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Att stänga = a închide Diateza Pasiva Timp Romana Suedeza prezent se inchide det stängs (Ica se inchide

la ora 10) (Ica stängs kl. 10) trecut s-a inchis det stängdes (Ica s-a inchis la ora 10) (Ica stängdes kl. 10)
viitor se va inchide det ska stängas (Ica se va inchide la ora 10) (Ica ska stängas kl. 10) viitor popular o sa
se inchida det kommer att stängas (Ica o sa se inchida la ora 10) (Ica kommer att stängas kl. 10) viitor in
trecut se va fi inchis det ska ha stängts (Se va fi inchis la Ica la ora 11) (Ica ska ha stängts kl. 11) Diateza
Activa Timp Romana Suedeza infinitiv a inchide att stänga (A inchide usa este usor) (Att stänga dörren är
lätt) infinitiv compus a fi inchis att ha stängt (A fi inchis la minte e comun aici) (Att ha stängt sinne är
vanligt här) prezent inchid jag stänger (Eu inchid usa) (Jag stänger dörren) perfect simplu eu inchisei jag
har stängt (Eu inchisei usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) perfect compus eu am inchis jag har stängt (Eu am
inchis usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) imperfect eu inchideam jag stängde (Eu inchideam fereastra seara) (Jag
stängde fönstret på kvällen) mai mult ca perfectul eu inchisesem jag hade stängt (Eu inchisesem usa cand
ai venit tu) (Jag hade stängt dörren när du kom) viitor (prin prezent) inchid mâine jag stänger i morgon
(Inchid maine fereastra) (Jag stänger fönstret i morgon) viitor voi inchide jag ska stänga (Voi inchide
fereastra data viitoare) (Jag ska stänga fönstret nästa gång) viitor popular o sa inchid jag kommer att
stänga (O sa inchid fereastra pana la urma) (Jag kommer att stänga fönstret till slut) viitor in trecut voi fi
inchis jag ska ha stängt (Voi fi inchis fereastra inainte sa inceapa ploaia) (Jag ska ha stängt fönstret innan
det börjar regna) viitor popular in trecut o sa fi inchis jag kommer att ha stängt (O sa fi inchis fereastra
pana la lasarea intunericului) (Jag kommer att ha stängt fönstret tills mörkret faller) (viitor posibil) (mã
gândesc sã inchid) jag tänker stänga (Ma gandesc sa inchid fereastra mai tarziu) (Jag tänker stänga
fönstret senare) imperativ inchide! stäng! (Inchide usa!) (Stäng dörren!) gerunziu inchizand stängande
(Acolo era doar un magazin inchizandu-se) (Där var det bara en stängande affär) (Inchizand magazinul, au
dat faliment) (Stängande affären gick de i konkurs) (Magazinul ce se inchidea a fost cumparat de Ica) (Den
stängande affären köptes av Ica) participiu inchis stängt (Era inchis la Ica) (Det var stängt på Ica) participiu
trecut inchis stängd (Scria “inchis” pe usa) (Det stod “stängt” på dörren) supin de inchis att stängas (Mai e
o fereastra de inchis) (Det finns ett fönster kvar att stängas) conjunctiv prezent sã inchid jag borde stänga
(Ar trebui sa inchid usa) (Jag borde stänga dörren) conjunctiv trecut sã fi inchis jag borde ha stängt
(Trebuia sa fi inchis usa) (Jag borde ha stängt dörren) conditional-optativ prez. as inchide jag skulle stänga
(As inchide usa, dar nu pot) (Jag skulle stänga dörren men jag kan inte) (As putea inchide usa, dar nu
vreau) (Jag skulle kunna stänga dörren, men jag vill inte) conditional-optativ trecut as fi inchis jag skulle
ha stängt (As fi inchis usa, dar nu am putut) (Jag skulle ha stängt dörren, men jag kunde inte) prezumtiv oi
inchide jag ska kunna stänga (Oi inchide eu usa la un moment dat) (Jag ska kunna stänga dörren någon
gång) prezumtiv trecut oi fi inchis jag kan ha stängt (Oi fi inchis usa, dar nu mai tin minte) (Jag kan ha
stängt dörren men jag kommer inte ihåg)

Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is offered
mother-tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the home and the
student has basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5 kap. 7


The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a teacher
Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher
who will send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:


Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is offered
mother-tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the home and the
student has basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5 kap. 7


The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a teacher

Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher
who will send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:
Phone number:


Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen
Vi behöver behandla och spara personuppgifter om dig så som namn, personnummer, skola, klass, språk
samt kontaktuppgifter som telefon och e-post. Eftersom syftet med behandlingen är att anordna
modersmålsundervisning, är dessa personuppgifter nödvändiga för skolan att ha tillgång till.

Den rättsliga grunden för att behandla dina personuppgifter är rättslig förpliktelse enligt Skollagen.

Dina uppgifter kommer att sparas så länge du är elev i kommunens skolor.

Om du vill ha information om de uppgifter vi har om dig för att begära rättelse, begränsningar i
behandlingen, göra invändningar mot behandlingen eller ha mer information om
Dataskyddsförordningen är du välkommen att kontakta oss. Detta gör du enklast genom att kontakta
utbildningsförvaltningen på e-

på e- telefon, växel 0476- 550 00.

Om du anser att utbildningsnämnden inte behandlar dina personuppgifter

på ett rätt sätt enligt dataskyddsförordnigen, kan du lämna ditt klagomål
till Datainspektionen.

Mer information om Dataskyddsförordningen finns på:

Kommunens webbplats,

Datainspektionens webbplats

Google Translate of the document on the previous page:

Information on personal data processing under the Data Protection Ordinance

We need to process and save personal information about you such as name, social security number, school, class,
language and contact details such as phone and email. Since the purpose of the treatment is to provide maternity
education, these personal data are necessary for the school to have access to.
The legal basis for processing your personal data is a legal obligation under Skollagen.
Your data will be saved as long as you are a student in the municipality's schools.
If you want information about the information we have about you to request rectification, limitations in
treatment, objection to treatment or more information about the Data Protection Ordinance, please contact us.
This is easiest for you by contacting the education administration at e-mail or by
telephone, switch 0476 - 550 00.
You can also contact the education committee's Data Protection Officer by e-mail or
telephone, exchange 0476-550 00.
If you consider that the Education Board does not properly process your personal information under the Data
Protection Ordinance, you may submit your complaint to the Data Inspectorate.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:
The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162ae199

Data Inspection Website
Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is offered
mother-tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the home and the
student has basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5 kap. 7


The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a teacher

Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher
who will send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:


Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen

Om du anser att utbildningsnämnden inte behandlar dina personuppgifter

på ett rätt sätt enligt dataskyddsförordnigen, kan du lämna ditt klagomål
till Datainspektionen.

Google Translate of the document on the previous page:

Information on personal data processing under the Data Protection Ordinance

We need to process and save personal information about you such as name, social security number, school, class,
language and contact details such as phone and email. Since the purpose of the treatment is to provide maternity
education, these personal data are necessary for the school to have access to.
The legal basis for processing your personal data is a legal obligation under Skollagen.
Your data will be saved as long as you are a student in the municipality's schools.
If you want information about the information we have about you to request rectification, limitations in
treatment, objection to treatment or more information about the Data Protection Ordinance, please contact us.
Tis is easiest for you by contacting the education administration at e-mail or by
telephone, switch 0476 - 550 00.
You can also contact the education committee's Data Protection Officer by e-mail or
telephone, exchange 0476-550 00.
If you consider that the Education Board does not properly process your personal information under the Data
Protection Ordinance, you may submit your complaint to the Data Inspectorate.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:
The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162ae199

Data Inspection Website

Education Department, compulsory school and leisure-

time centres


Important information about your child

Date: Name: Class: Date of birth:

Parents! Please go to
Address now, log in,
go to Edit Profile, and update your
information there too!
Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail




Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail

In case of emergencies, other people to be contacted if guardian is unavailable.

Name Phone

Guardian/s accepts the following things (make a mark for each bullet point):

Yes No

The child may leave the school premises during school hours when
accompanied by a teacher.

The child is allowed to go in a train, bus or taxi for example fritids and
school accompanied by a teacher or staffmember.

Pictures taken of your child are allowed to be used in school (photo-album,

newspapers, webpages, displayboards in school).

