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Hello and welcome!

Thank you for enrolling with the College of Media and Publishing. We are looking
forward to working with you.

We are confident that, with time and effort, you will soon join the hundreds of
learners who have used our courses to change careers, gain promotions, start
businesses or learn new skills.

Online learning is different from other types of study and is usually more effective
once you get used to it.

However, you will need to understand how everything works before you start.

This Enrolment pack explains how the course works. Please read it thoroughly. It will
save you time later.


Getting started ...................................................................................................................1
Your equipment ................................................................................................................................. 2
Your course subjects ......................................................................................................................... 2
Particular needs................................................................................................................................. 3
Announcements ................................................................................................................................ 3
We believe in you ............................................................................................................................. 4
Your tutor ............................................................................................................................5
Contacting us ....................................................................................................................6
Contacting the college ................................................................................................................... 6
Contacting your tutor ...................................................................................................................... 6
If the OLA is offline ............................................................................................................................. 6
Social media ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Conduct guidelines ...........................................................................................................7
Please remember .............................................................................................................................. 7
Good manners................................................................................................................................... 7
Equality and diversity ........................................................................................................................ 8
Plagiarism is banned......................................................................................................................... 8
How to learn with us ..........................................................................................................9
Your timetable ................................................................................................................................... 9
Preparing to learn ........................................................................................................................... 10
Be comfortable................................................................................................................................ 11
How to approach each Lesson ................................................................................................... 11
Taking notes...................................................................................................................................... 12
Turnaround times ............................................................................................................ 13
Marked assignments ...................................................................................................... 13
Your grades ...................................................................................................................................... 14
What happens if you fail an assignment ................................................................................... 14
Your final grade ............................................................................................................................... 15
Grading appeals procedure ........................................................................................................ 16
When you have graduated .......................................................................................... 16
Your qualifications ........................................................................................................................... 16
Your successes ................................................................................................................................. 17


Important – read this ...................................................................................................... 18
Your payments ................................................................................................................................. 18
Additional fees ................................................................................................................................. 18
Your legal obligations ..................................................................................................................... 18
Our legal obligations ...................................................................................................................... 19
Copyright .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Complaints........................................................................................................................................ 20
Additional support .......................................................................................................... 21
Discounted software ...................................................................................................................... 21
References........................................................................................................................................ 21
Your web profile .............................................................................................................. 22
Do you need a website? ............................................................................................................... 22
Any questions? ................................................................................................................ 23
What to do next .............................................................................................................. 23
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................. i
Learning Agreement ..........................................................................................................................i


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Getting started
Your course materials are in our Online Learning Area (OLA).

You will use the OLA to:

 Access your course materials.

 Submit assignments for marking.

 Get marked work back.

 Contact the college.

 Contact your tutor.

To get started:

1. Log in to the OLA, using the username and password we sent you when you


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2. You will land on your homepage. Please watch the instructional video, which is
located on the right-hand side. It looks like this:

To maximise the video to full screen mode, you may need to click on the black bar
across the top, not the Maximise button.

The OLA is also available as an app, so you can study on a mobile device or tablet.
Search for “Moodle Mobile” in the App Store or Google Play Store.

Your equipment

To study with us, you will need an email account, and access to a computer and
the internet. Some courses may require a camera, and a camcorder, or

If you don’t have your own computer or wifi, you should be able to use a library or
an internet café.

Your course subjects

You can see a list of your course(s) and subjects on your OLA homepage.


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Particular needs

If you have particular needs and require materials in a different format, or need
additional support, please contact us via the CONTACT THE COLLEGE box in the
OLA. Please also see our Particular needs policy


We use the OLA’s Learner Forum for all learner announcements. These include:

1. Job and work opportunities.

2. College announcements, such as our holiday dates.

3. Tutors’ holiday dates and arrangements.

4. Changes in the way courses work.

Please log in to the Learner Forum at least once a week to find out what is going on.
You may miss important course announcements if you do not.

You can find the Learner forum on the right-hand side of your OLA homepage,
beneath the video:

Important changes to course content are announced in the Course announcements

area in your OLA classroom, at the top:


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We believe in you

Our beliefs shape the way we deliver our courses:

1. We believe in your potential, possibly more than you do! We believe you can
reach your goals and achieve your dreams. Our mission is to help you.

2. We believe any problem can be overcome if you work hard, have the right
attitude and receive the right help and support.

3. We believe you are important. Our aim is to make you feel as if you are the
only learner we have.

4. You will never be “another learner” to us. We want to work with you as an
individual and share your learning experiences with you. We will devote time
and attention to you.

5. We believe in being honest about your strengths and weaknesses, as

weaknesses can only be corrected if they are recognised in the first place.

6. We believe people learn best by doing things. So, your learning experience
with us will be practical. We will help you, but we will not spoon-feed you.

We will tell you where and how to find things out, but we will not do this for

7. We will help you if you get stuck, but we will not do the work for you.


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Your tutor
You will have a personal tutor who will work with you during your studies. To find out who your
tutor is, visit this page and follow the directions:

Some courses have more than one tutor. If so, you will be told the name of your tutor
when you submit your first query or your first assignment.

Your tutor will mark your work and advise you on how to improve it. They will also
encourage you and be honest about your work. This is the best way for you to learn.

Please call tutors by their first names, unless you prefer to be more formal. We
strongly encourage personal rapport, and you will be surprised at how friendly you
become with your tutor.

