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Comparison of clinical and electromyographic rest vertical

dimensions in dolichofacial and brachyfacial young adults: A
cross-sectional study
Arturo Manns, DDS, Dr med dent,a Catalina Valdivieso, DDS,b Victor Rojas, DDS,c
Constanza Valdés, DDS,d and Valeria Ramírez, DDSe

Changing the occlusal vertical ABSTRACT

dimension (OVD) is a com- Statement of problem. Therapeutic procedures that increase occlusal vertical dimension (OVD)
mon procedure in restorative may have different responses in patients with different craniofacial vertical patterns. The effect on
dentistry when patients are these patients of increasing their OVD is not well understood.
treated for temporomandib-
Purpose. The purpose of this clinical study was to compare measurements of vertical jaw sepa-
ular disorders or orthodontic ration (VJS) in patients with brachyfacial and dolichofacial craniofacial patterns in 2 vertical di-
problems, or when they mensions: the clinical rest/postural vertical dimension (CR/PVD) and electromyographic rest vertical
require orthognathic surgery.1-3 dimension (EMGRVD).
Long-term studies have re-
Material and methods. Sixty healthy dental students were selected at random after a lateral skull
ported an adaptation of face radiograph was made. The Ricketts (VERT index) analysis was used to determine 30 brachyfacial (G1)
height after an increase of OVD and 30 dolichofacial (G2) types. The VJS was measured for G1 and G2 types in the 2 rest vertical
with fixed restorations. One dimensions specified. CR/PVD was recorded using 2 methods: swallowing (CR/PVD-P1) and the
study showed stability in the phonetic breathing method (CR/PVD-P2). The Shapiro-Wilk test was used for data distribution, and
occlusal face height after the the Mann-Whitney U test was used to accept or reject the null hypothesis (a=.05).
OVD was increased by an Results. Mean VJS in CR/PVD-P1 was 1.92 ±1.14 mm for the brachyfacial and 1.36 ±0.58 mm for the
average of 1.9 mm in 12 of 19 dolichofacial facial group (P=.05). The mean VJS in CR/PVD-P2 was 1.89 ±1.17 mm for the
patients after 5.5 years.1 The brachyfacial and 1.31 ±0.58 mm for the dolichofacial group (P=.03). The mean VJS in EMGRVD
functional adaptation was re- was 8.23 ±2.21 mm for the brachyfacial and 16.55 ±4.29 mm the dolichofacial group (P<.001).
ported to be highly individual. Conclusions. CR/PVD measurements in dolichofacial individuals were lower than those in bra-
Another study discussed adap- chyfacial individuals. EMGRVD measurements were higher in dolichofacial individuals than those in
tation to increased occlusal brachyfacial individuals. Biomechanical, physiological, and behavioral reasons might explain such
facial height from a single pa- diversity. (J Prosthet Dent 2018;-:---)
tient, showing it to be stable
after 10 years, in spite of wear and increased overlap of the The vertical separation of occlusal devices has been
restorations.2 More recent results have shown that the reported to be positively correlated with therapeutic
increased adaptive resting face height remains stable after outcome in patients with temporomandibular disorders.
the OVD was increased over 1 and 2 years in 8 The increase in OVD with occlusal devices decreases the
participants.3 activity of the jaw elevator muscles.4-6 In relation to the

Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Oral Function, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile.
Instructor, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Oral Function, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile.
Instructor, Department of Orthodontics; Restorative Dentistry and Oral Function, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile.
Assistant Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Oral Function, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile.
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile.