Share contactinformation (address, phone no, emailaddress) with other

parents in school.
Postadress Box 501, 343 23 Älmhult ● Besöksadress Stortorget 1 ● Telefon 0476-550 00 (vx) ● Fax 0476-138 74

Org Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is offered mother-
tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the home and the student has
basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5 kap. 7 §)

The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a teacher

Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher who will
send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:


Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen
Vi behöver behandla och spara personuppgifter om dig så som namn, personnummer, skola, klass, språk
samt kontaktuppgifter som telefon och e-post. Eftersom syftet med behandlingen är att anordna
modersmålsundervisning, är dessa personuppgifter nödvändiga för skolan att ha tillgång till.

Google Translate of the document on the previous page:

Information on personal data processing under the Data Protection Ordinance

We need to process and save personal information about you such as name, social security number, school, class,
language and contact details such as phone and email. Since the purpose of the treatment is to provide maternity
education, these personal data are necessary for the school to have access to.

The legal basis for processing your personal data is a legal obligation under Skollagen.

Your data will be saved as long as you are a student in the municipality's schools.

If you want information about the information we have about you to request rectification, limitations in
treatment, objection to treatment or more information about the Data Protection Ordinance, please contact us.
This is easiest for you by contacting the education administration at e-mail or by
telephone, switch 0476 - 550 00.

You can also contact the education committee's Data Protection Officer by e-mail or
telephone, exchange 0476-550 00.

If you consider that the Education Board does not properly process your personal information under the Data
Protection Ordinance, you may submit your complaint to the Data Inspectorate.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:

The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162ae199
Does the child have any form of an allergy? If yes please give details.

Does the child take regular prescribed medication? If yes please specify.

Does the child have any special dietary requirements? If yes please specify.

Are there other important information about your child? Please specify.
We are happy to share our contact information with the school community, such as other parents and the PTA

 YES, all contact information

 YES, but only____________________________________

 NO, we do not want to share any contact information

Guardian/s/ signature/s/: Date:

Food allergy/alternative food 2017-09-27

If the pupil has food allergy or alternative food, please complete this form.

Name Personal ID no.

School Class

Parent/guardian Home phone Phone work/mobile

Allergic to:

Cow milk protein Gluten Nuts/almond

Lactose Fish

Allergies require medical certificate!

Alternative food:

No pork

No beef

No…….. what?


Does the pupil require medicine if eating the "wrong" food? Yes No

If so, what medicine?

Name of medicine: Strength:


Name of medicine: Strength:

Where is the medicine kept?

Date: ______________________

Guardian: ____________________________________________


Important information about your child

Date: Name: Class: Date of birth:

Parents! Please go to
Address now, log in,
go to Edit Profile, and update your
information there too!
Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail




Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail

In case of emergencies, other people to be contacted if guardian is unavailable.

Name Phone
Guardian/s accepts the following things (make a mark for each bullet point):

Yes No

The child may leave the school premises during school hours when
accompanied by a teacher.

The child is allowed to go in a train, bus or taxi for example fritids and
school accompanied by a teacher or staffmember.

Pictures taken of your child are allowed to be used in school (photo-album,

newspapers, webpages, displayboards in school).

Share contactinformation (address, phone no, emailaddress) with other

parents in school.

Postadress Box 501, 343 23 Älmhult ● Besöksadress Stortorget 1 ● Telefon 0476-550 00 (vx) ● Fax 0476-138 74

Org Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is offered mother-
tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the home and the student has
basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5 kap. 7 §)

The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a teacher
Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher who will
send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:


Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen
Vi behöver behandla och spara personuppgifter om dig så som namn, personnummer, skola, klass, språk
samt kontaktuppgifter som telefon och e-post. Eftersom syftet med behandlingen är att anordna
modersmålsundervisning, är dessa personuppgifter nödvändiga för skolan att ha tillgång till.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:

The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162ae199
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 15(80)

Does the child have any form of an allergy? If yes please give details.

Does the child take regular prescribed medication? If yes please specify.

Does the child have any special dietary requirements? If yes please specify.

Are there other important information about your child? Please specify.
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 16(80)

We are happy to share our contact information with the school community, such as other parents and the PTA

 YES, all contact information

 YES, but only____________________________________

 NO, we do not want to share any contact information

Guardian/s/ signature/s/: Date:

Food allergy/alternative food 2017-09-27

If the pupil has food allergy or alternative food, please complete this form.

Name Personal ID no.

School Class

Parent/guardian Home phone Phone work/mobile

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 17(80)

Allergic to:

Cow milk protein Gluten Nuts/almond

Lactose Fish


Allergies require medical certificate!

Alternative food:

No pork

No beef

No…….. what?


Does the pupil require medicine if eating the "wrong" food? Yes No

If so, what medicine?

Name of medicine: Strength:

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 18(80)


Name of medicine: Strength:


Where is the medicine kept?

Date: ______________________

Guardian: ____________________________________________
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 19(80)

Consent to the publishing of photos, video

clips and audio clips
We would like to share what activities we do in our preschools, leisure-time centres and schools in
Älmhult. This can involve publishing photos, video clips and audio clips via our digital and printed
information channels. We use information channels such as our website, social media and printed
materials, including brochures, reports and the like. In our various educational establishments,
educational publications and may also be via photo albums, notice boards, etc.

Children/pupils under the age of 13

We need your consent that the child/pupil may appear in publications such as those mentioned above. If
the child has two legal guardians, the consent of both of them is required.

Pupils aged 13 and above

We need your consent regarding appearing in publications such as those mentioned above.
For pupils aged 13 and above, no consent is required from the guardian(s), as the pupils themselves can
give consent. (Act with supplementary provisions to the EU General Data Protection Regulation, Chapter
2, Section 4)

The consent applies to photos taken of the child/young person when they are in the School’s care and/or
supervision. The photos will only be used with the Education Committee’s educational establishments
stated as the publisher, and not for commercial purposes.

Child’s/pupil’s name
First name and surname Date of birth (DD.MM.YYYY)

School Class

Consent to publication of photos and video clips.

Yes No
[ [
e e
Signatures of guardians (of child/pupil
t up to and including the age of 12)
Signature of guardian 1 Signature of guardian 2
t t
Name in block capitals Place and date Name in block capitals Place and date
h h
Email e e Email

r r
e e
Signature of pupil aged 13 or above
a a
Signature d
of guardian d Email

e capitals
Name in block e Place and date
r r
’ ’
s s
a a
t t
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 20(80)

Please hand in the signed form to a member of staff at the school.

If you wish to retract your consent, you can inform the municipality of this by writing to the school. You
will not be issued with a new form prior to each academic year.

Information provided in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Data controller Education Committee

Purpose of the processing In order to be able to publish photos, video
clips and audio clips taken or recorded in the
Education Committee’s educational
Legal basis Consent
Categories of personal data that will be Name, date of birth, class, school, email
Voluntary You decide whether or not you want to
provide us with any data. However, please
note that the data is required for the intended
Data recipients Staff
Storage Disposed of if no longer relevant
Rectification You have the right to request rectification of
incorrect data and the erasure of your personal

Right of access Once per calendar year, you have the right to
receive information, free of charge, about
whether personal data about you is being
processed and to receive a copy of this data. A
fee may be charged for further copies.
Department contacts
Data Protection Officer
Complaints You have the right to submit complaints to the
Swedish Data Protection Authority.
More information is available at

Att stänga = a închide Diateza Pasiva Timp Romana Suedeza prezent se inchide det stängs (Ica se inchide
la ora 10) (Ica stängs kl. 10) trecut s-a inchis det stängdes (Ica s-a inchis la ora 10) (Ica stängdes kl. 10)
viitor se va inchide det ska stängas (Ica se va inchide la ora 10) (Ica ska stängas kl. 10) viitor popular o sa
se inchida det kommer att stängas (Ica o sa se inchida la ora 10) (Ica kommer att stängas kl. 10) viitor in
trecut se va fi inchis det ska ha stängts (Se va fi inchis la Ica la ora 11) (Ica ska ha stängts kl. 11) Diateza
Activa Timp Romana Suedeza infinitiv a inchide att stänga (A inchide usa este usor) (Att stänga dörren är
lätt) infinitiv compus a fi inchis att ha stängt (A fi inchis la minte e comun aici) (Att ha stängt sinne är
vanligt här) prezent inchid jag stänger (Eu inchid usa) (Jag stänger dörren) perfect simplu eu inchisei jag
har stängt (Eu inchisei usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) perfect compus eu am inchis jag har stängt (Eu am
inchis usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) imperfect eu inchideam jag stängde (Eu inchideam fereastra seara) (Jag
stängde fönstret på kvällen) mai mult ca perfectul eu inchisesem jag hade stängt (Eu inchisesem usa cand
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 21(80)

