtime
@PRF_DMRT_CHNCON Overload of process
communication due to too
many clients

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3 Interpretation of Performance Values

3.3 Example screen

The following HMI screen was taken in Runtime and will be analyzed in the
Figure 3-2

3.3.1 "Tag Logging" Analysis

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In the "Tag Logging" area, the processed archived variables fluctuate cyclically by
one value per second. The average value is "8", as you can see from the light gray
The blue curve symbolizes the wait loop, i.e. the variables that cannot be
processed immediately by the WinCC system. This value remains "0" over the
entire period. WinCC therefore archives all variables without delay.
You derive the following knowledge from the left curve diagram:
– The archiving system works and archives an average of 8 variables per
– WinCC is never fully utilized, all variables are archived immediately.

Note In this example, a permanently rising blue curve would indicate performance

3.3.2 Analysis "S7 connection"

In the area of the S7 connection, you can see two deflections in the read accesses
to the S7 variables. This means that individual reading requests have waited at
these times. After a few seconds, the deflections fell back to "0". You derive the
following knowledge from the curve diagram on the right:
– There were rashes, these are uncritical, as they only lined up for a very
short time.
– The WinCC communication channel operates normally for the period under

Note Constantly rising values indicate performance problems during the processing or
communication of variables with the controller.

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4 Commissioning the example application

4 Commissioning the example application

4.1 Opening the project
1. Download the project from the article page.
2. Unpack the project and open it with SIMATIC WinCC V7.5.
3. Click on the "Start Server locally" button in the "Server unavailable" message
4. Adapt the computer name in WinCC to your computer.
To do this, right-click on Computer in the WinCC Explorer and select
Figure 4-1
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In Computer Properties, click the "Properties" button.

Figure 4-2

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4 Commissioning the example application

To take the current computer name from Windows, click the "Use Local
Computer Name" button.
Figure 4-3:

5. Close the WinCC Explorer and restart it.

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Before you start the WinCC Runtime, configure the connection of the controller in the
next chapter.

4.2 Adapting the communication to the S7 controller

In order to display the performance values of the S7 connection to the controller,
you must first adapt the connection parameters of the controller in WinCC. Proceed
as follows:
1. Open the "Tag Management" in WinCC.
2. To change the connection settings, right-click the connection and select
"Connection Parameters".

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4 Commissioning the example application

Figure 4-4

3. Enter the IP address of your controller under "IP address". Then click "OK".
Figure 4-5
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Note For this step, the controller must be accessible from the WinCC computer.

4. As soon as WinCC has established a connection to the controller, a green tick

is added to the icon of the S7 connection in the WinCC channel.
Figure 4-6

5. To load the control variables into WinCC, right-click on the connection and
select "AS Symbols > Load from AS"

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4 Commissioning the example application

Figure 4-7

4.3 WinCC-Runtime
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1. To start the WinCC Runtime, click on the "Start" button in the WinCC Explorer.
Figure 4-8

2. Click on "Start Application", for example to get there.

WinCC Performance Tags

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4 Commissioning the example application

Figure 4-9

In Runtime you can see the two configured trend controls. In the example
application, the traffic light at the top right corner of the screen indicates the
connection status of the S7-1500.
With the two buttons for archiving, archiving in runtime can be switched on and
off as required.
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3. To view the archived variables, switch to the "Performance History" tab page.
Figure 4-10:

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4 Commissioning the example application

4. On the HMI "Performance History" screen, you can see all archived variables.
Figure 4-11

Note The performance variables for archiving (variables per second) are visualized in
a weaker color because they can only be used for information purposes and are
not a direct indicator of an overload of the archiving system.
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5 More information and links

5 More information and links

5.1 Project engineering recommendations
One reason for poor performance of the WinCC system can be unfavorable project
planning of objects or dynamizations in WinCC. The WinCC project engineering
recommendations provide assistance:
The "Working with WinCC" manual provides some project engineering
recommendations on the topics of cycle times, faceplate types, variables (triggers)
and dynamization of objects. The optimal project planning is always project-
dependent and can vary in size and complexity of the WinCC project.
The general project engineering recommendations can be found under the
following link:

5.2 Quantity structure in WinCC

Additional information is available at the following link:
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5.3 SITRAIN courses

You will learn about the products used in this application example in the courses:
SITRAIN entry course: WinCC V7 (Entry-ID: 109758633).
SITRAIN advanced course: WinCC V7 and WinCC Options (Entry ID: 109758660).

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6 Appendix

6 Appendix
6.1 Service and support
Industry Online Support
Do you have any questions or need assistance?
Siemens Industry Online Support offers round the clock access to our entire
service and support know-how and portfolio.
The Industry Online Support is the central address for information about our
products, solutions and services.
Product information, manuals, downloads, FAQs, application examples and videos
– all information is accessible with just a few mouse clicks:

Technical Support
The Technical Support of Siemens Industry provides you fast and competent
support regarding all technical queries with numerous tailor-made offers
– ranging from basic support to individual support contracts. Please send queries
to Technical Support via Web form:
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SITRAIN – Training for Industry

We support you with our globally available training courses for industry with
practical experience, innovative learning methods and a concept that’s tailored to
the customer’s specific needs.
For more information on our offered trainings and courses, as well as their
locations and dates, refer to our web page:

Service offer
Our range of services includes the following:
• Plant data services
• Spare parts services
• Repair services
• On-site and maintenance services
• Retrofitting and modernization services
• Service programs and contracts
You can find detailed information on our range of services in the service catalog
web page:

Industry Online Support app

You will receive optimum support wherever you are with the "Siemens Industry
Online Support" app. The app is available for Apple iOS, Android and Windows

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6 Appendix

6.2 Links and Literature

Table 6-1
No. Topic
\1\ Siemens Industry Online Support
\2\ Link to the entry page of the application example

6.3 Change documentation

Table 6-2
Version Date Change
V1.0 06/2019 First version
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