2 Volume - Issue -

muscle activity,22-27 esthetic-functional compensation,28

Clinical Implications masseter muscle orientation,29 or elevator jaw muscles
Restoring the occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) is cross-sectional area.30-34 However, other studies have
only reported a low correlation value between CR/PVD,
possible by introducing smaller increases in patients
the electrically stimulated jaw position, and the
with short faces or brachyfacial tendencies. For
mandibular plane/sella-nasion angle.15,16 Regarding
patients with long faces or dolichofacial tendencies,
EMGRVD, results are contradictory: some state that there
the opposite is advisable. Therefore, the vertical
are no differences in VJS when EMGRVD is recorded
craniofacial morphology pattern of the patient
between low-angle and high-angle individuals;12-14
should be considered when a clinical procedure to
others indicate that there are differences, reporting
increase the OVD is selected.
higher VJS average values in EMGRVD in low-angle
The purpose of this clinical study was to compare VJS
decreased electromyographic (EMG) activity with
for the 2 vertical jaw positions, CR/PVD and EMGRVD,
increased OVD, one study has analyzed the effect of
between brachyfacial and dolichofacial individuals, as
changes in vertical jaw relation on motor unit recruitment
well as to identify these vertical jaw positions in both
behavior in different regions of the masseter muscles
vertically opposite facial patterns based on biomechan-
during feedback-controlled submaximum occlusal tasks.7
ical, physiological, and behavioral considerations,35-37
The EMG activity diminished with increased vertical
along with their clinical applications.
distance despite the development of a constant occlusal
force, which is in accordance with previous findings in
which surface electrodes were used.8-10
In these studies, procedures to increase OVD were Eighty-nine healthy, fully dentate men and women,
based, biologically and clinically, on 2 rest vertical di- dental students between the ages of 18 and 27, partici-
mensions: clinical rest/postural vertical dimension (CR/ pated in this study after undergoing lateral skull radi-
PVD) and the electromyographic rest vertical dimension ography. The participants were recruited by convenience
(EMGRVD). The CR/PVD, or the clinical rest position of sampling from a single institution, Faculty of Dentistry,
the mandible, is traditionally used as a vertical reference Universidad de los Andes. The study was approved by
to establish the OVD in a complete denture. CR/PVD is the ethics committee of the Universidad de los Andes. All
also called the habitual postural position of the were volunteers and signed an informed consent to
mandible because it is maintained by a definite EMG participate in this study in accordance with the Decla-
tonically or postural jaw elevator activity. To record ration of Helsinki. Table 1 shows the sociodemographic
OVD, participants were instructed to rest their jaws characteristics of the sample.
with teeth slightly apart to establish the so-called Inclusion criteria required participants to have
freeway space. EMGRVD is an EMG-determined ver- healthy, full permanent dentition, except for third molars
tical jaw position where minimal tonic EMG activity of and premolars removed as part of orthodontic treatment.
the elevator muscles occurs.11-16 According to experi- Exclusion criteria comprised active periodontal disease,
mental studies of EMGRVD, tonic elevator EMG activity temporomandibular disorders, lip incompetence, and
decreases gradually particularly in the masseter when medically compromised individuals.
the mandible moves from intercuspation to maximal Participants were shortlisted according to facial third
opening, reaching its minimum at 8 to 12 mm of vertical proportion and mandibular rotation. Individuals were
jaw separation (VJS) and then increasing gradually to considered brachyfacial (G1) if they had a shorter lower
achieve its highest level at maximum opening.17-21 facial third and a low gonial angle. They were considered
EMGRVD occurs at a higher VJS (8 to 12 mm) dolichofacial (G2) if they had a longer lower facial third
in comparison with CR/P-P (1 to 3 mm), and conse- and a high gonial angle. The 89 participants were
quently both vertical positions of the jaw must be selected accordingly, and the vertical facial pattern for
considered as a separate concept or as independent each participant was determined by using the Ricketts
entities.14,18,19,21 VERT index analysis. For that purpose, a cephalometric
Studies related to CR/PVD have reported that the diagnostic method was used by means of a lateral skull
freeway space is inversely related to the vertically oppo- radiograph to confirm the vertical craniofacial pattern of
site morphological craniofacial patterns: brachyfacial/ the participants.
dolichofacial or short/long faces. Accordingly, freeway Craniofacial patterns were determined by using digital
space has been found to be smaller in individuals with cephalometric software (Nemochep), which allowed the
longer faces than those with shorter faces.12-14 These vertical growth direction of each participant to be clas-
differences are possibly related to their temporalis sified. Vertical facial patterns were determined using the


- 2018 3

Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of sample

Sex Age (y)
Craniofacial Mean (Interquartile Total
Pattern Men Women (SD) Range) (n)
Brachyfacial 11 19 24 (1.70) 24 (1) 30
Dolichofacial 9 21 23 (2.14) 23 (2) 30
Total 20 40 60