ai venit tu) (Jag hade stängt dörren när du kom) viitor (prin prezent) inchid mâine jag stänger i morgon
(Inchid maine fereastra) (Jag stänger fönstret i morgon) viitor voi inchide jag ska stänga (Voi inchide
fereastra data viitoare) (Jag ska stänga fönstret nästa gång) viitor popular o sa inchid jag kommer att
stänga (O sa inchid fereastra pana la urma) (Jag kommer att stänga fönstret till slut) viitor in trecut voi fi
inchis jag ska ha stängt (Voi fi inchis fereastra inainte sa inceapa ploaia) (Jag ska ha stängt fönstret innan
det börjar regna) viitor popular in trecut o sa fi inchis jag kommer att ha stängt (O sa fi inchis fereastra
pana la lasarea intunericului) (Jag kommer att ha stängt fönstret tills mörkret faller) (viitor posibil) (mã
gândesc sã inchid) jag tänker stänga (Ma gandesc sa inchid fereastra mai tarziu) (Jag tänker stänga
fönstret senare) imperativ inchide! stäng! (Inchide usa!) (Stäng dörren!) gerunziu inchizand stängande
(Acolo era doar un magazin inchizandu-se) (Där var det bara en stängande affär) (Inchizand magazinul, au
dat faliment) (Stängande affären gick de i konkurs) (Magazinul ce se inchidea a fost cumparat de Ica) (Den
stängande affären köptes av Ica) participiu inchis stängt (Era inchis la Ica) (Det var stängt på Ica) participiu
trecut inchis stängd (Scria “inchis” pe usa) (Det stod “stängt” på dörren) supin de inchis att stängas (Mai e
o fereastra de inchis) (Det finns ett fönster kvar att stängas) conjunctiv prezent sã inchid jag borde stänga
(Ar trebui sa inchid usa) (Jag borde stänga dörren) conjunctiv trecut sã fi inchis jag borde ha stängt
(Trebuia sa fi inchis usa) (Jag borde ha stängt dörren) conditional-optativ prez. as inchide jag skulle stänga
(As inchide usa, dar nu pot) (Jag skulle stänga dörren men jag kan inte) (As putea inchide usa, dar nu
vreau) (Jag skulle kunna stänga dörren, men jag vill inte) conditional-optativ trecut as fi inchis jag skulle
ha stängt (As fi inchis usa, dar nu am putut) (Jag skulle ha stängt dörren, men jag kunde inte) prezumtiv oi
inchide jag ska kunna stänga (Oi inchide eu usa la un moment dat) (Jag ska kunna stänga dörren någon
gång) prezumtiv trecut oi fi inchis jag kan ha stängt (Oi fi inchis usa, dar nu mai tin minte) (Jag kan ha
stängt dörren men jag kommer inte ihåg)

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 22(80)

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants

into the natural environment that cause
adverse change. Pollution can take the form of
chemical substances or energy, such as noise,
heat or light. Pollutants, the components of
pollution, can be either foreign
substances/energies or naturally occurring
contaminants. Pollution is often classed as
point source or nonpoint source pollution. In
2015, pollution killed 9 million people in the
world. Major forms of pollution include: Air
pollution, light pollution, littering, noise
pollution, plastic pollution, soil contamination,
radioactive contamination, thermal pollution,
visual pollution, water pollution.
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 23(80)

Wastage of natural resources is the

consumption of a resource faster than it can
be replenished. Natural resources are
commonly divided between renewable
resources and non-renewable resources (see
also mineral resource classification). Use of
either of these forms of resources beyond their
rate of replacement is resource depletion. The
value of a resource is a direct result of its
availability in nature and the cost of extracting
the resource, the more a resource is depleted
the more the value of the resource increases.
There are several types of resource depletion
the most known being; Aquifer depletion,
deforestation, mining for fossil fuels and
minerals, pollution or contamination of
resources, slash-and-burn agricultural
practices, Soil erosion, and overconsumption,
excessive or unnecessary use of resources.
Resource depletion is most commonly used in
reference to farming, fishing, mining, water
usage, and consumption of fossil fuels.
Depletion of wildlife population is called
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 24(80)

Responsible choices are connected to conserving

natural resources
Meaning of conserving:

By dictionary definition “The careful utilization of a natural resource in order to

prevent depletion”

Connection: It’s a responsible choice to

conserve natural resources. The way we
can do it is very accurate and can be used.
Locally, Sweden generally do very good
compared to other country that copy with
the wrong process. The way the country
does it is not good, as for Thailand example,
where is a high risk of the country to
become a garbage bin of the worlds trying to copy waste management recycling
system. The problem is even greater though. They are trying to make a waste-to-
electricity plant to save them and helm the people of Thailand
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 25(80)

In many countries, majority of the people don’t conserve or even try to save
natural resources. They are not even yet aware about the problem they are causing
by not having a responsible behavior in their daily lives. They are not even aware yet
because nobody informed them yet. They are still not making connection to what
they are doing and what it causes to other people. The people who are not yet aware
are the people that are not conserving natural resources but think they are doing
responsible choices All day long. That is very wrong. Only the people who are making
a difference are doing a responsible choice toward the environment. For example,
throwing reusable cardboard to the bin in place of just recycling it. The only way to
make people aware is by telling them about it and at the same time push him to do
research and act upon it. The questions in the survey I sent out is the sting people's
awareness and challenging them to do more research and making them aware of
their surroundings. That is why I did my survey. To make people aware and think
before they do anything harmful toward the environment.

There are responsible ways to use natural resources

Yes, there are responsible ways to do good
to the environment ant the natural
resources. The only thing we must do is
find them out and applying it in a
responsible and environmentally friendly
process. To find them the people need to
be aware, but nobody is making them
aware because they might not be aware or
are aware but not interested about the
topic. So, the people that are aware and
know extremely important information
that is passed out in different places
around the globe so that those people and act upon it in different ways. To have
information is very good because you know more about it and have good ways to
act upon it, but to act on it is very good and good for the environment & the natural
resources. The resources you use every day are a resource or are made up by
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 26(80)

different resources to make your daily lives better with luxury & no worries or care
for the environment & it’s resources.

A balanced perspective to consumption can lead to

We look for solutions and it’s not difficult. When I started to do research, I become
more and more concerned when I’ve seen how much waste we, people, create.
Many countries are not following any plan to do better, and handling trash people
create in an improper way, by burning the trash and affecting the air too. I could see
a country having good thought to copy a good example of working with waste and
recover “natural resources” and getting bad results because of bad understanding
of how it works and how it is done. I could see very good results at Sweden level,
where good plans in place lead by the government are and I feel happy to have an
active role. We need to understand the best way of natural resources conservation
is to recover by recycling in a responsible way and to recover the materials instead
for get them burnt and polluting the air and the soil by ashes. The most important
step is to have people informed and to create as many ways possible to have them
informed, by posters, surveys, and public actions and in schools to understand how
each individual small action can prolonged our natural resources “life usage”.
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 27(80)

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 28(80)

Locally people have good knowledge about how he is contributing to a

cleaner earth and take responsible choices towards a longer and cleaner earth
meaning good education - and information - clear goals at governmental level.

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 29(80)

· How did it lead to pollution?

· How does it connect to the world? ·

- What are the different ways to look at natural resources?