We hope you will have the same tutor for the duration of your course(s). However, if
this is not possible, you will be allocated another one.

If your tutor is unavailable because of sickness or holidays, your work and queries will
automatically be forwarded to another tutor.

We will let you know in the OLA’s Learner Forum


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Contacting us
Contacting the college

You can contact us only through the OLA.

The instructional video, mentioned above, explains how to do this.

We do not respond to queries by email.

Contacting your tutor

You can contact your tutor only through the OLA. The video explains how to do this.
Tutors will not respond to contact by social media or email.

If the OLA is offline

We will announce any problems with the OLA on our Learner Twitter feed:

Please note: we will only use this feed if the OLA Learner forum is unavailable, or if
there are other communications issues.

Social media

 LinkedIn:

 Facebook:

 Twitter: @CollegeMediaPub:


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Conduct guidelines
Please remember

Online learning is based around you: your commitments, your goals, and your daily
and weekly schedule. This means that you take the initiative.

We do not chase up our learners. It is your responsibility to keep in touch with us.

Your enrolment may be lapsed if you remain out of contact with us for more than 12
months. You may rejoin the course(s) at any time, but you will have to pay a
rejoining fee. See our additional fees

Good manners

We have strict standards of etiquette. Courtesy is a key skill in the world of digital
communication, and our college is a good place to practise.


1. Be courteous when you contact us, especially

if there is a misunderstanding or difficulty with
your studies.

2. Never write anything that you would not be

prepared to say politely, face to face.

3. Do not complain about us on social media. If

you raise an issue publicly, we will respond

4. We correct learners whose queries appear

abrupt or rude.

5. Please also see clause 9.12 in the Learning Agreement


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Equality and diversity

Please note that, according to our Equality and diversity policy, learners must not
harass abuse or intimidate fellow learners, tutors or staff members on account of
their age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion or belief, marriage or civil
partnership, pregnancy or maternity – or for any other reason.

Plagiarism is banned

We have a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism.

The Learning Agreement* that you accepted when you enrolled has clear rules
about plagiarism. It says you have a responsibility to:

Submit work which is your own original work, clearly presented and a true
reflection of your knowledge and abilities. Learners who commit plagiarism by
submitting work that is not theirs will be removed from their course(s)
immediately, without refund of fees.

We regularly use checking software and tutors’ experience to identify cheating.

*This is called Student Learning Agreement on your enrolment form.


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How to learn with us

Your timetable

You can start your course whenever you like. And, you decide how quickly you want
to study, as only you know your lifestyle and commitments.

Some learners complete a course in a few weeks. Others spread it over several
months, a year or even longer. Some learners have been with us for several years.

If you have enrolled on more than one course, we recommend that you study them

Try to establish a schedule that suits your circumstances and try to stick to it. You can
always change it if something unexpected turns up.

Successful online learning involves self-discipline. We encourage you to be single-

minded and focused. It will pay off in the end. Remember, we do not chase you.
You need to be a self-starter.

It may help you to think through the following statements and tick the ones that
apply to you:

☐ I am good at sticking to a schedule.

☐ I find it hard getting motivated to start a study session.

☐ I am easily distracted.

☐ I am good at time management.

☐ I leave things to the last minute.

☐ I need someone to nag me to get me to work.

☐ I can juggle several tasks at once.

Your ticks and blanks will give you clues about your time management and self-
motivational skills. Look at the negative ones and think of how you can resolve them.


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For instance, if you get easily distracted, study when you are alone. Or, study at a
library or somewhere quiet.

Preparing to learn

Preparation is important. Use this list at the start of each week:

1. List which Lesson(s) you plan to study. You must do them in numerical order.

2. Download the first Lesson from your OLA homepage classroom.

3. Add any other activities you want to do (eg, start or update your blog).

4. Identify some study periods in your diary.

5. Glance through the Lesson and split it in to study sections. Work out roughly
how long each one will take.

6. Allocate the study sections to your study periods.

7. At the end of the week, check what you have achieved.

8. If you have missed anything, carry it over to next week’s list.


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Be comfortable

To make the most of online learning, please ensure that your working area is
arranged for your comfort and safety. In this regard, please refer to our Safety
awareness policy

How to approach each Lesson

Each person learns differently. Our suggested approach is:

1. Download the Lesson from the OLA, even if you have downloaded it before.
This ensures you are working from the latest version.

2. Read the Lesson through quickly to gain an understanding of what it is about.

3. Read it again slowly, making a note of important points.

4. Use the internet for background research and to find out more information.

5. Reread the Lesson and any other information you have found, until you are
confident you understand it.

6. If you get stuck or have any questions, use the link in the CONTACT MY TUTOR
box on the OLA. This box can be found only in your OLA classroom.

7. Complete each activity carefully and thoroughly, as you come to it.

8. When you have finished the Lesson, complete the assignment.

9. Upload it to the OLA.

10. Contact your tutor via the OLA if you have any questions about your marked
work. See our Grading appeals procedure


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Taking notes

Notes help you remember what you have read. There are several ways to take
notes, whether you study onscreen or print the materials. Here are some:

1. Underline or highlight the relevant text.

2. Summarise a key point in the margin.

3. Use a numbered or bulleted list on another page.

4. Use yellow Stickies to summarise important sections.

5. Use software or an app to produce diagrams or mind maps.


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Turnaround times
We aim to:

1. Deal with queries within two working days.

2. Return marked work within three working days.

If (and only if!) you have not heard from us after these timescales have elapsed, use

Marked assignments
Your tutor will insert suggestions and changes in your original work using Microsoft
Word’s Track Changes and Comments tools. Make sure you know how to read
documents that have been amended with these tools.


