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The Importance of Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Written by Jullie Heinz

By :
Daffa Caesar Zevana Sanjiro
17 MIPA 9 / 13

Public Senior High School 1 Malang

Jl. Tugu Utara 1, Phone (0341) 366454, Fax (0341) 329428 Malang
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Parent’s Comment


I would like to express my biggest gratitude to my greatest lord, Allah SWT for all
blessings and mercies given to permit me do this last year assignment paper, so that I can
finish it well enough.

Then, I would like to say my thank to Mr. Drs. Heru Wahyudi, M.Pd as the
headmaster of Senior High School 1 Malang and also all of English teachers in SMAN 1
Malang, especially to Mrs.Dani as the English teacher for 12𝑡ℎ grade.

Last but not the least, my gratitude present to my family, especially to my parents and
also for all of my friends who help and support me in every way I do to accomplish this

In this paper, I take an essay about The importance of living a healthy lifestyle. This
paper contains six chapters of English comprehensive materials including complete article,
vocabulary analysis, structure analysis, paragraph analysis, article discussion, and references.
So that, any critiques and suggestions would be always welcomed.

Lastly, I hope this paper will be useful for everyone. Especially useful for me and
generally for all people who read this paper to increase our knowledge. I know that my paper
project is still far fronm perfect. I would like to accept all the reader’s constructive critics and
recommendation so that my work becomes more perfect. Thank you.

Table of Content


Parent’s Comment......................................................................................................................2


Table of Content.........................................................................................................................4

Chapter 1: Complete Article.......................................................................................................5

Chapter 2: Vocabulary................................................................................................................7
2.1Vocabulary Analysis...............................................................................................7
2.2 Paraphrasing...........................................................................................................8

Chapter 3: Structure Analysis...................................................................................................9

Chapter 4: Paragraph Analysis..................................................................................................11

Chapter 5: Text Discussion.......................................................................................................13

5.1 Previewing..............................................................................................................13
5.2 Detail Information...................................................................................................13
5.3 Making References.................................................................................................13
5.4 Inferrences..............................................................................................................14
5.5 Summary.................................................................................................................14
5.6 General Comments.................................................................................................14



The Importance of Living a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is not magic. It is not something that you want to spend your whole
life dreaming about. A healthy lifestyle is simply ensuring that you take a balanced diet, do
regular exercise and effectively manage your stress. Very simple. Maintaining these simple
rules every day will transform your physical appearance magnificently. Your lifespan is also
likely to increase, reason being, maintaining a healthy lifestyle boosts your immunity making
you immune to most diseases. Other than improving the quality of your life, it also makes
you healthy emotionally. However, living a healthy lifestyle can mean something different
depending on an individual. Some believe that living a healthy life is being diseased free
while others believe that living a healthy life is following a strict workout routine.

Below are the main importance or benefits associated with a healthy living:

• Disease prevention

You are likely to be attacked by chronic illnesses when your life remains inactive. Being keen

on what you eat and engaging in physical activities every single day will probably save you

from this danger. There are diseases like diabetes that are majorly caused by careless diet. It

is also important to note that huge pounds in the body are brought about by processed foods,

sugar as well as saturated fats. This is very dangerous to humans because being overweight

increases the chances of an individual to contact diseases such as high blood pressure,

arthritis, heart diseases and some form of cancer.

• Increased lifespan

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will not improve an individual’s life quality but also increases

their lifespan. Being keen on your diet, decreasing the stress level, being physically fit helps

every human being to effectively balance all their life aspects leading to an increased

lifespan. Exercises help in quick examination and treatment of diseases in human body. That

is why doctors always recommend good lifestyle habits in order for you to live a healthy and

long life.

• Mental health

Your health is likely to be maintained effectively when an individual is capable of managing

his or her stress well. In women mostly, studies reveal that their level of stress is likely to

reduce when they exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet. Releasing anxiety and

handling pressure daily can help an individual in reducing the level of stress. In most cases,

taking part in yoga every morning or participating in breathing techniques every morning

enables everyone to prepare themselves for the day mentally. Nothing will help your brain

remember and learn other than regular exercises.

• Increased happiness

In most cases, doing exercises improves an individual’s happiness. The biological

explanation behind it is that the brain produces endorphins; an element of happiness when

you exercise. Once an individual is happy, all the symptoms of depression will be eliminated

or reduced improving your life. Any time of the day when you feel blue, remember that few

exercises will help you relieve depression other than taking pills all the time.

• Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem.

You definitely going to feel good about yourself when you start doing things that will make

your body feel good. Exercises will work towards toning your body, hence, beautiful self-

image. That is when you will start feeling beautiful and accepted, leading to an increased

self-confidence and self-esteem.

A healthy life or healthy living habits should be a daily routine, not a temporary event that

occurs when you have enough time to spare; weekends. Once you start practicing healthy

habits, you will automatically feel and experience the good results of maintaining it. From the

discussion, you can see the benefits that your family and you are likely to enjoy when you

decide to practice healthy living habits.