VERT index, which is the arithmetic mean of the differ-

ence between 5 cephalometric measurements: facial axis
(Ba-Na to Pt-Gn), facial depth (FH to N-pg), mandibular
plane angle (FH to Go-Me), lower face height (ANS-Xi to
Xi-Pm), and mandibular arch (Pm-Xi to Xi-Dc) divided
by the standard deviation of those measurements (Fig. 1). Figure 1. Cephalometric measurements used to define vertical facial
The facial pattern of each participant (Fig. 2) was classi- pattern through Ricketts (VERT index) analysis. 1, Facial axis 90 ±3
fied as either brachyfacial (VERT index more than +1.0) degrees. 2, Facial depth 87 ±3 degrees. 3, Mandibular plane 26 ±4
or dolichofacial (VERT index less than −1.0). Of the 89 degrees. 4, Lower facial height 47 ±4 degrees. 5, Mandibular arch
initial volunteers, 60 participants were included in the 26 ±4 degrees.
sample, 30 in group G1 and 30 in group G2.
EMGRVD defines a vertical jaw position as deter-
The CR/PVD and EMGRVD were measured by an
mined by the minimal tonic EMG activity of the jaw-
experienced clinician (A.M.) at the oral physiology labo-
closing muscles, in particular the masseter muscles,
ratory at Universidad de los Andes. The clinician was not
because it shows a more defined decline at this
informed of the participants’ VERT index. The partici-
point.7,18,40 Masseteric EMG activity was recorded using
pants were seated upright in a dental chair with their
2 self-adhesive and gel-free EMG surface electrodes
heads supported, the bipupilar plane parallel to the floor,
(Bioflex; Bio Research Associates Inc) and 1 neutral
and their eyes open while looking straight ahead. The
electrode on the forehead, according to the electromy-
base of the nasal septum and the most prominent part of
ography recording procedures previously described.41
the chin, both coincident with the facial midline, were
The participants were instructed to open their mouths
marked with a pen. A compass (Zielinsky DP-725; Aes-
slowly and progressively from the intercuspal position,
culap) and digital calipers (Scale Digital Caliper; Mitutoyo
keeping their facial muscles as relaxed as possible during
Co) were used to record the vertical dimension between
opening until the minimum digital value of tonic
the points. The tips of the calipers were placed without
masseteric activity was identified with the micro-
any pressure to avoid distortion of the skin. VJS was
voltmeter. The vertical dimension was then measured
calculated in hundredths of millimeters (10 mm accuracy)
(Fig. 3C). VJS was calculated by subtracting the vertical
by subtracting the vertical dimension value recorded in
dimension in intercuspal position from the obtained
the intercuspal position (Fig. 3A) from the vertical
value in EMGRVD.
dimension values obtained for CR/PVD (Fig. 3B) and
Quantitative variables were described with their me-
EMGRVD (Fig. 3C).
dian and interquartile range because they displayed an
The following 2 methods were used to measure the
asymmetric distribution, which was evaluated using the
distance between points A and B. In the swallowing
Shapiro-Wilk test (a=.05). Categorical variables were
method (CR/PVD-P1), participants were asked to
described by frequencies and percentages. The Mann-
moisten their lips first and then swallow saliva while in
Whitney U test for nonparametric data was used to
the intercuspal position and then relax their jaw with
compare brachyfacial and dolichofacial groups (a=.05).
their lips remaining in slight contact. The vertical
All statistical analyses were performed with Stata v12.1
dimension was recorded immediately (Fig. 3B).38 In the
software (StataCorp).
phonetic breathing method (CR/PVD-P2), participants
were asked to say the word “sip.” On pronouncing the
“p” phoneme, they were instructed to exhale through
the nose and relax their jaw with their lips remaining Eighty-nine volunteer dental students between 18 and 27
in slight contact. The vertical dimension was recorded years of age were recruited. Only 60 students fulfilled the
(Fig. 3B).39 For each method, VJS was calculated by inclusion criteria: 40 women and 20 men. Nineteen
subtracting the vertical dimension in the intercuspal women (63.33%) and 11 men (36.67%) were brachyfa-
position from the obtained value in CR/PVD. cial; 21 women (70%) and 9 men (30%) were


4 Volume - Issue -

Figure 2. A, Lateral skull radiograph for brachyfacial type. B, Lateral skull radiograph for dolichofacial type.