Your tutor will also make overall comments in

the assignment’s Feedback comments box in
the OLA.

Tutors do not “pre-mark” draft assignments.

However, you can ask your tutor for advice

before you submit the final version for


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Your grades

For each marked assignment, your tutor will give you a grade, from A to E:

A means that your work is very good and needs very little revision.

B means that your work is good and needs minor amendments.

C means that your work is average and needs some revision and

Grades A, B, and C are “Pass” grades.

D means that your work is below average and needs substantial revision and

E means that your work is unusable, either because it needs rewriting,

contains substantial inaccuracies, there are omissions, or there are legal or
ethical problems with it.

What happens if you fail an assignment

If you get a D or E grade, you should improve on your assignment by following your
tutor’s advice and instructions, and then resubmit it for remarking.

You may not resubmit work that has achieved a pass (C grade and above).

If you do not get a C grade or above for your second resubmission, your tutor will
refer you to our Operations Director who will provide additional assistance.


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Your final grade

Your CMP diploma will be graded as follows:

Distinction: Average grade A

Merit: Average grade B
Pass: Average grade C
Your grade is calculated by averaging out your grade for all your assignments.

This is how we work it out:

1. We convert your grades to points:

A grades = 3 points, B grades = 2 points, and C grades = 1 point.

2. We add up the points.

3. We divide the points by the number of assignments.

4. The result is your grade. Averages with fractions from .1 to .4 are rounded
down, and from .5 to .9 are rounded up.

As an example, let’s use a fictitious learner, Mary Jones. These are her grades. On
the left are her actual grades, and on the right they are converted to points:

Assignment 1: A Assignment 1: 3
Assignment 2: B Assignment 2: 2
Assignment 3: A Assignment 3: 3
Assignment 4: C Assignment 4: 1
Assignment 5: B Assignment 5: 2
Assignment 6: B Assignment 6: 2
Assignment 7: A Assignment 7: 3
Assignment 8: B Assignment 8: 2
Assignment 9: B Assignment 9: 2
Assignment 10: A Assignment 10: 3

Total points: 23
Divide 23 by 10: 2.3
Overall grade: B


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Grading appeals procedure

You are entitled to challenge your tutor’s grade for any assignment. Please follow
the process as outlined in our Grading appeals procedure

Since your final grade is calculated mathematically, we do not accept appeals

unless you believe our mathematical calculation is wrong.

When you have graduated

Your qualifications

When you complete a course and have achieved C or above in all your
assignments, you will receive the following by email:

1. ABC Awards and Certa Awards diploma. ABC Awards and Certa Awards are
leading national awarding organisations, regulated by Ofqual.

2. ABC Awards and Certa Awards learner unit summary, which lists the subjects
you have completed.

3. Accredited CMP diploma.

4. CMP Charter Mark.

You may upgrade any of these documents to paper versions for an additional fee.
See details


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Your successes

We announce some learners’ successes on our website blog.

This is highly optimised and seen by publishers, editors and freelance agencies. It is a
good way to raise your online profile. This is how the news feed works:

1. It is optional.

2. Use the CONTACT THE COLLEGE box in the OLA if you have a success to

3. If your news is suitable, we will publish an article and will announce it on our
social media channels.


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Important – read this

Your payments

It is your responsibility to make sure that instalments are sent by the due date.

We will cease your tuition after issuing two reminders if you are late with a payment,
or if you stop paying.

If you paid your first instalment by credit or debit card, your subsequent instalments
will be automatically debited from your card.

If you wish to cancel your instalment plan, use the CONTACT THE COLLEGE box in the
OLA, five working days before the instalment is due. We cannot guarantee to
cancel your plan without five days’ notice.

Please let us know if you are having difficulty paying on time – use the CONTACT THE
COLLEGE box in the OLA. We will try to help, if you keep us informed.

Additional fees

Your fees cover all aspects of your course(s), and there are no hidden charges.

However, we charge administration fees for additional services.

You can view our additional fees on our website.

Your legal obligations

When you enrolled, you accepted our Learning Agreement, which explains your
responsibilities as a learner, and ours as a college.

A copy of our Learning Agreement is included at the end of this Enrolment pack, in
the Appendix

Please retain it for your records.


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Please also read our:

College policies

Terms and conditions for our website and OLA

Our legal obligations

We will adhere to our accreditor’s codes of ethics as well as our own.

Please read them here:

CMP code of ethics:


ABCC code of ethics:

EADL quality standards:


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All course Lessons, tips files and other resources in the OLA are owned by the
College of Media and Publishing Ltd, which also owns the copyright.

Your enrolment entitles you to save one copy of each Lesson and other course-
related documents on your computer and mobile device or tablet, and to print one
copy of each Lesson and other related course-related documents.

No part of our Lessons, or other course-related documents, may be reproduced,

distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without our prior written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews; and certain
other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

For permission requests send an email to: titled “Attention: Permissions”.


We are confident you will enjoy your time studying with us.

We find that many complaints arise because learners have wrong expectations of
the course, or do not understand how the course works.

So, before you complain, reread our Learning Agreement

The agreement, which you accept when you enrol, explains our responsibilities, and
yours, and may help to avoid any misunderstandings.

However, if you have a complaint about any aspect of a course or your learning
experience, try to resolve the issue informally in the first instance, by messaging your
tutor if your complaint relates to their support, grading, etc.

