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How can you encourage inclusive education among parents and


Inclusive Education
- The foundation for friendship

1. Create opportunities to be with peers

2. Promote connections around common interests

3. Encourage continuity

4. Vary connections and experiences

5. Support friendship development

6. Provide a positive role model and respect individual differences

7. Teach social skills

8. Foster peer support

Prepared by:
Andrea Raymundo
Marilou Solis
Inclusive Education

A generation ago, children with special needs were denied this positive experience.
Many of their parents, however, had a vision. They lobbied and advocated for their
children’s right to an education. As a result, our children have the right to receive an
education in inclusive school environments. Parents wish that their children may have a
friendships and opportunities, wishing that they are welcomed, to belong, and to
participate in all aspects of community life.

1. Create opportunities to be with peers

- Create opportunities to practice effective social skills both individually and in
groups. Model effective social skills in the classroom through praise, positive
reinforcement, and correction and redirection of inappropriate behaviors.
Provide role-play scenarios that build social skills.

2. Promote connections around common interests

- Promote connections around common interest. For successful connections to
occur, It’s important to build on common interests. This may be as simple as
selecting certain students to travel together, teaming kids up for work
projects, or using peer tutors in the classroom.

3. Encourage continuity
- Continuity of learning and transitions for each child are supported by sharing
relevant information and clarifying responsibilities. The experience of moving
successfully from one group or space to another, or one experience to
another, equips children to manage their everyday lives now and into the

4. Vary connections and experiences

- For children, making friends is a vital part of growing up and essential part of
their social and emotional development. Contributes such as social,
competence, altruism, self-esteem, and self-confidence have all been found
to be positively correlated to having friends. Studies have found that
friendships enable children to learn more about themselves and develop
their own identity.

5. Support friendship development

- It is not only the social and emotional benefits; friends can positively
influence children’s health. Studies have shown that children who played
frequently with active friends were far less likely to mention barriers for not
exercising, such as low self-esteem, feeling self-conscious or lack of

6. Provide a positive role model and respect individual differences

- Diversity is a reality created by individuals and groups from a broad
spectrum. Practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences that are
different from our own.

7. Teach social skills

- Social skills are the skills we use every day to interact and communicate with
others. These are stories which are used to teach children specific social

8. Foster peer support

- Peer support uses peers as support agents or 'friends' who are trained to
provide social and emotional assistance and to create a safe and trusting
environment. ... Peer support programs aim to enhance self-esteem and self-
efficacy and coping and problem-solving skills.

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