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I intend to apply for a job in your company for the position as ”Engine Cadet Departement” and
I’m ready to join on board with route of voyage determined by the company
My Comleted date as follow :


Rank Engine Cadet
Place / Date Of Birth Pemalang, April, 21th 1999
Nationality Indonesia
No. Registration Of Civilian 3327102104990027
Seafarer Code 6211833328
Sex / Height / Weight Male / 169 / 54
Marital Status Single
Religion Moslem
Address Ds kalirandu Rt/004 Rw/003 Kec. Petarukan Kab. Pemalang
Mobile 082329145820
Institution Akademi Maritime Cirebon (AMC )

A. Educational Background
Elementary School Salafiyah Kalirandu Pemalang 2005- 2010
Junior High school Tsanawiyah Petarukan Pemalang 2010- 2013
Public High School 01 Petarukan Pemalang 2013- 2016
Akademi Maritim Cirebon Cirebon In progress

B. Personal Ducument
Classification Number Place and Date Of Issued Date Of Valid
Seaman’s Book F179456 11 February 2019 11 February 2022

Passport’s Book

C. Certificate Of Proficiency ( COP ) for Seaferers

Certificate Name Certificate Number Place date of issued
Basic Safety Training ( BST ) 6211833328012418 Tangerang, 18th July 2018
Medical Emergency First Aid ( MEFA ) 6211833328070319 Tangerang, 30th January 2019
Advance Fire Fighting ( AFF ) 6211833328062418 Tangerang, 01th August 2018
Security Awarenss Training (SAT) 6211833328312418 Tangerang, 03th September 2018

D. Personal Certificate
Certificate Name Certificate Number Place And Date Of issued
Engine Simulator 042/AMC/T-VII/2018 Cirebon , 25th July 2018

Sincerely yours


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