Att stänga = a închide Diateza Pasiva Timp Romana Suedeza prezent se inchide det stängs (Ica se inchide
la ora 10) (Ica stängs kl. 10) trecut s-a inchis det stängdes (Ica s-a inchis la ora 10) (Ica stängdes kl. 10)
viitor se va inchide det ska stängas (Ica se va inchide la ora 10) (Ica ska stängas kl. 10) viitor popular o sa
se inchida det kommer att stängas (Ica o sa se inchida la ora 10) (Ica kommer att stängas kl. 10) viitor in
trecut se va fi inchis det ska ha stängts (Se va fi inchis la Ica la ora 11) (Ica ska ha stängts kl. 11) Diateza
Activa Timp Romana Suedeza infinitiv a inchide att stänga (A inchide usa este usor) (Att stänga dörren är
lätt) infinitiv compus a fi inchis att ha stängt (A fi inchis la minte e comun aici) (Att ha stängt sinne är
vanligt här) prezent inchid jag stänger (Eu inchid usa) (Jag stänger dörren) perfect simplu eu inchisei jag
har stängt (Eu inchisei usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) perfect compus eu am inchis jag har stängt (Eu am
inchis usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) imperfect eu inchideam jag stängde (Eu inchideam fereastra seara) (Jag
stängde fönstret på kvällen) mai mult ca perfectul eu inchisesem jag hade stängt (Eu inchisesem usa cand
ai venit tu) (Jag hade stängt dörren när du kom) viitor (prin prezent) inchid mâine jag stänger i morgon
(Inchid maine fereastra) (Jag stänger fönstret i morgon) viitor voi inchide jag ska stänga (Voi inchide
fereastra data viitoare) (Jag ska stänga fönstret nästa gång) viitor popular o sa inchid jag kommer att
stänga (O sa inchid fereastra pana la urma) (Jag kommer att stänga fönstret till slut) viitor in trecut voi fi
inchis jag ska ha stängt (Voi fi inchis fereastra inainte sa inceapa ploaia) (Jag ska ha stängt fönstret innan
det börjar regna) viitor popular in trecut o sa fi inchis jag kommer att ha stängt (O sa fi inchis fereastra
pana la lasarea intunericului) (Jag kommer att ha stängt fönstret tills mörkret faller) (viitor posibil) (mã
gândesc sã inchid) jag tänker stänga (Ma gandesc sa inchid fereastra mai tarziu) (Jag tänker stänga
fönstret senare) imperativ inchide! stäng! (Inchide usa!) (Stäng dörren!) gerunziu inchizand stängande
(Acolo era doar un magazin inchizandu-se) (Där var det bara en stängande affär) (Inchizand magazinul, au
dat faliment) (Stängande affären gick de i konkurs) (Magazinul ce se inchidea a fost cumparat de Ica) (Den
stängande affären köptes av Ica) participiu inchis stängt (Era inchis la Ica) (Det var stängt på Ica) participiu
trecut inchis stängd (Scria “inchis” pe usa) (Det stod “stängt” på dörren) supin de inchis att stängas (Mai e
o fereastra de inchis) (Det finns ett fönster kvar att stängas) conjunctiv prezent sã inchid jag borde stänga
(Ar trebui sa inchid usa) (Jag borde stänga dörren) conjunctiv trecut sã fi inchis jag borde ha stängt
(Trebuia sa fi inchis usa) (Jag borde ha stängt dörren) conditional-optativ prez. as inchide jag skulle stänga
(As inchide usa, dar nu pot) (Jag skulle stänga dörren men jag kan inte) (As putea inchide usa, dar nu
vreau) (Jag skulle kunna stänga dörren, men jag vill inte) conditional-optativ trecut as fi inchis jag skulle
ha stängt (As fi inchis usa, dar nu am putut) (Jag skulle ha stängt dörren, men jag kunde inte) prezumtiv oi
inchide jag ska kunna stänga (Oi inchide eu usa la un moment dat) (Jag ska kunna stänga dörren någon
gång) prezumtiv trecut oi fi inchis jag kan ha stängt (Oi fi inchis usa, dar nu mai tin minte) (Jag kan ha
stängt dörren men jag kommer inte ihåg)
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 30(80)

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen
Vi behöver behandla och spara personuppgifter om dig så som namn, personnummer, skola, klass, språk
samt kontaktuppgifter som telefon och e-post. Eftersom syftet med behandlingen är att anordna
modersmålsundervisning, är dessa personuppgifter nödvändiga för skolan att ha tillgång till.

Den rättsliga grunden för att behandla dina personuppgifter är rättslig förpliktelse enligt Skollagen.

Dina uppgifter kommer att sparas så länge du är elev i kommunens skolor.

Om du vill ha information om de uppgifter vi har om dig för att begära rättelse, begränsningar i
behandlingen, göra invändningar mot behandlingen eller ha mer information om
Dataskyddsförordningen är du välkommen att kontakta oss. Detta gör du enklast genom att kontakta
utbildningsförvaltningen på e-post eller telefon, växel 0476 – 550 00.

Du kan också kontakta utbildningsnämndens dataskyddsombud på e-post

eller telefon, växel 0476- 550 00.

Om du anser att utbildningsnämnden inte behandlar dina personuppgifter

på ett rätt sätt enligt dataskyddsförordnigen, kan du lämna ditt klagomål
till Datainspektionen.

Mer information om Dataskyddsförordningen finns på:

Kommunens webbplats,

Datainspektionens webbplats

Google Translate of the document on the previous page:

Information on personal data processing under the Data Protection Ordinance

We need to process and save personal information about you such as name, social security number, school, class,
language and contact details such as phone and email. Since the purpose of the treatment is to provide maternity
education, these personal data are necessary for the school to have access to.
The legal basis for processing your personal data is a legal obligation under Skollagen.
Your data will be saved as long as you are a student in the municipality's schools.
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 31(80)

If you want information about the information we have about you to request rectification, limitations in
treatment, objection to treatment or more information about the Data Protection Ordinance, please contact us.
This is easiest for you by contacting the education administration at e-mail or by
telephone, switch 0476 - 550 00.
You can also contact the education committee's Data Protection Officer by e-mail or
telephone, exchange 0476-550 00.
If you consider that the Education Board does not properly process your personal information under the Data
Protection Ordinance, you may submit your complaint to the Data Inspectorate.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:
The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162ae199

Data Inspection Website

1. Are you aware of people throwing away useful, new or reusable stuff?

12% I'm not aware
I heard some
19% I have some info
I'm following the subject

2. Are you aware of the fact that Thailand is becoming a "garbage bin for the world"?
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 32(80)


I'm not aware

18% I heard some
I have some info
I'm following the subject

3. Are you aware that Sweden is aiming for a zero waste future by 2020?

28% I'm not aware

I heard some
I have some info

18% I'm following the subject


4. Are you aware of that Sweden use monitored low emission waste burning process and is a
lot better for air quality?
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 33(80)

29% I'm not aware

I heard some
I have some info
I'm following the subject
22% 12%

5. Are you aware that 40% of the world's trash get burnt?

29% I'm not aware

I heard some
I have some info
I'm following the subject
22% 12%

6. Are you aware of that burning trash is creating greenhouse gasses affecting the air quality?

12% I'm not aware
I heard some
15% I have some info
66% I'm following the subject

7. Are you aware of the livestock farming is contributing to the greenhouse gas emissions?
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 34(80)

I'm not aware
I heard some
52% 17% I have some info
I'm following the subject

8. Are you aware of that greenhouse gasses are occurring in a natural process too?

I'm not aware
I heard some
12% I have some info
I'm following the subject

9. Are you aware of that CO2 represent 76% of total greenhouse gasses of global emission?

31% 28% I'm not aware

I heard some
I have some info
I'm following the subject
15% 26%
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 35(80)

10. Are you aware of that electricity production on global level it is the biggest contributor on
greenhouse gasses?

I'm not aware
40% I heard some
I have some info
I'm following the subject

Locally people have good knowledge about how he is contributing to a cleaner earths and take
responsible choices towards a longer and cleaner earth meaning good education - and information - clear
goals at governmental level.

Att stänga = a închide Diateza Pasiva Timp Romana Suedeza prezent se inchide det stängs (Ica se inchide
la ora 10) (Ica stängs kl. 10) trecut s-a inchis det stängdes (Ica s-a inchis la ora 10) (Ica stängdes kl. 10)
viitor se va inchide det ska stängas (Ica se va inchide la ora 10) (Ica ska stängas kl. 10) viitor popular o sa
se inchida det kommer att stängas (Ica o sa se inchida la ora 10) (Ica kommer att stängas kl. 10) viitor in
trecut se va fi inchis det ska ha stängts (Se va fi inchis la Ica la ora 11) (Ica ska ha stängts kl. 11) Diateza
Activa Timp Romana Suedeza infinitiv a inchide att stänga (A inchide usa este usor) (Att stänga dörren är
lätt) infinitiv compus a fi inchis att ha stängt (A fi inchis la minte e comun aici) (Att ha stängt sinne är
vanligt här) prezent inchid jag stänger (Eu inchid usa) (Jag stänger dörren) perfect simplu eu inchisei jag
har stängt (Eu inchisei usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) perfect compus eu am inchis jag har stängt (Eu am
inchis usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) imperfect eu inchideam jag stängde (Eu inchideam fereastra seara) (Jag
stängde fönstret på kvällen) mai mult ca perfectul eu inchisesem jag hade stängt (Eu inchisesem usa cand
ai venit tu) (Jag hade stängt dörren när du kom) viitor (prin prezent) inchid mâine jag stänger i morgon
(Inchid maine fereastra) (Jag stänger fönstret i morgon) viitor voi inchide jag ska stänga (Voi inchide
fereastra data viitoare) (Jag ska stänga fönstret nästa gång) viitor popular o sa inchid jag kommer att
stänga (O sa inchid fereastra pana la urma) (Jag kommer att stänga fönstret till slut) viitor in trecut voi fi
inchis jag ska ha stängt (Voi fi inchis fereastra inainte sa inceapa ploaia) (Jag ska ha stängt fönstret innan
det börjar regna) viitor popular in trecut o sa fi inchis jag kommer att ha stängt (O sa fi inchis fereastra
pana la lasarea intunericului) (Jag kommer att ha stängt fönstret tills mörkret faller) (viitor posibil) (mã
gândesc sã inchid) jag tänker stänga (Ma gandesc sa inchid fereastra mai tarziu) (Jag tänker stänga
fönstret senare) imperativ inchide! stäng! (Inchide usa!) (Stäng dörren!) gerunziu inchizand stängande
(Acolo era doar un magazin inchizandu-se) (Där var det bara en stängande affär) (Inchizand magazinul, au
dat faliment) (Stängande affären gick de i konkurs) (Magazinul ce se inchidea a fost cumparat de Ica) (Den
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 36(80)

