What Is A Global Corporation

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What Is a Global Corporation?

A global corporation, also known as a global company, is coined from the base term ‘global’, which means all
around the world. It makes sense to assume that a global company is a company that does business all over the
world. There aren’t many companies in the world that can boast of having a business presence in every major
country. Actually, they probably can be numbered on the fingers of both hands. The global company definition,
therefore, should be a little more lenient to accommodate this fact, which would enable more companies to call
themselves global companies. Really, a global company is any company that operates in at least a country other
than the country where it originated. Realistically, expanding to even just one additional country is a lot of work
and is therefore a great achievement. If you are operating in one country, selling your products around the world
and shipping them to customers in countries in Europe while you’re in the United States, that doesn’t necessarily
mean you’re a global company. It takes more than that to earn the name a global company.

To be a global company, you need to introduce not only your products, but also your company to people who live
in another country. You need to conduct significant research to figure out which country is your best choice for
expansion and how to introduce yourself. Probably, you'll have to send some of your employees to that country to
speak with people face-to-face and to experience that country on a first-hand basis, before you decide whether the
country is right for your company. Once you expand to another country and establish yourself successfully, it's
only natural that you will want to try an additional country, and another, and yet another. That is how global
companies have started, and now they have a massive list of countries in which they do business.

A multinational corporation (MNC) or worldwide enterprise is a corporate organization that owns or controls
production of goods or services in at least one country other than its home country.

A transnational corporation (TNC) is a huge company that does business in several countries. Many TNCs are
much richer than entire countries in the less developed world. Such companies can provide work and enrich a
country's economy - or some say they can exploit the workers with low pay and destroy the environment.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an intergovernmental organization that is concerned with the regulation
of international trade between nations.

An intergovernmental organization (IGO) or international organization is an organization composed primarily

of sovereign states (referred to as member states), or of other intergovernmental organizations. IGOs are established
by a treaty that acts as a charter creating the group. Treaties are formed when lawful representatives (governments) of
several states go through a ratification process, providing the IGO with an international legal personality.
Intergovernmental organizations are an important aspect of public international law.

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