Contact the college via the OLA if your complaint is about anything else.


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If an informal approach does not resolve the issue, you should make a formal
complaint using our Complaints Procedure

If you are not satisfied with our final response, please contact our accrediting

Please do not complain on social media. If you deal with an issue publicly, we will
respond publicly.

Please also refer to your Learning Agreement, clause 9.12, before you publicly
criticise the college or the course.

Additional support
Discounted software

CMP learners receive a 15% discount on PerfectIt proofreading and editing software.

PerfectIt works like a spellcheck and examines documents for style inconsistencies
and makes corrections. It is optional – you do not have to buy it.

Use this link if you would like to order your discounted program.


We are happy to provide references when you have completed a course and have
graduated. References are produced by the college in collaboration with your

To ask for a reference, use the CONTACT THE COLLEGE box in the OLA.

Our tutors do not provide references for CMP learners.


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Your web profile

Do you need a website?

If you are doing a course with a view to becoming a freelancer, or if you run your
own business, you will need a good website.

Our business partner Digital Creative Hub can design a high-quality, professional
blog or website for you at a reasonable rate.

They have built many successful websites for our learners, and offer special deals.

We strongly encourage you, as our learners and graduates, to have career blogs.
They are a vital part of your online profile, which is essential in the online world.

They give you the chance to present your CV, introduce yourself to prospective
employers, and showcase your skills and achievements.

CMP graduate Samson Dada went to Digital Creative Hub for a career blog and it’s
a good example of how a blog can be used to showcase a portfolio. See his blog


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Any questions?
If you need to find answers about your course, your tutor, your grades, or how to
contact us, see our FAQs for a quick response:

What to do next
When you are ready to start, log in to the OLA and watch the instructional video.

Good luck!

Jake Thom

Operations Director


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Learning Agreement

Last updated on 2 April 2019, to include amendments to clause 6.3 with respect to
when and how payment must be made.

This Learning Agreement is also known as the Student Learning Agreement.

1. These terms

1.1. What these terms cover. These are the terms and conditions on which we supply
a course (or courses) to you, whether these are services or digital content.

1.2. Why you should read them. Please read these terms carefully before you enrol
with us. These terms tell you who we are, how we will provide the course(s) to you,
how you and we may change or end the contract, what to do if there is a problem,
and other important information. If you think that there is a mistake in these terms,
please contact us to discuss it.

2. Information about us and how to contact us

2.1. Who we are. We are the College of Media and Publishing Limited, a company
registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 05220267, and
our registered office is at Forum House Business Centre, Stirling Road, Chichester,
West Sussex, PO19 7DN. Our registered VAT number is 924385414.

2.2. How to contact us. Enquirers can contact us by emailing or by writing to us at College of Media
and Publishing, Forum House, Stirling Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 7DN.

2.3. How we may contact you. If we have to contact you we will do so by phone or
by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us at the
time of enrolment.


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2.4. We may occasionally communicate with you on Facebook or Messenger if

other methods of communication are unavailable.

3. Our contract with you

3.1. How we will accept your order. Our acceptance of your order will take place
when we email you to accept it, at which point a contract will come in to existence
between you and us.

3.2. If we cannot accept your order. If we are unable to accept your order, we will
inform you of this and will not charge you for the course(s). This may be because of
unexpected limits on our resources which we could not reasonably plan for,
because we have identified an error in the price or description of the course(s), or
because we are unable to meet a deadline you have specified.

3.3. Our course materials are classified as digital content by the Consumer Rights Act
2015, and are made available for you to download upon enrolment.

3.4. Your enrolment means that you agree to waive your rights under the Consumer
Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 to
cancel the order and receive a refund within 14 days (the “Cooling-off Period”). This
does not affect your statutory rights or any rights you may have under our Refunds

3.5. Discount codes must be applied at the time of enrolment. They cannot be used

3.6. This agreement covers the period from the point of enrolment until the date we
dispatch your CMP diploma and ABC/Certa Awards diploma when you complete a
course. Any services and contact provided outside these periods are entirely at our

4. Enrolment

4.1. You must be aged 16 or over to enrol on a course with us. Learners under the
age of 16 will need to provide us with a letter of consent from a parent / guardian or


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4.2. You must provide truthful, accurate and complete information when registering
for your course(s).

4.3. It is your responsibility to maintain any changes to your registered information

(including your contact details). Your registered information can be viewed in the
initial enrolment confirmation email you received from us when you signed up.
Please message us through the Online Learning Area if you wish to alter any of your
registered information. You can update your name and email address through the
“edit profile” option on your Online Learning Area account without informing us.

4.4. Enrolment is at your own risk and we will not be liable for any unauthorised
transactions or communications made using your username or password.

4.5. You are responsible for the security and use of any usernames or passwords
needed to access our websites, or any of the content in relation to your course(s). It
is your responsibility to ensure that security, and you agree not to allow or assist any
other person, without express permission from us, to access content using your

5. Course materials

5.1. Our materials are updated, if necessary, at least every 12 months.

5.2. All updates will improve the materials, and the materials will continue to match
the product descriptions on the course pages and the course subjects’ pages.
Updates will not reduce the quality of the content that was described upon
purchase. However, some aspects of our materials, such as hyperlinks, online
references, and content relating to digital media and technology may become out
of date due to the ever-changing and fast-moving nature of the internet. We
undertake to update materials more frequently than every 12 months, when we
consider it necessary and upon receipt of a reasonable request by email.

