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KA Story grammar #1

Genre: Folktale/ short story

Title:Makato And The Cowrie Shell Date read: September 3, 2019
Country of origin:Thailand Author:SupaheeKhanchanathiti
Setting: A long time agoPlace:Village, and kingdom
Time: A long time ago Atmosphere:Sad
Characters:Makato, King, old ladyProtagonist:Makato
Antagonist: None
Problem: Makato getting the longway to see the king
Rising action: He left his village, and set on a journey, Aftermoths of journey, He reached a
village on the boundary of the kingdom, sukhotai
Complications: The people of Sukhotai used cowrie shells as money, although 1 cowrie shell
had little value, Makato, for a long period of time, couldn’t think of a way to use it as money.
Climax:Makato decides to go to visit the king of sukhotai while there he is given a cowrie
shell and uses it wisely.
Resolution: He was also happily married to a beautiful young daughter of the king.
Theme: Good karma / Determination
Lesson: Be hardworking
Supporting sentence: 1st sentence
Narrative devices used: Paragraphs 1-3, last paragraph
Traditions: Love for farming, and monarchial government
New terms: Mahout, Orphan, Starve, Wages, Fortune, Sensible, Splendid, Clutch,
Falling action: Makato grew tall and handsome, and got promoted to the most important
person in the king’s court.
Denounment:So it was Makato, who had been a poor orphan, became the king of that
prosperous kingdom.
Story grammar #2
Genre: Folktale/folklore
Title: A tale of two brothers Date read: September 13, 2019
Country of origin: Egypt Author: N/A
Setting: Valley ofAcacia Place:Egypt
Time: 1185 BC Atmosphere: Tense, dramstic
Characters:Bata, Anpu, wife,Ennead, Pharaoh, Re-HarakhiProtagonist:Bata and Anpu
AntagonistThe wife, and the creation of Khnum
Problem: When Anpu believed his the lie his wife told and tried to kill bata
Rising action:When Bata stated that he is going to the valley of cedars where he will place his
heart on the top of the blossom of a cedar tree
Complications: Ehen Khnum’s divine creation was taken by the Pharaoh and she ordered to
have the cedar tree in where Bata put his heart in, to be cut down
Climax:When Bata is resurrected
Resolution: When Bata became king and his brother, Anpu, became crown prince.
Theme:Blood is thicker than water
Lesson:Never choose anyone over family
POV: Omniscient
Supporting sentence: “once upon a time….”
Narrative devices used:Poetic justice, deus ex machina
Traditions:They believed in gods, and goddesses
New terms: Blossom of a cedar, frothy, persea tree, pharaoh
Falling action: When the splinter from the cut down persea tree impregnated the divine
Denounment: When the divine creation and gave birth to a son who is actually the
reincarnated Bata
Story grammar #3
Genre: Folklore
Title:The Taximan’s StoryDate read: September 18,2019
Country of origin: Singapore Author: Catherine Lim
Setting: inside a taxiPlace:In a taxi in Singapore
Time: A working day Atmosphere: Concerning situation
Characters:Lay Choo, Teacher, Passenger, Driver, MadamProtagonist:Madam, Driver
Antagonist:Driver, passenger, teacher
Problem: The concerning situation of today’s generation.
Rising action:He shared that his daughter is behaving well, and studying hard for school.

Climax:When he saw the girl, he wouldn’t believe that it was his favorite daughter he thought
that he was just mistaken. But he cannot deny the fact that it was her. He cannot describe
his feelings when he saw her that moment. He go to his daughter and he catch her on the
shoulder and neck then he slapped her. And the time that the taxi man get his daughter and
force her to ride on the taxi. At the same time, when he locked her in her room as a

Resolution: the teacher was in a hurry for a meeting that’s why the taxi man brings her into
her meeting place where the taxi man also is in a hurry for a passenger to pick there.

Theme:Attitudes of student toward his parents, loyalty for family, Honesty

Lesson: Honesty is the best policy.

POV:1st person
Supporting sentence:”Yes Madam”
Narrative devices used: Flashback
New terms: Jams, cane, lavatory, bargain

Falling action:The taxi man asked the teacher how she feels when she’s in her place. So the
trust of his father was already destroy, she cannot go somewhere without anyone who can
guide her, and most of all she cannot go outside when it’s already evening.
Story grammar #4
Genre: Folktale
Title:BatuBelahBatuBertangkupDate read: September 20, 2019
Country of origin: Malaysia Author:Adi Alhadi
Setting:House in MalaysiaPlace:Malysia
Time:Once upon a time Atmosphere:Depressing
Characters:Daughter, brother, mother, Grandma, and prince king’s son
Protagonist:The sister, and mother
Antagonist: The little brother
Problem: The little brother was hungry and wanted to eat the mother’s food.
Rising action:The sister was nagged by his brother, and let hi eat half of the mother’s food.
Climax:When their mother woke up, she had nothing to eat, but stones
Falling action: The mother died.
Resolution: They got adopted by their grandmother, and the sister got married to a prince.
Denouement: Because of the brother not caring about others/selfish, Their mother died.
Theme:Don’t be selfish
Lesson:Think about others, not only yourself.
POV:Third person
Supporting sentence: “Once upon a time”
Narrative devices used:Twist
Traditions:Fish eggs as a delicacy, and washing of clothes in the river.
New terms: Gooble
Story grammar #5
Genre: Legend
Title:Legend of BanyuwangiDate read: September 21, 1019
Country of origin: Indonesia Author: Sri Janjung
Place:Kingdom, and Ijen river Time:A long time ago
Atmosphere:Dysfunctional Protagonist:Surati
Characters:Surati, guards, priest, Rupaksi, RadenBante Rang

Problem: Lack of trust

Rising action: When Raden went to the river and a priest told him that his wife is gonna kill
Complications:When the priest told him about his wife’s plan
Climax:He killed his wife, because he believed the lying priest
Falling action: He threw his wife into the river.
Resolution: When he threw his wife in the river, he saw that the water is clear, and fragrant,
meaning that his wife is innocent.
Lesson:Don’t believe anything without proofh
POV:3rd person
Supporting sentence: “One day when he was walking through the forest”
Narrative devices used:Foreshadowing
Traditions:Believing in higher religious councils.
New terms: N/A

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