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Impact of Online Gaming on the Academic Performance and Social Behavior of the Students in Alangilan

Senior High School

Review of Related Literature

Most individuals use the Internet most without negative consequences and even benefit from it,but
some individuals do suffer from negative im-pacts. Psychologists and educators are aware of thepotential
negative impact from excessive use and re-lated physical and psychological problems(Zhang, 2014).User
who spend a significant amount of time online of-ten experience academic, relational, financial,
andoccupational difficulties, as well as physical im-pairments. Some researchers have even
linkedInternet use with an increase in psychological difficulties such as depression and loneliness.

Development of electronic and computer games are a great threat for youth and adolescents and can
lead to psychological disorders and depression in these groups. In previous times, kids were involved
playing with other children, but children of today spend most of their time on computer games as soon
as they understand and acquainted with them, while these games cannot create any emotional and
human relationship(Klin, 1991)

Children's and adolescents attractions to the computer games cause many mental, physical and social
problems for them. These effects are stimulating anger and violence, obesity, epilepsy due to games,
social isolation, and other physical and mental damages. Many psychologists and mental health
professionals have paid attention to the effects of these games(Ahmadi, 1998).

In other words, playing more computer games cause adolescents to stay home, which lead to their lack
of activity and getting fat. This is considered as a biological problem.14 In psychological dimension, it
seems that computer games have a negative relationship with mental health of adolescents and have a
direct effect on their violent behavior, anxiety, depression and isolation of those adolescents who play
these games(Shamloo, 2000). The effects of computer games on psychological health of people and
severity and significance of that depends on factors such as level and intensity of violence in the game,
the ability of player in differentiating virtual world and real world, player's ability to inhibit their desires
and motivation, the values they are brought up with or living with and also values that are in the context
and content of the game(Turner, 2007).

Ahmadi (1998) studied the effects of computer games on adolescents of the city of Isfahan. The aim of
his study was to find out if computer games have social effects. The results showed that violence and
aggression in students who played these games was higher than those who did not play. Also, social
participation of students who were playing computer games was low.

The present study found that those individuals who indicated that they did play video games had
significantly lower GPAs than students who indicated that they did not play video games. This finding is
consistent with that of Anand (2007), who saw a decrease in both GPA and SAT scores in individuals who
played video games. This finding also parallels those of Anderson and Dill (2007) and Wack and Tantleff-
Dunn (2009), who saw decreases in academic performance in individuals who engaged in video game
However, there is also plenty of research to suggest that interactive video games can actually lead to
increased academic performance (Anand, 2007). Jackson et al (2008) found that the usage of games is
causally related to an increase in visual-spatial skills, which often come in handy in the fields of science,
mathematics, technology, and engineering. A study done with Kindergarteners (Din & Calao, 2001)
showed that students who played educational video games on the Sony Lightspan, which is a game
system similar to the Sony Playstation One, made significant increases over the control group in the
learning of spelling and reading; however, no significant gain was made over the control group in math.
This suggests a facilitative role of playing video games in developing verbal skills (2001).


Klin JD, Freitag E. Enhancing motivation using an instructional game. Journal of Instructional Psychology.

Ahmadi S. Social effects of computer games on male students in third year of guidance school in Isfahan
city. Quarterly of public culture [Persian] 1998;1&17:87.

Shamloo S. Mental health. 14th ed. Tehran: Roshd Publications; 2000.

Turner JR. Individual differences in heart rate response during behavioral challenge. Psychophysiology.

Anand, V. (2007). A study of time management: The correlation between video game usage and
academic performance markers. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 10(4), 552-559.

Jackson, L., Zhao, Y., Kolenic III, A., Fitzgerald, H., Harold, R., & Von Eye, A. (2008). Race, gender, and
information technology use: The new digital divide. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 11(4), 437-442.

Din, F., & Calao, J. (2001). The effects of playing educational video games on kindergarten achievement.
Child Study Journal, 31(2), 95.

Weiyu Zhang. 2014. Learning variables, in-class laptop multitasking and academic performance: A path
analysis. Computers &Education .