5.3. You will access materials for your course(s) from our Online Learning Area (OLA).
You will also use the OLA to submit assignments for marking, access other resources,
chat to other learners and keep abreast with college announcements. Your use of


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the OLA is governed by other aspects of this Learning Agreement, and by our
Website’s Terms and Conditions, and by our Website’s Acceptable Use Policy

It is your duty to read these policies and adhere to them at all times. If you breach
them, we may remove you from your course(s), without a refund of payments made.

5.4. Our courses are delivered in English. If English is not your first language, it is
entirely your responsibility to ensure that your written English is good enough to study
our course materials, and to be able to communicate by email with our tutors and
our administration department. We do not provide language support.

5.5. Our course materials are at all times owned by the College of Media and
Publishing Ltd, which also owns the copyright. Your enrolment entitles you to save
one copy of each Lesson and other course-related documents on to your
computer; and to print one copy of each Lesson and other course-related

No part of our Lessons, or other course-related documents, may be reproduced,

distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without our prior written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and
certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

For permission requests send us an email titled “Attention: Permissions”.

Please also see section 8.2.

6. Price and payment

6.1. Where to find the price for the course(s). The price of the course(s) (which
includes VAT) will be the price indicated on the order pages when you placed your
order. We take all reasonable care to ensure that the price of the course(s) advised
to you is correct.

6.2. The total cost of your course(s) is broken down as follows:

(a) 60% – course materials (digital content).


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(b) 35% – tutorial support.

(c) 5% – administrative costs.

6.3. When you must pay and how you must pay.

Courses must be paid for in full, and in advance, before you can start studying,

(a) You are paying by instalments, in which case the first instalment must be paid.

(b) You are paying by employer invoice, in which case, the funds must clear.

(c) Your course(s) is part of a redundancy / severance package or a similar

arrangement put in place by your employer, that requires you to complete the
course before the fees(s) are paid. In these circumstances, you must complete the
course within six months of the date of enrolment. If you fail to do so, your employer
will be liable for all fees and must pay for them within 30 days of the six month period

(d) If your employer / ex employer cannot or will not pay the fees, you accept that
you will be personally liable for them.

See the available payment methods here: payment options

We will agree on an appropriate payment method for your course(s) at the point of

From time to time, we provide discounts for our courses. These are activated by
typing a discount code in the appropriate box on a course enrolment form.

Some of these codes are time-sensitive and have expiry dates. We will not accept
any code that has expired. We also do not allow discount codes to be used with a
monthly instalment plan.

Only one discount code can be used per course. Discount codes cannot be


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Discount codes must be used at the point of enrolment. They cannot be used

6.4. We can charge interest if you pay late. If you do not make any payment to us
by the due date we may charge interest to you on the overdue amount at the rate
of 8% per year above the base lending rate of Santander Bank. This interest shall
accrue on a daily basis from the due date until the date of actual payment of the
overdue amount, whether before or after judgement. You must pay us interest
together with any overdue amount.

6.5. What to do if you think an invoice is wrong. If you think an invoice is wrong
please contact us promptly to let us know and we will not charge you interest until
we have resolved the issue.

6.6. Our fees cover all of our course materials, the costs of your CMP diploma and
ABC/Certa Awards diploma, and all administrative and tutorial support related to
the course you have enrolled on. There are no hidden extras. However, we do
charge fees for additional services. See details

6.7. The prices stated on our course pages are inclusive of 20% VAT. You will not have
to pay VAT if you live outside the European Union.

7. Termination

7.1. These conditions shall remain in place until terminated by either us or you.

7.2. If you wish to terminate you must inform us in writing.

7.3. We reserve sole discretion to immediately terminate our contract with you.

7.4. On termination, you must destroy all materials obtained from our websites
together with any related documentation and all installations or copies of these,
howsoever made.

8. Our responsibilities

We will:


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8.1. Establish a learning outcome with you for your course(s).

8.2. Provide you with suitable materials, sufficient for your online course(s). Our
materials are fit-for-purpose, and are compatible with all mainstream internet
browsers (Google, Firefox, Bing, Safari and Microsoft Edge); and with MS Word,
Adobe Acrobat and similar programs; and with most computers.

However, we are not responsible if any of our materials do not operate efficiently, or
at all, because of incompatibility and your local technical issues with software,
hardware, browsers, broadband, firewalls, antivirus or anti-spyware / malware
software, or device settings at the user’s end.

Please remember that you are enrolling on an online course(s). You can see the
equipment you will need to undertake the course(s) under the section: What will I
need, on the relevant page(s). It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the
necessary hardware and software, and that you know how to use it, before you
enrol on the course.

8.3. Encourage you during your studies.

8.4. Provide you with access to appropriate expertise to support you during your

8.5. Update your learning materials as and when they require it, by announcing
replacement teaching materials for download in the Learner Forum. This constant
updating process means that course structures may change after you have
enrolled. New subjects may be added, out-of-date subjects removed, and Lesson
content / numbers / formatting may differ.

8.6. Assign you to a personal tutor with whom you can work on a one-to-one basis.
You will be told about your tutor when you enrol, but can find out about them on this

You should have the same tutor for the duration of your course(s). However, we
cannot guarantee this. If we need to change your tutor, either permanently or
temporarily, due to holidays, sickness or for any other reason, you will be provided


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with an appropriate replacement and will be informed of any changes through the
Learner Forum.