dolichofacial. No sex differences were found for CR/PVD- to as long-faced or more vertical hyperdivergent type)
P1 (P=.51), CR/PVD-P2 (P=.54), or EMGRVD (P=.30). have greater temporalis muscle tonic activity in CR/
The mean VJS in CR/PVD-P1 for the swallowing PVD22,23 and also under low levels of muscle effort24,25
method was 1.92 ±1.14 mm for brachyfacial participants compared with mesofacial and brachyfacial individuals.
and 1.36 ±0.58 mm for dolichofacial participants (P=.05). This is relevant because the temporalis muscle is
The mean VJS in CR/PVD-P2 for the phonetic breathing mainly a postural jaw muscle.26 Consequently, the
method was 1.89 ±1.17 mm for brachyfacial participants higher temporalis tonic EMG activity could partly
and 1.31 ±0.58 mm for dolichofacial participants (Table 2) explain the lower freeway space or the lower values of
(P=.03). Mean VJS in EMGRVD was 8.23 ±2.21 mm for VJS recorded in CR/PVD for dolichofacial individuals.
brachyfacial participants and 16.55 ±4.29 mm for doli- These higher values of temporalis tonic activity in
chofacial participants (Table 2) (P<.001). dolichofacial individuals may be related to the form
and position of the mandible as well as to a gravita-
tional component.27 Concerning the compensatory
self-awareness factor, individuals with brachyfacial and
This study involved a simultaneous comparison of VJS dolichofacial patterns might look for esthetic-
measurements in relation to 2 vertical dimensions (CR/ functional compensation in terms of their facial lower
PVD and EMGRVD) between 2 groups of participants third height in CR/PVD. Because of their long-faced
with vertically opposite morphological craniofacial pat- aspect, dolichofacial individuals try to keep their
terns: brachyfacial and dolichofacial. CR/PVD was mandible less separated from the maxilla and therefore
measured using 2 techniques: a swallowing method attain a smaller freeway space or VJS in CR/PVD,
(CR/PVD-P1) and a phonetic breathing method (CR/ diminishing the long-faced appearance. In brachyfacial
PVD-P2). VJS in CR/PVD-P2 was significantly greater in individuals, this pattern might be the opposite.
brachyfacial participants then dolichofacial ones (P=.03). Dissatisfaction with appearance could be considered a
These results are consistent with the VJS values in CR/ main factor for patients seeking treatment.28 This
PVD found in previous studies, which determined a esthetic-functional compensatory factor should be
mean between 1.1 and 3.1 mm (±0.8) in high-angle closely related to higher EMG activity of the temporalis
groups and a mean between 2.0 and 4.6 mm (±1.35) muscles in dolichofacial individuals.
in low-angle groups of participants.12-16 The findings for Unlike CR/PVD, EMGRVD defines a vertical jaw
both techniques implemented in this study are more position determined by the minimal tonic EMG activity
closely related to the lower values found in these of the jaw-closing muscles, in particular the masseter
studies. muscles, because they show a more defined decline at
The differences in values found for VJS in CR/PVD this point.17,18,40 EMGRVD occurs at a higher VJS than
between brachyfacial and dolichofacial individuals can with CR/PVD; consequently, both vertical positions of
be explained in 2 ways: the level of jaw tonic muscle the jaw must be considered as a separate concept.
activity or a compensatory self-awareness factor in When VJS in EMGRVD was compared between
terms of an individual’s perception of self-appearance brachyfacial and dolichofacial participants, VJS was
regarding the lower third height of the face. significantly greater (P<.001) in the dolichofacial group
Regarding the level of jaw tonic muscle activity, studies (mean, 16.60 ±4.29 mm) than in the brachyfacial group
have shown that dolichofacial individuals (also referred (mean, 8.23 ±2.21 mm). Conversely, other studies


- 2018 5

group of asymptomatic individuals and performed

under similar experimental EMG settings to this
The difference in the VJS values regarding
EMGRVD found in this study when brachyfacial and
dolichofacial participants were compared may be
explained on the basis of 2 skeletal muscle properties:
variations in sarcomeric length and changes in passive
tension.42,43 Specifically, both muscle properties are
manifested as the different degrees of masseter muscle
stretch approach the optimal range of sarcomeric
length. Individuals with brachyfacial tendencies
attained this optimal range of sarcomeric length
without opening their jaws as much as dolichofacial
individuals. Also, an earlier increase in passive
masseteric muscular tension occurred. Optimal sarco-
meric length range and passive tension have been
documented by the general length-tension relationship
of skeletal muscles42,43 and length-tension relationship
of jaw-closing muscles.8,9,35-37 Figure 4C and G illus-
trates the different masseter muscle lengthening effects
by means of an interincisal 8 mm jaw opening in those
with brachyfacial and dolichofacial tendencies. In this
example, the brachyfacial biotype had a molar vertical
dimension of 6 mm (Fig. 4D), whereas only a 4 mm
molar vertical dimension was present in the dolicho-
facial biotype (Fig. 4F). This means an earlier and
greater lengthening of the masseter muscle in the
brachyfacial group occurred at a specific interincisal jaw
separation. Furthermore, the anatomic muscle orien-
tation should be considered. Brachyfacial biotypes have
more vertically oriented masseter muscles than doli-
chofacial ones. Dolichofacial biotypes display a more
oblique masseter orientation (Fig. 4C, 4E).29
The elevator jaw muscles in brachyfacial individuals
have a larger cross-sectional area compared with doli-
chofacial individuals, particularly the masseter.30-34
Therefore, this muscle consists of fibers of greater
cross-sectional area with a larger number of parallel
sarcomeres, meaning that more myosin cross-bridges are
available for a particular muscle resting length. As a
result, fewer muscle fibers are required to provide a
Figure 3. Vertical jaw separation measurements. A, Intercuspal
position (IP). B, Clinical rest/postural vertical dimension (CR/PVD). C,
definite number of myosin cross-bridges at that given
Electromyographic rest vertical dimension (EMGRVD). Measurements muscle length, and in turn lower tonic EMG activity in
performed with compass between base of nasal septum and most EMGRVD.
prominent part of chin, both coincident with facial midline; information The results of this study will assist clinicians in
transferred to file using same compass and numerical measurement of making therapeutic decisions when an increase in
corresponding vertical dimension performed using digital calipers. OVD is indicated. The therapeutic objective in the in-
crease of the OVD is not only to increase the height of
reported higher VJS average values in EMGRVD in the occlusion but also to achieve a therapeutic neuro-
low-angle individuals11 or no significant differences in muscular advantage and improved neuromuscular
EMGRVD between long- and short-angle in- adaptation. The latter is obtained not only by reduction
dividuals.13,15 Our results agree with the resting zone of the tonic EMG elevator activity, with special refer-
of bilateral minimum masseter EMG activity found in a ence to the masseter muscle (the most affected in the