Conceptual Literature

Taken together, the individual, game, and cultural contexts appear to have a significant impact upon the
extent to which problems occur as a consequence of excessive gaming in terms of how Internet gaming
addiction is conceptualized. In this way, the cultural context can be seen as a lens through which
individuals and others around them perceive and give meanings to behaviors and their consequences. It
is critical to understand gaming problems not only by means of the observable symptoms, but to situate
them within the broader context of the game, the individual, and culture.

Moreover, the cultural context is significant because it embeds the gamer in a community with shared
beliefs and practices, endowing their gaming with particular meaning. The cited neuroimaging studies
indicate that Internet gaming addiction shares similarities with other addictions, including substance
dependence, at the molecular, neurocircuitry, and behavioral levels. The findings provide support for the
current perspective of understanding Internet gaming addiction from a disease framework.

Such too much dependency makes us “Mobile addictive”. Mobile phones make our lives easier, but on
the other hand, it ties us. Mobile addiction not only has physical effects but also psychological and
academics effect at the same time. Sleep deficit, anxiety, stress, and depression which are all associated
with internet abuse, have been related to mobile phone usage too

Today's world is one that is largely composed of technology. In a relatively short span of time we have
been immersed in a world of high-definition television, Facebook, YouTube, internet radio, "green" cars,
outrageous thrill rides, 3-D technology, etc. But no area of technology has become as prominent as that
of video gaming.

The increasing prevalence of computer games among children and adolescents have made many
researchers to determine the effects of these games on players. In Iran, there are few and limited studies
on the effects of addiction to computer games on players.

This study was conducted to assess and find out the impact of on-line gaming on the academic
performance and social behavior of the students in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines-
Laboratory High School. Furthermore, this study sought answers on the significant relationship between
playing on-line games and academic performance and to social behavior of the students.

The study revealed that boys are more of a player compared to girls who often play games that require
three or more players like League of Legends, Clash of Clans, Crossfire and many more to mention. It is
also stated that those who play online games are around 14-15 years old who are believed to be in the
Grade 8 level. These students who often play games have an average weekly allowance of 101 pesos to
500 pesos. Playing online games do not affect their grades badly for they know how to limit themselves.
They know that they need to control themselves in order to function well in their class that is why they
only play games during vacation and weekends with a lot of time compared when they have classes.

Even though they play online games; they know how to socialize well and they can perform very well
when it comes to academic performance. However, it is inevitable not to play even for half an hour
especially when they are accustomed to it. Therefore, it is just a matter of discipline.

Internet as a source of information plays an important role in developing one's mind and life experiences
by creating productive works in schools, offices, and even at home. Nowadays, this can be a person's
most efficient strategic tool for enabling himself to take charge and cope with the fast growing

The fact that people live in on informative lifestyle where everything is updated, internet became one of
the necessities of human beings regardless of age or sex in today's society. However, the influence of this
useful machine on youth is undeniably questionable. As to what Rock [1] said, all these technologies are
very good at distracting people. In line with this development, online gaming was created to give
entertainment to people.

Online gaming is one of the widely used leisure activities by many people. For some people it is said that
playing video games has a number of reasons to be played, for it can be a stress reliever, challenge and
competition, relaxation, enjoyment, social interaction, and even mentally escaping from the real world.

For most people, on-line gaming is one of the best past time that they acquire specially for teenagers,
youngsters and students.

It is undeniably questionable that playing online games provide them something that no one can give.
According to some researches it is beneficial. It enables the mind of the players to be more active,
especially those puzzle-based games. Furthermore, it helps the player to come up with decisions in tight
situations, especially those adventure games that keep the players to be alert, active and strategic.

Moreover, it is concerned with the examination of how knowledge is acquired, how it is internally
represented, how it interacts and modifies or is modified by previous experience and existing
information, and how acquired knowledge affects feelings and behavior. The subject matter
encompasses not only the process of thinking (attention, concentration, consciousness, memory), but
also an examination of emotions and motivation in relation to cognition.


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