8.7. Provide tutorial support for our course materials and directly related issues:
careers / job / work advice. While our tutors will try to help with other queries, this is
entirely at their discretion.

8.8. Inform you about contact arrangements between yourself and your tutor.

8.9. Deal with your tutorial queries via the OLA within two working days of receipt.
Note: we do not do phone tutorials.

8.10. Return marked work to you within three working days of receipt (if you are
doing a course where we mark assignments for you).

8.11. Provide constructive and individual feedback on your progress (if you are
doing a course where we mark assignments for you).

8.12. Deal with any difficulties promptly and fairly.

8.13. Operate an Equality and Diversity Policy

8.14. Allow you to transfer to another more suitable course, at your request, and
after discussion with us. A transfer fee may be charged. This will be in proportion to
the amount of the original course you have completed. We only allow learners to
transfer to another course once. Second and subsequent transfers are charged at
the full course price.

8.15. Remind you if you have fallen behind with any course fee instalments and only
lapse your tuition if you have failed to respond to two warning emails. We will then
give you written notice that we have lapsed your tuition and we will archive your
records. We will then calculate the amount that you owe us for course materials and
services not paid for, and invoice you for the amount owed. See Clause 9.4. below.

8.16. You may rejoin the course(s) at any time if your course fees are brought up to
date, and on payment of an administration fee. See details of our fees.

8.17. We reserve the right to charge additional fees. See details


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8.18. We will not mark work, offer tutorial advice or provide new Lessons if your
course fee instalments are not paid up to date.

8.19. Offer advice and support if you are seeking work placements.

8.20. Offer advice and support if you are looking for work.

8.21. Offer advice and support if you are going for a job interview.

8.22. Not be held responsible, or liable, for problems, issues, or financial losses that
are caused by outside agents or circumstances outside our control, for example,
exam boards, overseas agencies, ISPs, web hosts, software creators, and servers,
PayPal, banks, etc.

8.23. Remove you from the course(s) if, in our opinion, your behaviour towards us, or
any member of our staff, is abusive or unreasonable, or if you indulge in plagiarism
by submitting work for marking that is not your own. We have a zero tolerance policy
on plagiarism. Refunds will not be made in such circumstances.

8.24. Offer other courses with a 40% discount once you have paid for one of our
existing courses. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

8.25. Occasionally mention you in a positive context in our social media feeds, unless
you tell us not to in an email. We will not disclose any personal information.

8.26. Operate a Refunds Policy

8.27. Provide you with the qualification for the course(s) that you enrolled on, as
stated on the course page on our website, provided that:

(a) You have completed and passed every course assignment to the required

(b) You have paid any and all fees owed to us. If you still owe us any money at the
time you complete any course(s), we will not issue your CMP diploma or your
ABC/Certa Awards diploma until everything has been paid in full.


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8.28. Operate a Money Back Guarantee (MBG) for all learners enrolling on one of
our online learning courses, after 21 June 2016. The terms and conditions are as

(a) The MBG is available to all learners, provided they do not owe us money for any
other course(s) or service(s).

(b) The MBG is unconditional. We will refund you the full amount that you paid for
the course(s).

(c) To claim a refund, you must email us within five working days of us sending you
your Graduation pack.

(d) We will then cancel your enrolment, and withdraw your access to the Online
Learning Area. You will no longer qualify for a CMP diploma, ABC/Certa Awards
diploma, reference, or any post-course advice or support.

(e) Refunds will be made within two working days of receiving your email.

(f) Payment will be made by BACS or PayPal. We are not responsible for any fees
that your bank, or PayPal, deducts from the payment.

(g) The MBG does not affect your legal rights.

8.29. Award you our CMP diploma and the ABC/Certa Awards diploma on
successful completion of the course(s), provided you have passed every assignment
with a grade of C or above, and have achieved an overall average grade of C or
above, and have paid for your course fees in full.

We will send you your CMP diploma as a PDF, by email only, within seven days of
you requesting it.

Your ABC/Certa diploma will be sent by surface mail within 21 days of you
requesting it.

9. Your responsibilities

You agree to:


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9.1.a. Prior to enrolment, read the relevant course information pages on this
website to establish that the course is appropriate for you, and that you have the
academic ability and the relevant IT and language skills needed to study it and
complete it. You may email us or phone us if you wish to discuss your options and
your suitability. We are bound by the ABCC Code of Ethics to give honest and
impartial advice.

9.1.b. By enrolling, you agree that you have studied the course details on our
website course page(s), and are completely satisfied that the course is appropriate

(a) Your level of academic achievement.

(b) Your level of written English, if English is not your first language.

(c) Your level of IT knowledge.

(d) The IT equipment that you use on the course(s).

We take no responsibility and will offer no refund if you discover that a course is too
difficult for you or if you decide that any course is inappropriate for you, for
whatever reason.

9.2. Read the Enrolment pack thoroughly, so that you are fully aware of how we
work. Note: please refer only to the Enrolment pack, which we email you upon
enrolment, for information about our procedures, etc. Do not refer to any other
website or document for this information, as they may be out of date and unreliable.

9.3. Proceed with the course(s) in the way prescribed in the Enrolment pack. We
may not be able to support you fully, or at all, if you decide to proceed with the
course(s) in a different way.

9.4. Ensure that all course instalments are paid on time. If an instalment is late or you
cancel it, the entire course fee then becomes due if your studies or your downloads
of course learning materials from the Online Learning Area have progressed beyond
your rate of payments. In these circumstances, we will calculate what you owe us,


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pro rata, according to the charges listed in clause 6.2. above, and invoice you for
the amount that you owe us.