stängande affären köptes av Ica) participiu inchis stängt (Era inchis la Ica) (Det var stängt på Ica) participiu
trecut inchis stängd (Scria “inchis” pe usa) (Det stod “stängt” på dörren) supin de inchis att stängas (Mai e
o fereastra de inchis) (Det finns ett fönster kvar att stängas) conjunctiv prezent sã inchid jag borde stänga
(Ar trebui sa inchid usa) (Jag borde stänga dörren) conjunctiv trecut sã fi inchis jag borde ha stängt
(Trebuia sa fi inchis usa) (Jag borde ha stängt dörren) conditional-optativ prez. as inchide jag skulle stänga
(As inchide usa, dar nu pot) (Jag skulle stänga dörren men jag kan inte) (As putea inchide usa, dar nu
vreau) (Jag skulle kunna stänga dörren, men jag vill inte) conditional-optativ trecut as fi inchis jag skulle
ha stängt (As fi inchis usa, dar nu am putut) (Jag skulle ha stängt dörren, men jag kunde inte) prezumtiv oi
inchide jag ska kunna stänga (Oi inchide eu usa la un moment dat) (Jag ska kunna stänga dörren någon
gång) prezumtiv trecut oi fi inchis jag kan ha stängt (Oi fi inchis usa, dar nu mai tin minte) (Jag kan ha
stängt dörren men jag kommer inte ihåg)

Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is offered
mother-tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the home and the
student has basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5 kap. 7


The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a teacher

Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher
who will send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 37(80)

Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is offered
mother-tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the home and the
student has basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5 kap. 7


The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a teacher

Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher
who will send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:


Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 38(80)

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen
Vi behöver behandla och spara personuppgifter om dig så som namn, personnummer, skola, klass, språk
samt kontaktuppgifter som telefon och e-post. Eftersom syftet med behandlingen är att anordna
modersmålsundervisning, är dessa personuppgifter nödvändiga för skolan att ha tillgång till.

Den rättsliga grunden för att behandla dina personuppgifter är rättslig förpliktelse enligt Skollagen.

Dina uppgifter kommer att sparas så länge du är elev i kommunens skolor.

Om du vill ha information om de uppgifter vi har om dig för att begära rättelse, begränsningar i
behandlingen, göra invändningar mot behandlingen eller ha mer information om
Dataskyddsförordningen är du välkommen att kontakta oss. Detta gör du enklast genom att kontakta
utbildningsförvaltningen på e-

på e- telefon, växel 0476- 550 00.

Om du anser att utbildningsnämnden inte behandlar dina personuppgifter

på ett rätt sätt enligt dataskyddsförordnigen, kan du lämna ditt klagomål
till Datainspektionen.

Mer information om Dataskyddsförordningen finns på:

Kommunens webbplats,

Datainspektionens webbplats

Google Translate of the document on the previous page:

Information on personal data processing under the Data Protection Ordinance

We need to process and save personal information about you such as name, social security number, school, class,
language and contact details such as phone and email. Since the purpose of the treatment is to provide maternity
education, these personal data are necessary for the school to have access to.
The legal basis for processing your personal data is a legal obligation under Skollagen.
Your data will be saved as long as you are a student in the municipality's schools.
If you want information about the information we have about you to request rectification, limitations in
treatment, objection to treatment or more information about the Data Protection Ordinance, please contact us.
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 39(80)

This is easiest for you by contacting the education administration at e-mail or by
telephone, switch 0476 - 550 00.
You can also contact the education committee's Data Protection Officer by e-mail or
telephone, exchange 0476-550 00.
If you consider that the Education Board does not properly process your personal information under the Data
Protection Ordinance, you may submit your complaint to the Data Inspectorate.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:
The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162ae199

Data Inspection Website
Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is offered
mother-tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the home and the
student has basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5 kap. 7


The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a teacher

Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher
who will send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:


Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 40(80)

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen

Om du anser att utbildningsnämnden inte behandlar dina personuppgifter

på ett rätt sätt enligt dataskyddsförordnigen, kan du lämna ditt klagomål
till Datainspektionen.

Google Translate of the document on the previous page:

Information on personal data processing under the Data Protection Ordinance

We need to process and save personal information about you such as name, social security number, school, class,
language and contact details such as phone and email. Since the purpose of the treatment is to provide maternity
education, these personal data are necessary for the school to have access to.
The legal basis for processing your personal data is a legal obligation under Skollagen.
Your data will be saved as long as you are a student in the municipality's schools.
If you want information about the information we have about you to request rectification, limitations in
treatment, objection to treatment or more information about the Data Protection Ordinance, please contact us.
Tis is easiest for you by contacting the education administration at e-mail or by
telephone, switch 0476 - 550 00.
You can also contact the education committee's Data Protection Officer by e-mail or
telephone, exchange 0476-550 00.
If you consider that the Education Board does not properly process your personal information under the Data
Protection Ordinance, you may submit your complaint to the Data Inspectorate.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:
The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162ae199

Data Inspection Website

Education Department, compulsory school and leisure-

time centres
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 41(80)


Important information about your child

Date: Name: Class: Date of birth:

Parents! Please go to
Address now, log in,
go to Edit Profile, and update your
information there too!
Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail




Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail

In case of emergencies, other people to be contacted if guardian is unavailable.

Name Phone
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 42(80)

Guardian/s accepts the following things (make a mark for each bullet point):

Yes No

The child may leave the school premises during school hours when
accompanied by a teacher.

The child is allowed to go in a train, bus or taxi for example fritids and
school accompanied by a teacher or staffmember.

Pictures taken of your child are allowed to be used in school (photo-album,

newspapers, webpages, displayboards in school).

Share contactinformation (address, phone no, emailaddress) with other

parents in school.

Postadress Box 501, 343 23 Älmhult ● Besöksadress Stortorget 1 ● Telefon 0476-550 00 (vx) ● Fax 0476-138 74

Org Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is offered mother-
tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the home and the student has
basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5 kap. 7 §)

The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a teacher

Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher who will
send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 43(80)

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:


Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen
Vi behöver behandla och spara personuppgifter om dig så som namn, personnummer, skola, klass, språk
samt kontaktuppgifter som telefon och e-post. Eftersom syftet med behandlingen är att anordna
modersmålsundervisning, är dessa personuppgifter nödvändiga för skolan att ha tillgång till.

Google Translate of the document on the previous page:

Information on personal data processing under the Data Protection Ordinance

We need to process and save personal information about you such as name, social security number, school, class,
language and contact details such as phone and email. Since the purpose of the treatment is to provide maternity
education, these personal data are necessary for the school to have access to.

The legal basis for processing your personal data is a legal obligation under Skollagen.

Your data will be saved as long as you are a student in the municipality's schools.

If you want information about the information we have about you to request rectification, limitations in
treatment, objection to treatment or more information about the Data Protection Ordinance, please contact us.
This is easiest for you by contacting the education administration at e-mail or by
telephone, switch 0476 - 550 00.

You can also contact the education committee's Data Protection Officer by e-mail or
telephone, exchange 0476-550 00.

If you consider that the Education Board does not properly process your personal information under the Data
Protection Ordinance, you may submit your complaint to the Data Inspectorate.
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 44(80)

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:

The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162ae199
Does the child have any form of an allergy? If yes please give details.

Does the child take regular prescribed medication? If yes please specify.

Does the child have any special dietary requirements? If yes please specify.

Are there other important information about your child? Please specify.
We are happy to share our contact information with the school community, such as other parents and the PTA

 YES, all contact information

 YES, but only____________________________________

 NO, we do not want to share any contact information

Guardian/s/ signature/s/: Date:

Food allergy/alternative food 2017-09-27

If the pupil has food allergy or alternative food, please complete this form.

