Ancient Works of Art

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Ancient Works of Art


Ancient Works of Art

The work of art that I picked for this analysis is the Gothic arch. I chose this work because

I am always fascinated by gothic movies, thus I was interested to learn and appreciate the gothic

work and its origin. Gothic arch is simply a curved structural device often of masonry and was

meant to support a structure and enlarge an opening. It was regarded as a key component of the

medieval gothic architectural designs (“Gothic Arch,” n.d.). Original gothic style was created to

bring more sunshine into the lives of people, particularly in churches. Gothic arch is believed to

have flourished in Europe throughout the high and late middle ages. Goths were a barbaric tribe

that had held power in several areas of Europe particularly between the Roman Empire’s collapse

and the Holy Roman Empire’s establishments. The tribe was actually not renowned for much

achievement in architecture. The term had to do with their language and later it encompassed all

qualities related to the Germanic culture dominant throughout the medieval period.

The term gothic was particularly used since the buildings throughout the Middle Ages

were never carefully planned and measured as was the case in all the ancient Rome or Renaissance

buildings. As such, gothic was applied to some architectural style after the fact especial in

churches and cathedrals According to Benton & DiYanni, (2013), the Medieval Gothic arch

became a core element of the Middle Ages. Thus, gothic builders and architects realized the

remarkable stability and strength from the use of pointed arches. I was particularly impressed

ogival arch of the work and how Gothic arch gave the architects flexibility and support a great

weight. The ogival arch feature gave architects an opportunity to work on daring and intricate

designs using slender columns which facilitated more light and larger windows.


Benton, J. R., & DiYanni, R. (2013). Arts and Culture: Pearson New International Edition: An

Introduction to the Humanities (Vol. 2). Pearson Higher Ed.

Gothic Arch (n.d.). Retrieved from


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