9.5. Accept that instalments are automatically debited from your credit / debit card,
with your consent. If you wish to cancel your instalment plan, please email us five
working days before the instalment is due. We cannot guarantee to cancel your
plan without five days’ notice. All instalment plans are paid monthly. For example, if
you enrol on a course on the first day of the month, your next instalments will
automatically be taken on the first day of each month until the balance has been

9.6. Undertake sufficient private study to maintain progress on your course(s). This will
involve doing your own research to supplement our teaching materials.

9.7. Submit work which is your own original work, clearly presented, and which is a
true reflection of your knowledge and abilities. Learners who commit plagiarism by
submitting work that is not theirs will be removed from the course immediately,
without refund of fees. We have a zero tolerance policy on plagiarism and cheating.

9.8. Conduct yourself in an ethical, legal and professional manner when using the
name or services of the College of Media and Publishing Limited or any of our tutors
in job applications, work experience applications, or references.

9.9. Submit work in the format and by the method explained in the Enrolment pack.

9.10. Ensure that your IT and software equipment works efficiently so that you can
participate in the course(s). All our course files are created in standard Windows
Microsoft software and can all be opened, and / or played. We cannot accept
responsibility if your IT system does not open them, or play them. If files will not open
or play, this is because of problems at your end such as incompatible software,
broken file associations, or firewalls and other programs, etc, that are blocking
access. We cannot provide IT support for these issues, though we may advise when
we can.

9.11. Keep in contact with your tutor by using the Online Learning Area’s contact
system only, without making unnecessary demands upon his or her time. We only


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provide tutorial support for our course materials and directly related issues such as
careers / job / work advice. While our tutors will try to help with other queries, this is
entirely at their discretion. Tutors will only respond to messages sent via the OLA. They
do not engage in social media contact with learners.

9.12. Treat our staff and tutors with courtesy and respect. We have a zero tolerance
policy on rudeness and will exclude you from the course(s) without refund of fees, if it

In addition, if a learner makes critical comments or allegations about the college or

any individual(s) who work for it, on any social media channel, website or blog,
whether using their own name or an identifiable alias, we reserve the right to:

(a) Remove learners from their course(s), without refund of their fees, and

(b) Take legal action for defamation, malicious falsehood, breach of privacy,
copyright or data protection laws, against any such person, whether or not they
have used our Complaints Procedure (please also see clause 12.6).

9.13. Email your tutor to ask for help if you are stuck or need support.

9.14. Take reasonable precautions against computer viruses if communicating with

us online.

9.15. Register with any external awarding body if we ask you to do so. Please note
that there may be third party charges in connection with such registration, and that
you are entirely responsible for paying them.

We take no responsibility if your learning or learning outcomes, are not fully or

partially achieved because of any failure on your part to register, or pay fees to, an
external awarding body.

9.16. Notify us in advance if you wish to take a break from your course(s), and tell us
for how long (please note: we do not chase learners who take a break from their
studies without notifying us).


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9.17. Notify us if you are going to lapse from the course(s) for any reason (please
note: we do not chase learners who discontinue their course(s)).

9.18. If you take a break from your studies lasting more than three months, we may
require you to start the course(s) again from the beginning. This is to ensure that you
study materials and complete assignments that are up to date, so that the quality
and integrity of our CMP diploma and ABC/Certa Awards diploma are maintained.
Your enrolment may be lapsed if you remain out of contact with us for more than 12
months. You may rejoin the course(s) at any time, but you will have to pay a
rejoining fee. See our additional fees

9.19. Accept our Refunds Policy

10. Learner chat

The following conditions will apply to you when using the Learner Chatroom (the
Chatroom). You agree to accept and be bound by these conditions as outlined
below. Should you reject the following conditions and not wish to be bound by
them, then use of the Chatroom is prohibited to you.

10.1. We may update these conditions from time to time without any notice to you.
In addition to the following conditions, you agree also to be bound by any
guidelines or announcements that are made during your membership of the Learner

10.2. In addition, when using particular sections of the Chatroom, you shall be
subject to any guidelines or rules applicable to such services, which may be posted
from time to time. All such guidelines or rules are hereby incorporated by reference
to the conditions.

10.3. You must not:

(a) Post, transmit, upload, email or otherwise make available any material that
contains software viruses, computer code, programs or files that are designed to
interrupt, limit the functionality of, or destroy any computer hardware, software or
telecommunications equipment.


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(b) Impersonate any person or entity. This includes, but is not limited to, any College
of Media and Publishing Ltd team member, learner or administrator, or falsely stating
or otherwise misrepresenting your affiliation with another person or entity.

(c) Manipulate or forge headers or identifiers with the intention of disguising the
origin of any content that you provide to the Learner Forum.

(d) Register or post in excess of one account with us. Should it come to our attention
that you have registered more than one account, we may remove your use of the

10.4. You accept that we cannot be held responsible for any third party websites
that you may access through the Learner Forum or Chatroom, and further agree
that any third party content is not our responsibility.

10.5. We do not endorse any third party websites or content unless clearly stated,
and therefore cannot be held liable or responsible for any promotion, content,
service or product that is located on a third party website.

10.6. We further cannot be held liable or responsible for any loss or damage, or
offence that may be caused, or that you allege has been caused, by third party
content or websites.