6 Volume - Issue -

Table 2. Statistical variables (in mm of vertical jaw separation) for brachyfacial and dolichofacial groups in 2 rest vertical dimensions: clinical rest/
postural vertical dimension (CR/PVD) and electromyographic rest vertical dimension (EMGRVD)
Brachyfacial (n=30) Dolichofacial (n=30)
Variable Median (IQR) Mean (SD) Range Median (IQR) Mean ±SD Range P*
CR/PVD-P1 1.70 (0.87) 1.92 ±1.14 0.48-5.71 1.31 (0.94) 1.36 ±0.58 0.46-2.46 .51
CR/PVD-P2 1.67 (1.10) 1.89 ±1.17 0.2-5.71 1.24 (0.93) 1.31 ±0.58 0.46-2.46 .39
EMGRVD 8.04 (2.60) 8.23 ±2.21 4.6-13.68 15.97 (7.20) 16.55 ±4.29 9.45-23.9 <.001

CR/PVD-P1, swallowing method; CR/PVD-P2, phonetic breathing method; IQR, interquartile range. *Mann-Whitney test.

form of myofascial pain in patients with temporo- The advantages of this study compared with other
mandibular disorders),44 but also by an overall studies10-16 include a larger sample of young adults;
decrease in EMG elevator activity with increased strict criteria for skeletal cephalometric classification
OVD, despite the development of a constant occlusal groups; all comparative measurements expressed as
force.7-11 Previous studies have reported that VJS in millimeters; and standardized conditions for
EMGRVD recordings, especially for masseter activity, head-neck and body posture.46 The limitations of this
have shown a considerable decrease in the first 3 to 5 study include the fact that no direct electronic devices
mm; after this interval, it dropped to a minimum level were used to measure VJS.
of between 8 and 12 mm.14,40 These findings suggest
that a few millimeters of interocclusal dimension are CONCLUSIONS
critical for jaw muscle relaxation.45 This can be
On the basis of the findings of this clinical study, the
accomplished by introducing smaller increases in OVD
following conclusions were drawn:
in this 3 to 5 mm space in patients with short faces or
brachyfacial tendencies. For patients with long faces or 1. VJS in CR/PVD in dolichofacial individuals was
dolichofacial tendencies, the opposite procedure is lower than in brachyfacial individuals.
advisable. Therefore, the vertical craniofacial 2. The higher VJS values in EMGRVD in brachyfacial
morphology pattern of the patient should be consid- individuals compared with dolichofacial individuals is
ered when choosing a clinical procedure that increases explained by 2 skeletal muscle properties: variations in
the OVD. sarcomeric length and changes in passive tension.

Figure 4. Open/closing mandibular paths of movements. A, Brachyfacial individual. B, Dolichofacial individual. C, D, Intercuspal position of brachyfacial
and dolichofacial individuals. E, F, Eight-millimeter interincisal opening with corresponding molar vertical space in brachyfacial and dolichofacial
individuals. At same interincisal distance of 8 mm in brachyfacial types higher molar interocclusal space is promoted in comparison with dolichofacial
types due to more vertical path of opening/closing mandibular movements. Arrows in C to F represent orientation of masseter muscles. Modified from
Farella M, Iodice G, Michelotti A, Leonardi R. The relationship between vertical craniofacial morphology and the sagittal path of mandibular movements.
J Oral Rehabil 2005;32:857-62. P, posterior; A, anterior.


- 2018 7

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