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American Literature


Name: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Match the American literary periods with their names (3 marks)

• American Modernist Period • Beat Writers • Colonial Period • Counterculture

• Jazz Age • The "Lost Generation" • The Contemporary Period • The Early
National Period • The Naturalistic Period • The Realistic Period • The
Revolutionary Age • The Romantic Period

• 1900-1914: --------------------------------------------------------------------

• 1914-1939: --------------------------------------------------------------------

• 1920s: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

• 1920s, 1930s: -----------------------------------------------------------------

• 1939-present: -----------------------------------------------------------------

• 1950s: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

• 1960s, 1970s: -----------------------------------------------------------------

• 1607-1775: --------------------------------------------------------------------

• 1765-1790: --------------------------------------------------------------------

• 1775-1828: --------------------------------------------------------------------

• 1828-1865: --------------------------------------------------------------------

• 1865-1900: --------------------------------------------------------------------
Match parts of statements in A with their completion in B (3.5 marks)

1- And certainly We wrote in the a- will be ease.

Book after the reminder that (as b- we shall be made a story, a
for) the land, byword through the world.
2- And if there are among you one c- together as one man.
hundred (who are) steadfast d- they will overcome a thousand
3- Blessed are the pure in heart, of those who have disbelieved.
4- Blessed are they that mourn e- the eyes of all people are upon
5- Do not walk proudly in the us.
earth. f- so We reduced them to bygone
6- For we must consider that we tales.
shall be as a City upon a hill; g- My righteous servants shall
7- If we should deal falsely with inherit it.
our God in this work, h- looking at their Lord.
8- Indeed with hardship i- Indeed, you will never tear
9- Some faces that Day will be open the earth, nor attain the
radiant, height of mountains.
10- The believers in their mutual j- for they shall see God.
kindness, compassion and k- for they shall be comforted.
sympathy l- except for someone who comes
11- The Day when neither wealth to Allah with a pure heart.
nor children will be of any m- are just like one body…
benefit n- and you will be satisfied.
12- They wronged their own selves
13- We must be knit
14- Your Lord is going to give you

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Are the following statements True or False? (4)

You are under surveillance means you are being watched. ---

The writings of the colonial period neglected religious, practical, and historical
themes. ---

The period between 1765 and 1775 witnessed an American protest against
British rule. ---

The 1st permanent English colony was founded in 1607. ---

Romantic writers were not interested in the past. ---

Pilgrims landed at Plymouth on December 26, 1520. ---

Columbus first landed in America in 1592. ---

An outcast is someone who is respected by people. ---

Answer the following questions (5 marks)

Mention 2 other names for the Romantic Period.

1- ----------------------------------------- 2- ---------------------------------------

The Romantics valued ----------------------- and -------------------------- instead of

---------------------------- and ------------------------

Who are the most influential writers of the Colonial Period?

------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------

------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
Explain: "Wake up and smell the coffee"



What is a colony?



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