10.7. All and any contact that you have with third party traders or websites that you
may come in to contact with during your use of the Learner Forum, or Chatroom,
including but not limited to payments for products or services, any conditions made,
warranties offered, or contracts entered in to, are your responsibility and not the
responsibility of College of Media and Publishing Ltd.

10.8. You acknowledge and accept that we are neither liable nor responsible for the
content that you submit to the Chatroom. We will only remove objectionable
material if there is a complaint.

10.9. You acknowledge and accept that we have the right to temporarily or
permanently remove your ability to post content, and that we further have the right
to ban you from the Chatroom should you break any of these conditions.


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10.10. We reserve the right to terminate any user’s access to the Chatroom for any
reason at any time.

10.11. You acknowledge and accept that in certain circumstances we have the
right to provide information to your Internet Service Provider at our discretion
following (but not limited to) severe disruption by you, the provision of illegal or
abusive content, any attempts made by you to reregister after being banned, or for
any other reason that involves you breaking these conditions.

10.12. You acknowledge that reproduction of material from the Learner Forum
without prior written permission is strictly prohibited. All contributions to the Learner
Forum are also copyright of College of Media and Publishing Limited.

10.13. You acknowledge and accept that if you are banned from use of the
Chatroom, you will not in any way attempt to reregister using any other name or
identity not known to us, or any other email address not known to us. If you do so, we
will pursue the maximum penalty available under your Internet Service Provider’s
Acceptable Use Policy.

10.14. Contributions to the Chatroom are governed in their entirety by section 6,


11. How we may use your personal information

11.1. We will use the personal information you provide to us:

(a) To supply the course(s) to you,

(b) To process your payment for the course(s), and

(c) If you agreed to this during the order process, that we use your personal
information to tell you about further courses that we provide, and that you may stop
receiving these at any time by contacting us.

11.2. We will only give your personal information to third parties where the law either
requires or allows us to do so.

12. Other important terms


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12.1. We may transfer this agreement to someone else. We may transfer our rights
and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will always tell you in
writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights
under the contract.

12.2. Nobody else has any rights under this contract. This contract is between you
and us. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms.

12.3. If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of
the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority
decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full
force and effect.

12.4. Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do
not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these
terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this
contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not
prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a
payment and we do not chase you and we continue to provide the products, we
can still require you to make the payment at a later date.

12.5. Which laws apply to this contract and where you may bring legal proceedings.
These terms are governed by English law and you can bring legal proceedings in
respect of the products in the English courts. If you live in Scotland you can bring
legal proceedings in respect of the products in either the Scottish or the English
courts. If you live in Northern Ireland you can bring legal proceedings in respect of
the products in either the Northern Irish or the English courts.

12.6. If you have a complaint

We hope that all of our learners will have an enjoyable experience with us.

However, if you have a complaint about any aspect of the course(s), or your
learning experience, please email us and tell us about it.


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It is best not to make complaints on social media. However, if you deal with an issue
publicly, we will respond publicly. (Please also see clause 9.12.)

You may find it helpful to reread this Learning Agreement before you make a
complaint. Also, please read through our Complaints Procedure

The agreement, which you accepted when you enrolled, explains our
responsibilities, and yours, and may help to avoid any misunderstandings.

When we receive a complaint, we promise to:

(a) Reply within two working days.

(b) Do what we can to put things right.

(c) Let you know the outcome by email.

If a complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, please email us. Put the word
“Complaint” in the subject field.

We promise to:

(a) Acknowledge your email within two working days.

(b) Investigate the issue within seven working days.

(c) Let you know the outcome by email.

(d) Do what we can to put things right.

You may then approach our accreditors if you are not satisfied with our formal
complaints procedure:

(a) ABCC if you believe we have breached their Code of Ethics

Their contact details can be found on their website: ABCC

(b) EADL if you believe we have breached their Quality Standards

Their contact details can be found on their website: EADL


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If we are unable to resolve your complaint you may be able to conduct Alternative
Dispute Resolution (ADR) via the European Commission Online Dispute Resolution

For more information, please visit the Online Dispute Resolution website.

13. For learners who purchased courses via a third party

13.1. CMP grants reseller licences to other Organisations who sell courses on its

These Organisations are:

 NCC Resources Ltd (NCC).

 Inter-mission Industrial Development Association (IIDA).

13.2. A learner who purchases a course(s) from a Licensed Reseller Organisation

creates a financial agreement with that Organisation once payment is complete,
not with CMP.

13.3. All queries and complaints about the purchase are the sole responsibility of the
Organisation, not CMP.

13.4. Such learners are also required to complete CMP’s Learning Agreement, which
creates a legal agreement between them and CMP.

13.5. CMP is solely responsible for fulfilling its responsibilities under the Learning
Agreement, with the exception of the 14-day Refunds Policy. See clause 13.8 below.

13.6. When a learner has purchased a course from a Reseller Organisation, the
delivery of the course and all further contact with the learner on all matters related
to the course is the sole responsibility of CMP.

13.7. Learners who purchase a course from a Licensed Reseller Organisation do not
qualify for CMP’s Money Back Guarantee.


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13.8. Learners who purchase a course from a Licensed Reseller Organisation are
entitled to a full refund of the course fees for a period of 14 days after purchase, but
not after this period has elapsed.

13.9. Learners who require a refund within the 14-day period should contact the
Organisation, not CMP.

Learning Agreement v18.07 © College of Media and Publishing

This edition of the Enrolment pack was updated April 2019


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