Name Personal ID no.

School Class

Parent/guardian Home phone Phone work/mobile

Allergic to:

Cow milk protein Gluten Nuts/almond

Lactose Fish

Allergies require medical certificate!

Alternative food:

No pork

No beef

No…….. what?


Does the pupil require medicine if eating the "wrong" food? Yes No

If so, what medicine?

Name of medicine: Strength:


Name of medicine: Strength:

Where is the medicine kept?

Date: ______________________

Guardian: ____________________________________________


Important information about your child

Date: Name: Class: Date of birth:

Parents! Please go to
Address now, log in,
go to Edit Profile, and update your
information there too!
Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail




Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail

In case of emergencies, other people to be contacted if guardian is unavailable.

Name Phone
Guardian/s accepts the following things (make a mark for each bullet point):

Yes No

The child may leave the school premises during school hours when
accompanied by a teacher.

The child is allowed to go in a train, bus or taxi for example fritids and
school accompanied by a teacher or staffmember.

Pictures taken of your child are allowed to be used in school (photo-album,

newspapers, webpages, displayboards in school).

Share contactinformation (address, phone no, emailaddress) with other

parents in school.

Postadress Box 501, 343 23 Älmhult ● Besöksadress Stortorget 1 ● Telefon 0476-550 00 (vx) ● Fax 0476-138 74

Org Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is offered mother-
tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the home and the student has
basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5 kap. 7 §)

The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a teacher
Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher who will
send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:


Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen
Vi behöver behandla och spara personuppgifter om dig så som namn, personnummer, skola, klass, språk
samt kontaktuppgifter som telefon och e-post. Eftersom syftet med behandlingen är att anordna
modersmålsundervisning, är dessa personuppgifter nödvändiga för skolan att ha tillgång till.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:

The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162ae199
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 51(80)

Does the child have any form of an allergy? If yes please give details.

Does the child take regular prescribed medication? If yes please specify.

Does the child have any special dietary requirements? If yes please specify.

Are there other important information about your child? Please specify.
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 52(80)

We are happy to share our contact information with the school community, such as other parents and the PTA

 YES, all contact information

 YES, but only____________________________________

 NO, we do not want to share any contact information

Guardian/s/ signature/s/: Date:

Food allergy/alternative food 2017-09-27

If the pupil has food allergy or alternative food, please complete this form.

Name Personal ID no.

School Class

Parent/guardian Home phone Phone work/mobile

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 53(80)

Allergic to:

Cow milk protein Gluten Nuts/almond

Lactose Fish


Allergies require medical certificate!

Alternative food:

No pork

No beef

No…….. what?


Does the pupil require medicine if eating the "wrong" food? Yes No

If so, what medicine?

Name of medicine: Strength:

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 54(80)


Name of medicine: Strength:


Where is the medicine kept?

Date: ______________________

Guardian: ____________________________________________
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 55(80)

Consent to the publishing of photos, video

clips and audio clips
We would like to share what activities we do in our preschools, leisure-time centres and schools in
Älmhult. This can involve publishing photos, video clips and audio clips via our digital and printed
information channels. We use information channels such as our website, social media and printed
materials, including brochures, reports and the like. In our various educational establishments,
educational publications and may also be via photo albums, notice boards, etc.

Children/pupils under the age of 13

We need your consent that the child/pupil may appear in publications such as those mentioned above. If
the child has two legal guardians, the consent of both of them is required.

Pupils aged 13 and above

We need your consent regarding appearing in publications such as those mentioned above.
For pupils aged 13 and above, no consent is required from the guardian(s), as the pupils themselves can
give consent. (Act with supplementary provisions to the EU General Data Protection Regulation, Chapter
2, Section 4)

The consent applies to photos taken of the child/young person when they are in the School’s care and/or
supervision. The photos will only be used with the Education Committee’s educational establishments
stated as the publisher, and not for commercial purposes.

Child’s/pupil’s name
First name and surname Date of birth (DD.MM.YYYY)

School Class

Consent to publication of photos and video clips.

Yes No
[ [
e e
Signatures of guardians (of child/pupil
t up to and including the age of 12)
Signature of guardian 1 Signature of guardian 2
t t
Name in block capitals Place and date Name in block capitals Place and date
h h
Email e e Email

r r
e e
Signature of pupil aged 13 or above
a a
Signature d
of guardian d Email

e capitals
Name in block e Place and date
r r
’ ’
s s
a a
t t
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 56(80)

Please hand in the signed form to a member of staff at the school.

If you wish to retract your consent, you can inform the municipality of this by writing to the school. You
will not be issued with a new form prior to each academic year.

Information provided in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Data controller Education Committee

Purpose of the processing In order to be able to publish photos, video
clips and audio clips taken or recorded in the
Education Committee’s educational
Legal basis Consent
Categories of personal data that will be Name, date of birth, class, school, email
Voluntary You decide whether or not you want to
provide us with any data. However, please
note that the data is required for the intended
Data recipients Staff
Storage Disposed of if no longer relevant
Rectification You have the right to request rectification of
incorrect data and the erasure of your personal

Right of access Once per calendar year, you have the right to
receive information, free of charge, about
whether personal data about you is being
processed and to receive a copy of this data. A
fee may be charged for further copies.
Department contacts
Data Protection Officer
Complaints You have the right to submit complaints to the
Swedish Data Protection Authority.
More information is available at

Att stänga = a închide Diateza Pasiva Timp Romana Suedeza prezent se inchide det stängs (Ica se inchide
la ora 10) (Ica stängs kl. 10) trecut s-a inchis det stängdes (Ica s-a inchis la ora 10) (Ica stängdes kl. 10)
viitor se va inchide det ska stängas (Ica se va inchide la ora 10) (Ica ska stängas kl. 10) viitor popular o sa
se inchida det kommer att stängas (Ica o sa se inchida la ora 10) (Ica kommer att stängas kl. 10) viitor in
trecut se va fi inchis det ska ha stängts (Se va fi inchis la Ica la ora 11) (Ica ska ha stängts kl. 11) Diateza
Activa Timp Romana Suedeza infinitiv a inchide att stänga (A inchide usa este usor) (Att stänga dörren är
lätt) infinitiv compus a fi inchis att ha stängt (A fi inchis la minte e comun aici) (Att ha stängt sinne är
vanligt här) prezent inchid jag stänger (Eu inchid usa) (Jag stänger dörren) perfect simplu eu inchisei jag
har stängt (Eu inchisei usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) perfect compus eu am inchis jag har stängt (Eu am
inchis usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) imperfect eu inchideam jag stängde (Eu inchideam fereastra seara) (Jag
stängde fönstret på kvällen) mai mult ca perfectul eu inchisesem jag hade stängt (Eu inchisesem usa cand
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 57(80)

ai venit tu) (Jag hade stängt dörren när du kom) viitor (prin prezent) inchid mâine jag stänger i morgon
(Inchid maine fereastra) (Jag stänger fönstret i morgon) viitor voi inchide jag ska stänga (Voi inchide
fereastra data viitoare) (Jag ska stänga fönstret nästa gång) viitor popular o sa inchid jag kommer att
stänga (O sa inchid fereastra pana la urma) (Jag kommer att stänga fönstret till slut) viitor in trecut voi fi
inchis jag ska ha stängt (Voi fi inchis fereastra inainte sa inceapa ploaia) (Jag ska ha stängt fönstret innan
det börjar regna) viitor popular in trecut o sa fi inchis jag kommer att ha stängt (O sa fi inchis fereastra
pana la lasarea intunericului) (Jag kommer att ha stängt fönstret tills mörkret faller) (viitor posibil) (mã
gândesc sã inchid) jag tänker stänga (Ma gandesc sa inchid fereastra mai tarziu) (Jag tänker stänga
fönstret senare) imperativ inchide! stäng! (Inchide usa!) (Stäng dörren!) gerunziu inchizand stängande
(Acolo era doar un magazin inchizandu-se) (Där var det bara en stängande affär) (Inchizand magazinul, au
dat faliment) (Stängande affären gick de i konkurs) (Magazinul ce se inchidea a fost cumparat de Ica) (Den
stängande affären köptes av Ica) participiu inchis stängt (Era inchis la Ica) (Det var stängt på Ica) participiu
trecut inchis stängd (Scria “inchis” pe usa) (Det stod “stängt” på dörren) supin de inchis att stängas (Mai e
o fereastra de inchis) (Det finns ett fönster kvar att stängas) conjunctiv prezent sã inchid jag borde stänga
(Ar trebui sa inchid usa) (Jag borde stänga dörren) conjunctiv trecut sã fi inchis jag borde ha stängt
(Trebuia sa fi inchis usa) (Jag borde ha stängt dörren) conditional-optativ prez. as inchide jag skulle stänga
(As inchide usa, dar nu pot) (Jag skulle stänga dörren men jag kan inte) (As putea inchide usa, dar nu
vreau) (Jag skulle kunna stänga dörren, men jag vill inte) conditional-optativ trecut as fi inchis jag skulle
ha stängt (As fi inchis usa, dar nu am putut) (Jag skulle ha stängt dörren, men jag kunde inte) prezumtiv oi
inchide jag ska kunna stänga (Oi inchide eu usa la un moment dat) (Jag ska kunna stänga dörren någon
gång) prezumtiv trecut oi fi inchis jag kan ha stängt (Oi fi inchis usa, dar nu mai tin minte) (Jag kan ha
stängt dörren men jag kommer inte ihåg)

