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It would be rather boring to just tell you to live with more energy everyday, so
today I am going to take you on a journey of how I believe you can do so. I am
one of those people who sleep when it’s just before sunrise. Yes, it is true. I while
away my time doing unproductive things and rarely something productive all
night. I see my clock hit 3. The mouse doesnt run up the clock but my sleep sure
does. I make sure to go to sleep with the confidence to wake up at 5 and study.
That audacity.. Ugh… how many of us have a similar sleep routine? How many of
us have our plate full and have no time? I am sure everyone here has heard
people say “everybody has the same 24 hours, it on you to decide how to spend
it” I don’t really believe that everybody has got the same 24 hours to finish their
work. Sometimes we may have lot of work which cant possibly be done in 24
hours. This is because we think, we work, we struggle, and we create. We are
always in the fear, “what if we are late?” we want to make our names in the world,
yet all we do is stay curled. Curled in our bed and curled in our thoughts. Curled
in our horrors and forever it rots. When I say make plans to wake up at 5 and
don’t, I am stuck with 2 questions. What can I do to make up for the time lost?
How I need to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Answering this merely takes a
few seconds and I get out of my bed with excitement and thrill for what new I
might learn today. Whom I might meet or what someone has to say. Because I
believe learning is more than just the books and no better teacher than the
world. This is the energy I am talking about. We say that the way you start your
day determines how your days goes by. I believe your day goes on how you plan
the next day. And it doesn’t matter if you fail. Say “ouch! That’s a few hours I am
never going to get back. Let me do justice to myself by finishing off the work by
cutting on some play time.” And when its your play time or chill time and you
know that you have to study or finish some task instead of chilling, you will not
be late the next day. This same rule applies for everything. When you start to lose
something as a consequence of something you did, you begin to correct it and the
zeal is from within. And when you get the flow of events, and all your activities
are going smooth and as planned, you have more peace of mind than ever. But
more importantly you have more energy. You start to build confidence. You start
to get better. Tonight when the clock hits 11, look for the mouse in your head to
run up and tell you “you got it. And whenever you don’t, say ouch! Think, plan
and move on.” Coz we have only NOW to live and no minute is promised. THANK

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