Effects of Foot Patrol 4 3 2 1

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A Survey Questionnaire on how Effective

Foot Patrol

Part 1. Profile of Respondents

Name : ________________________ (Optional)

Age : ________________________
Gender: ________________________
Civil Status : __________________
Educational Attainment: __________________

Part 2. Level of Effectiveness on Foot Patrol

Instruction: Please put a check (√) mark on the chosen item. Rate your score from 4 - Always,
3 - Often, 2 - Sometimes, 1 - Never, 4 - Always is the highest and 1 - never is the lowest.

4 - Always

3 - Often

2 - Sometimes

1 - Never

Effects of Foot Patrol 4 3 2 1

I. Community Relation Always Often Sometimes Never

1. Does foot patrol facilitate relationship-building

officers and the community.

2. Does foot patrol enhance the enforcement and

problem-solving capability of law enforcement.

3. Does a relationship built through foot patrol can

change how the community views police officers.

4. Does relationship built through foot patrol can

increase the legitimacy of the police in the eye of
the community.
5. Does foot patrol is rewarding and
psychologically for the officers involve.

II. Public Discipline Always Often Sometimes Never

1. Does the community cooperate problem-solving

to the police enforcers.

2. Does the community follow what the laws


3. Is the community immediate calling the police

officers when there is disaster.

4. Does the community oriented about the policing

in the public.

5. Does the police officer applying the word

humility in their service.

III. Public Safety Always Often Sometimes Never

1. Do you feel safe when their are police

conducting foot patrol.

2. Can foot patrol lessen the opportunity of

criminals to commit crimes.

3. Do you think that foot patrol here in Dumaguete

City is effective in terms of preventing crimes.

4. Do the police officers assisting the public with

criminal and civil issues or questions.
5. Do the programs of the PNP helps in making
the public safety.

IV. Police Visibility Always Often Sometimes Never

1. By the presence of police officers, do you feel

comfortable walking in this street

2. Do think that police officers can be trustworthy.

3. Do you consider police visibility as a public


4. Do police officers are approachable.

5. Do police officers fairly acknowledge the

people without basing their status in life.

Part 3. Recommendation:

Statement of the Problem

This study was designed to find and understand common possible effects of Foot Patrol

in Real St. and Perdices St., Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of?

1.1 Age;

1.2 Civil status; and

1.3 Educational Attainment?

2. What are the possible effects of Foot Patrol in terms of?

2.1 Street vendor;

2.1 Students;

2.1 Barangay program for the street;

2.3 Community; and

2.4 Peers influence?

3. Based on the findings of the study, what recommendations may be proposed?

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