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 58(80)

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants

into the natural environment that cause
adverse change. Pollution can take the form of
chemical substances or energy, such as noise,
heat or light. Pollutants, the components of
pollution, can be either foreign
substances/energies or naturally occurring
contaminants. Pollution is often classed as
point source or nonpoint source pollution. In
2015, pollution killed 9 million people in the
world. Major forms of pollution include: Air
pollution, light pollution, littering, noise
pollution, plastic pollution, soil contamination,
radioactive contamination, thermal pollution,
visual pollution, water pollution.
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 59(80)

Wastage of natural resources is the

consumption of a resource faster than it can
be replenished. Natural resources are
commonly divided between renewable
resources and non-renewable resources (see
also mineral resource classification). Use of
either of these forms of resources beyond their
rate of replacement is resource depletion. The
value of a resource is a direct result of its
availability in nature and the cost of extracting
the resource, the more a resource is depleted
the more the value of the resource increases.
There are several types of resource depletion
the most known being; Aquifer depletion,
deforestation, mining for fossil fuels and
minerals, pollution or contamination of
resources, slash-and-burn agricultural
practices, Soil erosion, and overconsumption,
excessive or unnecessary use of resources.
Resource depletion is most commonly used in
reference to farming, fishing, mining, water
usage, and consumption of fossil fuels.
Depletion of wildlife population is called
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 60(80)

Responsible choices are connected to conserving

natural resources
Meaning of conserving:

By dictionary definition “The careful utilization of a natural resource in order to

prevent depletion”

Connection: It’s a responsible choice to

conserve natural resources. The way we
can do it is very accurate and can be used.
Locally, Sweden generally do very good
compared to other country that copy with
the wrong process. The way the country
does it is not good, as for Thailand example,
where is a high risk of the country to
become a garbage bin of the worlds trying to copy waste management recycling
system. The problem is even greater though. They are trying to make a waste-to-
electricity plant to save them and helm the people of Thailand
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 61(80)

In many countries, majority of the people don’t conserve or even try to save
natural resources. They are not even yet aware about the problem they are causing
by not having a responsible behavior in their daily lives. They are not even aware yet
because nobody informed them yet. They are still not making connection to what
they are doing and what it causes to other people. The people who are not yet aware
are the people that are not conserving natural resources but think they are doing
responsible choices All day long. That is very wrong. Only the people who are making
a difference are doing a responsible choice toward the environment. For example,
throwing reusable cardboard to the bin in place of just recycling it. The only way to
make people aware is by telling them about it and at the same time push him to do
research and act upon it. The questions in the survey I sent out is the sting people's
awareness and challenging them to do more research and making them aware of
their surroundings. That is why I did my survey. To make people aware and think
before they do anything harmful toward the environment.

There are responsible ways to use natural resources

Yes, there are responsible ways to do good
to the environment ant the natural
resources. The only thing we must do is
find them out and applying it in a
responsible and environmentally friendly
process. To find them the people need to
be aware, but nobody is making them
aware because they might not be aware or
are aware but not interested about the
topic. So, the people that are aware and
know extremely important information
that is passed out in different places
around the globe so that those people and act upon it in different ways. To have
information is very good because you know more about it and have good ways to
act upon it, but to act on it is very good and good for the environment & the natural
resources. The resources you use every day are a resource or are made up by
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 62(80)

different resources to make your daily lives better with luxury & no worries or care
for the environment & it’s resources.

A balanced perspective to consumption can lead to

We look for solutions and it’s not difficult. When I started to do research, I become
more and more concerned when I’ve seen how much waste we, people, create.
Many countries are not following any plan to do better, and handling trash people
create in an improper way, by burning the trash and affecting the air too. I could see
a country having good thought to copy a good example of working with waste and
recover “natural resources” and getting bad results because of bad understanding
of how it works and how it is done. I could see very good results at Sweden level,
where good plans in place lead by the government are and I feel happy to have an
active role. We need to understand the best way of natural resources conservation
is to recover by recycling in a responsible way and to recover the materials instead
for get them burnt and polluting the air and the soil by ashes. The most important
step is to have people informed and to create as many ways possible to have them
informed, by posters, surveys, and public actions and in schools to understand how
each individual small action can prolonged our natural resources “life usage”.
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 63(80)

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 64(80)

Locally people have good knowledge about how he is contributing to a

cleaner earth and take responsible choices towards a longer and cleaner earth
meaning good education - and information - clear goals at governmental level.

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 65(80)

· How did it lead to pollution?

· How does it connect to the world? ·

- What are the different ways to look at natural resources?

Att stänga = a închide Diateza Pasiva Timp Romana Suedeza prezent se inchide det stängs (Ica se inchide
la ora 10) (Ica stängs kl. 10) trecut s-a inchis det stängdes (Ica s-a inchis la ora 10) (Ica stängdes kl. 10)
viitor se va inchide det ska stängas (Ica se va inchide la ora 10) (Ica ska stängas kl. 10) viitor popular o sa
se inchida det kommer att stängas (Ica o sa se inchida la ora 10) (Ica kommer att stängas kl. 10) viitor in
trecut se va fi inchis det ska ha stängts (Se va fi inchis la Ica la ora 11) (Ica ska ha stängts kl. 11) Diateza
Activa Timp Romana Suedeza infinitiv a inchide att stänga (A inchide usa este usor) (Att stänga dörren är
lätt) infinitiv compus a fi inchis att ha stängt (A fi inchis la minte e comun aici) (Att ha stängt sinne är
vanligt här) prezent inchid jag stänger (Eu inchid usa) (Jag stänger dörren) perfect simplu eu inchisei jag
har stängt (Eu inchisei usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) perfect compus eu am inchis jag har stängt (Eu am
inchis usa) (Jag har stängt dörren) imperfect eu inchideam jag stängde (Eu inchideam fereastra seara) (Jag
stängde fönstret på kvällen) mai mult ca perfectul eu inchisesem jag hade stängt (Eu inchisesem usa cand
ai venit tu) (Jag hade stängt dörren när du kom) viitor (prin prezent) inchid mâine jag stänger i morgon
(Inchid maine fereastra) (Jag stänger fönstret i morgon) viitor voi inchide jag ska stänga (Voi inchide
fereastra data viitoare) (Jag ska stänga fönstret nästa gång) viitor popular o sa inchid jag kommer att
stänga (O sa inchid fereastra pana la urma) (Jag kommer att stänga fönstret till slut) viitor in trecut voi fi
inchis jag ska ha stängt (Voi fi inchis fereastra inainte sa inceapa ploaia) (Jag ska ha stängt fönstret innan
det börjar regna) viitor popular in trecut o sa fi inchis jag kommer att ha stängt (O sa fi inchis fereastra
pana la lasarea intunericului) (Jag kommer att ha stängt fönstret tills mörkret faller) (viitor posibil) (mã
gândesc sã inchid) jag tänker stänga (Ma gandesc sa inchid fereastra mai tarziu) (Jag tänker stänga
fönstret senare) imperativ inchide! stäng! (Inchide usa!) (Stäng dörren!) gerunziu inchizand stängande
(Acolo era doar un magazin inchizandu-se) (Där var det bara en stängande affär) (Inchizand magazinul, au
dat faliment) (Stängande affären gick de i konkurs) (Magazinul ce se inchidea a fost cumparat de Ica) (Den
stängande affären köptes av Ica) participiu inchis stängt (Era inchis la Ica) (Det var stängt på Ica) participiu
trecut inchis stängd (Scria “inchis” pe usa) (Det stod “stängt” på dörren) supin de inchis att stängas (Mai e
o fereastra de inchis) (Det finns ett fönster kvar att stängas) conjunctiv prezent sã inchid jag borde stänga
(Ar trebui sa inchid usa) (Jag borde stänga dörren) conjunctiv trecut sã fi inchis jag borde ha stängt
(Trebuia sa fi inchis usa) (Jag borde ha stängt dörren) conditional-optativ prez. as inchide jag skulle stänga
(As inchide usa, dar nu pot) (Jag skulle stänga dörren men jag kan inte) (As putea inchide usa, dar nu
vreau) (Jag skulle kunna stänga dörren, men jag vill inte) conditional-optativ trecut as fi inchis jag skulle
ha stängt (As fi inchis usa, dar nu am putut) (Jag skulle ha stängt dörren, men jag kunde inte) prezumtiv oi
inchide jag ska kunna stänga (Oi inchide eu usa la un moment dat) (Jag ska kunna stänga dörren någon
gång) prezumtiv trecut oi fi inchis jag kan ha stängt (Oi fi inchis usa, dar nu mai tin minte) (Jag kan ha
stängt dörren men jag kommer inte ihåg)
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 66(80)

