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1.IC Number:IC-TGS-OCT2019-120 Date. 15-10-2019

2. Order Number: 3900009462/146

P O Validity Start Date**:10-10-2019 P O Validity End Date**: 25-12-2019
3. Name & Address of Supplier: kalinga industrial fasteners pvt ltd, rourkela

4.Category of Inspection: Waiver Inspection

5. Place of Inspection:

Purchase Order Quantity Inspection Quantity

Sap Order Cumulative
Line Description Quantity Quantity for which Offered Accepted Remarks
Item No (Nos.) IC issued till Date (Nos.) (Nos.)

20 thin nut m 20 3000 NIL 3000 3000 NIL

30 thin nut m 24 3000 NIL 3000 3000 NIL


Drawing No:
ICS Document Ref No:

Deviations Found:

a) NA

b) NA

c) NA

**Clearance Code:

Please Tick If The Inspection Material Is Hard Stamped By You

Inspection Certificate Issued By:

Note: This Inspection Certificate does not absolve the suppliers / manufacturers from their responsibility for (a) the correct supply of the equipment / material
regarding quality , performance and quantity ,(b) the supply of entire ordered quantity (ies) of the material / equipment in complete conformity to the requirement
as to quality and quantity of the purchasing authority , and (c) replacement of material / equipment in case of non conformity of quantity , quality and
performances when rechecked by the consignee or checked in operation at site , with the purchasers specification , or manufacturers certificates / accepted
specifications and en rechecked by the consignee or checked in operation at site , with the purchasers specification , or manufacturers certificates / accepted
specifications and suppliers works /premises.

** For Internal use of Issuing Authority

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