A. Vocabulary Analysis
1 Improving Verb Increasing Worsen Meningkatkan
2 Strict Adjective Harsh Tegas
3 Associated Adjective Related Separate Berhubungan
4 Chronic Adjective Incurable Acute Kronis
5 Chance Odds Impossibility Kesempatan
6 Maintain Keep Break off Mempertahankan
7 Examination Checkup Ignorance Pemeriksaan
8 Reveal Show Hide Menunjukkan
9 Habbit Routine Rarely done Kebiasaan
10 Relieve Relax Increase Meredakan
Table 1. Vocabulary analysis
Making Sentences
1. Our goverment improve public transportation facilities by building a new road.
2. He was a man of great business ability, and of strict integrity.
3. Inventions are associated with his name, not laws or new phenomena.
4. He has a chronic lungs disease.
5. You don't have a chance to date her.
6. In this situation we concluded to maintain our garrison, if possible.
7. You must propose of examination of his affairs on the part of the curch.
8. If it reveal nothing to be done, there is nothing there for us.
9. Smoking is bad habbit for us.
10. But, to relieve your mind, nothing at all has really happened .

B. Paraphrasing
 Original Sentences:
You are likely to be attacked by chronic illnesses when your life remains inactive.
Being keen on what you eat and engaging in physical activities every single day will
probably save you from this danger. There are diseases like diabetes that are majorly
caused by careless diet. It is also important to note that huge pounds in the body are
brought about by processed foods, sugar as well as saturated fats. This is very
dangerous to humans because being overweight increases the chances of an
individual to contact diseases such as high blood pressure, arthritis, heart diseases
and some form of cancer.
 Paraphrase sentence:
It’s easier for you to be attacked by chronic illnesses when you don’t
treat your health well. Keep track on what you eat and done physical activities
will help you to prevent those chronic illnesses. Diabetes could be caused by
uncontrolled diets. It is also necessary to remember that most of our body weight
brought bu processed food, sugar and also saturated fats. Being overweight
could increase the possibility of getting individual diseases such as high blood
pressure, arthritos and other kind of cancer.

A. Simple Setences
1. Communication serves as a foundation for planning.
S V O Comp.
2. They generally devote approximately 6 hours per day in communicating.
S V Adv. of time O
3. Communication also helps in socializing.
B. Compund Sentences
1. Exercises help in quick examination and treatment of disease in human body.
S V O Conj. O Comp. Adv. of place
2. You health is likely to be maintained effectively when an individual is
Pronoun S V O adv. conj. adv.
3. They spend great time on face to face or telephonic communication with
S V Adj. O conj. O
their superiors, subordinates, colleagues, customers or suppliers.
4. Managers also use Written Communication in form of letters, reports or
S V O O Conj.
memos wherever oral communication is not feasible.
O Adv. of place
C. Complex Sentences
1. All the essential information must be communicated to the managers who in-
S m. aux V O
turn must communicate the plans so as to implement them.
Adjective Clause
2. As discussed earlier, communication also assists in controlling process.
Adverb clause S V O
3. Similarly leaders as managers must communicate effectively with their
Adj. S m. aux V adj. O
subordinates so as to achieve the team goals.
O Adverb clause

A. Paragraph Analysis
1 The importance of Healthy lifestyle will Diet, exercise,
healthy lifestyle. increase lifespan and workout
2 Healthy lifestyle could Careless diet could cause Keen, physical
prevent disease. diabetes and overweight activities,
could cause blood pressure dangerous.
and other disease.
3 Healthy lifestyle could Keen on diet, decreasing Examination,
increase lifespan. stress and to keep fit to treatment
increase lifespan. lifestyle
4 Healthy lifestyle could Less stress will be reduced Yoga,
effect to mental health. when we exercise and having pressure,
healthy diet. exercise.
5 Healthy lifestyle could Brains produce endorphine Depression,
increase happiness. when we exercise. endorphines,
6 Healthy lifestyle boosts Exercise will tone our body Beautiful, feel
self confidence and self- to feel beautiful. good.
7 Healthy lifestyle should Once start practicing we will Habits,
be daily routine. enjoy. experience.
Table 2. Paragraph Analysis

A. Previewing
The text inform us about the informance of having a healthy lifestyle.
B. Detail Information
 How:
How do healthy lifestyle increase our happiness?
Our happiness are increasing as the result of the endorphins the brain
produced when we exercise.
 Why:
Why should we live the healthy lifestyle?
Because by living a healthy lifestyle we will have longer lifespan and
also prevent diseases.
C. Making References
 A healthy lifestyle is not magic. It is not something that you want
to spend your whole life dreaming about.
The word it refers to healthy lifestyle.

D. Inference
A healthy life or a healthy lifestyle should be a daily routine, not a
fleeting activity that happens when you have enough time to spare; weekends.
You will automatically feel and witness the good results of keeping it once you
start to practice healthy habbits.
E. Summary
Living healthy lifestyle is important. It is something you want to have for
your whole life. Living a healthy lifestyle can prevent us from chronic diseases.
Having careless diet and obesity could cause chronic diseases too. By living a
healthy lifestyle, our lifespan can increases. Exercises could also help in treatment
of diseases. Another benefit of living a healthy mental health, increased happiness
and it also could boost our self confidence and self esteem
F. General Comment

 Text to Myself
For me, this text inform and motivates me to live a healthy lifestyle. It
shows huge advantage for a long-term.
 Text to world
This text could change people who haven’t live the healthy lifestyle, to
try living those healthy habits.
 Text to book
This text can increase people's knowledge about the benefits of healthy
living so that it can reduce people's bad habits.
 Text to media


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