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen
Vi behöver behandla och spara personuppgifter om dig så som namn, personnummer, skola, klass, språk
samt kontaktuppgifter som telefon och e-post. Eftersom syftet med behandlingen är att anordna
modersmålsundervisning, är dessa personuppgifter nödvändiga för skolan att ha tillgång till.

Den rättsliga grunden för att behandla dina personuppgifter är rättslig förpliktelse enligt Skollagen.

Dina uppgifter kommer att sparas så länge du är elev i kommunens skolor.

Om du vill ha information om de uppgifter vi har om dig för att begära rättelse, begränsningar i
behandlingen, göra invändningar mot behandlingen eller ha mer information om
Dataskyddsförordningen är du välkommen att kontakta oss. Detta gör du enklast genom att kontakta
utbildningsförvaltningen på e-post eller telefon, växel 0476 – 550 00.

Du kan också kontakta utbildningsnämndens dataskyddsombud på e-post

eller telefon, växel 0476- 550 00.

Om du anser att utbildningsnämnden inte behandlar dina personuppgifter

på ett rätt sätt enligt dataskyddsförordnigen, kan du lämna ditt klagomål
till Datainspektionen.

Mer information om Dataskyddsförordningen finns på:

Kommunens webbplats,

Datainspektionens webbplats

Google Translate of the document on the previous page:

Information on personal data processing under the Data Protection Ordinance

We need to process and save personal information about you such as name, social security number, school, class,
language and contact details such as phone and email. Since the purpose of the treatment is to provide maternity
education, these personal data are necessary for the school to have access to.
The legal basis for processing your personal data is a legal obligation under Skollagen.
Your data will be saved as long as you are a student in the municipality's schools.
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 67(80)

If you want information about the information we have about you to request rectification, limitations in
treatment, objection to treatment or more information about the Data Protection Ordinance, please contact us.
This is easiest for you by contacting the education administration at e-mail or by
telephone, switch 0476 - 550 00.
You can also contact the education committee's Data Protection Officer by e-mail or
telephone, exchange 0476-550 00.
If you consider that the Education Board does not properly process your personal information under the Data
Protection Ordinance, you may submit your complaint to the Data Inspectorate.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:
The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162ae199

Data Inspection Website

1. Are you aware of people throwing away useful, new or reusable stuff?

12% I'm not aware
I heard some
19% I have some info
I'm following the subject

2. Are you aware of the fact that Thailand is becoming a "garbage bin for the world"?
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 68(80)


I'm not aware

18% I heard some
I have some info
I'm following the subject

3. Are you aware that Sweden is aiming for a zero waste future by 2020?

28% I'm not aware

I heard some
I have some info

18% I'm following the subject


4. Are you aware of that Sweden use monitored low emission waste burning process and is a
lot better for air quality?
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 69(80)

29% I'm not aware

I heard some
I have some info
I'm following the subject
22% 12%

5. Are you aware that 40% of the world's trash get burnt?

29% I'm not aware

I heard some
I have some info
I'm following the subject
22% 12%

6. Are you aware of that burning trash is creating greenhouse gasses affecting the air quality?

12% I'm not aware
I heard some
15% I have some info
66% I'm following the subject

7. Are you aware of the livestock farming is contributing to the greenhouse gas emissions?
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 70(80)

I'm not aware
I heard some
52% 17% I have some info
I'm following the subject

8. Are you aware of that greenhouse gasses are occurring in a natural process too?

I'm not aware
I heard some
12% I have some info
I'm following the subject

9. Are you aware of that CO2 represent 76% of total greenhouse gasses of global emission?

31% 28% I'm not aware

I heard some
I have some info
I'm following the subject
15% 26%
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 71(80)

10. Are you aware of that electricity production on global level it is the biggest contributor on
greenhouse gasses?

I'm not aware
40% I heard some
I have some info
I'm following the subject

Locally people have good knowledge about how he is contributing to a cleaner earths and take
responsible choices towards a longer and cleaner earth meaning good education - and information - clear
goals at governmental level.

Air Pollution - level of awareness

Sweden related

Good awarness

Not aware

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 72(80)

Air Pollution - level of awareness

Global information

Good awarness

Not aware

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 73(80)


Important information about your child

Date: Name: Class: Date of birth:

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips and
audio clips

[Department] 74(80)

Parents! Please go to
Address now, log in,
go to Edit Profile, and update your
information there too!
Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail




Phone daytime Phone evening

Cellphone E-mail

In case of emergencies, other people to be contacted if guardian is unavailable.

Name Phone

Guardian/s accepts the following things (make a mark for each bullet point):

Yes No
The child may leave the school premises during school hours when
accompanied by a teacher.

The child is allowed to go in a train, bus or taxi for example fritids and
school accompanied by a teacher or staffmember.
Pictures taken of your child are allowed to be used in school (photo-album,
newspapers, webpages, displayboards in school).
Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips an
audio clips

[Department] 75(80)

Share contactinformation (address, phone no, emailaddress) with

other parents in school.

Does the child have any form of an allergy? If yes please give details.

Does the child take regular prescribed medication? If yes please specify.

Does the child have any special dietary requirements? If yes please specify.

Are there other important information about your child? Please specify.

We are happy to share our contact information with the school community, such as other parents and the

 YES, all contact information

YES, but only____________________________________

NO, we do not want to share any contact information

The form is valid from 2018-05-03

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips an
audio clips

[Department] 76(80)

Guardian/s/ signature/s/: Date:

Do you want your child to participate in Mother-tongue lessons?

A student who has a guardian with another mother-tongue other than Swedish is
offered mother-tongue lessons. This applies if that language is spoken daily in the
home and the student has basic knowledge in the language. (Skollagen 10 kap 7§).

The mother-tongue lessons can´t include more than one language per student.

An adopted child can also be offered mother-tongue lessons. (Skolförordningen 5

kap. 7 §)

The education is voluntary and is sometimes held outside school hours.

Minimum number to start a group in mother-tongue is five students and there is a

teacher available.

Fill in this form and return it to the mother-tongue teacher or the child´s class teacher
who will send the form to Gemöskolan´s office.

Students name:

Personal number:
School: year18/19:

Phone number:


Number of previous years with

mother tongue lessons: ____________

E-Mail Guaridians:

Guaridians signature Guaridians signature

The form is valid from 2018-05-03

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips an
audio clips

[Department] 77(80)

Information om personuppgiftsbehandling
enligt Dataskyddsförordningen
Vi behöver behandla och spara personuppgifter om dig så som namn, personnummer, skola, klass,
språk samt kontaktuppgifter som telefon och e-post. Eftersom syftet med behandlingen är att
anordna modersmålsundervisning, är dessa personuppgifter nödvändiga för skolan att ha tillgång till.

More information about the Data Protection Ordinance can be found at:
The municipality's website,ängpr.4.72fae573162a

Data Inspection Website

I'm not aware
I heard some
12% I have some info
I'm following the subject

The form is valid from 2018-05-03

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips an
audio clips

[Department] 78(80)

12% I'm not aware
I heard some
19% I have some info
I'm following the subject

Air Pollution - level of awareness

Sweden related

Good awarness

Not aware


The form is valid from 2018-05-03

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips an
audio clips

[Department] 79(80)

Air Pollution - level of awareness

Global information

Good awarness

Not aware


The form is valid from 2018-05-03

Consent to the publishing of photos, video clips an
audio clips

[Department] 80(80)

The form is valid from 2018-05-03

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